Revision Notes in Psychiatry, Third Edition ( PDFDrive ) (1)
Revision Notes in Psychiatry, Third Edition ( PDFDrive ) (1)
Revision Notes in Psychiatry, Third Edition ( PDFDrive ) (1)
notes in
Third EdiTion
notes in
Third EdiTion
BasanT K. Puri
anniE hall
rogEr ho
The authors acknowledge the following illustrators: Ms. Ja’naed Woods (for Chapter 1, “Descriptive Psychopathology”); Mr. Edwin
Ng (for Chapter 7, “Cognitive Assessment and Neuropsychological Processes”); and Miss Anna Chua (for all other chapters).
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
© 2014 by Basant K. Puri, Anne Hall and Roger Ho
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Preface..................................................................................................................................................................... lxxvii
Authors...................................................................................................................................................................... lxxix
Abbreviations............................................................................................................................................................ lxxxi
vi Contents
Chapter 2 Classification............................................................................................................................................ 17
2.1 History of Classification Schemes................................................................................................. 17
2.1.1 Ancient Greeks................................................................................................................. 17
2.1.2 Ancient Romans............................................................................................................... 17
2.1.3 Cullen............................................................................................................................... 17
2.2 ICD................................................................................................................................................ 17
2.3 DSM............................................................................................................................................... 17
2.4 ICD-10........................................................................................................................................... 18
2.4.1 Organic, Including Symptomatic, Mental Disorders....................................................... 18
2.4.2 Schizophrenia, Schizotypal, and Delusional Disorders................................................... 18
2.4.3 Mood (Affective) Disorders............................................................................................. 18
2.4.4 Neurotic, Stress-Related, and Somatoform Disorders..................................................... 18
2.4.5 Behavioural Syndromes Associated with Physiological Disturbances and Physical
Factors����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
2.4.6 Disorders of Adult Personality and Behaviour.................................................................19
2.4.7 Mental Retardation...........................................................................................................19
2.4.8 Disorders of Psychological Development.........................................................................19
2.4.9 Behavioural and Emotional Disorders with Onset Usually Occurring in
Childhood and Adolescence��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19
2.5 DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5...............................................................................................................19
2.5.1 Axis I: Clinical Disorders; Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical
Attention...........................................................................................................................19 DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5: Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy,
Childhood, or Adolescence (Excluding Mental Retardation Which Is
Diagnosed on Axis II)......................................................................................19 DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5: Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other
Cognitive Disorders..........................................................................................20 DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5: Substance-Related Disorders..................................20 DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders........21 DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5: Depressive Disorders..............................................22 DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5: Bipolar Disorders....................................................22 DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5: Anxiety Disorders...................................................22 DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5: Somatoform Disorders............................................22 DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5: Factitious Disorders................................................22 DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5: Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders....................22
Contents vii Retrieval............................................................................................................37
3.4.4 Memory Information Processing.....................................................................................37 Primary Working Memory Storage Capacity...................................................37 Principle of Chunking......................................................................................39 Semantic Memory.............................................................................................39 Episodic Memory.............................................................................................39 Skills Memory..................................................................................................39 Other Aspects of Long-Term/Secondary Memory...........................................39
3.4.5 Process of Forgetting and the Influence of Emotional Factors on Retrieval...................39 Forgetting..........................................................................................................39 Theories of Forgetting......................................................................................39 Influence of Emotional Factors on Retrieval....................................................40
3.4.6 Processes of Interference, Schemata, and Elaboration....................................................40 Interference.......................................................................................................40 Schemata...........................................................................................................40 Elaboration........................................................................................................40
3.5 Factors Affecting Thought............................................................................................................40
3.5.1 Relationship of Thought to Language..............................................................................40 Concepts...........................................................................................................40 Prototypes......................................................................................................... 41
3.5.2 Reasoning......................................................................................................................... 41 Deductive Reasoning........................................................................................ 41 Inductive Reasoning.........................................................................................42
3.5.3 Problem-Solving Strategies..............................................................................................43 Alternative Representations..............................................................................43 Expertise...........................................................................................................43 Computer Simulation........................................................................................43
3.5.4 Algorithms.......................................................................................................................43
3.5.5 Heuristics..........................................................................................................................43
3.6 Factors Affecting Personality........................................................................................................44
3.6.1 Derivation of Nomothetic and Idiographic Theories.......................................................44
3.6.2 Trait and State Approaches..............................................................................................44
3.6.3 Construct Theory.............................................................................................................46
3.6.4 Humanist Approaches......................................................................................................46 Roger’s Self Theory..........................................................................................47 Maslow..............................................................................................................47
3.6.5 Psychoanalytic Approaches..............................................................................................47 Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development..................................................47 Erikson’s Stages of Development.....................................................................48
3.6.6 Situationist Approach.......................................................................................................48
3.6.7 Interactionist Approach....................................................................................................48
3.6.8 Inventories........................................................................................................................48 16PF..................................................................................................................48 MMPI...............................................................................................................48 CPI....................................................................................................................49 Other Inventories..............................................................................................50 Limitations........................................................................................................50
3.6.9 Rating Scales....................................................................................................................50 SAP...................................................................................................................50 SCID II.............................................................................................................50 SIDP..................................................................................................................50
x Contents PAS...................................................................................................................50 PDE................................................................................................................... 51 IPDE................................................................................................................. 51
3.6.10 Repertory Grid................................................................................................................. 51
3.6.11 Q-Sort Schedule............................................................................................................... 51
3.7 Factors Affecting Motivation........................................................................................................ 51
3.7.1 Extrinsic Theories and Homeostasis................................................................................ 51
3.7.2 Hypothalamic Systems and Satiety.................................................................................. 51
3.7.3 Intrinsic Theories............................................................................................................. 51 Optimal Arousal............................................................................................... 51 Cognitive Dissonance....................................................................................... 51 Attitude-Discrepant Behaviour.........................................................................52 Need for Achievement......................................................................................52
3.7.4 Curiosity Drive.................................................................................................................52
3.7.5 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs..........................................................................................52
3.8 Factors Affecting Emotion............................................................................................................52
3.8.1 Types of Emotion.............................................................................................................52
3.8.2 Components of Emotional Response...............................................................................52
3.8.3 James–Lange Theory.......................................................................................................52
3.8.4 Cannon–Bard Theory.......................................................................................................53
3.8.5 Schachter’s Cognitive Labelling Theory and Cognitive Appraisal..................................53
3.9 Stress..............................................................................................................................................53
3.9.1 Physiological and Psychological Aspects.........................................................................53
3.9.2 Situational Factors............................................................................................................53 Life Events........................................................................................................53
3.9.3 Vulnerability and Invulnerability.....................................................................................53
3.9.4 Coping Mechanisms.........................................................................................................53
3.9.5 Learned Helplessness.......................................................................................................53
3.9.6 Locus of Control...............................................................................................................54
References................................................................................................................................................54 Separation–Individuation.................................................................................75
5.10.2 Affective Stability and ‘Turmoil’.....................................................................................75 Anna Freud.......................................................................................................75 Erikson..............................................................................................................75 Offer and Offer.................................................................................................75
5.10.3 Normal and Abnormal Adolescent Development............................................................75 Offer and Offer.................................................................................................75 Block and Haan.................................................................................................75
5.11 Adaptations in Adult Life..............................................................................................................76
5.11.1 Pairing..............................................................................................................................76 Homogamous Mate Selection...........................................................................76 Reinforcement Theory......................................................................................76 Social Exchange Theory...................................................................................76 Equity Theory...................................................................................................76 Matching Hypothesis........................................................................................76 Cultural Differences.........................................................................................76 Cross-Cultural Constancies..............................................................................76
5.11.2 Parenting..........................................................................................................................76
5.11.3 Grief, Mourning, and Bereavement..................................................................................76 Definitions........................................................................................................76 Normal Grief....................................................................................................77 Bereavement.....................................................................................................77 Morbid Grief Reactions....................................................................................77 Differentiating between Bereavement and a Depressive Episode....................77
5.12 Normal Ageing.............................................................................................................................77
5.12.1 Physical Aspects...............................................................................................................77 Health................................................................................................................77 Cerebral Changes..............................................................................................77
5.12.2 Social Aspects..................................................................................................................78 Stereotyping......................................................................................................78 Empty Nest Syndrome......................................................................................78
5.12.3 Ego Integrity versus Despair............................................................................................78 Ego Integrity.....................................................................................................78 Despair..............................................................................................................78
5.12.4 Cognitive Aspects............................................................................................................78
5.13 Death and Dying...........................................................................................................................78
5.13.1 Definitions........................................................................................................................78 Timely Death....................................................................................................78 Untimely Death.................................................................................................78 Unintended Death.............................................................................................78 Intended Death..................................................................................................79 Subintended Death............................................................................................79
5.13.2 Impending Death..............................................................................................................79
References................................................................................................................................................79 Quantitative......................................................................................................83
6.1.2 Scales of Measurement.....................................................................................................83
6.1.3 Sampling Methods...........................................................................................................83 Simple Random Sampling................................................................................83 Systematic Sampling........................................................................................83
6.1.4 Frequency Distributions...................................................................................................83 Frequency Distribution.....................................................................................83 Frequency Table................................................................................................83 Relative Frequency...........................................................................................83 Cumulative Frequency......................................................................................83 Cumulative Frequency Table............................................................................83 Cumulative Relative Frequency........................................................................84 Cumulative Relative Frequency Table..............................................................84
6.1.5 Discrete Probability Distributions....................................................................................84 Bernoulli Trial..................................................................................................84 Bernoulli Distribution.......................................................................................84 Binomial Distribution.......................................................................................84 Poisson Distribution..........................................................................................84
6.1.6 Continuous Probability Distributions...............................................................................84 Normal Distribution..........................................................................................84 t Distribution.....................................................................................................85 χ2 Distribution...................................................................................................85 F Distribution...................................................................................................86
6.1.7 Summary Statistics: Measures of Location.....................................................................86 Measures of Central Tendency.........................................................................86 Quantiles...........................................................................................................86
6.1.8 Summary Statistics: Measures of Dispersion...................................................................86 Range................................................................................................................86 Measures Relating to Quantiles........................................................................86 Standard Deviation...........................................................................................86 Variance............................................................................................................87
6.1.9 Graphs..............................................................................................................................87 Definition..........................................................................................................87 Drawing Graphs................................................................................................87 Linear Relationship...........................................................................................87 Power Law Relationship...................................................................................87 Exponential Relationship..................................................................................87 Other Relationships Involving Expressions......................................................88
6.1.10 Outliers.............................................................................................................................88 Measures of Central Tendency.........................................................................88 Measures of Dispersion....................................................................................88 Correlation and Linear Regression...................................................................88
6.1.11 Stem-and-Leaf Plots.........................................................................................................88
6.1.12 Boxplots (Box-and-Whisker Plots)...................................................................................88
6.1.13 Scatter Plot (Scattergrams, Scatter Diagrams, or Dot Graphs)........................................89
6.2 Principles of Measurement............................................................................................................90
6.2.1 Interviews.........................................................................................................................90
6.2.2 Self-Predictions................................................................................................................90
6.2.3 Psychophysiological Techniques......................................................................................90
6.2.4 Naturalistic Observations.................................................................................................90
Contents xv
6.2.5 Scaling..............................................................................................................................90
6.2.6 Norm Referencing............................................................................................................90
6.2.7 Criterion Referencing.......................................................................................................90
6.3 Intelligence....................................................................................................................................90
6.3.1 Aptitude............................................................................................................................90
6.3.2 Attainment........................................................................................................................90
6.3.3 Components of Intelligence..............................................................................................90
6.3.4 Mental Age Scale............................................................................................................. 91
6.3.5 Intelligence Quotient........................................................................................................ 91
6.3.6 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale................................................................................... 91
6.3.7 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Revised.......................................................... 91
6.3.8 Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence................................................... 91
6.3.9 Group Ability Tests.......................................................................................................... 91
6.3.10 Nature–Nurture................................................................................................................92
6.3.11 Cultural Influences...........................................................................................................92
6.4 Techniques Used in Neuropsychological Assessment...................................................................92
6.4.1 Comprehensive Test Batteries..........................................................................................92 Halstead–Reitan Battery...................................................................................92 Luria–Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery..................................................92 Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status............93
6.4.2 Language Tests.................................................................................................................93 Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, 3rd Edition.....................................93 Boston Naming Test.........................................................................................93 Graded Naming Test.........................................................................................94 Token Test.........................................................................................................94 Speed and Capacity of Language Processing Test...........................................94
6.4.3 Perception Tests................................................................................................................94 Bender–Gestalt Test/Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test..................................94 Visual Object and Space Perception Battery....................................................94 Behavioural Inattention Test.............................................................................94
6.4.4 Memory Tests...................................................................................................................94 Benton Visual Retention Test...........................................................................94 Graham–Kendall Memory for Designs Test....................................................94 Rey–Osterrieth Test..........................................................................................94 Paired Associate Learning Tests......................................................................95 Synonym Learning Test....................................................................................95 Object Learning Test........................................................................................95 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test.................................................................95 California Verbal Learning Test.......................................................................95 Wechsler Memory Scale-IV.............................................................................95 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test..............................................................95 Adult Memory and Information Processing Battery........................................95
6.4.5 Intelligence Tests..............................................................................................................96 WAIS and Similar Tests...................................................................................96 National Adult Reading Test.............................................................................96 Raven’s Progressive Matrices...........................................................................96
6.4.6 Executive Function (Frontal Lobe) Tests.........................................................................96 Stroop................................................................................................................96 Verbal Fluency..................................................................................................96 Tower of London Test.......................................................................................96
xvi Contents
Social Role of Doctors................................................................................................... 119
Sick Role......................................................................................................................... 119 Rights (Privileges).......................................................................................... 119 Obligations...................................................................................................... 119
8.3.4 Illness Behaviour............................................................................................................ 119 Stages.............................................................................................................. 119 Determinants.................................................................................................. 119
8.4 Family Life in Relation to Major Mental Illness.........................................................................120
8.4.1 Elements of Family Functioning....................................................................................120
8.4.2 Schizophrenia.................................................................................................................120 Schizophrenogenic Mother.............................................................................120 Double Bind....................................................................................................120 Marital Skew and Marital Schism..................................................................120 Abnormal Family Communication.................................................................120 Expressed Emotion......................................................................................... 121
8.4.3 Mood Disorders.............................................................................................................. 121 Expressed Emotion......................................................................................... 121 Vulnerability Factors...................................................................................... 121
8.4.4 Problem Drinking and Alcohol Dependence................................................................. 121
8.4.5 Learning Disability/Mental Retardation........................................................................ 121
8.5 Life Events...................................................................................................................................122
8.5.1 Definition........................................................................................................................122
8.5.2 Life-Change Scale..........................................................................................................122
8.5.3 Aetiology of Psychiatric Disorders................................................................................122
8.5.4 Difficulties in the Evaluation of Life Events..................................................................122
8.5.5 Clinical Significance......................................................................................................122 Depression......................................................................................................122 Schizophrenia.................................................................................................123 Anxiety...........................................................................................................123 Mania..............................................................................................................123 Parasuicide/Deliberate Self-Harm..................................................................123 Functional Disorders.......................................................................................123
8.6 Residential Institutions................................................................................................................123
8.6.1 Social Institutions...........................................................................................................123 Definition........................................................................................................123 Examples.........................................................................................................123
8.6.2 Total Institutions.............................................................................................................123 Definition........................................................................................................123 Examples.........................................................................................................123
8.6.3 Goffman.........................................................................................................................123 Reactions to the Mortification Process...........................................................124
8.6.4 Institutional Neurosis.....................................................................................................124
8.6.5 Secondary Handicap......................................................................................................124 Primary Handicap..........................................................................................124 Secondary Handicap.......................................................................................124
8.6.6 Three Mental Hospitals Study.......................................................................................124
8.7 Ethnic Minorities, Adaptation, and Mental Health.....................................................................124
8.7.1 Prevalence of Schizophrenia..........................................................................................124
8.7.2 Causes of Different Prevalence Rates............................................................................124
8.7.3 Depression and Anxiety.................................................................................................125
Contents xix
8.8 Professions...................................................................................................................................125
8.8.1 Characteristics of Professions........................................................................................125
8.8.2 Professional Groups Involved in Patient Care................................................................125
8.9 Intergroup Behaviour and Stigma...............................................................................................125
8.9.1 Stereotypes.....................................................................................................................125
8.9.2 Stigma.............................................................................................................................125 Definition........................................................................................................125 Example..........................................................................................................125 Enacted Stigma...............................................................................................125 Felt Stigma......................................................................................................125 Development...................................................................................................125
8.9.3 Prejudice.........................................................................................................................125 Definition........................................................................................................125 Example..........................................................................................................126 Discrimination................................................................................................126 Causes.............................................................................................................126 Reducing Prejudice.........................................................................................126
10.24 2000s...........................................................................................................................................144
Chapter 16 Neurophysiology.....................................................................................................................................209
16.1 Physiology of Neurons, Synapses, and Receptors.......................................................................209
16.1.1 Neurons..........................................................................................................................209 Resting Membrane Ion Permeabilities...........................................................209 Resting Membrane Potential..........................................................................209 Changes in Membrane Ion Permeabilities......................................................209 Action Potential..............................................................................................209 Propagation of Action Potential......................................................................209 All-or-None Phenomenon...............................................................................209 Absolute Refractory Period............................................................................209 Relative Refractory Period..............................................................................209 Conduction in Unmyelinated Fibres...............................................................209 Conduction in Myelinated Fibres...................................................................209
16.1.2 Synapses.........................................................................................................................209 Synaptic Cleft.................................................................................................209 Location..........................................................................................................209 Types............................................................................................................... 210 Synaptic Transmission.................................................................................... 210 Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials.................................................................. 210 Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials.................................................................. 210 Summation...................................................................................................... 210
16.1.3 Receptors........................................................................................................................ 210 Sensory Receptors.......................................................................................... 210 Adaptation....................................................................................................... 210
16.2 Pituitary Hormones..................................................................................................................... 211
16.2.1 Anterior Pituitary Hormones......................................................................................... 211 ACTH............................................................................................................. 211 FSH................................................................................................................. 211 LH................................................................................................................... 211 MSH................................................................................................................ 212 Prolactin.......................................................................................................... 212 GH................................................................................................................... 212 TSH................................................................................................................. 212
16.2.2 Posterior Pituitary Hormones......................................................................................... 212 AVP or ADH................................................................................................... 212 Oxytocin......................................................................................................... 212
16.3 Integrated Behaviours.................................................................................................................. 212
16.3.1 Regulatory Behaviour.................................................................................................... 212
16.3.2 Pain................................................................................................................................. 212
16.3.3 Motor Function............................................................................................................... 212
16.3.4 Arousal........................................................................................................................... 213
16.3.5 Sexual Behaviour........................................................................................................... 213
Contents xxix
17.3 Receptors.....................................................................................................................................220
17.3.1 Structure.........................................................................................................................220
17.3.2 Function..........................................................................................................................220 G Proteins.......................................................................................................220 Second Messengers.........................................................................................220 Acetylcholine..................................................................................................220
17.3.3 Cholinergic Receptors.................................................................................................... 221 Muscarinic Receptors..................................................................................... 221 Nicotinic Receptors........................................................................................222 Dopamine.......................................................................................................222 Disease Processes Involving DA....................................................................223 Dopamine Receptors......................................................................................224 Noradrenaline.................................................................................................224 NA and Psychiatric Disorders........................................................................226
17.3.4 Adrenoceptors................................................................................................................226 α-Adrenoceptors.............................................................................................226 β-Adrenoceptors.............................................................................................227 Serotonin (5-HT)............................................................................................228 Serotonin and Psychiatric Disorders..............................................................228
17.3.5 Serotonergic Receptors..................................................................................................229 γ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA).......................................................................229 GABA and Disease Processes........................................................................229 GABA Receptors............................................................................................229 Glutamate........................................................................................................232 Clinical Relevance of Glutamate....................................................................232
17.3.6 Glutamate Receptors......................................................................................................232 NMDA Receptors...........................................................................................232 AMPA Receptors............................................................................................232 KA Receptors.................................................................................................232 mGluRs...........................................................................................................233 Neuropeptides.................................................................................................233
17.3.7 Endogenous Opioids.......................................................................................................234
18.2 Classification...............................................................................................................................238
18.2.1 Antipsychotics (Neuroleptics)........................................................................................238 First-Generation (Typical) Antipsychotics.....................................................238 Second-Generation (Atypical) Antipsychotics...............................................238
18.2.2 Antimuscarinics (Anticholinergics)...............................................................................238
18.2.3 Prophylaxis of Bipolar Mood Disorder..........................................................................238
18.2.4 Antidepressants..............................................................................................................238 Tricyclic Antidepressants...............................................................................238 Tricyclic-Related Antidepressants..................................................................238 Tetracyclic Antidepressants............................................................................238 MAOIs............................................................................................................239 SSRIs..............................................................................................................239 RIMA..............................................................................................................239 SNRI...............................................................................................................239 NARI..............................................................................................................239 NaSSA............................................................................................................239 Others.............................................................................................................239
18.2.5 Nonbenzodiazepine Hypnotics.......................................................................................239
18.2.6 Benzodiazepines.............................................................................................................239
18.2.7 Other Anxiolytics...........................................................................................................239
18.2.8 Drugs Used in Alcohol Dependence..............................................................................239
18.2.9 Drugs Used in Opioid Dependence................................................................................239
18.2.10 Antiandrogens................................................................................................................239
18.2.11 Drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease......................................................................................239
18.3 Optimizing Patient Compliance..................................................................................................240
18.4 Placebo Effect..............................................................................................................................240
18.4.1 Definition........................................................................................................................240
18.4.2 Mechanisms of the Placebo Effect.................................................................................240
18.4.3 Pill Factors.....................................................................................................................240
18.4.4 Controlling for the Placebo Effect.................................................................................240
18.5 Prescribing for Psychiatric Patients.............................................................................................240
18.6 Pharmacokinetics........................................................................................................................ 241
18.6.1 Absorption......................................................................................................................241 Routes of Administration............................................................................... 241 Rate of Absorption.......................................................................................... 241 Oral Administration........................................................................................241 Rectal Administration.................................................................................... 241 Intramuscular Administration........................................................................241 Intravenous Administration............................................................................242
18.6.2 Distribution.....................................................................................................................242 Lipid Solubility...............................................................................................242 Plasma–Protein Binding.................................................................................242 Volume of Distribution...................................................................................242 Blood–Brain Barrier and Brain Distribution..................................................243 Placenta...........................................................................................................243
18.6.3 Metabolism.....................................................................................................................243 Hepatic Phase I Metabolism (Biotransformation)..........................................243 Hepatic Phase II Metabolism (Biotransformation).........................................244 First-Pass Effect..............................................................................................244
18.6.4 Elimination.....................................................................................................................244
xxxii Contents
18.7 Pharmacodynamics.....................................................................................................................244
18.7.1 Antipsychotics................................................................................................................244 First-Generation Antipsychotics.....................................................................244 Second-Generation Antipsychotics................................................................245
18.7.2 Drugs Used in the Treatment of Mood Disorder............................................................245 Lithium...........................................................................................................245 Tricyclic Antidepressants...............................................................................245 SSRIs..............................................................................................................245 MAOIs............................................................................................................245 RIMA..............................................................................................................246 SNRI...............................................................................................................246 NARI..............................................................................................................246 NaSSA............................................................................................................246 Asenapine.......................................................................................................246 Agomelatine....................................................................................................246
18.7.3 Anxiolytics and Hypnotics.............................................................................................246 Benzodiazepines.............................................................................................246 Buspirone........................................................................................................246 β-Adrenoceptor Blocking Drugs....................................................................246 Zopiclone........................................................................................................247 Zolpidem.........................................................................................................247 Zaleplon..........................................................................................................247
18.7.4 Drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease......................................................................................247
18.7.5 Antiepileptic Agents.......................................................................................................247 Carbamazepine...............................................................................................247 Sodium Valproate...........................................................................................247 Phenytoin........................................................................................................247 Phenobarbitone...............................................................................................247 Gabapentin......................................................................................................247 Vigabatrin.......................................................................................................247 Lamotrigine....................................................................................................247 Levetiracetam.................................................................................................247 Lacosamide.....................................................................................................247
18.7.6 Neurochemical Effects of ECT......................................................................................248 Noradrenaline.................................................................................................248 Serotonin.........................................................................................................248 Dopamine.......................................................................................................248 GABA.............................................................................................................248 Acetylcholine..................................................................................................248 Endogenous Opioids.......................................................................................248 Adenosine.......................................................................................................248
Causal Relationship........................................................................................................ 251
Idiosyncratic Reactions..................................................................................................252
Allergic Reactions..........................................................................................................252
Drug Interactions............................................................................................................252 Pharmacokinetic Interactions.........................................................................252 Pharmacodynamic Interactions......................................................................252
19.3 Psychotropic Medication.............................................................................................................252
19.3.1 First-Generation Antipsychotics.....................................................................................252 Photosensitization...........................................................................................252 Hypothermia or Pyrexia.................................................................................252 Allergic (Sensitivity) Reactions......................................................................253 Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome..................................................................253 Chronic Pharmacotherapy..............................................................................253
19.3.2 Second-Generation Antipsychotics................................................................................253 Clozapine........................................................................................................253 General Side Effects.......................................................................................253
19.3.3 Antimuscarinic Drugs....................................................................................................253
19.3.4 Lithium...........................................................................................................................253 Renal Function................................................................................................253 Plasma Levels.................................................................................................253 Side Effects.....................................................................................................253 Intoxication.....................................................................................................254 Severe Overdosage..........................................................................................254 Chronic Therapy.............................................................................................254
19.3.5 Carbamazepine...............................................................................................................254
19.3.6 Tricyclic Antidepressants...............................................................................................254 Blockade of Muscarinic Receptors.................................................................254 Blockade of Histamine H1 Receptors.............................................................254 Blockade of α1-Adrenoceptors........................................................................254 Blockade of 5-HT2/1c Receptors......................................................................254 Membrane Stabilization..................................................................................254 Cardiovascular Side Effects............................................................................255 Allergic and Haematological Reactions.........................................................255 Endocrine Side Effects...................................................................................255 Others.............................................................................................................255
19.3.7 SSRIs..............................................................................................................................255
19.3.8 MAOIs............................................................................................................................255 Dangerous Food Interactions..........................................................................255 Dangerous Drug Interactions..........................................................................255 Other Side Effects...........................................................................................255
19.3.9 Benzodiazepines.............................................................................................................256
19.3.10 Buspirone.......................................................................................................................256
19.3.11 Disulfiram.......................................................................................................................256
19.3.12 Cyproterone Acetate.......................................................................................................256
19.4 Official Guidance........................................................................................................................256
19.4.1 Antipsychotic Doses above the BNF Upper Limit.........................................................256
19.4.2 Benzodiazepines.............................................................................................................257
19.4.3 Prevention of Adverse Drug Reactions..........................................................................257
19.5 Reporting.....................................................................................................................................257
19.5.1 Britain.............................................................................................................................257
xxxiv Contents
19.6 ADROIT....................................................................................................................................257
19.6.1 Newer Drugs...............................................................................................................257
19.6.2 Established Drugs......................................................................................................257
Chapter 20 Genetics..................................................................................................................................................259
20.1 DNA and the Double Helix.......................................................................................................259
20.2 Chromosomes............................................................................................................................259
20.2.1 Number.......................................................................................................................259
20.2.2 Karyotype...................................................................................................................259
20.2.3 Centromere.................................................................................................................259
20.2.4 Telomere.....................................................................................................................259
20.2.5 Metacentric Chromosomes........................................................................................259
20.2.6 Acrocentric Chromosomes.........................................................................................259
20.2.7 Chromosomal Map.....................................................................................................259
20.3 Autosomal Abnormalities..........................................................................................................260
20.3.1 Down’s Syndrome......................................................................................................260
20.3.2 Edward’s Syndrome................................................................................................... 261
20.3.3 Patau’s Syndrome....................................................................................................... 261
20.3.4 Cri-du-Chat Syndrome............................................................................................... 261
20.4 Sex Chromosome Abnormalities............................................................................................... 261
20.4.1 Klinefelter’s Syndrome............................................................................................... 261
20.4.2 XYY Syndrome.......................................................................................................... 261
20.4.3 Triple-X Syndrome..................................................................................................... 261
20.4.4 Tetra-X Syndrome...................................................................................................... 261
20.4.5 Turner Syndrome........................................................................................................ 261
20.4.6 Alzheimer’s Disease................................................................................................... 261
20.5 Cell Division.............................................................................................................................. 261
20.5.1 Mitosis........................................................................................................................ 261
20.5.2 Meiosis....................................................................................................................... 261
20.6 Gene Structure........................................................................................................................... 261
20.7 DNA Replication.......................................................................................................................262
20.7.1 Transcription..............................................................................................................262
20.7.2 Translation..................................................................................................................263
20.8 Posttranslational Modification...................................................................................................263
20.9 Mutations...................................................................................................................................263
20.10 Techniques in Molecular Genetics............................................................................................263
20.10.1 Restriction Enzymes..................................................................................................263
20.10.2 Gene Library..............................................................................................................263
20.10.3 Molecular Cloning......................................................................................................264
20.10.4 Gene Probes...............................................................................................................264
20.10.5 Oligonucleotide Probes..............................................................................................264
20.11 Polymerase Chain Reaction.......................................................................................................264
20.12 Separating and Visualizing Different DNA Sequences............................................................264
20.13 Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism............................................................................264
20.14 Gel Electrophoresis...................................................................................................................265
20.14.1 Southern Blotting.......................................................................................................265
20.15 Genome-Wide Studies Using Microarray Technology..............................................................266
20.15.1 Recombination...........................................................................................................266
20.15.2 Maximum Likelihood Score......................................................................................266
Contents xxxv
Chapter 22 Biostatistics............................................................................................................................................305
22.1 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics...........................................................................................305
22.1.1 Descriptive Statistics......................................................................................................305
22.1.2 Inferential Statistics........................................................................................................305
22.1.3 Hypothesis Testing: Significance Tests..........................................................................305 Null Hypothesis...........................................................................................305 Alternative Hypothesis................................................................................305 Simple Hypothesis.......................................................................................305 Composite Hypothesis.................................................................................305 One-Sided Significance Test........................................................................305 Two-Sided Significance Test.......................................................................305 Critical Region.............................................................................................305 Critical Value...............................................................................................305 Significance Level.......................................................................................305 Steps in Carrying Out a Significance/Hypothesis Test...............................306
22.1.4 Estimation: Confidence Intervals...................................................................................306
22.1.5 Advantages of Confidence Intervals Over p Values.......................................................306
22.2 Specific Biostatistical Tests.........................................................................................................307
22.2.1 t-Test...............................................................................................................................307 Independent Samples t-Test.........................................................................307 Paired Samples t-Test...................................................................................307
22.2.2 Chi-Square Test..............................................................................................................307 Null Hypothesis...........................................................................................307
Contents xxxvii
Type 1 and Type 2 Schizophrenia................................................................................ 355
SAPS and SANS........................................................................................................... 355
Liddle’s Syndromes...................................................................................................... 355 Psychomotor Poverty Syndrome................................................................... 355 Disorganization Syndrome........................................................................... 355 Reality Distortion Syndrome........................................................................ 355
26.2.9 Neurodevelopmental Classification..............................................................................356
26.3 Epidemiology of Schizophrenia.................................................................................................. 358
26.3.1 Statistics........................................................................................................................ 358
26.3.2 Theories........................................................................................................................ 358
26.4 Aetiology of Schizophrenia......................................................................................................... 358
26.4.1 Genetics in Schizophrenia............................................................................................ 358 Family Studies.............................................................................................. 358 Twin Studies.................................................................................................. 358 Adoption Studies........................................................................................... 359 Linkage Studies............................................................................................ 359
26.4.2 Prenatal Factors in Schizophrenia................................................................................ 359
26.4.3 Personality in Schizophrenia........................................................................................360
26.4.4 Social Factors in Schizophrenia...................................................................................360 Rural or Urban Setting..................................................................................360 Ethnicity........................................................................................................360 Expressed Emotion.......................................................................................360
26.4.5 CASC Station on Schizophrenia and Cannabis........................................................... 361 Approach to This Station.............................................................................. 361
26.4.6 Neurotransmitters in Schizophrenia............................................................................. 361 Dopamine...................................................................................................... 361 Serotonin (5-HT)...........................................................................................362 Glutamate......................................................................................................362
26.4.7 Structural Cerebral Abnormalities in Schizophrenia...................................................362
26.4.8 Neuropathological Abnormalities in Schizophrenia....................................................363 Postmortem Studies......................................................................................363 Histological Studies......................................................................................363
26.4.9 Functional Brain Abnormalities in Schizophrenia.......................................................363
26.4.10 Deficits in Cognition in Schizophrenia........................................................................363
26.5 Management of Schizophrenia....................................................................................................364
26.5.1 Physical Examination...................................................................................................364
26.5.2 Investigations................................................................................................................364
26.5.3 General Management Strategies (Scottish Schizophrenia Guidelines and NICE
26.5.4 Promoting Recovery.....................................................................................................365 Primary Care................................................................................................365 Secondary Care.............................................................................................365
26.5.5 Service Interventions....................................................................................................365
26.5.6 Hospitalization..............................................................................................................365
26.5.7 Drug Treatments for Schizophrenia.............................................................................365
26.5.8 Use of Atypical Neuroleptics.......................................................................................366 NICE Guidelines on Atypical Antipsychotics..............................................366
26.5.9 Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia..............................................................................366 Past Psychiatric History................................................................................366
Contents xliii Pharmacotherapy...........................................................................................428 Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing..............................................428
28.12.4 Course............................................................................................................................428
28.13 Adjustment Disorders.................................................................................................................. 432
28.13.1 ICD-10 (F43.2)................................................................................................................ 432
28.13.2 DSM-5 (APA 2013)........................................................................................................ 432
28.14 Dissociative (Conversion) Disorders........................................................................................... 433
28.14.1 ICD-10............................................................................................................................ 433
28.14.2 Specific Dissociative Conditions.................................................................................... 433 Dissociative Amnesia.................................................................................... 433 Dissociative Fugue........................................................................................ 433 Dissociative Stupor........................................................................................ 433 Trance and Possession Disorders.................................................................. 433 Dissociative Disorders of Movement and Sensation..................................... 433 Dissociative Convulsions.............................................................................. 433 Dissociative Anaesthesia and Sensory Loss..................................................434 Other Dissociative Disorders.........................................................................434
28.14.3 Epidemiology of Dissociative Disorder.........................................................................434
28.14.4 Aetiology of Dissociative Disorder................................................................................434
28.14.5 Management of Dissociative Disorder...........................................................................434
28.14.6 Course............................................................................................................................434
28.15 Depersonalization–Derealization................................................................................................ 435
28.15.1 DSM-5 (300.6)................................................................................................................ 435
References.............................................................................................................................................. 435 Epidemiology..................................................................................................440 Aetiology........................................................................................................440 Clinical Features.............................................................................................441 Elicit Schizotypal Disorder in CASC.............................................................441 Differential Diagnosis.....................................................................................441 Management...................................................................................................441 Course and Prognosis.....................................................................................442
29.5.3 Paranoid Personality Disorder.......................................................................................442 Epidemiology..................................................................................................442 Aetiology........................................................................................................442 Clinical Features.............................................................................................442 Elicit Paranoid Personality Disorder in CASC...............................................442 Differential Diagnosis.....................................................................................442 Management...................................................................................................443 Course and Prognosis.....................................................................................443
29.6 Cluster B Personality Disorders..................................................................................................443
29.6.1 Borderline Personality Disorder.....................................................................................443 Epidemiology..................................................................................................443 Aetiology........................................................................................................443 Clinical Features.............................................................................................444 Elicit Borderline Personality Disorder in CASC............................................444 Differential Diagnosis.....................................................................................444
29.6.2 Management...................................................................................................................445 Inpatient Treatment and Therapeutic Communities.......................................445 Psychotherapy.................................................................................................446 Pharmacotherapy............................................................................................446 Course and Prognosis.....................................................................................447
29.6.3 Dissocial Personality Disorder.......................................................................................447 Epidemiology..................................................................................................447 Aetiology........................................................................................................447 Clinical Features.............................................................................................448 Elicit Dissocial Personality Disorder in CASC..............................................448 Differential Diagnosis.....................................................................................449 Comorbidity....................................................................................................449 Management...................................................................................................449 Course and Prognosis.....................................................................................449
29.6.4 Narcissistic Personality Disorder...................................................................................450 Epidemiology..................................................................................................450 Aetiology........................................................................................................450 Clinical Features.............................................................................................450 Elicit Narcissistic Personality Disorder in CASC..........................................450 Differential Diagnosis..................................................................................... 451 Comorbidity.................................................................................................... 451 Treatment........................................................................................................ 451 Course and Prognosis..................................................................................... 451
29.6.5 Histrionic Personality Disorder...................................................................................... 451 Epidemiology.................................................................................................. 451 Aetiology........................................................................................................ 451 Clinical Features............................................................................................. 451
l Contents
30.3.5 Frigophobia....................................................................................................................462
30.3.6 Taijinkyofusho................................................................................................................462
30.4 Culture-Bound Syndromes in America.......................................................................................462
30.4.1 Piblokto..........................................................................................................................462
30.4.2 Susto...............................................................................................................................462
30.4.3 Windigo..........................................................................................................................463
30.4.4 Uqamairineq...................................................................................................................463
30.5 Culture-Bound Syndromes in Africa..........................................................................................463
30.5.1 Bouffee Delirante...........................................................................................................463
30.5.2 Brain Fag Syndrome.......................................................................................................463
30.5.3 Ufufuyane.......................................................................................................................463
30.5.4 Nerfiza............................................................................................................................463
30.6 Psychiatry and Black and Ethnic Minorities in Britain..............................................................463
30.6.1 Immigrants.....................................................................................................................463 Types of Migrants...........................................................................................463 Stresses Involved in Migration.......................................................................464
30.6.2 Mental Illness among Ethnic Minorities........................................................................464 Schizophrenia.................................................................................................464 Suicide............................................................................................................464 Other Countries..............................................................................................465 Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Presentations............................................465
30.6.3 Use of Psychiatric Services by Ethnic Minorities..........................................................465 Approaches to Management...........................................................................466
31.9.7 Management................................................................................................................488 Investigations.............................................................................................488 Treatment...................................................................................................488
31.10 Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Parkinson’s Disease....................................................................488
31.10.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................488 Pathophysiology of Parkinson’s Disease....................................................488 Clinical Features of PKD...........................................................................488 Treatment of PKD......................................................................................489
31.10.2 Psychiatric Disorders and PKD..................................................................................489 Depression..................................................................................................489 Mania.........................................................................................................490 Anxiety......................................................................................................490 Psychosis....................................................................................................490 Sleep Disturbances..................................................................................... 491 Cognitive Impairment and Dementia........................................................ 491
31.11 Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Cerebrovascular Accident........................................................... 491
31.11.1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 491 Types of Cerebrovascular Accident........................................................... 491 Psychiatric Disorders and Cerebrovascular Accident................................ 491
31.12 Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Epilepsy......................................................................................494
31.12.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................494 Classification of Epilepsy...........................................................................494
31.13 Psychiatric Aspects of Epilepsy................................................................................................496
31.13.1 Epidemiology..............................................................................................................496 Psychiatric Comorbidity of Epilepsy.........................................................496 Psychiatric Conditions and Epilepsy.........................................................496
31.13.2 Psychotropic Medications and Epilepsy.....................................................................496
31.14 Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Head Injury.................................................................................496
31.14.1 Epidemiology..............................................................................................................496 Head Injury................................................................................................496 Neuropsychiatric Sequelae of Head Injury................................................498 Aetiological Factors and Severity of Head Injury.....................................498 Mild Head Injury.......................................................................................499 Moderate Head Injury................................................................................499 Severe Head Injury....................................................................................499
31.14.2 Postconcussion Syndrome...........................................................................................499
31.14.3 Posttraumatic Amnesia...............................................................................................499 Intracranial Pressure and Head Injury.......................................................499 Imaging and Head Injury...........................................................................500 Neuropsychiatric Sequelae of Frontal Lobe Injury...................................500
31.15 Neuropsychiatric Sequelae of Haematoma...............................................................................500
31.15.1 Rehabilitation of Patients Suffering from Head Injury.............................................. 501
31.16 Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Brain Tumour.............................................................................. 501
31.16.1 Multiple Sclerosis........................................................................................................ 501 Epidemiology............................................................................................. 501 Pathology................................................................................................... 501 Clinical Features........................................................................................502 Psychiatric Manifestations.........................................................................502 Cognitive Impairments..............................................................................502 Management of Neuropsychiatric Conditions Associated with MS..........502
liv Contents Treatment.....................................................................................................627 Course of Illness..........................................................................................628 Prognosis......................................................................................................628
37.4 Asperger’s Syndrome (ICD-10 F84.5).........................................................................................628
37.4.1 Historical Development................................................................................................628
37.4.2 Epidemiology................................................................................................................628
37.4.3 Clinical Features..........................................................................................................628
37.4.4 Differences between Childhood Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome............................628
37.4.5 Comorbidity..................................................................................................................628
37.4.6 Treatment......................................................................................................................628
37.4.7 Prognosis......................................................................................................................628
37.5 Rett’s Syndrome (ICD-10 F84.2).................................................................................................629
37.5.1 Historical Development................................................................................................629
37.5.2 Epidemiology................................................................................................................629
37.5.3 Inheritance....................................................................................................................629
37.5.4 Clinical Features and Course of Illness.......................................................................629
37.5.5 Treatment......................................................................................................................630
37.6 Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (ICD-10 F84.3)....................................................................630
37.6.1 Epidemiology................................................................................................................630
37.6.2 Clinical Features..........................................................................................................630
37.6.3 Comorbidity..................................................................................................................630
37.6.4 Course of Illness...........................................................................................................630
37.7 Hyperkinetic Disorder (ICD-10 F90)..........................................................................................630
37.7.1 Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (DSM-5 314).........................................630 Terminology.................................................................................................630 Epidemiology...............................................................................................630 Aetiology.....................................................................................................630 Genetics.......................................................................................................630 Neurodevelopment....................................................................................... 631 Neurochemistry........................................................................................... 631 Clinical Features.......................................................................................... 631 Rating Scales and Cognitive Assessment....................................................632 Further Investigations..................................................................................632 Differential Diagnosis..................................................................................632 Comorbidity.................................................................................................632 Treatment.....................................................................................................632 Psychosocial Treatment...............................................................................633
37.7.2 Multimodal Treatment Study.......................................................................................634 Prognosis......................................................................................................635
37.8 Conduct Disorder (ICD-10 F91.0-F91.2/DSM-5 312) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder
(ICD-10 F91.3/DSM-5 313).........................................................................................................635
37.8.1 Epidemiology................................................................................................................635
37.8.2 Aetiology......................................................................................................................635
37.8.3 Clinical Features .........................................................................................................636
37.8.4 DSM-5 Criteria.............................................................................................................636
37.8.5 Sex Differences............................................................................................................638
37.8.6 Differential Diagnosis..................................................................................................638
37.8.7 Comorbidities...............................................................................................................638
37.8.8 Management of Conduct Disorder...............................................................................638
37.8.9 Management of Oppositional Defiant Disorder...........................................................639
37.8.10 Prognosis......................................................................................................................639
lxvi Contents
37.19.6 Cannabis.....................................................................................................................649
37.19.7 Other Substances........................................................................................................649
37.19.8 Treatment....................................................................................................................649
37.19.9 Prognosis.....................................................................................................................649
37.19.10 Legal Aspects of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry...........................................................649
37.20 Physical and Sexual Abuse in Children and Adolescents......................................................... 653
37.20.1 Epidemiology.............................................................................................................. 653
37.20.2 Assessment.................................................................................................................. 653
37.20.3 Management................................................................................................................657
References..............................................................................................................................................660 Investigation...............................................................................................700 Management..............................................................................................700 Prognosis....................................................................................................700
39.10.4 Frontotemporal Lobe Dementias................................................................................700 Epidemiology.............................................................................................700 Aetiology and Classification......................................................................700 Neurochemistry.........................................................................................700 Diagnostic Criteria.....................................................................................700 Investigations............................................................................................. 701 Management.............................................................................................. 701 Prognosis.................................................................................................... 701 Diogenes Syndrome................................................................................... 701
39.11 Dementia with Movement Disorders.........................................................................................702
39.11.1 Dementia with Lewy Bodies......................................................................................702 Epidemiology.............................................................................................702 Neuropathology.........................................................................................702 Neurochemistry.........................................................................................702 Clinical Features (McKeith’s Criteria)......................................................702 Investigations.............................................................................................702 Management..............................................................................................703
39.11.2 Parkinson’s Disease Dementia...................................................................................703 Aetiology...................................................................................................703 Clinical Features........................................................................................703 Management..............................................................................................703
39.11.3 Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus................................................................................704 Clinical Features........................................................................................704 Aetiology...................................................................................................704 Management..............................................................................................704 Prognosis....................................................................................................704
39.11.4 Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease.........................................................................................704 Epidemiology.............................................................................................704 Aetiology...................................................................................................704 Pathology...................................................................................................705 Clinical Features........................................................................................705 Investigations.............................................................................................705 Management..............................................................................................705 Prognosis....................................................................................................705
39.11.5 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Dementia...............................................................705 Epidemiology.............................................................................................705 Aetiology...................................................................................................705 Pathology...................................................................................................705 Clinical Features........................................................................................705 Classification..............................................................................................706 Differential Diagnosis................................................................................706 Investigations.............................................................................................706 Management and Prognosis.......................................................................706
39.11.6 Huntington’s Disease (Chorea)...................................................................................706 Epidemiology.............................................................................................706 Aetiology...................................................................................................706 Clinical Features........................................................................................706
Contents lxxiii Investigation...............................................................................................706 Management..............................................................................................707 Prognosis....................................................................................................707
39.11.7 General Paralysis of the Insane..................................................................................707 Aetiology...................................................................................................707 Clinical Features........................................................................................707 Management and Prognosis.......................................................................707
39.12 Delirium in Old Age..................................................................................................................707
39.12.1 Aetiology....................................................................................................................707
39.12.2 Clinical Features........................................................................................................707
39.12.3 Classification..............................................................................................................708
39.12.4 Investigation...............................................................................................................708
39.12.5 Management...............................................................................................................708 Nonpharmacological Treatment................................................................708 Pharmacological Treatment.......................................................................708
39.12.6 Prognosis....................................................................................................................709
39.13 Depression in Old Age...............................................................................................................709
39.13.1 Epidemiology..............................................................................................................709
39.13.2 Aetiology....................................................................................................................709 Genetic Factors..........................................................................................709 Neurobiological Factors.............................................................................709 Physical Illness..........................................................................................709 Personality.................................................................................................709 Environmental Factors...............................................................................709
39.13.3 Clinical Features........................................................................................................709
39.13.4 Diagnosis.................................................................................................................... 710
39.13.5 Management............................................................................................................... 710
39.13.6 Prognosis.................................................................................................................... 711
39.14 Mania in Old Age...................................................................................................................... 711
39.14.1 Aetiology.................................................................................................................... 711 Genetic Factors.......................................................................................... 711 Organic Factors.......................................................................................... 711
39.14.2 Clinical Features........................................................................................................ 712
39.14.3 Management............................................................................................................... 712
39.14.4 Prognosis.................................................................................................................... 712
39.15 Paraphrenia or Psychosis in Old Age........................................................................................ 712
39.15.1 Explanatory Note........................................................................................................ 712
39.15.2 Epidemiology.............................................................................................................. 712
39.15.3 Aetiology.................................................................................................................... 712 Genetic Factors.......................................................................................... 712 Personality................................................................................................. 712 Sensory Impairment.................................................................................. 712 Brain Disease............................................................................................. 713
39.15.4 Clinical Features........................................................................................................ 713
39.15.5 Management............................................................................................................... 713 Pharmacological Treatment....................................................................... 713 Nonpharmacological Treatment................................................................ 713
39.15.6 Prognosis.................................................................................................................... 713
39.16 Anxiety in Old Age................................................................................................................... 713
39.16.1 Epidemiology.............................................................................................................. 713
lxxiv Contents
The preparation of the third edition of this book has references. Finally, we have included many more figures.
involved a number of major changes. First, we have taken As with previous editions, we believe the third edition of
on a new co-author, Roger Ho. Roger has relatively recent Revision Notes in Psychiatry should prove useful not only
experience of preparing for and sitting the examinations for the membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists
of the membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists but also for similar postgraduate examinations in psychia-
and is actively involved in teaching candidates based in try in other parts of the English-speaking world.
Singapore. Second, we have added new chapters and,
within existing chapters, we have included new mate- Basant K. Puri
rial (including NICE guidelines), updated the DSM- Annie Hall
IV-TR criteria to the new DSM-5, and cited more recent Roger Ho
Basant K. Puri, MA, PhD, MB, BChir, BSc (Hons) College, Oxford, and completed her clinical training at the
MathSci, DipStat, PG Dip Maths, MMath, FRCPsych, Welsh National School of Medicine. She works in a busy
FSB, is based at Hammersmith Hospital and Imperial NHS inner-city psychiatric service as a consultant general
College London, United Kingdom. He read medicine adult psychiatrist.
at St. John’s College, University of Cambridge. He
also trained in molecular genetics at the MRC MNU, Dr. Roger Ho, MBBS, DPM, DCP, Gdip Psychotherapy,
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge. He has MMed (Psych), MRCPsych, FRCPC, is an assistant pro-
authored or co-authored more than 40 books, includ- fessor and consultant psychiatrist at the Department of
ing the second edition of Drugs in Psychiatry (Oxford Psychological Medicine, National University of Singapore.
University Press, 2013), the third edition of Textbook He graduated from the University of Hong Kong and
of Psychiatry with Dr. Ian Treasaden (Churchill received his training in psychiatry from the National
Livingstone, 2011) and, with the publisher of the pres- University of Singapore. He is a general adult psychia-
ent volume, the third edition of Textbook of Clinical trist and in charge of the Mood Disorder Clinic, National
Neuropsychiatry and Neuroscience Fundamentals University Hospital, Singapore. He is a member of the
with Professor David Moore (2012). editorial board of Advances of Psychiatric Treatment,
an academic journal published by the Royal College of
Annie Hall, BA, MB BCh, MRCPsych is a consultant psy- Psychiatrists. His research focuses on mood disorders, psy-
chiatrist at South Kensington and Chelsea Mental Health choneuroimmunology, and liaison psychiatry. He is one
Centre and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, of the key authors for the revision website, Exam doctor
United Kingdom. She read medicine at St Catherines’ MRCPsych Paper 1 questions (
lxxxii Abbreviations
2 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
2 1
3 4 Slight pressure
then offers again for 10 times. The examiner person’s arm upward and asks the person to
cannot make a handshake with her at the end resist movement. Even with a slight touch, the
(Figure 1.1). person continues to move his or her arm upward
• Automatic obedience. This refers to a condition and then returns to the original position after the
where the person follows the examiner’s instruc- test (Figure 1.2).
tions blindly without judgement and resistance. • Mitmachen. This refers to the limb movement in
For example, the examiner asks the person to response to an applied force to any direction with-
move his or her arm in different direction, and out resistance. For example, the examiner wants
the person is unable to resist even if it is against to move the person’s arm upward and asks the
his or her will. person not to move his or her limb and resist. The
• Catalepsy. This refers to abnormal maintenance person’s arm moves upward. When the examiner
of postures. For example, a person holds his or wants to move his or her arm downward, the per-
her arm in the air for a long time like a wax statue. son’s arm moves downward without any resis-
• Cataplexy. This refers to the temporary loss of tance. At the end of examination, his or her arm
muscle tone in narcolepsy. For example, a per- returns to the original position (Figure 1.3).
son develops temporary paralysis after emo- • Negativism. This is a motiveless resistance
tional excitement. to commands and to attempts to be moved.
• Echopraxia. This refers to the automatic imi-
tation by the person of another person’s move-
ments. It occurs even when the person is asked
not to. For example, when the consultant touches
his or her spectacles with his or her right hand,
the patient performs the same action even if he
or she does not wear spectacles.
• Mannerisms. These are repeated involuntary
movements that appear to be goal directed. For 2
example, a person repeatedly moving his or her
hand when he or she talks and tries to convey his
or her message to the examiner. 2
• Mitgehen. This is the excessive limb movement
in response to slight pressure of an applied force
even when the person is told to resist movement.
For example, the examiner wants to move the FIGURE 1.3 Mitmachen.
Descriptive Psychopathology 3
For example, the examiner asks the person 1.2 DISORDERS OF SPEECH
to open his or her fist but he closes it tightly
instead. 1.2.1 Disorders of Rate, Quantity,
• Posturing. The person adopts an inappropriate and Articulation
or bizarre bodily posture continuously for a long
• Dysarthria. This is difficulty in the articulation
of speech.
• Stereotypies. These are repeated regular fixed
• Dysprosody. This is speech with the loss of its
patterns of movement (or speech) that are not
normal melody.
goal directed. For example, a person keeps on
• Logorrhoea (volubility). The speech is fluent
rubbing his or her right elbow with his or her left
and rambling with the use of many words.
hand during the interview.
• Mutism. This is the complete loss of speech.
• Waxy flexibility (cerea flexibilitas). There is
• Poverty of speech. There is a restricted amount
a feeling of plastic resistance resembling the
of speech. If the person replies to questions, he
bending of a soft wax rod as the examiner
or she may do so with monosyllabic answers.
moves part of the person’s body; that body part
• Pressure of speech. There is an increase in both
then remains ‘moulded’ by the examiner in the
the quantity and rate of speech, which is diffi-
new position. For example, the examiner wants
cult to interrupt.
to move the person’s arm upward. The person’s
• Stammering. The flow of speech is broken by
arm moves in upward direction but stays in the
pauses and the repetition of parts of words.
same position for 3 h after the examination
• Verbigeration. This refers to a form of stereo-
(Figure 1.4).
typy consisting of morbid repetition of words,
• Tics. These are repeated irregular movements
phrases, or sentences.
involving a muscle group and may be seen fol-
lowing encephalitis, for example, in Huntington’s
disease and in Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome. 1.2.2 Disorders of the Form of Speech
• Parkinsonism. The features of parkinsonism • Approximate answer (vorbeireden). This refers
include to an approximate answer that, although clearly
• A resting tremor incorrect, demonstrates the answer is known.
• Cogwheel rigidity For example, when asked ‘how many legs does a
• Postural abnormalities duck have?’ the person may reply ‘three legs’. It
• A festinant gait is seen in the Ganser syndrome, first described
in criminals awaiting trial.
• Cryptolalia. The speech is in a language that no
one can understand.
• Circumstantiality. Thinking appears slow with
the incorporation of unnecessary trivial details.
Stays in The goal of thought is finally reached, however.
this • Echolalia. This is the automatic imitation by
the person of another person’s speech. It occurs
1 even when the person does not understand the
speech (which may be in e.g. another language).
• Flight of ideas. The speech consists of a stream
of accelerated thoughts with abrupt changes
from topic to topic and no central direction.
The connections between the thoughts may be
based on the following:
• Chance relationships.
• Clang associations. A syllable of one word
is associated with another word by sound
FIGURE 1.4 Waxy flexibility. (e.g. manic, garlic).
4 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
• Distracting stimuli.
• Punning. A humorous play of words.
• Verbal associations (e.g. alliteration and
• Metonym. Approximate but related term is used
in an idiomatic way. For example, a person with
schizophrenia refers cloud as ‘sky sheep’.
• Neologism. A new word is constructed by the
person or an everyday word used in a special
way by the person.
• Passing by the point (vorbeigehen). The answers to
questions, although clearly incorrect, demonstrate
that the questions are understood. For example,
when asked ‘what colour is grass?’ the person may FIGURE 1.5 Knight’s move thinking.
reply ‘blue’. It is seen in the Ganser syndrome.
• Perseveration. In perseveration (of both speech • Derailment. The thought derails onto a subsid-
and movement), mental operations are contin- iary thought.
ued beyond the point at which they are relevant. • Drivelling. There is a disordered intermixture
Particular types of perseveration of speech are of the constituent parts of one complex thought.
• Palilalia. The person repeats a word with • Fusion. Heterogeneous elements of thought are
increasing frequency. interwoven with each other.
• Logoclonia. The person repeats the last syl- • Omission. A thought or part of a thought is
lable of the last word. senselessly omitted.
• Thought blocking. There is a sudden interruption • Substitution. A major thought is substituted by a
in the train of thought, before it is completed, subsidiary thought.
leaving a ‘blank’. After a period of silence, the
person cannot recall what he or she had been
saying or had been thinking of saying. 1.3 DISORDERS OF EMOTION
1.3.1 Disorders of Affect
1.2.3 Disorders (Loosening) of Association
Affect is a pattern of observable behaviours that is the
(Formal Thought Disorder)
expression of a subjectively experienced feeling state
These occur particularly in schizophrenia and may be (emotion) and is variable over time, in response to chang-
considered to be a schizophrenic language disorder. ing emotional states (DSM-IV-TR).
Examples include knight’s move thinking. The knight
can go two squares forward, backward, left, or right and • Blunted affect. In a person with a blunted affect,
turn at a right angle. If the knight is blocked by another the externalized feeling tone is severely reduced.
piece, the knight can jump over, and this refers to the • Flat affect. This consists of a total or almost
abrupt change in schizophrenia speech (Figure 1.5). total absence of signs of expression of affect.
In schizophrenia, there are odd tangential associations • Inappropriate affect. This is an affect that
between ideas, leading to disruptions in the smooth con- is inappropriate to the thought or speech it
tinuity of the speech. Schizophasia, is, also called ‘word accompanies.
salad’ or ‘speech confusion’, in which the speech is an • Labile affect. A person with a labile affect has
incoherent and incomprehensible mixture of words and a labile externalized feeling tone that is not
phrases. Schneider described the following features of related to environmental stimuli.
formal thought disorder:
1.3.2 Disorders of Mood
• Asyndesis. Juxtaposition of elements without
adequate linkage between them. Mood is a pervasive and sustained emotion that, in the
• Condensation. Combining ideas to make it extreme, markedly colours the person’s perception of the
incomprehensible. world (DSM-IV-TR).
Descriptive Psychopathology 5 Hallucinations
1.6 ABNORMAL EXPERIENCES A hallucination is a false sensory perception in the
absence of a real external stimulus. A hallucination is
1.6.1 Sensory Distortions
perceived as being located in objective space and as hav-
• Hyperesthesias. These are changes in sensory ing the same realistic qualities as normal perceptions. It is
perception in which there is an increased inten- not subject to conscious manipulation and only indicates a
sity of sensation. Hyperacusis is an increased psychotic disturbance when there is also impaired reality
sensitivity to sounds. testing. Hallucinations can be mood congruent or mood
• Hypoesthesias. These are changes in sensory incongruent. Types of hallucination include the following:
perception in which there is a decreased inten-
sity of sensation. Hypoacusis is a decreased sen- • Auditory.
sitivity to sounds. • Simple auditory. Sounds or musical.
• Changes in quality. Changes in quality of sen- • Mood congruent complex auditory hallucination:
sations occur particularly with visual stimuli, Stating depressive or manic themes in second
giving rise to visual distortions. Colourings of person, for example, ‘You are useless’.
visual perceptions include Command hallucination: ‘Since you are useless,
• Chloropsia—green you should hurt yourself’.
• Erythropsia—red • Mood incongruent complex auditory
• Xanthopsia—yellow hallucination:
• Dysmegalopsia. Changes in spatial form include Voices discussing the person in third person.
• Macropsia. Objects are seen larger or nearer Voices giving a running commentary on a per-
than is actually the case. son’s behaviour.
• Micropsia. Objects are seen smaller or far- Thoughts spoken out loud (thought echo/écho de
ther away than is actually the case. la pensée).
8 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Characteristics of Sensory Deceptions
Characteristics Imagination (Fantasy) Illusion Pseudohallucination Hallucination Real Perception
Voluntary or Voluntary Involuntary Involuntary (except Involuntary Involuntary
involuntary eidetic imagery)
Vividness Not vivid Vivid Vivid Vivid Vivid
Space Inner subjective space Inner subjective space Inner subjective space Outer space Outer space
Insight Intact Intact Intact Impaired Intact
Examples Normal experience Delirium Depression Schizophrenia Normal experience
Summary of Aphasic Syndromes
Types of Aphasia Fluency Repetition Comprehension Naming
Anomic Fluent ✔ ✔ ✘
Conduction Fluent ✘ ✔ ✘
Broca’s Nonfluent ✘ ✔ ✘
Lesion in arcuate fasciculus Fluent ✘ ✔ ✘
Wernicke’s Fluent ✘ ✘ ✘
Transcortical motor Nonfluent ✔ ✔ ✘
Transcortical sensory Fluent ✔ ✘ ✘
Global Nonfluent ✘ ✘ ✘
✔ : Intact ✘ : Impaired
• Surface dyslexia. This is due to lesions in left defective copying although the person can spell
temporoparietal region. The person breaks correctly. The person has difficulty in writ-
down the whole word (lexical reading) and ing the smooth part of a letter. Letter may be
has difficulty to deal with the irregularly spelt inverted or reversed (e.g. ‘A’ is written as ‘∀’).
words. Reliance is placed on subword corre-
spondence between letters and sounds but not
the normal way: spelling to sound (e.g. big is
read as dig). Alexia refers to reading disorder that affects learning and
• Deep dyslexia. This is due to extensive left hemi- academic skills.
sphere lesions. This occurs when the person
produces verbal response based on the meaning • Alexia with agraphia. The person cannot read,
of the word but not based on sound-based read- write, or connect letters due to lesions of the
ing (e.g. sister is read as auntie). angular or supramarginal gyrus.
• Neglect dyslexia. This usually occurs when the • Alexia without agraphia. The person cannot
left half of the word is being ignored due to right comprehend any written material but he can
parietal lobe lesion (e.g. bicycle is read as cycle). write. This is due to occlusion of left poste-
If the lesion is found in the left hemisphere, then rior cerebral artery leading to infarction of the
the right half of the word is affected. medial aspect of the left occipital lobe and the
splenium of the corpus callosum.
The person can be frightened by his seeing Spanish guerrilla and be anticipated that your interview will be
disrupted. Candidates are required to empathize with his fear from time to time.
A. Visual A1. ‘Have you A2. ‘What do you A3. ‘How long have A4. ‘How do you feel A5. ‘Do you have
hallucinations seen things that see? Can you you been seeing when you see them?’ any explanation of
other people can’t give me an those things? Empathize with the above experience?
see?’ example? Are When do those things patient: ‘I can Do you need help?’
they very small?’ you saw appear? Do imagine that this is a
they usually come at frightening
night?’ experience for you’.
‘Do you feel that they
are real? Can you
stop them?’
B. Auditory B1. ‘Do you hear B2. If there are B3. ‘What do they B4. ‘How do you feel B5. ‘Are you alert at
hallucinations sounds or voices voices, then ask say?’ when you hear that time when you
others do not ‘How many voices them?’ hear those voices?’
hear?’ are there?’
C. Other C1. Olfactory: C2. Gustatory: C3. Somatic: C4. Persecutory C5. Jealousy:
hallucinations, ‘Is there anything ‘Have you noticed ‘Have you had any ideas: ‘Can you tell me
persecutory wrong about the that food or drink strange feelings in ‘Do you think about your
ideas, and way you smell? seems to have a your body? someone is trying to relationship? Do
jealousy Can you tell me different taste How about people harm you? How you feel that your
more about it? recently?’ touching you? about watching or partner is
Who sent the gas How about insects spying on you?’ unfaithful? If so,
to you?’ crawling?’ what’s your
D. Alcohol and D1. ‘Do you drink D2. ‘When did D3. ‘When was your D4. ‘Have you tried D5. ‘Do you use
drug history alcohol? If so, you start to last drink? to quit alcohol? other drugs? Do
how often do you drink? Have you You have told me that What was the you have other
drink?’ increased your you started to see outcome?’ medical problems
alcohol intake those things for such as fit or head
recently?’ 2 days. Did you drink injury?’
a lot on that day?’
E. Risk/ E1. Suicide risk: E2. Risk on E3. Comorbidity: E4. Forensic history: E5. Social history:
comorbidity/ ‘I can imagine that others: ‘Some people started ‘Have you been ‘Where do you stay
social support you are frightened ‘How about taking to drink to overcome involved with the at this moment?’
and stressed? revenge on those depression and justice system? ‘Are you staying
Some people may small people? anxiety. Do you have Do you drive? Can alone?’
want to give up. How about the such problems? you tell me more ‘Do you get any
Do you have other people?’ How is your sleep at about your driving support from
thought of ending night?’ record?’ others?’
your life?’
14 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
A. Establish A1. ‘What is A2. ‘She is off duty A3. Acknowledge his A4. ‘In the meantime, I A5. ‘I am here to
rapport your now. Can I pass a eagerness to see was asked by Eva to help you. I want to
relationship message to her?’ Eva but no false talk to you?’ hear your views in
with Eva?’ promise. your own words.’
B. Delusion of B1. Onset: B2. Precipitant: B3. Evidence: ‘How B4. Intensity: ‘From a B5. Shake his
love ‘When did Eva ‘What happened do you know that scale of 1–10 (1 = delusion: ‘Based
start to love before that?’ Eva loves you?’ unlikely, 10 = very on the information
you?’ likely), can you tell provided, Eva only
me how likely that met you once.
Eva loves you?’ How can you be so
certain that she
likes you? Is there
any other
C. Other C1. Mood: ‘How C2. Biological C3. Grandiose C4. Hallucinations/ C5. Substance
symptoms do you feel at symptoms: thought: passivity: misuse:
and this moment? Sleep ‘When compared to ‘Do you hear voices? ‘Do you use any
substance Can you tell me Appetite sexual the others, are you Are you in control in recreational drugs?
misuse more about drive, sexual superior? How yourself?’ How about
your mood?’ activity, and would you feel if alcohol?’
unprotected sex Eva rejects you?’
‘Besides Eva, have
you made a lot of
new friends lately?’
D. Risk D1. Explore the D2. ‘What are you D3. Risk on Eva: D4. Self-harm: D5. Risk to others:
assessment bag: going to do with the ‘Do you know where ‘Do you have thought ‘If someone stops
‘What is inside knife?’ Inform the Eva stays? of harming yourself?’ you from seeing
your bag?’ examiner that you Have you followed Eva, what would
Mr. P: ‘There is will call in the her before? you do?’
a knife inside’. security to disarm Have you sent e-mail
the patient. to her?’
E. Background E1. Forensic E2. Occupational E3. Social history: E4. Relationship E5. Willingness for
history history: history: ‘Where do you stay history: treatment:
‘Were you ‘Are you employed at this moment?’ ‘Can you tell me more ‘I can imagine that
involved with at this moment?’ ‘Are you staying about your you are quite
the justice ‘May I know the alone?’ relationship in the stressed when
system before?’ nature of your past?’ searching for Eva,
work?’ can I offer you
some help such as
Descriptive Psychopathology 15
The main classification systems in use at the time of writing • Black bile. melancholic (considerate, creative,
are as follows: kind)—cold and dry
• Phlegm. phlegmatic (affectionate, dependable,
• Mental and behavioural disorders of the kind)—cold and moist
International Classification of Diseases, 10th
edn. (ICD-10) of the World Health Organization
(WHO), published in 1992 2.1.3 Cullen
• The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
William Cullen (1710–1790) of Edinburgh published a clas-
Mental Disorders, 4th edn., text revision (DSM-
sification of diseases that was widely used in the English-
IV-TR) of the American Psychiatric Association
speaking world (Doig et al., 1993). His classification of the
(APA), published in 2000
neuroses was fourfold:
18 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
26 Revision Notes in Psychiatry Bobo Doll Experiments e. A model who appears to be like the observer
Albert Bandura (1925–present) is a Canadian psychol- In contrast, unsuccessful observational learning
ogist (working at Stanford, United States) who carried is more likely to occur in association with the
out the Bobo doll experiments. (Bobo dolls are inflat- following factors:
able, balloon-like objects, shaped like eggs, which a. Low arousal (e.g. sleepiness)
bob back up after being knocked down, owing to the b. Overarousal
presence of extra weighting in the dolls’ ‘bottoms’.) c. The presence of distracting stimuli
Bandura made a film of one of his female students ver- 2. Retention.
bally and physically attacking a Bobo doll, including 3. Reproduction. The translation of what has been
hitting it with a hammer. This film was then shown to remembered into behaviour.
groups of kindergartners. The children liked the film 4. Motivation. See Section 3.1.6.
and when let out to play in an area containing a new
Bobo doll and some toy hammers, they proceeded ver-
bally and physically to imitate the actions of the young
3.1.5 Cognitive Learning
woman in Bandura’s film. Definition
Bandura pointed out that a change in behaviour The notion of a mental model of reality is central to the
in the children had occurred without rewards being cognitive approach to psychology. Cognition involves the
received for approximations to the new behaviour. He reception, organization, and utilization of information.
termed this phenomenon, which was clearly differed Cognitive learning is an active form of learning in which
from classical and operant learning, observational mental cognitive structures (cognitive maps) are formed.
learning or modelling; his theory is referred to as These allow mental images to be formed, which allow
social learning theory. meaning and structure to be given to the internal and
To deal with the criticism that a Bobo doll is made external environment.
to be hit, Bandura repeated the Bobo doll experiments,
this time substituting a live clown for the doll. Again, the Mechanisms
children imitated the actions of the young woman, to the
Cognitive learning can occur in the following ways:
extent of kicking and punching a live clown and hitting
him with (toy) hammers.
• Insight learning—the learning occurs appar-
ently out of the blue, because of an understand- Optimal Conditions for ing of the relationship between various elements
Observational Learning relevant to a problem.
1. The subject sees that the behaviour observed is • Latent learning—cognitive learning takes
being reinforced. place but is not manifested except in certain
2. Perceived similarity—the subject must believe circumstances such as the need to satisfy a
that they can emit the response necessary to basic drive.
obtain reinforcement (self-efficacy). Assimilation Theory
The assimilation theory of cognitive learning is based on Steps Involved in the Modelling Process the following concepts:
According to Bandura (1973), the following steps are
involved in the modelling process: 1. Learning in humans is influenced by prior
1. Attention. Successful observational learning is 2. Human learning is manifested by a change in
more likely to occur in association with the fol- the meaning of experience rather than a purely
lowing factors: behavioural change.
a. Optimal arousal 3. Those involved in teaching should help their
b. An attractive model students reflect on their experiences.
c. A prestigious model 4. Those involved in teaching should construct
d. A colourful and dramatic model new meanings.
28 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
exposure techniques is to reduce the discomfort associ- difficulties and in the therapy of patients suffering from
ated with the eliciting stimuli through habituation. psychoactive substance use disorder.
For example, Vaughan and Tarrier (1992) have For example, Preston et al. (2001) have used shaping to
described the use of image habituation training in the attempt to bring about cocaine abstinence by successive
therapy of patients suffering from post-traumatic stress approximation. Cocaine-using methadone-maintenance
disorder. Image habituation training involved the genera- patients were randomized to standard contingency man-
tion by the patient of verbal descriptions of the traumatic agement (abstinence group of size 49) or to a contingency
event, which were recorded onto audiotape. After the designed to increase contact with reinforcers (shap-
initial training session with the therapist, homework ses- ing group of size 46). For 8 weeks, both groups earned
sions of self-directed exposure in which the patient visu- escalating-value vouchers based on thrice-weekly urinaly-
alized the described event in response to listening to the ses: the abstinence group earned vouchers for cocaine-
audiotape recordings were carried out. There were sig- negative urines only; the shaping group earned vouchers
nificant decreases in anxiety between and within home- for each urine specimen with a 25% or greater decrease in
work sessions, suggesting that habituation did occur and cocaine metabolite (during the first 3 weeks) and then for
was responsible for improvement. Treatment gains were negative urines only (during the final 5 weeks). Cocaine
maintained at 6 month follow-up. use was found to be lower in the shaping group but only
in the last 5 weeks, when the response requirement was Chaining identical. Thus, the shaping contingency appeared to bet-
In (response) chaining, the components of a more com- ter prepare patients for abstinence. (A second phase of the
plex desired behaviour are first taught and then connected study showed that abstinence induced by escalating-value
in order to teach the latter. Chaining may be conceptual- vouchers can be maintained by a nonescalating schedule,
ized in the following two different ways: suggesting that contingency management can be practical
as a maintenance treatment.)
1. Responses function as discriminative stimuli for
subsequent responses. Cueing
2. Responses produce stimuli that function as dis- Cueing is the process of helping the learner to focus their
criminative stimuli for subsequent responses. attention on the important or relevant stimuli to render
the essential learning characteristics distinct from the
Chaining can be used in, for example, people with learning other stimuli; it consists of any action that separates fig-
difficulties. Thvedt et al. (1984) described studied stimu- ure from ground (see succeeding text). The use of cue-
lus functions in chaining. Twenty-four adults with learn- ing can decrease learning times. For example, in reading
ing difficulties learned a chain of circuit board assembly matter and pictorial presentations, visual cues can be
responses consisting of placing resistors in the board and given using any of the following strategies:
pressing switches. Lights came on after switch responses.
After learning the chain, each subject was exposed to • Highlighting
three experimental conditions (counterbalanced): • Underlining
• Arrows
• Altered stimulus location • Contrasting colours
• Altered stimulus sequence • Animation
• Missing stimulus • Explosions
• Implosions
This study lent some support for the second conceptual • Bordering
position given earlier (i.e. that responses produce stimuli • Texture
that function as discriminative stimuli for subsequent • Novelty
responses). • Size
• Labelling Shaping
In shaping, successively closer approximations to the A famous example is that of Clever Hans. Hans was
desired behaviour are reinforced in order to achieve the a horse, belonging to Mr. Wilhelm von Osten, which
latter. It finds application clinically in the management appeared capable of carrying out a range of intellec-
of behavioural disturbances in people with learning tual tasks normally associated with humans, such as the
30 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multipli- better prognosis was associated with higher social class
cation, and division of natural numbers and fractions; and older age, and poorer prognosis with single marital
reading; and spelling. Answers were communicated by status. There were no variations in outcome for age in the
means of tapping out the answer with one of his feet. For control group. In the age range 20–40 years, escape con-
example, if asked to calculate ‘2 + 3’, Clever Hans would ditioning did not show better results than conventional
tap his foot five times and then stop. Pfungst (1907/1911), therapies, but with subjects above this age range, it was
in conjunction with the Berlin psychologist Carl Stumpf, significantly superior.
designed a set of experiments that showed that Clever
Hans was, in fact, being cued to give the correct answer Avoidance Conditioning
by the questioner. The questioner, consciously or uncon- As mentioned earlier, in avoidance conditioning, the ani-
sciously, would provide Clever Hans with visual cues, mal learns to avoid an unpleasant or punishing stimulus
such as subtle changes in facial expression and posture. by making a new response. For example, rodents can be
For example, in the earlier example, as Clever Hans trained to avoid electric shocks by pressing a button.
reached five foot taps, he could pick up visual cues show- Like escape conditioning, avoidance conditioning is a
ing how the tension in the questioner was rising. As soon form of negative reinforcement, in which the reinforce-
as the fifth tap was executed, the sense of relief in the ment is getting away from an aversive stimulus. Avoidance
questioner was also apparent in visual cues, and the horse conditioning may be considered to be a special case of
knew this was when to stop tapping. operant conditioning under intermittent reinforcement.
A clinical example of the therapeutic use of cueing is in Avoidance conditioning, and indeed also escape con-
unilateral neglect, following a cerebral lesion. Robertson ditioning, may be used in the treatment of enuresis. For
et al. (1992) based their therapeutic intervention on the example, Hansen (1979) described a twin-signal device
experimental finding that limb activation contralateral to that provided both escape and avoidance conditioning in
a cerebral lesion appears to reduce visual neglect. (There enuresis control.
is controversy as to whether this is the result of percep-
tual cueing or of hemispheric activation.) In the treatment Self-Control Therapy
of unilateral left neglect, Robertson et al. (1992) found Bandura helped to develop the therapeutic technique of
that treatment focused on cueing for left arm activation, self-control therapy, based on concepts of self-regulation.
without explicit instructions for perceptual anchoring, It may be used as part of a treatment package for the ces-
gave positive results. sation of smoking, in countering overeating, and in help-
ing students to improve their ability to study. Escape Conditioning The components are as follows:
As mentioned earlier, in escape conditioning, the animal
learns to escape from an unpleasant or punishing stimu- 1. Behavioural charts. This involves keeping a
lus by making a new response. For example, rodents can record of one’s behaviour based on self-obser-
be trained to escape from electric shocks by pressing vation. For example, in attempting to improve
a button. study habits prior to an examination, a student
It is a form of negative reinforcement, in which the may make a record of how much time is spent
reinforcement is getting away from an aversive stimulus. studying each day, how many books are (re)
It is a special form of operant conditioning, consisting read, and how many past or sample examina-
of a conditioning procedure in which successive occur- tion papers are fully attempted. Such a record
rences of a response repeatedly terminate a negative rein- could be graphical or in the form of a behav-
forcing stimulus. ioural diary. In the case of the latter, further rel-
Escape conditioning may be used in the treatment evant details should be noted, which may offer
of alcoholism. For example, Glover and McCue (1977) insight into cues associated with the desired
found that a group of patients with alcoholism, when (or undesired) behaviour, for example, the stu-
treated with partially reinforced electric escape condi- dent may find that they accomplish more when
tioning, had a significantly better outcome on follow-up in a library compared with being at home and
than a control group who showed a parallel level of moti- accomplish least when in a room with a televi-
vation and were treated by conventional methods. No sex sion switched on.
differences in outcome were found for either group. In 2. Environmental planning. Based on the behavioural
the experimental group treated with escape conditioning, chart and diary, changes to one’s environment
Basic Psychology 31
from home places significant pressure on teenage boys Auditory and Visual Hallucinations
with mild or definite subnormality, possibly precipitating Related to Bereavement in the Caribbean
the phenomenon at this age in this sex. Although malin- Long-lasting auditory and visual hallucinations may occur in
gering had to be considered as a possible explanation in individuals living in, or originally from, the Caribbean, follow-
many cases owing to the circumstances of the evaluation, ing the death of a relative, such that these auditory and visual
short-term and long-term follow-up on a limited sample phenomena may not be pathognomonic of mental disorder. An
allowed this explanation to be dismissed in a significant example is given in a case report by Boran and Viswanathan
number of cases. They therefore suggested that these noc- (2000) relating to an American patient originally from Jamaica:
turnal hallucinations are a culture-specific phenomenon.
Mrs. G, a 28-year-old woman who was eight weeks preg-
nant, was hospitalized on an obstetrics-gynaecology unit of Isolated Sleep Paralysis with Visual a university hospital with a diagnosis of mild hyperemesis
Hallucinations among Nigerian Students gravidarum. The patient had no prior psychiatric history,
Ohaeri et al. (1992) reported the results of a cross-sectional including no history of alcohol or substance abuse, and no
study of the pattern of isolated sleep paralysis among the significant medical history. She lived with her mother and
sister. A psychiatric consultation was requested because
entire population of nursing students at the Neuropsychiatric
the patient had auditory and visual hallucinations.
Hospital in Abeokuta, Nigeria, consisting of 58 males and
37 females. Forty-four percentage of the students (both male The patient was hearing someone knocking at the door
and female) admitted having experienced this phenomenon. and was seeing a man sitting in the chair next to her bed
when there was nobody else in the room. When asked
The findings largely supported the results of a similar study
about the hallucinations, she said that she and her family
of Nigerian medical students, except that there was a slight believed that after death the spirit of the dead person was
male preponderance among those who had the experience. still among them. If the dead one was somebody who
Visual hallucination was the most common perceptual prob- had always helped them in difficult moments of their
lem associated with the episodes, and all the affected sub- life, then he or she continued to do so by ‘showing up’
jects were most distressed by the experience. The popular, and being of comfort. Such was ‘Uncle Pete’, the man the
culturally sanctioned, view in Africa is that this distress state patient saw when she was admitted, and who appeared to
associated with visual phenomena is caused by witchcraft. the family on several other difficult occasions.
Mrs. G’s mental status examination was unremarkable Mu-Ghayeb except for the hallucinations. The medical workup did not
reveal any organic causes for her symptoms. She showed
Mu-Ghayeb is a traditional bereavement reaction that no distress or impairment of functioning as a result of the
occurs in Oman following a sudden unexpected death. The belief. With the patient’s permission, we spoke to her mother
deceased relative or friend may be seen as an unearthly and sister by telephone. They reported that Uncle Pete had
figure at night. During the daytime, the deceased may be also appeared to them and confirmed that neither Mrs. G
seen, normally clothed, in circumstances that are difficult nor others in the family had any prior psychiatric history.
to authenticate, for instance, sitting in a motor vehicle The nurse assigned by the medical staff to watch the
that passes by at speed. These visual phenomena are con- patient in the hospital also told the psychiatric consultant
sistent with the belief in traditional Omani society that about her own family spirit, who was similar to Uncle
after such a sudden untimely ‘death’, the ‘deceased’ con- Pete in many ways. The patient and the nurse were both
tinue to be alive; they are expected to be resurrected to from Jamaica and came to the United States with their
a strange, ghostly existence, with nocturnal wanderings families as children. The patient’s symptoms were deter-
mined to be culturally based beliefs, and there was no
and interleaved episodes of sleeping naked in caves dur-
evidence of psychosis. No psychiatric sequelae appeared
ing the day. This belief in the return of the dead persists in the patient’s subsequent hospital course.
even after an elaborate ritual of burial and a prescribed
period of mourning. The deceased are expected to leave
the grave after burial and join their families when the 3.3 INFORMATION PROCESSING
spell placed on them by a sorcerer is broken or counter- AND ATTENTION
acted. Although the Mu-Ghayeb belief is inconsistent
3.3.1 Information Processing
with their Islamic religion, this culture-specific response
to bereavement may be explained in terms of sudden and Information processing is concerned with the way in
untimely death, which used to be rife in the seafaring which external signals arriving at the sense organs are
Omani society (Al-Adawi et al., 1997). converted into meaningful perceptual experiences.
Basic Psychology 35 Encoding/Registration
3.3.2 Attention
This is the transformation of physical information into a
Attention is an intensive process in which information code that memory can accept.
selection takes place. Types include the following: Storage
• Selective/focused attention—one type of infor-
mation is attended to while additional distract- This is the retention of encoded information. According
ing information is ignored, for example, cocktail to the multistore model of Atkinson and Shriffrin (1968),
party effect. In dichotic listening studies in which has now been superseded, memory storage can be
which subjects attend to one channel, evidence considered to be made up of
indicates that the unattended channel is still
being processed and the listener can switch rap- • Sensory memory
idly if appropriate. • Short-term memory
• Divided attention—at least two sources of infor- • Long-term memory
mation are attended simultaneously. Performance
is inefficient. Loss of performance is called dual- This modal model is shown in Figure 3.4.
task interference.
• Sustained attention—the environment is moni- Retrieval
tored over a long period of time. Performance This is the recovery of information from memory when
deteriorates with time. needed.
Iconic Rehearsal/
Environmental transfer
input Recoding Short-term Long-term
. .
. . process memory memory
. . Retrieval
Haptic response
FIGURE 3.4 The multistore modal model of memory. (After Atkinson, R.C. and Shriffrin, R.M., Human memory: A proposed
system and its control processes, in Spence, K.W. and Spence, J.T. (eds.), The Psychology of Learning and Memory, Vol. 2,
Academic Press, New York, 1968, pp. 90–191.)
36 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
3.4.2 Influences upon Memory effortful than for short-term memory. Some motivation is
required to encode information into long-term memory.
According to the multistore modal model, sensory mem- Schizophrenia and depression affect memory at this level.
ory has a large capacity; sensory information is retained
here in an unprocessed form in peripheral receptors.
Sensory memory is a very short-lived (fade time 0.5 s) 3.4.3 Optimal Conditions for Encoding,
trace of the sensory input. Visual input is briefly retained Storage, and Retrieval of Information
as a mental image called an icon; this is known as an
iconic memory. The sensory memory for auditory infor- Encoding/Registration
mation is called an echoic memory, while that for infor- Conrad (1964) showed that confusion occurs between
mation from touch is called a haptic memory. Sensory acoustically similar letters presented against background
memory is considered to give an accurate account of the noise. For example, the letter P is more likely to be incor-
environment as experienced by the sensory system. It rectly recalled as V (which is acoustically similar) than as
holds a representation of the stimulus so that parts of it the letter R (which is visually similar). Baddeley (1966a)
can be attended to, processed, and transferred into more then went on to demonstrate that acoustically similar
permanent memory stores. words are also more difficult to recall immediately (a
Those aspects of sensory information that are the test of short-term memory) than are semantically simi-
object of active attention are transferred into a tempo- lar words. For example, the sequence rat, mat, cat, cap
rary working memory called the short-term memory. (which is acoustically similar) is more difficult to recall
Encoding is mainly acoustic; visual encoding rapidly immediately than the sequence large, big, huge, grand
fades. This is the memory used temporarily to hold a (which is semantically similar). However, in a test of long-
telephone number, for example, until dialled. It is lost in term memory, Baddeley (1966b) found a semantic simi-
20 s unless rehearsed. Short-term (primary or working) larity effect rather than a phonological similarity effect.
memory consists of a small finite number (seven ± two) of So, in terms of the parameters studied, it appeared that
registers that can be filled only by data entering one at a encoding or registration for short-term memory is better
time. According to the displacement principle, when the for semantically similar word sequences than for phono-
registers are full, the addition of a new datum leads to the logically (acoustically) similar words, while encoding or
displacement and loss of an existing one. The probability registration for long-term memory is better for phono-
of correctly recalling an item of information is greater if logically (acoustically) similar word sequences than for
it is one of the first items to be encountered, even if more semantically similar words.
than seven items have been presented; this is known as Semantic encoding has been shown to aid short-term
the primacy effect. Similarly, the recency effect refers to memory in respect of trigrams (three-letter sequences).
the finding that the probability of correctly recalling an Increased memory span has been demonstrated for
item of information is increased if it is one of the most meaningful trigrams, such as CNN, CIA, NBC, than for
recent items to be encountered. Those items having an meaningless trigrams, such as AUM, GLB, CDX (Bower
intermediate serial position are least likely to be recalled and Springston, 1970).
accurately, and this overall phenomenon is referred to With respect to iconic memory encoding, a preced-
as the serial position effect. Whereas the recency effect ing or subsequent visual sensory presentation of data at a
can be accounted for in terms of the comparatively short similar energy level (i.e. brightness) to that of the index
interval of time elapsing before recall, the primary effect presentation leads to a masking of the index presentation
is more difficult to explain and may be caused by greater so that it is not registered. The term for this phenomenon
rehearsal of these first items. Retrieval from short-term is energy masking and occurs at the level of the retina.
memory is considered to be effortless and error free. Another form of masking that has been described is pat-
Rehearsal is not as necessary in approximately 5% of tern masking, in which the preceding or subsequent visual
children possessing a photographic memory, known in presentation is of data visually similar to that of the index
psychology as eidetic imagery, in whom a detailed visual presentation. Pattern masking occurs at a deeper level of
image can be retained for over half a minute. visual information processing than the retinal level. The
Long-term memory stores information more or deduction of the relative depth of level of visual process-
less permanently and theoretically may have unlim- ing at which energy masking and pattern masking occur
ited capacity, although there may be limitations on followed from the finding that whereas the former can
retrieval. Input and retrieval take longer and are more only take place when the index presentation and the
Basic Psychology 37
masking presentation are both to the same eye, the latter According to the model, a continuous distraction pro-
can take place even when the index presentation is to one cedure, such as counting backward between the presen-
eye and the corresponding masking presentation is to the tation of items such as unrelated words, should prevent
other eye (Turvey, 1973). With respect to rapidly chang- the subject from rehearsing the items and should replace
ing picture presentations, it appears to take about 100 ms these items in short-term memory. However, in practice,
for a scene to be understood and no longer be susceptible the serial position curve shows both a primacy effect
to ordinary visual masking and a further 300 ms or so to and a recency effect under such circumstances (Tzeng,
no longer be susceptible to conceptual masking (e.g. from 1973). There also does not appear to be a positive (or
a succeeding picture representation) (Potter, 1976). negative) relationship between the amount of rehearsal
So far, as the registration of two auditory stimuli is of presented items and how well they are recalled from
concerned, experiments in which two sounds are pre- short-term memory (Craik and Watkins, 1973; Glenberg
sented to subjects and in which the just noticeable inter- et al., 1977).
val between noise pulses is compared with the level of Gillund and Shiffrin (1981) found that the free recall
second noise pulse demonstrate that confusion occurs of complex pictures was better than that of words. Many
between the echoic image of the first auditory presenta- further studies have confirmed a picture superiority
tion and the onset of the second auditory presentation, effect. In general, pictures are remembered and recalled
unless either a sufficient time interval is allowed for the better than words, and nonverbal information storage of
echoic image of the first presentation to fade before pre- pictures and designs is found to be more stable over a
senting the second stimulus or increasing the volume of period of hours and days than is the storage of words (e.g.
the second stimulus (Plomp, 1964). Hart and O’Shanick, 1993). Simple pictures appear to be
As with visual masking (see aforementioned), bin- better remembered than complex pictures; the asymmet-
aural masking has also been demonstrated. A masking ric confusability effect is manifested in the finding that
sound presented soon after an index sound interferes with there is a greater accuracy in recognition testing of same
detection; this interference is greater when both stimuli versus changed stimulus in simple rather than complex
are presented to the same ear than when the masking pictures (Pezdek and Chen, 1982).
sound is presented to the contralateral ear following the
presentation of the index auditory stimulus (Deatherage Retrieval
and Evans, 1969). Retrieval of information from the long-term memory
In studies of auditory encoding of stimuli and their is error prone but is improved if the information being
serial position, a suffix effect occurs. This refers to the audi- stored is organized. Hierarchical organization is particu-
tory encoding error that occurs when there is a categorical larly useful in this regard, perhaps because it improves
similarity between the penultimate and ultimate speech- the search process within long-term memory (Bower
like sounds heard (Crowder, 1971; Ayres et al., 1979). et al., 1969).
Elaborating meaning appears to improve encoding of Another optimal condition for retrieval of information
the written word. For instance, your encoding of the text is to arrange that the context within which the informa-
of each of the remaining chapters of this book is likely to tion is to be retrieved is similar to that within which it
be better if you look at some questions specifically related was encoded (Estes, 1972).
to these chapters before reading each of them. (Suitable
questions may be found in the companion books of mul-
tiple choice questions [MCQs] and extended matching 3.4.4 Memory Information Processing
items [EMIs].) When you read the actual chapters after Primary Working Memory
being primed with the need to search for the answers, Storage Capacity
you are more likely to elaborate parts of each of these
Working memory refers to the temporary storage of
chapters and encode the information better (Frase, 1975;
information in connection with performing other, more
Anderson, 1980).
complex, tasks (Baddeley, 2007). In the multistore
modal model of memory, it is the short-term memory (or Storage short-term store) that acts as a key working memory sys-
One of many examples of findings that are not consistent tem to allow information to transfer into the long-term
with the multistore modal model of memory is that of the memory (or long-term store) and thereby allow learning
finding of positive recency effects in delayed free recall. to take place.
38 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
the subject articulating the names of those objects.) The Episodic Memory
phonological loop is held to provide the basis for digit Episodic memory is an aspect of long-term/secondary
span. In particular, the number of items retained in the memory that refers to the memory for events. It provides
digit span is believed to be a function of both the rate of a continually changing and updated record of autobio-
fading of the memory trace in the phonological loop and graphical material (Tulving, 1972).
the rate of refreshing of memory traces by means of sub-
vocal articulation. The size of the storage capacity can be Skills Memory
reduced in the following ways:
Skills memory, or procedural memory, is an aspect
of long-term/secondary memory that supports skilled
• The phonological similarity effect—trying to
remember items with similar sounding names.
• Presenting irrelevant spoken material—this
gains access to the store and corrupts the mem- Other Aspects of Long-Term/
ory trace. Secondary Memory
• The word length effect—as the length of the Ryle (1949) distinguished between procedural knowl-
words increases, the memory span decreases, edge and declarative knowledge; whereas the former
presumably because of the longer time required referred to knowledge that supported the perfor-
for longer words to be rehearsed, leading to a mance of tasks, the latter referred to factual knowl-
greater probability of memory trace decay. edge. Tulving (1985) distinguished between autonoetic
• Articulatory suppression—requiring a subject awareness (or remembering) and noetic awareness (or
repeatedly to articulate an irrelevant speech knowing).
sound that interferes with subvocal rehearsal.
Abstract concepts refer to abstract ideas, such as hon- Syllogisms are based on pairs of statements or prem-
esty, integrity, and justice. Concepts of activities include ises, each of which contains one quantifier, such as
drinking, walking, and cycling.
• The universal quantifier (‘for all’), denoted by ∀ Prototypes • Some
Prototypes are idealized forms. For instance, the proto- • The existential quantifier (‘there exist(s)’),
typical book might be considered to have the shape of denoted by ∃
this book with a front cover having a title; a back cover;
multiple pages in between the covers mostly containing Multiply quantified inferences are based on statements or
printed words arranged into sentences, paragraphs, sub- premises that contain more than quantifier. (Such state-
sections, sections, and chapters; some diagrams inter- ments in turn can be converted into sets of statements
spersed among the words; a title page and list of contents that each contain only one quantifier.)
at the beginning; and an index at the end of the pages. The arithmetic symbols used in formal reasoning
According to the prototype theory, the acquisition of pro- statements can be reduced to just three:
totypes occurs through repeated exposure.
• The zero symbol, denoted by 0
3.5.2 Reasoning • The successor symbol, denoted by ′
• The addition symbol, denoted by + Deductive Reasoning
This is reasoning based on deduction, the domains of
In addition, it is convenient to include
which include
Relational inferences are based on relations such as ∀x0 ∃x1 (x1 · x1) = x0
The only model containing all three chapters that is con- Consider the following (correct) equations:
sistent with these statements is
• 1=1
Social psychology • 1+2=3
Social sciences • 1 + 2 + 22 = 7
Schizophrenia • 1 + 2 + 22 + 23 = 15
• 1 + 2 + 22 + 23 + 24 = 31
So the answer to the question is that the chapter on • 1 + 2 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 = 63
schizophrenia comes after the chapter on social psychol-
ogy. There is just one model corresponding to the state- Consider the values of the positive integers (whole num-
ments, and the problem has a valid answer, and so this bers) on the right-hand side of each equation. We have
is known as a one-model problem with a valid answer.
Now, consider the following problem: • 1 = 2 − 1 = 21 − 1
• 3 = 22 − 1
• The chapter on schizophrenia comes after the • 7 = 23 − 1
chapter on social psychology. • 15 = 24 − 1
• The chapter on social sciences comes after the • 31 = 25 − 1
chapter on social psychology. • 63 = 26 − 1
• What is the positional relationship between the
chapter on schizophrenia and the chapter on So here we have the following pattern that appears to be
social sciences? emerging:
There are now two models containing all three chapters 1 + 2 + 22 + 23 + + 2 n −1 = 2 n − 1 (3.1)
that are consistent with these statements:
So this means that Equation 3.1 is true when n = k + 1. to precise instructions in order to solve a given problem.
Therefore, k + 1 belongs to S. Hence, whenever the posi- For example, suppose you were to stop reading right now
tive integer k belongs to S, then k + 1 belongs to S. But we and take a pencil and paper and calculate the value of 22
know that 1 belongs to S. Hence, by inductive reasoning, divided by 7 to 3 decimal places, using long division. The
it follows that S must contain all positive integers. So the correct answer is 3.143. The method you used to carry out
formula shown in Equation 3.1, initially hypothesized on this calculation involved a mechanical use of the rules
just six instances, has been shown to hold for all positive of long division; no deep thought is required but, rather,
integers (infinite in number) by inductive reasoning. a simple adherence to the simple rules of this method
of problem solving. This is a characteristic feature of
3.5.3 Problem-Solving Strategies More precisely, an algorithm is any process that can Alternative Representations be carried out by a Turing machine. A Turing machine
is a simple, mechanical calculating device invented by
One method of problem solving is to represent the given
the British mathematician Alan Turing (1912–1954).
data in a different way. For example, we have seen two
At its most basic, a Turing machine can be imagined
different representations in the last two examples. In the
to be an infinitely long tape segmented into squares.
first of these, in which a problem relating to the rela-
Starting at any one square, the Turing machine can do
tive order of chapters of this book was set, a diagram-
the following:
matic representation was used, in which the data were,
as it were, visualized. In the most recent example, on the
1. Stop the computation
other hand, in which inductive reasoning was being used,
2. Move one square to the right
it was more convenient to use symbolic representation. In
3. Move one square to the left
a similar fashion, in elementary mathematics, problem-
4. Write S 0 to replace whatever is in the square
solving can also sometimes be carried out using a more
being scanned
geometric approach or a more algebraic approach.
5. Write S1 to replace whatever is in the square
being scanned Expertise
The way in which problems are represented by experts .
tends to differ from the representations used by inexperi- .
enced people. For instance, the way in which the reader n + 4. Write Sn to replace whatever is in the square
(assumed to be clinically competent and qualified) might being scanned
diagnose a central nervous system lesion in a patient would
likely be different and more efficient (and more likely to be This may seem, at first sight, to be a rather primitive
correct) than the methods employed by relatively inexperi- machine that can only handle addition and subtraction,
enced third-year medical students; the recall of the patient say. In fact, however, it can carry out multiplication, divi-
symptoms and signs would also tend to be better for the sion, and the calculation of square roots and other power
reader. In particular, compared with a beginner, an expert’s functions. Indeed, it may be the case that, in principle, a
memory would tend to have more potential representations Turing machine can carry out any calculation that a pow-
of the problem that he or she can draw upon to solve it. erful modern supercomputer can.
Experts are also more likely to be able to invoke heuristics
(see succeeding text) that are not available to novices.
3.5.5 Heuristics Computer Simulation As mentioned earlier, heuristics are strategies that can
Computer simulations may be used to study the way in be applied to problems and that often give the correct
which representations and heuristics are employed in answer (or ‘goal state’) more quickly than simple algo-
problem solving. rithms; they are not guaranteed to work, however. Such
heuristic techniques are not usually available to nov-
ices, whereas experts can access these during problem-
3.5.4 Algorithms
solving. As an example, at one stage of his career, the
In a general sort of way, an algorithm consists of a specific author of this chapter had cause to devise a method of
sequence of steps that need to be carried out according accurately quantifying cerebral ventricular volumes in
44 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
serial magnetic resonance scans that had been accu- The study of traits has a long history. Aristotle (in his
rately matched using a subvoxel registration, a feat Nicomachean Ethics of the fourth century BCE) regarded
that had not hitherto been accomplished. A heuristic determinants of moral and immoral behaviour to include the
of the type ‘consider an analogous problem that you following phenomena, which we might regard as being traits:
know you can solve’ was used first, and then this solu-
tion was generalized to allow the required equations to • Cowardice
be arrived at. • Modesty
• Vanity
3.6 FACTORS AFFECTING PERSONALITY As mentioned in Chapter 2, the Greek physician Galen
3.6.1 Derivation of Nomothetic of Pergamum (Greek: Claudios Galenos; Latin: Claudius
Galenus) regarded the four Hippocratic humours as form-
and Idiographic Theories
ing the basis for his four temperaments:
The terms nomothetic and idiographic in respect of the
study of people were introduced by Wilhelm Windelband, • Choleric
the German philosopher who taught at Heidelberg and initi- • Melancholic
ated axiological neo-Kantianism. He distinguished between • Phlegmatic
the study of whole populations (the nomothetic approach) • Sanguine
and the study of individuals (the idiographic approach).
The nomothetic approach to personality considers that The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804)
personality theory should be at least partly based on the placed these four temperaments along the following two
study of the common features and differences between dimensions:
people. For instance, personality has been defined by
Wiggins (1979) as being • Activity
• Feelings
…that branch of psychology which is concerned with
providing a systematic account of the ways in which Thus, a choleric temperament corresponded to strong
individuals differ from one another. activity, and a phlegmatic temperament corresponded to
weak activity. Similarly, a sanguine temperament corre-
In contrast, the idiographic approach attempts to gain sponded to strong feelings, and a melancholic tempera-
an understanding of personality in the context of each ment corresponded to weak feelings.
individual’s unique existence. According to Tyrer and The German physiologist and psychologist Wilhelm
Ferguson (2000), Wundt (1832–1920), whom most regard as the father of
experimental psychology, superimposed the following
The idiographic approach focuses on the uniqueness of
two dimensions on the four temperaments:
the individual and as such can provide a rich, multifac-
eted description of subtle areas of personal attributes
and behaviour. Numerous strands are brought together • Strong versus weak emotions
to build up a portrait which cannot be confused with any • Changeable (or rapid changes) versus unchange-
other. The case history is the most obvious example and able activity (or slow changes)
has been used with effect to describe processes, which
can then be generalized to explain similar psychological Thus, a choleric temperament was unstable (strong emotion)
mechanisms in others. and changeable (rapid changes); a melancholic tempera-
ment was unstable and unchangeable; a phlegmatic tem-
An influential early proponent of the idiographic approach perament was stable (weak emotions) and unchangeable;
was Gordon Willard Allport (1937), but the nomothetic and a sanguine temperament was stable and changeable.
approach has prevailed. A major impetus was given to the scientific study of
the trait approach to personality research by develop-
ments in statistical techniques, particularly the use of
3.6.2 Trait and State Approaches
systematic collection of data and the discovery of cor-
Traits are ‘broad, enduring, relatively stable characteristics relational and factor analytic techniques. Cattell et al.
used to assess and explain behaviour’ (Hirschberg, 1978). (1970) have developed the Sixteen Personality Factor
Basic Psychology 45
• Extraversion (i.e. extraversion vs. introversion) In contrast to traits, which refer to stable phenomena
• Neuroticism related to behaviour and ideas relating to enduring dis-
• Psychoticism positions, states are unstable short-term features of the
individual. An example of a state variable is a temporary
The first two of these dimensions were derived by Eysenck short-term feeling of anxiety in someone who normally
(1944) following the study of 700 soldiers in a military hos- scores highly on the extraversion dimension.
pital suffering from various ‘neurotic’ disorders and com- Trait and state approaches can be combined. For
plaints (such as ‘headaches’, ‘sex anomalies’, and ‘narrow example, Figure 3.6 shows a model (based on Michael
interests’). Extraversion is associated with traits such as Eysenck, 1982) of the adverse effects of anxiety
on information processing and performance; this
• Sociable model in turn is based on the more complex model of
• Lively Spielberger (1962).
46 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Trait anxiety
State anxiety Processing Performance
Subjective feelings of
Autonomic nervous system
FIGURE 3.6 Eysenck’s state–trait model showing the effects of anxiety on performance. (After Eysenck, M.W., Attention and
Arousal: Cognition and Performance, Springer, New York, 1982.) Roger’s Self Theory • Working hard at the tasks decided upon
Each individual has a drive to fulfil themselves and develop • Become fully absorbed and concentrate fully,
an ideal self within a phenomenal field of subjective experi- experiencing life as a child does
ence. The most important aspect of personality is the con- • Identifying one’s defences and giving them up
gruence between the individual’s view of himself or herself • Being prepared to try new things
and reality and their view of themselves compared with • Evaluate experiences personally without being
the ideal self. If an individual acts at variance to their own swayed by the opinions of others
self-image, anxiety, incongruence, and denial result. The • Being willing to be unpopular
congruent individual is able to grow (self-actualization) and
achieve their potential both internally and socially. 3.6.5 Psychoanalytic Approaches Maslow Behaviour and feelings are explained by unconscious
Abraham Maslow is considered to be another leading drives and conflicts. The id is held to be derived from
founder of the humanist approach. Maslow’s hierarchy of the libido. Irrational, impulsive instincts are unable to
needs is considered in Section 3.7.5. Transient episodes of postpone gratification and are present at birth. The ego
self-actualization have been termed peak experiences by develops as the child grows. A conscious mind bal-
Maslow (1970); they are described in terms such as ances the demands of the id with the realities of the
outside world. Anxiety results if ego is unable to con-
• Aliveness trol the energies of id. The superego comprises the
• Beauty internalization of the views of parents and society, like
• Effortlessness a conscience. The id, ego, and superego are in balance
• Goodness with each other.
• Perfection
• Self-sufficiency Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual
• Truth
• Uniqueness
• Wholeness Oral stage
Behaviours that Maslow (1967) considered that may lead • Age 3–5 years.
to self-actualization include • Genital interest relates to own sexuality. Oedipus/
Electra complex.
• Being honest • Failure to negotiate leads to hysterical person-
• Assuming responsibility ality traits: competitiveness and ambitiousness.
48 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
for several scales from the MMPI as follows (with their g. I find it hard to make talk when I meet new
abbreviations): people.
h. I frequently find myself worrying about
• Lie/social desirability (L) something.
• Frequency/distress (F)
Tyrer and Ferguson (2000) have made the following
• Correction/defensiveness (K)
• Hypochondriasis (Hs)
• Depression (D) …the individual scales … show a considerable degree
• Hysteria (Hy) of intercorrelation. The scales themselves have unfortu-
• Psychopathic deviancy (Pd) nately been labelled using standard psychiatric nosology
• Paranoia (Pa) (e.g. paranoia, schizophrenia and hypomania) which can
• Psychasthenia (Pt) lead to confusion with Axis I diagnosis. They should
• Schizophrenia (Sc) more properly be regarded as indicative of the presence
• Hypomania (Ma) of specific personality attributes. Although the MMPI
is currently used in candidate-selection procedures, its
• Social introversion–extraversion (Si)
principal value would appear to be in the study of clini-
• Masculinity–femininity (Mf) cally abnormal personalities where interpretation by an
experienced psychologist is required.
The first three of these scales are used for validity pur-
poses. They include the following statements: In addition to the problem of the intercorrelation of many
scales, another problem with the MMPI is that responses
may change over time. (This is a problem relating to reli-
1. L scale ability.) The same person taking the MMPI at baseline
a. Once in a while, I think of things too bad to and then a few days later may score differently overall
talk about. and on different scales.
b. At times, I feel like swearing.
c. I do not always tell the truth. CPI
d. Once in a while, I put off until tomorrow
The California Psychological Inventory or CPI employs
what I ought to do today.
some of the same statements as the MMPI. In the devel-
e. I would rather win than lose in a game.
opment of the CPI, the opinions of nonexperts, such as
f. I do not like everyone I know.
the peers of the test subjects, were used. The CPI is con-
2. F scale
structed to measure less ‘abnormal’ personality traits
a. Evil spirits possess me at times.
than the MMPI (in ‘normal’ people), such as
b. When I am with people, I am bothered by
hearing very queer things. • Dominance
c. My soul sometimes leaves my body. • Independence
d. Someone has been trying to poison me. • Responsibility
e. Someone has been trying to rob me. • Self-acceptance
f. Everything tastes the same. • Socialization
g. My neck spots with red often. • Flexibility
h. Someone has been trying to influence my • Masculinity/femininity
3. K scale In total, the CPI has over 450 (480 in one recent version)
a. Often, I can’t understand why I have been so true/false items, of which many (178 in the same recent
cross and grouchy. version) are from the MMPI, and yields 15 scales that
b. At times, my thoughts have raced ahead measure personality and three scales that are used to
faster than I could speak them. eliminate response bias. Overall, the CPI yields the fol-
c. Criticism or scolding hurts me terribly. lowing three broad vector scales:
d. I certainly feel useless at times.
e. I have never felt better in my life than I do • Internality/externality
now. • Norm favouring/norm questioning
f. What others think of me does not bother me. • Self-fulfilled/dispirited
50 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
The CPI was given to 13,000 individuals, and separate • The inventories only rarely allow an assessment
scores were obtained for males and females. The mean of the underlying reasons for the responses to
scores for each scale were obtained. The scores of sub- questions.
jects now taking the CPI can be compared with the mean • The responses depend on an accurate knowl-
scores for these original 13,000 individuals. edge, on the part of the subject, of their beliefs,
behaviour, abilities, and feelings. Other Inventories • The responses depend on a willingness, on the
Other personality inventories include part of the subject, to make known their beliefs,
behaviour, abilities, and feelings.
• Children’s Personality Questionnaire • Questionnaires are susceptible to contamination
• Differential Personality Inventory by reliability minor changes in the mental state
• Edwards Personality Inventory of the subject.
• Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) • The dimensions chosen by psychologists in cre-
• Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) ating questionnaires may be difficult to relate
• Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI) to personality disorder categories used by
• NEO Personality Inventory psychiatrists.
• Omnibus Personality Inventory
3.6.9 Rating Scales
The MPI was superseded by the EPI, which in turn was
superseded by the EPQ that measures psychoticism and There are several rating scales that may be used for the
contains a lie scale. assessment of personality disorder. The following are all
structured interview schedules. Limitations
There are several limitations on the use of personality SAP
inventories. These include the following: The Standardized Assessment of Personality or SAP is
carried out by a trained clinical interviewer. A person-
• There are limitations imposed by the cultural ality profile is obtained from an informant. An ICD-10
origins of the questionnaires. For example, in diagnosis is obtained.
assessing the answers to the MMPI and the
CPI, it needs to be borne in mind that these SCID II
questionnaires were created for American The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R
subjects. One of the statements on the F scale Personality Disorders or SCID II is carried out by a clini-
of the MMPI is that ‘Evil spirits possess me at cian and yields DSM diagnoses.
times’; in some cultures, it is accepted as per-
fectly normal that ‘evil spirits’ should ‘pos- SIDP
sess’ a person, while in other cultures, such The Structured Interview for DSM-III Personality
terminology might be normal but not to be Disorders or SIDP is carried out by a psychologist or psy-
taken literally. chiatrist and yields DSM-III-R diagnoses.
• Deliberate faking. Subjects may deliberately try
to come across as possessing (or not possessing) PAS
a particular personality trait. Lie scales are often The Personality Assessment Schedule or PAS yields five
included to try to detect for this. diagnostic categories:
• Questionnaires are susceptible to response
sets—subjects may exhibit a systematic ten- • Sociopathic
dency to respond to test questions. • Schizoid
• The inventories tend to have a low validity, par- • Passive dependent
ticularly in respect of predictive validity. • Anankastic
• A social desirability bias may occur, in which • Normal
subjects may have an unconscious tendency
to give socially desirable responses that make It assesses 24 dimensions of personality and should be
them look good. carried out by a trained clinical interviewer.
Basic Psychology 51 PDE was described by sorting this deck into piles correspond-
The Personality Disorder Examination or PDE yields ing to how closely the card descriptions were deemed to
DSM diagnoses. apply to the subject. The Q-sort schedule is designed to
apply across different individuals and over time, over IPDE different ages.
The International Personality Disorder Examination
for DSM-IV and ICD-10 personality disorders or IPDE 3.7 FACTORS AFFECTING MOTIVATION
is carried out by trained interviewers and covers DSM-
IV(-TR) and ICD-10 operational criteria. 3.7.1 Extrinsic Theories and Homeostasis
Theories based on instincts were replaced by a drive
3.6.10 Repertory Grid reduction theory in which the motivation of behaviour
is to reduce the level of arousal associated with a basic
George Kelly devised the repertory grid or role con- drive (biological drive, e.g. hunger and thirst) in order
struct repertory (REP) test. This grid assesses per- to maintain homeostatic control of the internal somatic
sonality based on an individual’s personal constructs. environment.
A typical grid might consist of 10 rows (excluding Hull developed a theory in which primary biological
rows containing headings), which need to be filled in drives are activated by needs that arise from homeostatic
by the subject. The subject begins by naming specific imbalance acting via brain receptors.
people who fit into given categories, such as a happy Mowrer developed the notion of secondary drives
person and a successful person. These form columns (e.g. anxiety), which result from generalization and
that cross the rows. Other columns correspond to conditioning.
other people, such as the subject’s father and mother,
the subject himself or herself, their children, and their
spouse or partner. There is now a grid of, say, 10 rows 3.7.2 Hypothalamic Systems and Satiety
and around 10 columns. On each row, three cells are An example of a primary biological drive is provided by
circled; no two rows contain the same three circles. hypothalamic systems and satiety. In rat experiments,
These correspond to three different individuals. Row the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus acts as a satiety
by row, the subject must now decide for the three indi- centre, with hyperphagia occurring if it is ablated, while
viduals concerned what description shows how two of the lateral hypothalamus contains a hunger centre, with
these three individuals are similar and how they dif- aphagia occurring if it is ablated.
fer from the third individual. The former description
is placed in a column (column 1) on the left-hand side
of the grid, while the latter description is similarly 3.7.3 Intrinsic Theories
placed in a column (column 2) on the right-hand side Whereas extrinsic theories require reduction of drive
of the grid. A code is used to fill in the circles (e.g. externally, intrinsic theories propose that the activity
1 for similarity, as in the column 1 description; 2 for engaged in has its own intrinsic reward.
difference, as in column 2; and 0 if neither column
1 nor column 2 applies). Then the rest of the grid is Optimal Arousal
filled in. There are many scoring systems available, An example is offered by optimal arousal, in which the
although the grid itself overall gives an indication of subject attains an optimal level of arousal to achieve opti-
how the subject views others. mal performance. In general, a moderate level of arousal
leads to an optimum degree of alertness and interest and
therefore to a comparatively high efficiency of perfor-
3.6.11 Q-Sort Schedule
mance. High and low arousals lead to reduced perfor-
This is an ipsative method, that is, one which compares mance and are described in the inverted U shape of the
alternatives within an individual, in which the rater (or Yerkes–Dodson curve.
coder) sorts statements into a standard distribution. Jack
Block (1961, 1971) used it in his research on childhood Cognitive Dissonance
development. A deck of cards was produced in which According to this theory, first formulated by Festinger,
each card contained a word or phrase. An individual discomfort occurs when two or more cognitions are held
52 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
but are inconsistent with each other. The individual is 3.8 FACTORS AFFECTING EMOTION
motivated to achieve cognitive consistency and may
change one or more of the cognitions. 3.8.1 Types of Emotion
An emotion is a mental feeling or affection having cogni- Attitude-Discrepant Behaviour tive, physiological, and social concomitants. Plutchik has
When attitude and behaviour are inconsistent (attitude- classified them into eight primary emotions:
discrepant behaviour), alteration of attitude helps bring
about cognitive consistency. • Disgust
• Anger Need for Achievement • Anticipation
McClelland formulated a need for achievement (nAch) to • Joy
explain pleasure resulting from mastery. • Acceptance
• Fear
• Surprise
3.7.4 Curiosity Drive • Sadness
Whereas the homeostatic model predicts that once physi- Any two adjacent emotions can give rise to a secondary
ological needs such as thirst and hunger have been satis- emotion. For example, the secondary emotion of love is
fied, or aversive stimuli such as pain have successfully derived from the primary emotions of joy and accep-
been avoided, and the body returned to its normal state, tance. Similarly, submission results from acceptance and
the organism should no longer be motivated and should fear, disappointment from surprise and sadness, con-
be quiescent; in practice, this is not the case. Humans and tempt from disgust and anger, and so on.
other mammals, for example, have been noted actively
to seek stimulation. A curiosity drive has been proposed
to help explain this phenomenon, in which the organism 3.8.2 Components of Emotional Response
has drives to The main components of emotional response are
helplessness, whereas those believing that nobody Block J. 1971: Lives Through Time. Berkeley, CA: Bancroft
could have controlled the outcome are unlikely to do so. Books.
Thus, a person’s attribution of what is occurring influ- Boran M and Viswanathan R. 2000: Separating subculture from
psychopathology. Psychiatric Services 51:678
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Bower GH. 1972: Mental imagery and associative learning.
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3.9.6 Locus of Control Hierarchical retrieval schemes in recall of categori-
Rotter differentiated those who see their lives as being cal word lists. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal
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Bower GH and Springston F. 1970: Pauses as recoding points in let-
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ter series. Journal of Experimental Psychology 83:421–430.
(external locus of control). Braine MDS, Reiser BJ, and Rumain B. 1984: Some empirical
justification for a theory of natural propositional logic.
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4 Social Psychology
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sidered in Chapter 8. patterns may result in the same mean score.
58 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
• Equity theory—the preferred relationships are A ‘hot’ theory of mind entails constructing the
those in which each feels that the cost-benefit meaningful intentions and evaluative attitudes (such as
ratio of the relationship for each person is fear, surprise, and pleasure) of others. The latter can be
approximately equal (Hatfield et al., 1978). inferred from facial expressions.
• Proxemics—relates to interpersonal space/body
buffer zone.
Factors predisposing to interpersonal attraction include POWER, AND OBEDIENCE
proximity, familiarity, similarity of interests and values,
4.4.1 Leadership
exposure, perceived competence, reciprocal liking, and
self-disclosure and physical attractiveness. Similarity is Lewin et al. distinguished between the following leader-
more important than complementarity although the latter ship styles:
increases in importance with time.
According to the matching hypothesis, pairing occurs • Autocratic—abandon task in leader’s absence;
such that individuals seek others who have a similar level good for situations of urgency
of physical attractiveness. • Democratic—yields greater productivity unless
a highly original product is required
• Laissez-faire—appropriate for creative, open-
4.3.2 Attribution Theory (Heider) ended, person-oriented tasks
This deals with the rules people use to infer the causes of
observed behaviour.
4.4.2 Social Facilitation Internal or Dispositional Attribution This refers to the way in which tasks and responses are
This is the inference that the person is primarily respon- facilitated when carried out in the presence of others
sible for their behaviour. (Allport; Harlow). To occur, the others do not necessarily
have to be engaging in the same task. Facilitation also External or Situational Attribution occurs if the others are simply observing; this has been
This is the inference that the cause of a behaviour is called the audience effect (Dashiell, 1930).
external to the person.
It has been suggested that failure to exclude an ulterior Hatfield E, Traupmann J, and Walster GW. 1978: Equity and
motive means that, strictly speaking, altruism cannot be extramarital sexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior,
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Heider F. 1946: Attitudes and cognitive organization. The
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occur as a result of acting in this way; for instance, a per- Homans GC. 1958: Social behavior as exchange. American
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Bandura A and Walters RH. 1963: Social Learning and Person- to Psychology, 15th edn. Hampshire, U.K.: Cengage
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effects. Abnormal Social Psychology, 25:190–199. (eds.) Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based Text, pp. 285–296.
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of relaxation techniques on trait anxiety: A meta-analysis. Revisiting the Classic Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA:
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Human Relations 7(2):117–140. Perspectives on Behaviour. New York: John Wiley.
5 Human Growth and Development
64 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
5.2.3 Separation Anxiety
This is the fear an infant shows of being separated
from his or her caregiver. Holding a comfort object or 5.3.1 Child-Rearing Practise
transitional object (Winnicott, 1965) may help with Table 5.1 (after Baumrind, 1967) shows how the parents
separation. of three groups of children have been found to score on
The rate of disappearance of separation anxiety varies the four dimensions of
with the child’s
• Control—by the parents of the child’s activities
• Experiences of previous separations (real or and behaviour
threatened) • Maturity demands—of the child to act at his or
• Handling by mother her ability level
• Perception of whether mother will die or depart • Communication—clarity of parent–child
• Temperament communication
• Nurturance—parental nurturance towards the
5.2.4 Acute Separation Reaction
After starting to form attachments, around 6 months to 2
years of age, separation from mother leads to the follow- Way in Which Parents of Three Groups of Children
ing reaction: Score on the Dimensions of Control, Maturity
Demands, Communication, and Nurturance
• First, protest—including crying and searching Maturity
behaviour Control Demands Communication Nurturance
• Second, despair—apathy and misery with an Group I ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑
apparent belief that mother may not return Group II ↑ → ↓ ↓↓
• Finally, detachment—emotionally distant from Group III ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↑
(and indifferent to) mother
Human Growth and Development 65
girls from a general paediatric clinic. Compared to both Recognized sequelae of physical abuse (which overlap
control groups, sexually abused girls manifested more with those of sexual abuse) include
sexual behaviour problems: masturbating openly and
excessively, exposing their genitals, indiscriminately • Anxiety states and anxiety-related symptoms
hugging and kissing strange adults and children, and (e.g. sleep disturbance, nightmares, psychoso-
attempting to insert objects into their genitals. Abuse by matic complaints, and hypervigilance), reenact-
fathers or stepfathers involving intercourse was associ- ments of the victimization, and post-traumatic
ated with particularly marked sexual behaviour distur- stress disorder (Green, 1978; Goodwin, 1988)
bances. There was a subgroup of sexually abused girls • Depression (Gaensbauer and Sands, 1979; Sgroi,
who tended to force sexual activities on siblings and 1982)
peers. All of these girls had experienced prolonged sex- • Dissociation (Kluft, 1985; Putnam, 1985)
ual abuse (>2 years) involving physical force that was • Paranoid reactions and mistrust (Green, 1978;
perpetrated by a parent. Herman, 1981)
Recognized sequelae of sexual abuse include • Excessive reliance on primitive defence mecha-
nisms (e.g. denial, projection, dissociation, and
• Anxiety states and anxiety-related symptoms splitting) (Green, 1978)
(e.g. sleep disturbance, nightmares, psychoso- • Borderline personality disorder (especially in
matic complaints, and hypervigilance), reenact- females) (Herman et al., 1989)
ments of the victimization, and post-traumatic • Aggressive and destructive behaviour at home
stress disorder (Green, 1978; Goodwin, 1988) and school (Green, 1978; George and Main,
• Depression (Gaensbauer and Sands, 1979; Sgroi, 1979)
1982) • Cognitive and developmental impairment
• Dissociation (Kluft, 1985; Putnam, 1985) (Elmer and Gregg, 1967; Oates, 1986)
• Paranoid reactions and mistrust (Green, 1978; • Delayed language development (Martin, 1972)
Herman, 1981) • Neurological impairment (Green et al., 1981)
• Excessive reliance on primitive defence mecha- • Abusive behaviour with their own children (the
nisms (e.g. denial, projection, dissociation, and cycle of abuse may continue) (Steele, 1983)
splitting) (Green, 1978)
• Borderline personality disorder (especially in
females) (Herman et al., 1989) 5.4 TEMPERAMENT
• Inability to control sexual impulses (precocious Temperament can be defined as early appearing,
sexual play with high sexual arousal) (Yates, biologically rooted, basic personality dimensions
1982; Friedrich and Reams, 1987; Cosentino (Zuckerman, 1991).
et al., 1995)
• Weakened gender identity (a tendency to reject
5.4.1 Individual Temperamental Differences
their maleness or femaleness) (Aiosa-Karpas
et al., 1991) In the New York Longitudinal Study, Thomas and Chess
• ↑ Incidence of homosexuality (Finkelhor, 1984) (1977) (Chess and Thomas, 1984) identified the following
• ↑ Incidence of molesting children (the cycle of nine categories of temperament describing how children
abuse may continue—there is a high incidence behave in daily life situations:
of sexual abuse in the backgrounds of male and
female child molesters) (Mccarty, 1986; Seghorn 1. Activity level
et al., 1987) 2. Rhythmicity (regularity of biological functions)
• Drug and alcohol abuse (Herman, 1981) 3. Approach or withdrawal to new situations
• Eating disorders (Oppenheimer et al., 1985) 4. Adaptability in new or altered situations
5. Sensory threshold of responsiveness to stimuli Physical Abuse/Nonaccidental Injury 6. Intensity of reaction
Nonaccidental injury can be defined as occurring ‘when 7. Quality of mood
an adult inflicts a physical injury on a child more severe 8. Distractibility
than that which is culturally acceptable’ (Graham, 1991). 9. Attention span/persistence
Human Growth and Development 67
In terms of the impact of individual temperamental dif- from the brain systems supporting emotion,
ferences on parent–child relationships, the previously attention, and activity:
mentioned nine categories have been found to cluster 1. Limbic structures
as follows: 2. Association cortex
3. Motor cortical areas
• Easy child pattern—characterized by regular- • Environmental influences affect how the bio-
ity, positive approach responses to new stimuli, logical bases of temperament are expressed. For
high adaptability to change, and expressions of example, Gunnar (1992) showed how sensitive,
mood that are mild/moderate in intensity and responsive caregivers could enhance otherwise
predominantly positive highly inhibited preschoolers’ likelihood of
• Difficult child pattern—characterized by approaching novel stimuli.
irregularity in biological functions, negative • Concepts of temperament can be useful in help-
withdrawal responses to new situations, non- ing people solve problems. When the processes
adaptability or slow adaptability to change, of linkage between temperament and the evo-
and intense, frequently negative expressions lution of character and personality are under-
of mood stood better, this should assist prevention and
• Slow-to-warm-up child—characterized by treatment.
a combination of negative responses of mild
intensity to new situations with slow adaptabil- The stability of temperament and its relationship to
ity after repeated contact the evolution of character and personality have been
demonstrated in a number of studies. Characteristics
of temperament in infants and preschool-age children
5.4.2 Origins, Typologies, and Stability predict adjustment in middle childhood and adoles-
cence. For example, Caspi and Silva (1995) showed
of Temperament
how temperamental qualities at the age of 3 years
Medieval personality theorists relied on a tempera- predict personality traits in young adulthood. In an
ment typology based on the balance of the humours, unselected sample of over 800 subjects, the following
but twentieth and twenty-first century theorists have five temperament groups were identified when the chil-
put the strongest emphasis on environmental causa- dren were aged 3 years:
tion models. Acceptance of the concept of biologi-
cally rooted personality dimensions is a fairly recent • Undercontrolled
stage in the history of scientific psychology and psy- • Inhibited
chiatry (Bates et al., 1995); important points to note • Confident
are as follows: • Reserved
• Well adjusted
• Temperament is a theoretical construct—it
is more useful to think of specific dimensions of These groups were reassessed at the age of 18 years. The
temperament, for example, activity level, socia- findings in the young adults were as follows:
bility, negative emotionality, or distractibility.
Temperament concepts can be defined at the fol- • Undercontrolled children scored high on mea-
lowing three levels (Bates, 1989): sures of impulsivity, danger seeking, aggres-
1. As patterns of surface behaviour sion, and interpersonal alienation (as young
2. As a pattern of nervous system responses adults).
3. As having inborn genetic roots • Inhibited children scored low on measures of
• There is an increased understanding of the impulsivity, danger seeking, aggression, and
biological processes involved in temperament. social potency.
Since concepts of temperament typically focus • Confident children scored high on impulsivity.
on individual differences in emotion, attention, • Reserved children scored low on social potency.
and activity (Bates, 1989), the neural basis of • Well-adjusted children continued to exhibit nor-
temperament can be thought of as emerging mative behaviours.
68 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
• Stage 6: Ethical principle orientation—actions • 6–8 Months: Fear of heights begins and becomes
are guided by principles chosen by oneself, usu- worse when walking starts.
ally emphasizing dignity, equality, and justice. • 3–5 Years: Common fears are those of animals,
These principles are upheld in order to avoid the dark, and ‘monsters’.
self-condemnation. • 6–11 Years: Fear of shameful social situations
(such as ridicule) begins.
• Adolescence: Fear of death, failure, social gath-
5.7.2 Relationship to the Development erings (such as parties), and thermonuclear war
of Social Perspective Taking may be particularly evident.
Social perspective taking is the ability to take the per-
spective of others. It is a skill that may be seen at the
following levels: 5.8.3 Possible Etiological and Maintenance
• Perceptual role taking—the ability to take into Unconscious Conflict
account how a perceptual array appears to
Sigmund Freud (1926/1959) suggested that psychologi-
another person when their perspective differs
cal anxiety is a signal phenomenon and that neurotic
from that of oneself
anxiety starts as the remembrance of realistic anxiety/
• Cognitive role taking—the ability to take into
fear related to a real danger. Each stage of life was con-
account the thoughts of another person when
sidered to have age-appropriate determinants of anxiety/
they differ from those of oneself
fear, including, with increasing age
• Affective role taking—the ability to take into
account the feelings of another person when
they differ from those of oneself • Fear of birth
• Fear of separation from the mother
In addition to being necessary to being able to empathize • Fear of castration
with others, social perspective taking was considered by • Fear of the superego—fear of its anger or
Kohlberg as being necessary to develop higher stages of punishment
moral reasoning. • Fear of the superego—fear of its loss of love
• Fear of the superego—fear of death
and scrotum) or female ones (fallopian tubes, uterus, cli- Onset in Girls
toris, and vagina) during ontogeny include the following: In 95%, onset occurs between 9 and 13 years. The first sign is
190 97
180 75
Longitudinal 97 10
50 3
standards 3
Boys (height)
80 5+
Penis 4+
stage 3+
70 97 90 75 50 25 10 3
Pubic hair 4+
stage 3+
60 97 90 75 50 25 10 3
Testes 12 mL
vol. 4 mL
97 90 75 50 25 10 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Age (years)
FIGURE 5.1 Example of Tanner growth chart for height. A series of charts of longitudinal growth standards for physical
development (including parameters for height, weight, skin folds) were developed for children according to age, sex, and sexual
maturity. (From Tanner, J.M. and Whitehouse, R.H., Arch. Dis. Child., 51, 170, 1976.) Arguments against Biological Determinism 5.10.1 Conflict with Parents and Authority
• Endocrine. Gooren et al. (1990) have argued Theories of why conflict between adolescents and par-
that oestrogen feedback cannot be used to assess ents and other authority figures often occurs include
the status of brain differentiation in primates in
the same way as it can in the rat. For example, • Cognitive developmental models
sexual differentiation of the control of LH secre- • Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development
tion occurs in the mouse, hamster, and guinea • Ethological and sociobiological models
pig but not in primates. Among their experi- • Social-learning theory
ments on humans, Gooren et al. studied directly • Equity theory
the control of LH secretion in homosexuals • Separation–individuation
and transsexuals compared with heterosexuals.
Following oestrogen exposure, the response of Cognitive Developmental Models
LH to LHRH was not positive in male homo- The adolescent has newly acquired powers of hypotheti-
sexuals, transsexuals, and heterosexuals; it was cal reasoning that enable him or her to consider and artic-
positive in female homosexuals, transsexuals ulate alternatives to the status quo.
(prior to treatment), and heterosexuals; more-
over, a positive LH response to oestrogen infu- Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial
sion in homosexual men was not found. Development
• Neuroanatomical. LeVay (1991) pointed out that
In his fifth psychosocial developmental stage (identity vs.
his sample contained no homosexual women and
role confusion), Erikson considered adolescence to be a
that AIDS patients may constitute an unrepre-
time of identity formation during which the individual
sentative sample of homosexual men. Moreover,
pursues personal autonomy. This pursuit is associated
some presumed heterosexual men had relatively
with the potential for conflict with parents and other
small INAH 3 nuclei (within the homosexual
authority figures.
range), and some presumed homosexual men had
relatively large INAH 3 nuclei (within the het- Ethological and Sociobiological Models
erosexual range). The effect might have resulted
from AIDS (although there was no effect of Conflict at the time of pubertal changes is considered to
AIDS on the volume of the three other INAH be adaptive, prompting the individual to spend more time
nuclei examined and the size difference in INAH with his or her peers. It forms part of the status realign-
3 was present when the homosexual men were ments of entry into adulthood.
compared with heterosexual AIDS patients). Social-Learning Theory
• Genetic. King (1993) has pointed out that the
result of Hamer et al. (1993) is preliminary. Adolescents may be considered to have experienced
Their evidence is based on a small, highly vicarious exposure to problem-solving occurring via con-
selected group of homosexual men. The result is flict. Witnessing their parents giving in to their children’s
purely statistical. The gene is hypothetical and conflicting demands may be considered to provide inter-
has not been cloned, and the linkage has been mittent reinforcement to the children.
observed in only one series of families. Equity Theory
According to equity theory, the preferred relationships,
particularly those of an intimate nature, between any
Adolescence is a time of transitions, representing a devel- two given people are those in which each feels that
opmental phase between middle childhood/latency and the cost–benefit ratio of the relationship for each per-
adulthood, but its boundaries are difficult to demarcate son is approximately equal. It has been argued that
clearly. In his model of cognitive development, Piaget the amount of emotional investment of both the ado-
viewed adolescence as the final, formal operational stage lescent and the parent(s) in their relationship means
of development; the adolescent has a greater capacity to they both want to preserve it. As the adolescent pur-
focus on himself or herself. sues autonomy, this can lead to occasional conflicts,
The pubertal changes of adolescence have been con- but these are usually not fervent enough to destroy the
sidered earlier. relationship.
Human Growth and Development 75
5.11 ADAPTATIONS IN ADULT LIFE Christian, and Islamic communities) and very low in oth-
ers (such as Australia, New Zealand, North America,
5.11.1 Pairing South America, and Scandinavia—excluding their tradi-
Even in Western countries, it appears that there are a num- tional observant religious groups) (Buss et al., 1990).
ber of constraints that govern the choice of mate in much Cross-Cultural Constancies
the same way as elders or parents do in arranged marriages.
Across cultures, men prefer mates who are physically Homogamous Mate Selection attractive, while women prefer mates who show ambi-
tion, industriousness, and other signs of earning power
Pairing tends to occur within the same socioeconomic,
potential (Buss et al., 1990).
religious, and cultural group (Eshelman, 1985).
Evidence of cerebral atrophy was absent or slight in the The presumed universal decline in adult intelligence
majority, and brain mass and ventricular size did not dif- is at best a methodological artifact and at worst a
fer significantly from those of younger adults (Tomlinson popular misunderstanding of the relation between
et al., 1968). Terry and Hanson (1988) found that the individual development and sociocultural change…
the major finding…in the area of intellectual function-
neuronal loss per unit volume of the normal brain in the
ing is the demolishing of [the belief in] serious intel-
elderly was much less than that previously reported. lectual decrement in the aged. Intended Death Bell DC and Bell LG. 1983: Parental validation and support in
the development of adolescent daughters. In Grotevant
This refers to the situation in which death is intended by
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This refers to the situation in which the deceased may Psychology, pp. 285–290. New York: Academic Press.
have manifested an unconscious desire to bring about Blessed G, Tomlinson BE, and Roth M. 1968: The association
his or her death, for example, by facilitating the onset of between quantitative measures of dementia and of senile
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6 Description and Measurement
84 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Types of Measurement Scale
Property Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio
Categories mutually exclusive ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Categories logically ordered ✓ ✓ ✓
Equal distance between adjacent categories ✓ ✓
True zero point ✓
Source: Reproduced from Puri, B.K., Statistics for the Health Sciences, WB Saunders,
London, U.K., 1996. With permission.
Variance = p (1 − p) Mean = µ
Variance = σ2 Binomial Distribution
The binomial distribution, B(n, p), is the probability distri- Properties of the normal distribution probability density
bution for a discrete finite variable (range = 0, 1, 2, …, n): function curve include the following:
Mean = np • It is unimodal.
• It is continuous.
Variance = np (1 − p) • It is symmetrical about its mean.
Description and Measurement 85
–1.96σ +1.96σ
95% of values
–2.58σ +2.58σ
99% of values
Standard deviation
–4σ –3σ –2σ –1σ 0 +1σ +2σ +3σ +4σ
from mean
Cumulative % 0.1% 2.3% 15.9% 50% 84.1% 97.7% 99.9%
z-scores –4.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 0 +1.0 +2.0 +3.0 +4.0
t-scores 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
FIGURE 6.1 Normal or Gaussian distribution. (From Stahl, D. and Leese, M., Research methods and statistics, in Puri, B.K. and
Treasaden, I.H. (eds.), Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based Text, Hodder Arnold, London, U.K., 2010, pp. 34–71.)
• Its mean, median, and mode are all equal. For N (μ, σ2), the two-tailed 5% points are given by
• The area under the curve is one.
• The curve tends to zero as the variable moves in µ −1.96σ
either direction from the mean (Figure 6.1).
µ +1.96σ
The interval one standard deviation either side of the
mean of the probability density function of a normal dis-
tribution encloses 68.27% of the total area under the curve. t Distribution
The interval two standard deviations either side of the When n < 30, the t distribution, t(ν) or tν, is used in mak-
mean of the probability density function of a normal dis- ing inferences about the mean of a normal population
tribution encloses 95.45% of the total area under the curve. when its variance is unknown. The t distribution is sym-
The interval three standard deviations either side of the metrical about the mean but has longer tails than the nor-
mean of the probability density function of a normal dis- mal distribution.
tribution encloses 99.73% of the total area under the curve. ν is the number of degrees of freedom and is given by
If X ∼ N (μ, σ2), then the standard normal variate Z is
given by ν = n −1
x= where Q is the number of groups into which the quantiles
n divide the distribution.
The population mean, μ, of a population of size N is given 6.1.8 Summary Statistics: Measures of Dispersion
by Range
Σx The range is the difference between the smallest and
N largest values in a distribution:
The arithmetic mean is suitable for use with data mea- Range = (Largest value) − (Smallest value)
sured on at least an interval scale. A major disadvantage
is that it can be unduly influenced by an extreme value. It can be used with data that are measured on at least an
The median is the middle value of a set of observations interval scale.
ranked in order. If the number of observations is odd,
Median = Middle value Measures Relating to Quantiles
The most commonly used measures relating to quantiles
If the number of observations is even,
Median = Arithmetic mean of the two middle values
• The interquartile range = the difference between
The median is suitable for use with data measured on at the third and first quartiles
least an ordinal scale. It gives a better measure of cen- • The semiquartile range = half the interquartile
tral tendency than the mean for skewed (asymmetrical) range
distributions. • The 10–90 percentile range = the difference
The mode of a distribution is the value of the obser- between the 90th and 10th (per)centiles, or
vation occurring most frequently. The category/interval equivalently, between the ninth and first deciles
occurring most frequently is the modal category. It can • The interdecile range = the difference between
be used with all measurement scales. the 90th and 10th (per)centiles, or equivalently,
between the ninth and first deciles Quantiles
Quantiles are cutoff points that split a continuous distri- The median and interquartile or 10–90 percentile range
bution into equal groups. They include the following: can be more useful summary statistics than the mean and
standard deviation for skewed distributions.
• The median splits a distribution into 2 equal
• The 3 quartiles split the distribution into 4 equal Standard Deviation
parts. The standard deviation of a distribution is based on devi-
• The 4 quintiles split the distribution into 5 equal ations from the mean and has the same units as the origi-
parts. nal observations.
Description and Measurement 87
For a population of size N and mean μ, the population 3. A clear heading/caption or reference in the
standard deviation, σ, is given by accompanying text.
4. The units for both axes are clearly stated.
y = mx + c
The standard deviation can be used for data measured on
at least an interval scale.
in which m and c are constants: Variance
• m is the gradient of the line.
The variance is the square of the standard deviation and • c is the intercept of the line on the vertical axis
has units that are the square of those of the observations. (y-axis).
For a population of size N and mean μ, the population
variance, σ2, is given by Power Law Relationship
If the graph of y against x is a straight line, where
Population variance, σ 2
∑ ( x − µ) 2
N y = logY
Sample variance, s 2 =
∑(x − x ) 2 both cases), then variables X and Y are related by the equation
n −1 Y = CX m
The variance can be used for data measured on at least in which m and C are constants such that
an interval scale. • m is the gradient of the line
• log C is the intercept of the line on the vertical
6.1.9 Graphs axis (y-axis)
x = f (X)
13 57
14 5667
(f(X) is an expression involving X and g(Y) is an expres-
15 29
sion involving Y), then variables X and Y are related by
16 4
the equation
120 10
IQ score
IQ score
0 80
80 90 100 110 120 80 90 100 110 120
80 IQ score Inverse normal
800 20
Duration (days)
Duration (days)
400 200
5 0
0 200 400 600 800 –200 0 200 400
Duration (days) Inverse normal
FIGURE 6.2 Boxplots for two differently distributed samples. (From Stahl, D. and Leese, M., Research methods and statistics, in Puri,
B.K. and Treasaden, I.H. (eds.), Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based Text, Hodder Arnold, London, U.K., 2010, pp. 34–71.)
6.1.13 Scatter Plot (Scattergrams, Scatter is plotted. The two variables can then be compared
Diagrams, or Dot Graphs) diagrammatically, before or in addition to more formal
statistical analyses. Figure 6.3 shows a scatter plot for
Scatter plots can be used to represent two continuous a dataset, with a superimposed linear regression line of
variables. Two orthogonal axes divide 2D space into a best fit.
coordinate system, in which each pair of observations
Equation of line: y = –20 + 0.5x
10 12 14 16 18 20
Knowledge before training
FIGURE 6.3 Scatter plot showing linear regression line. (From Stahl, D. and Leese, M., Research methods and statistics, in
Puri, B.K. and Treasaden, I.H. (eds.), Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based Text, Hodder Arnold, London, U.K., 2010, pp. 34–71.)
90 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)-IV was This is a modified version of the WAIS for children
released in 2008 and allows the following four index between the ages of 5 and 15 years.
scores to be derived:
6.3.8 Wechsler Preschool and Primary
• Verbal comprehension index (VCI) Scale of Intelligence
• Perceptual reasoning index (PRI) This is a modified version of the WAIS for children
• Working memory index (WMI) between the ages of 4 and 6 years and 6 months.
• Processing speed index (PSI)
6.3.9 Group Ability Tests
The VCI is derived from the following four tests:
Unlike the aforementioned, these can be used by one
• Similarities (assesses abstract verbal reasoning) examiner to assess the intellectual ability and aptitude
• Vocabulary (the subject is asked to give the of a group of people, for example, the Armed Services
meaning of words) Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB).
92 Revision Notes in Psychiatry Graded Naming Test The last four of these tests are concerned with spatial
In this language test, the subject is asked to name 30 line perception.
drawings (McKenna and Warrington, 1983). Behavioural Inattention Test Token Test This battery tests for unilateral visual neglect (Wilson
A number of tokens, such as differently coloured rectangles et al., 1987). The first six tests deal with visual neglect in
and circular discs, are used in this test. The subject is asked the usual way:
to carry out progressively more complicated verbal instruc-
tions using these tokens (De Renzi and Vignolo, 1962). • Line crossing
The Token Test is sensitive to minor impairment in lan- • Letter cancellation
guage comprehension, and performance tends to be more • Star cancellation
impaired in aphasia than in patients who are nonaphasic. • Figure copying and shape copying
• Line bisection
• Free drawing (clock, person, butterfly) Speed and Capacity of
Language Processing Test
These are followed by nine behavioural tests:
The Speed and Capacity of Language Processing Test
(Baddeley et al., 1992) consists of two parts. The first • Picture scanning
part is the Speed of Comprehension Test, in which the • Telephone dialling
subject is asked to decide, as quickly as possible, whether • Menu reading
each of a series of statements is true/sensible or false/ • Article reading
not sensible (silly). The second part is the Spot-the-Word • Clock face—telling the time and setting the time
Test, in which 60 pairings of words with nonwords are • Coin sorting
presented and the subject must decide which of each pair, • Address copying and sentence copying
in turn, is a real word. The Spot-the-Word Test controls • Map navigation
for poor verbal skills and has been found to give a robust • Card sorting
estimate of verbal intelligence and therefore premorbid
intelligence. (In this respect, it is rather like the NART.) These nine behavioural tests include tasks that are activi-
ties of daily living and so help in rehabilitation assessments.
6.4.3 Perception Tests Bender–Gestalt Test/Bender 6.4.4 Memory Tests
Visual Motor Gestalt Test Benton Visual Retention Test
The subject is asked to copy nine designs in this test In the fifth edition of this visual recall test, the subject is
(Bender, 1938, 1946). serially presented with 10 designs, which he or she has
to reproduce from memory (Sivan, 1992). It may be used Visual Object and Space in subjects aged 8 years and over. Fifteen–twenty min
Perception Battery may typically be required for administration, followed by
This battery tests visual perception (Warrington and another 5 min for scoring. It may be used to test for brain
James, 1991) and consists of the following nine tests: damage and early cognitive decline.
will occur, the subject is asked to draw the same design again Wechsler Memory Scale-IV
from memory (Rey, 1941; Osterrieth, 1944). Nondominant The fourth edition of the Wechsler Memory Scale,
temporal lobe damage can lead to impaired performance on WMS-IV, was released in 2009. It is a memory test bat-
this test, whereas domain temporal lobe damage tends not to tery that contains the following subtests:
(but is associated with verbal memory difficulties).
• Spatial addition Paired Associate Learning Tests • Symbol span
In these tests, the subject is given paired associates to • Design memory
learn and then must respond appropriately (e.g. by stat- • General cognitive screener
ing the paired word) when the first, stimulus, words are • Temporal orientation
given. Different forms of these tests, of varying difficulty, • Mental control
have been produced (e.g. Inglis, 1959; Isaacs and Walkey, • Clock drawing
1964). These tests may be used to assess memory disor- • Memory
der in old age, independently of verbal intelligence. • Inhibitory control
• Verbal productivity Synonym Learning Test • Logical memory
This is a modified version of the Walton–Black Modified • Verbal paired associates
Word Learning Test, specifically for use in the differential • Visual reproduction
diagnosis of dementia from depression in the elderly (par- Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test
ticularly if combined with the Digit Copying Test). In the
Synonym Learning Test, 10 words with which the subject This is another memory test battery (Wilson, 1987;
is not familiar are first identified and then the subject is Wilson et al., 1991). It lays emphasis on tests that are
asked to learn their meanings (Kendrick et al., 1965). related to skills required in daily living. The subtests of
the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test include Object Learning Test
• Orientation—for time, date, and place
This test has similar aims to those of the Synonym Learning • Name recall—of a forename and surname asso-
Test but is less stressful to take for elderly patients. As ciated with a given photograph
with the Synonym Learning Test, the results of the Object • Picture recognition
Learning Test combined with those of the Digit Copying • Face recognition
Test can aid in the differential diagnosis of dementia from • Story recall—immediate recall and recall after
depression in the elderly. In the Object Learning Test, the a quarter of an hour
subject is exposed to drawings of familiar items on sections • Route memory
of cards and asked to recall them (Kendrick et al., 1979). • Prospective memory Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Adult Memory and Information
This is a word list learning test involving 5 presentations Processing Battery
of a list containing 15 words, which the subject is asked This is also a memory test battery (Coughlan and Hollows,
to recall. The same then occurs with a second list of 15 1985). It contains the following four memory subtests:
words. Finally, the subject is asked to recall words from
the first list, both immediately after completing the sec- • Short story recall
ond recall task (involving the second list) and some time • Figure copy and recall
later (say, after 30 min). Information is obtained about • List learning
immediate recall, learning curve, primacy and recency • Design learning
effects, and learning strategies used.
The Adult Memory and Information Processing Battery also California Verbal Learning Test
contains the following two information-processing tests:
This is a word list learning test involving 16 words from
4 known categories. As with the Rey Auditory Verbal • Number cancellation
Learning Test, the California Verbal Learning Test gives • Digit cancellation
information about immediate recall, learning curve, and
learning strategies used. The norms used in this battery are age stratified.
96 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
6.4.5 Intelligence Tests answer is ‘green’.) Again, the score is the total number
of words correctly named in the 2 min period. Finally, a WAIS and Similar Tests card constructed in a similar way to that used for the sec-
The intelligence tests based on the WAIS are considered ond part of the test is again presented to the subject, and
earlier in Section 6.3.3. this time they are asked to name the colour in which each
word is printed and to ignore the actual colour names National Adult Reading Test printed. This is the Stroop interference test. For instance,
The National Adult Reading Test or NART (Nelson and if green is printed in blue the first time it occurs and then
McKenna, 1975; Nelson, 1982) is a reading test consisting in red the second time, then the correct answers for these
of phonetically irregular words that have to be read aloud two occasions would be ‘blue’ and ‘red’ and not ‘green’
by the subject. If a patient suffers deterioration in intel- and ‘green’.
lectual abilities, their premorbid vocabulary may remain This tests the (Stroop) interference that may occur
less affected (or unaffected). The NART can therefore be between reading words and naming colours (Stroop,
used to estimate the premorbid IQ. 1935; Trenerry et al., 1989; Lezak, 1995). Left (domi-
nant) frontal lobe lesions are associated with poor perfor- Raven’s Progressive Matrices mance on the Stroop test. The anterior cingulate cortex
This test of nonverbal intelligence consists of a series is particularly involved in carrying out this test (Pardo
of printed designs from each of which a part is missing et al., 1990). However, activation of the anterior cingulate
(Raven, 1958, 1982). The subject is required correctly to cortex does not invariably accompany the interference
choose the missing part for each design from the alterna- task. Another region of the brain that appears to be asso-
tives offered. The test requires the perception of relations ciated with this task is the left inferior precentral sulcus
between abstract items. (at the border between the inferior frontal gyrus, the pars
opercularis, and the ventral premotor area); this region
6.4.6 Executive Function (Frontal Lobe) Tests appears to be involved with the mediation of competing
articulatory demands during the interference condition of Stroop the Stroop test (Mead et al., 2002).
There exist several types of Stroop test. A typical Stroop
test involves asking a subject is given a card containing Verbal Fluency
columns of colour names, printed in black on white, and A typical verbal fluency test involves asking the subject to
asked to read aloud as many of the words as possible in articulate as many words as possible, during 2 min inter-
2 min. The words might be in columns, as follows: vals, starting with the letters F, A, and S, in turn. Proper
nouns (such as the name Forsythe) and derivatives such
Red Green Blue Green as plurals and different verb endings are not allowed to
Blue Tan Red Green count together with the root words. For instance, one can-
… … … … not count both ‘font’ and ‘fonts’ or ‘float’ and ‘floated’
and ‘floating’. The score is the total number of allowable
The correct answer to this part of the test, with the subject words achieved. Verbal fluency is impaired in left (domi-
reading across rows, would be ‘red, green, blue, green, nant) frontal lobe lesions.
blue, tan, red, green, …’. The score is the total number of
words correctly named in the 2 min period. This part of Tower of London Test
the test checks that the patient is capable of following the The Tower of London Test (Shallice, 1982) is based on
directions and of reading such words (in the given print the Tower of Hanoi game and test planning. The subject
size) out aloud. In the second part of the test, a similar is asked to move coloured discs of varying sizes between
card of columns of words is presented to the subject and three columns, either using a model or via a computer
the same instructions of reading out what the words say program (preferably with a touch screen), in order to
are given. This time, however, the words are not in black achieve a given result. Left frontal lobe lesions are asso-
but instead are printed in different colours. These colours ciated with poor performance on this test.
are those described by some of the words but such that
no given word is printed in its own colour. For example, Wisconsin Card Sort Test
green may be printed in blue the first time it occurs and The Wisconsin Card Sort Test consists of a number of cards
then in red the second time. (In each case, the correct (64 in the original and 24 in the Modified Wisconsin Card
Description and Measurement 97
Sort Test) that contain different shapes (circles, crosses, On the paper are a number (say, 25) of circles, each
stars, and triangles). Other variables include the num- labelled with a different number (from 1 to 25, say). The
ber of shapes on a card and the colour of the shapes on a subject is asked to draw a trail, as quickly as possible,
given card (there are four possible colours for each card). that passes through all the circles, starting with the low-
Following the presentation of index cards, the subject has to est numbered one (say, 1) and ending with the highest
sort the remaining cards corresponding to the index cards. number (25, say). In the second part of the test (Trail B),
They are not given the variable(s) by means of which this both numbers and letters are contained in the circles, and
sorting should occur but are told if they are right or wrong this time the subject is asked to draw a trail, as quickly as
each time. For instance, the first indexing variable might possible, that passes through all the circles, starting with
be colour. After a certain number of consecutive correct the lowest numbered one (say, one) and then passing to
responses, the rule suddenly changes, without the subject the circle with the lowest letter (A, say) and continuing to
being warned in advance. These days, this test is more con- alternate between number and letter in increasing order,
veniently administered via a computer program, preferably ending with the highest number and highest letter. So the
using a touch screen. The Wisconsin Card Sort Test picks up two trails should be between circles labelled as follows:
perseverative errors (such as continuing for too long to sort
Trail A: 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → …
cards by number, well after the indexing rule has changed
Trail B: 1 → A → 2 → B → 3 → C → …
to colour) and nonperseverative errors. Poor performance
on this task is particularly associated with dysfunction of The Trail Making Test tests the following abilities:
the left dorsolateral (pre-) frontal cortex.
• Sequencing Cognitive Estimates Test • Cognitive flexibility
In the absence of a reduction of intelligence quotient • Visual scanning
(IQ), some frontal lobe-damaged patients may give out- • Spatial analysis
rageously incorrect cognitive estimates of commonly • Motor control
known phenomena. For instance, asked to estimate the • Alertness
length of an adult elephant, such a patient might venture • Concentration
a reply of 100 yards. This abnormality is exploited in the Difficulties with cognitive flexibility or with complex
Cognitive Estimates Test, in which the subject is asked conceptual tracking may manifest as much longer times
to give a series of cognitive estimates, such as estimating being required for Trail B than would be expected from
the height of the average man. the Trail A time score. Six Elements Test
This is a strategy application test that attempts to uncover 6.4.7 Personality Tests
evidence of the organizational difficulty that may occur Personality inventories have been considered in Chapter 3.
as a result of frontal lobe damage. The subject is asked to Here, psychometric methods of assessing personality are
carry out six different tasks (in two groups of three) dur- summarized.
ing a quarter of an hour. In order to maximize their score,
the subject needs adequately to plan and schedule these Objective Tests
tasks while also monitoring the time that has elapsed. The items presented have limited responses. Objective
tests include the following: Multiple Errands Task
This is another strategy application test that attempts to • 16PF (Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire)
uncover evidence of the organizational difficulty that —see Chapter 3.
may occur as a result of frontal lobe damage. It is rather • MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
more difficult than the Six Elements Test. The subject is Inventory)—see Chapter 3.
asked to carry out multiple errands, usually in a shopping • CPI (California Psychological Inventory)—see
centre that is not known to them. Chapter 3.
• EPQ (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire)—this Trail Making Test contains 90 items in true/false format. Subjects
There are two parts to this test (Trail A and Trail B). In are rated on the following dimensions: extraver-
the first part, a piece of paper is presented to the subject. sion, introversion, and neuroticism
98 Revision Notes in Psychiatry Blessed’s Dementia Scale The assessment also includes a brief physical and neu-
This questionnaire (Blessed et al., 1968) is adminis- rological examination and recording the results of
tered to a relative or friend of the subject who is asked to investigations.
answer the questions on the basis of performance over the
previous 6 months. There are three sets of questions. The Crichton Geriatric Behaviour Rating Scale
first set deals with activities of daily living such as This is a retrospective nursing-rated assessment.
• Ability to cope with small sums of money Clifton Assessment Schedule
• Ability to remember a short list of items such as This is also a nursing-rated assessment.
a shopping list
• Ability to find their way indoors Stockton Geriatric Rating Scale
• Ability to find their way around familiar streets This is also a nursing-rated assessment.
• Ability to grasp situations or explanations
• Ability to recall recent events Present Behavioural Examination
• Tendency to dwell in the past The Present Behavioural Examination or PBE involves
The second set of questions deals with further activities interviewing carers and rates psychopathological and
of daily living including behavioural changes in dementia. Vineland Social Maturity Scale Isaacs B and Walkey FA. 1964: A simplified paired-associate
test for elderly hospital patients. British Journal of
The Vineland Social Maturity Scale consists of 117 items
Psychiatry 110:80–83.
that assess different aspects of social maturity and social Kendrick DC, Gibson AJ, and Moyes ICA. 1979: The revised
ability. Although it can be used for the assessment of Kendrick battery: Clinical studies. British Journal of
dementia, the Vineland Social Maturity Scale is primar- Social and Clinical Psychology 18:329–340.
ily designed to be used in the assessment of childhood Kendrick DC, Parboosingh R-C, and Post F. 1965: A synonym
development and learning disability. learning test for use with elderly psychiatric subjects: a
validation study. British Journal of Social and Clinical Performance Test of Activities Psychology 4:63–71.
of Daily Living Knafelc R, Lo Giudice D, Harrigan S, Cook R, Flicker L,
Mackinnon A, and Ames D. 2003: The combination
The Performance Test of Activities of Daily Living or of cognitive testing and an informant questionnaire in
PADL is a simple performance test that assesses the self- screening for dementia. Age and Ageing 32:541–547.
care capacity of the subject by asking him or her to carry Lezak MD. 1995: Neuropsychological Assessment, 3rd edn.
out certain essential activities of daily living. New York: Oxford University Press.
McKenna P and Warrington EK. 1983: Graded Naming Test.
Windsor, U.K.: NFER-Nelson.
REFERENCES Mead LA, Mayer AR, Bobholz JA, Woodley SJ, Cunningham
Anthony JC, Le Resche L, Niaz U, Von Korf MR, and Folstein JM, Hammeke TA, and Rao SM. 2002: Neural basis
MF. 1982: Limits of the ‘Mini-Mental State’ as a screen- of the Stroop interference task: Response competi-
ing test for dementia and delirium among hospital tion or selective attention? Journal of the International
patients. Psychological Medicine 12:397–408. Neuropsychological Society 8:735–742.
Baddeley A, Emslie H, and Nimmo-Smith I. 1992: The Speed Nelson HE. 1982: The National Adult Reading Test Manual.
and Capacity of Language Processing Test. Bury St Windsor, U.K.: NFER-Nelson.
Edmunds, U.K.: Thames Valley Test Company. Nelson HE and McKenna P. 1975: The use of current reading
Bender L. 1938: A Visual Motor Gestalt Test and its ability in the assessment of dementia. British Journal of
Clinical Uses. New York: American Orthopsychiatric Social and Clinical Psychology 14:259–267.
Association. Osterrieth P-A. 1944: Le test depression copie d’une figure
Bender L. 1946: Instructions for the Use of Visual Motor Gestalt complexe. Contribution à l’étude de la perception et de la
Test. New York: American Orthopsychiatric Association. mémoire. Archives de Psychologie 30:206–353.
Blessed G, Tomlinson BE, and Roth M. 1968: The association Pardo JV, Pardo PJ, Janer KW, and Raichle ME. 1990: The ante-
between quantitative measures of dementia and of senile rior cingulate cortex mediates processing selection in the
change in the cerebral grey matter of elderly subjects. Stroop attention of conflict paradigm. The Proceedings of
British Journal of Psychiatry 114:797–811. the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
Coughlan AK and Hollows SE. 1985: The Adult Memory and America 87:256–259.
Information Processing Battery. Leeds, U.K.: A.K. Coughlan, Post F. 1965: The Clinical Psychiatry of Late Life. Oxford,
Psychology Department, St James University Hospital. U.K.: Pergamon Press.
De Renzi E and Vignolo LA. 1962: The token test: A sensitive Raven JC. 1958: Guide to Using the Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale
test to detect receptive disturbances in aphasics. Brain and the Progressive Matrices Scales. London, U.K.: H.K.
85:665–678. Lewis.
Folstein MF, Folstein SE, and McHugh PR. 1975: ‘Mini-mental Raven JC. 1982: Revised Manual for Raven’s Progressive
state’. A practical method for grading the cognitive Matrices and Vocabulary Scale. Windsor, U.K.:
state of patients for the clinician. Journal of Psychiatric NFER-Nelson.
Research 12:189–198. Rey A. 1941: L’examen psychologique dans les cas
Goodglass H and Kaplan E. 2001: Boston Naming Test. d’encéphalopathie traumatique. Archives de Pathologie
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 28:286–340.
Goodglass H, Kaplan E, and Barresi B. 2000: The Boston Roth M, Huppert FA, Tym E, and Mountjoy CQ. 1988:
Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, 3rd edn. (BDAE-3). CAMDEX. The Cambridge Examination for Mental
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Disorders of the Elderly. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge
Graham FK and Kendall BS. 1960: Memory-for-designs test: University Press.
Revised general manual. Perceptual and Motor Skills Roth M, Tym E, Mountjoy CQ, Huppert FA, Hendrie H, Verma
11:147–188. S, and Goddard R. 1986: CAMDEX. A standardised
Inglis J. 1959: A paired-associate learning test for use with instrument for the diagnosis of mental disorder in the
elderly psychiatric patients. Journal of Mental Science elderly with special reference to the early detection of
105:440–443. dementia. British Journal of Psychiatry 149:698–709.
Description and Measurement 101
Shader RI, Harmatz JS, and Salzman C. 1974: A new scale Thurstone LL. 1938: Primary mental abilities. Psychometric
for clinical assessment in geriatric populations: Sandoz Monographs No. 1. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Clinical Assessment—Geriatric (SCAG). Journal of the Thurstone LL and Thurstone TG. 1963: SRA Primary Abilities.
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Shallice T. 1982: Specific impairments of planning. In Broadbent Trenerry MR, Crossan B, Deboe J, and Leber WR. 1989: Stroop
DE and Weiskrantz L (eds). The Neuropsychology of Neuropsychological Screening Test Manual. Lutz, FL:
Cognitive Function. London, U.K.: The Royal Society. Psychological Assessment Resources Inc.
Sivan AB. 1992: Benton Visual Retention Test, 5th edn. San Warrington EK and James M. 1991: The Visual Object and
Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation. Space Perception Battery. Bury St Edmunds, U.K.:
Spearman C. 1904: General intelligence, objectively determined Thames Valley Test Company.
and measured. The American Journal of Psychology, Wilson BA. 1987: Rehabilitation of Memory. New York:
15(2):201–292. Guildford Press.
Stahl D and Leese M. 2010: Research methods and statis- Wilson BA, Cockburn J, and Baddeley A. 1991: The Rivermead
tics. In Puri BK and Treasaden IH (eds.) Psychiatry: An Behavioural Memory Test, 2nd edn. Bury St Edmunds,
Evidence-Based Text, pp. 34–71. London, U.K.: Hodder U.K.: Thames Valley Test Company.
Arnold. Wilson BA, Cockburn J, and Halligan P. 1987 Behavioural
Stroop JR. 1935: Studies of interference in serial verbal reac- Inattention Test. Fareham, U.K.: Thames Valley Test
tions. Journal of Experimental Psychology 18:643–662. Company.
7 Cognitive Assessment and
Neuropsychological Processes
104 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Summary of Various Types of Amnesia
Anterograde amnesia Anterograde amnesia refers to inability to form new memories, either because of failure to consolidate what is
perceived into permanent memory storage or because of inability to retrieve memory from the storage
Retrograde amnesia Retrograde amnesia refers to loss of memory for events that occurred prior to an event or condition (e.g. intoxication
or head injury). Such event is presumed to have caused the memory disturbance in the first place. Retrograde memory
related to public events is more likely to be subjected to a greater memory loss than personal events
In head injury, retrograde amnesia is sometimes referred as pre-traumatic amnesia, which is composed of events
the person remembers up to the immediate time of an accident. The pre-traumatic amnesia usually lasts less than
1 week. Retrograde amnesia tends to improve with more distant events in the past
Depressed patients with preexisting cognitive impairment are more likely to develop post-ECT retrograde amnesia.
Post-traumatic amnesia Post-traumatic amnesia is defined as the memory loss from the time of accident to the time that the patient can give
a clear account of the recent events. In general, the retrograde amnesia is shorter than post-traumatic amnesia.
Post-traumatic amnesia, once present, tends to remain unchanged. Post-traumatic amnesia is confounded by
sedatives given after admission and prolonged sleep. Post-traumatic amnesia does not necessarily correlate with
the duration of consciousness loss
Psychogenic amnesia Psychogenic amnesia is part of the dissociative disorder consisting of a sudden inability to recall important personal
data. The amnesia may be localized (for several hours) or generalized (for entire life is lost). The amnesia may be
selective (involving certain memories) or continuous (loss of all memories subsequent to a specific time). The
clinical presentation is usually atypical and cannot be explained by ordinary forgetfulness (e.g. loss of biographical
memory in dissociative fugue). Psychogenic amnesia is associated with ‘la belle indifference’ (lack of concerns)
and has a highly unpredictable course
Differential diagnosis includes situational amnesia, PTSD, Ganser’s syndrome (vorbeireden or approximate
answers), dissociative fugue, pseudodementia (associated with sudden onset and depressive disorder), and multiple
personality disorder
False memory False memory involves confabulation, report of false events (e.g. childhood sexual abuse), and false confessions
The false-memory syndrome is a condition in which a person’s identity and interpersonal relationships are centred
around a memory of a traumatic experience, which is objectively false, but the person strongly believes that such
experience did take place. False confessions may not have a psychiatric cause because the person falsely confesses
to enhance publicity and to conceal evidence in criminal offence
Differential diagnosis includes organic amnesias and frontal lobe syndrome
Transient global amnesia The person presents with abrupt onset of disorientation, loss of ability to encode recent memories, and retrograde
amnesia for variable durations. The patient has a remarkable degree of alertness and responsiveness. This episode
usually lasts for a few hours and is never repeated. The pathophysiology is a result of transient ischaemia of the
hippocampus–fornix–hypothalamic system. Functional neuroimaging may show transient reduction in metabolic
and functional activities in the mesial temporal lobes
For example, a 59-year-old man came to the emergency department at 9 pm and complains of memory loss for a
few hours. He claims that he cannot remember what he did in the afternoon
Amnestic syndrome Amnestic syndrome is closely related to Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. The person has impairment of short-term
memory (i.e. unable to recall items 30 min after presentation), but immediate memory (immediate three items
recall) is intact. Hence, anterograde amnesia is more prominent because memories cannot be consolidated and
stored. Confabulation may occur
Amnesia involving Episodic memory is time and context specific. In contrast, semantic memory that involves vocabulary and facts is not time
episodic memory or context specific. The neuroanatomical areas involved in episodic memory and semantic memory are the limbic system
and temporal neocortex, respectively. Semantic memory is assessed by the National Adult Reading Test
Acute causes of episodic memory impairment include transient global amnesia, temporal lobe epilepsy, closed head
injury, drugs (benzodiazepine and alcohol), and psychogenic fugues
Causes of chronic episodic memory impairment include hippocampal and diencephalic damages. Hippocampal
damage is caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV ) encephalitis, anoxia, surgical removal of temporal lobes, bilateral
posterior cerebral artery occlusion, closed head injury, and early Alzheimer’s disease. The causes of diencephalic
damage include Korsakoff’s syndrome, third ventricle tumours and cysts, bilateral thalamic infarction, and
post-subarachnoid haemorrhage
Cognitive Assessment and Neuropsychological Processes 105
Examples of Dysphasia, Dyslexia, and Dysgraphia
Examples Diagnosis
Orange is named as apple. Semantic paraphasia occurs when there is an error in using the target word because of
deficits in semantic memory. It is associated with left temporal lobe tumours
Big is read as dig. Surface dyslexia occurs when reliance is placed on sub-word correspondence between
letters and sounds but not the normal way, which is spelling to sound
Bicycle is read as cycle. Neglect dyslexia occurs when the left half of the word is being ignored as a result of the
right parietal lobe lesion
Sister is read as auntie. Deep dyslexia occurs when the person produces verbal response based on the meaning
of the word but not based on sound-based reading
‘A’ is written as ‘∀’. Dyspraxic dysgraphia has the following manifestations: disturbance in writing the
smooth part of a letter, letter may be inverted or reversed, abnormal letter, and illegible
handwriting. Oral spelling is preserved
‘Cough’ is written as ‘coff’. Lexical dysgraphia: The person has difficulty to write irregular words ‘cough’ in this
case and produces an error that is phonologically similar
Summary of Various Types of Apraxia
Type Definition Lesion Example
Ideational apraxia The patient has an inability to carry Corpus callosum, extensive left A person cannot work in a café
out a complex sequence, but the hemisphere lesion, and advanced because he or she cannot make tea
individual components of the Alzheimer’s disease and serve the others. If you ask him
sequence can be successfully or her to put a tea bag into the cup,
performed he or she is able to do so
Ideomotor apraxia The patient has difficulty with Left parietal or frontal lobe. A person does not know how to use a
selection, sequencing, and spatial There is damage in the motor hammer
orientation. There are problems in programmes (e.g. cortically stored
gestures (e.g. waving) and in movement patterns) or
demonstrating the use of imagined disconnection in the flow of
household items (e.g. toothbrush) information necessary for initiating
complex motor acts
Orobuccal apraxia The patient has difficulty in Left inferior frontal lobe and insula When a person is asked to pretend to
performing learned, skilled blow out a match or suck a straw, he
movements of the face, lips, or she makes incorrect movements
tongue, cheek, larynx, and pharynx
on command
Construction apraxia The patient has difficulty in Nondominant parietal lobe Failure to draw interconnected
reproducing simple geometric double pentagon
patterns and an inability to connect
the separate parts
• Problem-solving
• Perceptual judgement
• Memory
• Programming and planning of sequences of
• Verbal regulation
• Level of response emission
• Adaptability of response pattern
• Tertiary level of motor control
7.8.3 Motor and Premotor Cortex lobe d amage may lead to disinhibition and
antisocial behaviour (Table 7.4; Figures 7.4
These are probably involved in the following functions: through 7.6).
• Primary and secondary levels of motor control
• Design fluency
7.8.4 Broca’s Area
A 23-year-old man was involved in a fight in the
This is involved in expressive speech. pub and suffered head injuries. He was taken to the
hospital and treated for subdural hematoma. His
mother has noticed a change in his personality after
7.8.5 Orbital Cortex the injury.
This is probably involved in the following functions: Task: Assess his frontal lobe functions.
• Personality
• Social behaviour
Candidates are advised to familiarise with assessment of
Orbital cortex damage may lead to abnormal sexual
parietal and temporal lobe functions in the CASC exam
(Table 7.6).
Neuropsychological Assessments of Frontal Lobe Functions
Neurological Tests Methodology and Interpretation
Wisconsin card sorting task (WCST) Methodology: Patients are given a pack of cards with symbols on them, which differ in form, colour,
and numbers. Four stimulus cards are available and the patient has to place each response card in
front of one of the four stimulus cards. The psychologist then tells the person if he or she is right or
wrong. The person has to use the feedback from the psychologist to place the next card in front of the
next stimulus card. The sorting is done arbitrarily into colour, form, or number. The person is required
to shift the set from one type of stimulus response to another as indicated by the psychologist
Interpretation: People with frontal lobe lesions cannot overcome previously established responses and
show a high frequency of preservative errors
Tower of London task Methodology: The person needs to rearrange the beads on vertical rods to match a template, using as
few moves as possible. This task assesses the person’s planning skills
Interpretation: People with frontal lobe impairment have difficulty with planning and organization.
They take many more moves compared to people without frontal lobe impairment
Stroop task Methodology: The Stroop task assesses the person’s attention and ability to inhibit inappropriate
response. People have the ability to read words more quickly and automatically than naming colour.
For example, if the word ‘red’ is printed or displayed in ‘black’ ink, people will say the word ‘red’
more readily than naming the colour, ‘black’ in which it is displayed. The Stroop test involves words
in different colours, and there are three levels:
Level 1: Choose the word that matches the stated colour
Level 2: Choose the word that matches the stated word
Level 3: Choose the colour that matches the colour of a stated word
Interpretation: People with frontal lobe impairment have difficulty in dividing their attention and fail
to suppress the tendency to name the words rather than the printed colour. As a result, they will
make more mistakes in the tasks compared to people without frontal lobe impairment
Hayling and Brixton tests Methodology of the Hayling test: The first part measures the speed of response initiation.
The assessor reads each sentence and the subject has to simply complete the sentences
The second part measures response suppression. The subject completes a sentence with a nonsense
ending word and suppresses the sensible ending word
Interpretation: People with frontal lobe impairment have poor response initiation and suppression.
Methodology of the Brixton test: The Brixton test is a visuospatial sequencing test with changes in
rule in between. It is useful to assess people with speech difficulties, with rule change
Interpretation: People with frontal lobe impairment have poor visuospatial sequencing
(a) (b)
FIGURE 7.6 (a) Palmomental reflex: The psychiatrist uses an orange stick to scratch the palm. If there are wrinkles or folds
appear on the ipsilateral chin, palmomental reflex is present. (b) Visual rooting reflex: The psychiatrist uses a tendon hammer
to approach the patient. If she turns to the tendon hammer with her mouth open, the visual rooting reflex is present. (c) Snout
reflex: A tendon hammer is tapped lightly on the patient’s lip. If she forms small folds and wrinkles on the lip and around the
mouth, the pout reflex is present. This resembles the sucking reflex. (d) Grasp reflex: The psychiatrist places two fingers in the
open palm of each of the patient’s hands. If the patient grasps the psychiatrist’s fingers and resists the attempts of removal,
grasp reflex is present.
Cognitive Assessment and Neuropsychological Processes 113
Findings in People without Frontal Lobe Findings in People with Frontal Lobe
Tasks and Instructions to Patient Impairment Impairment
Word fluency
Instruction: ‘Name as many English words as Expected response: Able to say 12–15 words The person can only mention a few words.
possible starting with letter “F”,“A”, and “S” ’. in 1 min Very often, they repeat those words that
Category fluency is for non-English speaking Some people may develop strategies to help have already been mentioned. Finally, the
patients: them to find words. A person may think of person stops and cannot provide more words
Instruction: ‘Name as many animals as a category of items starting with ‘F’ and or items
possible in 1 min’ then move to other categories. For
example, a medical student will think of
diseases started with ‘F’ and then move
onto household items started with ‘F’
Abstract thinking
Instruction: ‘Can you interpret the following Expected response: ‘People who are always Response: ‘Stone is stone. Moss is moss’.
proverb, a rolling stone gathers no moss?’ moving with no roots in one place. They The patient cannot appreciate the deeper
avoid responsibilities and cares. They meanings but just focuses on the words
cannot achieve much’ superficially
For non-English speaking patients, the Expected response: ‘Both apples and Response: ‘Apple is red. Orange is orange’. It
examiner may ask similarity between an oranges are fruits. They have skin. People is not uncommon to find a patient talking
apple and an orange and a table and a chair. can make juice from them. They have seeds about the differences as it seems to be easier
and contain nutrients’ than talking about the similarities
Cognitive estimation
Instruction: ‘How tall is an average British Expected response: ‘An average British Response: ‘10 feet tall’
woman?’ woman is 1.6–1.8 m tall’
Instruction: ‘How many elephants are there in Expected response: ‘I guess 5–10 elephants’ Response: ‘900 elephants’
Sheffield or Hong Kong?’ Candidates may not know the exact number
of elephants in Sheffield or Hong Kong, but
the answer given by the patient is obviously
beyond the normal estimates
Instruction: ‘If you find a letter on the floor Expected response: ‘I will put in the mail Response: ‘I will bring it home and hide it’
and there is a stamp attached to it, what will box and post it’ The patient may give various responses but not
you do?’ conform with the logical actions proposed by
This task assesses the orbitofrontal lobe function. people without frontal lobe impairment
Luria’s hand test
The candidate needs to demonstrate the Luria’s Expected response: A subject without frontal Patients with frontal lobe impairment may not
hand test to the subject being examined. After the lobe impairment can appreciate the three appreciate that there are three different hand
subject has mastered the technique, he or she has different hand positions positions and cannot alternate from one to
to do it with one hand for at least five times. Then another as a result of motor preservation
the subject has to repeat with the other hand.
(See Figure 7.4.)
Alternative sequence test
The candidate draws the alternating shapes and Expected response: People without frontal Patients with frontal lobe impairment will
asks the person being examined to continue lobe impairment will recognize and continue with the last shape (a triangle in this
without telling them that there is a pattern. continue the three alternating shapes case)
The failure to appreciate the alternative
pattern is a result of preservation
(See Figure 7.5.)
Elicit primitive reflexes
(See Figure 7.6.) Expected response: no primitive reflex Patients with frontal lobe impairment show
emergence of primitive reflexes
114 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Assessment of Parietal Lobe Functions
Assessment of Dominant Parietal Lobe Assessment of Nondominant Parietal Lobe
1. (Gerstmann’s syndrome) 1. Asomatognosia: lack of awareness of the
a. Finger agnosia: inability to recognize the name of the finger condition of all or parts of the body
b. Left and right orientation: inability to recognize left and right 2. Constructional dyspraxia: inability to copy double
c. Acalculia: inability to recognize number and calculation interlocking pentagons
d. Dysgraphia
2. Astereoagnosia: inability to recognize the size, shape, and texture of an object
by palpation
3. Dysgraphesthesia: inability to recognize letters or numbers written on the hand
4. Ideomotor apraxia
5. Wernicke’s or Broca’s aphasia
6. Impairment in two-point discrimination (e.g. a patient cannot recognize the
presence of two sharp stimuli by placing a divider on the finger pulp)
Summary of the Neuropsychological Impairments of the Left and Right Cerebral Hemispheres
Lesions in the Left Cerebral Hemisphere (Dominant) Lesions in the Right Cerebral Hemisphere (Nondominant)
1. Gerstmann’s syndrome: finger agnosia, left and right 1. Neglect phenomena (one side of body, sensation, reading, writing)
orientation, acalculia, and dysgraphia (lexical and deep) 2. Apraxia: depressing and constructional
2. Astereoagnosia 3. Agnosia: apperceptive
3. Dysgraphesthesia
4. Ideomotor apraxia
5. Dyslexia: surface or deep
6. Apraxia: ideation, ideomotor, and orobuccal
116 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
origin are more likely to be detained under men- 8.1.4 Black Report on Socioeconomic
tal health legislation and diagnosed as suffering Inequalities in Health
from schizophrenia (although this may in fact
reflect genuine differences in prevalence and According to the Black Report of 1980 exploring the dif-
incidence rates). ference in health and mortality in Britain between the
• Differential treatment—for example, there is a social classes, compared with those in social class I, indi-
difference in the type of psychiatric treatment viduals in social class V
likely to be received by those from different
social classes (see the succeeding text). • Have twice the neonatal mortality
• Are twice as likely to die before retirement
• Have an increased rate of almost all diseases Health-Care Delivery
Those with a psychiatric disorder who are from lower
social classes are more likely to Explanations
The following explanations for the relationship between
• Be admitted to hospital as psychiatric inpatients social class and illness found in the Black Report on socio-
• Remain as psychiatric inpatients for longer economic inequalities in health have been suggested:
• Receive physical treatments, for example, elec-
troconvulsive therapy • Artefactual—the health inequalities found are
Those with a psychiatric disorder who are from upper • Natural and social selection—good health is
social classes are more likely to associated with an improvement in social class,
while poor health is associated with social drift
• Spend a shorter period of time as psychiatric downward.
inpatients • Materialist/structural—poor health is primarily
• Be treated as psychiatric outpatients without a function of material deprivation; inequalities
inpatient admission in wealth and income distribution are associated
• Receive psychological treatments, for example, with inequalities in health.
individual psychotherapy • Cultural/behavioural—certain unhealthy behav-
iour patterns are more common in lower social
classes (e.g. smoking, unhealthy diets), leading to Pathways to Psychiatric Care
health inequalities.
Goldberg and Huxley (1980) described the existence of
filters to psychiatric care, each of which depends on Changes after 10 Years
• Social factors—such as age, sex, ethnic back- A decade after the publication of the Black Report, Smith
ground, socioeconomic status et al. (1990) found
• Service organization and provision—for exam-
ple, time and location of clinics, length of wait- • Social class differences in mortality had
ing list widened.
• Aspects of the disorder itself—for example, its • Better measures of socioeconomic position
severity and chronicity showed greater inequalities in mortality.
• Inequalities in health had been found in all
These filters include countries that collect relevant data.
• Measurement artefacts and social selection did
• The decision to consult the general practitioner not account for mortality differences.
• Recognition of the disorder by the general • Social class differences existed for health dur-
practitioner ing life as well as for the length of life.
• The decision by the general practitioner as to • Trends in income distribution suggested a fur-
whether or not to refer the patient to a specialist ther likely widening of mortality differences.
Social Sciences and Stigma 117
8.2.2 Marx 8.2.3 Durkheim
Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier, Prussia, in 1818 Emile Durkheim was born in Epinal, France, in 1858 and
and died in London, England, in 1883. died in Paris, France, in 1917.
118 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
• The competition between needs and illness These theories are now out of favour, but there is evi-
responses dence for the more recent theory relating to the
• Competing interpretations assigned to recog- effects of expressed emotion with respect to relapse in
nized symptoms schizophrenia.
• The availability and physical proximity of treat-
ment resources and the costs in terms of time, Schizophrenogenic Mother
money, effort, and stigma
This concept was put forward by Fromm-Reichmann in
1948 (Hoff, 1982). Schizophrenia was said to be a conse-
quence of an inadequate relationship between the future
8.4 FAMILY LIFE IN RELATION TO MAJOR sufferer from schizophrenia, as a child, and his or her
MENTAL ILLNESS mother. Characteristics of the schizophrenogenic mother
Family life is guided by the explicit and implicit rela- were said to include her being
tionship rules that prescribe and limit the behaviour of
members of the family and provide expectations within • Rejecting
the family with respect to the roles, actions, and conse- • Aloof
quences of individuals. • Overly protective
• Overtly hostile
8.5 LIFE EVENTS • The relationship between life events and the
psychiatric disorder should be found to occur in
8.5.1 Definition different populations and at different times.
Life events are sudden changes, which may be positive or
negative, in an individual’s social life, which disrupt its
normal course.
8.5.4 Difficulties in the Evaluation of Life Events
Methodological problems in the evaluation of life events
include the following:
8.5.2 Life-Change Scale
The following table gives some life-change values for 1. Assessments tend to be retrospective, which can
life events in the Holmes and Rahe Social Readjustment lead to difficulties such as
Rating Scale (after Holmes and Rahe, 1967): a. Biased recall
b. Falloff in recall with time
Life-Change c. Retrospective contamination
Life Event Value d. Effort after meaning
Death of spouse 100 2. Causation and association need to be separated
Divorce 73 3. Contextual evaluation
Marital separation 65 4. Subjective evaluation
Gaol term 63
Death of close family member 63 A widely used instrument for current research into life
Personal injury or illness 53 events and psychiatric disorder is the Life Events and
Marriage 50 Difficulties Schedule (LEDS) of Brown and Harris (1978,
Being sacked from job 47 1989), which has the following features:
Retirement 45
Marital reconciliation 45 • Semistructured interview schedule
Pregnancy 40 • 38 areas probed
Birth of child 39 • Detailed narratives collected about events,
Death of close friend 37 including their circumstances
Child leaving home for good 29
• High reliability
Problems with in-laws 29
• High validity
Problems with boss 23
Change in sleeping habits 16
Change in eating habits 15
8.5.5 Clinical Significance
Minor legal violation 11 Depression
The full Holmes and Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Many studies have found a relationship between life
Scale, which was introduced in 1967, consists of a self- events and the onset of depression. In 6–12 months prior
report questionnaire containing 43 classes of life event. to the onset, compared with normal controls, patients have
a three to five times greater chance of having suffered at
least one life event with major negative long-term implica-
8.5.3 Aetiology of Psychiatric Disorders
tions (involving threat or loss). However, most people who
In order to demonstrate that life events have an aetiologi- experience adverse life events do not develop depression;
cal role in a given psychiatric disorder, the following cri- as mentioned earlier, Brown and Harris (1978) identified
teria should be fulfilled: four vulnerability factors that make women more suscep-
tible to suffer from depression following life events:
• The occurrence of life events should correlate
with onset of the disorder. • Loss of mother before the age of 11 years
• The life events should precede the onset of the • Not working outside the home
disorder and not the other way round. • A lack of a confiding relationship
• A hypothetical construct should exist with con- • Having three or more children under the age of
founded variables excluded. 15 years at home
Social Sciences and Stigma 123
which would usually include bathing before Hospital, Essex; and Mapperley Hospital, Nottingham).
being given institutional clothing. These hospitals were chosen because they had differ-
• Moral career—gradual changes in perception ent social conditions but otherwise were similar in that
of patients about themselves and others, occur- they had patients with schizophrenia who suffered ill-
ring as a result of institutionalization. nesses of similar severity and similar catchment area
populations, and all such patients were accepted for Reactions to the Mortification Process admission. Thus, it was hoped to test the hypothesis
According to Goffman, patients were said to show various that social environment could influence schizophrenic
possible reactions to the mortification process, including symptoms and behaviour. A strong association was
found between poverty of the social environment and
• Withdrawal severity of clinical poverty; clinical poverty consists of
• Open rebellion
• Colonization—the patient pretends to show • Blunted affect
acceptance • Poverty of speech
• Conversion • Social withdrawal
• Institutionalization—actual acceptance both
outwardly and inwardly
8.6.4 Institutional Neurosis AND MENTAL HEALTH
Barton (1959) used the term institutional neurosis to 8.7.1 Prevalence of Schizophrenia
describe a syndrome he considered to be caused by insti-
tutions in which the individual shows In Britain, there is a higher rate of diagnosis of schizo-
phrenia in Afro-Caribbean and Irish populations, com-
• Apathy pared with the indigenous population, and a lower rate in
• Inability to plan for the future those of South Asian origin.
• Submissiveness
• Withdrawal 8.7.2 Causes of Different Prevalence Rates
• Low self-esteem
Explanations of the different prevalence rates of schizo-
phrenia in ethnic minorities in Britain include the following:
8.6.5 Secondary Handicap
Wing (1967, 1978) used the term secondary handi- • Those who migrate from their countries of ori-
cap to include both institutional neurosis and similar gin have a greater likelihood of having schizo-
features occurring in individuals living outside total phrenia or a predisposition for schizophrenia
institutions. (social selection)—however, there is a reduced
rate in Asians and an increased rate in second- Primary Handicap generation Afro-Caribbeans.
This may be psychiatric illness, somatic illness, or social • Migration is associated with increased stress
difficulties that the individual has to contend with. leading to an increased precipitation of schizo-
phrenia in those with an underlying predisposi- Secondary Handicap tion—however, there is a reduced rate in Asians
This results from the unfortunate way in which other and an increased rate in second-generation
people may react to the primary handicap, both inside Afro-Caribbeans.
and outside total institutions. • Discrimination and deprivation lead to an
increased rate of schizophrenia or an increased
precipitation of schizophrenia in those with an
8.6.6 Three Mental Hospitals Study
underlying predisposition (social causation)—
Wing and Brown (1961, 1970) carried out an important however, there is a reduced rate in Asians.
comparative study in the 1960s of three British mental • Schizophrenia is overdiagnosed in Afro-
hospitals (Netherne Hospital, South London; Severalls Caribbeans.
Social Sciences and Stigma 125
8.7.3 Depression and Anxiety professional groups involved in patient care may decrease
their ‘professionalization’ over time, for instance, by going
Those from ethnic minorities may not tell their doctor on strike even if this adversely affects patient care.
they feel depressed or anxious. For example,
• Afro-Caribbean men when depressed may 8.9 INTERGROUP BEHAVIOUR AND STIGMA
instead complain of erectile dysfunction or
reduced libido 8.9.1 Stereotypes
• South Asians may somatize depression
A stereotype is an overgeneralized inference about a per-
• South Asians may somatize anxiety
son or group of people in which they are all assumed to
possess particular traits or characteristics.
8.8 PROFESSIONS The use of schemata (working stereotypes) is inevi-
table until further experience either refines or discred-
8.8.1 Characteristics of Professions its them. Many stereotypes are benign but may be
The characteristics of professional status include resistant to change. However, stereotypes can become
self-perpetuating and self-fulfilling.
• The possession of practical skills based on theo-
retical knowledge 8.9.2 Stigma
• Requiring an extended period formal training
and education Definition
• Assessments of competence carried out by the Sigma is an attribute of an individual that marks him
profession or her as being unacceptable, inferior, or dangerous and
• Belonging to an organization ‘spoils’ identity.
• Recognition by the state of the professional
organization Example
• Adherence to a code of conduct
Psychiatric disorders are highly stigmatized in societies
• Providing altruistic service
that value rationality.
• The possession of a monopoly of practice in
their field Enacted Stigma
This is the experience of discrimination of an individual
8.8.2 Professional Groups Involved who bears a stigma.
in Patient Care Felt Stigma
Long-established professions in health-care services
include This is the fear of discrimination of an individual who
bears a stigma.
• Doctors Development
• Pharmacists
• Dentists Stigma first appears during the psychoanalytic stage of
latency, approximately corresponding with Erikson’s
Newer ‘semiprofessions’ or ‘subprofessions’ include stage of industry versus inferiority, during which chil-
dren develop a strong awareness of the ways in which
• Psychiatric nurses they are similar to and differ from others.
• Clinical psychologists
• Nonmedically trained psychotherapists 8.9.3 Prejudice
• Occupational therapists Definition
‘Semiprofessions’ or ‘subprofessions’ may increase their Prejudice is a preconceived set of beliefs held about oth-
‘professionalization’ over time, for instance, by increasing ers who are ‘prejudged’ on this basis; the negative mean-
the length of training and training requirements. Conversely, ing of the term is the one usually used. It is not amenable
126 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
to discussion and is resistant to change. Prejudiced indi- Brown GW, Carstairs GM, and Topping GC. 1958: The post-
viduals may behave in ways that create stereotyped hospital adjustment of chronic mental patients. Lancet
behaviour that sustains their prejudice. 2:658–659.
Brown GW and Harris T. 1986: Stressor, vulnerability and
depression: A question of replication. Psychological Example Medicine 16(4):739–744.
Racism or racial prejudice is the dogmatic belief that one Brown GW and Harris TO. (eds.) 1978: Social Origins of
‘race’ is superior to another one and that there exist iden- Depression: A Study of Psychiatric Disorder in Women.
tifiable ‘racial characteristics’ that influence cognition, London, U.K.: Tavistock.
Brown GW and Harris TO. (eds.) 1989: Life Events and Illness.
achievement, behaviour, etc. New York: Guilford Press.
Craig TKJ and Brown GW. 1984: Goal frustration and life Discrimination events in the etiology of painful gastrointestinal disorder.
This is the enactment of prejudice. (In the case of racism, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 28:411–421.
Creed F. 1981: Life events and appendectomy. Lancet
the enactment is also termed racialism.)
Creed F. 1992: Life-events. In Weller M and Eysenck M (eds.) Causes The Scientific Basis of Psychiatry, 2nd edn. London,
Causes of prejudice may include the following: U.K.: W.B. Saunders.
Dare C. 1985: Family therapy. In Rutter M and Hersov L (eds.)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Modern Approaches.
• The person holding the prejudice is rigid Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell Scientific.
in his or her beliefs and does not toler- Durkheim E. 1966: Suicide. New York, NY: Free Press.
ate weaknesses in others; this is sometimes Farmer R and Creed F. 1989: Life events and hostility in self-
referred to by sociologists as an authoritarian poisoning. British Journal of Psychiatry 154:390–395.
personality. Finlay-Jones R and Brown GW. 1981: Types of stressful life
• Scapegoating of the victims of the prejudice. event and the onset of anxiety and depressive disorders.
• Stereotyping of the victims of the prejudice. Psychological Medicine 11:803–815.
Foucault M and Hurley R. 1998: The History of Sexuality: The
Will to Knowledge, Vol. 1. London, U.K.: Penguin. Reducing Prejudice Foucault M and Sheridan A. 1991: Discipline and Punish: The
Cook showed that the following conditions need to be Birth of the Prison. London, U.K.: Penguin.
satisfied in order to reduce prejudice: Goffman E. 1961: Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation
of Mental Patients and Other Inmates. New York:
• Equal status Goldberg D and Huxley P. 1980: Mental Illness in the
• The potential for personal acquaintance Community: The Pathways to Psychiatric Care. London,
• Exposure to nonstereotypic individuals U.K.: Tavistock Publications.
• Social environment favours equality Habermas J and McCarthy R. 1989: The Theory of
• Cooperative effort Communicative Action. Cambridge, MA: Polity Press.
Harris TO. 1989: Disorders of menstruation. In Brown GW
and Harris TO (eds.) Life Events and Illness. New York:
Guildford Press.
Hoff SG. 1982: Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, the early years.
Bateson G, Jackson DD, Haley J, and Weakland J. 1956: Psychiatry 45(2):115–120.
Towards a theory of Schizophrenia. Behavioral Science Holmes TH and Rahe RH. 1967: The social readjustment
1:251–264. rating scale. Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Barton WR. 1959: Institutional Neurosis. Bristol, U.K.: Wright. 11:213–217.
Bicknell J. 1983: The psychopathology of handicap. British Lidz T, Cornelison AR, Fleck S, and Terry D. 1957: The intrafa-
Journal of Medical Psychology 56:167–178. milial environment of schizophrenic patients: II. Martial
Boulton M. 2010: Social science and sociocultural psychi- schism and marital skew. American Journal of Psychiatry
atry. In Puri BK and Treasaden IH (eds.) Psychiatry: 114:241–248.
An Evidence-Based Text. London, U.K.: Hodder Love JR. 1991: Antiquity and Capitalism: Max Weber and the
Arnold. Sociological Foundations of Roman Civilization. New
Brown GW and Birley JL. 1968: Crises and life changes and York, NY: Routledge.
the onset of schizophrenia. Journal of Health Social Marx K and Engels F. 2004: The Communist Manifesto. London,
Behaviour 9:203–214. U.K.: Penguin.
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Marx K, Engels F, and Arthur CJ. 1987: The German Ideology: Smith GD, Bartley M, and Blane D. 1990: The Black report on
Introduction to a Critique of Political Economy. London, socioeconomic inequalities in health 10 years on. British
U.K.: Lawrence & Wishart Ltd. Medical Journal 301:373–377.
Marx K, Engels F, and Milligan M. 2011: Economic and Tantum D and Birchwood M. (eds.) 1994: Psychiatry and the
Philosophic Manuscripts 1844. New York, NY: Wilder Social Sciences. London, U.K.: Gaskell.
Publications. Tennant CC. 1985: Stress and schizophrenia: A review.
Mechanic D. 1978 Medical Sociology, 2nd edn. Glencoe, IL: Integrative Psychiatry 3:248–261.
Free Press. Vaughn CE and Leff JP. 1976: The influence of family and
Miller PM and Ingham JG. 1985: Dimensions of experience social factors on the course of schizophrenic illness.
and symptomatology. Journal of Psychosomatic Research British Journal of Psychiatry 129:125–137.
29:475–488. Weber M, Baehr PR, and Wells GC. 2002: The Protestant Ethic
Morgan HG, Burns-Cox CJ, Pocock H et al. 1975: Deliberate and The “Spirit” of Capitalism and Other Writings.
self-harm: Clinical and socio-economic character- London, U.K.: Penguin.
istics of 368 patients. British Journal of Psychiatry Wing JK. 1967: Social treatment, rehabilitation and man-
127:564–574. agement. In Coppen A and Walker A (eds.) Recent
Nolen-Hoeksema S, Fredrickson BL, Loftus GR, and Developments in Schizophrenia. British Journal of
Wagenaar WA. 2009: Atkinson & Hilgard’s Introduction Psychiatry, Special Publication No. 1.
to Psychology, 15th edn. Hampshire, U.K.: Cengage Wing JK. 1978: Schizophrenia: Towards A New Synthesis.
Learning EMEA. London, U.K.: Academic Press.
Parsons T. 1951: The Social System. Glencoe, Scotland: Free Wing JK and Brown GW. 1961: Social treatment of chronic
Press. schizophrenia: A comparative survey of three mental hos-
Persaud R. 2010: Social psychology. In Puri BK and Treasaden pitals. Journal of Mental Science 107:847–861.
IH (eds.) Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based Text. London, Wing JK and Brown GW. 1970: Institutionalism and
U.K.: Hodder Arnold. Schizophrenia: A Comparative Study of Three Mental
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edn. Edinburgh, U.K.: Saunders Elsevier. University Press.
9 Dynamic Psychopathology and
Psychoanalytic Theories
130 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Characteristics of primary process thinking include the • Nocturnal stimuli—external stimuli, for exam-
following (Sklar, 1989): ple, noise, moisture, touch, and internal stimuli,
for example, pain and urinary bladder distension
• Timelessness—the concept of time only devel- • Unconscious wishes
ops after a period in the mind of a child in • Latent dream—the day residue, nocturnal stim-
connection to conscious reality, for example, uli, and unconscious wishes
periodicity or chaos of feeding.
• Disregard of reality of the conscious world. Dream Work
• Psychical reality—memories of a real event and
of imagined experience are not distinguished; This refers to the process whereby the latent dream is
abstract symbols are treated concretely. converted into the manifest dream. Operations that con-
• Absence of contradiction—opposites have a tribute to dream work can include
psychic equivalence.
• Absence of negation. • Displacement
• Condensation Secondary Process • Symbolization
This is the operating system of the preconscious and the • Secondary elaboration (secondary revision)—
conscious. Characteristics of secondary process thinking the process of revising and/or elaborating the
include the following: dream after awakening in order to make it more
consistent with the rules of secondary process
• Time flows forward linearly.
• Reality is regarded—the content and logical 9.2.5 Structural Model of the Mind
basis of ideas is important.
• Verbal word—presentations are used. This was set out in Freud’s The Ego and the Id (1923)
• Contradictions are recognized and should not and replaced the topographical model. In this model, the
exist. mind is considered to consist of the following three parts: Anima
9.3.1 Early Influences The feminine prototype within each person.
Jung was originally an important member of Sigmund
Freud’s inner circle and indeed at one time his designated Animus
successor. The masculine prototype within each person.
134 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
9.3.4 Complexes 9.4.1 Background
Complexes surround archetypes and can be defined as Klein, who lacked any formal higher education and never
feeling-toned ideas. They develop from an interaction of developed a full theory of development, was a contro-
personal experiences and archetypal models. versial figure in the British Psychoanalytical Society.
When she began developing her theories, Sigmund Freud
viewed her as potentially challenging the work in child
9.3.5 Mental Operations analysis of his daughter Anna Freud.
Jungian theory postulates four operations of the mind: It is now known that Klein analysed her three children
and wrote them up as disguised clinical cases. She pro-
• Feeling posed that the aim of child psychoanalysis was to ‘cure’
• Intuition all children of their ‘psychoses’.
• Sensation
• Thinking 9.4.2 Differences between Kleinian
and Freudian Theory Feeling
This allows feelings: Among the important differences between the theories of
Klein and Freud were the following.
• Anger and joy
• Love and loss Object Relations
• Pleasure and pain Klein believed that the infant was capable of object
Judgements regarding good and evil also use this operation.
of the infant viewing the world as part objects, using 9.5 DONALD WINNICOTT (1897–1971)
the following defence mechanisms:
9.5.1 Background
• Introjection (internalization) Winnicott was a British paediatrician who became a psy-
• Projective identification choanalyst. He was a contemporary of Anna Freud and
• Splitting Melanie Klein, between whom he at one time tried to
mediate. He made important contributions to object rela-
Objects viewed by the infant as good are believed to tions theory and his reputation has grown steadily since
be introjected, while those viewed as bad are split or his death.
9.5.2 Mother–Baby Dyad Aggression
A strong emphasis was placed on aggression, occurring Winnicott believed it was wrong to consider the baby in
particularly during the paranoid-schizoid position. isolation, noting that there was
9.6.12 Rationalization
9.6.21 Intellectualization
An attempt to explain in a logically consistent or ethically
acceptable way, ideas, thoughts, and feelings whose true Excessive abstract thinking occurs in order to avoid con-
motive is not perceived. It operates in everyday life and in flicts or disturbing feelings.
delusional symptoms.
9.6.13 Sublimation Freud A. 1936: The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence.
London, U.K.: Hogarth Press.
A process that utilizes the force of a sexual instinct Freud S. 1950: Project for a scientific psychology (1950 [1895]).
in drives, affects, and memories in order to motivate The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works
creative activities having no apparent connection with of Sigmund Freud, Vol. I (1886–1899), pp. 281–391. Pre-
sexuality. Psycho-Analytic Publications and Unpublished Drafts.
Freud S. 1953–1966: The Standard Edition of the Complete
Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vols. 1–24.
9.6.14 Idealization London, U.K.: Hogarth Press.
Freud S. 1962: The Standard Edition of the Complete
The object’s qualities are elevated to the point of perfection. Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud: Vol. III
(1893–1899), pp. 11–23. London, U.K.: Hogarth Press.
Freud S. 1984: On Metapsychology - The Theory of
9.6.15 Regression Psychoanalysis: ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’, ‘The
Ego and the Id’ and Other Works. London, U.K.: Penguin
Transition, at times of stress and threat, to moods of
expression and functioning that are on a lower level of Freud S. 2010: The Interpretation of Dreams the Illustrated
complexity, so that one returns to an earlier level of matu- Edition. London, U.K.: Sterling Press.
rational functioning. Galison P. 2012: Blacked-out spaces: Freud, censorship and
the re-territorialization of mind. British Journal for the
History of Science 45 (165):235–266.
9.6.16 Denial Hall CS. 1956: A Primer of Freudian Psychology. London,
U.K.: George Allen & Unwin.
Denying the external reality of an unwanted or unpleas- Jung CG. 1961: Memories, Dreams, Reflections. New York:
ant piece of information. Random House.
Jung CG. 1964: Man and His Symbols. New York: Doubleday.
9.6.17 Splitting Klein M. 1948: Contributions to Psycho-Analysis, 1921–1945.
London, U.K.: Hogarth Press.
Dividing ‘good’ objects, affects, and memories from Klein M. 1949: The Psycho-Analysis of Children, 3rd edn.
‘bad’ ones. Often seen in patients with borderline per- London, U.K.: Hogarth Press.
sonality disorder. Malan DH. 2001: Individual Psychotherapy and the Science of
Psychodynamics, 2nd edn. London, U.K.: Arnold.
Ogden TH. 1992: The dialectically constituted/decentred subject of
9.6.18 Distortion psychoanalysis, II: The contributions of Klein and Winnicott.
International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 73:613–626.
Reshaping external reality to suit inner needs. Segal H. 1980: Melanie Klein. New York: Viking Press.
138 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Sklar J. 1989: Dynamic psychopathology. In Puri BK and Sklar J Winnicott DW. 1958: Collected Papers: Through Paediatrics to
(eds.) Examination Notes for the MRCPsych Part I. Psycho-Analysis. New York: Basic Books.
London, U.K.: Butterworth/Heinemann. Winnicott DW. 1965: The Maturational Processes and the
Storr A. 1990: The Art of Psychotherapy, 2nd edn. London, Facilitating Environment. New York: International
U.K.: Hodder Education. Universities Press.
Winnicott DW. 1949: Hate in the counter-transference. Intern Winnicott DW. 1971: Playing and Reality. New York: Intern
ational Journal of Psycho-Analysis 30:69–74. ational Universities Press.
10 History of Psychiatry
10.1 BEFORE COMMON ERA (BCE) Moral treatment of insanity was promoted after the
Retreat in York.
Mental illnesses were perceived as originated from God in In 1811, Wilhelm Griesinger established the modern
the ancient world. There were references to mental disorders model of the department of psychiatry in Germany. He
in Egyptian papyri in 1500 BCE and in the Old Testament. thought psychiatric illness was a brain disease. He was
In 400 BCE, Plato thought that the brain is the seat of the first psychiatrist to establish the model of general hos-
mental disorders. Hippocrates considered mental disor- pital psychiatry.
ders to be bodily conditions requiring medical treatment. In 1812, Benjamin Rush and Samuel Merritt published
Hippocrates was the first person to describe mental dis- the first textbook in psychiatry, Medical inquiries and
turbances as mania and melancholia. observations upon the diseases of the mind (Rush and
Merritt, 1812).
10.2 COMMON ERA Based on Pinel’s work, Esquirol set up a series of lec-
tures in psychological medicine to teach medical students
Melancholia was described by a Roman physician, in Edinburgh in 1823.
Celsus, as depression caused by black bile. In 1827, Johann Heinroth was appointed as the first
professor in psychological therapy in Leipzig.
10.3 MIDDLE AGES Paul Briquet coined the term hysteria or Briquet syn-
drome, which refers to multiple somatization disorder.
Mental disorders were considered to be spiritual issues
rather than medical illnesses. This concept was promi-
nent throughout the Middle Ages. 10.7 1830–1914
During the first wave of biological treatments, the fol-
10.4 1247–1320 lowing drugs were discovered: chloral hydrate (a hyp-
notic) in 1832 and barbiturates in 1903.
In 1247, the Bethlem hospital was the first mental hos-
pital in Great Britain to offer care for people who were
insane. The first lunacy (insanity) legislation was passed 10.8 1830s
in England in 1320. In 1835, Phineas Gage was the first patient to be reported
to suffer from frontal lobe syndrome in the medical lit-
10.5 1700s erature. He suffered from an injury after an iron rod went
through his frontal lobe. He was noted to have a person-
King George III suffered from recurrent mental disorder ality change but no changes in memory and intelligence.
(possible porphyria) in Great Britain. As a result of the Through his case, the neuroscientists started to have a
King’s mental illness, a committee was appointed by the better understanding of the frontal lobe functions.
House of Lords. The committee considered the mental
illness of the King and mental illnesses in general. The
10.9 1840s
King was looked after by Francis Willis who ordered
physical restraints on the King. In 1847, Wilhelm Griesinger (1817–1868) defined mental
disorder as a disease of the brain by using the general
paralysis of the insane as an example.
10.6 1790–1830
The Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and
Popularization of psychiatric treatment included the pro- Hospitals for the Insane was formed in Great Britain. It
posal of removing physical restraints. In 1793, Philippe evolved into the Medico Psychological Association that
Pinel advised the removal of chain from people who were was the former organization before the establishment of
considered to be mad in Great Britain. the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
140 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
In 1901, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849–1936) proposed In 1918, Jean Piaget (1896–1980) received a doctorate
classical conditioning by demonstrating that the repeated in biology at the age of 22. He proposed cognitive devel-
pairing of a conditioned (neutral) stimulus (e.g. food) with opment stages.
an unconditioned stimulus (e.g. bell) will allow the pres- The Maudsley Hospital was opened in 1919 by Sir
ence of unconditioned stimulus alone to produce the same Aubrey Lewis (1900–1975). The first academic depart-
response (e.g. drooling of saliva) as conditioned stimulus. ment of psychiatry in the United Kingdom was opened
In 1908, Eugen Bleuler (1857–1939) proposed the in Edinburgh.
term ‘schizophrenia’.
In 1909, Emil Kraepelin (1856–1926) coined the term
10.16 1920s
late paraphrenia, which has a later onset than dementia
praecox. This condition is more common in women with In 1921, the Serbsky Institute was founded in Moscow.
sensory impairment. This institute was used to house political prisoners dur-
Pierre Janet (1859–1947) coined the term psychasthe- ing the Soviet era, and they were diagnosed to suffer
nia that is composed of anxiety, phobias, obsessions, and from progressively sluggish schizophrenia based on their
neurotic depression. struggle for truth and justice.
In the early 1900s, children suffering from enceph- Neurasthenia and related conditions were accepted
alitis often developed impulsivity, disinhibition, and as disorders for which military pensions could be
hyperactivity. This neuropsychiatric sequela is known as drawn. In 1924, Mayer-Gross coined the term oneiro-
hyperactive syndrome. phrenia, which is an acute form of illness characterized
by a dreamlike state.
In 1927, Wilhelm Reich (1897–1951) was a pioneer of
10.15 1910s
body psychotherapy and several emotion-based psycho-
Adolph Meyer (1866–1950) emphasized the need for an therapies. He also laid the foundation for Gestalt therapy
eclectic approach combining physical, social, and psycho- and primal therapy.
logical aspects when treating people with mental illnesses. Otto Rank (1884–1939) coined the term ‘primal anxi-
The Mental Deficiency Act was passed in Great Britain. ety’. Rank was an important figure to move psychother-
William H. R. Rivers (1864–1922) coined the term apy away from psychoanalysis. He developed a more
‘shell shock’. During the First World War (1914–1917), active and egalitarian psychotherapy focused on the
shell shock reached a peak incidence following the Battle here-and-now and conscious mind rather than past his-
of the Somme in 1916. The patient may develop traumatic tory, transference, and unconscious.
neurosis as a result of external source or transference Development in psychology during this period
neurosis as a result of internal source. As cowardice and included the following: The Little Albert experiment by
desertion were capital offences in the British Army at that John Watson and Rosalie Rayner, Rorschach inkblot
time, the military authorities tried to distinguish inten- test, systematic desensitization, the theory of emotions
tional from non-intentional symptoms. There was debate by Cannon–Bard, psychodrama by Jacob Levy Moreno
whether shell shock was an organic disease or a form of (1889–1974), and Gestalt psychology and psychotherapy
malingering. Mott considered that there was a pathologi- by Frederick Salomon Perls (1893–1970).
cal basis for shell shock, consisting of haemorrhages in The Medico Psychological Association received its
the brain. Shell shock finally led to an acceptance among Royal Charter.
the general public that overwhelming stress could lead to
illness even among soldiers of previously proven bravery.
10.17 1930s
The ‘malarial fever cure for neurosyphilis’ was discov-
ered by Julius Wagner-Jauregg and became the first suc- There were developments of new physical therapies dur-
cessful physical therapy in psychiatry. Wagner-Jauregg was ing this period:
awarded the Nobel Prize. During that time, there was a
deliberate denial of treatment for African Americans with • Hydrotherapy was one of the common methods
syphilis. used to treat agitated patients. The actual spa
In 1916, Alfred Binet (1857–1911) and Lewis Terman therapy of psychoses and neuroses was con-
from Stanford University proposed the Stanford–Binet ducted in the hydros.
Intelligence Scale that forms the basis of modern intel- • Manfred Sakel (1900–1957) introduced insulin
ligence quotient (IQ) test. coma therapy that was initially used to treat
142 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
drug addiction, but, later, it was widely used a toxic product. Lithium was used to dissolve the uric
to treat schizophrenia. Patients were permitted acid prior to injection. Guinea pigs injected with lithium
to spend no more than 20 min in coma before became very placid. In 1949, Cade decided to inject manic
being brought back to consciousness with a patients with lithium.
sugar solution. Paul Hoch and Philip Polatin described pseudo-
• Electroconvulsive treatment (ECT) was neurotic schizophrenia (pan-anxiety, pan-neurosis, and
introduced by Ugo Cerletti (1877–1963) who pansexuality) that later developed into the concept of
induced convulsions electronically rather than borderline personality disorder.
pharmacologically. Lucio Bini (1908–1964) In 1943, Leo Kanner coined the term infantile autism
was the first person to perform ECT using in his classic paper, ‘Autistic Disturbances of Affective
bilateral placement of electrodes. ECT was Contract’ (Kanner, 1968).
initially used to treat schizophrenia but more In 1944, Hans Asperger described a syndrome applied
widely used for severe depressive illness in to persons with normal intelligence who exhibits a quali-
the later development. tative impairment in reciprocal social interaction and
• In 1935, psychosurgery was introduced by Egas behavioural oddities without delays in language develop-
Moniz (1874–1955). Moniz got the idea for psy- ment. He named his syndrome ‘autistic psychopathy’ that
chosurgery from the observation that emotional later became Asperger’s syndrome.
changes occur in a chimpanzee following the The ICD-1 was published by the World Health
ablation of its frontal lobes. Organization (WHO, 1990).
10.20 1960s
10.23 1990s
The mechanisms of action of antidepressants and anti-
psychotics were better understood. The antipsychotic There were speculations that fluoxetine increased suicide
effect of clozapine was recognized in the early 1960s. risk in adults with depression but turned out to be a result
Amitriptyline was launched. of poor study design.
Aaron Beck (1921–) introduced cognitive behaviour Citalopram, moclobemide, paroxetine, sertraline,
therapy (CBT). nefazodone, mirtazapine, venlafaxine, risperidone,
Token economy was developed during this period. olanzapine, and donepezil were introduced during this
The movement of anti-psychiatry: People who are anti- period.
psychiatry believed in the sociogenesis of severe mental Marsha Linehan (1943–), an American psychologist,
illness, particularly for schizophrenia. Anti-psychiatry developed the dialectical behaviour therapy for people
gained popularity in Europe and the United States. with borderline personality disorder.
Andreas Rett (1924–1997), an Austrian neurologist, Repression of Falun Gong took place in China.
coined the Rett syndrome based on 22 girls who developed Ankangs are secure psychiatric hospitals in China where
normally for the first 6 months and followed by devastat- Falun Gong ‘dissidents’ are ‘treated’ for the qigong-
ing developmental deterioration subsequently in their life. related mental disorder.
144 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
11.1.2 Declaration of Geneva (1948) The member should provide the highest standard of pro-
fessional psychiatric service to patients and follow the
1. A doctor should give his or her teachers respects College Guidance on Good Psychiatric Practice. The
and treat colleagues as brothers or sisters. member is committed to the elimination of unlawful dis-
2. A doctor should always give the health of his or crimination, the promotion of equality of opportunity,
her patients the first consideration. and the promotion of good race relations.
3. A doctor should not permit considerations of
religion, nationality, race, party politics, or
social standing to intervene between his or her
duty with patients.
4. A doctor should hold utmost respect for human 11.2.1 Utilitarian Theories
life from the time of conception.
The utilitarian theories emphasize on minimizing the
risks and maximizing the benefits for the greatest num-
11.1.3 Declaration of Madrid ber (not necessarily the patients). There are two types
1. A doctor should offer the best, evidence-based of utilitarian approach: act utilitarian and rule utilitar-
and the least restrictive treatment to his or her ian. For example, a patient has thoughts of harming his
patients with fair allocation of health resources. or her family. In act utilitarian, the psychiatrist may
2. A doctor should accept his or her patients as part- consider disclosing confidential information (e.g. his or
ners. The patient should be informed on the purpose her intention to harm) to his or her family or police
of assessment and the doctor should empower his or by providing good or avoiding harm to the greatest
her patients to make free and informed decisions. number who stay with him or her or near him or her.
3. If a patient does not have the capacity to make In rule utilitarian, the rule of confidentiality may act
decision, the doctor should consult his or her against the rule of protecting others. If the conflict can-
family or seek legal advice to preserve human not be resolved, it will fall back on the decision of act
dignity and legal rights. utilitarian.
146 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
a right owned by the patient. It is the obligation of the A psychiatrist should balance the duty to inform the court
doctor to safeguard his or her patients’ confidentiality. and the duty to provide care to a patient. If the testimony is
Confidentiality is a subset of privacy. going to cause tremendous damage to the therapeutic rela-
A patient has the privileges to control his or her clini- tionship, the patient should be evaluated by an independent
cal information and decides what happens to his or her psychiatrist. Prior to forensic assessment, the psychiatrist
clinical information. should inform the patient regarding to the purpose of assess-
It is the duty of a doctor to be aware of the local ment and to whom information will be released to.
legislation safeguarding patients’ confidentiality (e.g.
the Mental Health Act, Children and Adolescents Act, Approaches to Breach Confidentiality
Family Act, Human Rights Act, Infectious Disease Act, 1. Advance notice: The psychiatrist should alert his
privacy legislation, transportation and criminal laws). or her patient that information is to be released
and discuss the basis for decision.
2. All limits to confidentiality should be discussed Exceptions to Confidentiality
with the patient at the outset of treatment or Duty to Warn and Protect when mental state becomes stable.
1. The duty to warn and protect follows the
Tarasoff’s ruling. The Tarasoff-I (1974) refers Confidentiality in Minors
to the duty to warn. The Tarasoff-II (1976)
1. If an informed consent is required from a parent
refers to the duty to protect.
or guardian, a doctor should provide adequate
2. The duty to warn and protect is indicated when
information to the parent or guardian.
a. There are sufficient factual grounds for high
2. If a minor undergoes psychotherapy, it is impor-
risk of harm (such as death or substantial
tant to explain to the parent or guardian at outset
bodily harm) to a third party, and the risk is
that the information gathered from psychother-
sufficiently specified
apy is confidential and the disclosure of such
b. The risk of danger to the public is imminent
information will depend on the clinical judge-
c. The harm to a third party is not likely to be
ment made by the therapist.
prevented unless the mental health profes-
3. When parents divorce, a psychiatrist needs to
sionals make a disclosure
work with the custodial parent and obtain legal
d. The third party cannot reasonably be expected
permit when disclosure of information to non-
to foresee or comprehend high risk of harm to
custodial parents is required.
himself or herself
3. The duties to community safety override con-
fidentiality. This includes passing confidential 11.3 ETHICS AND PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH
information to a government department if public
safety is at risk (e.g. homicide, passing commu- 11.3.1 Nuremberg Code (1947)
nicable diseases such as AIDS or tuberculosis to The Nuremberg Code was developed by war crimes tribunal
others, and dangerous driving). against Nazi German doctors, and the main objective is to
protect human subjects during experiments and research. An Mandatory Reporting experiment should avoid suffering and injury. Experiments
Confidence limited by legislation requires mandatory leading to death and disability should not be conducted.
reporting when the protection of the community out- Proper preparations should be performed to protect research
weighs the duty to the patient. Indications for mandatory subjects, and the experiments should be conducted by quali-
reporting include child protection, abuse of old people, fied personals. During the experiment, the research subjects
firearm possession, unfit to drive, certain infectious dis- have the liberty to withdraw at any time, and the investigators
eases (e.g. HIV), professional–patient boundary viola- should stop the experiments if continuation results in poten-
tion, and occupational hazards (e.g. sick pilots). tial injury or death of research subjects. The design should
be based on results obtained from animal experiments and Court Order natural history of disease. Seeking consent from research
The court can subpoena information and override confi- subjects is absolutely necessary. Research should yield
dentiality. This can result in ethical dilemma. meaningful results for the good of mankind.
148 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 11.1
Advice of the DVLA to Doctors with Respect to Fitness to Drive in Patients with Psychiatric Disorders
Psychiatric Disorder Group 1 Entitlement Group 2 Entitlement
Neurosis, e.g. anxiety state/depression DVLA need not be notified. Driving should cease with serious acute mental
Driving need not cease. Patients must be warned illness from whatever cause. Driving may be
about the possible effects of medication which permitted when the person is symptom free and
may affect fitness. However, serious stable for a period of 6 months. Medication must
psychoneurotic episodes affecting or likely to not cause side effects that would interfere with
affect driving should be notified to DVLA and alertness or concentration. Driving may be
the person advised not to drive permitted also if the mental illness is long
standing but maintained symptom-free on small
doses of psychotropic medication with no side
effects likely to impair driving performance.
Psychiatric reports may be required.
Psychosis Six months off the road after an acute episode Recommended refusal or revocation. At least 3
Schizoaffective requiring hospital admission. Licence restored years off driving, during which must be stable
Acute psychosis after freedom from symptoms during this and symptom-free and not on major psychotropic
Schizophrenia period, and the person demonstrates that he or or neuroleptic medication, except lithium.
she complies safely with recommended Consultant psychiatric examination required
medication and shows insight into the before restoration of licence, to confirm that
condition. A 1, 2 or 3 year licence with medical there is no residual impairment; the applicant has
review on renewal. Loss of insight or insight and would be able to recognize if he or
judgement will lead to recommendation to she became unwell. There should be no
refusal/revocation of licence. significant likelihood of recurrence. Any
psychotropic medication necessary must be of
low dosage and not interfere with alertness or
concentration or in any way impair driving
Manic–depressive psychosis Six to twelve months off the road after an acute As aforementioned for psychosis.
episode of hypomania requiring hospital
admission, depending upon the severity and
frequency of relapses. Licence restored after
freedom from symptoms during this period and
safe compliance with medication.
A 1, 2 or 3 year licence with medical review on
renewal. Loss of insight or judgement will lead to
recommendation to refusal/revocation of licence.
Dementia If early dementia, driving may be permitted if Recommended permanent refusal or revocation if
Organic brain disorders, e.g. there is no significant disorientation in time and the condition is likely to impair driving
Alzheimer’s disease space, and there is adequate retention of insight performance.
NB: There is no single marker to and judgement. Annual medical review
determine fitness to drive, but it is required. Likely to be recommended to be
likely that driving may be permitted refused or revoked if disorientated in time and
if there is retention of ability to cope space and especially if insight has been lost or
with the general day-to-day needs of judgement is impaired.
living, together with adequate levels
of insight and judgement.
Severe mental handicap Severe mental handicap is a prescribed Recommended permanent refusal or revocation if
A state of arrested or incomplete disability; licence must be refused or revoked. severe. Minor degrees of mental handicap when
development of mind, which If stable, mild, to moderate mental handicap, it the condition is stable with no medical or
includes severe impairment of may be possible to hold a licence, but he or she psychiatric complications may be able to have a
intelligence and social functioning will need to demonstrate adequate functional licence. Will need to demonstrate functional
ability at the wheel and be otherwise stable. ability at the wheel.
Basic Ethics, Principles of Law, and Philosophy of Psychiatry 151
Note: A person holding entitlement to Group I (i.e. motor car/motor bike) or Group II (i.e. LGV/PCV), who has been relicenced following an acute
psychotic episode, of whatever type, should be advised as part of follow-up that if the condition recurs, driving should cease and DVLA be
notified. General guidance with respect to psychotropic/neuroleptic medication is contained under the appropriate section in the text.
Alcohol and illicit drug misuse/dependency are dealt with under his or her specific sections. Reference is made in the introductory page to
the current GMC guidance to doctors concerning disclosure in the public interest without the consent of the patient.
TABLE 11.2
Advice of the DVLA to Doctors with Respect to Fitness to Drive in Patients with Alcohol Problems
Alcohol Problem Group 1 Entitlement Group 2 Entitlement
Alcohol misuse/alcohol Alcohol misuse Alcohol misuse
dependency Alcohol misuse, confirmed by medical inquiry and Alcohol misuse, confirmed by medical inquiry and
(See note) by evidence of otherwise unexplained abnormal by evidence of otherwise unexplained abnormal
blood markers, requires licence revocation or blood markers, will lead to revocation or refusal of a
refusal for a minimum 6 month period, during vocational licence for at least 1 year, during which
which time controlled drinking should be attained time controlled drinking should be attained with
with normalization of blood parameters. normalization of blood parameters.
Alcohol dependency Alcohol dependency
Including detoxification and/or alcohol-related fits. Vocational licensing will not be granted where there
Alcohol dependency, confirmed by medical inquiry, is a history of alcohol dependency within the past 3
requires a recommended 1 year period of licence years
revocation or refusal, to attain abstinence or
controlled drinking and with normalization of
blood parameters if relevant
Licence restoration Licence restoration
Will require satisfactory independent medical On reapplication, independent medical examination
examination, arranged by DVLA, with satisfactory arranged by DVLA, with satisfactory blood results
blood results and medical reports from own and medical reports from own doctors. Consultant
doctors. Patients are recommended to seek advice support/referral may be necessary. If an alcohol-
from medical or other sources during the period off related seizure or seizures have occurred, the
the road. vocational Epilepsy Regulations apply.
Alcohol-related seizure(s) A licence will be revoked or refused for a minimum Vocational Epilepsy Regulations apply (see DVLA
1 year period from the date of the event. Where guidelines)
more than one seizure occurs, consideration under
the Epilepsy Regulations may be necessary
Before licence restoration, medical inquiry will be
required to confirm appropriate period free from
alcohol misuse and/or dependency.
Alcohol-related disorders Licence recommended to be refused/revoked. Recommended to be refused/revoked.
e.g. severe hepatic cirrhosis,
Wernicke’s encephalopathy,
Korsakoff’s psychosis
Note: There is no single definition that embraces all the variables in these conditions. But as a guideline, the following is offered: ‘a state which
because of consumption of alcohol, causes disturbance of behaviour, related disease or other consequences, likely to cause the patient,
his family or society harm now or in the future and which may or may not be associated with dependency. In addition, assessment of the
alcohol consumption with respect to current national advised guidelines is necessary’.
A person who has been relicenced following alcohol misuse or dependency must be advised as part of his or her follow-up that if his or her condi-
tion recurs, he or she should cease driving and notify DVLA medical branch.
High-risk offender scheme for drivers convicted of certain drink/driving offences:
1. One disqualification for drink/driving when the level of alcohol is 2.5 or more times the legal limit.
2. One disqualification that he or she failed, without reasonable excuse, to provide a specimen for analysis.
3. Two disqualifications within 10 years for being unfit through drink.
4. Two disqualifications within 10 years when the level of alcohol exceeds the legal limit. DVLA will be notified by courts. On application for
licence, satisfactory independent medical examination with completion of structured questionnaire with satisfactory liver enzyme tests and
MCV is required. If favourable, restore for Group I and can recommend issue Group II. For a high-risk offender associated with previous his-
tory of alcohol dependency or misuse, after earlier satisfactory examination and blood tests, short-period licence only for ordinary and voca-
tional use is issued, depending on time interval between previous history and reapplication. A high-risk offender found to have current
unfavourable alcohol misuse history and/or abnormal blood test analysis would have application refused.
Basic Ethics, Principles of Law, and Philosophy of Psychiatry 153
TABLE 11.3
Advice of the DVLA to Doctors with Respect to Fitness to Drive in Patients with
Drug Misuse and Dependency
Drug Misuse and Dependency Group 1 Entitlement Group 2 Entitlement
Cannabis, ecstasy, and other ‘recreational’ The regular use of these substances, Regular use of these substances will lead to
psychoactive substances, including LSD and confirmed by medical inquiry, will lead to refusal or revocation of a vocational licence
hallucinogens licence revocation or refusal for a 6 month for at least a 1-year period. Independent
period. Independent medical assessment medical assessment and urine screen,
and urine screen, arranged by DVLA, may arranged by DVLA, may be required
be required
Amphetamines, heroin, morphine, Regular use of, or dependency on, these Regular use of, or dependency on, these
methadonea, cocaine, benzodiazepines substances, confirmed by medical inquiry, substances will require revocation or refusal
will lead to licence refusal or revocation of a vocational licence for a minimum 3 year
for a minimum 1 year period. Independent period. Independent medical assessment and
medical assessment and urine screen, urine screen, arranged by DVLA, may be
arranged by DVLA, may be required. In required. In addition, favourable consultant
addition, favourable consultant or or specialist report will be required before
specialist report will be required on relicensing
Seizure(s) associated with illicit drug usage A seizure or seizures associated with illicit Vocational Epilepsy Regulations apply
drug usage may require a licence to be
refused or revoked for a 1 year period.
Thereafter, licence restoration will require
independent medical assessment, with
urine analysis, together with favourable
report from own doctor, to confirm no
ongoing drug misuse. In addition, patients
may be assessed against the Epilepsy
NB: A person who has been relicenced following illicit drug misuse or dependency must be advised as part of his or her follow-up that if his or
her condition recurs, he or she should cease driving and notify DVLA medical branch.
a Applicants or drivers on consultant-supervised oral methadone withdrawal programme may be licenced, subject to annual medical review and
favourable assessment.
6. The MHA (2007) emphasizes that primary the young person has achieved a certain level
care trusts should have the responsibil- of intelligence and consent for admission.
ity to provide ‘age-appropriate’ services for The Family Law Reform Act (1969) indicates
children. This includes guidelines for good that the earlier process does not require paren-
practice and the use of Child and Adolescent tal consent. If an at-risk young person refuses
Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in the admission, the parents, the legal guardians,
assessment process. The law on the admission or the court can override the young person’s
to hospital and treatment of mental disorders decision. If both the young person and p arents
of children (under 16) is based on parental refuse admission but the young person is at
responsibility and the Human Rights Act high psychiatric risk, the psychiatrist may
(1998). consider applying for compulsory admission
7. The admission of young people (aged 16–17) under the MHA (2007) or seeking an opinion
is influenced by the Gillick competence when from the court (Tables 11.5 through 11.9).
154 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 11.4
Summary of the Relevant Sections of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) for Psychiatric Practice in England
and Wales
Section Number Main Principle Details
Part I Determining capacity These sections set out the legal requirement for assessing capacity. The concept
Sections 2 and 3 builds on the common law test for capacity
Part I The best interest principle This section expands on the principle that any act or decision on behalf of a person
Section 4 who lacks capacity should be made in the person’s best interests. This follows the
common law principle, but the Act is more specific about the process and the best
interest checklist must be followed
Part I Connection with care or treatment This section sets out the conditions under which a person caring for someone who
Section 5 lacks capacity will not incur liability for their actions in caring for that person
Section 6 Restraining a person who lacks This section sets out the additional conditions that must be fulfilled if a person who
capacity lacks capacity is to be restrained. This section considers the degree of harm that is
likely to be suffered by the person if he or she is not restrained
Part I Lasting powers of attorney This section creates a new power, the lasting powers of attorney, by which a person
Section 9 who has capacity can confer authority on another person (the donee) to make
decisions about his or her personal welfare, property, or affairs at a future date
when he or she no longer has the capacity to make decisions. This is a new power
in England and Wales and was not legally possible under the common law
Part I Advance decisions to refuse These sections set out the legal framework within which a person with capacity can
Sections 24–26 treatment make an advance decision to refuse treatment (including life-sustaining treatment)
that is applicable when that person no longer has the capacity to make such decision.
This clarifies and sets in statute the legal position on advance refusals of treatment
Part I Research These sections set out the legal framework within which researchers must act if
Sections 30–34 they are conducting research that involves persons who lack capacity to consent
to the research being conducted
Part I Independent Mental Capacity These sections introduce and set out the role of IMCA. This is a new service
Sections 35–41 Advocates (IMCAs) created under the Act. Its aim is to provide independent safeguards for people
who lack capacity when important decisions need to be made and there is no
other person except the designated carer to represent the person who lacks
capacity or to be consulted on his or her behalf
Part I The offence of ill treatment or This section creates an offence of ill treatment or neglect. If a carer or donee of a
Section 44 neglect lasting power of attorney is found guilty, he or she is liable to imprisonment of up
to 5 years or a fine (or both)
TABLE 11.5
Relevant Sections of the MHA (1983/2007) for Psychiatric Practice in England and Wales
Number Purpose Duration Grounds
2 Admission for assessment or Up to 28 days from admission 1. Mental disorder that warrants detention in hospital
assessment followed by treatment for assessment.
2. Admission is necessary in interests of the
patient’s own health, or safety, or for the
protection of others
3 Admission for treatment Up to 6 months, renewable after 1. The mental disorder is of a nature or degree, which
6 months and then annually makes it appropriate for the patient to receive
medical treatment in hospital
2. Admission is necessary for the health, or safety, of
the patient or for the protection of others
3. Medical treatment is likely to alleviate or prevent
deterioration in the patient’s condition
4 Emergency admission for Up to 72 h from admission and 1. Mental disorder that warrants detention in hospital
assessment Section 2 may apply after for assessment
admission 2. Admission is necessary in the interests of the
patient’s own health or safety or for the protection
of others
TABLE 11.6
Consent to Treatment under MHA (1983). Consent to Treatment Should Be Informed and
Voluntary (Implies Mental Illness, e.g. Dementia, Does Not Affect Judgement)
Type of Treatment Informal Detained
Urgent treatment No consent No consent
Section 57: Irreversible, hazardous, or nonestablished treatments Consent and second opinion Consent and second opinion
(e.g. psychosurgery such as leucotomy), hormone implants (for sex
offenders), surgical operations (e.g. castration)
Section 58: Psychiatric drugs, ECT Consent Consent or second opinion
Source: Reproduced from Puri, B.K. and Treasaden, I.H., Textbook of Psychiatry, 3rd edn., Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, U.K.,
2011. With permission.
Notes: 1. For first 3 months of treatment, a detained patient’s consent is not required for Section 58 medicines but is required for ECT.
2. Patients can withdraw voluntary consent at any time.
and this example suggests the context of an argument 11.6.3 Philosophy of Anti- and Propsychiatry
can have an important effect. Informally, we are doubt-
ful of these arguments. It is unclear that the possession Philosophy of Antipsychiatry
of many years of life experience refers to intelligence. (Fulford et al., 2006)
Furthermore, it is not necessarily true that an old person 1. The psychological model. Mental illness is not a
having many years of life experience is correlated with disorder but learned abnormalities of behaviour.
intelligence and the old person may suffer from demen- 2. The labelling model. The clinical features of men-
tia. The fallacy of formal logic illustrates that all humans tal disorder are responses of an individual to being
are prone to faults of reasoning. labelled as deviant. This model fails to explain the
156 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 11.7
Civil Treatment Orders under MHA (1983)
Eligibility for Appeal
Medical Maximum to Mental Health
Section Grounds Application by Recommendations Duration Review Tribunal
Section 2: Admission for Mental disorder Nearest relative Two doctors (one 28 days Within 14 days
assessment or approved approved under
social worker Section 12)
Section 3: Admission for Mental illness, Nearest relative Two doctors (one 6 months Within first 6 months.
treatment impairment, severe psychopathic or approved approved under If renewed, within
mental impairment (if disorder, mental social worker Section 12) second 6 months,
psychopathic disorder or mental disorder then every year.
impairment, treatment must be Mandatory every
likely to alleviate or prevent 3 years.
Section 25 Supervised discharge. Same as Section 3 CRMO Social worker, one If renewed, Within first 6 months.
Hospital managers cannot doctor 6 months Renewable for
discharge. 6 months, then every
Section 4 Emergency admission Mental disorder Nearest relative Any doctor 72 h
for assessment (urgent or approved
necessity) social
Section 5(2) Urgent detention of Danger to self or Doctor in charge 72 h of patient’s care
voluntary in-patient to others
Section 5(4) Nurses holding Mental disorder Registered mental None 6h
power of voluntary in-patient (danger to self, nurse or
health or others) registered nurse
for mental
Section 136 Admission by police Mental disorder Police officer Allows patient in 72 h
public place to be
removed to ‘place of
Section 135 entry to home and Mental disorder Magistrates Allows power of 72 h
removal of patient to place of
Source: Reproduced from Puri, B.K. and Treasaden, I.H., Textbook of Psychiatry, 3rd edn., Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, U.K., 2011. With
onset of psychiatric illness but explains maintain- mental activities such as unconscious motives,
ing factors that inhibit recovery. reasons, desires, and fantasies.
3. The hidden meaning model. This model argues 5. The political control model. The boundary
that the apparently meaningless or nonunder- between mental illness and normality is debat-
standable symptoms of people with schizophrenia able and often set by authority. For example,
can be understood, once the origins and underly- the authority wants to separate people with
ing context in the patient’s past experiences are antisocial personality disorder and sexual
recognized. Psychiatric symptoms are not signs deviance from the norm even in a democratic
of illnesses but contain hidden meanings. society. In some political regimes, political
4. The unconscious mind model. Mental illness dissidence has been the basis of attributions of
is not a disorder but a product of unconscious madness.
Basic Ethics, Principles of Law, and Philosophy of Psychiatry 157
TABLE 11.8
Forensic Treatment Orders for Mental Abnormally Offenders
Eligibility for Appeal to
Medical Maximum Mental Health Review
Section Grounds Made By Recommendations Duration Tribunal
Section 35: Remand to Mental disorder Magistrates or Any doctor 28 days
hospital for report Crown Court Renewable at 28
Maximum 12 weeks day intervals
Section 36: Remand to Mental illness, severe Crown Court Two doctors: one 28 days
hospital for treatment mental impairment approved under Renewable at 28
Maximum 12 weeks (not if charged with Section 12 day intervals
Section 37: Hospital and Mental disorder. Magistrates or Two doctors, one 6 months During second 6 months,
guardianship orders (If psychopathic Crown Court approved under Renewable for then every year.
Accused of, or disorder or mental Section 12 and further 6 Mandatory every 3 years
convicted for, an impairment must be then annually months
imprisonable offence likely to alleviate or
Section 41: Restriction Added to Section 37 Crown Court Oral evidence from Usually without As Section 37
order. Effect: leave, To protect public one doctor limit of time
transfer, or discharge from serious harm
only with consent of
Home Secretary
Section 38: Interim Mental disorder For Magistrates or Two doctors: one 12 weeks None
hospital order trial of treatment Crown Court approved under Renewable at
Section 12: Maximum intervals 28 day
6 months intervals
Section 47: Transfer of Mental disorder Home Secretary Two doctors: one Until earliest Once in the first 6 months,
a sentenced prisoner to approved under date of release then once in the next 6
hospital Section 12 from sentence months. Thereafter, once
a year.
Section 48: Urgent Mental disorder Home Secretary Two doctors: one Until date of Once in the first 6 months,
transfer to hospital of approved under trial then once in the next 6
remand prisoner Section 12 months. Thereafter, once a
Section 49: Restriction Added to Section 47 Home Secretary — Until end of As for Sections 47 and 48
direction. Effect: leave, or 48 Section 47 or to which applied.
transfer, or discharge 48
only with consent of
Home Secretary
Source: Reproduced from Puri, B.K. and Treasaden, I.H., Textbook of Psychiatry, 3rd edn., Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, U.K., 2011.
With permission.
Thomas Szasz (1920–2012), a prominent anti-psychiatrist, terms of acceptable behaviours. Hence, mental illness is
identifies mental illness as problematic and somatic ill- very d ifferent in its meaning and nature from a physical
nesses as unproblematic. In a society, bodily illness is a illness. Robert Kendell (1935–2002), a prominent pro-
genuine illness, and genuine illness is defined by devia- psychiatrist, argued that the value ladenness of mental
tion from normal anatomy and physiology of a body illness can be translated into value-free factual norms.
organ. On the other hand, Szasz believes that mental Hence, mental illness is essentially no different from
illnesses are defined by deviation from social norms in physical illness.
158 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 11.9
Other Legislations Relevant to Mental Health Services in the United Kingdom
Legislations Details of the Legislation Influence on Psychiatric Practice
The Human Rights Act (1998) Article 8: Rights to respect for private and family life. Clinical decisions must be proportional and balance
Everyone has the rights to respect for his or her the severity of the effect of an intervention with the
private and family life, his or her home, and his or severity of the presenting clinical problem
her correspondence The Mental Health Review Tribunals should refer to
There shall be no interference by a public authority the Human Rights Act when deciding the time limit
with the exercise of these rights except in the threat of involuntary hospitalization
of national security and public safety, for the For children, their consent for treatment is viewed from
prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection the human rights perspective and should be taken into
of health or morals consideration when a decision is made between the
psychiatrist and their parents or legal guardian
The Disability Discrimination 1. Definition of disability: A disabled person suffers This law offers protections for mental health service
Act (2005) from physical or mental impairment, with substantial users against discrimination in employment and
and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to purchasing insurance
carry out normal day-to-day activities. Psychiatrists should inform people with mental health
2. Protection of disabled people from discrimination problems on their rights and support them in job
in employment. application
3. Protection of disabled people from discrimination
in the provision of goods, services, and facilities.
4. Protection of disabled people from discrimination
in education.
The Children Act (2004) The Children Act (2004) places a duty on health If a child is suspected to be a victim or abused or in
services to ensure that every child, whatever their danger as a result of parental psychiatric illnesses, the
background or circumstances, to social worker can apply the Children Act for
1. Be healthy. Emergency Placement order to remove the child and
2. Stay safe. place the child in a safe environment. The duration of
3. Enjoy and achieve through learning. the emergency order ranges from 7 to 14 days.
12.1 CRANIAL NERVES (CNs II, III, IV, lobe below the calcarine sulcus. Lesion in the
AND VI) AND THE VISUAL SYSTEM optic rations is associated with inferior homony-
mous quadrantanopia.
12.1.1 Central Visual Pathway
and Visual Field Deficits An object produces a visual image upon the nasal hemiret-
ina of the ipsilateral eye and the temporal hemiretina of
The examination of visual field is performed by asking the contralateral eye. The upper half of the visual field
the patient to cover one eye and fixate on the exam- forms images upon the lower halves of the retinae and the
iner’s opposite eye. Then the examiner tries to map lower visual field upon the upper hemiretinae.
the visual field by bringing his or her finger from the
periphery to the boundary of the visual field. This will
repeat for the four quadrants (i.e. from upper right, 12.2 CRANIAL NERVES (CNs III, IV,
upper left, lower right, and lower left to the centre) AND VI) AND DOUBLE VISION
(Figure 12.1).
After examining the visual field, the examiner can ask
the patient (without covering the eye) to follow his or Common Lesions in the Central her finger to the left, upper left corner, lower left cor-
Visual Pathway ner, right, upper right corner, and lower right corner of
1. The axons of retinal ganglion cells assemble the visual field. The examiner needs to observe the eye
at the optic disc and pass into the optic nerve movements and the patient is asked to report any double
(CN II). Lesion in the optic nerve at this location vision. Weakness of the extraocular muscles results in
is associated with unilateral visual field loss (i.e. double vision in the direction of movement of that muscle.
monocular blindness). Ask the patient to cover each eye in turn to identify the
2. The two optic nerves converge to form the optic eye that can see the outer image. This will indicate the
chiasma at the base of the brain. Lesion at the location of lesion. If double vision does not confirm to
optic chiasma is associated with bitemporal originate from a single cranial nerve (CN), differential
hemianopia. diagnoses such as myasthenia gravis and thyroid eye dis-
3. The optic nerves from nasal hemiretinae decus- ease should be considered.
sate and pass into the contralateral optic tract. If the double images are horizontally displaced and
The optic nerves from the temporal hemiretinae parallel, this indicates a weakness in the lateral or medial
remain ipsilateral. Lesion of the optic nerves muscles (see Figure 12.2a).
at this location is associated with incongruent If the double images are at an angle, the other mus-
homonymous hemianopia. cles such as inferior oblique/superior rectus or superior
4. Most optic tract fibres pass around the cerebral oblique/inferior rectus are affected (see Figure 12.2b).
peduncle to terminate in the lateral geniculate
body of the thalamus. Some of the optic tract
12.2.1 Oculomotor Nerve (CN III)
fibres involving in papillary light reflex termi-
nate in the pretectal area and superior colliculus. The oculomotor nerve nucleus is located in the midbrain.
Lesion in the Meyer’s loop is associated with The autonomic components involve in focusing of vision
superior homonymous quadrantanopia. and pupillary constriction.
5. The optic radiations are the projection from the Oculomotor nerve palsy is caused by tumour or aneu-
internal capsule to the primary visual cortex that rysm. Ptosis occurs with failure to elevate the eyelids.
locates on the medical surface of the occipital The pupil is dilated and remains unresponsive to light
160 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Eyeball 1 1 1
Optic nerve
Optic chiasma 4
Optic track 3
Lateral geniculate body 6 4
Optic radiation
5 and 6
Concentration of fibres
from radiation through 7 7
occipital and parietal lobes
Visual (calcarine) cortex
FIGURE 12.1 Optic nerve and pathways to the visual cortex: 1, pathology in the eye (e.g. glaucoma)—tunnel vision (damage to
peripheral field); 2, damage to optic nerve—unilateral blindness; 3, damage to optic chiasma (e.g. pituitary tumour)—bitemporal
hemianopia; 4, damage to lateral chiasma (e.g. aneurysms)—nasal blindness on same side; 5 and 6, tumours and trauma to unilat-
eral optic tract—blindness of opposite visual field (homonymous hemianopia); 7, cortical damage may not destroy macular vision.
(From Abrahams, P.H. et al., Illustrated Clinical Anatomy, CRC Press, Oxford, U.K., 2005, p. 328.)
Inferior oblique Superior rectus
Medial Lateral
rectus rectus
FIGURE 12.3 The motor functions of CNs III, IV, and VI.
of pupils
Large pupil Small pupil
Diagnosis Anisocoria Mydriatic Oculomotor Optic nerve (CN Holmes– Senile Horner’s Argyll Robertson
(unequal drugs, (CN II) II) lesion Adie pupil meiosis syndrome pupil
size of e.g. nerve palsy
pupil, anticholinergic
caused by drugs or
cocaine and hallucinogens
12.2.4 Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus 3. Ask the patient to look at your finger held at 15
cm from the patient’s face. The presence of con-
Lesion in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) does striction is known as accommodation response.
not produce double vision but produces upgaze, down- If there is no response in step 2 but a normal
gaze, and lateral gaze paresis. This lesion is associated response in step 3, this is known as an afferent
with internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO). In lateral gaze, pupillary defect, which involves the optic nerve
the ipsilateral eye can abduct but the contralateral eye (CN II) (Figure 12.4).
cannot adduct. INO is associated with ataxic nystagmus.
The combined CN III, IV, and VI palsies lead to ptosis Pathologies of the Pupils and Optic Disc
and dilation of the pupil, which is unresponsive to light Holmes–Adie Pupil
and accommodation. The combined palsies may lead to Clinical features: Unilateral (80% of cases), moder-
paralysis of all eye movement. ately dilated, poor reaction to light, and slow reaction
to accommodation. It is associated with diminished and Examination of the Pupils absent knee jerk.
and Related Conditions Hutchison’s Pupil Three-Step Approach When
Aetiology: Caused by rapidly rising unilateral intracra-
Assessing the Pupils
nial pressure (e.g. intracerebral haemorrhage).
1. Assess the size of the two pupils: large, normal,
or small size. Clinical features: Dilated and unreactive on the side of an
2. Ask the patient to look into the distance and intracranial mass lesion as a result of compression of the
shine the torch twice in each eye in turn: oculomotor nerve (CN IIII) on the ipsilateral side.
a. The response of the eye where the torch is Argyll Robertson Pupil
directly shone into is known as the direct
Aetiology: Neurosyphilis and diabetes mellitus.
b. The response of the other eye is known as Clinical features: Constricted pupils, unreactive to light
the consensual response. but reactive to accommodation.
162 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
the thalamus. The sensory information will be c. Autonomic component: causing lacrimation
sent to the sensory cortex of parietal lobe. In and salivation from the sublingual and sub-
syringobulbia, there is a compressive destruc- mandibular glands.
tion of the decussating trigeminothalamic tract 2. The facial nerve joins the brain stem at the cer-
that leads to selective loss of pain and tempera- ebellopontine angle.
ture in the face. Cell bodies of primary afferent lie in the
8. Motor function: Mastication and movement of geniculate ganglion in the facial canal of the
the soft palate. The motor cell bodies are located petrous temporal bone. The fibres terminate
in the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal, in the nucleus solitarius of the medulla and
which sends fibres to the cerebellum to facilitate project to the ventral posterior nucleus of the
movement coordination. thalamus. The information will be sent to the
parietal lobe.
3. The corticobulbar fibres from the motor cortex
12.2.6 Facial Nerve
innervate the facial motor nucleus, which sup-
1. The facial nerve has three components (Figure 12.6): plies the muscles of the bilateral upper face
a. Sensory component: to detect taste on the (frontalis, orbicularis oculi), while the lower
anterior 2/3 of the tongue. face is supplied by contralateral fibres. Hence,
b. Motor component: facial expression, eleva- upper motor and lower motor neuron lesions
tion of hyoid tension of stapes muscle, and (UMNL and LMNL) lead to different conse-
corneal reflex. Lesion affects reflex on the quences as illustrated in Figure 12.7.
ipsilateral side of the face. 4. Postganglionic fibres from the pterygopalatine
ganglion innervate the lacrimal gland and the
The facial nerve
nasal and oral mucous membrane.
splits into several
branches and
controls many of Figure 12.7a shows the facial features of the right-sided
the muscles in UMNL. The signs include sparing of the forehead mus-
the face
cles, weakness of the lower face, loss of nasolabial fold,
and drooping of the mouth.
Figure 12.7b shows that facial features of the right-
sided LMNL or Bell’s palsy. All facial muscles are
affected. Other signs include loss of eyebrow lines,
inability to close the eyes, loss of nasolabial fold, and
drooping of the mouth. Patients suffering from Bell’s
palsy also complain of pain behind the ear, altered
taste on one side of the tongue, and hyperacusis. Bell’s
palsy is associated with herpes zoster virus, which
causes vesicular rash in the external auditory canal.
This phenomenon is known as the Ramsay Hunt syn-
drome. The treatment of the Bell’s palsy includes
steroid and artificial tears.
12.2.7 Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII)
A branch of
the nerve Weber’s Test
Facial nerve comes
carries taste Instructions for Weber’s Test
out just below the ear
from the front
1. Place the tuning fork on the vertex.
and passes through the 2. Ask the patient where the sound is heard.
of the tongue
parotid salivary gland
3. Normally, the sound is heard at the centre of the
FIGURE 12.6 The anatomy of facial nerve (CN VII). head (Figure 12.8).
164 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 12.2
Summary of Other Cranial Nerves (CN)
CN/Physical Examination Autonomic
Technique Motor Component Sensory Component Component Clinical Significance
Olfactory nerve (CN I) — Olfactory sensation — Olfaction
Ask the patient for the quality
of smell
Glossopharyngeal nerve Stylopharyngeus Pharynx, posterior third of Stimulates the parotid Motor: swallowing
(CN IX) muscle tongue, Eustachian tube, salivary gland via the and salivation
It is tested by gag reflex. middle ear, carotid body, parasympathetic Sensory: general
and carotid sinus fibres sensation,
chemo- and
Vagus nerve (CN X) Soft palate, pharynx, Pharynx, larynx, Parasympathetic in Motor: swallowing
larynx, and upper oesophagus, and external thoracic and and speech
oesophagus ear abdominal viscera
Accessory nerve (CN XI) Sternocleidomastoid — — Movement of head
Ask the patient to shrug the and trapezius muscles and shoulder
Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Intrinsic and extrinsic — — Movement of the
It is tested by asking the patient muscles of the tongue tongue
to move the tongue and look LMNL: wasting and
for wasting or fasciculation weakness of the
166 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
4. 10%–25% of the fibres remain ipsilateral and 4. Elbow extension (Figure 12.13)
enter the ventral corticospinal tract and decus- Muscle: Triceps
sate near termination. Nerve: Radial nerve
5. Corticospinal neurons terminate at the follow- Myotomes: C6, C7, C8
ing sites: Reflex at triceps: C7, C8
a. The cervical levels: 55%
b. The thoracic levels: 20%
c. The lumbosacral levels: 25%
FIGURE 12.10 Shoulder abduction and adduction. FIGURE 12.12 Elbow flexion.
Neurology and Neurological Examination 169
TABLE 12.6
Summary of Other Movements of the Upper Limbs
Movements Muscles Nerves Myotomes
Wrist Extensors carpi Radial nerve C6 and C7
extension radialis and ulnaris
Wrist flexion Flexors carpi Median and C7 and C8
radialis and ulnaris ulnar nerve
Finger Extensor digitorum Radial nerve C7
Finger flexion Flexors digitorum Median and C8 and T1
FIGURE 12.14 Supination.
profundus and ulnar nerves
5. Supination (Figure 12.14) Thumb Abductor pollicis Median nerve T1
Muscle: Biceps abduction brevis
Nerve: Musculocutaneous nerve Index finger Dorsal interossei Ulnar nerve T1
Myotomes: C6, C7 abduction
Reflex at supinator: C5, C6
170 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 12.7
Summary of the Medical Research Council (United Kingdom) Grades for Muscle Power
Grade 0 1 2 3 4 5
Clinical features No movement Flicker of Moves when gravity Moves against the gravity Some movement Full power
movement is eliminated but not resistance against resistance
Dermatome is the area of the skin or cutaneous dis-
tribution that is supplied by a particular spinal nerve
(Table 12.8). Dermatomes are arranged as a succession
of bands encircling the trunk in a manner that reflects the
segmentation of the spinal cord (Figures 12.22 and 12.23).
TABLE 12.8
Summary of Plexuses and Innervations
FIGURE 12.20 Knee flexion.
Plexus Nerves Functions
Cervical plexus C1–C4 Innervation of the
5. Knee flexion (Figure 12.20) diaphragm, shoulder,
and neck
Muscle: Hamstrings
Brachial plexus C5–T1 Innervation of the upper
Nerve: Sciatic nerve
Myotomes: S1 and S2
Lumbar plexus T12/L1–L4 Innervation of the thigh
6. Knee extension Sacral plexus L4–S4 Innervation of the leg
Muscle: Quadriceps femoris and foot
Nerve: Femoral nerve
Myotomes: L3 and L4
7. Knee jerk: L3, L4
8. Ankle dorsiflexion (Figure 12.21)
Muscle: Tibialis anterior
Nerve: Deep peroneal nerve
Myotomes: L4 and L5
9. Ankle plantar flexion
Muscle: Gastrocnemius and soleus
Nerve: Sciatic nerve C4 C4
Myotomes: S1 and S2
10. Ankle jerk: S1, S2 C5 T4-line
T4 of nipple
(in males)
T10 T10-level
C6 C8
of umbilicus
L1 T12-into
S2/3 groin
L2 L2
L3 L3
L4 L4
L5 L5
S1 S1
FIGURE 12.21 Ankle dorsiflexion. FIGURE 12.22 Dermatomes from the anterior view.
172 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
L5 L4
12.7.2 Pellagra
S1 Aetiology: Nicotinic acid deficiency.
Clinical triad: Diarrhoea, dermatitis, and dementia.
12.7.3 Blepharospasm
L4 L5
Definition: An adult-onset focal dystonia involving spasm
of the orbicularis oculi.
Aetiology: Associated with Parkinson’s disease, demy-
FIGURE 12.23 Dermatomes from the posterior view. elinating disease, and brain stem infarction.
TABLE 12.9
Summary of the Compression and Entrapment Neuropathies
Nerves Site of Compression Muscles Affected Distribution of Sensory Impairment
Radial nerve Compression in the Finger dorsiflexors
spiral groove of the Thumb dorsiflexors and
humerus abductors
Wrist dorsiflexors
High stepping gait: As a result of bilateral foot drop Diagnosis: Acellular CSF with raised protein
caused by peripheral neuropathy Treatment: Plasma exchange and intravenous immuno-
globulins shorten the duration of illness. Ekbom’s Syndrome (Restless Leg Syndrome) Prognosis: Mortality rate is 5%. Twenty per cent of
Aetiology: Most cases are idiopathic; secondary causes patients suffer from motor deficits at 1 year and 3% of
include iron deficiency, uraemia, gestational diabetes, patients have recurrence of the syndrome.
polyneuropathy, and rheumatoid arthritis. Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy,
Clinical features: Irresistible desire to move the legs and multiple sclerosis are considered in Chapter 31.
when in bed with unpleasant leg sensations.
Treatment: Dopamine agonist and benzodiazepines such
as clonazepam. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The authors of this book would like to acknowledge Peripheral Neuropathies Dr. Anselm Mak M.D. (HK), FRCP (Edin) Assistant Pathogenesis Professor and Consultant Physician, Department
1. Axon degeneration (as a result of toxic, meta- of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
bolic, nutritional, physical insults, genetic National University of Singapore for his contribution to
conditions). this chapter.
2. Demyelination (as a result of inflammatory and
metabolic neuropathies).
3. Vascular nerve damage. BIBLIOGRAPHY
Abrahams PH, Craven JL, Lumley JSP. 2005: Illustrated Clinical Features Clinical Anatomy, p. 328. Oxford, U.K.: CRC Press.
1. Distal symmetrical neuropathy: the most com- Butler S. 1993: Functional neuroanatomy. In Morgan G
and Butler S (eds.) Seminars in Basic Neurosciences,
mon presentation of axonal neuropathies.
pp. 1–41. London, U.K.: Gaskell.
2. Multifocal/asymmetrical neuropathies: as a Crossman AR and Neary D. 2000: Neuroanatomy: An Illustrated
result of demyelinating or vasculitic neuropathy. Colour Text, 2nd edn. Edinburgh, U.K.: Churchill
3. Mononeuropathies: affecting an individual nerve. Livingstone.
4. Mononeuritis multiplex: affecting multiple Fuller G and Manford M. 2003: Neurology: An Illustrated
named muscles including vasculitis, diabetes, Colour Text. Edinburgh, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone.
lupus, sarcoidosis, and leprosy. Longmore M, Wilkinson I, Turmezei T, and Cheung CK. 2007:
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, 7th edn. Oxford,
5. Demyelination produces weakness but not wasting.
U.K.: Oxford University Press.
Logan S. 1993: Neurophysiology. In Morgan G and Butler S (eds.) Guillain–Barré Syndrome Seminars in Basic Neurosciences, pp. 42–70. London,
Epidemiology: 2/100,000 per year U.K.: Gaskell.
13 Neuroanatomy
176 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Rhombencephalon Mesencephalon
(a) (b)
FIGURE 13.1 Ontological development of the cerebral vesicles. (a) At an early stage. (b) At a later stage.
• Aiding the flow of CSF (cilial beating) • Supplementary motor area (SMA) (mesial part
of area 6)
Types of ependymal cell include • Anterior cingulate cortex (area 24)
• Choroidal epithelial cells—cover the surfaces of
the choroidal plexuses Lesions of the left or right superior mesial region can lead
• Ependymocytes—line the central canal of the to akinetic mutism.
spinal cord and ventricles
• Tanycytes—line the floor of the third ventricle 13.3.3 Inferior Mesial Region
over the hypothalamic median eminence
This consists of Schwann Cells
In addition to being part of myelinated peripheral nerves, • Orbital cortex (including areas 11, 12, and 32)
Schwann cells encircle some unmyelinated peripheral • Basal forebrain
nerve axons. Their functions include Orbital Cortex
• PNS myelin sheath formation Lesions of the orbital cortex (either side) can lead to a
• Neurilemma formation form of acquired sociopathy.
Primary somatosensory
Primary motor cortex (4) cortex (3,1,2)
3,1,2 5
cortex (5,7,40)
9 7
Prefrontal cortex 40 Visual association
cortex (39,19,18)
10 45 39
11 19 18
21 Primary visual
38 17
Broca’s speech area of 37 cortex (17)
left hemisphere (44,45)
Primary somatosensory
Primary motor cortex (4) cortex (3,1,2)
10 Visual association
19 cortex (19,18)
11 Uncus 18
Limbic lobe
28 17
Parahippocampal 18
38 gyrus 37 19
Septal area
FIGURE 13.2 (a) Lateral and (b) medial aspects of the cerebral hemisphere, showing important Brodmann areas (numbered).
(Reproduced from Graham, D.I. et al., Adams & Graham’s Introduction to Neuropathology, 3rd edn., Hodder, London, U.K.,
2006. With permission.)
Arcuate fasciculus
(conduction aphasia)
Motor cortex (6,4)
Visual association
cortex (18,19)
Primary visual
cortex (17)
Broca’s area (44,45)
(Broca’s aphasia)
Wernicke’s area (22)
(Wernicke’s aphasia)
Gerstmann syndrome
FIGURE 13.3 Left hemisphere: language, vision, and Gerstmann syndrome. (Reproduced from Graham, D.I. et al., Adams &
Graham’s Introduction to Neuropathology, 3rd edn., Hodder, London, U.K., 2006. With permission.)
13.4.2 Posterior Inferolateral Region side can lead to an inability to name facial expressions.
Retrograde amnesia may result from bilateral lesions.
This consists of
• Primary visual cortex (area 17) The lentiform nucleus consists of the
• Visual association cortices (areas 18 and 19)
1. Globus pallidus
Lesions of the dorsal region (superior to the calcarine fis- 2. Putamen
sure) and adjoining parietal region (areas 7 and 39) can
lead to partial (unilateral lesions) or a full-blown (bilat- Some of these structures are shown in the diagrammatic
eral lesions) Balint’s syndrome, consisting of sketch of Figure 13.4.
Head of
caudate nucleus
Amygdala (amygdaloid
nucleus or amygdaloid body)
Tail of caudate nucleus
FIGURE 13.4 Sketch of the basal ganglia of the left adult cerebral hemisphere.
Neuroanatomy 181
13.9.2 Amygdala
THE TEMPORAL LOBES The amygdala is also known as the amygdaloid nucleus,
body, or complex. It is continuous with the tail of the cau-
13.9.1 Hippocampal Formation date nucleus, lying anterior and superior to the tip of the
The hippocampal formation consists of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle.
Choroid plexus
Septum pellucidum (of third ventricle)
Genu of corpus callosum Thalamus
Rostrum of corpus callosum Interthalamic connection
Splenium of
Anterior commissure corpus callosum
Mammillary body
Cranial nerve III Fourth ventricle
FIGURE 13.5 Sketch of the corpus callosum in a midsagittal section of the adult human brain. The adjacent cingulate cortex
and septum pellucidum are also indicated. Note that the rostral direction is towards the left.
184 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
13.11.11 Accessory Nerve
This nerve consists of the following two parts Midbrain
Anterior central
Tail of caudate
nucleus Thalamus
Lenticular nucleus
Internal capsule
Head of caudate nucleus
Corticomesencephalic tract
Corticonuclear tract III Corticopontine tract
Corticospinal tract IV
(pyramidal) Cerebral peduncle
V Pons
Pyramid XII Medulla oblongata
Pyramidal decussation
Anterior corticospinal Lateral corticospinal
tract (direct) tract (crossed)
FIGURE 13.8 Course of the corticospinal tracts. (Reproduced from Fowler, T.J. and Scadding, J.W., Clinical Neurology,
3rd edn., Hodder, London, U.K., 2003. With permission.)
Neuroanatomy 189
Thalamus accumbens
a b c
nigra e
Hypothalamus VMFC
FIGURE 13.9 Major dopamine pathways in the brain. (a) The nigrostriatal dopamine pathway, which projects from the substantia
nigra to the corpus striatum of the basal ganglia, is part of the extrapyramidal system and controls motor function and movement.
(b) The mesolimbic dopamine pathway projects from the midbrain ventral tegmental area to the nucleus accumbens, a part of the
limbic system thought to be involved in many behaviours such as pleasurable sensations, the powerful euphoria of drugs of abuse,
and delusions and hallucinations of psychosis. (c) The mesocortical dopamine pathway is related to the mesolimbic pathway and also
projects from the ventral tegmental area but sends its axons to areas of the prefrontal cortex, where they may have a role in mediat-
ing cognitive symptomatology (DLPFC) and affective symptomatology (ventromedial prefrontal cortex) of schizophrenia. (d) The
tuberoinfundibular dopamine pathway projects from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary gland and controls prolactin secretion.
(e) A fifth dopamine pathway arises from multiple sites, including the periaqueductal grey, ventral mesencephalon, hypothalamic
nuclei, and lateral parabrachial nucleus, and projects to the thalamus. Its function is not currently well known. (Reproduced from Stahl,
S.M., Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology, 3rd edn., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2008. With permission.)
190 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Their axons pass, via the medial forebrain bundle, to ter- • Lateral septum
minate mostly in the • Cingulate cortex
• Entorhinal cortex
• Caudate nucleus • Medial prefrontal cortex
• Putamen
• Amygdala
13.13.3 Ascending Noradrenergic Pathway
This pathway is concerned with sensorimotor from the Locus Coeruleus
This is shown in Figure 13.10. The main noradrenergic
13.13.2 Mesolimbic–Mesocortical nucleus is the locus coeruleus, located in the dorsal pons.
Dopaminergic Pathway At least five noradrenergic tracts arise from it:
The two parts of this pathway are shown in Figure 13.9.
This pathway originates in 1. Three ascend, via the medial forebrain bundle,
to supply mainly the
• A10 dopaminergic neurons—located in the ven- a. Ipsilateral cerebral cortex
tral tegmental area of the mesencephalon b. Thalamus
c. Hypothalamus
Their axons pass, via the medial forebrain bundle, to ter- d. Limbic system
minate mostly in the e. Olfactory bulb
2. The fourth, via the superior cerebellar peduncle,
• Nucleus accumbens supplies the cerebellar cortex.
• Olfactory tubercle 3. The fifth descends in the mesencephalon and
• Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis spinal cord.
FIGURE 13.10 Major noradrenergic projections. Ascending noradrenergic projections originate mainly in the locus coeruleus
of the brainstem; they extend to multiple brain regions, as shown here, and regulate mood, arousal, cognition, and other functions.
Descending noradrenergic projections extend down the spinal cord and regulate pain pathways A, amygdala; BF, basal forebrain;
C, cerebellum; H, hippocampus; Hy, hypothalamus; NA, nucleus accumbens; NT, brainstem neurotransmitter centres; PFC, pre-
frontal cortex; S, striatum; SC, spinal cord; T, thalamus. (Reproduced from Stahl, S.M., Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology,
3rd edn., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2008. With permission.)
Neuroanatomy 191
FIGURE 13.11 Basal forebrain cholinergic pathway. Cholinergic neurons originating in the basal forebrain project to the pre-
frontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala; they are believed to be involved in memory A, amygdala; BF, basal forebrain; C,
cerebellum; H, hippocampus; Hy, hypothalamus; NA, nucleus accumbens; NT, brainstem neurotransmitter centres; PFC, prefron-
tal cortex; S, striatum; SC, spinal cord; T, thalamus. (Reproduced from Stahl, S.M., Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology, 3rd
edn., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2008. With permission.)
192 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
FIGURE 13.12 Brainstem cholinergic pathway. Acetylcholine projections originating in the brainstem extend to many regions,
including the prefrontal cortex, basal forebrain, thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus. These projections regulate
arousal, cognition, and other functions A, amygdala; BF, basal forebrain; C, cerebellum; H, hippocampus; Hy, hypothalamus; NA,
nucleus accumbens; NT, brainstem neurotransmitter centres; PFC, prefrontal cortex; S, striatum; SC, spinal cord; T, thalamus.
(Reproduced from Stahl, S.M., Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology, 3rd edn., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.,
2008. With permission.)
FIGURE 13.13 Major serotonergic projections. Like noradrenaline, serotonin has both ascending and descending projections.
Ascending serotonergic projections originate in the brainstem and extend to many of the same regions as noradrenergic projec-
tions, with additional projections to the striatum and nucleus accumbens. These ascending projections may regulate mood, anxiety,
sleep, and other functions. Descending serotonergic projections extend down the brainstem and through the spinal cord; they may
regulate pain A, amygdala; BF, basal forebrain; C, cerebellum; H, hippocampus; Hy, hypothalamus; NA, nucleus accumbens; NT,
brainstem neurotransmitter centres; PFC, prefrontal cortex; S, striatum; SC, spinal cord; T, thalamus. (Reproduced from Stahl,
S.M., Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology, 3rd edn., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2008. With permission.)
Neuroanatomy 193
196 Revision Notes in Psychiatry Ultrastructural Pathology Compared with Parkinson’s disease, in which Lewy bod-
Pick’s bodies consist of ies are also found, in dementia caused by Lewy body dis-
ease, the density of Lewy bodies is much higher in the
• Straight neurofilaments
• Paired helical filaments • Cingulate gyrus
• Endoplasmic reticulum • Parahippocampal gyrus
• Temporal cortex
14.1.3 Multi-Infarct Dementia
ICD-10 classes multi-infarct dementia under vascular Ultrastructural Pathology
dementia. Lewy bodies contain Histopathology
14.2.5 Pituitary Adenomas
Histological changes in the brain in punch-drunk syn-
drome include These include, in approximate order of relative frequency
(commonest first),
• Neuronal loss
• Neurofibrillary tangles • Sparsely granulated PRL (prolactin/lactotrophin/
mamotrophin) cell adenomas
14.2 CEREBRAL TUMOURS • Oncocytomas
• Null cell adenomas
14.2.1 Types • Gonadotroph cell adenomas
The main types of cerebral tumours, listed in order of • Corticotroph cell adenomas
relative frequency, are • Densely granulated GH (growth hormone/
somatotropin) cell adenomas
• Gliomas • Sparsely granulated GH cell adenomas
• Metastases • Mixed (GH cell–PRL cell) adenomas
• Meningeal tumours • Silent ‘corticotroph’ adenomas, subtype 2
• Pituitary adenomas • Unclassified adenomas
• Neurilemmomas • Acidophil stem cell adenomas
• Haemangioblastomas • Silent ‘corticotroph’ adenomas, subtype 1
• Medulloblastomas • Silent ‘corticotroph’ adenomas, subtype 3
• Mammosomatotroph cell adenomas
14.2.2 Gliomas • Thyrotroph cell adenomas
These are tumours derived from glial cells and their pre- • Densely granulated GH cell adenomas
cursors and include
• Astrocytomas—derived from astrocytes 14.2.6 Neurilemmomas
• Oligodendrocytomas—derived from These are also known as schwannomas. They are derived
oligodendrocytes from Schwann cells and include acoustic neuromas.
• Ependymomas—derived from ependymal cells
14.2.3 Metastases 14.2.7 Haemangioblastomas
Cerebral metastases derive particularly from primary These are derived from blood vessels.
neoplasia in the
14.2.8 Medulloblastomas
• Lung
• Breast These cerebellar tumours are embryonal tumours.
198 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
14.4 AUTISM with autism. The authors suggested that this localized
maldevelopment might serve as a temporal marker to
14.4.1 Histological Changes identify the events that damage the brain in autism, as
Bauman and Kemper (1985) studied the brain of a well as other neural structures that might be concomi-
29-year-old autistic man and found, compared with the tantly damaged. They concluded that the neocerebellar
brain of an age- and sex-matched normal control, abnor- abnormality may
malities in the
• Directly impair cognitive functions that may be
• Hippocampus attributable to the neocerebellum
• Subiculum • Indirectly affect, through its connections to the
• Entorhinal cortex brain stem, hypothalamus, and thalamus, the
• Septal nuclei development and functioning of one or more sys-
• Mammillary body tems involved in cognitive, sensory, autonomic,
• Amygdala (selected nuclei) and motor activities
• Neocerebellar cortex • Occur concomitantly with damage to other
• Roof nuclei of the cerebellum neural sites, the dysfunction of which directly
• Inferior olivary nucleus underlies the cognitive deficits in autism
• Postmortem human brain tissue studies have Problems with the hypothesis include
not shown significant differences in D2 recep-
tor binding between schizophrenic patients with • Vitamin E treatment of tardive dyskinesia in gen-
tardive dyskinesia and schizophrenic patients eral does not lead to major clinical improvement.
without tardive dyskinesia. GABA Insufficiency
• Blood biochemical assays have not shown con-
According to one version of this hypothesis, the follow-
sistent significant differences between patients
ing sequence of events takes place:
with tardive dyskinesia and patients without tar-
Long-term treatment with antipsychotic (neuroleptic)
dive dyskinesia with respect to
Somatotropin → Destruction of GABAergic neurons in the striatum
• No consistent significant differences have been → ↓ Feedback inhibition
shown between patients with tardive dyskine- → Tardive dyskinesia
sia and patients without tardive dyskinesia with
respect to According to another version, the sequence of events is
Plasma homovanillic acid Long-term treatment with antipsychotic (neuroleptic)
Urinary homovanillic acid medication
CSF homovanillic acid
→ ↓ GABAergic neuronal activity in the pars retic-
• Dopamine agonists do not strikingly exacerbate
ulata of the substantia nigra
tardive dyskinesia.
→ ↓ Inhibition of involuntary movements
• Dopamine antagonist antipsychotics may some-
→ Tardive dyskinesia
times worsen tardive dyskinesia.
Evidence in favour of these hypotheses includes the
A modification of this hypothesis includes a role for following:
dopamine D1 receptors, but many of the previously men-
tioned problems also apply again. Moreover, postmortem 1. It has been shown that striatonigral GABAergic
human brain tissue studies have not shown significant dif- neurons feed back on dopaminergic nigrostria-
ferences in D1 receptor binding between schizophrenic tal neurons to reduce their activity.
patients with tardive dyskinesia and schizophrenic patients 2. Antipsychotic-treated dyskinetic monkeys have
without tardive dyskinesia. been found to have a decrease in GAD, com-
pared with similarly treated monkeys without Free-Radical-Induced Neurotoxicity tardive dyskinesia, in the
According to this hypothesis, the following sequence of a. Substantia nigra
events takes place: b. Globus pallidus
Long-term treatment with antipsychotic (neuroleptic) c. Subthalamic nucleus
medication 3. Patients with tardive dyskinesia have been found
on postmortem to have a significant decrease in
→ ↑ Catecholamine turnover GAD activity, compared with patients without
→ Free-radical by-products tardive dyskinesia, in the subthalamic nucleus
→ Membrane lipid peroxidation in the basal gan- 4. The following GABAergic agonists have gener-
glia (the basal ganglia have a high oxidative ally shown promise as potential therapeutic agents
metabolism) a. Benzodiazepines
→ Tardive dyskinesia b. Baclofen
c. Gamma-vinyl GABA
Evidence in favour of this hypothesis includes the following:
Problems with the hypothesis include the following:
• α-Tocopherol (vitamin E) is of benefit in rodent
models of antipsychotic-induced dyskinesia. • Rodent models of tardive dyskinesia do not
• Some studies have shown ↑ blood or CSF levels show consistent GABA function changes with
of lipid peroxidation by-products in patients antipsychotic treatment.
with tardive dyskinesia compared with those • It has not so far proved possible effectively to
without tardive dyskinesia. treat tardive dyskinesia with GABAergic drugs.
Neuropathology 203
Jellinger K. 1985: Neuromorphological background of patho- Puri BK. 2001: Impaired phospholipid-related signal transduc-
chemical studies in major psychoses. In Beckman H (ed.) tion in advanced Huntington’s disease. Experimental
Pathochemical Markers in Major Psychoses, pp. 1–23. Physiology 86:683–685.
Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag. Puri BK. 2011: Brain tissue changes and antipsychotic medi-
Jeste DV and Lohr JB. 1989: Hippocampal pathologic find- cation. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 11:943–946.
ings in schizophrenia. A morphometric study. Archives of Ritvo ER, Freeman BJ, Scheibel AB, Duong T, Robinson H,
General Psychiatry 46:1019–1024. Guthrie D, and Ritvo A. 1986: Lower Purkinje cell counts
Kovelman JA and Scheibel AB. 1984: A neurohistologi- in the cerebella of four autistic subjects: Initial findings
cal correlate of schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry of the UCLA-NSAC autopsy research report. American
19:1601–1621. Journal of Psychiatry 143:862–866.
McKeith IG. 2006: Consensus guidelines for the clinical and Roberts GW, Colter N, Lofthouse R, Johnstone EC, and
pathologic diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies Crow TJ. 1987: Is there gliosis in schizophrenia?
(DLB): Report of the Consortium on DLB International Investigation of the temporal lobe. Biological Psychiatry
Workshop. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 9:417–423. 22:1459–1468.
Pakkenberg B. 1987: Post-mortem study of chronic Soustek Z. 1989: Ultrastructure of cortical synapses in the brain
schizophrenic brains. British Journal of Psychiatry of schizophrenics. Zentralblatt für Allgemeine Patholic
151:744–752. und Pathologische Anatomie 135:25–32.
15 Neuroimaging Techniques
206 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Some measurements made by PET, for example, the The resolution of SPECT is generally poorer than that of
study of rCBF, are likely to be increasingly replaced by PET, and both are likely to be increasingly replaced by
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), since the fMRI. However, fMRI is not a suitable replacement for
latter does not require the use of radioactive isotopes. On SPECT for ligand studies or for the type of study mentioned
the other hand, fMRI is not a suitable replacement for earlier in which the onset of the symptomatology being
PET for ligand-binding studies. studied may occur at a time when the subject is not in or
near a scanner.
15.4 SPECT
15.5 MRI
SPECT is single-photon emission computerized tomog-
raphy. It is also known as SPET or single-photon emis- MRI is magnetic resonance imaging. It was previously
sion tomography. referred to as NMR or nuclear magnetic resonance.
In vivo NMR is now taken to include arterial spin
15.4.1 Basis labelling (ASL), diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI),
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), diffusion-weighted
The basis of SPECT neuroimaging is as follows: imaging (DWI), MRI, magnetic resonance angi-
ography (MRA), magnetic resonance spectroscopy
A radioisotope or radiolabelled ligand is intro- (MRS), and fMRI. In addition, it is possible to carry
duced into the cerebral circulation; routes com- out in vitro NMR studies of tissues at higher mag-
monly used are netic field strengths (say, over 11 T) than are currently
• Intravenous administration (the radioactive allowed for human subjects.
substance is in solution)
• By inhalation (the radioactive substance is in 15.5.1 Basis
gaseous form)
Blood flow ± cerebral tissue binding in the brain. The basis of MRI is as follows:
Single γ-photon emissions. The patient is placed in a strong static magnetic
Detection of γ-photons. field → alignment of proton spin axes:
Computer reconstruction of emerging γ-photon data.
Slice images of the distribution of the radioisotopes Pulses of radio-frequency waves at specified fre-
in the brain. quencies are administered.
This additional energy is absorbed.
Some protons jump to a higher quantum level.
15.4.2 Type of Imaging
Radio waves are emitted when these protons return
SPECT is a form of functional imaging. to the lower quantum level.
Neuroimaging Techniques 207
The radio-frequency (rf) wave frequencies are In some circumstances, it may be useful to admin-
measured. ister a paramagnetic contrast-enhancing agent such as
Precession in each voxel is determined and T1 (lon- gadolinium-DTPA.
gitudinal relaxation time) and T2 (transverse fMRI can use the blood oxygen level-dependent
relaxation time) calculated. (BOLD) effect, whereby whereas oxyhaemoglobin is
Proton density, T1, T2 → pixel intensities. diamagnetic, deoxyhaemoglobin is paramagnetic and
Anatomical magnetic resonance images. so may be used as an endogenous contrast agent. Images
from the first published human study of V1 activation
(The data are actually collected in the temporal domain during photic stimulation using BOLD fMRI, by Bruce
and need to be converted into the frequency domain Rosen’s group at Harvard Medical School, are shown
using Fourier transformation.) in Figure 15.1.
Baseline 30 s 50 s
FIGURE 15.1 Images from the first published human study of V1 activation during photic stimulation using BOLD fMRI. The
upper left image was acquired during darkness (baseline) and this baseline image was subtracted from subsequent images. OFF, dark-
ness; ON, photic stimulation. (Reproduced from Kwong, K.K. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 89, 5675, 1992. With permission.)
208 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
210 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Depolarizing Repolarizing
+30 phase Resting membrane potential: Voltage-gated
phase Reversal of Na+ channels are in the resting state and
Membrane potential (mV)
Time (ms)
FIGURE 16.1 AP or impulse. When a stimulus depolarizes the membrane to threshold −55 mV, an AP is generated. The AP
arises at the trigger zone (at the junction of the axon hillock and the initial segment) and then propagates along the axon to the axon
terminals. (Redrawn from Tortora, G.J. and Derrickson, B., Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 11th edn., Wiley-Blackwell,
New York, 2006. With permission.)
1 2 3 4 5
+30 Temporal Spatial
FIGURE 16.2 Interaction of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) at the
postsynaptic neuron. Presynaptic neurons (A–C) were stimulated at times indicated by the arrows, and the resulting membrane
potential was recorded in the postsynaptic cell by a recording microelectrode. (Redrawn from Widmaier, E.P. et al., Vander’s
Human Physiology, 11th edn., McGraw Hill, Berkshire, England, 2008. With permission.) ACTH of inhibin (from stromal cells of the ovary), which in turn
This is a single-chain peptide that stimulates the pro- causes a negative feedback on the secretion of FSH by the
duction by the adrenal glands of the steroid hormone anterior pituitary gland.
cortisol. LH
LH consists of two peptide chains, α and β; the α-chain of FSH LH is the same as that of FSH. LH stimulates the gonads
FSH consists of two peptide chains, α and β. FSH stimu- (ovaries and testes).
lates the gonads (ovaries and testes). In males, LH stimulates the testicular Leydig cells to
In males, FSH stimulates seminiferous tubule produce testosterone.
Sertoli cells to promote the growth of spermatozoa and In females, LH stimulates the ovaries to produce
also stimulates the release of inhibin A (the α subunit) androgens. In menstruating females, a surge of LH mid-
and inhibin B (the β subunit). (In turn, inhibin causes cycle induces ovulation.
212 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
16.2.2 Posterior Pituitary Hormones According to the gate theory of pain, gates in the spi-
nal cord, involving activity in spinal cord interneurons,
The hypothalamus is responsible for the neurosecretion can modify the perception of pain. These gates may also
of the two posterior pituitary hormones: exist in the brain stem and even the cerebral cortex. This
theory may explain why shifting attention away from
• Arginine vasopressin (AVP) (argipressin or the source of pain to something else may help reduce
antidiuretic hormone [ADH]) the severity of the pain that the subject is conscious of.
• Oxytocin Hormonal substances, such as endorphins, may also
influence the perception of pain. For example, during
Note that, strictly speaking, these are actually hypotha- times of war, a soldier at the front may hardly feel any
lamic hormones rather than pituitary hormones, as they pain initially following a traumatic bodily injury such as
are synthesized in the supraoptic and paraventricular the loss of part of a limb. In contrast, the same injury
nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus and then transported incurred in civilian life during peace time may cause the
to and stored in the posterior pituitary gland. same person to scream out in agony.
Activity in the motor cortex (primary motor cortex— medial preoptic area in male monkeys, in which testoster-
precentral gyrus, Brodmann area 4) one is circulating, is associated with an abolition of mating,
but masturbation in the presence of out-of-reach females
• Ipsilateral corticospinal tract has been noted.) In female adults, ovarian hormones also
• Pyramidal decussation appear to act on the amygdala to stimulate the motivation to
• Ipsilateral (mainly) ventral corticospinal tract carry out sexual activity. In infrahuman quadrupedal mam-
(moves midline muscles) and contralateral (mainly) mals, the action of ovarian hormones on the ventromedial
lateral corticospinal tract (moves limb muscles) hypothalamus (VMH) stimulates lordosis (arching of the
back, staying still with the back side elevated—a position
that is receptive for copulatory behaviour).
16.3.4 Arousal
Humans are aware of the importance of cognitive
Further details regarding sleep and arousal are given in influences on sexual behaviour. The influence of cerebral
Section 16.4. Here, we consider the changes in thalamo- cortex in the context is clearly important but complex.
cortical systems that occur in sleep and arousal. Basically, For instance, while frontal lobe patients often are associ-
the hypothalamus appears to contain neuronal circuits ated with a loss of sexual inhibition, loss of libido may
that mediate homeostatic sleep mechanisms. also occur in some cases.
One important subcortical circuit involved is as fol-
lows. Output from the ventrolateral preoptic area, supra- 16.3.6 Hunger
chiasmatic nucleus, and tuberomammillary nucleus of
the hypothalamus synchronizes the non-rapid eye move- Feeding is a regulatory behaviour that particularly
ment–rapid eye movement (NREM–REM) sleep cycle involves inputs from the following systems:
mechanisms of the pontine brain stem. The parts of the
latter that appear to be particularly involved are the • Digestive system (including insulin) and satiety
• Locus coeruleus • Hypothalamus
• Raphe nuclei • Cognitive factors
• Dorsolateral tegmental nucleus
• Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus Insulin
The most important hormone that affects caloric
A second subcortical system of importance involves out- homeostasis is insulin. When hungry, first the smell and
put from the ventrolateral preoptic area, suprachiasmatic then the taste of a meal cause signals to be sent in the
nucleus, and tuberomammillary nucleus of the hypothal- following way:
amus to the thalamus and thence to the cerebral cortex. Smell of food ± taste of food Satiety Signals This is known as the dual centre hypothesis. More recent
Gastric distension, for example, following the ingestion evidence has suggested that this simple hypothesis is, in
of food, gives rise to satiety signals along the following fact, incorrect. The true reason why bilateral ventromedial
pathway: hypothalamic damage leads to hyperphagia is related to
Food ingestion
• An increase in parasympathetic tone
• Gastric distension • An increase in vagal reflexes (and therefore an
• Stimulation of gastric wall stretch receptors increased rate of gastric emptying)
• Vagal nerve transmission • A reduction in sympathetic tone
• Nucleus of tractus solitarius and area postrema • A resetting of a hypothetical homeostatic set point
(in the brain stem) • An increase in the accumulation of stored fat
• Hypothalamus • A reduction in satiety duration following feeding
• Cerebral cortex
• Perception of gastric distension Opposite effects occur following bilateral VLH damage.
The neuropeptide Y (NPY) appears to act on the para-
There exist other systems that also provide feedback to ventricular nucleus to increase food intake.
the brain from the alimentary canal. For example, as the
ingested (and partially digested) food reaches the intes- Ghrelin
tines, many different peptides are released. Just one of Ghrelin is a ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue
these, cholecystokinin (CCK), can stimulate vagal affer- receptor (GHSR). It is an octanoylated 28-amino-acid
ents carrying pyloric gastric stretch receptor signals to peptide produced and secreted by gastric oxyntic gland
the brain stem, thereby providing synergy with the satiety cells. It has been proposed that ghrelin acts as an enteric
signal system just mentioned earlier. Moreover, infrahu- signal that stimulates appetite.
man mammalian experiments have demonstrated the Cognitive Factors
satiety action of CCK directly infused into the hypo-
thalamus. Another neuropeptide that may affect hunger As with sexual behaviour, cognitive factors are clearly
is oxytocin, intracerebroventricular injection of which of importance in the integrated behaviour of hunger and
decreases food intake in rats. feeding. The ability of people to fast, for example, shows
Caloric intake also has a direct satiety effect, although that cognitive activity can override satiety signalling and
the precise mechanism(s) by which this occur(s) is(are) any putative hypothalamic factors.
not clear at the time of writing. The amygdala is thought to play some role in hunger
Satiety signals are also given rise to by postgastric and feeding. It is known, for example, that damage to
actions of ingested food. One mechanism involved is the amygdala is associated with the abolition of taste-
undoubtedly related to the liver. aversion learning and also with a change in the types of
The hormone leptin (or Ob protein), biosynthesized food that are preferred.
in adipose tissue, has a circulating plasma concentration Damage to the inferior prefrontal cortex often appears
that is positively correlated with overall adiposity. Leptin to be associated with reduced food intake. This may,
has a satiety action when experimentally directly infused however, be at least partly related to the fact that this part
into cerebral ventricles, and hypothalamic leptin recep- of the cerebral cortex receives olfactory signals, so that
tors have been identified. damage to the cortex may reduce the ability to respond to
the aroma and taste of food. Hypothalamus
16.3.7 Thirst
Rodent experiments from the 1950s onward have sug-
gested that Drinking is a regulatory behaviour. There are two types
of homeostatic mechanisms that are of relevance and that
• The ventrolateral hypothalamus (VLH) con- give rise to two different types of thirst. They are
tains a hunger centre; bilateral damage to this
area causes aphagia in rats. • Osmotic homeostasis (related to osmotic thirst)
• The VMH contains a satiety centre; damage to • Volume homeostasis (related to hypovolaemic
this area may cause hyperphagia in rats. thirst)
Neurophysiology 215
• ↑ Delta activity
• Nasopharyngeal leads—electrodes are posi-
tioned in the superior part of the nasopharynx; Antipsychotics
can be used to obtain recordings from the infe- In general, antipsychotic drugs cause
rior and medial temporal lobe.
• Sphenoidal electrodes—electrodes are inserted • ↓ Beta activity
between the mandibular coronoid notch and the • ↑L ow-frequency delta activity and/or ↑ theta
zygoma; can be used to obtain recordings from activity
the inferior temporal lobe.
• Electrocorticography—electrodes are placed Anxiolytics
directly on the surface of the brain. In general, anxiolytics, including barbiturates and benzo-
• Depth electroencephalography—electrodes are diazepines, cause
placed inside the brain.
• ↑ Beta activity
• ↓ Alpha activity (sometimes)
16.5.2 Normal EEG Rhythms Lithium Classification according Therapeutic levels of lithium lead to only small EEG
to Frequency Band effects that are likely to be missed on visual analysis of
Normal EEG rhythms are classified according to fre- routine recordings.
quency as follows:
• Delta: frequency < 4 Hz Carpenter RHS. 2012: Neurophysiology: A Conceptual Approach,
• Theta: 4 Hz ≤ frequency < 8 Hz 5th edn. London, U.K.: Hodder Arnold.
• Alpha: 8 Hz ≤ frequency < 13 Hz Hall JE. 2011: Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology,
• Beta: frequency ≥ 13 Hz 12th edn. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, Elsevier.
218 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Puri BK. 2010: Neurophysiology of integrated behaviour. In Tortora GJ and Derrickson B. 2006: Principles of
Puri BK and Treasaden IH (eds.) Psychiatry: An Evidence- Anatomy and Physiology, 11th edn. New York, NY:
Based Text, pp. 361–373. London, U.K.: Hodder Arnold. Wiley-Blackwell.
Stein JF and Stoodley C. 2006: Neuroscience: An Introduction. Widmaier EP, Raff H, and Strang KT. 2008: Vander’s Human
Chichester, England: Wiley-Blackwell. Physiology, 11th edn. Berkshire, England: McGraw
Strutton P. 2010: Basic concepts in neurophysiology. In Puri BK Hill.
and Treasaden IH (eds.) Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based
Text, pp. 354–360. London, U.K.: Hodder Arnold.
17 Neurochemistry
220 Revision Notes in Psychiatry G Proteins
G proteins (named after their ability to bind guanosine tri-
phosphate [GTP] and guanosine diphosphate [GDP]) are
often involved in transmembrane signalling, linking recep- ACh release
tors to intracellular effector systems. For neurotransmitter
binding, the following types of G protein may be involved:
• Gs ACh
Acetylcholinesterase Acetic acid
• Gi
• Go
• Gq FIGURE 17.1 The synthesis and degradation of ACh.
Neurochemistry 221
DA-β- Mitochondria
release release
Homovanillic acid MAO 3-Methoxytyramine phenethyleneglycol
acid (VMA)
Sulfotransferase Disease Processes Involving DA lactotroph cells in the anterior pituitary and causes exces-
Schizophrenia sive release of prolactin.
↓ DA in the mesocortical pathway: Anergy and loss of Depression: The mesolimbic DA system is implicated.
drive (negative symptoms) There is low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) HVA in depressed
↑ DA in the mesolimbic pathway patients and signify low DA turnover.
The DA hypothesis proposes that increased levels of Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): ↑ DA in the
DA or DA receptors cause schizophrenia. nigrostriatal pathway (e.g. compulsive behaviour)
Galactorrhoea is seen in antipsychotic treatment Bipolar disorder: ↑ DA in the nigrostriatal pathway (↑ sen-
as a result of blockade of DA receptors located on the sory stimuli and movement), ↑ CSF HVA in manic patients
224 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
MAO hydroxylase
release release
MAO phenethyleneglycol
Homovanillic acid 3-methoxytyramine Normetanephrine
acid (VMA)
MHPG sulphate
in the fight and flight response. In peripheral tis- tetrabenazine prevent vesicular accumulation of
sues, NA plays a role in stress responses. NA and leads to depression. This supports the
3. NA metabolism: NA is metabolized by COMT NA theory of depressive disorder.
to normetanephrine and then by MAO-B to 4. NA reuptake: NA is transported back into neu-
vanillyl mandelic acid (VMA). It can also be rons by a high-affinity uptake system and it is
metabolized to 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylg- energy consuming. Reuptake is more affected
lycol (MHPG) by MAO and COMT in a step- by secondary amines than tertiary amines.
wise manner. Forty per cent of plasma MHPG Cocaine also inhibits the presynaptic reuptake
is derived from the brain and it indicates of NA. TCA and serotonin–noradrenaline reup-
the NA turnover in the CNS. Reserpine and take inhibitors (SNRIs) are potent blockers for
226 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
NA reuptake. SNRIs (e.g. venlafaxine) restore time of writing, the main adrenergic receptors and their
the levels of NA in the synaptic cleft by binding main effectors (via G protein α-subunits) are believed
at the NA reuptake transporters, preventing the to be
reuptake and subsequent degradation. During
opioid and alcohol withdrawal, high concentra- • α1A → ↑ Ca2+ (via Gi/Go)
tion of NA in the synapse is a result of attenua- • α1B → ↑ IP3 (via Gq)
tion of the autoinhibitory mechanisms. • α1C → ↑ IP3 (via Gq)
5. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) (irre- • α1D → ↑ IP3 (via Gq)
versible MAOIs, phenelzine and tranylcypro- • α2A (human)/a2D (probably rat homologue)
mine, or reversible MAOI, moclobemide) inhibit ↓ adenylyl cyclase, ↑ K+, ↓ Ca2+ (via Gi)
MAO and increase the brain levels of NA. This • α2B → ↓ adenylate cyclase (via Gi)
will help to treat depression. Tyramine-rich • α2C → ↓ adenylate cyclase (via Go)
foods such as cheese (except cream and cot- • β1 → ↑ adenylate cyclase (via Gs)
tage), bean curd, offal (liver), Chianti, alcohol, • β2 → ↑ adenylate cyclase (via Gs)
smoked and pickled fish, sausage, and banana
skin should be avoided as it can inhibit the α-Adrenoceptors
peripheral metabolism of pressor amines. α1-Receptors act via stimulation of phosphoinositol. They
are located postsynaptically. Their functions include
Conversion to adrenaline: The conversion from NA arousal and causing vascular smooth muscles to con-
to adrenaline involves phenylethanolamine-N-methyl tract. Some TCAs and antipsychotics cause sedation
transferase. and postural hypotension that is a result of blocking the
α1-receptors. NA and Psychiatric Disorders The α 2-receptors act via the activation of inhibitory
Generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder: There G proteins. They are found both pre- and postsynap-
is increased NA transmission from both the locus coe- tically. The α 2-adrenoceptors are widely distributed
ruleus and the caudal raphe nuclei. The NA projection throughout the body and are found in adrenergic neu-
from the ventral locus coeruleus to the hypothalamus rons, blood vessels, pancreas, and smooth muscle. When
will produce autonomic symptoms such as increased stimulated, these receptors reduce the blood pressure
heart rate, dilated pupils, tremor, and sweating. The and suppress symptoms of opiate withdrawal. By cou-
NA projection from the dorsal locus coeruleus to the pling to the inhibitory G proteins, the α 2-adrenoceptors
cortex and hippocampus affects fear-related processing have an inhibitory effect on neurotransmission when
and fear responses. bound by an agonist. The α 2-receptor densities are
OCD: Increased in NA transmission from the locus found to be increased on platelets of depressed patients
coeruleus to the frontal cortex, thalamus, hypothalamus, and the brains of suicide victims. Lofexidine is an
and limbic system α 2-receptor agonist. These receptors are blocked by
Depression: Reduced NA transmission from the locus mianserin. Mirtazapine exerts α 2-autoreceptor and het-
coeruleus and the caudal raphe nuclei. SNRIs increase eroreceptor antagonism.
the NA level in frontal and prefrontal cortex. This will The presynaptic α2-receptors control NA release. The
improve mood and attention in depressed patients. NA in the synapse activates the presynaptic α2-receptors
Chronic antidepressant treatment leads to changes in NA and leads to increase in potassium conductance and hyper-
reuptake transporter gene expression. polarization of the cells. This autoinhibitory mechanism
Bipolar disorder: Increased NA transmission in the reduces NA release. When antidepressants such as TCAs
caudal nucleus and the locus coeruleus. block the NA reuptake, more NA is released in the syn-
Alzheimer’s disease, Korsakoff’s psychosis, Parkinson’s apses and enhances the autoinhibitory mechanism. This
disease, and progressive supranuclear palsy: These disor- leads to downregulation of the presynaptic α2-receptors.
ders are associated with significant loss of NA neurons. The tolerance of autoinhibitory effect takes place over a
few weeks. Hence, the antidepressant can lead to thera-
peutic effect on depressed mood by increasing the avail-
17.3.4 Adrenoceptors
ability of NA through reuptake inhibition and reduction of
The adrenergic receptors are coupled to G proteins, via autoinhibitory mechanism after a time period of several
which they produce their physiological effects. At the weeks. In clinical practice, psychiatrists often remind the
Neurochemistry 227 β-Adrenoceptors
β-Receptors act via activation of stimulatory G protein. FIGURE 17.7 The effect of acute antidepressant treatment on
β-Receptors also stimulate melatonin production in the pineal β1-receptors.
gland. There are three types of β-receptors: β1-receptors
predominate in the cortex. Stimulation of β1-receptors
also increases the rates and force of cardiac contractions.
β2-Receptors predominate in the cerebellum. Stimulation of
β2-receptors causes bronchodilation. β3-Receptors predomi-
nate in the brown fat. Chronic antidepressant treatments
affect the G protein-coupled adenylate cyclase and induce a
reduction in β1-receptor density in the brain. The β-receptor
density is increased in the brains of suicide victims and
MAOIs produce β-receptor downregulation.
Phobia: There is an excess of NA in the principal
noradrenergic pathways in the brain, and this results in
a downregulation of postsynaptic adrenergic receptors. NA
Transmissions of NA from the caudal raphe nuclei and β-Adrenergic receptor
the locus coeruleus are increased in phobia.
The effect of acute and chronic antidepressant treat-
ment on β1-receptors is summarized as follows:
There is an increase of NA and the density of post-
synaptic β1-receptors that stimulate the cAMP formation
during acute antidepressant treatment (Figure 17.7).
The long-term increase in NA leads to downregulation
of the postsynaptic β1-receptors and reduce cAMP forma-
tion (Figure 17.8). Nevertheless, the amount of cAMP pro-
duction is still higher than those depressed patients without FIGURE 17.8 The effect of chronic antidepressant treatment
treatment. on β1-receptors.
228 Revision Notes in Psychiatry Serotonin (5-HT) of the 5-HT levels in the platelet but increase in
5-HT is a monoamine neurotransmitter. 5-HT is the plasma 5-HT levels.
produced by dorsal and median raphe nuclei. 5-HT plays 4. Degradation of 5-HT: 5-HT is taken back into
a key role in appetite, sleep, mood, impulse control, sui- the neuron and degraded by MAO-A. SSRI
cide, and personality. 5-HT in the CNS accounts for less blocks the 5-HT reuptake. This will lead to
than 20% of the total body 5-HT. Eighty per cent of 5-HT mood improvement in depressed patients, but
are found in the intestine and platelets (Figure 17.9). nausea and impaired sexual function may arise
as possible side effects.
5. 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA): 5-HIAA
1. 5-HT is synthesized from dietary amino
will be transferred out of the brain via CSF or
acid, l-tryptophan. Tryptophan hydroxylase
blood. The concentration of 5-HIAA in CSF cor-
does not saturate and higher level of 5-HT
relates with the concentration in brain tissue. CSF
can be achieved by taking l-tryptophan
5-HIAA is a useful index of central 5-HT turn-
alongside with antidepressants. On the other
over. Low CSF 5-HIAA is found in patients with
hand, depletion of 5-HT can be achieved by
violent behaviours and untreated depression.
inhibiting tryptophan hydroxylase, removing
l-tryptophan from the diet or adding natural
amino acid such as alanine to compete for the Serotonin and Psychiatric Disorders
transport process with l-tryptophan. This will Anxiety and OCD: m-Chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP)
lead to depression. is a direct 5-HT receptor agonist and it can induce
2. Release of 5-HT: The release of 5-HT is depen- anxiety and obsessional symptoms. mCPP demon-
dent on calcium ions. strates the role of 5-HT dysfunction in anxiety disor-
3. 5-HT and platelets: Most of the p eripheral 5-HTs ders and OCD.
are stored in the platelets. When depressed Depression: 5-HT transmission from the caudal raphe
patients take the SSRI, this will lead to reduction nuclei and rostral raphe nuclei is reduced in patients
L-Tryptophan L-Tryptophan
5-Hydroxy-indole- hydroxylase
3-acetic acid (5-HIAA)
Aldehyde 5-Hydroxy-tryptophan
with depression. It leads to insomnia and suicide ide- γ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
ation. Presynaptic 5-HT dysfunction is a state marker in GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the
depression. CNS. GABAergic inhibition is seen at the hypothalamus,
Mania: 5-HT transmission from the caudal raphe hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and cerebellum.
nuclei and rostral raphe nuclei is increased in patients
with mania. Biosynthesis
Schizophrenia: There is an interesting relationship GABA is derived from glutamic acid via the action of
between 5-HT and DA. The two 5-HT pathways that are glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) (see Figure 17.10).
affected in schizophrenia include (1) the projections from GAD is a marker of GABAergic neurons. It requires pyri-
dorsal raphe nuclei to the substantia nigra and (2) the doxal phosphate that is a vitamin B6 cofactor. Inhibitors
projections from the rostral raphe nuclei ascending into of this enzyme may cause seizure. In schizophrenia,
the cerebral cortex, limbic regions, and basal ganglia. there is a decreased expression of the messenger RNA for
5-HT2A receptor agonism inhibits DA release. When this enzyme in the prefrontal cortex.
there is excess 5-HT produced by these two pathways,
there is a reduction of the availability of DA that can give Metabolism
rise to the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Second- The metabolic breakdown of GABA to glutamic acid
generation antipsychotics such as risperidone bind to the and succinic semialdehyde involves the action of GABA
D2, 5-HT2A, and α2-adrenergic receptors in the brain. transaminase (GABA-T). GABA-T is often the target
Risperidone competes with 5-HT and its antagonism for anticonvulsants (e.g. sodium valproate). Inhibitor
at 5-HT2A receptors causes an increase in DA to relieve of this enzyme will increase GABA levels and prevent
negative symptoms. As risperidone also blocks D2 recep- convulsion.
tors, the positive symptoms are reduced at the same time.
Alzheimer’s disease: 5-HT transmission from the GABA and Disease Processes
rostral raphe nuclei to the temporal lobe is reduced in
patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Generalized anxiety disorder: ↓ GABA activity
Cloninger’s type 2 alcoholism: This is characterized Schizophrenia: ↑ GABA activity
by young men with impulsive behaviours and low 5-HT Depression: GABAB agonists enhance monoaminer-
levels. gic neurotransmission.
TABLE 17.1
Summary of the 5-HT Receptors
Receptor Type Locations Mechanisms Clinical Relevance
5-HT1A 1. Widely expressed Coupled to a G protein that inhibits the Depression:
throughout the brain intracellular messenger adenylate cyclase ↑ 5-HT1A receptor density in the hippocampus and
2. High density in the 5-HT1A acts as an accelerator of DA medial temporal cortex
hippocampus, raphe release ↓ 5-HT1A receptor density in the cerebellum, basal
nucleus, and medial ganglia, and prefrontal cortex. Chronic
temporal cortex antidepressant treatment leads to downregulation
3. Lower density in the Buspirone exerts anxiolytic and antidepressant effects
prefrontal cortex through partial agonism at the 5-HT1A receptor
and basal ganglia Aripiprazole is a 5-HT1A agonist
5-HT1B Autoreceptors Coupled to a G protein that inhibits the Reduce 5-HT release
intracellular messenger Implicated in Cloninger’s type II alcoholism
adenylate cyclase
5-HT1D Autoreceptors Coupled to a G protein that inhibits the Blunted growth hormone response to sumatriptan in
intracellular messenger depressed patients
adenylate cyclase
5-HT2 Cortex Phosphoinositol turnover Depression: ↑ receptor density on platelets of
The secondary messenger (IP3) will depressed patents; ↓ in the 5-HT2 receptor density in
regulate substrate proteins (e.g. the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital cortical
receptors, ion channels, cytoskeletal regions after chronic antidepressant (TCA and
proteins, and transcription factors). This SSRI) treatment
will lead to short- and long-term Slow-wave sleep regulation
regulation of neuronal function Implicated in anxiety disorders
5-HT2A inhibits DA release upon binding ↑ in 5-HT2 receptor binding in suicide victims
of 5-HT. 5-HT2A receptor antagonism Second-generation antipsychotics: 5-HT2A
leads to anxiolytic effects. 5-HT2A antagonists
receptor agonism is associated with Hallucinogens stimulate 5-HT2A receptors in the
circadian rhythm disturbance and sexual frontal cortex and reduce activities of GABAergic
dysfunction neurons
5-HT2B causes mild anxiety and Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a partial 5-HT2
hyperphagia upon stimulation agonist
5-HT2c regulates DA and NA release Mianserin is a 5-HT2 antagonist
Fluoxetine reduces binge eating and
bulimia through 5-HT2c agonism. Weight
gain and anxiolytic effects are associated
with 5-HT2c antagonism
5-HT2C Choroid plexus Phosphoinositol turnover Implicated in feeding
Agomelatine is a 5-HT2C antagonist
5-HT3 1. Brain stem: the Ligand-gated channel and causes Controls DA release
putative vomiting depolarization Gastrointestinal side effects and nausea associated
centre and the 5-HT3 receptors regulate inhibitory with SSRIs (5-HT3 agonism)
nucleus tractus interneurons in the brain and also Mirtazapine does not have nausea side effects due to
solitarius mediate vomiting via the vagal nerve its antagonism on 5-HT3 receptors
2. Vagus nerve Anxiety disorders
3. Limbic system, Alcohol acts on 5-HT3 receptors
hippocampus, and
the cerebral cortex
Neurochemistry 231
Glutamate GABA semialdehyde
Glutamatic acid GABA
decarboxylase transaminase
Alcohol GABA
Cl– Cl– Cl– Cl– Cl–
Gamma Alpha
sub-unit sub-unit Cl–
1 2 3
Ca Ca G G Ca receptor Ca Ca G Ca Ca Ca G G Ca
G Ca Ca
Ca Ca Ca G Glycine Ca G Glycine Ca G Glycine
Ca G 2+ Ca GMg2+
Mg Ca G Mg2+
Ca2+ Ca2+
TABLE 17.2
Summary of Neuropeptides and Clinical Relevance
Neuropeptides Functions Clinical Relevance
Corticotropin release CRF controls the release of adrenocorticotropic 1. ↑ CRF concentration in CSF of depressed patients
factor (CRF) hormone from the anterior pituitary 2. ↓ CRF level in CSF of depressed patients after
Injections of CRH lead to depressive symptoms such as normalization with antidepressant treatment
reduced appetite and sex drives, weight loss, and 3. ↑ CRF mRNA in the postmortem brains of suicide
altered circadian rhythms victims
NA causes CRH release. Then CRH stimulates the locus 4. ↓ CRF receptors in the postmortem brains of suicide
coeruleus firing by stopping its inhibitory controls victims
5. Blunted ACTH release in response to CRF challenge
in depressed patients
6. CRH overactivity provokes excessive NA release in
panic attacks and alcohol withdrawal
Somatostatin It has inhibitory effects on growth hormone release 1. ↓ CSF concentration in unipolar and bipolar depression
2. ↓ in Alzheimer’s disease
Thyrotropin-releasing TRH is the smallest brain peptide and has the ability to 1. ↑ concentration in CSF of depressed patients
hormone (TRH) reverse sedation caused by drugs due to release of DA 2. 25%–30% of euthyroid depressives have blunted TSH
and ACh in the brain response to TRH challenge or abnormal T3/T4 levels
3. TRH may have a role in learning and memory
Cholecystokinin (CCK) CCK regulates the postprandial release of bile locally in 1. CCKA receptors seem to be involved in appetite and
the gut and control the appetite in the CNS feeding
2. CCKB is involved in emotional behaviour
Vasoactive intestinal VIP is found in the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, 1. VIP stimulates the release of ACTH, growth hormone,
peptide (VIP) amygdala, hippocampus, autonomic ganglia, intestinal, and prolactin
and respiratory tracts 2. VIP inhibits the release of somatostatin
Drummond LM and Finberg NA. 2007: Phobias and obsessive Krystal JH, Abi-Dargham A, Laruelle M, and Moghaddam B.
compulsive disorder. In Stein G and Wilkinson G (eds.) 2004: Pharmacological models of psychoses. In Charney
Seminars in General Adult Psychiatry, pp. 351–379. DS and Nestler EJ (eds.) Neurobiology of Mental Illness,
London, U.K.: Gaskell. 2nd edn, pp. 287–298. New York: Oxford University Press.
Duman RS. 2004: The neurochemistry of depressive disorders. Lawrence NS and Stein EA. 2003: Neuroimaging studies of
In Charney DS and Nestler EJ (eds.) Neurobiology of human drug addiction. In Fu CHY, Senior C, Russell TA,
Mental Illness, 2nd edn, pp. 421–439. New York: Oxford Weinberger D, and Murray R (eds.) Neuroimaging in
University Press. Psychiatry, pp. 101–130. London, U.K.: Martin Dunitz.
Emslie-Smith D, Paterson CR, Scratcherd T, and Read NW. Nutt D. 1993: Neurochemistry and neuropharmacology.
(eds.) 1988: Textbook of Physiology, 11th edn. Edinburgh, In Morgan G and Butler S (eds.) Seminars in Basic
U.K.: Churchill Livingstone. Neurosciences, pp. 71–112. London, U.K.: Gaskell.
Evers MM and Martin DB. 2004: Principles of the pharmaco- Puri BK and Tyrer PJ. 2004: Sciences Basic to Psychiatry, 3rd
therapy dementia. In Charney DS and Nestler EJ (eds.) edn. Edinburgh, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone.
Neurobiology of Mental Illness, 2nd edn, pp. 863–872. Rogawski MA. 2000: Low affinity channel blocking (uncom-
New York: Oxford University Press. petitive) NMDA receptor antagonists as therapeutic
Farmer A and Lange K. 2007: The causes of depression. In agents—Toward an understanding of their favorable tol-
Stein G and Wilkinson G (eds.) Seminars in General erability. Amino Acids 19(1):133–149.
Adult Psychiatry, pp. 48–70. London, U.K.: Gaskell. Sham P, Woodruff P, and Hunter M. 2007: The aetiology
Garlow SJ and Nemeroff CB. 2004: The neurochemistry of of schizophrenia. In Stein G and Wilkinson G (eds.)
depressive disorders: Clinical studies. In Charney DS and Seminars in General Adult Psychiatry, pp. 202–237.
Nestler EJ (eds.) Neurobiology of Mental Illness, 2nd edn, London, U.K.: Gaskell.
pp. 421–439. New York: Oxford University Press. Stryer L. 1995: Biochemistry, 4th edn. New York: WH Freeman.
Guyton AC and Hall JE. 2000: Textbook of Medical Physiology, Volkow ND, Chang MO, Wang GJ et al. 2001: Low level
10th edn. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders. of brain dopamine D2 receptors in methamphet-
Kelly C and McCreadie R. 2000: Cigarette smoking and amine abusers: Association with metabolism in the
schizophrenia. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment orbitofrontal cortex. American Journal of Psychiatry
6:327–331. 158:2015–2021.
18 General Principles of
238 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
18.1.4 Anxiolytics • Risperidone
• Amisulpride Barbiturates • Olanzapine
The first barbiturate, barbituric acid (malonylurea), was syn- • Aripiprazole
thesized in 1864. The barbiturates were introduced in 1903. • Paliperidone Benzodiazepines
18.2.2 Antimuscarinics (Anticholinergics)
The benzodiazepine chlordiazepoxide was synthesized
in the late 1950s by Sternbach (working for Roche) and Antimuscarinic (anticholinergic) drugs used in the treat-
introduced in 1960. ment of parkinsonism resulting from pharmacotherapy
with antipsychotics include
18.2 CLASSIFICATION • Procyclidine
The examples given in each class of drug are not meant • Orphenadrine
to be exhaustive. • Trihexyphenidyl (benzhexol)
• Biperiden
18.2.1 Antipsychotics (Neuroleptics) • Benzatropine
18.7.2 Drugs Used in the Treatment Postural hypotension occurs as a result of the antiadren-
of Mood Disorder
ergic action. RIMA Agomelatine
The most important postulated mode of action in the
brain of the RIMA in achieving therapeutic effects is This recently introduced antidepressant has the following
• Reversible inhibition of MAO-A
• Agonist at MT1 melatonergic receptors SNRI • Agonist at MT2 melatonergic receptors
The most important postulated modes of action in the • Antagonist at 5-HT2C receptors
brain of the SNRIs in achieving therapeutic effects are
18.7.3 Anxiolytics and Hypnotics
• Inhibition of reuptake of noradrenaline
• Inhibition of reuptake of serotonin Benzodiazepines
The most important postulated mode of action in the NARI brain of benzodiazepines in achieving central therapeutic
The most important postulated mode of action in the effects is
brain of the NARI in achieving therapeutic effects is
• Binding to GABAA receptors
• Selective inhibition of the reuptake of
noradrenaline Buspirone NaSSA The most important postulated mode of action in the
The most important postulated modes of action in the brain of the azaspirodecanedione buspirone in achieving
brain of the NaSSA in achieving therapeutic effects are central therapeutic effects is Zaleplon Phenobarbitone
The pyrazolopyrimidine zaleplon is believed to achieve a
central hypnotic effect by acting on the same receptors as The actions of phenobarbitone may be similar to those
do benzodiazepines. given earlier for phenytoin.
López-Muñoz F, Alamo C, Cuenca E, Shen WW, Clervoy P, Schioldann J. 2009: History of the Introduction of Lithium into
and Rubio G. 2005: History of the discovery and clini- Medicine and Psychiatry, p. 390. Adelaide, Australia:
cal introduction of chlorpromazine. Annals of Clinical Adelaide Academic Press.
Psychiatry 17(3):113–135. Silverstone T and Turner P. 1995: Drug Treatment in Psychiatry,
Puri BK. 2013: Drugs in Psychiatry, 2nd edn. Oxford, U.K.: 5th edn. London, U.K.: Routledge.
Oxford University Press. White L, Tursky B, and Schwartz G (eds.). 1985: Proposed
Schapira K, McClelland HA, Griffiths NR et al. 1970: Study synthesis of placebo models. In Placebo: Theory,
of the effects of tablet colour in the treatment of anxiety Research, and Mechanisms, pp. 431–447. New York:
states. BMJ 2:446–449. Guildford Press.
19 Psychotropic Drugs and
Adverse Drug Reactions
19.1 DO PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS WORK? antipsychotics (apart from clozapine). Two hundred and
twenty-seven patients with schizophrenia and related disor-
There is controversy over the issue of whether or not ders were assessed for medication review because of inade-
psychotropic drugs really do have beneficial psychotropic quate response or adverse effects and randomly prescribed
actions that are significantly greater than those of place- either first-generation antipsychotics or second-generation
bos. Based on his meta-analytic statistical reviews, Irving antipsychotics (other than clozapine), the individual medi-
Kirsch has argued that antidepressant medication is not cation choice in each arm being made by each patient’s psy-
significantly better than placebo at treating depression chiatrist (Jones et al., 2006). Key results were as follows:
(Kirsch, 2009a,b). Moncrieff (2007) has also published a
strong critique of psychotropic drugs. • Patients in the first-generation antipsychotic arm
showed a trend towards greater improvement in
19.1.1 CATIE and CUtLASS Quality of Life Scale and symptom scores.
• Overall, patients reported no clear preference for
These two large studies compared first-generation anti- either first- or second-generation antipsychotics.
psychotics with second-generation antipsychotics.
252 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
19.3.9 Benzodiazepines • Palpitations
• Tachycardia
An important side effect of benzodiazepines is • Nausea
psychomotor impairment. If benzodiazepines are taken • Vomiting
regularly for 4 weeks or more, dependence may develop,
so that sudden cessation of intake may then lead to a Ingestion of large amounts of alcohol while being treated
withdrawal syndrome whose main features include with disulfiram can lead to
• Anxiety symptoms • Air hunger
• Palpitations • Arrhythmias
• Tremor • Severe hypotension
• Panic
• Dizziness 19.3.12 Cyproterone Acetate
• Nausea
• Sweating Side effects of this antiandrogen agent in males include
• Other somatic symptoms
• Low mood • Inhibition of spermatogenesis
• Abnormal experiences • Tiredness
• Depersonalization • Gynaecomastia
• Derealization • Weight gain
• Hypersensitivity to sensations in all modalities • Improvement of existing acne vulgaris
• Distorted perception of space • ↑ Scalp hair growth
• Tinnitus • Female pattern of pubic hair growth
• Formication
• A strange taste Liver function tests should be carried out regularly owing
• Influenza-like symptoms to a theoretical risk to the liver. Dyspnea may result from
• Psychiatric/neurological symptoms high-dose treatment.
• Epileptic seizures
• Confusional states 19.4 OFFICIAL GUIDANCE
• Psychotic episodes The official guidance in Britain on the use of antipsy-
• Insomnia chotic drugs and benzodiazepines is given in this section.
• Loss of appetite The BNF is the abbreviation for the latest British National
• Weight loss Formulary, a bi-annual publication of the British Medical
Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of
19.3.10 Buspirone Great Britain.
The main side effects of buspirone are
19.4.1 Antipsychotic Doses above
• Dizziness the BNF Upper Limit
• Headache The Royal College of Psychiatrists has published advice
• Excitement on the use of antipsychotic doses above the BNF upper
• Nausea limit. This advice is reproduced in the BNF:
Unless otherwise stated, doses in the BNF are licensed
19.3.11 Disulfiram doses—any higher dose is therefore unlicensed:
If alcohol is drunk while disulfiram is being taken regu- 1. Consider alternative approaches including adju-
larly, acetaldehyde accumulates. Thus, ingesting even vant therapy and newer or second-generation
small amounts of alcohol then causes unpleasant sys- antipsychotics such as clozapine.
temic reactions, including 2. Bear in mind risk factors, including obesity;
particular caution is indicated in older patients,
• Facial flushing especially those over 70.
• Headache 3. Consider potential for drug interactions.
Psychotropic Drugs and Adverse Drug Reactions 257
4. Carry out ECG to exclude untoward abnormali- 2. It is very important to recognize allergy
ties such as prolonged QT interval; repeat ECG and idiosyncrasy as causes of adverse drug
periodically and reduce dose if prolonged QT reactions. Ask if the patient had previous
interval or other adverse abnormality develops. reactions.
5. Increase dose slowly and not more often than 3. Ask if the patient is already taking other drugs
once weekly. including self-medication; remember that inter-
6. Carry out regular pulse, blood pressure, and actions may occur.
temperature checks; ensure that patient main- 4. Age and hepatic or renal disease may alter
tains adequate fluid intake. the metabolism or excretion of drugs, so
7. Consider high-dose therapy to be for limited period that much smaller doses may need to be pre-
and review regularly; abandon if no improvement scribed. Pharmacogenetic factors may also be
after 3 months (return to standard dosage). responsible for variations in the rate of metab-
olism, notably of isoniazid and the tricyclic
In addition, the British National Formulary offers the antidepressants.
following advice: 5. Prescribe as few drugs as possible and give very
Important: When prescribing an antipsychotic for admin- clear instructions to the elderly or any patient
istration on an emergency basis, the intramuscular dose likely to misunderstand complicated instructions.
should be lower than the corresponding oral dose (owing 6. When possible use a familiar drug. With a new
to absence of first-pass effect), particularly if the patient drug be particularly alert for adverse reactions
is very active (increased blood flow to muscle consider- or unexpected events.
ably increases the rate of absorption). The prescription 7. If serious adverse reactions are liable to occur
should specify the dose for each route and should not warn the patient.
imply that the same dose can be given by mouth or by
intramuscular injection. The dose of antipsychotic for
emergency use should be reviewed at least daily.
19.4.2 Benzodiazepines 19.5.1 Britain
In Britain, the Committee on Safety of Medicines has In Britain, the CSM holds an information database for
issued the following advice with respect to the prescrip- adverse drug reactions. Doctors practicing in Britain are
tion of benzodiazepines: asked to report adverse drug reactions to the Medicines and
Healthcare products Regulatory Agency via the internet
1. Benzodiazepines are indicated for the short- on the following web site:
term relief (2–4 weeks only) of anxiety that is
severe, disabling or subjecting the individual
to unacceptable distress, occurring alone or in
association with insomnia or short-term psycho- ADROIT (Adverse Drug Reactions On-line Information
somatic, organic or psychotic illness. Tracking) is an online service used in Britain to monitor
2. The use of benzodiazepines to treat short-term adverse drug reactions.
‘mild’ anxiety is inappropriate and unsuitable.
3. Benzodiazepines should be used to treat insom-
19.6.1 Newer Drugs
nia only when it is severe, disabling or subject-
ing the individual to extreme distress. In the BNF, these are indicated by the symbol ∇. The
BNF advises that doctors are asked to report all sus-
pected reactions.
19.4.3 Prevention of Adverse Drug Reactions
The BNF gives the following advice for preventing 19.6.2 Established Drugs
adverse drug reactions:
The BNF advises that doctors are asked to report all
1. Never use any drug unless there is a good indi- serious suspected reactions. These include those that are
cation. If the patient is pregnant do not use a fatal, life threatening, disabling, incapacitating, or that
drug unless the need for it is imperative. result in or prolong hospitalization.
258 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
260 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 20.1
Relationship between Chromosome Number and Psychiatric Disorders
Chromosome Gene and Psychiatric Disorder Chromosome Gene and Psychiatric Disorder
Chromosome 1 DISC-1: schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Chromosome 14 Presenilin 1: Alzheimer’s disease
DISC-2: schizophrenia
Presenilin 2: Alzheimer’s disease
Chromosome 2 2q: autistic spectrum disorder Chromosome 15 Angelman’s syndrome (maternal microdeletion)
Prader–Willi syndrome (paternal microdeletion)
Chromosome 4 Alcohol dehydrogenase gene Chromosome 17 Neurofibromatosis
Huntington’s disease (CAG trinucleotide repeat) Familial frontotemporal dementia
4p: Wolf–Hirschhorn disease Smith–Magenis syndrome
Chromosome 5 5p: cri-du-chat syndrome Chromosome 18 Edward’s syndrome (trisomy)
Chromosome 6 6p: dysbindin gene and schizophrenia Chromosome 19 APOE gene: Alzheimer’s disease
CADASIL gene: Notch 3
Chromosome 7 7q: autism Chromosome 20 PrP in inherited CJD
Williams syndrome (microdeletion)
Chromosome 8 8p: neuregulin and schizophrenia Chromosome 21 Amyloid precursor protein gene: Alzheimer’s
Down’s Syndrome (trisomy)
Chromosome 11 11p: brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene and Chromosome 22 DiGeorge Syndrome (velocardiofacial syndrome)
bipolar affective disorder COMT gene: schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Chromosome 13 Patau’s syndrome (trisomy) Wilson’s disease X or Y Fragile X syndrome
chromosome Lesch–Nyhan syndrome
Klinefelter’s syndrome XXY
Turners (XO) syndrome
Genetics 261
5΄ T G DNA replication
Leading C C
strand Replication
fork C
Direction of DNA A A C
synthesis A A G G C A
5΄ T T C C G
T T Ala Asp Leu
Lagging 3΄ G G polymerase C
strand 5΄ Newly synthesized amino acid chain C
C G Okazaki Incoming tRNA carrying an
3΄ fragment Ala
amino acid
20.7.2 Translation
TABLE 20.2
Following transcription, splicing, and nuclear transport, Classification of Mutations
translation is the process in gene expression whereby
mRNA acts as a template allowing the genetic code to Loss-of-Function Gain-of-Function
Mutations Mutations Mutations
be deciphered to allow the formation of a peptide chain.
This process involves tRNA molecules. Impact Reduced activity or quantity Presence of an
of the gene product abnormal gene
Each tRNA contains a set of three nucleotides,
product with toxic
referred to as an anticodon, which is complementary to
effects on the cell
a set of three bases in the mRNA known as a codon (see Mode of Usually recessive Often dominant
Figure 20.4). A codon consists of three bases that code for inheritance (autosomal or X-linked) (autosomal or
a specific amino acid. With four bases, there are 4 × 4 × inheritance. Loss-of- X-linked)
4 = 64 possible codons. As there are only 20 amino acids, function mutations may not inheritance
several different codons may specify the same amino acid. have harmful effects in the
The translation is regulated by signal sequences known heterozygous state, as 50%
as the ‘stop transfer’ and the ‘start transfer’ sequences. of normal enzyme activity
The amino acid residues then form the newly synthesized is usually sufficient for
polypeptide chain. normal function
Diseases Inborn errors of metabolism Huntington’s disease
20.10.3 Molecular Cloning
TABLE 20.3
This technique can be used to create a gene library. It Steps Involved in Copying DNA
can be carried out by splicing a given stretch of (human)
DNA, cleaved using a restriction enzyme, into a bacte- Step Description Temperature (°C)
rial plasmid having at least one antibiotic resistance gene. 1. Denaturation DNA strands are 93
After reintroduction of the resulting recombinant plasmid separated
2. Annealing Primers attach to the 40–55
into bacteria, antibiotic selective pressure causes these
separate DNA strands
bacteria to reproduce. Multiple recoverable copies of the
3. Extension Nucleotides are added to 72
original (human) DNA are contained in the resulting bac-
make new strands: the
terial colonies. polymerase reaction
Strand to be sequenced
FIGURE 20.5 Strand to be sequenced. (From Lewis, G.H. et al., Mastering Public Health: A Postgraduate Guide to Examinations
and Revalidation, CRC press, Oxford, U.K., 2008, p. 197.)
Genetics 265
er T
Primer G T
FIGURE 20.6 DNA sequences of varying lengths. (From Lewis, G.H. et al., Mastering Public Health: A Postgraduate Guide to
Examinations and Revalidation, CRC press, Oxford, U.K., 2008, p. 197.)
20.15 GENOME-WIDE STUDIES USING The closer the two loci, the less there will be recombination
MICROARRAY TECHNOLOGY between the two loci and the more likely the two will be
transmitted together. The probability of a recombination is
Microarrays or gene chips are based on sequence-specific very low for loci D and E. It is very high for loci A and G.
hybridization. In brief, different DNA sequences of inter- Recombination rate can be used as an estimate of
est are applied onto glass slides. Fluorescent-labelled DNA the distance between two points on a chromosome and
probes from the test sample will bind to the complementary this forms the theoretical basis of linkage analysis. The
target sequences on the slides that are then scanned to quan- recombination fraction is the number of recombinants
tify fluorescent signals corresponding to the specific DNA divided by the total number of offspring and it is propor-
sequences. The time for analysis of gene expression or poly- tional to the physical distance between two loci over short
morphic markers is short as several thousand hybridizations distances only. The recombination fraction is a measure
can be analysed simultaneously under the same conditions. of how often the alleles at two loci are separated during
meiotic recombination. Its value can vary from 0 to 0.5.
20.15.1 Recombination
As mentioned earlier, recombination takes place during 20.15.2 Maximum Likelihood Score
prophase I of meiosis. There is alignment and contact of
homologous chromosome pairs during prophase I, allow- This is the value of the recombinant fraction that gives
ing genetic information to cross over between adjacent the highest value for the LOD score. It represents the best
chromatids. This process of crossover or recombination estimate that can be made for the recombinant fraction
causes a change in the alleles carried by the chromatids from the given available data.
at the end of the first meiotic division.
The unit to measure genetic distance or recombination
frequency is centimorgan. Recombination, the random
assortment of chromosomes during meiosis, and DNA 20.16.1 Genetic Markers
mutations are the three essential processes that establish
the genetic makeup of an individual. A DNA polymorphism, such as a RFLP, if linked to a
The further apart two loci are, the more there will be given disease locus, can be used as a genetic marker in
recombination between the two loci and the less likely linkage analysis without its precise chromosomal loca-
the two will be transmitted together (see Figure 20.9). tion being known. Genetic markers can also be used in
presymptomatic diagnosis and prenatal diagnosis.
A a
20.16.2 Linkage
B b
This is the phenomenon whereby two genes close to each
other on the same chromosome are likely to be inherited
C c together.
20.16.3 Linkage Phases
D d For two alleles occurring at two linked loci in a double
heterozygote, the following linkage phases can occur:
E e
aa aa Aa Aa aa Aa aa 20.18 BASIC CONCEPTS OF
Offspring with marker A will have disease D. QUANTITATIVE GENETICS
As the genes are on the X chromosome, disease D and colour
blindness only occur in female offspring but not male offspring. 20.18.1 Pattern of Inheritance
FIGURE 20.10 Linkage of disease D gene and colour blind- In this section, R and S are dominant alleles, and r and s
ness gene. the corresponding recessive alleles.
268 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 20.6
Summary of Findings in Association Studies
of Major Psychiatric Disorders Autosomal dominant disorders result from the presence
of an abnormal dominant allele causing the individual to
Disorders Findings
manifest the abnormal phenotypic trait. Features of auto-
Schizophrenia Dopamine D3 receptor gene and 5-HT2A somal dominant transmission include the following:
(Crocq et al., 1992; receptor gene
Williams et al., Catechol-o-methyl transferase (COMT) gene • The phenotypic trait is present in all individuals
1996) Recently discovered candidate genes, dysbindin, carrying the dominant allele.
neuregulin, G27/d-amino acid oxidase • The phenotypic trait does not skip generations—
Velocardiofacial syndrome on vertical transmission takes place.
chromosome 22q • Males and females are affected.
Depressive disorder With inconsistent results • Male to male transmission can take place.
Bipolar disorder Genes encoding for the tyrosine hydroxylase, • Transmission is not solely dependent on paren-
(Lange and Farmer, serotonin transporter, and COMT
tal consanguineous matings.
2007) Anticipation (the phenomenon whereby a
• If one parent is homozygous for the abnormal
disease has an earlier age of onset and
dominant allele, all the members of F1 will mani-
increased severity in succeeding generations)
has been described in bipolar disorder
fest the abnormal phenotypic trait.
Posttraumatic stress Serotonin transporter promoter gene Variable expressivity can cause clinical features of autoso-
disorders (Lee et al., mal dominant disorders to vary between affected individu-
als. This, together with reduced penetrance, may give the
Alzheimer’s disease Amyloid precursor gene on chromosome 21
appearance that the disorder has skipped a generation. The
Presenilin 1 gene on chromosome 14
sudden appearance of an autosomal dominant disorder
Presenilin 2 gene on chromosome 14
may occur as a result of a new dominant mutation.
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene on
chromosome 19
Hyperkinetic disorder Dopamine D4 receptor gene
(Gill et al., 1997;
20.20.1 Huntington’s Disease
Smalley et al., 1998) Huntington’s disease (chorea) is a progressive, inher-
Allele of the dopamine transporter gene ited neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by
autosomal dominant transmission and the emergence of Law of Uniformity abnormal involuntary movements and cognitive dete-
Consider two homozygous parents with genotypes RR rioration, with progression to dementia and death over
and rr, respectively. Mating (X) results in the next (F1) 10–20 years. The huntingtin gene responsible is located
generation having the genotype shown: on the short arm of chromosome 4; this genetic mutation
consists of an increased number of cytosine–adenine–
Parents: RR x rr guanine (CAG) repeats. (The normal number of such
F1: Rr repeats at this locus is between 11 and about 34.) The age Mendel’s First Law of onset is strongly determined by the number of repeat
This is also known as the law of segregation: units, but once symptoms develop, the rate of progression
is relatively uninfluenced by CAG repeat length.
Parents: Rr × Rr
F1: RR: Rr: rr = 1:2:1 20.20.2 Phacomatoses Mendel’s Second Law The phacomatoses (or phakomatoses), which exhibit neu-
This is also known as the law of independent assortment: rocutaneous signs, include
Parents: RRSS × rrss • Tuberous sclerosis
F1: RrSs • Neurofibromatosis
F2: independent assortment of different alleles Æ • Von Hippel–Lindau syndrome
RRSS, RRSs, …, rrss • Sturge–Weber syndrome
Genetics 269
There are three main forms of tuberous sclerosis: • Where both parents carry one abnormal copy of
the gene, there is a 25% chance of a child inherit-
• TSC1 (tuberous sclerosis type 1), caused by a ing both mutations, hence expressing the disease.
gene on chromosome 9 • In addition, there is a 50% chance of the child
• TSC2 (tuberous sclerosis type 2), caused by a inheriting one of the mutations and be a genetic
gene on chromosome 16 carrier for the disease. When both parents are
• TSC3 (tuberous sclerosis type 3), caused by a affected, all the children will be affected.
translocation that involves chromosome 12
Examples of autosomal recessive disorder include
Neurofibromatosis is caused by an abnormality in the 1. Protein metabolism: phenylketonuria
NF-1 gene (in the region 17q11.2). 2. Fat metabolism: Niemann–Pick disease, Tay–
Sachs disease, and Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome
20.20.3 Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease 3. Mucopolysaccharidoses: Hurler’s syndrome
4. Obesity and learning disability: Laurence–
A minority of cases of Alzheimer’s disease are inher- Moon–Biedl syndrome
ited as an early-onset autosomal dominant disorder. The 5. Ataxia and learning disability: ataxia-telangiec-
mutations concerned tend to be found on chromosome 14 tasia and Marinesco–Sjögren syndrome
or chromosome 21. 6. Short stature and learning disability: Virchow–
Seckel dwarf
20.20.4 Other Autosomal Dominant Disorders
Other disorders that can be inherited in an autosomal
dominant manner include In X-linked recessive disorders, a recessive abnormal
allele is carried on the X chromosome. All male (XY)
• Acrocephalosyndactyly type I offspring inheriting this allele manifest the abnormal
• Acrocallosal syndrome phenotypic trait. In contrast, a single recessive mutation
• Acrodysostosis for a gene on the X chromosome in women is compen-
• De Barsy syndrome sated for by the normal allele on the other X chromo-
• Early-onset familial Parkinson’s disease some so that the disease does not occur. Other features
• Periodic paralyses of X-linked recessive transmission include the following:
• Velocardiofacial syndrome • Male to male transmission does not take place.
• Von Hippel–Lindau syndrome • Female heterozygotes are carriers. A heterozy-
• Treacher Collins’ syndrome gous ‘carrier’ woman passes the allele to half
of her sons (who will express the disease), who
20.21 AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE express it and half of her daughters (who do not).
• Males are far more likely to be affected with
X-linked recessive disorders, and females are
Autosomal recessive disorders result from the presence more likely to be carriers. Hence, the incidence of
of two abnormal recessive alleles causing the individual disease is very much higher in males than females.
to manifest the abnormal phenotypic trait. Features of
autosomal recessive transmission include the following: 20.23 AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE DISORDERS
• Heterozygous individuals are generally carriers 20.23.1 Disorders of Protein Metabolism
who do not manifest the abnormal phenotypic
There are many disorders of protein metabolism that can be
inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. They include
• The rarer the disorder, the more likely it is that
the following:
the parents are consanguineous.
• The disorder tends to miss generations but the • Phenylketonuria (incidence 1 in 12,000). A
affected individuals in a family tend to be found reduction in phenylalanine hydroxylase causes
among siblings—horizontal transmission takes an increase in circulating phenylalanine. The
place. Guthrie test is used to screen for this disorder.
270 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
genome in common with the proband. Depending on the • At the time of the study, some relatives may not
prevalence of disorders, there are several recruitment strat- have reached an age range during which the dis-
egies: for relatively uncommon disorders such as schizo- order manifests itself. Weinberg’s age-correc-
phrenia, probands are usually ascertained from a tertiary tion method can be used.
or specialist centre such as patients admitted to a university • Genetic factors are not separated well from
hospital or attending a specialist clinic. For relatively com- environmental factors. Twin and adoption stud-
mon disorders such as depression or anxiety, patients can be ies can be used.
recruited from GP clinics or counselling centres.
There are two types of ascertainment bias: cohort effects
and volunteer bias. Cohort effects refer to the changes in
the characteristics of a disorder over time, which may be The morbid risk (MR) (aka lifetime incidence) is used
relevant if probands have a wide age range (e.g. the clini- to express the rates of illness in relatives. It is calcu-
cal features of first episode schizophrenia of a 20-year-old lated from the number of affected relatives divided by
consist of more positive symptoms compared to chronic the total number of relatives. As not all relatives would
schizophrenia of a 50-year-old). Volunteer bias occur in have gone through the period of risk (e.g. schizophre-
studies where probands with less severe disorders (e.g. for nia symptoms may not manifest in a 5-year-old cousin),
studies of Alzheimer’s disease, mild cases of dementia) are adjustment has to be made for the effect of age of onset.
more likely to give consent and be recruited for the study. One major limitation of family studies is that it does not
distinguish between genetic and shared environmental
20.26.1 Difficulties effects (Table 20.7).
Difficulties (and possible solutions) with family studies
applied to psychiatric disorders include 20.28 TWIN STUDIES
• Psychiatric disorders need to be considered lon- The main purpose of twin studies is to identify the rela-
gitudinally. Lifetime expectancy rates or morbid tive contribution of genetic and environmental factors to
risks can be used. the aetiology.
TABLE 20.7
Summary of Morbid Risks of Major Psychiatric Disorders
MR in General
Disorders MR in First-Degree Relatives Population Other Information
Schizophrenia 3.5% (Caucasians) to 24.6% (second 0.5% Age of onset:
(Hutchinson et al., generation of Afro-Caribbean) Males = 21 years
1996) Female = 28 years
Depressive disorder 9.1% 3% Age of onset = 27 years
(McGuffin and Katz,
Bipolar disorder 5% 0.3% Unipolar depression in first-degree relatives: 11.5%
(Vallès et al., 2000) Age of onset = 21 years
Anxiety disorders 18% 3% Age of onset = 11 years
(Noyes et al., 1978)
Obsessive–compulsive 10% 1.9% Age of onset = 20 years
disorder (Paul, 2008)
Eating disorder 6%–10% 1%–2% • Family studies support familiar transmission
• Age of onset = 10–16.
Alzheimer’s disease 15%–19% 5% Most cases are sporadic cases without family history
Three times the risk of general population
Autism (Rutter et al., 3% 0.06% Autism is associated with fragile X syndrome
Attention deficit and Two times of the general population — —
hyperkinetic disorder
Genetics 273
20.28.2 Difficulties
TABLE 20.9
Difficulties (and possible solutions) with twin studies Summary of Findings in Adoption Studies of Major
applied to psychiatric disorders include the following:
Psychiatric Disorders
• Pairwise and probandwise concordance rates Disorders Findings
usually give different results. Take note of the Schizophrenia In family adoption studies, the rate of
method used to determine the concordance rate. (Kety et al., 1994) schizophrenia spectrum disorders is 13%
• Zygosity was determined less accurately in among the biological relatives of affected
older twin studies. (Use modern, more accurate adoptees, 3% among biological relatives of
control adoptees, 1% among the adoptive
relatives of affected adoptees, and 3% among
• Diagnostic variability occurred in older twin
the adoptive relatives of control adoptees
studies. (Use more detailed modern diagnostic Depressive disorder Eightfold increase in the rate for affective
criteria.) (Wender et al., disorder among the relatives of index
• Sampling bias may occur. (Use twin registers.) 1986) adoptees with affective disorder and 15-fold
• Twins are at greater risk of central nervous sys- increases in suicide rates
tem abnormalities resulting from birth injury or Alcohol dependence Increased risk of alcohol misuse and
congenital abnormalities (risk to MZ twins > dependence in the adopted-away sons of
risk to DZ twins), which may introduce errors if alcohol-dependent biological parents than
central nervous system abnormalities contribute in the adopted-away sons of non-alcohol-
to the disorder being studied. dependent biological parents
• Assortative mating may lead to a relative Hyperkinetic disorder Adoption studies show that the biological
(Van den Oord parents of children with the attention deficit
increase in the rate of illness in DZ twins com-
et al., 1994) hyperactivity disorder are more likely to
pared with MZ twins.
have the same or a related disorder than are
• Age-correction techniques may introduce the adoptive parents
errors, so do not use them.
• The environment does not necessarily affect
twins equally. Use adoption studies.
and adoptive families of unaffected adoptees.
A greater MR among biological than among
20.29 ADOPTION STUDIES adoptive family members of affected but not
unaffected adoptees would implicate genetic
20.29.1 Methodology
Individuals are studied who have been brought up by • Cross-fostering studies:
unrelated adoptive parents from an early age, instead The risk of the disorder is compared in adopt-
of by their biological parents. Types of adoption studies ees who have affected biological parents but
include the following: unaffected adopting parents and in adoptees
with unaffected biological parents but affected
• Adoptee studies: adopting parents.
It compares the adopted children of affected • Adoption studies involving monozygotic twins
and unaffected biological parents. An improved (Table 20.9).
version of this design incorporates the affection
status of the adoptive parents. If the affection
status of the biological parents is related to MR
20.29.2 Difficulties
in the adoptee, after adjusting for the affection Difficulties with adoption studies applied to psychiatric
status of the adoptive parents, then genetic fac- disorders include the following:
tors are implicated.
• Adoptee family studies: • Few cases fulfil the criteria for adoption studies.
It compares MR in the biological and adoptive • Adoption studies take a long time to carry out.
families of affected adoptees. An improved • Information about the biological father may not
version of this design includes the biological be available.
Genetics 275
• Adoption may cause indeterminate psychologi- Kessler RC, Berglund P, Demler O et al. 2005: Lifetime preva-
cal sequelae for the adoptees. lence and age-of-onset distributions of DSM-IV disorders
• The process of adoption is unlikely to be random. in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Archives
of General Psychiatry 62:593–602.
• In MZ twin studies, it cannot be assumed that
Kety SS, Wender PH, Jacobsen B et al. 1994: Mental ill-
the environmental influences on each twin are ness in the biological and adoptive relatives of schizo-
more or less equivalent following adoption. phrenic adoptees. Replication of the Copenhagen Study
in the rest of Denmark. Archives of General Psychiatry
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ology of schizophrenia. In Stein G and Wilkinson G Wender PH, Kety SS, Rosenthal D et al. 1986: Psychiatric dis-
(eds.) Seminars in General Adult Psychiatry, 2nd edn., orders in the biological and adoptive families of adopted
pp. 202–237. London, U.K.: Gaskell. individuals with affective disorders. Archives of General
Smalley SL, Bailey JG, Cantwell DP et al. 1998: Evidence that Psychiatry 43:923–929.
the dopamine D4 receptor is a susceptibility gene in atten- Williams J, Spurlock G, McGuffin P et al. 1996: Association
tion deficit hyperactivity disorder. Molecular Psychiatry between schizophrenia and T102C polymorphism of the
3:427–430. 5-hydroxytryptamine type 2a-receptor gene. European
Vallès V, Van Os J, Guillamat R, Gutiérrez B, Campillo M, Multicentre Association Study of Schizophrenia (EMASS)
Gento P, and Fañanás L. 2000: Increased morbid risk for Group. Lancet 347:1294–1296.
schizophrenia in families of in-patients with bipolar ill- Young ID. 2005: Medical Genetics. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford
ness. Schizophrenia Research 42:83–90. University Press.
21 Psychiatric Epidemiology*
21.1.2 Prevalence
21.1.4 Chronicity
The prevalence of a disease is the proportion of a defined
population that has the disease at a given time: The chronicity of a disease is its average duration. It has
the units of time.
• Point prevalence. This is the proportion of a
defined population that has a given disease at a 21.1.5 Steady-State Relationship between
given point in time. Point Prevalence and Incidence
• Period prevalence. This is the proportion of a
defined population that has a given disease dur- In the steady state, in which the incidence of a disease is
ing a given interval of time. constant over a given time period and the time between
• Lifetime prevalence. This is the proportion of a caseness onset and ending is constant, the following rela-
defined population that has or has had a given tionship holds:
disease (at any time during each individual’s
lifetime thus far) at a given point in time. P = ID
• Birth defect rate. This is the proportion of live
births that has a given disease. where
• Disease rate at postmortem. This is the propor- P is the point prevalence
tion of bodies, on which postmortems are car- I is the incidence
ried out that has a given disease. D is chronicity
* This chapter may usefully be read in conjunction with Chapter 6, which deals with the principles of evaluation and psychometrics. In addition
to topics that are epidemiological in nature, this chapter also includes a few related subjects that are of value in the analysis of trial data.
278 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
d a+d
Specificity = Test accuracy = .
b+d a+b+c+d
Psychiatric Epidemiology 279
TABLE 21.3
Summary of Mortality Indices
Index (Commonly Expressed
per 1,000 or per 100,000) Typical Reference Period Numerator Denominator
Crude mortality rate (10.2/1000 in 1 Year Number of deaths Midyear population
the United Kingdom)
Age-specific mortality rate 1 Year Number of deaths aged X Midyear population aged X
Proportionate mortality as % of X = specific age X = specific age
total deaths of respective age
Case fatality rate Within a specified time period Mortality due to a condition The population of people with that
Child mortality rate (0.2/1000 in 1 Year Number of deaths in children aged Midyear number of children aged
the United Kingdom) 1–4 years 1–4 years
Infant mortality rate (4.9/1000 in 1 Year Number of deaths under 1-year-old Number of live births
the United Kingdom)
Postnatal mortality rate 1 Year Number of deaths in infants aged Number of live births
4–52 weeks
Neonatal mortality rate (3.4/1000 1 Year Number of deaths in the first Number of live births
in the United Kingdom) 28 days
Stillbirth (in England and Wales, Born after 24 weeks Number of fetus born after the 24th Number of live births
there are 3000 stillbirths per week of pregnancy who does not
year; the stillbirth rate in show any signs of life
England and Wales = 5/1000)
Perinatal mortality rate (8.4/1000 1 Year Number of stillbirths + deaths Number of live births + stillbirths
in the United Kingdom) <7 days
The relative risk does not have any units, being the ratio c / (c + d ) − a / ( a + b )
Relative risk reduction =
of two numbers, and it can take on any nonnegative real c / (c + d )
value; that is, relative risk ≥ 0.
In the case of retrospective epidemiological studies (see • Standardization (e.g. age can be compensated
Table 21.4), if the disease is relatively rare, we have for by means of age standardization)
• Stratification
a b ⇔ a+b ≈ b • Randomization
• Matching (in terms of the confounder[s]) of con-
trols with patients/subjects/index cases
and • Restriction (to restrict entry into the study
of subjects who are not affected by the
cd ⇔ c+d ≈ d confounder[s])
• Mathematical and statistical modelling
Hence, in this case, techniques
TABLE 21.7
Epidemiology of Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder
Schizophrenia Schizoaffective Disorder
Incidence Approximately 15/100,000 per annum in most industrialized Incidence is not known but less common than
countries (Johnstone et al., 2004) schizophrenia
Prevalence and Adults in general population Prevalence is less than 1%, possibly in the range of
lifetime risk 1-Year prevalence: 1% 0.5%–0.8% in the United States (Sadock and
Lifetime prevalence: 1.4% Sadock, 2003)
Lifetime risk of first-degree relatives: 5%–16%
In the United Kingdom, the risk of the siblings of Afro-
Caribbean probands to develop schizophrenia is 16%. In
contrast, the risk of the siblings of Caucasian to develop
schizophrenia is 2% (Sugarman and Craufrud, 1994)
Geographic pattern Worldwide incidence is fairly similar No specific geographic pattern
Person Gender: Gender: Women > men; age of onset is later for women
• M=F than men. Male patients may exhibit antisocial
• The mortality rate in men with schizophrenia is twice of behaviour
women Age: The depressive type of schizoaffective disorder
• Men are associated with more structural brain may be more common in older than in younger
abnormalities persons. The bipolar type is more common in younger
• Women show a bimodal peak of incidence in their late adults than in older adults
20s and 50s Inheritance: There is an increased risk of schizophrenia
Age: among the relatives of probands with schizoaffective
• Onset is usually in late adolescence and young adulthood. disorder (Sadock, 2003)
• Mean onset age for men is between 15 and 25 years and
for women is between 25 and 35 years (Semple et al.,
Socioeconomic (SE) status:
• The association between schizophrenia and low social
class is now seen as a consequence rather than an
aetiology of schizophrenia
• There is social drift in people with schizophrenia as a
result of the illness, and unemployment rate can be as
high as 70%
• Low birth weight and urban birth are risk factors for
• Patients in developing countries tend to have more acute
onset and better outcome than patients in developed
• There is an increase in frequency of schizophrenia among
Afro-Caribbean in the United Kingdom as a result of
environmental factors (Sugarman and Craufrud, 1994)
Life events:
• Symptoms may start to appear after stressful life events
• Misuse of cannabis plays a role in people who are
homozygous for val/val in COMT gene
• There is a negative association between rheumatoid
arthritis and schizophrenia
284 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 21.8
Epidemiology of Mood Disorders
Depressive Disorder Bipolar Disorder Dysthymia Cyclothymia
Incidence In the United Kingdom, the 4.6/100,000 in the United One-year incidence in Unknown
incidence of depressive Kingdom adolescents is 3.4%
disorder fell from 22.5 to London: 6.2/100,000 (Garrison et al., 1997)
14.0 per 1,000 person-years Nottingham: 3/100,000
at risk (PYAR) from 1996 to Liverpool: 1.7/100,000
2006 The incidence is also increased
The incidence of depressive in people of African origin and
symptoms rose by threefold the minority ethnic groups as
from 5.1 to 15.5 per 1,000 compared with the Caucasian
PYAR (Rait et al., 2009) (Lloyd et al., 2005)
Prevalence and Prevalence in general Prevalence: In the United States, 5% of general 3%–6% of the general
lifetime risk population: 2%–5% the prevalence of bipolar I population population
Prevalence in medical disorder is 0.4%–1.6%, and the Dysthymia is more
outpatients: 5%–10% prevalence of bipolar II common than severe
Prevalence in medical disorder is 0.5% (Sadock, depressive episode in
inpatients: 10%–20% 2003) chronically medically ill
Lifetime risk for adults in the Lifetime risk for adults in the
general population general population: 1%–1.5%
Overall: 10%–20%; 1 in 4 Lifetime risk for first-degree
women and 1 in 10 men have relatives:
depressive disorder in their 4%–18% of relatives have
lifetime bipolar disorder
Lifetime risk for first-degree 9%–25% of relatives have
relatives: 20% unipolar depression
Children and adolescents: Mania in old people: 0.1%
• 0.5%–2.5% among Rapid cycling
children Rapid cycling affects
• 2%–8% among 13%–30% of bipolar patients
adolescents (Hajek et al., 2008)
Seasonal pattern:
• In the United Kingdom,
the lifetime prevalence of
major depression with a
seasonal pattern is 0.4%
• The prevalence of both
major and minor
depression with a seasonal
pattern is 1.0%
• Male gender and older
age are associated with
seasonal pattern (Blazer
et al., 1998)
Geographic People living in deprived No significant geographic No significant No significant geographic
pattern industrial areas are more pattern geographic pattern pattern
likely to be treated for Peak of admission: summer
depression than people living
in other areas
Peak of admission: spring
286 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 21.9
Epidemiology of Suicide and Deliberate Self-Harm
Suicide Deliberate Self-Harm (DSH)
Incidence • 11/100,000 for men and contribute to 2% of all male deaths 140/100,000 for men in Europe
(United Kingdom) 193/100,000 for women in Europe
• 3/100,000 for women and contribute to 1% of all female 140,000 hospital attendances per year of DSH in
deaths (United Kingdom) the United Kingdom
• Suicide accounts for 1% of all deaths in the United Kingdom
(Power, 1997)
Findings from National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and
Homicide by People with Mental Illness (Swinson et al., 2007):
• 4500–5000 general population suicides occur per year in England
and Wales
• 160–200 psychiatric inpatients die by suicide annually; most
common method is by hanging
• 1 suicide per GP every 5 years
Prevalence and Adults: DSH among young people in the United Kingdom:
lifetime risk • Epidemiological data suggest the 12-month prevalence rate for 7%–14% (Hawton and James, 2005, Skegg,
suicide attempts is between 0.4% and 0.6% (Kessler et al., 2005)
1999, 2005) Goth subculture in the United Kingdom (Young
• 8–25 suicide attempts result in one death (Moscicki, 2001) et al., 2006):
Lifetime risk of suicide in people with alcohol misuse: 3%–4%; Lifetime self-harm: 53%
M:F = 2:1; mean age of suicide is 47 years, One-third have history 50% of people present with DSH are repeaters
of DSH and occur when patient is intoxicated with alcohol
Suicide in children and adolescents:
• Suicidal ideation: 10%
• Attempted suicide: 2%–4% of adolescents
• Suicide: 7.6 per 100,000 among the 15–19-year-olds
Goth subculture in the United Kingdom (Young et al., 2006):
• Lifetime risk of suicide attempt: 47%
Geographic and • Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia are the countries with the highest • The rate of DSH ranges from 2% in Lebanon
temporal pattern suicide rates in the world to 20% in New Zealand
• Lithuania has the highest annual rate for men (79.3/100,000) • In England and Wales, both suicide and DSH
• China has the highest for women (17.8/100,000) (Yip and Liu, 2006) are common in the cities
• The United Kingdom has lower rate of suicide compared to other • Seasonal variation is not seen in the DSH
European countries such as France and Russia
• There are higher suicide rates in Scotland as compared to the rate
in England and Wales
• In England and Wales, suicide is more common in spring and
• The suicide rate is usually reduced during war (e.g. WWII)
Person Gender: Gender:
• In the United Kingdom, the M:F ratio is 3:1 and the rate of • Women > men
women is rising Age:
• For the rest of the world, men have higher suicide rate • Peak age for women: 15–24 years
compared to women with the exception of China (Yip and Liu, • Peak for men: 25–34 years
2006). Hence, China is the only country where the M:F ratio in • The age of onset at which people first
suicide is close to 1:1 deliberately harm themselves is decreasing
Age: SE status:
• Highest suicide rates in men older than 75 years and women • More people from the lower social class
older than 65 years in England and Wales exhibit DSH
• Advancing age is a risk factor, and 90% of old people
committed suicide because of depression
Psychiatric Epidemiology 289
TABLE 21.10
Epidemiology of Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety
Disorder (GAD) Panic Disorders Social Phobia Agoraphobia
Incidence GAD: 4.3% (Beesdo et al., General population: General population: Large numbers of people in
2010) One-year incidence: 10% One-year incidence: 6% the community who have
Other anxiety disorders: For patients presenting to agoraphobia without panic
23% (phobia or panic emergency departments disorder do not seek help
disorder) (Beesdo et al., with chest pain, 25% have In the United States, about
2010) panic disorder (Ham et al., 2/1000 PYAR (Bienvenu
2005) et al., 2006)
Prevalence and General adults: General adults: Lifetime prevalence: 6% Lifetime prevalence: 4%
lifetime risk One-year prevalence: Lifetime prevalence is 8.6% Children and adolescents: (Stein and Wilkinson, 2007)
3%–8% in the United Kingdom Social phobia: 1% 6-month prevalence: 3%–6%,
Children and adolescents: (Birchall et al., 2000) Simple phobias: 2%–9% 4% for women and 2%
The prevalence is 2%. Girls First-degree relatives of Specific phobia: 3% for men
have higher rates of panic disorder:
anxiety disorders than 8%–31%
boys Children and adolescents:
Old people: <1%
The prevalence of old
people (> 65-year-old) is
Person Gender: Gender: Gender: Gender:
Women > Men Women > Men The F:M ratio may be closer Women > Men
Age: Age: to 1:1 in social phobia Age:
The mean age of onset is Bimodal peak: 15–24 years Age: 25–35 years
usually in the 20s and 45–54 years First onset: 11–15 years Agoraphobia may occur
Life events: Life events: Life events: being criticized before the onset of panic
Life event is an important Recent history of divorce or or scrutinized and resulted disorder
precipitant for anxiety separation (Sadock, 2003) in humiliation SE status: common in
disorder, and it may Disease: Psychiatric comorbidity: housewives
lead to alcohol misuse Mitral valve prolapse depressive disorder and Life events: Onset usually
Comorbidity: (20%), hypertension, alcohol misuse and an follows a traumatic event
GAD is probably the most cardiomyopathy, COPD, increased rate of DSH (Sadock and Sadock, 2003)
common psychiatric and irritable bowel Inheritance: Social phobia Disease:
disorder that coexists with syndrome is more common among Half of patients have panic
another psychiatric relatives of patients with disorder as well (Sadock
disorder (e.g. social social phobia as compared and Sadock, 2003)
phobia, specific phobia, to the general population
panic disorder, and (Gelder et al., 2001)
depressive disorder)
Endocrine disorders such as
hyperthyroidism are
associated with anxiety
292 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 21.11
Epidemiology of OCD Spectrum Disorders and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder Body Dysmorphic Disorder
(OCD) (BDD)/Dysmorphophobia Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Incidence 0.55 per 1000 person-years (Nestadt Unknown On average, about 10% of people
et al., 1998) experiencing a significant traumatic event
actually go on to develop PTSD (Kessler
et al., 1995)
Prevalence and Prevalence: 1% One-year prevalence: 0.77% Lifetime prevalence: 1 in 100
lifetime risk Lifetime prevalence: 2%–5% (Phillips, 2004) Prevalence based on circumstances:
Children and adolescents Affecting 1 in 200 people in the 1 in 5 fire fighters
2 in 100 children and adolescents community 1 in 3 teenager survivors of car crashes
1%–13% of boys 1 in 2 female rape victims
1%–11% of girls 2 in 3 prisoners of war
Person Gender: Gender: women > men Gender:
F:M = 1.5:1 Age: between 15 and 30 years old. F:M = 2:1
Women: Compulsive washing and Onset is in adolescence. Men’s trauma is due to combat experience,
avoidance are more common. SE status: People with BDD are and women’s trauma is related to assault
Men checking rituals or ruminations likely to be unmarried. or rape
(more common) Comorbidity: BDD may be comorbid Age: most prevalent in young adults
Age: Mean age of onset is around with depression (60%), SE status: low SE status and low education;
20 years (70% before 25 years, trichotillomania (26%), social phobia other factors: those single, divorced,
15% after 35 years). Men have (11%–13%), substance misuse, OCD widowed, and socially withdrawn
early age of onset (adolescence) (8%–37%), and suicide attempt Ethnicity: Afro-Caribbean/Hispanic
One of the commonest psychiatric (25%) (Phillips, 2004) Comorbidity:
disorders in children, affecting Inheritance: BDD are found in 10% Depression
1%–5% of children and of family members of the probands. Anxiety disorders
adolescents in community samples Frequencies of imagined defects Alcohol misuse
SE status: 50% of OCD patients are (Phillips, 2004): Inheritance: First-degree biological relatives
unmarried Skin 70% of persons with a history of depression have
Disease: Pediatric autoimmune Hair 55% an increased risk for developing PTSD
neuropsychiatric disorders Nose 40% following a traumatic event
associated with streptococcal Stomach/breast/eyes/thighs/teeth: 20%
infections. Postencephalitis Ugly face: 15%
Avoidance, histrionic, and
dependent personality traits (40%)
Tic disorder (40%)
Depression (60%)
Inheritance: OCD occurs in 10% of
the first-degree relatives of
patients, compared with 2% in
general population
294 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 21.12
Epidemiology of Somatization Disorder and Hypochondriasis
Somatization Disorders (Briquet’s Syndrome) Hypochondriasis
Prevalence General population: 4% In medical outpatients: approximately 5%
Medical patients:10%–20% (Barsky et al., 1990)
Primary care: 70% of patients with emotional Transient hypochondriasis is common
disorder present in primary care with a somatic
Lifetime prevalence of somatoform pain disorder
is 10%
one in five surgery attenders has chronic somatic
symptoms longer than 2-year duration
Person Gender: Gender:
F:M = 2:1 Men = women
Age: Age:
Between 20 and 30s; before the age of 30 years Peak incidence: 40–50-year-olds.
Comorbidity: Life events:
• Depression in 40% of people with An adverse childhood environment (e.g.
somatoform pain disorder sexual abuse, domestic violence, parental
• Substance misuse: Opioid or analgesic is upheaval) can predispose to hypochondriasis
common Comorbidity:
Diseases: • GAD (50%)
Complicated medical history with spurious • Other comorbidities: depression, OCD,
physical diagnosis and panic disorder
• Family history of psychopathy or alcoholism,
broken home, early abuse, and school refusal
• Exposure to parents who are sensitive to
body discomfort
Psychiatric Epidemiology 295
TABLE 21.13
Epidemiology of Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa (AN) Bulimia Nervosa (BN)
Incidence • 14.6/100,000 in women Incidence in primary care in the Netherlands: 11.4/100,000
• 1.8/100,000 in men (1985–1989) (Hoek, 1991)
• 20/100,000 for women aged 10–39 within primary care
Prevalence In adolescence: In adolescence:
• 0.5% of 12–19-year-olds Increased over the past three decades. Among young women: 1%
• 8–11 times more common in girls 1% of adolescent girls and young women
• Among 15-year-old school children In adults:
• 700 per 100,000 (girls) and 90 per 100,000 (boys) BN: 1%–2%
In adults:
• AN: 0.5%
• Eating problems not meeting full diagnostic criteria: 5%
Person Gender: Gender:
F:M = 10:1 F:M = 10:1
Age: Age:
• Mean age: 15/16 years Median age = 18 years
• Median age: 17 years SE status:
SE status: All social classes are affected
• Higher social class Ethnicity:
• Certain social groups: dancers and athletes In Hong Kong, BN has become more common, and the pattern
Ethnicity: is similar to Western countries (Lee et al., 2009)
• The clinical profile of eating disorders in Hong Kong has Life events:
increasingly conformed to that of Western countries (Lee • BN seems to arise as a result of exposure to premorbid
et al., 2009) dieting and other risk factors (premorbid and parental
• AN exhibited an increasingly fat-phobic pattern obesity, innate tendency to overeat and enjoy food, critical
• Nonfat-phobic AN patients exhibited significantly lower comments about weight, shape, and eating)
premorbid body weight, less body dissatisfaction, less Other risk factors include depression, alcohol and substance
weight control behaviour, and lower EAT-26 scores than misuse during childhood, low parental contact and high
fat-phobic AN patients parental expectations, abuse, and neglect
Risk factors: Comorbidity:
• History of sexual abuse, alcohol and substance misuse, • Additional psychiatric features are common; depressive
enmeshed family relationship, and IDDM and anxiety symptoms predominate
Life events: • Patients often have problems of impulse control:
• For fat-phobic AN patients, episode of AN is precipitated self-mutilation (10%), suicide attempts (30%), promiscuity
by negative remarks made by the others on their body (10%), and shoplifting (20%)
images Genetics:
• In Singapore, some young, nonfat-phobic AN patients • Familial disposition
develop the first episode of AN before public examinations • The risk for first-degree relatives is increased fourfold
Comorbidity: Prognosis
• >80% of people with AN have additional psychiatric • 20% continue to have BN after 2–5, and a further 25% still
comorbidity during the course of their lives had bulimic symptoms
• Depression (70%) and OCD (30%) are most frequent • The use of purgative is a poor prognostic factor (Wihelm
comorbidity and Clarke, 1998)
• Suicide rate is increased by 32 times in AN patients
compared to general population
296 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 21.14
Epidemiology of Personality Disorders
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)
Prevalence Community: 0.7%–2.0% (Coid, 2003) Community: 0.6%–3.0% in the community (Coid, 2003)
Elderly: 0.8%
Psychiatric inpatients: 15% (Widiger and Weissman, 1991)
Geographic The clinical profiles of BPD in Eastern countries have increasingly • W estern societies emphasize on individualization,
pattern conformed to that of Western countries competitiveness, and rivalry between individuals that
may promote the expression of antisocial behaviours
• In contrast, collectivistic culture in Eastern societies
may put less emphasis on individualization but more
concerns of the consequence of one’s behaviour. This
leads to less antisocial behaviour in Eastern countries
• Higher rates are found in urban rather than rural
Person Gender: Gender:
• F:M = 3:1 • M:F = 6:1
• Men with BPD compared with men suffering from other Age:
personality disorders have shown more evidence of • There is a 10-fold increase in antisocial behaviours
dissociation, image distortion, frequency of childhood sexual during adolescence
abuse, longer experiences of physical abuse, and experiences Family background:
of loss at an early age • Parental criminality, parental aggression, poor
• Research suggests that men with BPD are more regularly supervision from parents, harsh and erratic discipline,
diagnosed with substance abuse problems than women and being rejected as a child
with BPD SE status:
Age: • Social adversity
• Onset is in adolescence and early 20s • Parental criminal behaviours
• Three-quarters of people with BPD are women and usually • Maternal deprivation
within childbearing age • Paternal alcohol misuse
Life events: • Low education background and association with
• Childhood physical or sexual abuse (between 40% and 70% conduct disorder
of people with BPD report having been sexually abused, often Comorbidity:
by a noncaregiver) • Alcoholism and substance misuse are common
Comorbidity • Among women, there is an association with
• Substance misuse (15%) and bulimia are common somatization disorder
comorbidity (Zimmennan and Mattia, 1999) • Inpatients have higher rates of psychiatric comorbidity
• Rapid and reactive shifts into depression are common (60%); Genetics: MZ: DZ = 60%:30% (Sadock, 2003)
affective instability, impulsive behaviour, and panic attacks
may occur (30%)
• 10% commit suicide (Work Group on Borderline Personality
Disorder, 2001)
• Increased prevalence of major depression and alcohol and
other substance misuse disorders is reported in first-degree
Poor prognosis:
Poor prognostic factors include sexual abuse in childhood and
victims of incest (Paris et al., 1993; Stone, 1993)
1 in 10 committed suicide
298 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 21.15
Epidemiology of Substance Misuse
Alcohol misuse • Among British adults, 75% are normal drinkers, 8% are abstainers, 8% are hazardous drinkers, 5% are harmful
drinkers, and 4% are dependent on alcohol
• If the father is dependent on alcohol, the child has 80% chance to develop alcohol misuse. Hence, the risk is around four
times higher than a child whose father is not dependent on alcohol
• The lifetime risk for alcohol dependence: 10% for men and 3%–5% for women
• The prevalence of abuse: 20% for men and 10% for women
• The lifetime prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity (e.g. PTSD, depression) for women with alcohol abuse is as high as 70%
• Women are more likely to develop medical complications at a younger age as compared to men
Substance misuse • For adolescents and young adults in the United Kingdom, 50% have taken illicit drugs at some point in time. 20% used
illicit substance in the previous month. 5% used at least two substances in the past 1 month
• The peak age of substance misuse is 20 years
• M:F = 3:1
• For opiate misuse, mortality is increased by 12 times, and suicide rate is increased by 10 times
Source: Mynors-Wallis, L. et al., Shared Care in Mental Health, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K., 2002.
Psychiatric Epidemiology 299
TABLE 21.16
Epidemiology of Common Psychiatric Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence
Attention Deficit and
Hyperkinetic Disorder
(ADHD) Autism Conduct Disorders School Refusal and Truancy
Incidence • <1.0% (United 5 per 10,000 (United States) 1.0%–10.0% Not known
• 3.0%–7.0% of
prepubertal elementary
school children (United
Prevalence • 1.7% of primary school 2/10,000 • 6.2%–10.8% among • Data from National
boys 10-year-olds Centre for Health
• 1 in 200 in the • Boys: 9% Statistics (United
population suffers • Girls: 2% States) [National Centre
severe hyperkinetic • 33%–50% among child for Health Statistics
disorders psychiatric clinic 1993]: 5 school-loss
attendees days per person
(5–17-year-olds) were
caused by acute and
chronic conditions
• 4 school-loss days per
person (5–17-year-olds)
were caused by acute
conditions only
Person Gender: Gender: Gender: Gender and ethnicity for
M:F = 2:1–9:1 M:F = 4:1–5:1 Girls with M:F = 4:1–12:1 school refusal: Caucasian
Age: autism are more likely to Age: girls have higher rate of
Symptoms present by suffer from severe learning Certain behaviours such as absence for acute reasons and
3 years of age but not disability truancy begin before the chronic reasons in
diagnosed until older than Age: age of 13 years comparison to boys of
7 years Onset is before the age of SE status: Low Afro-Caribbean origin (Berg
Comorbidity: 3 years Family environment: and Nursten, 1996)
• Conduct disorder and Disease: Harsh, punitive Age of onset (school refusal):
oppositional defiant • Association with fragile parenting, family • Between 5 and 7
disorder: 50%–80% X syndrome (≈1% of discord, lack of • At 11 years
• Academic difficulties autistic children) appropriate • Especially at 14 years and
• Anxiety and depressive • Tuberous sclerosis parental supervision, and older
disorders (up to 2%) lack of social Age of onset (truancy):
Genetics: Genetics: competence • 5% before age of 8
• First-degree biological Evidence suggests that two Genetics: More common in • Median age is 14 years
relatives are at high risk regions on chromosomes 2 children with parents (Berg and Nursten, 1996)
to develop ADHD and 7 contain genes related suffering ASPD and
to autism alcohol dependence than in
general population
300 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 21.17
Epidemiology of Common Psychiatric Disorders in Postpartum Period
Postnatal Blues Postpartum Depression Postpartum Psychosis
Incidence 50% of women 10%–15% in the first year of the postnatal period • 1.5 per 1000 childbirths
• Affective presentation: 70%
• Schizophreniform presentation: 25%
• Confusion: 5%
Geographic pattern No geographic pattern • Lower incidence rates in some countries No geographic pattern
(e.g. Japan)
• Higher in deprived inner city areas
• In India, social status of women is lower
than men. The birth of a female infant
often leads to disappointment
Person Onset: Onset: within 6 weeks postdelivery Onset: within first 2 weeks following
The third to tenth day SE status: unemployment and lack of delivery
postpartum supportive relationship SE status: little evidence for psychosocial
Prognosis: Life events: unhappy marriage, relationship causation
Postnatal blues usually problems with partner, absence of a confiding Diseases: Some cases are caused by general
resolve in 2–3 days relationship, other young children at home, medical conditions associated with
ambivalent feelings of becoming a mother, perinatal events (infection, drug
and delivery of a premature and unwell baby intoxication, and blood loss)
Past history: Patients have often experienced Past psychiatric history: schizophrenia or
anxiety and depressive symptoms in the last affective disorders (20%–50%)
trimester of pregnancy. Past depressive Family: About 50% of affected women have
episode is also a risk factor a family history of mood disorders
Prognosis: Each episode of postnatal Prognosis:
depression lasts 2–6 months • 70%: full recovery
• 50%: risk of future psychotic episodes
• 20% risk of future puerperal psychosis
302 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 21.18
Epidemiology of Common Psychiatric Disorders in Old People
Late Onset Psychosis/Late
Dementia Depression Suicide Paraphrenia
Incidence Risk increases with age: 1% 8.4% (Harris et al., 2006) 40 per 100 000 10–26 per 100, 000 per year
at 60 years old and doubles
every 5 years (Semple
et al., 2005)
Prevalence • 1 in 20 people older • Prevalence of depressive Not applicable • Overall: 0.1%–4%
than 65 years and 1 in 5 symptoms: 15% • First onset of
older than 80 years schizophrenia after the
develop dementia age of 60 is very rare
• Alzheimer’s disease: 50% • 2%–4% major depression
• 12%–20% minor degree
of depression
• Vascular dementia: 20% • 80% of old people who • Only 1.5% of all people
committed suicide with schizophrenia have
suffer from depression onset older than 60 years
• Lewy body • 20% of elderly • 60% of people with late
dementia: 15% inpatients fulfil the paraphrenia resemble
diagnostic criteria for paranoid schizophrenia
Person Gender: Gender: Gender: Gender:
M=F Elderly women have higher M:F = 3:2 F:M = 3:1
Age: prevalence SE status: SE status:
Risk increases with age: 2% at SE status: Financial problem is a risk • Social isolation (80% of
the age 65–70 and 20% No instrumental social factor people with late
at the age of 80 and above support, social isolation, Life events: widowhood paraphrenia are socially
Risk factors: smoking, financial difficulty, nursing Disease: Physical illness isolated)
sedentary lifestyle, home resident are less likely (e.g. chronic pain, terminal • Single and never married
high-fat/salt diet, head to be treated by GP for illness) is a major risk Comorbidity:
injury depression as compared to factor. Personality factors • Sensory
Disease: high blood adults and younger people and depression are impairment in hearing and
pressure, high cholesterol, Life events: important associated factors vision
and obesity; learning Widowhood and having • People with late
disability and Down chronic illness associated paraphrenia are four times
syndrome with functional limitation more likely to suffer from
Family: Genetic risk of and poor self-rated health hearing impairment
Alzheimer’s disease is are precipitating factors to • Neurological
associated with depression disorders are common
apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) Genetics: Family history: Family history
allele Genetic factors are less of schizophrenia is a risk
Family history of Down important (cf depression in factor for late paraphrenia
syndrome and Parkinson’s young people) Relatives of people with late
disease also increases the Comorbidity: Depression is paraphrenia are 3.5 times
risk of dementia the most common cause of more likely to develop
obsessional symptoms in old schizophrenia as compared to
people. Depression is more the general population
common in mild dementia
than in severe dementia
Psychiatric Epidemiology 303
Lee S, Ng KL, Kwok K, and Fung C. 2009: The changing pro- Rait G, Walters K, Griffin M, Buszewicz M, Petersen I, and
file of eating disorders at a tertiary psychiatric clinic in Nazareth I. 2009: Recent trends in the incidence of
Hong Kong (1987–2007). International Journal of Eating recorded depression in primary care. The British Journal
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Mastering Public Health, pp. 151–153. London, U.K.: affective disorders following stroke. The Journal of
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Lieb R, Pfister H, Mastaler M, and Wittchen H. 2000: Sadock BJ and Sadock VA. 2003: Kaplan and Sadock’s
Somatoform syndromes and disorders I in a represen- Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 9th edn. Philadelphia,
tative population sample of adolescents and young PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
adults: Prevalence, co-morbidity and impairments. Acta Semple D, Smyth R, Burns J, Darjee R, and McIntosh A. 2005:
Psychiatrica Scandanavica 101:194–208. Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry, 134, p. 252. Oxford,
Lloyd T, Kennedy N, Kirkbride J et al. 2005: Incidence of bipolar U.K.: Oxford University Press.
affective disorder in three UK cities results from the ÆSOP Skegg K. 2005: Self-harm. Lancet 28:1471–1483.
study. The British Journal of Psychiatry 186:126–131. Stein G and Wilkinson G. 2007: Seminars in General Adult
McGuffin P, Katz R, Watkins S, and Rutherford J. 1996: A Psychiatry, 2nd edn. London, U.K.: The Royal College
hospital-based twin register of the heritability of DSM-IV uni- of Psychiatrists.
polar depression. Archives of General Psychiatry 53:129–136. Stone M. 1993: Long-term outcome in personality disorders.
McGuffin P, Rijsdijk F, Andrew M et al. 2003: The heritability The British Journal of Psychiatry 162:299–313.
of bipolar affective disorder and the genetic relationship Sugarman PA and Craufurd D. 1994: Schizophrenia in the Afro-
to unipolar depression. Archives of General Psychiatry Caribbean community. The British Journal of Psychiatry
60:497–502. 164:474–480.
Meehan J, Kapur N, and Hunt IM. 2006: Suicide in mental Swinson N, Ashim B, Windfuhr K et al. 2007: National confi-
health in-patients and within 3 months of discharge: dential inquiry into suicide and homicide by people with
National clinical survey. The British Journal of Psychiatry mental illness: New directions. The Psychiatrist Bulletin
188:129–134. 31:161–163.
Moscicki EK. 2001: Epidemiology of completed and attempted Trimble M. 2004: Somatoform Disorders—A Medicolegal Guide,
suicide: Toward a framework for prevention. Clinical pp. 41–49. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Neuroscience Research 1:310–323. Widiger TA and Weissman MM. 1991: Epidemiology of bor-
Mynors-Wallis L, Moore M, Maguire K, and Hollingery T. derline personality disorder. Hospital and Community
2002: Shared Care in Mental Health. Oxford, U.K.: Psychiatry 10:1015–1021.
Oxford University Press. Wilhelm KA and Clarke SD. 1998: Eating disorders from a
National Centre for Health Statistics. 1993: Advance report of primary care perspective. Medical Journal of Australia
final natality statistics. Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Practice Essentials 168:458–463.
42(3) (suppl). Hyattsville, MD: Public Health Service. Work Group on Borderline Personality Disorder. 2001: Practice
Nestadt G, Bienvenu OJ, Cai G, Samuels J, and Eaton WW. 1998: guideline for the treatment of patients with borderline
Incidence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in adults. personality disorder. The American Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 186(7):401–406. 158(suppl):1–52.
Paris J, Zweig-Frank H, and Guzder H. 1993: The role of psy- Yip PSF and Liu KY. 2006: The ecological fallacy and the
chological risk factors in recovery from borderline per- gender ratio of suicide in China. The British Journal of
sonality disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry 34:410–413. Psychiatry 189:465–466.
Phillips KA. 2004: Body dysmorphic disorder: Recognizing and Young R, Sweeting H, and West P. 2006: Prevalence of deliber-
treating imagined ugliness. World Psychiatry 3(1):12–17. ate self harm and attempted suicide within contemporary
Power K et al. 1997: Case-control study of GP attendance rates Goth youth subculture: Longitudinal cohort study. BMJ
by suicide patients with or without a psychiatric history. 332(7549):1058–1061.
The British Journal of General Practice 417:211–217. Zimmennan M and Mattia JL. 1999: Axis I diagnostic comor-
Puri BK and Tyrer PJ. 2004: Sciences Basic to Psychiatry, 3rd bidity and borderline personality disorder. Comprehensive
edn. Edinburgh, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone. Psychiatry 40:245–252.
22 Biostatistics
306 Revision Notes in Psychiatry Steps in Carrying Out a The two-sided central confidence interval for the
Significance/Hypothesis Test unknown parameter θ of a distribution with confidence
Hypothesis testing is carried out as follows: level (1 − α) can be derived from the random interval of
the following type:
• Formulate H0.
• Formulate H1. (θ− ( X ), θ+ ( X ))
• Specify α.
• Decide on the study/experiment to be carried out.
• Calculate the test statistic. By substituting the observation x for X, the realization of
the random interval
• This overemphasis on hypothesis testing and If the population variances cannot be assumed to be
the use of p values to dichotomize results into equal, then the standard error is given by
significant and nonsignificant have detracted
from more useful procedures for interpreting
s12 s22
the results of psychiatric research. Standard error of difference = +
• Levels of significance are often quoted alone in n1 n2
the abstracts and texts of published papers with-
out mentioning actual values, proportions, and Paired Samples t-Test
so on, or their differences.
• Confidence intervals do not carry with them the This procedure tests the null hypothesis that two popula-
pseudoscientific hypothesis testing language of tion means are equal when the observations for the two
significance tests. groups can be paired in some way. Pairing (a repeated
• Estimation and confidence intervals give a plau- measures or within-subjects design) is used to make the
sible range of values for the unknown parameter. two groups as similar as possible, allowing differences
• Inadequate sample size is indicated by the rela- observed between the two groups to be attributed more
tively large width of the corresponding confi- readily to the variable of interest.
dence interval. For n pairs, the appropriate standard error is given by
Standard error of difference of paried observation =
22.2.1 t-Test
The t-test is used for testing the null hypothesis that two where sd is the standard deviation of the differences of the
population means are equal when the variable being paired observations.
investigated has a normal distribution in each population
and the population variances are equal; that is, the t-test
is a parametric test. 22.2.2 Chi-Square Test
The chi-square (χ2) test is a nonparametric test that can Independent Samples t-Test be used to compare independent qualitative and discrete
This procedure tests the null hypothesis that the data are quantitative variables presented in the form of contin-
a sample from a population in which the mean of a test gency tables containing the data frequencies.
variable is equal in two independent (unrelated) groups
of cases. Null Hypothesis
Assuming equal population variances (which can
For a given contingency table, under H0,
be checked using Levene’s test), the standard error
of the difference between two means, x–1 and x–2 , of
two independent samples (taken from the same par- (Row total)(Column total)
Expected value of a cell =
ent population) of respective sizes n 1 and n 2 and Sum of cells
respective standard deviations s 1 and s 2 , (s 1 ≈ s 2) is
given by Calculation of χ2
The value of χ2 for a contingency table is calculated from
1 1
Standard error of difference = s +
n1 n2
(O − E )2
where the pooled standard deviation s is given by
χ2 = ∑
(n1 − 1)s12 + (n2 − 1)s22
s= O is the observed value
(n1 + n2 − 2) E is the expected value
308 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
In order to use the χ2 distribution, the number of degrees Goodness of Fit
of freedom of a contingency table, ν, is given by The χ2 test can be used to test how well an observed
distribution fits a given distribution, such as the normal
ν = (r − 1)(k − 1)
distribution. This can be applied to both discrete and
where continuous data and tests the hypothesis that a sample
r is the number of rows derives from a particular model.
k is the number of columns Small Expected Values In order to test H 0, in addition to calculating the prob-
For a contingency table with more than one degree of ability of the given table, the probabilities also have
freedom, the following criteria (Cochran, 1954) should to be calculated of more extreme tables occurring by
be fulfilled for the test to be valid: chance.
n1n2 (n1 + n2 + 1)
for the Health Sciences, WB Saunders,
London, U.K., 1996. With permission. σ2 =
Biostatistics 309
Difference − t1− α / 2 (Standard error of difference) The total number of possible differences is equal to n1n2.
The 100(1 − α)% confidence interval for the median
To → Difference t1− α / 2 (Standard error of difference) of these differences is from the Kth smallest to the Kth
largest of the n1n2 differences (K ∈ ℤ+).
22.2.6 Confidence Interval for the Difference If n1 and/or n2 is less than or equal to 25, then tables
based on the value of the corresponding Mann–Whitney
between Two Proportions
test statistic can be used.
For large sample sizes and population proportions not too
close to 0 or 1, the 100(1 − α)% confidence interval for the Two Paired Samples
difference between two proportions is given by In this case, the value of K is calculated from Survival Function end of the treatment period, on the basis of a set of inde-
The survival function, S(t), is given by pendent variables, x1 to xn:
S (t ) = P (t s > t )
P(event ) =
where 1 + exp(−(α 0 + α1 x1 + + α n xn ))
t is the time
ts is the survival time
where the coefficients α 0 to α n are estimated using a max-
The survival function is also given by imum likelihood method.
23.1 RESEARCH STUDY DESIGN crossover trial with two arms, at the time of crossover,
the subjects who had been receiving the placebo during
23.1.1 Types the first part of the study now cross over to the active
Research studies may be classified as being case–control treatment, while the subjects who had been receiving the
studies, in which patients affected by the index disease active treatment now cross over to the placebo. In con-
are compared with matched control subjects, and cross- trast, in a placebo-controlled single crossover trial with
sectional, in which subjects’ data are collected at the same two arms, at the time of crossover, the subjects who had
time (or, more usually, during the same time interval), been receiving the placebo during the first part of the
and longitudinal studies. Confounding variables that may study now cross over to the active treatment, while the
affect case–control studies include recall bias and selec- subjects who had receiving the active treatment continue
tion bias. Cross-sectional studies may be confounded by to receive the active treatment for the rest of the duration
a cohort effect whereby subjects with different ages may of the trial. A trial is double-blind if both the subjects
have different temporally influenced characteristics (e.g. and the observers are blinded to group allocation.
with respect to experiencing epidemics at different ages Table 23.1 compares and contrasts the strengths and
or different sociocultural attitudes). Longitudinal stud- weaknesses of different designs.
ies are ones in which a cohort of subjects are followed
up over time; they may be prospective, retrospective 23.1.2 Hierarchy of Evidence
(here, information bias may pose a problem), or indeed
of mixed design (in which the selection process is made See Chapter 21.
on the basis of a retrospective study, which is then fol-
lowed by a prospective study of the selected subjects). 23.1.3 Selection Process
Confounding variables that might affect longitudinal
studies may include a history effect (in which an effect The stages in the selection process for recruitment into a
is incorrectly attributed to the age of the subjects), a mor- randomized clinical trial are shown in Figure 23.1.
bidity effect (with increasing levels of certain illnesses Many major medical and scientific journals now require
occurring with age), a mortality effect (with the effect of the reporting of the results of a randomized interventional
death leading to fewer subjects over time in the cohort), trial to follow the CONSORT guidelines. CONSORT
or a practice/testing effect (because subjects will already stands for Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials.
have experienced taking part in the testing earlier in the Such a report should include a CONSORT diagram, as
study, leading to learning). Furthermore, a Darwinian- shown in Figure 23.2.
type survival of the fittest effect may occur in a longitu-
dinal study whereby the fittest subjects survive over time,
so that some of the characteristics of the subjects who 23.2 CLINICAL TRIALS
have survived to the last part of the study may be mark-
23.2.1 Definition
edly different from those of the subjects generally who
were alive at the start of the study. Clinical trials are planned experiments carried out on
In a crossover design, the subjects act as their own humans to assess the effectiveness of different forms of
controls. For example, in a placebo-controlled double treatment.
314 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 23.1
Comparing Design Strengths and Weaknesses
Cross-Sectional Case–Control Prospective
Parameter Surveys Studies Cohort Studies RCTs
Cost Low Low High High
Setup Quick and easy Quick and easy Complex Complex
Recall bias Low High Low Low
Rare diseases Impractical Practical Impractical Practical
Rare exposures Impractical Disadvantage Advantage Deliberate
Long disease course NA Advantage Disadvantage NA
Diseases with latency NA Advantage Disadvantage NA
Follow-up period None Short Long Specified
Attrition rate NA Low High Moderate
Estimate incidence NA Poor Good NA
Estimate prognosis NA Fair Good NA
Examine several possible risks NA Good Impractical Impractical
Examine several possible outcomes NA Impractical Good NA
Inference to target population Strong Less strong Strong Strong
Source: Ajetunmobi, O., Making Sense of Critical Appraisal, Arnold, London, U.K., 2002, p. 59, Table 2.1.
Note: RCTs, randomized clinical trials; NA, not applicable.
23.2.2 Classification
General population
The following classification of clinical trials is used by
the pharmaceutical industry:
Applicability of research question
• Phase I trial—clinical pharmacology and toxicity
• Phase II trial—initial clinical investigation
Target population
• Phase III trial—full-scale treatment evaluation
• Phase IV trial—postmarketing surveillance
Apply inclusion and exclusion criteria
Excluded (n = ....)
Randomized (n = ..)
FIGURE 23.2 Example of a CONSORT diagram for an individually randomized trial. (From Stahl, D. and Leese, M., Research
methods and statistics, in: Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based Text, Puri, B.K. and Treasaden, I.H. (eds.), Hodder Arnold, London,
U.K., 2010, p. 39, Figure 4.3.)
The gold standard of clinical trials is the randomized Concurrent Controls
double-blind controlled trial in which It is not usually possible to confirm that the different
treatment groups are comparable. Volunteer bias may
• Allocation of treatments to subjects is randomized also occur, with volunteers faring better than those who
• Each subject does not know which treatment has refuse to participate in a trial.
been received by him or her Historical Controls
• The investigator(s) does not know the treatment
allocation before the end of the trial Here the control group consists of a group previously
given an older/alternative treatment. This group is com-
pared with suitable subjects receiving a new treatment
23.2.4 Disadvantages of Non-randomized Trials being tested. Disadvantages of using historical controls
include the following:
Non-randomized trials may have concurrent or his-
torical (i.e. nonconcurrent) controls. Both types of non- • It cannot be assumed that everything apart from
randomized trials have associated disadvantages in the new treatment being tested has remained
comparison with randomized trials. unchanged over time.
316 Revision Notes in Psychiatry Alternative Forms Reliability The range of values that κ can take is
Alternative forms reliability describes the level of agree-
• κ = 1: complete agreement
ment between assessments of the same material by
• 0 < κ < 1: observed agreement > chance agreement
two supposedly similar forms of the test or measuring
• κ = 0: observed agreement = chance agreement
instrument made either at the same time or immediately
• κ < 0: observed agreement < chance agreement
The weighted kappa, κw, is a version of κ that takes into Split-Half Reliability account differences in the seriousness of disagreements
Split-half reliability describes the level of agreement (represented by the weightings).
between assessments by two-halves of a split test or
measuring instrument of the same material made under Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
similar circumstances. Since some tests or measuring The intraclass correlation coefficient, ri, is more appro-
instruments contain different sections measuring differ- priate than κ or r if agreement is being measured for sev-
ent aspects, in such cases, it may be appropriate to create eral items that can be regarded as part of a continuum or
the halves by using alternative questions, thereby main- dimension. For two raters, the value of ri is derived from
taining the balance of each half. the corresponding value of r:
{( s + s ) + ( x − x ) /2}
i 2
2 2 Percentage Agreement 1 2 1 2
Po − Pc where
1 − Pc nr is the number of raters
ns is the number of subjects
where ems is the error mean square
Pc is the chance agreement rms is the raters mean square
Po is the observed proportion of agreement sms is the subjects mean square
318 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
True negative
Specificity =
True negative + False positive 23.3.15 Likelihood Ratios
Likelihood ratios for tests are derived from their sensitiv-
This ratio needs to be multiplied by 100 if the sensitivity ity and specificity values. For tests in which the result is
is to be given as a percentage. binary (positive or negative), likelihood ratios are calcu-
lated as follows:
0 1
1 – specificity Recall Bias
FIGURE 23.3 The ROC plot. (From Ajetunmobi, O., Making In epidemiological studies, recall bias occurs when there is
Sense of Critical Appraisal, Arnold, London, U.K., 2002, p. 74, a difference in knowledge between the subjects in the case
Figure 3.1.) and in the comparison groups, leading to a biased recall.
320 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
322 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 24.2
Classification of Duration of Seizure
Duration of Seizure Type of Seizure
0s Missed seizure: There is no seizure activity
following delivery of electric stimulus.
The psychiatrist is advised to ensure there
are good electrode contacts and the ECT
machine demonstrates normal operation.
The psychiatrist can restimulate at 25% of
higher dose after 10 s
<15 s Short seizure: The psychiatrist is advised to
increase the energy level by 25% in the
next ECT session and not to restimulate to
prevent prolonged seizure
25–75 s Normal seizure: satisfactory response
>120 s Prolonged seizure: The anaesthetist may
FIGURE 24.2 Other stimulus parameters and usual values.
need to abort the prolonged seizure
3. Atropine is administered in order to reduce 10. There may be another period of increased sym-
secretions and prevent the muscarinic actions of pathetic tone when the patient awakens from the
the muscle relaxant. Anticholinergic agent also anaesthesia.
prevents bradycardia after the seizure.
4. If there is any possibility that the patient may Interpretation of EEG strip (Figures 24.3 and 24.4)
have low or atypical plasma pseudocholinester- The NICE guidelines recommend that clinical status
ase enzymes, the anaesthetist must be informed should be assessed following each ECT session and treat-
as this could lead to prolonged muscle paralysis ment should be stopped when a response has been achieved
with the muscle relaxant. or sooner if there is evidence of adverse effects. Cognitive
5. Bilateral or unilateral (to the nondominant cere- function should be monitored on an ongoing basis and at a
bral hemisphere) ECT is administered under a minimum at the end of each course of treatment.
short-acting general anaesthetic. The NICE guidelines also recommend that a repeat
a. Thiopentone increases seizure threshold course of ECT should be considered only for individuals
and causes cardiovascular depression and who have severe depressive illness, catatonia, or mania and
apnoea. Thiopentone is commonly used. who have previously responded well to ECT. In patients
b. Propofol may shorten seizure. who are experiencing an acute episode but have not previ-
c. Ketamine is associated with the risk of hal- ously responded, a repeat trial of ECT should be under-
lucinations, tachycardia, hypertension, and taken only after all other options have been considered and
decreases seizure threshold. It is not com- following discussion of the risks and benefits with the indi-
monly used. vidual and/or where appropriate the carer/advocate.
6. A mouthpiece is placed in the patient’s mouth in
order to prevent damage from biting during the
convulsion. 24.4.1 Side Effects of ECT
7. Vagal tone is increased during and immediately
after administration of the electric stimulus. The The rate of adverse events after ECT is 0.4%.
patient may develop bradycardia. The main early side effects include
8. The sympathetic nervous system is activated
during the seizure, and there is a significant • Headache
increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and car- • Myalgia
diac output. • Nausea
9. Shortly after the seizure, there may be another • Dental damage or oral lacerations
period of increased vagal tone. The patient may • Musculoskeletal injuries
develop bradycardia and bradyarrhythmias. • Temporary confusion after ECT
0 b/m 0 b/m
Risk factors for post-ECT confusion • A small number of patients experience long-
lasting subjective memory impairment,
1. Bilateral ECT which is not detected objectively by cognitive
2. Coadministration of anticholinergics and lithium assessment.
3. Old age
4. Underlying cognitive impairment Outcome of memory loss
According to assessment report (NICE guidelines), the six In addition, rTMS with appropriate stimulation parameters
reviewed studies that used brain-scanning techniques did may result in long-term effects on synaptic efficacy.
not provide any evidence that ECT causes brain damage.
24.7.2 Mechanisms of rTMS
24.6 MORTALITY 1. TMS stimulates regions of the cerebral cortex
• The mortality rate of ECT is 2.0–4.5 deaths per by using a magnetic field generated by an elec-
100,000 ECT. tromagnet placed over the skull to induce elec-
• There was no evidence to suggest that the mortality tric currents.
associated with ECT is greater than that associated 2. rTMS delivers rhythmic pulses of electromagne-
with minor procedures involving general anaes- tism. The intensity of rTMS is usually set as a per-
thesia. The majority of deaths are related to car- centage of the patient’s motor threshold defined as
diorespiratory complications. The mortality rate is the minimum stimulus strength required to evoke
higher in patients with impaired cardiac functions. involuntary muscle movements in the hand.
• Pre-ECT oxygenation, brief anaesthesia, muscular
relaxation, and physiological monitoring reduce 24.7.3 Efficacy of rTMS
morbidity and mortality associated with ECT. • Active rTMS shows modest superiority in com-
parison to sham rTMS in treatment-resistant
24.7 REPETITIVE TRANSCRANIAL depression. (Response rate for active rTMS = 25%
MAGNETIC STIMULATION vs. sham rTSM = 9%; remission rate for active
rTMS = 17% vs. sham rTMS = 6%) (Rossini et al.,
The use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
2005; Rumi et al., 2005; Fitzgerald et al., 2008).
(rTMS) is gaining support among psychiatrists as evidence
• The combination of rTMS and antidepressant
emerges suggesting that it may provide an alternative to
may accelerate treatment response.
ECT in treating depression and other psychiatric disorders.
• MRI can provide neuronavigation technique
The following are key historical points in the develop-
that is used to guide specific site on the dorso-
ment of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and rTMS:
lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and this will
enhance response to rTMS.
• In 1896, d’Arsonval observed the occurrence of
phosphenes and vertigo when a subject’s head
is put into a coil (driven at 42 Hz) (d’Arsonval 24.8 SIDE EFFECTS
et al., 1896).
Side effects of rTMS include local discomfort, headache,
• In 1959, Kolin and colleagues stimulated the
and the risk of developing hypomania and seizure.
exposed frog sciatic nerve looped around the pole
piece of an electromagnet and caused the gastroc-
nemius to contract (driven at 60 Hz and 1 kHz)
24.8.1 ECT versus rTMS/MST
(Kolin et al., 1959). ECT is compared with rTMS in Table 24.3.
• In 1965, Bickford and Freeming successfully
demonstrated noninvasive stimulation of human
peripheral nerves (Bickford and Fremming 1965). TABLE 24.3
• In 1985, Barker (in Sheffield, England) reported A Comparison of ECT with rTMS
the first magnetic stimulation of the human
motor cortex (Barker et al., 1985).
Anaesthesia Required Not required
Seizure Required Not required
24.7.1 Indications for rTMS
Treatment frequency 2–3 per week Every day
At the time of writing, there is evidence that the adminis- Occurrence of amnesia Yes No
tration of rTMS to humans may be able to treat: Focality Relatively non-focal More focal
Tissue impedance Shunting occurs No shunting
• Depression Pulse width 0.5–2 ms 0.2 ms
• Poststroke rehabilitation for motor function
328 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
24.9.4 Side Effects
24.9.1 Indications for VNS
Side effects of VNS include dyspnoea, pain, cough, and
There are two major indications for VNS: voice alteration (50%).
• Epilepsy
• Treatment-resistant depression 24.10 DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION
The rationale for using VNS in treatment-resistant depres- Deep brain stimulation (DBS) involves stereotactic neu-
sion is based partly on the following findings: rosurgical implantation of electrodes under the MRI
guidance. The stimulator is implanted under the chest
• VNS has been found to reduce depressive symp- wall. Three neuroanatomical areas are stimulated:
toms in epileptic patients.
• Limbic blood flow is altered by VNS. 1. Subgenual cingulated gyrus (Brodmann area 25):
• CSF monoamine concentrations are altered by Patients who respond early to stimulation of this
VNS. area are more likely to maintain their response.
• Antiepileptic drugs may affect mood. 2. Nucleus accumbens.
3. Ventral caudate and ventral striatum.
Preliminary results with VNS appear to support its
DBS is at an investigational stage, and it may be useful
efficacy in treatment-resistant depression (Rush et al.,
for patients suffering from treatment-resistant depres-
sion. Six months after DBS, the response rate is 60% and
Patient selection and management should be offered
remission rate is 35% for depression. Twelve months after
jointly by a psychiatrist and a neurosurgeon.
DBS, the response rate is 55% and remission rate is 33%
The NICE guidelines recommend that VNS can only
for depression (Lozano et al., 2008).
be used after informing the clinical governance leads in
the respective trusts in the United Kingdom.
24.9.2 Mechanisms of Actions 24.11.1 Light Therapy/Phototherapy
VNS is carried out under general anaesthesia. An inci- This is treatment with high-intensity artificial light and
sion is made of the left side of the neck, and a stimulator may be used to treat patients suffering from seasonal
electrode is cuffed around the left vagus nerve. affective disorder (SAD).
The vagus nerve is stimulated periodically followed The light boxes used typically emit light of a strength
by a period of no stimulus. The stimulation frequency of around 10,000 lux. By comparison, on a sunny day,
and intensity are programmed in an external electronic the level of illumination may reach 100,000 lux, while
control. the home environment may typically be illuminated at
Physical Therapies 329
around 250 lux. The light spectrum used tends to be bal- 24.11.3 Psychosurgery
anced but usually with potentially harmful ultraviolet B
(UVB) frequencies filtered out. The following are key points in the history of psychosurgery:
Bickford RG and Fremming BD. 1965: Neural stimulation by O’Keane V, Dinan TG, Scott L, and Corcoran C. 2005: Changes
pulsed magnetic fields in animals and men. Digest of the in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis measures after
Sixth International Conference of Medical Electronics and vagus nerve stimulation therapy in chronic depression.
Biological Engineering, Abstract 7–6. Tokyo, Japan. Biological Psychiatry 58(12):963–968. [Epub 7 July
Carney S. and Geddes J. 2003: Electroconvulsive therapy: Recent 2005].
recommendations are likely to improve standards and uni- Pascual-Leone A, Davey NJ, Rothwell J, Wassermann EM,
formity of use. British Medical Journal 326:1343–1344. and Puri BK. (eds.) 2002: Handbook of Transcranial
Cole C and Tobiansky R. 2003: Electroconvulsive therapy: Magnetic Stimulation. London, U.K.: Arnold.
NICE guidance may deny many patients treatment that Penry JK and Dean JC. 1990: Prevention of intractable partial
they might benefit from. British Medical Journal 327:621. seizures by intermittent vagal stimulation in humans:
Fitzgerald PB, Hoy K, Daskalakis ZJ, and Kulkarni J. 2009: A Preliminary results. Epilepsia 31(Suppl 2):S40–S43.
randomized trial of the anti-depressant effects of low- and Puri BK, Laking PJ, and Treasaden IH. 2002: Textbook of
high-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation in treat- Psychiatry, 2nd edn. Edinburgh, Scotland: Churchill
ment-resistant depression. Depress Anxiety 26(3):229–234. Livingstone.
Kennedy SH, Milev R, Giacobbe P, Ramasubbu R, Lam RW, Rossini D, Lucca A, Zanardi R, Magri L, and Smeraldi E.
Parikh SV, Patten SB, and Ravindran AV, Canadian 2005: Transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment-
Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT). resistant depressed patients: A double-blind, placebo-
2009: Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety controlled trial. Journal of Psychiatric Research
Treatments (CANMAT): Clinical guidelines for the 137(1–2):1–10.
management of major depressive disorder in adults. Rumi DO, Gattaz WF, Rigonatti SP, Rosa MA, Fregni F, Rosa
IV. Neurostimulation therapies. Journal of Affective MO, Mansur C et al. 2005: Transcranial magnetic stimula-
Disorders 117(Suppl 1):S44–S53. tion accelerates the antidepressant effect of amitriptyline
Kolin A, Brill NQ, and Broberg PJ. 1959: Stimulation of irri- in severe depression: A double-blind placebo-controlled
table tissues by means of an alternating magnetic field. study. Biological Psychiatry 57(2):162–166.
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Rush AJ, George MS, Sackeim HA et al. 2000: Vagus nerve
Medicine 102:251–253. stimulation (VNS) for treatment-resistant depressions: A
Lisanby SH and Sackeim HA. 2002: Transcranial magnetic stim- multicenter study. Biological Psychiatry 47:276–286.
ulation and electroconvulsive therapy: Similarities and Rush AJ, Marangell LB, Sackeim HA, George MS, Brannan
differences. In Pascual-Leone A, Davey, NJ, Rothwell J, SK, Davis SM, Howland R et al. 2005b: Vagus nerve
Wassermann EM, and Puri BK (eds.) Handbook of stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: A random-
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, pp. 376–395. ized, controlled acute phase trial. Biological Psychiatry
London, U.K.: Arnold. 58(5):347–354.
Lock T. 1994: Advances in the practice of electroconvulsive Rush AJ, Sackeim HA, Marangell LB, George MS, Brannan
therapy. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 1:47–56. SK, Davis SM, Lavori P et al. 2005a: Effects of 12
Lozano AM, Mayberg HS, Giacobbe P, Hamani C, Craddock months of vagus nerve stimulation in treatment-resistant
RC, and Kennedy SH. Sep. 15, 2008: Subcallosal cingu- depression: A naturalistic study. Biological Psychiatry
late gyrus deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant 58(5):355–363.
depression. Biological Psychiatry 64(6):461–467. Sackeim HA, Rush AJ, George MS, Marangell LB, Husain
Marangell LB, Rush AJ, George MS, Sackeim HA, Johnson MM, Nahas Z, Johnson CR et al. 2001: Vagus nerve
CR, Husain MM, Nahas Z, and Lisanby SH. 2002: Vagus stimulation (VNS) for treatment-resistant depres-
nerve stimulation (VNS) for major depressive episodes: sion: Efficacy, side effects, and predictors of outcome.
One year outcomes. Biological Psychiatry 51(4):280–287. Neuropsychopharmacology 25(5):713–728.
Nahas Z, Marangell LB, Husain MM, Rush AJ, Sackeim HA, Schachter S and Schmidt D. (eds.) 2001: Vagus Nerve
Lisanby SH, Martinez JM, and George MS. Sep. 2005: Stimulation. London, U.K.: Martin Dunitz.
Two-year outcome of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) Schlaepfer TE, Frick C, Zobel A, Maier W, Heuser I, Bajbouj M,
for treatment of major depressive episodes. Journal of O’Keane V et al. 2008: Vagus nerve stimulation for depres-
Clinical Psychiatry 66(9):1097–1104. sion: Efficacy and safety in a European study. Psychological
NICE. Guidelines on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Severe Medicine 38(5):651–661.
Depression. (accessed Scott AIF. 2005: College guidelines on electroconvulsive ther-
26 July 2012). apy: An update for prescribers. Advances in Psychiatric
NICE. Guidelines on Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Treatment Treatment 11:150–156.
Resistant Depression. Trimble MR. 1996: Neuropsychiatry, 2nd edn. Chichester,
(accessed 26 July 2012). U.K.: John Wiley.
Nierenberg AA, Alpert JE, Gardner-Schuster EE, Seay S, and U.K. ECT Review Group. 2003: Efficacy and safety of elec-
Mischoulon D. Sep 15 2008: Vagus nerve stimulation: troconvulsive therapy in depressive disorders: A sys-
2-Year outcomes for bipolar versus unipolar treatment- tematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet 361(9360):
resistant depression. Biological Psychiatry 64(6):455–460. 799–808.
25 Advanced Psychological
Process and Treatment
1. Patient has no motivation for psychotherapy, 1. Goals are the desired outcomes of psychotherapy.
even the simplest form. 2. Goals have to be specific, measurable, realistic,
2. Acute or severe organic condition affects the and achievable in a preset time frame.
client’s ability to communicate (e.g. severe head 3. Agree on tasks to reach therapeutic goals.
332 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Establish therapeutic alliance 3. Summary often links issues together and allows
transition from topic to topic.
1. Develop trust and respect between the therapist 4. Summary may enhance client’s awareness of
and the client. potential bias of their view.
2. Demonstrate empathy.
Reassurance and encouragement
1. Reassure the patient within limits of the thera-
1. Confirm the validity of a prior judgement or pist’s expertise.
behaviour (e.g. ‘I must say, if I were in your posi- 2. Encourage the client by instilling hope and iden-
tion, I might have a hard time dealing with those tify ‘small steps’ for improvement.
difficult people in your company’).
2. Elicit affirmative response: Rationalization and reframing
a. For example, the client has a BMI of 40. The
therapist is interested to find out his exercise 1. Rationalization involves providing a logical
level. explanation for an event, situation, or outcome.
b. ‘Do you find it difficult to do exercise?’ 2. Reframing involves providing an alternative
c. ‘Your BMI is a concern to me. How often way to look at a situation.
do you exercise?’
d. ‘ = recommended approach’; ‘ = not Avoid common pitfalls in supportive psychotherapy
1. Avoid attacks and criticism:
Praise a. For example, the client submitted his res-
ignation the next day without following the
1. Compliments, statements of appreciation, and therapist’s advice.
understanding: b. ‘Resignation is usually the last resort.
a. ‘Thanks for coming on time today’. Perhaps we can explore other options which
b. ‘This is a very good suggestion’. we can find satisfaction in the company’.
2. Praise the client for sincere and genuine input. c. ‘It really does not make any sense to me to
3. Reinforce positive behaviour. resign after three months just because you are
4. Seek feedback from the client to ensure accep- not happy with your boss. I cannot agree with
tance of praise. you and you never listen to my advice’.
2. Avoid overpowering statements:
Reflective listening a. ‘I hope that I have made myself clear.
There are other options which you can
1. Repeat patient’s own accounts by paraphrasing consider’.
or using words that add meaning to what the cli- b. ‘As your therapist, I am trying to get you
ent has said. to understand that resignation at this stage
2. For example, a client complains that she does is not a wise decision. Please withdraw your
not like the way her partner comments on how resignation letter’.
she handles her children. The therapist can say, 3. Avoid denigration:
‘It seems that you are a bit annoyed by your a. For example, the client wants to explain to
partner’s comment’. the therapist why he submitted the resigna-
tion letter suddenly. The therapist does not
Summary understand his explanation:
b. ‘Sorry, I do not understand. Would you
1. Summarizing, paraphrasing, and organizing of mind to explain to me again the reason for
the client’s account of issues. your sudden resignation?’
2. This indicates that the therapist is listening and c. ‘What are you trying to say? I do not
interested in the issues. understand at all’.
Advanced Psychological Process and Treatment 333
2. Acting out: the poor containment of strong feel- 8. Possible positive reactions from the client: grati-
ings triggered by the therapy (e.g. anger towards tude, acceptance of frustration, and demonstra-
the therapist). tion of capacity to handle grief and separation.
3. Acting in: the exploration of therapist’s personal
and private information by the client or present- Duration of treatment: 6 months to several years
ing a symbolic gift to a therapist.
4. Negative therapeutic reaction: the sudden and
unexpected deterioration or regression in appar- 25.2.9 Case Vignette
ent progression during therapy (e.g. premature A 30-year-old man presents with mixed anxiety and
termination of therapy by the client without any depression after he contracted STD from his ex-female
explanation despite a period of engagement). partner. He was recently admitted to the ward after
harming himself with self-laceration. He feels that he
is symbolically castrated by his ex-partner because all
25.2.8 Structure
ladies would avoid him. This episode reminds him of the Initial Phase remarks made by his mother who threatened to castrate
1. Identify problem and clarification. him when he was a child. She probably ridiculed him and
2. Explore the nature and origin of the problem. tried to undermine his sense of masculinity, but the client
3. Perform a psychodynamic formulation. took her remarks very seriously. His father left the fam-
4. Establish a therapeutic alliance. ily when he was young. The client described his father
5. Establish a treatment contract. as passive and irresponsible. He wishes to see a male
psychotherapist and wants to understand the relationship Middle Phase between the past and the present.
1. Identify defences.
2. Challenge and modify primitive, neurotic, and 25.2.10 Psychodynamic Formulation
immature defences.
3. Interpret unconscious motives and transference. A psychodynamic formulation is an account of the cli-
4. Analyse enactment and repetition of pattern. ent’s problems in the context of developmental history
5. Facilitate the working through of attachment that enables the therapist to consider the psychiatric diag-
and loss within the psychotherapy setting. nosis in the context of the client’s inner world, personal
6. Link the past and present. relationship, and past experiences. A psychodynamic
formulation of the previous case is summarized in two Terminal Phase triangles (Figures 25.1 and 25.2).
1. Termination occurs when therapeutic endeavour
comes to a predefined end date set by the treat- 25.2.11 CASC Preparation: Explain Brief
ment contract.
Dynamic Psychotherapy to a Client
2. Termination can be a complex and powerful
event in brief dynamic psychotherapy. 1. Brief dynamic psychotherapy is useful for a cli-
3. Summarize the progress of therapy. ent who wants to understand how his or her cur-
4. Encourage the client to look forward into the future. rent difficulties may relate to past experiences
5. Address transference and countertransference based on the concepts developed by Sigmund
issues. Freud. Freud developed the model of the mind
6. Discuss possible follow-up plan and access to through psychoanalysis. Freud described that
external resources and other therapies. forces and processes in an unconscious mind
7. Possible negative reactions from the client: grief may affect how a person behaves. The content
and mourning, anger and perceptions of aban- of dreams also helps us to understand how the
donment, enactment of negative experience of unconscious mind works.
earlier separations and regression, devaluation of 2. In contrast to traditional psychoanalysis that
therapist as a result of narcissistic injury, return involves frequent meetings (typically five times
of symptoms, denial and resistance, avoidance of a week), the brief dynamic psychotherapy aims
termination, acting out, and acting in. to reduce distress reported by the client through
Advanced Psychological Process and Treatment 335
Triangle of
symptoms Underlying impulse:
Defence: denial of grief over self-harm as a result of self-hatred
the loss of relationship
Triangle of
less frequent sessions over a time-limited are more likely to benefit from brief dynamic psy-
period (e.g. weekly session over a period of chotherapy. The therapist is mostly nondirective
6 months–1 year). and follows the thoughts and feelings of the client.
3. The therapist works with the client to identify
recurrent patterns. The therapist helps the cli- 25.2.12 Research and Brief
ent to draw upon feelings evoked during psy-
Psychodynamic Therapy
chotherapy. The therapist promotes reflective
thoughts and helps the client to make links with Research in brief dynamic psychotherapy faces the fol-
past experiences. The goals of therapy are to lowing challenges:
resolve conflict, to effect changes to improve
quality of life, and to enhance the client’s capac- Structural Aspects
ity to handle frustration. 1. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is relatively
4. This process of attempting to explore the uncon- unstructured in nature. It has less clear aims,
scious mind may generate anxiety. Client often goals, or end points compared to cognitive
complains of deep-seated discomfort. Clients behaviour therapy (CBT).
who are interested in brief dynamic psychother- 2. Psychodynamic psychotherapy cannot be manu-
apy must demonstrate sufficient ego strength. alized and there is no agreement on a standard
It is because they have to be strong enough to approach. The therapy cannot be reduced to
face the process of working through and the treatment algorithms but depends on the thera-
feelings associated with conflicts. Clients have peutic alliance and analysis of transference and
to be in touch with painful memories and emo- countertransference.
tions during the therapy. They are also sub- 3. There are less psychodynamic psychotherapists
jected to the therapist’s interpretation and gentle compared to cognitive behaviour therapists.
confrontation. 4. There are funding barriers to brief dynamic
5. In general, clients who are more articulate, psy- psychotherapy research because it is often con-
chologically inclined, and able to tolerate stress ducted in private clinics.
336 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
2. Behavioural therapy with homework assignment. 3. Develop appropriate affect expression to handle
3. Mindfulness ‘how’ skills: observing and impulse control, reduction of self-harm, passive
describing events and participating without aggression, idealization, hate, and love.
self-consciousness. 4. Establish a stable representational system.
4. Mindfulness ‘what’ skills: adopting nonjudge- 5. Form a coherent sense of self.
ment stance, focusing on one thing at a time, and 6. Develop a capacity to form secure relationships.
enhancing self-effectiveness.
5. Life-skill training: Zen Buddhism: emphasize Duration: 18 months; DBT is conducted in a day hospital.
on wholeness, consider alternatives, and engulf
6. Use of metaphors: enhancing effectiveness of 25.6 COGNITIVE ANALYTIC THERAPY
communication, discovering one’s own wisdom,
and strengthening therapeutic alliance. 25.6.1 Historical Background
Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) is developed by
Duration of treatment: 1 year. Anthony Ryle. CAT is a combination of cognitive and
analytic therapy.
25.5.1 Historical Development 25.6.2 Objectives
1. Mentalization-based treatment (MBT) was 1. CAT aims at changing maladaptive procedural
developed by Anthony Bateman and Peter sequences.
Fonagy. 2. CAT focuses on specific patterns of thinking
and less on interpersonal behaviour.
3. CAT focuses less on transference interpretation.
25.5.2 Objectives
1. Mentalization refers to psychological minded-
ness and empathy. Mentalization is developed 25.6.3 Indications
in people who have responsive parents provid-
1. Neurotic disorders
ing secure attachment in childhood. Patients
2. Personality disorders (e.g. BPD)
with BPD have impaired mentalization. As
3. Depression
a result, they are not able to interpret their
4. Deliberate self-harm
actions or others’ actions based on the inten-
5. Abnormal illness behaviour
tional mental states such as beliefs, feelings,
and preferences. Impaired mentalization is
associated with affect dysregulation and inco-
25.6.4 Techniques
herent self.
2. MBT helps clients with BPD to develop the 1. Use open questioning and descriptive reframing
capacity to realize that a person has an agentive during the assessment.
mind and to recognize the importance of mental 2. Formulate a procedural sequence model. The
states in other people. model tries to understand the aim-directed
action (e.g. formulate an aim, evaluate environ-
mental plans, plan actions, and evaluate results
25.5.3 Indications
of actions).
1. BPD 3. Identify faculty procedures:
a. Traps: repetitive cycles of behaviour and
their consequences become perpetuation.
25.5.4 Techniques
b. Dilemma: false choices or unduly narrowed
1. Ask the client to observe his or her state of mind. options.
2. Generate alternative perspective of the experi- c. Snag: extreme pessimism about the future
ence of oneself and other people. and halt a plan before it even starts.
340 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
4. Write a reformulation letter that begins with a nar- 1. CAT is a short-term focused treatment. CAT
rative account of the client’s life story and identify involves a combination of cognitive therapy
repetitive maladaptive patterns. The letter also con- and analysis. For cognitive therapy, the thera-
tains a diagram that illustrates the reciprocal roles pist will examine your behaviours and asso-
between the client and procedural sequence model. ciated feelings. For example, if a specific
5. Change maladaptive procedural sequences and situation makes you feel depressed, an analy-
predict the likely transference and countertrans- sis of feeling may help to identify the origin of
ference feelings. Enactments become active dur- depression.
ing sessions. 2. The analytical component deals with conflict
6. Towards termination, the therapist will issue a through explanation. The therapist will try to
goodbye letter to the client that summarizes the understand your negative feelings and resolve
progress and achievement of the therapy. The cli- problematic behaviour. The client will gain more
ent may also issue a goodbye letter to the therapist. understanding through analysis and reduce the
stress levels.
Duration: 16–24 sessions. 3. In the beginning phase, the therapist will try
to understand you and formulate a model.
CASC STATION: EXPLAIN The in-depth assessment will help the thera-
CAT TO A CLIENT pist to identify any faculty pattern. You need
to write a letter to describe your life story.
Client P is a 30-year-old man. He is currently unem- The therapist will look for repetitive faculty
ployed and he worked as a graphic designer in the patterns in your life. The most important part
past. He feels hopeless after he was retrenched. His of CAT is to change maladaptive and faculty
girlfriend has recently terminated their relationship patterns.
but they are still in contact. He spends his time with 4. Prior to termination, the therapist will give you
his band and he is the band leader. He realizes that a letter that will summarize the progress and
his members have betrayed him and he has decided achievement during the therapy. You can also
to leave the band. His psychiatrist diagnosed him write a letter to the therapist to express your
with moderate depressive episode and refers him feelings (Figure 25.4).
for psychotherapy. During the assessment session,
he wants to know what has gone wrong in his work
and in the band. He hopes that the failure will 25.7 INTERPERSONAL THERAPY
not occur in his future career. He has history of
hyperthyroidism. 25.7.1 Historical Background
Task: Explain CAT to this client. Interpersonal therapy (IPT) was developed by Gerald
Klerman. IPT is based on attachment theory.
People are
His band He did not get below par
members on well with his
antagonise him. girlfriend
Feeling depressed More social
and build up
(a) (b)
FIGURE 25.4 (a) Trap in Client P’s case. (b) Dilemma faced by Client P.
Advanced Psychological Process and Treatment 341
Biological factors: Psychological factors: poor Social factors: being too critical and
hyperthyroidism attachment to father often offend the others
Client Name: Client P Date of Birth: 4 February 1976 Psychiatrist-in-charge: Dr. McFadzean
Date of first consultation: 26 July 2012
5. For interpersonal role deficits distress. In order to help you to understand this
a. Reduce social isolation. concept better, I would like to give you an anal-
b. Encourage formation of new relationships. ogy. Some people like to climb to high places
c. Explore repetitive patters in relationships. as they are adventurous and enjoy the excite-
ment. For some people, climbing is frightening Termination Phase and they have no confidence to do it. They are
1. Discuss the impact of termination. able to climb with assistance from a trusted and
2. Acknowledge that termination may trigger grief significant person. This significant person also
feelings. provides interpersonal reassurance. The psycho-
3. Assist patient to establish competency to han- therapy itself is like climbing the mountain, and
dle interpersonal problems independently after IPT is designed to help the client to recognize
termination. their interpersonal needs and to seek attachment
4. Identify social support resources. and reassurance in the process of improving
interpersonal relationship. More importantly,
Number of sessions: 16–20 sessions. you will be able to express those needs to other
people and promote positive responses after the
25.7.5 CASC Preparation: Explain therapy.
3. How many stages does IPT have? The therapy
IPT to a Client
has three stages. In the first stage, the therapist
1. What is IPT? IPT is a time-limited psycho- will try his or her very best to develop a good
therapy. The aim of IPT is to reduce your suf- therapeutic relationship with you and understand
fering and improve interpersonal functioning. your problem. In the second stage, the therapist
IPT focuses on interpersonal relationships as a will seek your views to work on an agreed prob-
means of bringing about change. The goal is to lem area. The information will be summarized
help you to improve your interpersonal relation- in a card. The therapist will analyse the way
ships or change your expectations on interper- you communicate with other people. The thera-
sonal relationship. pist will give you useful advice and help you to
2. What does the therapist do? The therapist will develop new skills by using role-play. The thera-
help you to improve the social support net- pist will help you to work on issues related to
work so that you can manage the interpersonal loss and develop a new role. In the final stage, the
Advanced Psychological Process and Treatment 343
therapist will strengthen the skills you learned relationship; to create necessary separation and
in therapy. The therapist will help to iden- independence in case of enmeshment.
tify resources for you to handle interpersonal 3. Communication problems and triangulation:
problems in the future. The whole IPT takes introduction of humour, demonstration of warmth
16–20 sessions. and empathy, role-play, and modifying both ver-
bal and nonverbal communication.
4. Role problems (e.g. family scapegoat, parental
25.8 FAMILY THERAPY child): identify problems and redefine roles. The
same-sex parent functions as primary disciplinar-
25.8.1 Historical Perspectives
ian and promotes maximum ego development by
Minuchin developed structural family therapy. He is setting limits and higher-level goals. The oppo-
interested in how families are organized in the subsys- site-sex parent functions as the facilitator or medi-
tems and in the boundaries between these components. A ator within the triangular relationship to correct
good family has clear hierarchy and boundary between inappropriate parenting from the same-sex parent.
the subsystems. 5. Task accomplishment problems (e.g. develop-
Milan developed systemic family therapy that empha- mental tasks): identifying the task, exploring
sizes that family system is more than the sum of its com- alternative approaches, taking action, evaluat-
ponents and the system as a whole is the focus of therapy. ing, and adjusting.
Symptoms of individual family members are a manifes-
tation of the way the family system is functioning.
25.8.3 Assessment Techniques
1. Ask each family member to describe his or her
25.8.2 Indications sense of the problem. External Indicators for Family Therapy 2. Ask each individual the same question that has
been asked of other family members.
3. Ask each family member to propose a solution
1. Addition of members to the family (e.g. unplanned
to the problem.
pregnancy and birth of a young sibling).
4. Ask each individual’s reaction to what other
2. A family member is recently diagnosed with an
family members have said.
illness that can be terminal or causes significant
5. Assign homework or task that aims to solve
change in role (e.g. cancer in one parent).
problems in the family.
3. Change in financial status: for example, bank-
6. Identify nonverbal communication in the family.
ruptcy in family.
7. Identify common themes in the family.
4. Children leaving home: for example, empty nest
8. Individuals are requested to speak with ‘I’ phrases
but not the ‘you’ phrases during assessment.
5. Change in marital status: for example, divorced
parent remarries again, affecting the children.
6. Suprasystem problems: for example, when there 25.8.4 Types of Family Therapy
is a high crime rate in the neighbuorhood that Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin)
affects the family, family therapy can strengthen
• Minuchin believed that families are systems that
the boundary between the family and the supra-
operate through subsystems. Each subsystem
system by working with external agencies such
requires adequate boundary and permeability.
as police or MP.
• Family problems arise when boundaries are too
loose, resulting in enmeshment. When family mem- Internal Indicators for Family Therapy bers are too rigid, this will result in disengagement.
1. Behaviour control problems (e.g. conduct disor- • Structural family therapy identifies the set of
der in a child): engage family to deliver behav- unspoken rules governing the hierarchy, sharing
iour therapy in home environment. of responsibilities, and boundaries.
2. Boundary issues between family members • The therapist presents these rules to the family
(e.g. enmeshment): to promote communica- in a paradoxical way to bring about changes. The
tion and emotional interchange in disengaged therapist is active in control of the proceedings.
344 Revision Notes in Psychiatry Systemic Family Therapy their parents is allowed). This therapist will
1. Milan associates often involve more than two also disqualify anyone who is an authority
therapists working in a team to maintain the sys- on the problems including the parents (e.g.
temic perspective. One therapist is always with the children are allowed to challenge their
the family while the team observes through a parents and undesired behaviour is encour-
one-way screen or video camera. The team aged. Paradoxically, change and improve-
offers input to the therapist via telephone or dur- ment will take place as family members
ing intersession breaks to discuss the family sys- cannot tolerate the paradoxical pattern).
tem. There are pre- and post-session discussions. b. Another technique is symptom prescription
2. Reframing an individual’s problem as family when symptoms are allowed to take place
problem (e.g. the borderline personality of a in specific time and place. Paradoxically,
daughter is reframed as the parental problem in symptom will disappear.
providing care to their child). An internal prob- c. Declaration of impotence by therapist
lem can be reframed as an external problem if is used when family members gang up
there are unproductive conflicts in the family and attack the therapist. Such declara-
that exhausted everyone (e.g. the family is under tion will put an end to the battle and this
the influence of anger rather than labelling a often leads to complementary relationship
family member as an angry person). between the therapist and the family. It is
3. Explore the coherence and understand the fam- paradoxical because the therapist declares
ily as an organized coherent system. impotence on the one hand but collects
4. Circular questioning is used to examine per- professional fee and planning treatment on
spective of each family member on interfamily the other hand.
member relationship. It aims at discovering and d. The therapist can pass pessimistic views
clarifying conflicting views. Hypothesis can be on the family and hope that they change
formed from the conflicting views and the thera- quickly after hearing the negative remarks.
pist can propose further changes. 4. Prescribing family rituals: Rituals refer to
membership, brief expression, and celebration.
(e.g. the therapist passes a metaphor object to Strategic Family Therapy the family and any family member can use this
Strategic family therapy uses a complex plan rather than object to call for a meeting at home). Ritual
a simple directive to produce changes in the family. The prescription refers to setting up a timetable that
general techniques are listed as follows: assigns one parent to take charge on an odd day
and a child to take charge on an even day. Ritual
1. Positive connotation: It is a form of reframing prescription is useful for a family with parental
by ascribing positive motives to the symptom- child.
atic behaviour. 5. Other strategies include humour, getting help
2. Metaphors allow indirect communication of from a consultation group that observes through
ideas (e.g. a relationship metaphor describes the the one-way mirror to offer advice, and debate
relationship between the therapist and a family among family members.
member, and this metaphor can apply on other
relationships). Metaphorical object refers to the There are two types of strategic family therapy:
use of a concrete object to represent abstract
ideas (e.g. a blank sheet of paper in an envelope 1. Strategic approach (Haley and Madanes)
representing the family secrets). a. Clear generational boundaries are empha-
3. Paradoxical interventions sized in normal family development.
a. This method is used when direct methods b. Concerns with the family dysfunction are
fail or encounter strong resistance in some manifested by a symptom (e.g. anorexia ner-
family members. The therapist will reverse vosa in a daughter).
the vector (i.e. rather than a top-down c. Family rules usually follow a hierarchical
approach that always starts from the par- model. Improving the hierarchical and bound-
ents, a bottom-up approach from children to ary problems would prevent dysfunctional
Advanced Psychological Process and Treatment 345
feedback loops (e.g. the therapist focuses on was considered as a nodal point of social interac-
the hierarchy between the parents and their tions and offered deeper interpretation of hidden
daughter with anorexia nervosa. This will communication and problems in a group. He also
change the anorexia nervosa of daughter). introduced group matrix that is a total network of
d. Four types of family problems usually result communications that evolves in group therapy.
from 3. In the United States, Kurt Lewin developed the
i. Desire to be loved field theory that states that individual dynam-
ii. Desire to control and dominate ics are shaped by the surrounding social forces.
iii. Desire to love and protect other family members This concept evolves into the encounter group
iv. Desire to repent and forgive that emphasizes on self-awareness and personal
2. Mental Research Institute (MRI) strategic fam- growth (Lewin, 1943).
ily therapy 4. In 1961, Bion introduced two concepts of group
a. Define problem in behavioural term. (Bion, 1961):
b. The family members attempt to solve their a. The basic assumption group refers to the
problems by setting up a feedback loop that primitive state of mind and members gather
worsens the problems. together, which poses a threat to the group.
c. For example, if the daughter suffers from b. The work group is rational, purposeful, and
anorexia nervosa, the family has made the cooperative.
problems worse by giving harsh feedbacks.
d. In MRI strategic family therapy, the family
25.9.2 Indications
therapist focuses on correcting the daugh-
ter’s diet and eating habits. Group members require careful selection. The general
e. Then the therapist identifies the feedback inclusion criteria include
loop that prevents the daughter from eating
and sets behavioural goals. 1. High motivation
f. The family therapist helps the family by 2. Interest to explore the past issues
i. Identifying the feedback loop 3. Ability to empathize and sympathize
ii. Finding the rules that govern it 4. Positive group experience
iii. Changing the loop and the rules 5. Compatible problems: long-standing psycholog-
ical problems Eclectic Family Therapy
• It concentrates on the present situation of the 25.9.3 Contraindications
family and examines how family members com-
municate with one another. Medical or psychiatric factors
• It is flexible and allows time for the family to work
together on problems raised in the treatment. 1. Severe head injury or other organic condition
• It is commonly used in adolescents and their family. that affects the ability to communicate
2. Paranoid schizophrenia or paranoid personality
25.9 GROUP THERAPY 3. Severe narcissistic personality disorder
4. Severe hypochondriasis
25.9.1 Historical Development
5. Severe antisocial personality disorder or people
1. In 1907, Joseph Pratt started an education group with psychopathy
for tuberculosis patients. The study of veterans
of World War I and II had great influence on the Personal factors
development of group therapy (Pratt, 1907).
2. In the second Northfield experiments, Michael 1. Poor motivation
Foulkes used the whole veteran ward as a therapeu- 2. Strong denial
tic community to increase discipline and morale 3. Inability to self-disclose
while decreasing delinquency (Foulkes, 1946). 4. Lack of empathy
He developed group analysis when the patient 5. Negative group experience
346 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
6. Problems incompatible with group therapy (e.g. b. Supportive group therapy involves empa-
marital problem) thy, encouragement, and explanation (e.g.
7. Frequent acting-out behaviour Schizophrenia Fellowship).
8. Hidden agenda (e.g. aim to develop a romantic 3. Analytic group therapy:
relationship with one of the group members) a. Analyse cyclical relational patterns.
b. Interpret transference and countertransfer-
25.9.4 Types of Group Therapy ence in interpersonal terms.
c. Interpret conflicts in a group and relate with Classification Based on experience outside the group.
Service Administration d. Dream analysis in a group.
1. Open group therapy: allows replacement of 4. Outpatient group therapy
group members. a. It may involve a self-help group targeting
2. Closed group therapy: no replacement of group at homogenous group of clients focusing on
members is allowed. one disorder (e.g. for anxiety disorders or
3. Heterogeneous group: allows a mixture of cli- Alcoholics Anonymous, AA).
ents with different backgrounds and conditions. b. Outpatient group therapy is for short term
4. Homogeneous group: only allows group mem- and involves direct didactic instruction.
bers of the same gender, similar background, or 5. Psychodrama
same condition (e.g. anger problem). a. The group enacts the life of one member as
5. Continuous group therapy: there is no definite a role-play. The other members exchange
end date of group therapy. The therapy may last roles in the role-play and all group mem-
for years. Old members leave and new m embers bers express their views after the role-play.
join. b. Psychodrama leads to better understand-
6. Brief group therapy: there is a definite end date ing and development of strategies to handle
and members are expected to join and complete similar situations in the future.
group therapy at the same time.
7. Leadership: active or passive leadership; co-
leadership (i.e. two group leaders). 25.10 THERAPEUTIC PROCESS
25.10.1 Pregroup Therapy Assessment Classification Based on Technique
1. Assess the client’s suitability for group therapy.
1. Milieu group therapy: Mainly developed for
2. Socialize with the client.
therapeutic community, and the whole commu-
3. Assess his or her ability to communicate and
nity (e.g. the ward) is viewed as a large group.
Rappaport described four characteristics in
4. Set personal and interpersonal goals.
milieu group therapy:
5. Inform the rules of group therapy.
a. Democratization (equal sharing of power)
6. Discuss the common pitfalls in group therapy.
b. Permissiveness (tolerance of others’ behav-
7. Discuss strategies to reduce anxiety in group
iour outside the setting)
participation and dropouts from group therapy.
c. Reality confrontation (confront with the
8. Establish a treatment contract.
views from others)
d. Communalism (sharing of amenities)
Further details on therapeutic commu- 25.10.2 Yalom’s 11 Therapeutic Factors
nity are considered in Norton and Warren
(2009). Early Stages
1. Instillation of hope: sense of optimism about
2. Supportive group therapy: progress and improvement.
a. For clients with chronic psychiatric disor- 2. Universality: one member’s problems also occur in
ders such as schizophrenia attending a day other members. Hence, the member is not alone.
hospital, which offers supportive group 3. Information giving: members will receive infor-
therapy. mation on their illness and associated problems.
Advanced Psychological Process and Treatment 347
d. The therapist needs to monitor his or her injunction. Provocative statements are used to stir
own countertransference (e.g. rescue fanta- up counterresponse. This response is a double-end
sies or overidentification with the client). sword because it also offers benefits by bringing
2. Therapy-related issues changes. An example is that the therapist pre-
a. The relationship between couple therapy scribes the symptom and advises one partner to
and other ongoing therapies such as indi- continue the problem behaviour. This will stir up
vidual psychotherapy counterresponse from the couple because they are
b. Confidentiality, neutrality, and triangulation uncomfortable to continue. The discomfort will
between the couple and the therapist lead to changes. System task involves making a
3. Couple-related issues timetable to allocate specific time for interaction.
a. It requires motivation from the couple to 4. Structural move: Experiment of disagreement
attend the session and it is a challenge to estab- focuses on a topic when one partner always
lish therapeutic alliance with both partners. dominates and the other habitually gives in to
b. During the course of couple therapy, there will avoid disagreement. This exercise helps the pas-
be decompensation from one or both clients. sive partner to express an opinion forcefully and
c. The therapist may face resistance and acting the other needs to value the expression. Role
out that result in early termination. reversal helps one partner to understand the
viewpoints and experiences of the other partner.
Sculpting involves one partner taking up the
25.11.5 Types of Couple Therapy position in silence and expresses his or her own
feelings without words while the other partner
Couple therapy follows one of the following psychothera-
has to guess the feelings.
peutic models:
individual to the affective responses. This is accompa- Issues relating to the client
nied by bilateral stimulation and rapid eye movement
when the client is asked to follow the regular movement 1. Does the client feel responsible for the previous
of the therapist’s forefinger. therapist’s death (for real or imagined reasons)?
The procedural phases of EMDR include the following: 2. Comorbidity of the client (e.g. depression, panic
disorder, or substance abuse).
3. Premorbid personality of the client and coping
1. Assessment of target memory of image.
2. Desensitization by holding the target image
4. Previous experience of separations and grief
together with the negative cognition in mind.
3. Bilateral stimulation continues until the mem-
5. Look for acting-out behaviour that caused the
ory has been processed with the chains of
GP to refer the case to you urgently.
4. Installation of positive images.
Issues relating to the future therapy
5. Scanning of body to identify any sensations.
6. Closure and debriefing on the experience of the
1. Address new issues that are raised in the begin-
ning of new therapy.
2. Explore expectations of the client to either con-
25.12.4 Grief Counselling tinue the previous form of therapy or receive
grief counselling.
Grief counselling allows the client to talk about the 3. Explore idealization of the previous therapist and
loss; to express feelings of sadness, guilt, or anger; and potential devaluation of the current therapist.
to understand the course of the grieving process. This
therapy also allows the client to accept the loss, working
through the grief process and adjust one’s life without the 25.13 BRIEF INSIGHT-ORIENTED THERAPY
deceased. Brief insight-oriented psychotherapy is based on psy-
choanalytic theory with different techniques and time
frames. Insight refers to a person’s understanding of his
CASC STATION FOR GRIEF COUNSELLING or her psychological function and personality. Treatment
framework involves the therapist assisting the client to
You are the consultant psychiatrist in charge of a
gain new and better insight into possible explanations
psychotherapy service. A 35-year-old housewife
for his or her feelings, responses, behaviours, and inter-
with agoraphobia was referred to you urgently by
personal relationships. It also expects that the client
her GP to continue psychotherapy as her previous
develops insight into his or her responses to the therapist
therapist has passed away.
and other significant relationship in the past.
Task: Assess this client’s suitability to continue
Objective: Art therapist provides a psychotherapeutic
intervention that enables the client to effect change and
25.12.5 Approach to This CASC Station growth by using the art materials to gain insight and pro- Issues the Candidate Needs to Explore mote the resolution of difficulties.
Issues related to the previous therapist
25.14.1 Types of Art Therapy
1. The cause of death of the previous therapist and
how the client was informed Art therapy is based on pictures and drawings. Therapeutic
2. The type and quality of the therapeutic relation- relationship progresses as art process progresses. The art
ship between the deceased therapist and client therapist acts as a facilitator and the therapist is invited in
3. The type of treatment offered (e.., CBT) the multidisciplinary team meeting to share his or her inter-
4. The stage and progress of previous therapy pretation of a client’s drawings.
350 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Drama therapy encourages the clients to experience their Hawton K, Salkovskis PM, Kirk J, and Clarl DM. 2001:
physicality, to develop an ability to express a whole range Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Psychiatric
of emotions, and to increase their insight and knowledge Problems: A Practical Guide. New York: Oxford
University Press.
of themselves and other people.
Hook J. 2007: Group psychotherapy. In Naismith J and Grant S.
Music therapy facilitates interaction and development of (eds.) Seminars in the Psychotherapies. London, U.K.:
insight into a client’s behaviour and emotional difficulties Gaskell.
Johnstone EC, Cunningham ODG, Lawrie SM, Sharpe M, and
through listening to music.
Freeman CPL. 2004: Companion to Psychiatric Studies.
Details of the scientific background of music therapy 7th edn. London, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone.
are considered in Puri (2009). Lackwood K. 1999: Psychodynamic psychotherapy.
In Stein S, Hiagh R, and Stein J (eds.) Essentials
of Psychotherapy, pp. 134–154. Oxford, U.K.:
Butterworth Heinemann.
Lewin K. 1943: Defining the “Field at a Given Time.”
Anna Freud Centre. Psychological Review 50:292–310.
php (accessed on 26 July 2012). Norton K and Warren F. 2009: Therapeutic communities.
Aveline M and Dryden W. 1988: Group Therapy in Britain. In Puri BK and Treasaden IH (eds.) Psychiatry: An
Milton Keynes, England: Open University Press. Evidence-Based Text, pp. 1003–1008. London, U.K.:
Barker P. 1998: Basic Family Therapy. Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell Hodder Arnold.
Science. Palmer RL. 2002: Dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline
Barnes B, Ernst S, and Hyde K. 1999: An Introduction to personality disorder. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment
Group Work. A Group-Analytic Perspective. Hampshire, 8:10–16.
England: Palgrave Macmillan. Pratt JH. 1907: The organization of tuberculosis classes. Medical
Bateman A and Fonagy P. 2004: Psychotherapy for Borderline Communications of the Massachusetts Medical Society
Personality Disorder: Mentalization Based Treatment. 20:475–492.
New York: Oxford University Press. Puri BK. 2009: Other Individual Psychotherapies. In Puri
Bion WR. 1961: Experiences in Groups. London, U.K.: Tavistock. BK and Treasaden IH (eds.) Psychiatry: An Evidence-
Coetzee RH and Regel S. 2005: Eye movement desensitisation Based Text, pp. 994–1002. London, U.K.: Hodder
and reprocessing: An update. Advances in Psychiatric Arnold.
Treatment 11:347–354. Puri BK and Treasaden IH. 2009: Psychiatry: An Evidence-
Council Report CR 95. 2001: Curriculum for Basic Specialist Based Text. London, U.K.: Hodder Arnold.
Training and the MRCPsych Examination. London, U.K.: Sadock BJ and Sadock VA. 2003: Kaplan and Sadock’s
Royal College of Psychiatrists. Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 9th edn.
Cowen P, Harrison P, and Burns T. 2012: Shorter Oxford Textbook Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
of Psychiatry, pp. 571–600. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Schaverien J and Odell-Miller H. 2005: The art therapies.
Press. In Gabbard GO, Beck JS, and Holmes J (eds.) Oxford
Crowe M and Ridley J. 2000: Therapy with Couples, 2nd edn. Textbook of Psychotherapy, pp. 87–94. Oxford, U.K.:
London, U.K.: Blackwell Science. Oxford University Press.
Denman C. 2001: Cognitive-analytical therapy. Advances in Shemilt J and Naismith J. 2007: Psychodynamic theories II.
Psychiatric Treatment 7:243–256. In Naismith J and Grant S (eds.) Seminars in the
Foulkes SH. 1946: Group analysis in a military neurosis centre. Psychotherapies, pp. 63–99. London, U.K.: Gaskell.
Lancet 1:303–310. Stuart S and Robertson M. 2003: Interpersonal Psychotherapy:
Gabbard GO. 2000: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, 3rd edn. A Clinician’s Guide. London, U.K.: Arnold.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. Turner T. 2003: Your Questions Answered: Depression. London,
Gabbard GO. 2005: Major modalities in psychoanalytic/ U.K.: Churchill Livingstone.
psychodynamic. In Gabbard GO, Beck JS, and Holmes University of Ottawa. http://www.
J (eds.) Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy, pp. 3–14. uottawaresidents/Psychotherapy_Center_p3513.html
Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. (accessed on 28 July 2012)
Greenberg LS and Johnson SM. 1988: Emotionally Focused Ursano RJ and Silberman EK. 1988: Individual psychothera-
Therapy for Couples. New York, NY: Guilford Press. pies. In Talbott JA, Hales RE, and Yudofsky SC (eds.)
Hallstrom C and McClure N. 2005: Your Questions Answered: The American Psychiatric Textbook of Psychiatry.
Depression. London, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
26 Schizophrenia and
Delusional Disorders
352 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Second-rank symptoms include perplexity, emotional 6. Formal thought disorder comprising interrup-
blunting, hallucinations, and other delusions. tions in the train of thought, incoherence, irrel-
First-rank symptoms can occur in other psychoses evant speech, or neologisms
and, although highly suggestive of schizophrenia, are not 7. Catatonic behaviour (e.g. excitement, stupor,
pathognomonic. posturing, waxy flexibility, negativism and
8. Negative symptoms (e.g. apathy, paucity of
26.2.2 St. Louis Criteria (Feighner et al., 1972) speech, and blunted or incongruous affect)
The sufferer is continuously ill for at least 6 months, with 9. A significant and consistent change in the over-
no prominent affective symptoms, presence of delusions, all quality of some aspects of personal behav-
hallucinations, or thought disorder. Personal and family iour (e.g. loss of interest, aimlessness, idleness,
histories are taken into account (e.g. marital status, age self-absorbed attitude, and social withdrawal)
under 40, premorbid social adjustment).
Diagnostic guidelines require a minimum of one clear
symptom (two if less clear-cut) belonging to groups (1)
26.2.3 Catego (Wing et al., 1974) to (4), or symptoms from at least two of the groups (5) to
This uses the Present State Examination to generate diag- (8) should have been present for most of the time during
noses by means of a computer program. It is based on a period of one month or more.
the Schneiderian concept of schizophrenia. No account is Symptom (9) applies only to a diagnosis of simple
taken of symptom duration. schizophrenia, and a duration of at least one year is
Schizophrenia is not diagnosed if extensive affective
26.2.4 Research Diagnostic Criteria symptoms are present, unless they postdate the schizo-
(Spitzer et al., 1975) phrenic syndrome. If both schizophrenic and affective
symptoms develop together and are evenly balanced, the
These are a 2-week duration, lack of affective symp- diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder is made.
toms, and presence of thought disorder, hallucinations, Schizophrenia is not diagnosed in the presence
or delusions similar to Schneider’s first-rank symptoms. of overt brain disease, or during drug intoxication or
26.2.5 International Classification of Diseases, The pattern of course is classified as (1) continuous;
(2) episodic, progressive deficit; (3) episodic, stable defi-
Tenth Revision: ICD-10 (WHO, 1992)
cit; (4) episodic, remittent; (5) incomplete remission; and
There are fundamental, characteristic distortions of (6) complete remission.
thinking and perception and inappropriate or blunted
affect. There is clear consciousness. Intellectual capac- Subtypes
ity is usually maintained, but some cognitive deficits can In ICD-10, the following subtypes of schizophrenia are
evolve over time (see Table 26.1). distinguished:
Symptoms are divided into groups:
• Paranoid schizophrenia. This is the common-
1. Thought echo and thought alienation est subtype. Hallucinations and/or delusions
2. Delusions of passivity; delusional perception are prominent. Disturbances of affect, volition,
3. Auditory hallucinations in the form of a running speech, and catatonic symptoms are relatively
commentary, or discussing the patient, or hal- inconspicuous. Auditory, olfactory, gustatory
lucinatory voices coming from some part of the and somatic hallucinations, and visual hal-
body lucinations may occur. Commonly, there are
4. Persistent delusions, culturally inappropriate delusions of control, influence, passivity, and
and impossible persecution.
5. Persistent hallucinations in any modality, • Hebephrenic schizophrenia. The age of onset
accompanied by fleeting delusions without is usually between 15 and 25 years. There is a
affective content, or by persistent over-valued poor prognosis. Affective changes are promi-
ideas, or occurring every day for weeks nent. Fleeting and fragmentary delusions and
Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorders 353
TABLE 26.1
Compare and Contrast ICD-10 and Proposed DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Schizophrenia
ICD-10 (F20.) (WHO, 1992) DSM-5 (APA, 2013)
F20 Schizophrenia At least one of: 295.90 Schizophrenia
Number of symptoms Thought disturbances, passivity, hallucinatory At least two of the following: delusions, hallucinations,
voices, and persistent delusional beliefs disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or
Or two or more of: catatonic behaviour, and negative symptoms. Out of
Other persistent hallucinations, formal thought the two symptoms, at least one should be delusions,
disorder, catatonic behaviour, and negative hallucinations, or disorganized speech
symptoms At least two items of less specific symptoms
Absence of substance abuse or general medical
Specify if catatonic features are present
Specify the number of episodes and remission status
(partial or full)
Deterioration in occupational It is not a compulsory criterion It is a compulsory criterion
and social function
Duration of symptoms The symptoms have to be present for at least The minimum duration of disturbance is at least
1 month for schizophrenia 6 months. The minimum duration of symptoms is at
The symptoms have to be present for at least 1 year least 1 month
for simple schizophrenia
Inclusion of simple F20.6 simple schizophrenia: 1-year of negative No mention of simple schizophrenia
schizophrenia and symptoms and deterioration in personal behaviour 295.40 Schizophreniform disorder: Duration is
schizophreniform disorder as a result of loss of drive or interest and social between 1 and 6 months; specifier includes with or
withdrawal without good prognostic factors (e.g. acute onset,
No mention of schizophreniform disorder absence of negative symptoms, confusion, good
premorbid functioning)
Other types of schizophrenia F20.0 Paranoid schizophrenia Catatonic disorder associated with another medical
F20.1 Hebephrenic schizophrenia: flatten and condition: motoric immobility (catalepsy/waxy
incongruity of affect, stereotypies, incoherent flexibility/stupor), excessive motor activity, extreme
speech, with minimal positive symptoms negativism or mutism, peculiarities of voluntary
F20.2 Catatonic schizophrenia: duration for movement (stereotypies, mannerisms), echolalia, or
2 weeks, similar to the DSM-5 criteria with echopraxia
additional symptom such as command automatism The DSM-5 does not propose subtype of
F20.3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia schizophrenia
F20.5 Residual schizophrenia: reduction in activity,
blunting of affect, lack of initiative, and poor
communication and self-care
Delusional disorder F22. Delusion disorder: 3 months in duration, no F297.1 Delusional disorder
hallucinations Duration: at least 1 month
F22.8 Other persistent delusional disorders: Not meeting the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia,
delusional dysmorphobia, involutional paranoid but tactile or olfactory hallucinations may be present
state, and paranoia querulans Mood disturbance only lasts for a brief period of time
F22.9 Persistent delusional disorder, unspecified No significant impairment of functioning
Subtypes include
• Erotomanic type
• Grandiose type
• Jealous type
• Persecutory type
• Somatic type
• Mixed type
• Unspecified type
354 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
the normal MZ co-twins carried and transmitted the rel- • Chromosome 6p22: DTNBP1 (dystrobrevin-
evant genotype without expressing it themselves. binding protein 1)
• Chromosome 6q23: TAAR6 (trace amine asso- Adoption Studies ciate receptor 6)
When children of schizophrenic mothers have been • Chromosome 8p12: NRG1 (neuregulin)
adopted soon after birth by nonschizophrenic families, • Chromosome 8p21: PPP3CC (protein phospha-
they have a similar likelihood of developing schizophrenia tase 3 calcineurin gamma catalytic gene)
(approximately 13%) as the rates suggested by family stud- • Chromosome 13q34: G72
ies. There appears to be no such increased risk of devel- • Chromosome 22q11: PRODH (proline dehy-
oping schizophrenia in the children of nonschizophrenic drogenase (oxidase) 1), ZDHHC8, catechol-o-
parents who are similarly adopted (Kety et al., 1971). methyltransferase (COMT)
The following are possible modes of inheritance: There are problems in applying linkage methodology to
• Single major locus. Some forms possibly exist
but would account for a very small proportion of • Schizophrenia is probably genetically
observed cases. To date, no single genetic focus heterogeneous.
responsible for the development of schizophre- • Linkage analysis is usually applied to conditions
nia has been reliably demonstrated. transmitted by simpler Mendelian inheritance.
• Polygenic. There might be a threshold of gene • Diagnostic and penetrance problems prob-
numbers required for expression of schizophrenia. ably require a much higher lod score than the
• Multifactorial. There may be aetiological hetero- usual +3 before linkage for psychiatric diagno-
geneity with various genetic and environmental ses can be regarded as proved.
subtypes. There is probably a spectrum of causes
ranging from wholly genetic, through those with 26.4.2 Prenatal Factors in Schizophrenia
mixed aetiology, to the totally environmental. People developing schizophrenia as adults are born
disproportionately more often during late winter and Linkage Studies early spring. A similar but less marked seasonal effect
Bassett and associates reported a man who presented is reported for bipolar affective disorders but not for
with schizophrenia plus minor physical abnormalities neurotic or personality disorders. Seasonally varying
both shared by his maternal uncle. Cytogenetic analysis environmental causes have been sought, and prenatal
revealed translocation of part of chromosome 5; this led infection is currently the most favoured explanation.
the writers to postulate that this segment of chromosome An excess of minor physical abnormalities is reported in
5 may be site of a putative schizophrenia gene. schizophrenics; examples are low-set ears, greater distance
Sherrington and associates collected seven extended between the eyes, and a single transverse palmar crease.
schizophrenic families from Iceland and England, probed Dermatoglyphics are determined by genes, and deleteri-
chromosome 5, and found evidence highly suggestive of link- ous events in the second trimester of pregnancy can alter
age between markers on chromosome 5 and schizophrenia. their form. Schizophrenics have deviations from normal in
However, this finding has never been replicated, and the study ridge patterns of fingers, palms, and soles. Schizophrenic
has subsequently been criticized on methodological grounds. probands of MZ twin pairs discordant for schizophrenia
The following candidate genes and chromosomes are have significantly more finger and palm epidermal ridge
implicated in the aetiology of schizophrenia: anomalies than their healthy co-twins (Bracha et al., 1991).
Structural abnormalities in the brains of many
• Chromosome 1q22: CArboxyl-terminal Pdz schizophrenics suggest a neurodevelopmental rather
ligand of neuronal Nitric Oxide synthas (CAPON) than degenerative process. Most studies investigating
• Chromosom 1q23: RGS4 I (regulator of brain morphology in schizophrenia report nonprogres-
G-protein signalling 4) sive ventricular and cortical sulcal enlargement and
• Chromosom 1q42.1: DISC1 (disrupted in schizo- structural abnormalities in the limbic areas. Structural
phrenia 1) changes reflect an early acquired hypoplasia, not degen-
• Chromosom 5q33: EPN4 eration. Cytoarchitectural changes in limbic and pre-
• Chromosome 5q34: GABA(A) receptors frontal areas are strong indicators of early disordered
360 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Total group
Low expressed emotion high expressed emotion
n = 71 (13%) n = 57 (51%)
FIGURE 26.1 Relapse rates of 128 schizophrenics over a 9-month period. (From Vaughn, C.E. and Leff, J.P., Br. J. Psychiatry,
129, 125, 1976.)
Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorders 361
• In animals, administration of dopamine ago- • During treatment with haloperidol, the ratio of
nists produces a behavioural picture said to be dopamine metabolite (HVA) to serotonin and
similar to human psychosis. This is reversed by noradrenaline metabolites in CSF of schizo-
giving dopamine antagonists. phrenics increased significantly and correlated
• In drug-naive schizophrenics, the number of D2 with reduction of symptoms. This supports the
receptors in the striatum was two to three times that hypothesis that interactions between different
of controls as measured by PET (Wong et al., 1986). monoamine neurotransmitters are involved in
expression of schizophrenic symptoms.
Evidence against the dopamine hypothesis includes Serotonin (5-HT)
There is some evidence that serotonergic dysfunction
• The concentration of dopamine metabolite may be associated with schizophrenia:
homovanillic acid (HVA) in the cerebrospinal
fluid in schizophrenics has generally not been • The hallucinogen LSD (see Chapter 32) acts at
found to be higher than in control subjects. serotonin receptors.
• D2 receptor blockade caused by antipsychotics • Antipsychotic risperidone is a potent 5-HT2
is an acute effect, but the therapeutic effect is receptor antagonist (it also blocks D2 receptors,
observed 3–4 weeks later. however).
• 15%–30% of schizophrenics fail to respond to • Ritanserin, a selective 5-HT2 antagonist, reduced
dopamine antagonists. negative symptoms when given as adjunctive
• Antipsychotics have a better effect on positive therapy in neuroleptic-treated schizophrenics.
than on negative symptoms.
• Clozapine, an effective antipsychotic, has Glutamate
less D2 blocking activity than conventional
antipsychotics. Glutamate stimulates the NMDA receptor. Phencyclidine
• Some studies have failed to replicate Wong’s (‘angel dust’—see Chapter 32) causes schizophrenic-like
findings of increased D2 receptors in striatum of effects by blocking NMDA receptors. A balance exists
brains of living schizophrenics. between excitatory glutamatergic and inhibitory dopa-
minergic terminals in the corpus striatum, regulating
GABAergic neurons. These function in the ‘thalamic
Explanations that may account for contradictory results filter’, which seems to be hypoactive in schizophrenia.
According to this theory, hypoactivity of GABA neurons
is corrected by either reducing dopaminergic activity or
• Schizophrenia is clinically complex, and the
increasing glutamatergic activity.
aetiology is heterogeneous.
• Schizophrenia may involve reduced dopaminer-
gic activity in the prefrontal cortical area and 26.4.7 Structural Cerebral Abnormalities
compensatory overactivity in subcortical or lim-
in Schizophrenia
bic areas.
• There are potential problems in patient selection Johnstone et al. (1976) conducted a CT scan study, find-
and study methodology. ing that chronically hospitalized schizophrenic patients
• Identification of D1, D3, D4, and D5 receptors has had larger lateral ventricles than controls. This has been
suggested that they alone or in addition to D2 confirmed by numerous neuroimaging studies.
receptors may be the appropriate target for anti- In 1990, Andreasen et al. conducted a large study in
psychotic drug therapy. people matched for age, sex, height, weight, and level
• Clozapine acts in part by antagonism of D1, D2, of education. The ventricle/brain ratio was greater in
and particularly D4 receptors; it is effective dur- schizophrenics than in controls. The differences were
ing long-term use in up to 60% of neuroleptic- small, and there was overlap with the normal population;
resistant patients. it was more marked in males.
• D1 antagonist alone failed to show antipsychotic MRI has shown a diffuse reduction in the volume of
efficacy. Specific D3 and D4 antagonists have not cortical grey matter in schizophrenic patients, this being
yet been studied. associated with poor premorbid function. These findings
Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorders 363
are consistent with neurodevelopmental changes having • Hippocampal pyramidal cell disarray
taken place in such patients. • Reduced hippocampal cell numbers
The following are further structural changes in schizo- • Reduced cell numbers in the entorhinal cortex
phrenia found in some studies: • Reduced hippocampal cell size
• Disturbed cytoarchitecture in the entorhinal cortex
• Reduced size of frontal lobes or some division
• Reduced size of temporal lobe, particularly on the left
• Reduced size of hippocampus and amygdala,
26.4.9 Functional Brain Abnormalities
particularly on the left in Schizophrenia
• Reduced size of parahippocampal gyrus Hypofrontality is associated with the presence of nega-
tive symptoms and autism.
26.4.8 Neuropathological Abnormalities Combining functional imaging with task activa-
in Schizophrenia tion, Weinberger et al. (1986) measured regional Postmortem Studies cerebral blood flow at rest and during the Wisconsin
Card Sorting Test (activates frontal lobes normally).
Compared with control subjects, the brains of schizo-
Impaired performance by schizophrenics was mir-
phrenic patients have shown the following in some studies:
rored by a smaller increase in blood flow to prefrontal
• Lower fixed brain weight cortex.
• Reduced brain length
• Reduced size of the parahippocampal gyrus
26.4.10 Deficits in Cognition in Schizophrenia Histological Studies Cognitive impairment is common among patients suffering
Compared to controls, the brains of schizophrenics have from schizophrenia. The cognitive deficits of schizophrenia
shown the following in some studies: are summarized in Figure 26.2.
Cognitive deficits
TABLE 26.4
Properties of the Atypical Antipsychotics
Atypical Antipsychotics Properties
Clozapine 1. Agranulocytosis is the most common in Ashkenazi Jews
2. The most common side effect is sedation till the next morning
3. The second most common side effect is hypersalivation
4. Clozapine (like olanzapine) carries the highest risk of weight gain
5. Clozapine is least likely to cause tardive dyskinesia
Risperidone 1. Higher risk for EPSE and galactorrhoea as compared to other second-generation antipsychotics
2. Risperidone carries low risk of sedation
Paliperidone 1. Side effects include EPSE, corrected QT (QTc) prolongation, hyperprolactinaemia, metabolic
syndrome, and increase in risk of seizure
2. Renal impairment is a contraindication because paliperidone is mainly excreted by kidney
Olanzapine 1. Olanzapine carries the highest risk of weight gain among all antipsychotics
2. Olanzapine carries low risk of EPSE
3. Olanzapine carries low risk of hyperprolactinaemia
4. Olanzapine carries the lowest risk of QTc prolongation
Quetiapine 1. Quetiapine has high affinity for muscarinic receptors
2. Quetiapine carries the lowest risk for EPSE
3. Quetiapine carries the lowest risk of sexual dysfunction
4. Quetiapine carries low risk of hyperprolactinaemia
Ziprasidone 1. Ziprasidone carries low risk of dyslipidaemia, weight gain, and glucose intolerance
Aripiprazole 1. Aripiprazole carries the lowest risk of QTc prolongation
2 Aripiprazole carries low risk of sexual dysfunction
3. Aripiprazole carries low risk for EPSE
4. Aripiprazole carries low risk of dyslipidaemia, weight gain, and glucose intolerance
5. Aripiprazole carries low risk of hyperprolactinaemia
6. Aripiprazole carries low risk of postural hypotension
7. Aripiprazole carries low risk of sedation
Asenapine 1. Asenapine has less potential to raise prolactin than risperidone
2. Asenapine is associated with lower risk of weight gain
Source: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing Guideline, Informa Healthcare, London, U.K., 2009.
TABLE 26.5
Clozapine Patient Management System (CPMS)
Time Actions
0 1. Perform assessment and discuss with patient and carers
2. Information and advice regarding swapping to clozapine from another antipsychotic should be sought from
the pharmacy
3. Decide whether it is an inpatient or outpatient initiation. Inpatient initiation is indicated for elderly and
adolescents 16–18-year-olds, concurrent medical problems, and medication
4. Register patient with the Clozaril Patient Management System (CPMS) and obtain an initial FBC
5. Start clozapine at 12.5 mg once a green blood result is issued by the CPMS
6. For inpatient treatment, physical monitoring is required every hour for 6 h, and patient needs to be
accompanied by a carer
7. For outpatient treatment, patient and carer must be provided with emergency contact details for the first 24 h
8. Inform his or her GP on the start date
9. Baseline physical examination: weight, temperature, pulse, and BP (both lying and standing)
10. For patients with diabetes: HbA1c at baseline; for patients without diabetes: fasting blood glucose
11. Other baselines: LFTs, RFTs, lipids, and ECG
0–18 weeks 1. FBC: at least weekly for the first 18 weeks of clozapine treatment
2. Fasting plasma glucose at 1 month, then 4–6 monthly
3. LFTs, RFTs, lipids: every 6 months for the first year
4. Follow standardized clozapine initiation charts
5. A slower dose titration in the inpatient setting is required for older adults (>65’s)
6. The usual dose is 200–450 mg daily with a maximum dose of 900 mg daily. Older adults may need a lower
daily dose
7. For outpatient treatment, increments should not be done over weekend or holidays
18–52 weeks 1. FBC: at least two weekly from week 18 to week 52 of clozapine treatment
2. Fasting plasma glucose at 1 month, then 4–6 monthly
3. LFTs, RFTs, lipids: every 6 months for the first year
First to 1. FBC: at least four weekly after 1 year of clozapine treatment with stable blood results and the CPMS
second year agreement
2. LFTs, RFTs, lipids, fasting glucose every year
Second year 1. FBC: for at least 4 weeks
2. LFTs, RFTs, lipids, fasting glucose every year
Sources: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing Guideline, Informa Healthcare, London, U.K., 2009; NICE, NICE Guidelines
for Schizophrenia, (accessed on August 1, 2012).
2. Psychoeducation for individuals with first epi- provided reprovision was well resourced with staffed
sode of psychosis or schizophrenia should homes for the more disabled, there was no increase in
encourage blame-free acceptance of illness. death rate, suicides, crime, or vagrancy at 1- and 5-year
3. Develop strategies to promote control of illness follow-up, compared to matched controls. Between dis-
by recognizing and responding to early warning charge and 5 years, negative symptoms reduced signifi-
signs and seek professional advice. cantly in response to a more stimulating environment.
Positive symptomatology remained stable. Social Milieu
Wing and Brown (1970) found that negative symptoms
varied in intensity with social stimulation within psychi- Grief Work on Losses
atric institutions. To work through both losses from prior to the ill-
The Team for the Assessment of Psychiatric Services ness onset and also losses arising from the disrup-
(TAPS) study (Leff et al., 1994) reported on long-stay tion, disorganization, and disability associated with
patients discharged into the community. It found that, schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorders 369
Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous disorder, and there are Violence (Bobes et al., 2009)
no reliable predictors of outcome. Approximately 25%
Violence in people with schizophrenia is uncommon,
of cases of schizophrenia show good clinical and social
but they do have a higher risk than general population.
recovery, while most studies show that fewer than a half
Prevalence of recent aggressive behaviour among outpa-
of patients have a poor long-term outcome. Factors asso-
tients with schizophrenia is 5%. The types of violence
ciated with a good prognosis include
and aggression are classified as follows: verbal aggression
(45%), physical violence towards objects (30%), violence Sociodemographics
towards others (20%), and self-directed violence (10%).
• Being female Family members are involved in 50% of the assaults with
• Being married strangers being attacked in 20%. Psychiatrists need to be
competent in identifying patients at risk and protecting Past History both patients and others.
• Good premorbid social adjustment
• Family history of affective disorder
• Short duration of illness prior to treatment 26.6.3 Prodrome of Schizophrenia
Prodrome refers to a range of subjective experiences Pathology before the onset of schizophrenia (Yung and McGorry,
• No ventricular enlargement 1996). Prognosis
26.7.3 Management
The conversion to schizophrenia is 35%. Investigations
70% achieve full remission within 3–4 months. • Haematology: FBC
80% achieve stable remission within 1 year. • Biochemistry: RFTs, LFTs, creatinine kinase,
and blood glucose Predictors for Further Progression • Endocrine: thyroid function tests
to Psychosis or Schizophrenia • Urine drug screen
(Cannon et al., 2008) • Heavy metal screening
1. Genetic risk with recent deterioration in function • Imaging: CT scan or MRI scan of the brain
2. Higher levels of unusual thought content • Microbiology: urine and blood culture, syphilis,
3. Higher levels of suspicion/paranoia and HIV
4. Greater social impairment • Heavy metal screening
5. History of substance abuse • Autoantibody screen
• Lumbar puncture
• Electrophysiology: ECG and EEG
26.7.1 Aetiology 26.7.4 Medications
1. Schizophrenia 1. Benzodiazepines (e.g. intramuscular lorazepam
2. Depression or mania (more common than up to 4 mg per day)
schizophrenia) 2. Electroconvulsive therapy
372 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
are schizophrenia, mood disorder, and organic disor- psychosis, having different aetiologies and
der. Derealization often occurs. requiring different treatments.
• Continuum theorists (e.g. Crow, Kendall) doubt Fregoli Syndrome that there are distinct illnesses but rather that
In this very rare delusional disorder, the patient believes features of psychosis vary quantitatively along
that a familiar person, who is often believed to be the a continuum, with schizophrenia and manic
patient’s persecutor, has taken on different appearances. depression at opposing poles and schizoaffec-
Primary causes include schizophrenia and organic tive disorder somewhere in between.
In 1991, Tsuang studied a subgroup of patients with Induced Psychosis (Folie À Deux)
strictly defined schizoaffective disorder. It was found that
This rare delusional disorder is shared by two, or rarely the morbid risk of schizophrenia in relatives of schizoaf-
more than two, people who are closely linked emotionally. fectives was similar to that of a schizophrenic group and
One of the people has a genuine psychotic disorder; his fell between schizophrenia and affective disorder for the
or her delusional system is induced in the other person, risk of affective disorder in relatives. It was concluded
who may be dependent or less intelligent than the first that this condition was different from schizophrenia or
person. Geographical separation leads to recovery of the manic depression.
well person. In 1993, Goldstein et al. found that, among probands
with schizoaffective disorder, relatives had higher rates
26.9 SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDERS of schizophrenia and unipolar depression than relatives
of males. Among relatives, males were at higher risk for
26.9.1 Types of Disorder schizophrenia spectrum disorders than females. This
The term ‘schizoaffective psychosis’ was introduced by points to a stronger relationship between schizoaffective
Kasanin in 1933 to describe a condition with both affec- disorder and schizophrenia.
tive and schizophrenic symptoms, with sudden acute In 1994, DeLisi et al. reported the following in rela-
onset after good premorbid functioning, and usually with tionship to schizophrenia and affective disorder:
complete recovery.
ICD-10 describes these as disorders in which both • At least one-third of schizophrenics have
affective and schizophrenic symptoms are prominent depressive symptoms.
within the same episode of illness, either simultaneously • Affective disorder is more frequent in the fami-
or within a few days of each other. It distinguishes vari- lies of schizophrenics than in controls.
ous types: • Unipolar depression is more common in fami-
lies of schizoaffectives than schizophrenia-only
• Manic type—the person usually makes a full probands. Bipolar disorder is as frequent in fam-
recovery. ilies of both.
• Depressive type—prognosis not as good as that • Affective disorder is frequently inherited from
of the manic subtype, with a greater chance of the same parental line as schizophrenia.
developing ‘negative’ symptoms. • Bipolar disorder is more frequent in male rela-
• Mixed type. tives, and unipolar disorder more frequent in
female relatives.
26.9.2 Relationship between Affective and It was concluded that the same genes contribute to schizo-
Schizophrenic Components phrenia and affective disorder, and sex and phenotypic
There is no consensus concerning the nosological status expression are related.
of schizoaffective disorder. Opposing views include the
Kraepelinian binary system and continuum theories:
26.9.3 Prognosis for Schizoaffective Disorders
• Binary theorists (e.g. Winokur, Kendler) hold
the traditional notion that there are two separate The prognosis of schizoaffective disorders lies between
illnesses, schizophrenia and manic–depressive that of mood disorders and schizophrenia.
374 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
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27 Mood Disorders, Suicide,
and Parasuicide
378 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Somatic changes include reduced appetite leading to 296.3 Major depressive episode, recurrent episode
weight loss (at least 5% of body weight in a month), constipa-
tion, early-morning awakening (more than 2 h before usual), 1. The presence of at least two or major depressive
diurnal variation of mood, anhedonia, loss of normal reac- episodes.
tivity of mood, reduced libido, amenorrhoea, and psycho- 2. To be considered separate episodes, there must
motor retardation or agitation. be an interval of at least 2 consecutive months in
A duration of 2 weeks is required for the diagno- which criteria are not met for a major depressive
sis. This applies to the first episode only. Severity is episode.
graded: 3. Specifiers: mild, moderate, and severe with-
out psychotic features/with psychotic features,
• Mild depressive episode chronic, mixed features.
• Moderate depressive episode
• Severe depressive episode without psychotic
symptoms ICD-10 Criteria for Dysthymia (F34)
• Severe depressive episode with psychotic
This is a chronic, less severe depression, usually with
an insidious onset. Symptoms include excessive guilt,
296.2 Major depressive episode, single episode difficulty in concentrating, loss of interest, pessimism,
low self-esteem, low energy, irritability, and reduced
1. At least five symptoms for 2-week duration
productivity. For the diagnosis it must be present for at
2. At least one of the following: low mood and loss
least 2 years.
of interest or pleasure
3. Other symptoms include
a. Significant weight loss or weight gain 300.4 Dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder)
b. Insomnia or hypersomnia on a daily basis
c. Psychomotor agitation or retardation 1. Similar to the ICD-10, the depressed mood
d. Low energy level should last for 2 years for adults and 1 year for
e. Feelings of worthlessness or guilt children and adolescents.
f. Poor concentration 2. Depressive symptoms include change in appe-
g. Recurrent suicidal thoughts tite, change in sleep pattern, low energy, low self-
4. Other criteria: functional impairment, no his- esteem, poor concentration and hopelessness.
tory of manic or hypomanic episode, and exclu- 3. Symptom free period should be less than
sion of other psychiatric diagnosis 2 months.
5. Subtype: mixed feature 4. No psychosis disorder or substance-abuse.
5. Significant impairment in functioning. ICD-10 Criteria for Recurrent 6. Specifier: early onset (<21 years), late onset
Depressive Disorder (F33) (>21 years), atypical features.
There are repeated episodes of depression, without epi-
sodes of mania. Recovery between episodes is usually 625.4 Premenstrual dysmorphic disorder
complete, but a minority becomes chronic, especially in
the elderly. It includes During the final week before the onset of menses,
the patient experiences affective lability, irritability,
1. Recurrent depressive disorder with marked anxiety and other DSM-5 depressive symp-
a. Current episode mild toms. The above symptoms improve shortly after
b. Current episode moderate menses.
c. Current episode severe without psychotic
d. Current episode severe with psychotic Substance-induced depressive disorder
2. Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in Depressive episode develops soon after misusing a sub-
remission stance which is able to cause depressive symptoms
380 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
296.99 Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder history of mania, an earlier and more acute
onset (15 years earlier than ‘unipolars’ on aver-
1. Recurrent severe temper outbursts. age), and more episodes.
2. Frequency: three or more times per week.
3. Irritability in between temper outbursts. No difference is observed in sleep EEGs of these two groups.
4. Duration at least 12 months and symptom free
period should be less than 3 months. Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder
5. At least two different settings.
6. Age of onset: between 6 to 10 years. This refers to those patients who experience four or more
affective episodes in 12 months. It is more common in
women, predicts poorer prognosis with more lifetime
27.2.3 Other Classifications of Depression
affective episodes and a poorer response to lithium and
Depression is variously classified, and the usefulness of other treatments. Twenty per cent are induced by antide-
differing categories is still under debate. pressant drugs.
(C) Identify
Suggestive of (C1) Prolonged (C3) Handling of (C4) Psychotic (C5) Risk
Abnormal Grief Grief (C2) Inhibited Grief Possessions Experiences Assessment
‘Is your feeling ‘Have you tried to ‘After our loved ‘Do you hear voices ‘Do you have any
as intense as avoid morning and ones passed when no one is intention to end
6 months ago?’ grieving?’ away, some around? Are the your life? If yes,
‘Is your feeling ‘Do you allow yourself people keep voices belonging why? Do you want
easily to express feeling their rooms and to your husband?’ to join him in the
triggered?’ towards his death?’ possessions as afterworld?’
if they were
still alive.
How about
(D) Identify (D1) Explore
Factors Past (D4) Past
Impeding Grief Relationship (D2) Explore Past Psychiatric and (D5) Seek Her
Resolution with Deceased Experience (D3) Personality Medical History Views on Treatment
‘How was your Explore childhood loss ‘Can you describe Explore past history ‘Are you keen to go
relationship and previous your character?’ of depression, low for counselling to
with him? traumatic ‘How would the self-esteem, talk about your
Were you bereavement others describe psychosis, and experience after
dependent on Look for early you a person?’ chronic physical your husband’s
him? Was disturbances in Look for illness departure?’
there any attachment: dependency,
unhappy • Affectional bonds narcissism,
experience?’ • Security excessive denial,
Identify anger, • Reciprocity or projection
violence, • Response to
conflict, separations
ambivalence, ‘Do you feel that
dependency, or history is repeating
passive itself?’
The point prevalence of depressive symptoms is have a ninefold increase in lifetime bipolar disorder risk
10%–30% (women 18%–34%, men 10%–19%). In the compared to the general population. The hereditabil-
general population of Western countries, the lifetime risk ity for bipolar disorder is 85% and depression is 60%.
of suffering from depressive episodes is 5%–12% for men There are gender differences. Men are at risk of depres-
and 9%–26% for women. sion if there is family history of alcoholism and anti-
The average age of onset of depressive episodes is social behaviour. Women are at risk if there is family
around the late thirties; however, they can start at any age. history of anxiety disorder.
Brown and Harris (1978) found that 15% of urban
women had severe depressive symptoms, and there was a Twin Studies
higher prevalence in working-class than in middle-class Twin studies compare concordance rates in monozygotic
women. (MZ) to dizygotic (DZ) twins and need twins reared apart
Bt 2030, unipolar depressive disorder is predicted to separate genetic from environmental influences. In a
to be ranked as the number one cause of global burden large Danish twin study of affective disorder (Bertelson
of diseases in terms of disability-adjusted life years et al., 1977), the concordance rate for MZ twins was 67%,
(DALYs). compared with 20% for DZ twins. The MZ to DZ concor-
dance ratio for bipolar disorder of 79:19 compared with
27.3.2 Bipolar Mood Disorder 54:24 for unipolar disorder.
be produced because of phenotypic misclassification and association. The effect of critical comments (criticism
misspecification of the disease model. index) was not mitigated by reducing the number of hours
Segregation analysis uses statistical method to exam- depressed people spent in contact with their relatives
ine pedigrees and hypothesized modes of inheritance. (unlike schizophrenia, in which it was).
There are no consistent findings in affective disorder due
to complex genetic mechanisms. Women
Recombinant DNA techniques resulting in develop- Brown and Harris (1978), in a community survey in
ment of new generation of markers. For example, the Camberwell, South London, identified vulnerability fac-
restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) tors which increase the risk of depression in women if a
allow candidate gene approach. In bipolar disorder, can- provoking agent is present. Four vulnerability factors are
didate genes include genes encoding for tyrosine hydroxy-
lase, serotonin transporter, catechol-o-methyltransferase • Having three or more children at home under
(COMT), and brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF). the age of 14 years
In unipolar depressive disorder, there is lack of consis- • Not working outside the home
tent results. • Lack of a confiding relationship
• Loss of the mother before the age of 11 years
the probabilities of onset of major depression were 0.5% and levodopa), corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, and thy-
and 6.2%, respectively, for those unexposed and exposed roxine. Withdrawal from baclofen, clonidine, and fenflura-
to the life event. In those at highest genetic risk (MZ co- mine is associated with mania.
twin affected), these probabilities were 1.1% and 14.6%,
respectively. He concluded that genetic factors influ-
ence the risk of the onset of major depression in part by 27.4.5 Psychological Factors in Mood Disorder
altering the sensitivity of individuals to the depression- Seligman gave naive dogs unavoidable electric shocks
inducing effect of stressful life events. and found that, after learning that there was nothing
that could be done to influence the outcome of events,
the dogs finally developed a condition which he thought
27.4.4 Physical Illness in Mood Disorder resembled depression in humans, with reduced appetite,
Viral infection, particularly influenza, hepatitis A, reduced sex drive, and disturbed sleep. He called this
and brucellosis are sometimes accompanied or fol- condition learned helplessness.
lowed by depressed mood. More recently, a significant It has been suggested that in humans depression is
association has been found between the occurrence more likely to occur if the helplessness is perceived to be
of anti-Borna Disease Virus (BDV) antibodies and attributable to a personal source, thus leading to lowered
mood disorder (unipolar and bipolar) (Terayama self-esteem. Global stable attributions are likely to be the
et al., 2003). longest lasting.
Endocrine disorders commonly predispose to Beck et al. (1979) proposed a cognitive model of
depression. Eighty-three per cent of people with depression from which cognitive therapy has developed.
Cushing’s syndrome develop affective disorder (e.g. Three concepts seek to explain the psychological sub-
mood changes 50%, depression 30%, and mania) dur- strate of depression:
ing the course of their disorder. Depression is a fre-
1. Cognitive triad. The depressed person has:
quent (50%) and early presentation of people with
a. A negative personal view
Addison’s disease. It is also seen in hypothyroidism
b. A tendency to interpret his or her ongoing
and hypo- and hyperparathyroidism. Physical illnesses
experiences in a negative way
associated with depression include Parkinson’s disease
c. A negative view of the future
(50%), epilepsy (25%), congestive heart disease (27%),
2. Schemas. These are stable cognitive patterns form-
and hypothyroidism. Physical illnesses associated with
ing the basis for the interpretation of situations.
mania include cerebral tumour, epilepsy, AIDS, and
3. Cognitive errors. These are systematic errors
multiple sclerosis (Lange and Farmer, 2007).
in thinking that maintain depressed people’s
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is associated with
beliefs in negative concepts.
depression and mania. If CVA occurs in the right cere-
bral hemisphere, depression will develop especially in
Cognitive distortions include
people with past or family history of depression. If CVA
Beck’s negative triad: self, environment, and future
occurs in the left frontal part of the brain, depression
Common cognitive errors in depression: CBT SLOPS
will develop regardless of past history or family history.
out MDE
One in four people will develop a major depression after
CVA. Mania is associated with right-sided CVA, and it C—Catastrophic thinking
is commonly associated with lesions in the frontal and B—Black and white thing (dichotomous thinking)
temporal lobes, especially in patients with family his- T—Tunnel vision
tory of mania. S—Selective abstraction
Mania is associated with right-sided hemispheric L—Labelling
damage. Head injury victims are more irritable than O—Overgeneralization
euphoric. P—Personalization
Medications associated with depression include cloni- S—Should statement
dine, metoclopramide, theophylline, indomethacin, and M—Magnification and minimization
nifedipine. Medications associated with mania include anti- D—Discarding evidence or arbitrary inference
cholinergic drugs, dopamine agonists (e.g. bromocriptine E—Emotional reasoning
Mood Disorders, Suicide, and Parasuicide 387
Cognitive Biases
in Beck’s Theory
of Depression Questions
Minimization Did you play a part in any success or winning of cricket games?
How do you see your role in the club?
Do you feel that you have underestimated your contribution?
Have you won any awards before? (e.g. player of the year)
Have you hit any difficult balls before? Would you say those were remarkable?
How many matches have you won?
How many points have you scored this season? Over how many games?
That sounds like a good average, what do you think?
Magnification How did you play in the match before that miss? Aren’t those successes important as well?
Will one miss lead to the loss of an entire match? What about the whole season?
Aren’t there many turns to bat in each match and many more matches for the season?
Overgeneralization How have things been outside cricket? We all have various roles outside work, as a husband, father, son, and
friend, how do you see yourself in these different roles?
Selective abstraction Based on what you’ve told me, you’ve contributed a lot to the team (points, trophies, etc.), how do you feel
about these successes?
Personalization I am sorry to hear that the team lost the game. Who do you think is responsible for the loss? (patient may say
it’s him)
Are you the only batter on the team? Cricket is a team sport. What about the other players, aren’t they
responsible as well?
It seems that you attribute failure of the team solely on yourself. Are there other factors contributing to the loss of
the game?
Arbitrary inference What do your coach and teammates think about you now? (mind-reading error)
How does this single miss affect the outcome of the season? (fortune-telling error)
Dichotomous thinking It seems that you’re either a complete success if you had hit that ball or a complete failure if you don’t. Are
there any shades in between?
Catastrophic thinking It sounds like you consider your situation to be rather depressing. Is a disaster going to happen? Will you lose
Labelling What does missing this ball say about you? (patient will then label himself)
You’re calling yourself a loser. Would you call a teammate who merely missed one ball a loser?
388 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Schemata Questions
Underlying beliefs Did you have any unhappy experience when you were young?
In order to be happy, what must happen first?
Negative automatic Cognitive triad: How do you see yourself, the world, and your future?
thoughts How are these thoughts being triggered? Are they related to recent unhappy events in the cricket club?
Vicious cycle How do you see the relationship between your mood and negative thoughts?
Do you feel that things may change and get better? Do you think that you can be helped in anyway?
Summarizing: You have told me that things have been pretty awful for you and you feel pretty dreadful about
yourself. It seems that you have attributed failure to yourself and minimize your success. It might take some
time for us to help you, but hopefully we can figure out the best way of getting things back on track.
Acknowledgement: Dr. Terence Leong, Consultant Psychiatrist, Department of Psychological Medicine,
National University Hospital, Singapore.
• Blood platelet studies: reduced 5-HT uptake and In the dexamethasone suppression test (DST), plasma
changes in 5-HT2 receptors have been studied cortisol levels are measured following the administration
in platelets in depression in normal subjects. of the long-acting potent synthetic steroid dexamethasone
The uptake of 5-HT into platelets is reduced in the previous evening. In normal subjects, dexamethasone
depression (Lange and Farmer, 2007). leads to a suppression in the level of cortisol over the
next 24 h through negative feedback. In depressed patients
The connection of 5-HT metabolism between 5-methoxy- with biological symptoms, non-suppression of cortisol has
indole metabolism in the pineal and overlaps and impacts been reported in over 60%. The DST has not proved to be
on sleep, pain mechanisms and depression a useful laboratory test for depression because a relatively
high level of cortisol non-suppression has been found in
• There is a decreased 5-HT transporter binding
other psychiatric disorders. The DST can be affected by
density in depression.
factors such as age, bodyweight, drugs, ECT, and endo-
• Serotonin function is reduced in depression and
crinopathies. The DST is usually state-dependent and in
may be normalized with active treatment.
most subjects normalizes as the patient recovers. Adaptive Changes in Receptors Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRH or CRF) is an
important hypothalamic peptide in the regulation of
Depression is associated with an increase in the density
appetite and eating. In the CRH stimulation test, the
of α2 adrenergic presynaptic receptors in the locus coe-
administration of CRH to normal humans leads to the
ruleus and increased density of β-adrenergic receptors in
release of corticotropin. In depression there is a consis-
the cerebral cortex.
tent reduction of corticotropin response.
During antidepressant treatment, changes take place in
The noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus express
cerebral α- and β-adrenergic and serotonin receptors, show-
glucocorticoid receptors, through which corticosteroids can
ing only after 2 weeks of treatment, at the same time as the
regulate its functioning. It is hypothesized that steroids may
therapeutic effect. A decrease in the sensitivity (downregu-
be important in causing and perpetuating depression.
lation) of β-adrenergic receptors is particularly evident. Brain–Thyroid Axis Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor
Thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH) causes the release of
The BDNF is associated with production of new neurons
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from the adenohy-
and important for mood regulation and memory. Both
pophysis. In normal subjects there is a circadian pattern of
serotonin and noradrenaline play roles in modulation of
TSH secretion, with a nocturnal rise which is blunted in
BDNF (Dunman et al., 1997). The levels of BDNF are
depression and returns with sleep deprivation. In the TRH
reduced in depression and causes hippocampal atrophy in
stimulation test, the TSH response to intravenous TRH is
depressed patients (Sheline et al., 1996). Antidepressant
measured. About 25% of depressed patients show a blunted
restores BDNF function.
TSH response to TRH stimulation. This does not often nor-
malize as the subject recovers from depression. Blunting
27.4.7 Neuroendocrine Factors is also found in panic disorder. TRH stimulation studies
in Mood Disorder in depression have also shown that approximately 15% of
patients have a raised TSH response; many of these patients Brain–Steroid Axis have been found to have antimicrosomal thyroid and anti-
Disturbances of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis thyroglobulin antibodies, indicating that depression can be
are reported in depression. In normal humans, cortisol secre- associated with symptomless autoimmune thyroiditis.
tion is episodic and follows a circadian rhythm. Peak cortisol
secretion is in the morning; between noon and 4 a.m., secre- Melatonin
tion remains low, being lowest just after the onset of sleep. Patients with depression have disordered biological
In biological depression, there is disruption in the nor- rhythms—short REM latency (time from falling asleep to
mal circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion, the morning onset of REM sleep), early-morning awakening, and diur-
peak being increased and longer lasting. A phase shift with nal mood variation. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
the morning peak occurring earlier has been reported. of the hypothalamus plays a major role in regulating diur-
In depressed patients, increased secretion has been nal rhythms. Information about light conditions from the
reported in corticotropin (ACTH), cortisol, β-endorphin, retina, via the retinohypothalamic pathway, controls the
and prolactin. SCN. This influences the pineal which excretes melatonin.
390 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
The biosynthesis of melatonin from its precursor, serotonin, Functional Imaging
occurs via N-acetylation followed by O-methylation. The Depression
step involving serotonin N-acetyltransferase is probably
rate-limiting and is stimulated at night. Melatonin recep- 1. Increased blood flow in the amygdala and ven-
tors are numerous in the SCN, and parts of the hypo- trolateral prefrontal cortex in depression, and
thalamus where releasing and inhibiting hormones end. antidepressant may normalize amygdala activ-
Darkness stimulates melatonin release and light blocks its ity (Sheline, 2001; Drevets, 2003).
synthesis. When compared with normal subjects, patients 2. Reduced glucose metabolism and blood flow in
with SAD have been found to have an increased sensitiv- frontal regions.
ity of melatonin biosynthesis to inhibition by phototherapy.
Furthermore, sleep deprivation and flying overnight from Bipolar Disorder
west to east may trigger relapse of mania.
1. Increase in amygdala activation Water and Electrolyte Changes 2. Increased cerebello-posterior cortical metabolism
There are increases in the body’s residual sodium (which
is an index of intracellular sodium ion concentration) in
both depression and mania. Erythrocyte sodium ion con-
centrations decrease following recovery from depression DEPRESSIVE DISORDER
or mania as a result of increased Na+–K+-ATPase activity. 27.5.1 Investigations
27.4.8 Neuroanatomy and Imaging 1. FBC, LFT, RFT, TFT, and ECG are required in
the assessment of the first depressive episode.
The following neuroanatomical areas are implicated in 2. CT or MRI is indicated if there are neurological
depression (Charney and Nestler, 2004): signs or symptoms.
1. Amygdala: associated with memory of emo-
tional reactions 27.5.2 Pharmacotherapy: NICE
2. Anterior cingulate cortex: associated with nega- Guidelines (Table 27.3)
tive anticipation or poor judgement
3. Cerebellum: psychomotor retardation Unipolar Depression
4. Hippocampus: memories Categories
5. Insular cortex: process information in an emo- Frank et al. (1991) have categorized outcomes of treat-
tionally relevant context and associated with ment according to the ‘5 Rs’:
negative interpretation of events
6. Nucleus accumbens: lack of motivation • Response.
7. Prefrontal cortex: associated with impairment • Remission. This is a return to the patient’s pre-
in executive functions morbid self.
• Relapse. This is a return of depressive symptoms Structural Imaging
in the time between initial response and recov-
Depression ery. Risk is particularly high (40%–60%) fol-
1. Ventricular enlargement lowing the withdrawal of antidepressants within
2. Sulcal widening the first 4 months of achieving a response. The
3. Hippocampus atrophy (Sheline, 2003) risk of relapse is reduced to 10%–30% by con-
4. Reduction in size in the frontal lobe, cerebellum, tinuation of pharmacotherapy.
and basal ganglia • Recovery. A patient who has achieved a stable
remission for at least 4–6 months is assumed to Bipolar Disorder have recovered from the index episode.
1. Asymmetry in temporal lobe (Swayze et al., 1992) • Recurrence. This is a return of depression after
2. Smaller dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Lyoo recovery from the index episode. Risk factors
et al., 2004) for recurrent depression include frequent and/or
3. Increased white matter intensities (Woods multiple prior episodes, seasonal pattern, and a
et al., 1995) family history of mood disorder.
Mood Disorders, Suicide, and Parasuicide 391
TABLE 27.3
Pharmacological Treatment of Depressive Disorder
Stages Recommendations from the NICE Guidelines
Starting antidepressant treatment 1. Explain the following to the patient:
a. The gradual development of the full antidepressant effect
b. The importance of taking medication as prescribed and the need to continue beyond remission
c. The risk and nature of discontinuation symptoms (particularly with drugs with a shorter half-life, such
as paroxetine and venlafaxine, usually mild with duration of less than 1 week)
d. Addiction does not occur with antidepressants
2. If a person experiences side effects early in treatment, consider stopping or changing to a different
3. If anxiety, agitation, or insomnia is problematic, consider short-term benzodiazepine (<2 weeks)
Frequency of monitoring 1. For patients who are not considered to be at increased risk of suicide, normally see them after 2 weeks
2. For patients who are considered to be at increased risk of suicide or are younger than 30 years, normally
see them after 1 week and then frequently until suicide risk has subsided
Clinical response 1. If improvement is not occurring on the first antidepressant after 2–4 weeks, check that the drug has been
taken as prescribed
2. If antidepressant is taken as prescribed, increase the dose based on the summary of product characteristics
3. If there is improvement by 4 weeks, continue treatment for another 2–4 weeks
4. Consider switching antidepressants if the response is inadequate, there is presence of side effects, or the
patient requests to change drug
Switching antidepressants 1. Consider a different SSRI or better tolerated new generation antidepressant
2. Normally switch within 1 week for drugs with short half-life
3. C onsider at least 2-week washing period when switching: from fluoxetine to other antidepressants,
from paroxetine to TCA (because of anticholinergic side effects), from other antidepressants to new
serotonergic antidepressants or MAOI and from a nonreversible MOAI to other antidepressants
Augmentation 1. Mood stabilizers: lithium
2. Antipsychotics: aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine, or risperidone
3. Another antidepressant: mianserin (be aware of blood dyscrasia) or mirtazapine
Discontinuation of antidepressants 1. Gradually reduce the dose over 4 weeks
2. Longer period is required for drugs with shorter half-life (e.g. paroxetine and venlafaxine)
3. Shorter period is required for drugs with long half-life (e.g. fluoxetine)
4. If patient experiences significant discontinuation symptoms, consider reintroducing the original
antidepressant at the dose that was effective
Acute treatment: This is initial treatment which aims to • A tricyclic antidepressant (imipramine) response
achieve a response. rate of 53%
• A MAOI (phenelzine) response rate of 30%
Continuation treatment: This begins when a patient has
• A placebo response rate of 39%
achieved a significant response to treatment. The aim is to
• An ECT response rate of 71%
prevent relapse and consolidate response into remission.
Maintenance treatment: This follows continuation treat- Drugs: The first-line treatment of depression is with antide-
ment for those patients with a history of recurrent depres- pressants. It is important that patients receive an adequate
sion. A recurrence rate of 85% is seen in those patients with dose for an adequate duration, conventionally 6 weeks.
recurrent depression within 3 years following the discontin- Antidepressants should be continued for 4–6 months
uation of pharmacotherapy. After 6 months, continuation after the amelioration of symptoms of the acute episode.
becomes maintenance treatment by arbitrary definition. Maintenance therapy usually with the same agent is used to
In an MRC trial in 1965, 269 patients with operation- treat the acute and continuation phases.
ally defined depression were randomly assigned to treat- Lithium is efficacious in preventing recurrent depres-
ment groups, with the following results at 4 weeks: sive episodes but less so than tricyclic antidepressants.
392 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Patients maintained on the full effective treatment dose 3. The remission rate was 30% (higher than
of antidepressants have proportionately fewer relapses than expected) because of the systematic and compre-
those whose dose is cut down to a lower maintenance level. hensive approach to care.
4. One in three depressed patients who previously
did not achieve remission using an antidepres- Sequenced Treatment Alternatives sant became symptom-free with the help of
to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) augmenting with another antidepressant. One in
Trial (Trivedi et al., 2006) four achieved remission after switching to a dif-
ferent antidepressant.
Objective of the STAR*D trial: The purpose of this trial is 5. At Level 3, 20% of participants became symp-
to determine the effectiveness of different treatments for tom-free after 9 weeks. Patients taking T3 com-
people with major depressive disorder (MDD) who have plained of fewer side effects than those taking
not responded to initial treatment with an antidepressant. lithium. The discontinuation rate for T3 was
Methodology of the STAR*D trial: The STAR*D project 10% and the rate for lithium was 23%.
enrolled 4000 outpatients (ages 18–75) diagnosed with 6. The Level 4 findings suggested that the venla-
nonpsychotic MDD in the United States. Participants faxine or mirtazapine treatment may be a better
will be initially treated (open label) with citalopram, the choice than the MAOI.
Level 1 treatment, for a minimum of 8 weeks. Patients
who experienced minimal benefit were strongly encour- Switching to or adding cognitive therapy after a first
aged to complete 12 weeks of treatment in order to maxi- unsuccessful attempt at treating depression with an
mize the chances of symptom remission (unless no benefit antidepressant medication is generally as effective as
at all is seen after 8 weeks). All participants received switching to or adding another medication. Participants
a brief depression educational programme. There were on cognitive therapy took longer to achieve remission.
four levels and participants who either did not have an
adequate response to or could not tolerate one level were Atypical Depression
eligible to move to higher level. At each level change, par-
ticipants were asked to indicate the unacceptability of the This responds better to monoamine oxidase inhibitors
potential treatment strategies (e.g. to augment or to switch than to tricyclic antidepressants.
medications). Participants would then be eligible for ran-
dom assignment to one of the treatment options. Psychotic Depression
The Level 2 treatment strategies include (i) switching
to other antidepressants (sertraline, venlafaxine, bupro- Spiker et al. (1985) found a superior response when an
pion) and cognitive therapy, (ii) medication and psycho- antidepressant and an antipsychotic were used in combi-
therapy augmentation, (iii) antidepressant only switch, nation, in delusional depression:
(iv) antidepressant only augmentation, (v) psychotherapy
only switch, and (vi) psychotherapy only augmentation. 1. 41% responded to amitriptyline alone.
The Level 3 treatment strategies include switching to 2. 19% responded to perphenazine alone.
(i) mirtazapine or nortriptyline or (ii) lithium or thyroid 3. 78% responded to a combination of amitripty-
hormone (T3) augmentation. line and perphenazine.
The Level 4 treatment strategies include two switch
options: (i) to tranylcypromine or (ii) to mirtazapine plus Resistant Major Depression
Up to 20% of patients may be resistant to first-line treat-
Summary of results ment with antidepressant medication, and another 20%–
30% may have only a partial response. Patients with a
1. One-third of participants reached a remission or partial response have a significantly higher rate of relapse
virtual absence of symptoms during the initial during the first 6 months following response.
phase of the study, with an additional 10%–15% Those patients not showing a response to adequate
experiencing some improvement. first-line drug treatment may respond to augmentation
2. There were consistent findings across both stan- with various agents including lithium, T3, or tryptophan.
dard and patient-rated depression rating scales. ECT should be tried if these measures fail.
Mood Disorders, Suicide, and Parasuicide 393
1. Explore the underlying reasons for poor response and explain possible management options.
2. Patient will seek your view on lithium augmentation and address his concerns.
(A3) Compliance (A4) Perpetuating
(A) Causes and Tolerability of Psychosocial Factors (A5) Side Effects
of Poor (A1) Wrong (A2) Previous and Predisposing with Previous
Response Diagnosis Substance-Abuse Medication Factors Medication?
Explore the following: Explore history of ‘Are you taking the Explore marital Explore common
• Other psychiatric drug and alcohol antidepressant on a problems, work- side effects such as
diagnosis: PTSD misuse daily basis?’ related problems, nausea, headache,
• Grief reaction ‘Do you experience financial problems sexual dysfunction,
• Other medical any side effect?’ Ask about family and sedation
diagnosis: history of depression,
hypothyroidism, severity, completed
multiple sclerosis suicide, and family
• Medication: members’ responses
corticosteroid, to treatment
cardiac drugs
(B) Explain (B2) Inform the
Management Possibility of
of Possible Substitution by an (B4) Discuss
Treatment- (B1) Explore the Antidepressant Augmentation with
Resistant Dose and Duration from Different (B3) Offer Other Another (B5) Augmentation
Depression of the Current Drugs Class Treatments Antidepressant with Other Agents
‘Can you tell me For example, SNRI ECT Examples: First-line agents:
which antidepressant venlafaxine Psychotherapy such SSRI + bupropion • Add lithium
have you tried? Can as CBT or IPT SSRI + buspirone (effective in
you tell me the with medication SSRI + venlafaxine/ 50% of cases)
duration and dosage? mirtazapine • Add
Can you tell me triiodothyronine
which one works and (T3 is better
which one doesn’t’ tolerated than T4
Explore the and be aware of
possibility to the side effects)
increase the dose Second-line agents:
and duration of • Add lamotrigine
current medication • Combine
olanzapine and
• Combine MAOI
and TCA
• Add tryptophan
394 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
‘I can never do
the things right’
‘I’m unlovable’.
‘I must always Trigger: Behaviour: Consequence:
please Boyfriend is Depression Locks herself in Social
everybody, critical the bedroom withdrawal
especially my
low energy,
poor sleep
FIGURE 27.1 Cognitive model of a 20-year-old woman suffering from depressive disorder.
For cognitive therapy, the therapist helps the client to c. For relapse prevention, CBT is recommended
identify the pattern, namely, what happens before a mood for clients who have received antidepressant
change (i.e. the antecedents) and after the mood change treatment and mentalization-based CBT is
(i.e. the consequences). The therapist also helps the client to recommended for stable clients with three or
identify the negative thoughts about client, his or her views more previous episodes of depression.
about the future and the world. The client needs to challenge 2. Depression in children and adolescents: CBT is
the negative thoughts and develop new strategies of thinking. used as first-line treatment in moderate to severe
For behaviour therapy, the therapist helps the client depression for 2–3 months. If depression is unre-
to draw a list of mood-enhancing activities. The client sponsive to combined treatment, individual child
usually starts with simple activities and move on to more psychotherapy will be offered for 30 sessions.
sophisticated activities. The duration of activity will be 3. Depression in clients with chronic physical
increased in a gradual manner. health problems: individual CBT or group-
Nowadays, CBT can be administered by computer. based CBT are offered to clients with persis-
This new treatment is called computerized CBT or CCBT. tent subthreshold or mild symptoms, moderate
CCBT is commonly used in people with mild depression depression, and combined with antidepressants
or young people. New form of CBT called mindfulness- in severe depression (Table 27.4).
based CBT involves combination of meditation techniques
and CBT. The mindfulness-based CCBT aims at detach-
ing the client’s thinking process and emotions. CBT can 27.5.5 Management of Bipolar Disorder
also be offered in a group. Both CBT and antidepres- (NICE Guidelines Recommendations)
sants are of proven benefit in the treatment of depression.
CBT does not work very well for people who are very Investigations
depressed. These patients require antidepressant first. • Evaluation of physical status. FBC, LFT, U&Es,
TFT, fasting glucose, lipid profile, and ECG
should be considered. NICE Guidelines Recommendations • Urine pregnancy test is a must for female patients
on CBT and Depressive Disorder with bipolar disorder. STD screen should be
1. Adult depression ordered if history suggests.
a. For people with persistent subthreshold depres- • Urine drug screen will be useful to rule out the
sive symptoms or mild to moderate depression, possibility of illicit drugs causing manic-like
individual-guided self-help based on the prin- symptoms.
ciples of CBT and CCBT can be offered. • The patient may need neurological investiga-
b. For people with moderate or severe depres- tions such as lumbar puncture, EEG, and MRI
sion, combination of individual CBT or brain scan if there were neurological signs or
group-based CBT with antidepressant is symptoms which suggest an underlying neuro-
recommended. logical disorder.
396 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 27.4
Treatment of Depressive Disorder Based on the Severity of Depression (NICE Guidelines)
Persistent subthreshold depressive symptoms Persistent subthreshold depressive Depression and chronic physical health
(mild to depressive episode) symptoms or mild to moderate depression problem
with inadequate response to initial
interventions (moderate and severe
depressive episode)
Individual-guided self-help based on CBT Antidepressant Group-based CBT: in a group of 6–8 people
principles: written materials, for 6–8 High intensity—psychological interventions with a common physical health problem over
sessions, duration over 9–12 weeks • Individual CBT: 16–20 sessions over 6–8 weeks
CCBT: explain CBT model, encourage tasks 3–4 months, 3–4 follow-up sessions Individual CBT: 6–8 weeks for moderate
between sessions, use of thought- subsequently over the next 3–6 months. depression and 16–18 weeks for severe
challenging, active monitoring of Consider 2 sessions per week for the depression
behaviour and thought patterns and first 2–3 weeks Behavioural activation: 16–20 sessions over
duration over 9–12 weeks • Interpersonal therapy: 16–20 sessions 3–4 months
Structured group physical activity over 3–4 months and 2 sessions per Behavioural couples therapy: 15–20 sessions
programme: 3 sessions per week, lasting week for the first 2–3 weeks over 5–6 months
45 min to 1 h over 10–14 weeks • Behavioural activation: 16–20 sessions
Group-based CBT: by 2 trained practitioners over 3–4 months. Consider 3–4
with 10–12 meetings of 8–10 participants follow-up sessions over next 3–6
and duration is between 12–16 weeks months. For moderate of severe
depression, consider 2 sessions per
week for the first 3–4 weeks
• For complex cases, it will involve crisis
intervention with the home treatment
team, multidisciplinary care plan, or
ECT in addition to antidepressant and
high intensity psychological
For those patients who work, risks of shift work 27.6 PERSISTENT MOOD DISORDERS
in triggering mania should be discussed. For those
patients who travel, the risk of flying across various ICD-10 describes persistent and usually fluctuating disor-
time zones should be informed. Families and careers ders of mood in which individual episodes are rarely suf-
often play an important role in relapse prevention. ficiently severe to warrant being described as hypomanic
Joining a support group can be useful. The GP needs or mild depressive episodes. They may last for years at
to encourage the patient to continue treatment. The a time, sometimes for the greater part of adult life and
patient is taught on identifying the triggers and early involve considerable subjective distress and disability.
warning signs of relapse. The GP helps to monitor the In ICD-10, the persistent mood disorders are classed
early signs of relapse. Treatment plan should include with the mood disorders rather than with the personality
risk management addressing risk of suicide, exploita- disorders because of evidence from family studies which
tion, self-neglect, or unprotected sex. suggests that the persistent mood disorders are geneti-
cally related to other mood disorders.
The two most important persistent mood disorders are
27.5.6 Management of Rapid Cycling cyclothymia and dysthymia.
• Alcoholism. There is a 15% mortality from sui- to be engulfed into something wider (e.g. reli-
cide. It tends to occur later in the course of the ill- gious or terrorist suicides).
ness, and those affected are often also depressed. • Egoistic. Suicide springs from excessive indi-
Associated with completed suicide are poor phys- viduation of the individual from society.
ical health, a poor work record, previous parasui- • Anomic. This relates to how society regulates
cide, and a recent loss of a close relationship. the individual. Suicide results from the fact that
• Personality disorder. High-risk factors are labil- a human’s activities lack regulation.
ity of mood, aggressiveness, impulsivity, alien- • Fatalistic. This is a rare type of suicide, the
ation from peers, and associated alcohol and opposite of anomic, deriving from excessive
substance misuse. regulation by oppressive regimes. Life Events and Suicide Assessment of the Individual for Suicide
The risk of suicide increases, more among males than Suicidal ideation should be explored in every patient and
females, during the 5 years following the bereavement of forms a part of the routine mental state examination.
a parent or a spouse. There is no evidence that asking patients about suicidal
Compared with psychiatric patient controls, suicides thoughts increases the risk of suicide.
have experienced interpersonal losses more frequently, The majority of people who commit suicide have told
although schizophrenic suicides have experienced fewer somebody beforehand of their thoughts. Two-thirds have
losses than nonschizophrenic controls. seen their GP in the previous month. One-quarter have
Age-related variations of stressors have been described, been psychiatric outpatients at the time of death; half of
with conflict–separation–rejection more common in them will have seen a psychiatrist in the previous week.
younger age groups, economic problems in middle-aged
groups, and medical illness among the older age groups. Management of Suicidal Ideation
Once the need for treatment has been identified, it should Biochemical Disturbances be provided quickly. The interval between GP referral to
Low 5-HIAA concentration in cerebral spinal fluid is psychiatric services and consultation has been identified
associated with increased suicidal behaviour and aggres- as a danger period and should be minimized.
sion. Irrespective of the clinical diagnosis, the group If there is a serious risk of suicide, the patient should be
in which CSF concentration of 5-HIAA is low often admitted to hospital. Any psychiatric disorder from which
includes persons who have attempted a violent method of the patient suffers should be treated appropriately. If the
suicide. Serotonin may play an important role in the biol- patient is suffering from severe depression, electroconvul-
ogy of aggression and the control of impulsive behaviour. sive therapy may be required. Patients with manic depression
Postmortem ligand binding studies have found have a mortality up to three times that of the general popula-
increased numbers of 5HT2 receptors in the prefrontal tion, with suicide and cardiovascular disease being primar-
cortex of suicide victims, particularly those who used ily responsible. In patients treated with lithium prophylaxis,
violent means. Low concentrations of serum cholesterol cumulative mortality does not differ from that of the general
have been found to be prospectively associated with an population. A minimum of 2 years of lithium treatment is
increase in the risk of violent death or suicide. Biological needed to reduce the high mortality resulting from manic
mechanisms linking low serum cholesterol concentration depression. It is proposed that lithium exerts its anti-suicide
and suicide have been hypothesized. effect as a result of improved serotonergic transmission.
classes, unemployed, and living in overcrowded urban Motives include interruption, attention, communication,
areas in which there are high rates of juvenile delinquency. or a true wish to die.
Ninety per cent of cases involve deliberate self-
poisoning with drugs. Forty per cent use minor tranquil- Assessment of the Individual for Suicide
izers and a further 30% use salicylates and paracetamol.
A high degree of suicidal intent is indicated by the following: Aetiology of Parasuicide
• The act was planned and prepared.
Compared with the general population, life events are
• Precautions were taken to avoid discovery.
more common in the 6 months before an act of parasui-
• The person did not seek help after the act.
cide. These include the breakup of a relationship, trouble
• The act involved a dangerous method.
with the law, physical illness, and the illness of a loved one.
• There were final acts such as making a will or
Predisposing factors include leaving a suicide note.
• Marital difficulties In interviewing the parasuicidal
• Unemployment
• Physical illness, particularly epilepsy • Establish rapport.
• Mental retardation • Try to understand the attempt.
• Parental neglect or abuse • Inquire about current problems.
TABLE 27.5
Prevention of Depressive Disorders and Suicide
Prevention Depressive Disorders Suicide
Primary prevention: aim to Family planning: Advise people with strong family history Close monitoring during the post-discharge
reduce incidence of the of depression to space out pregnancies to avoid poor period: young men with schizophrenia and high
disorder parenting of child education background who have regained insight,
depressed elderly with somatic complaints
Interventions in parent–child relationships with special focus Limiting supply of medication to prevent toxic
on depressed mothers to improve parenting overdose
Events centred interventions: targeting at life events Control methods of suicide: install suicide barriers
to prevent people jumping from high places and
restricting gun ownership
Reduce unemployment and poverty
Enhance social support and preventing marital
Media report: straightforward and undramatic
factual reporting of suicide cases
Secondary prevention: early Early detection of depressive disorder by GPs or through Early detection and treatment of psychiatric
detection and treatment of public education and use of screening instruments such as disorders
hidden morbidity and general health questionnaires (GHQ), psychiatric outreach
prevent progress of the service
disease Early intervention through CCBT in mild stage
Tertiary prevention: aim to Community-based support project: help vulnerable families Better community support and psychiatric outreach
reduce disabilities arising Prevention of relapse and recurrence: continue team to identify individuals with strong suicidal
as a consequence of the pharmacotherapy (avoid premature termination), ideation and patients who are discharged from the
disorder psychotherapy such as CBT and IPT hospital after suicide attempts
Rehabilitation: restore confidence, self-esteem, and
Providing employment to depressed people who face social
Source: Paykel, E.S. and Jenkins, R., Prevention in Psychiatry, Gaskell, London, U.K., 1994.
Mood Disorders, Suicide, and Parasuicide 401
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28 Neurotic and Stress-Related
406 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 28.1
Comparison between ICD-10 and Proposed DSM-5 Criteria
ICD-10 (WHO, 1992) DSM-5 (APA, 2013)
Phobic anxiety disorders
F40.0 Agoraphobia 300.22 Agoraphobia
F40.1 Social phobia 300.23 Social anxiety disorder
F40.2 Specific phobia 300.29 Specific phobia
• Acrophobia • Animal (e.g. spiders, insects, dogs)
• Animal phobia • Blood–injection–injury (e.g. needles, invasive medical
• Claustrophobia procedures)
• Simple phobia • Natural environment (e.g. heights, storms, water)
• Situational (e.g. airplanes, elevators, enclosed places)
• Other (e.g. situations that may lead to choking or
vomiting; in children, loud sounds or costumed characters)
Other anxiety disorders
F41.0 Panic disorder 300.01 Panic disorder
F41.1 GAD 300.02 GAD
F41.2 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder There is no mention of mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
Other anxiety disorders
Substance-induced anxiety disorder
293.84 Anxiety disorder attributable to another medical condition
300.00 Anxiety disorder not elsewhere classified
F42 OCD 300.3 OCD
There is no mention of OCD-spectrum disorders OCD-spectrum disorders:
300.7 BDD
300.3 Hoarding disorder
312.29 Hair-pulling disorder (trichotillomania)
698.4 Skin picking disorder
Substance-induced OCD or related disorders
294.8 OCD or related disorder attributable to another medical
300.3 OCD or related disorder not elsewhere classified
F43.0 Acute stress reaction 308.3 Acute stress disorder
The DSM-5 proposed 313.89 reactive attachment disorder and
313.89 disinhibited social engagement disorder
F43.1 PTSD 309.81 PTSD
F43.2 Adjustment disorder Adjustment disorder
F44.0 Dissociative (conversion) disorders Dissociative disorders
• F44.0 Dissociative amnesia 300.6 Depersonalization–derealization disorder
• F44.1 Dissociative fugue 300.12 Dissociative amnesia (localized or generalized)
• F44.2 Dissociative stupor 300.14 Dissociative identity disorder
• F44.3 Trance and possession disorder
• F44.4–7 Dissociative disorders of movement
and sensation
• F44.4 Dissociative motor disorders
• F44.5 Dissociative convulsion
• F44.6 Dissociative anaesthesia and sensory loss
• F44.7 Mixed dissociative (conversion) disorders
• F44.81 MPD
Neurotic and Stress-Related Disorders 407
‘I will make a fool of
myself ’.
Belief: Trigger: behaviour: Consequence:
‘I’m inferior and Presentation to Social phobia Avoid eye Fail to complete
a poor the CEO contact, stand the
presenter’ next to the exit presentation
Tremor, flushing
FIGURE 28.1 Cognitive model of a 35-year-old marketing manager suffering from social phobia.
Neurotic and Stress-Related Disorders 409 Imaging
Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows
decreased hippocampal and medical prefrontal cortex
The diagnostic reliability of generalized anxiety disor- volumes.
der (GAD) is lower than that of other anxiety disorders. Proton MR spectroscopy shows decreased GABA in
Patients report uncontrollable worry. A negative response anterior cingulate cortex and posterior occipital cortex.
to the question ‘Do you worry excessively over minor
matters?’ virtually rules out GAD as a diagnosis (nega- Cognitive Theories
tive predictive power 0.94). Symptoms of muscle and psy- Patients with GAD often have selective attention to nega-
chic tension are the most frequently reported by people tive details, distortions in information processing, and
with GAD. negative views on coping.
GAD is associated with the highest rates of comorbid-
ity of all anxiety disorders. Psychoanalytic Theories
GAD represents symptoms of unresolved unconscious
conflicts, early loss of parents, overprotective parenting,
28.5.1 Epidemiology of Generalized or parenting lacking warmth and responsiveness.
Anxiety Disorder Environmental Factors
The ECA study found
Torgersen (1983) reported that probands with GAD had lost
• A 6 month prevalence of GAD of 2.5%–6.4% their parents by death far more often than probands with
• An earlier age of onset (majority before age 20) panic disorder, suggesting that environmental factors con-
and more gradual than other anxiety disorders tribute to a higher vulnerability for the development of GAD.
DSM-5 (300.02) (APA, 2013)—minimum duration: 6 months 3. For CBT, it should be offered in weekly sessions
of 1–2 h and be completed within 4 months. The
• Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive
optimal range is 16–21 h in total. If the psycholo-
expectation) about two (or more) domains of
gist decides to offer briefer CBT, it should be about
activities or events (e.g. family, health, finances,
8–10 h with integration of structured self-help
and school/work difficulties)
material. Components of CBT include education,
• Core symptoms
problem-solving, exposure-based approaches, cog-
• Muscle tension
nitive approaches, emotion-regulation approaches,
• Fatigue
and relapse prevention. CBT is more effective than
• Irritability
relaxation training.
• Poor concentration
4. For pharmacological therapy, the psychiatrist
• Poor sleep
should consider the patient’s age, previous treat-
• Restlessness
ment response, risk of DSH, cost, and patient’s
• Four associated behaviours
preference. Inform the patient on the potential
• Marked avoidance of activities or events
side effects, possible discontinuation withdrawal,
with possible negative outcomes
and the time course of treatment. An SSRI
• Marked time and effort preparing for activities
should be offered. Examples include paroxetine,
• Events with possible negative outcomes
escitalopram, and sertraline. If one SSRI is not
• Marked procrastination in behaviour or
suitable, consider another SSRI. The psychiatrist
decision making as a result of worries
should review the patient within 2 weeks of start-
• Repeatedly seeking reassurance
ing treatment and again at 4, 6, and 12 weeks.
28.5.4 Medical Differential Diagnosis Then the psychiatrist can review the patient at
8–12-week intervals.
1. Cardiovascular disorders: arrhythmia, ischaemic 5. For GAD not responding to at least two types
heart disease, mitral valve prolapse, congestive of intervention, consider venlafaxine. Before
heart failure prescribing, the psychiatrist should consider the
2. Thyroid disorder presence of preexisting hypertension and the pos-
3. Medication such as thyroxine, antihyperten- sibility of overdose because venlafaxine is more
sives, antiarrhythmics, bronchodilators, anti- dangerous than other SSRIs. The psychiatrist
cholinergics, anticonvulsants, and NSAIDS should order an ECG to rule out cardiac arrhyth-
mias and recent myocardial infarction. The dose
28.5.5 Management of Generalized should not be higher than 75 mg per day and the
Anxiety Disorder psychiatrist should monitor the blood pressure
regularly during follow-up.
Investigations: Full blood count, renal function tests,
6. During reassessment, the psychiatrist should eval-
liver function tests, thyroid function tests, fasting glucose
uate treatment response, potential substance abuse,
and lipids, urinalysis, urine toxicology, and electrocardi-
emergence of comorbidities, day-to-day function-
ography (ECG)
ing, social networks, chronic stressors, and the role
Recommendations from the NICE guidelines:
of agoraphobia and other avoidant symptoms.
1. Benzodiazepines should not be used beyond
2–4 weeks. Psychological Therapies (Figure 28.2)
2. For longer-term treatment, the following treat- Recommendations from the NICE Guidelines: For GAD,
ment should be considered: the recommendation is similar for panic disorder except
a. Option A: psychological therapy (e.g. the optimal range is 16–20 h in total. Briefer CBT is 8–10
cognitive–behavioural therapy [CBT]). h with integration of appropriate focused information and
b. Option B: pharmacological therapy (e.g. an self-help materials.
SSRI licensed for GAD).
c. Option C: self-help (bibliotherapy based on
the CBT principles). Comorbidity and Prognosis
d. For the duration of effect, option A is longer Comorbidity: Concurrent panic disorder (25%) and
than option B; option B is longer than option C. depression (80%)
Neurotic and Stress-Related Disorders 411
Thoughts: A lot
of worries
about her son
Trigger: Her
‘I must worry’ Consequence:
son has not Behaviour:
‘what if my son GAD Pacing up and
rung her as Phones her son
has an accident down and
promised 10 times a day
in France?’ cannot go to
Physical work
Dr. Sobieski, a 50-year-old female medical doctor from your hospital, has self-referred to you. She complains of
being on the edge most of the time with palpitations and dizziness in the past 1 year. She migrated from Poland
15 years ago and describes herself as a lifelong worrier.
1. Take a history of her anxiety symptoms and explore the causes of her anxiety.
2. Inform Dr. Sobieski on your treatment plan.
Approach to this station: Candidates have to differentiate the main causes of anxiety with her occupational
(A) Anxiety (A1) Assess
Symptoms Based Autonomic (A2) Assess (A5) Other
on the ICD-10 Arousal Symptoms Involving (A3) Assess Mental (A4) General Nonspecific
Criteria Symptoms the Chest/Abdomen State Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms
(WHO, 1992) Palpitation Difficulty breathing Giddiness Hot flushes Exaggerated
Sweating Choking sensation Fainting Cold chills responses to
Trembling/ Chest pain Derealization or Numbness minor surprises/
shaking Nausea or stomach depersonalization Tingling/ being startled
Dry mouth churning Not being able to stop aches—muscle Persistent
worrying tension irritability
Being annoyed or irritable Restlessness Poor sleep
Fear of losing control Keyed up, on the Poor
Fear of dying or ‘going edge concentration
crazy’ Trouble relaxing Mind goes blank
Feeling afraid as if Lump in the throat
something awful may
412 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
(B1) Brief
(B) Comorbidity Screening for (B2) Assess Possible (B4) Assess (B5) Assess
and Risk Other Neurotic PTSD and OCD (B3) Assess Substance/Alcohol Fitness to
Assessment Disorders Symptoms Depression Abuse Practice
‘Do you have any ‘Do you have Assess mood and Usage of alcohol Explore cognitive
panic attack or nightmare, cognitive symptoms. and symptoms that
difficulty in flashbacks related If symptoms of GAD benzodiazepine to may affect her
breathing?’ to previous and depression are overcome work (e.g. poor
‘Do you have any trauma?’ present, a diagnosis of insomnia or other concentration,
fear? (e.g. fear ‘Do you have any mixed anxiety and recreational drugs anxiety during
of going to excessive checking depressive disorder is for medical
crowded areas or washing justified self-medication procedures)
or presenting a behaviour?’ ‘Is your anxiety
case during the worsening after
ward round?’ stop drinking or
(C) Issues
Related to the
Patient as a
Migrant Doctor (C1) Explore the (C2) The Issue of
from Eastern Issue of Self-Diagnosis and (C3) Factors that (C4) Work-Related (C5) Culture
Europe Self-Referral Self-Treatment Delay Help-Seeking Problems Issues
‘I can imagine ‘Do you recognize Explore the following Explore relationship Explore language
that it is hard that you suffer from factors: e.g. low with peers and problems in
for you as a anxiety disorder? If motivation, fear of supervisors, bullying, clinical practice,
doctor to yes, when?’ damage to her complaints from adaptation to the
disclose your ‘Have you started reputation, patients, medicolegal U.K. culture,
own illness. Do any treatment on discrimination, and her issues because of cultural clashes
you have a GP? your own?’ cultural views of negligence, medical with patients or
Did you consult mental illness errors, and multiple colleagues
him for your failures in the MRCP
anxiety exam
If not, why?’
(D1) Explore Her
(D) Other Reasons for
Background Migrating to the (D4) Developmental (D5) Past
History United Kingdom (D2) Family (D3) Personal History Issues Medical History
‘Were you a Explore her marital Explore past Explore middle-age ‘Do you have any
refugee doctor?’ status, the effect of experience of crisis and chronic medical
Explore other migration on her persecution under the stagnation in disease like
factors such as marriage, any previous communist career heart or lung
better salary, children left regime. development disease?’
well-recognized behind in Poland, Explore history of ‘Do you take
training, and the financial status personal trauma and medication on a
better job of her family, and subsequent long term
prospects past family history re-traumatization basis?’
of anxiety
Neurotic and Stress-Related Disorders 413
TABLE 28.2
Compare and Contrast Panic Disorder and Hyperventilation Syndrome
Panic Disorder HVS
ICD-10 and proposed DSM-5 criteria A codable disorder. Not a codable disorder.
Overlap between the two disorders 50%–60% of patients with panic disorder 25% of HVS patients have symptoms of panic
or agoraphobia have HVS symptoms. disorder.
Aetiology Biological and psychological causes are Less well defined. Lactate, CCK, caffeine, and
well defined. psychological stressors also play a role.
Salient clinical features Panic disorder has more mental symptoms. High thoracic breathing or excessive use of
accessory muscles to breathe result in
hyperinflated lungs.
Metabolic disturbances The role of metabolic disturbances is less • Acute hypocalcaemia: positive Chvostek and
well established. Trousseau signs and prolonged QTc interval
• Hypokalaemia with generalized weakness
• Respiratory alkalosis
• Acute hypophosphataemia leading to
paraesthesias and generalized weakness
Management Acute management involves reassuring Investigation may include d-dimer and possible
patients, establish normal breathing V/Q scan to rule out pulmonary embolism.
pattern, and reduce anxiety with Acute and long-term management are similar to
anxiolytics. panic disorder. De-arousal strategy is useful.
Long-term management includes
relaxation exercise and CBT.
Sources: Johnstone, E.C. et al., Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 7th edn, London, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone, 2004; Semple, D. et al.,
Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry, Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2005.
416 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
in the treatment of panic disorder. The downregulation Course and Prognosis
of 5-HT2 receptors may be responsible for therapeutic The course is highly variable. Sixty per cent suffer mild impair-
effects, which take up to 4 weeks to appear. Increased ment. Ten per cent suffer severe disability. Poor outcome is pre-
anxiety or panic may occur in the first week of treatment. dicted by lower social class and long duration of illness.
Benzodiazepines (e.g. alprazolam in high dosage) Recurrence is common when new stressors emerge
reduce the frequency of panic attacks in the short term. in panic disorder. If a patient with panic disorder stops
There is the need to maintain treatment in the long term, the SSRI, there is more than 50% chance of recurrence
with the risk of dependency. (Taylor et al., 2009).
‘What if I do die
of a heart
Belief: Safety
‘Having Trigger: behaviour: Consequence:
palpitations ‘Stepping into Panic disorder Call the Admit himself
means I’ll die of the office’ ambulance for to the
heart attack!’ help emergency
Shortness of
breath, tremor
FIGURE 28.3 Cognitive model of a 45-year-old office worker suffering from panic disorder.
Neurotic and Stress-Related Disorders 417
Twin studies suggest that monozygotic twins are more is reduced and the rituals are negatively reinforced. The
likely to be concordant than dizygotic twins for OCD use of rituals prevents the natural reduction in anxiety
(MZ/DZ = 50%–80%:25%). that would occur if exposure to the stimulus was not cut
Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome is a familial condition short by the ritual or neutralizing thought.
with a substantial genetic basis. Twin and family studies find In a cognitive model, obsessional distortion concerns
high rates of OCD and obsessive–compulsive symptoms exaggerated the responsibility for thoughts, with a ten-
among families of patients with Tourette. This suggests thatdency to neutralize thoughts with rituals.
some forms of OCD may be related to Tourette’s syndrome. In psychoanalysis, OCD symptoms are seen as defen-
OCD is equally frequent in families of Tourette’s pro- sive responses to unconscious impulses. Obsessional
bands regardless of whether the proband has OCD. The symptoms arise from intrapsychic anxiety because of the
rate of OCD alone is higher in female relatives and the conflicts being expressed by the defence mechanisms of
rate of Tourette’s and tics is higher in male relatives of displacement, undoing, and reaction formation. The ori-
a Tourette patient’s proband. These findings suggest that gin of obsessional personality is located at the anal-train-
some forms of OCD are familial. ing stage of development; OCD is thought to represent
Probands with no relatives affected by OCD may rep- regression to this stage.
resent a sporadic form of OCD that is aetiologically dis- Neuropsychological tests suggest the presence of
tinct from the familial form. amnestic deficits with respect to nonverbal memory and
memory for actions. OCD patients also perform poorly Neuroimaging on tests of frontal lobe function, particularly tests of
Diffusion-tensor imaging shows decreased cortico- shifting set.
striato-thalamo-striato-cortical circuitry.
Functional MRI shows increased orbitofrontal cortex,
anterior cingulate cortex, and striatum. 28.7.3 Diagnostic Criteria ICD-10 (F42) (WHO, 1992) Neurological Factors
Obsessional symptoms or compulsive acts are present
The reported numbers of OCD cases increased following
most days for at least two successive weeks causing dis-
the 1915 and 1926 outbreaks of encephalitis lethargica
tress or interfering with activities. Obsessional symptoms
(Foley, 2009).
have the following characteristics:
OCD patients have more abnormal births than
expected and more neurological disorders including
• The minimum duration is at least 2 weeks.
Sydenham’s chorea and encephalitis, suggestive of basal
• Recognized as the individual’s own.
ganglia dysfunction. Childhood streptococcus infec-
• At least one thought or act is resisted
tion leads to Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric
Disorders Associated with Streptococcus (PANDAS)
• The thought of carrying out the act must not in
that is associated with childhood-onset OCD. Flor-Henry
itself be pleasurable.
observed neuropsychological deficits implicating left
• Thoughts, images, or impulses are unpleasantly
frontal lobe dysfunction.
Brain-imaging techniques show morphological
• Interference with functioning by waste of time.
changes of basal ganglia structures in OCD. Frontostriatal
• F42.0 predominantly obsessional thoughts or
abnormality is present. Functional neuroimaging stud-
ies show increased blood flow in the basal ganglia and
• F42.1 predominantly compulsive acts.
orbital, prefrontal, and anterior cingulate cortex. Caudate
metabolic rate is reduced after treatment with drugs or
behaviour therapy in those patients responsive to treat- DSM-5 (APA, 2013)
ment, with the percentage change in symptom ratings 300.3 OCD
correlating significantly with right caudate change. Obsessions are defined by
Station 2
You have performed a detailed psychiatric assessment on the patient and concluded that she suffers from severe
OCD with secondary depression and significant functional impairment. She has tried reading self-help book but
it does not work. She has been bathing her son excessively, and as a consequence, she suffers from dermatologi-
cal problems. She has history of tics. The marital relationship is poor and the couple has thought of divorce. The
patient is keen to receive treatment. You have obtained permission from the patient to speak to her husband.
Task: Discuss your approach to management.
Explain management of OCD based on the recommen- 4. Investigations: Further laboratory investiga-
dations from the NICE guidelines: tions, psychological testing, or brain imaging
may be necessary if the psychiatrist needs fur-
1. This is a potentially complex case: The fact ther information to rule out certain differential
that this is the first time the patient presents her diagnoses. You will administer a scale such
problems to her GP may indicate a poor progno- as Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale
sis. Other indicators of poor prognosis include a (Y-BOCS) to assess the baseline severity of her
strong conviction about rationality of her obses- OCD symptoms.
sion, prominent depression, and comorbid tic 5. Use of antidepressants (SSRI): This patient
disorder. The candidate needs to be honest to has severe OCD symptoms. She should be
her husband but provides hope that her symp- offered combined treatment with SSRI and
toms may improve with treatment. CBT, including ERP. The candidate should
2. Provide accurate information on OCD: emphasize the common pharmacodynamic
profiles of antidepressant on depression and
I am sorry to inform you that your wife suffers from OCD. The dose to treat OCD is two to three
a condition called obsessive compulsive disorder times higher than the dose for antidepressants
or OCD. Have you heard about it? Can I tell you (e.g. fluoxetine 40–80 mg or fluvoxamine 150–
more about her condition? OCD is characterized by 300 mg). There may be a delay up to 12 weeks
the presence of either obsessions or compulsions, in the onset of actions. Inform the husband
but commonly both. Symptoms can cause signifi- about the potential side effects such as worsen-
cant distress. An obsession is an unwanted intrusive
ing anxiety and nausea that will be monitored
thought, image, or urge that repeatedly enters the
person’s mind. Compulsions are repetitive behav- closely in the first few weeks of treatment. Her
iours or mental acts that the person feels driven to response will be reviewed at 12 weeks. If the
perform. These can be observable by others, such as SSRI is effective, the patient is advised to con-
her cleaning behaviour, or a mental act that cannot tinue the medication for at least 12 months to
be observed, such as her worries of getting H1N1 in prevent relapse. If her response is very poor or
her mind. It is thought that 1 in 100 of the popula- inadequate, you will offer a different SSRI or
tion have OCD. suggest clomipramine. Please note that the fol-
lowing drugs are not normally recommended
The candidate should address any concern for OCD: other TCAs, SNRIs, MAOIs, and
raised by her husband to allay his fears and to long-term anxiolytics.
assist him in adjusting to his wife’s diagnosis. 6. Use of clomipramine and management of
3. Inpatient service: Hospitalization is indicated if treatment-resistant OCD: Clomipramine can
(1) the patient poses a severe risk to her son and be used when (1) there is an adequate trial of
herself; (2) severe self-neglect; (3) extreme dis- at least one SSRI that is found to be ineffec-
tress or functional impairment; (4) complicated tive, (2) an SSRI is poorly tolerated, (3) the
comorbidity such as OCD with severe depres- patient prefers clomipramine, and (4) there
sion, anorexia nervosa, and psychosis; (5) severe has been a previous good response to clomip-
reversal of day and night patterns; or (6) very ramine. The candidate needs to carry out an
severe avoidance behaviour. ECG and a blood pressure measurement before
422 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
prescribing clomipramine. Clomipramine is a to see both patient and her husband together and
TCA (derivative of imipramine). The candidate the advantage of a joint interview is to inform and
should prescribe a small amount of tablets to educate the couple more about OCD and its man-
prevent toxicity in overdose. If the standard agement. This can only be done at the patient’s
daily dose (100–225 mg) is inadequate for agreement and there may be issues that the patient
the patient and there are no significant side does not want to be discussed. If the couple is agree-
effects, consider a gradual dose increase in able, couple therapy will involve role-playing and
line with prescription information provided coaching once her OCD symptoms have improved.
by the manufacturers. If it is still ineffective, 10. Continuity of care: ‘Many OCD patients will
clomipramine can be augmented with citalo- need ongoing follow-up over years and your
pram or adding an antipsychotic to clomip- wife is not an exception. The follow-up will
ramine or SSRI. Continue clomipramine for at enable monitoring of treatment response, side-
least 12 months if it appears to be effective and effects, and achievement of rehabilitative and
reduce the dose gradually to prevent withdraw- social reintegration goals’.
als prior to discontinuation.
7. Psychotherapy: The patient has severe func-
tional impairment, and self-help method has 28.8 OCD-SPECTRUM DISORDERS
been ineffective. She should be offered CBT 28.8.1 Body Dysmorphic Disorder
(including ERP) that also involves her hus-
band as a co-therapist. If the patient refuses Historical Development
to come to the clinic, you will offer home- The old term for this condition is dysmorphophobia,
based treatment. If her symptoms prevent which is coined by Morselli in 1886 (Morselli, 1891).
home-based treatment, you will offer CBT by
telephone. Briefly explain to her husband that Epidemiology (Conrado, 2009)
CBT will begin with anxiety management and 1. The prevalence of this disorder among the gen-
asking the patient to keep a diary. Then it will eral population ranges from 1% to 2%.
move onto response prevention in excessive 2. In dermatological and cosmetic surgery patients,
washing with cognitive coping and composure the prevalence is from 2.9% to 16%.
strategies. Social and occupational rehabilita-
tion will include training on housekeeping, Aetiology
childcare, and promotion on independent 1. Genetics: family history of BDD, OCD, and
living. The psychologist will focus on her mood disorder.
residual depressive symptoms once her OCD 2. Neurochemistry: low serotonin levels.
symptoms have improved. For mild OCD, the 3. Psychodynamic theory: displacement of conflict
NICE guidelines recommend CBT to be given onto body component.
for less than 10 therapist hours. For moderate 4. Development: rejection in childhood as a
CBT, a course of an SSRI alone or more inten- result of body image problem, disharmony in
sive CBT alone (ERP and CBT for longer than family.
10 therapist hours) is recommended. 5. Culture influence: beauty equals to perfect
8. Assess social issues: Seek her husband’s view on body.
the home situation and how this may affect her
compliance to treatment. Explore from him the
ongoing difficulties in forming relationships and Clinical Features
the future difficulties in providing care to her DSM-5 criteria (APA, 2013):
son given the nature of her OCD symptoms.
9. Improving marital relationship: Inform her hus- • Preoccupation with perceived defects or flaws in
band that the patient needs encouragement and physical appearance that are not observable to
assistance on her way to recovery. You may offer others.
Neurotic and Stress-Related Disorders 423
Rituals: Comorbidity
• Camouflage: 90% 1. Social phobia: 38%
• Minor check: 90% 2. Substance: 36%
• Compulsion: 90% 3. Suicide: 30%
• Skin pick: 30% 4. OCD: 30%
5. Depression: 20%
Most common body sites concerned: Management
• Hair: 63%
1. Antidepressants: SSRIs; 50% of patients respond
• Nose: 50%
to SSRIs.
• Skin: 50%
2. Antipsychotics: if patient does not respond to
• Eye: 30%
SSRIs, the psychiatrist can augment with sec-
• Face: 20%
ond-generation antipsychotics.
• Breast: <10%
3. Other pharmacological agents: clomipramine,
• Neck, forehead, and facial muscle: <5%
buspirone, and lithium.
4. For people with BDD with moderate functional
impairment, more intensive CBT (including Differential Diagnosis ERP) is recommended based on the NICE
OCD (Table 28.4) guidelines.
‘What kind of ‘What is your ‘Do you plan to ‘Do you have plan to ‘Do you have
investigations did current plan for go aboard for perform the thought of
you go through?’ the nose problem?’ further operation on your harming yourself?
‘Did you consult treatment? If own?’ Have you thought
traditional healers or yes, which of ending your
alternative therapy?’ countries?’ life?’
(D) Background
History and (D2) Personality (D5) Explain
Explain (D1) Childhood and Family (D3) Past (D4) Past Diagnosis and
Diagnosis History Background Medical History Psychiatric History Seeks Her Views
Look for bullying in ‘How do you Look for chronic ‘Did you see a on treatment
school and home describe yourself medical psychologist or Emphasize that this
environment. as a person? Are problems or psychiatrist before? disorder is an
Assess temperament: you metabolic If yes, what was the excessive
‘Were you a shy perfectionistic?’ syndrome that reason?’ preoccupation
child?’ ‘How was your affects her body with an imagined
‘Did you have relationship with image. defect in
confident in your parents?’ appearance that
yourself?’ ‘Did they criticize results in
your nose before?’ time-consuming
Seek her views on
treatment issues
such as SSRI or
are not essential. Anxiety, depression, and suicidal The NICE guidelines recommend that
ideation are not uncommon. The excessive use of
alcohol or drugs may complicate matters. 1. Trauma-focused CBT (tf-CBT) should be
offered to people with severe PTSD within DSM-5 (309.81) 3 months of the trauma with fewer sessions in
• Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious the first month after the trauma.
injury, and sexual violation. 2. The duration of tf-CBT is 8–12 sessions with
• Intrusion symptoms: recurrent distressing dreams, 1 session per week. When trauma is discussed
dissociative reactions, and prolonged stress. in the session, it requires a longer session
• Avoidance of distressing memories and external (90 min).
reminders. Pharmacotherapy
• Negative alternations in cognitions and mood
associated with traumatic events. Fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine, and esci-
• Arousal symptoms including sleep disturbance, talopram are beneficial in PTSD. The drugs require at
irritability, hypervigilance, problems with con- least 8 weeks’ duration before the effects are evident.
centration, and exaggerated startle response. Carbamazepine, propranolol, and clonidine reduce
• Duration of disturbance is longer than 1 month. hyperarousal and intrusive symptoms; fluoxetine and lithium
• Subtypes include delayed expression, PTSD in reduce explosiveness and improve mood. Buspirone may
preschool children, and predominant dissocia- lessen fear-induced startle; it may play an adjunctive role.
tive symptoms. Alprazolam is no more effective than placebo, but
there have been some positive reports with clonazepam.
There is an almost total lack of response to placebo in
chronic PTSD.
28.12.3 Management of PTSD
A flexible, staged approach using several techniques is Eye Movement Desensitization
advocated. Reprocessing
Involuntary multi-saccadic eye movements occur during
disturbing thoughts. It is claimed that inducing these eye Psychological Therapy movements while experiencing intrusive thoughts stops Cognitive Behavioural Therapy symptoms of PTSD. More information on eye move-
Cognitive techniques include challenging underlying ment desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) are found in
automatic thought that accidents or disasters will occur Chapter 25.
again and cognitive distortions. Cognitive restructuring,
distraction thought replacement, and thought stopping
28.12.4 Course
are useful. Assessment should include behaviour analy-
sis through diary keeping. Psychoeducation should offer Half of patients still have PTSD decades later. A dose–
explanation of PTSD symptoms. Behavioural tech- response relationship exists between the severity of the
niques include relaxation training, in vivo and in vitro stressor and the degree of consequent psychological
exposure, and desensitization to disaster or accident distress.
scenes, rehearsal, as well as assertiveness and social Most PTSD patients also have depression, anxiety dis-
skill training. orders, substance abuse, and/or sexual dysfunction.
later sent back to the United Kingdom. Currently, he cannot work and he is disturbed by recurrent nightmares and
vivid intrusive recollections of his traumatic experiences. He avoids the news and TV programmes that remind him of
Afghanistan and he has abused alcohol since his return. He has been married for 2 years. He presents in the company
of his wife seeking treatment following his first episode of domestic violence that occurred in the setting of alcohol
intoxication and argument.
Task: Take a history to establish the diagnosis of PTSD.
You will speak to his wife in the next station.
Approach to the patient: Candidates are advised to consult the patient on the volume of your voice as he has
hearing impairment.
(A) Explore (A1) Describe the (A2) Immediate (A3) E xtent of (A4) O
utcome of (A5) Psychodynamic
His Incident in Outcome of Injury and Other Soldiers in Issues
Trauma Afghanistan the Incident Suffering the Operation Associated with
the Incident
Explore his role ‘How long did Especially head ‘Were the fellow soldiers ‘I am sorry to hear
during the you wait for the injury and any killed or injured? If yes, that you cannot
operation. rescue to come?’ organic sequelae how many were see and hear well
‘Were you the ‘How did you feel such as intracerebral involved? What was nowadays. How
commander after the haemorrhage, loss your relationship with do you feel about
during the accident?’ of consciousness, them?’ it?’
operation? Were Look for the and epilepsy ‘How did you know ‘Was it the first
you assigned the symptoms of Explore other about their death?’ time you faced
duty to detect the acute stress disabling or ‘Was there any your own
bomb and ensure reactions on the disfiguring injuries. debriefing? If yes, what mortality?’
the safety of first few days ‘Did you suffer from is your view on the ‘Do you feel
others?’ after the incident. any chronic pain debriefing? Did you remorseful of
‘What was the such as low back join them?’ going to
level of threat to pain or pain related ‘Do you have guilt of Afghanistan?’
your life during to other sites of staying alive or guilt
the bomb blast?’ injury?’ of missing the bomb?’
(B) PTSD (B1) (B2) Avoidance (B3) Hyperarousal (B4) Emotional (B5) Previous
Symptoms Reexperiencing Detachment Trauma and
Identify the latency ‘How do you ‘Are you always on Look for emotional Explore other
period between spend your the edge?’ withdrawal. traumatic events
the incident and time?’ Look for anxiety ‘Are you able to in Afghanistan.
onset of his Assess the extent symptoms such as describe your ‘Do you feel
PTSD symptoms. and degree of excessive emotion?’ blunted or numb?’
‘How do those avoidance of sweating, Look for dissociative Explore previous
memories relive people, places, palpitation, panic symptoms. ‘Do you trauma (e.g.
themselves? and circumstances attacks, sleep feel that yourself or childhood trauma,
How vivid are (e.g. other army problems, the environment is road traffic
they?’ officers, army irritability, and unreal?’ accident, army
‘How often do you facilities, and poor concentration. operation).
see the images of previously Check exaggerated ‘Was this incident
the incident?’ enjoyed startle response. similar to previous
activities). unresolved
430 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
‘Do you have ‘Do you have ‘Are you in shock if ‘How did the
nightmare? How difficulty to someone suddenly previous trauma
often do you have recall the details call your name?’ affect your
nightmare? Can leading to the character
you tell me more incident in development?’
about the content Afghanistan?’
of nightmare?’
(C) Risk (C1) Suicide (C2) (C3) Substance (C4) Depression (C5) Other
Assessment Dangerousness Abuse Common
and to Others Comorbidities
Assess suicidal Assess the level Assess his alcohol Assess his current Look for symptoms
ideation and the and quality of intake before, mood, biological, and of adjustment
level of dangerousness to during, and after the cognitive symptoms of disorder, OCD,
dangerousness if his wife and the deployment. depression. and psychosis.
he has a suicidal others. Explore the type of
plan. ‘Would you alcohol and the
Look for extreme perform amount he drinks
pessimism dangerous act every day.
because he lost when you are Explore the purpose
his occupational angry? If yes, of alcohol usage
ability at this age. what would you (e.g. to reduce the
do?’ anxiety level).
Explore misuse of
analgesics, or
(D) (D1) Vulnerability (D2) Marital (D3) Compensation (D4) Support and (D5) Background
Background to PTSD Relationship and Treatment from History
History and Entitlements the Army
Candidate needs to ‘Can you tell me ‘Have you discussed ‘Did they refer you to ‘Why did you join
explore what more about the with the Ministry of see other specialists the army in the
made him relationship with Defence on the for your visual and first place?’
vulnerable to your wife?’ arrangement of hearing problems?’ ‘How does this
PTSD, ‘Does the compensation and ‘Did they refer you to incident affect
e.g. low education, relationship veterans allowance?’ counselling?’ your original
maladaptive change before, ‘What is your Assess his insight to his intention of being
coping style, during, and after expectation? Are blindness, hearing an army officer?’
personality, low your deployment you satisfied with impairment, and PTSD.
resilience, and to Afghanistan?’ the amount being ‘Do you cooperate with
childhood trauma offered?’ treatment?’
Station 2
After assessment of the patient, it is concluded that he suffers from PTSD with severe depression and anxiety. The onset
of PTSD symptoms was 4 months after the trauma. He is not keen to receive psychiatric help from the army psychiatric
service and prefers to be treated in the civilian setting. The patient is deemed to have high risk for future violence and
suicide as he cannot guarantee safety and he still wants to drink. He has given you the permission to talk to his wife.
Task: Inform his wife about your management plan and address her concerns.
Neurotic and Stress-Related Disorders 431
Explain management of PTSD based on the NICE guide- Explore her views on patient’s intention to serve
lines recommendations. the army, his deployment to Afghanistan, and
When symptoms are mild and have been present less the bomb blast incident.
than 4 weeks after the trauma, the NICE guidelines rec- 3. Emergency issues in regard to his high risk
ommend watchful waiting but this is not appropriate for of violence and suicide: You should propose
this patient who has symptoms for 2 months. to admit patient to the hospital for safety rea-
The NICE guidelines classify two intervention sons and for further assessment of his physi-
strategies when symptoms have been present for more cal and psychiatric status. You may advise
than 3 months or less than 3 months after a trauma. further laboratory investigations such as liver
As this patient developed PTSD symptoms 4 months function tests.
after the trauma, the psychotherapy arrangement will 4. Detoxification: You will try to enhance the
follow the recommendations stated on the right side of motivation of the patient to quit alcohol and ini-
Table 28.5: tiate a detoxification programme when he stays
in the hospital.
1. Address the referral process: Explore the dif- 5. During the hospitalization, you may commence
ficulty encountered by his wife to bring the short-term hypnotic medication to reduce his
patient in to see a doctor. anxiety and ease his alcohol withdrawal. After
2. Assess the impact of the violent episode on his stabilization, you will offer the psychological man-
wife: Demonstrate empathy to her sufferings. agement of PTSD. The psychologist can take this
TABLE 28.5
Psychological Treatment for PTSD
Less Than 3 Months after a Trauma More Than 3 Months after a Trauma
Types of psychotherapy Offer trauma-focused psychological treatment, Offer trauma-focused psychological treatment
tf-CBT (tf-CBT). (tf-CBT or EMDR) on an individual outpatient
Do not routinely offer non-trauma-focused
interventions (such as relaxation or nondirective
therapy) that do not address traumatic memories.
Time frame between the With severe PTSD within 1 month after the event It should be offered regardless of the time elapsed
traumatic event and therapy or who present with PTSD within 3 months of since the trauma.
the event
Length of the session Usually 60 min. When the trauma is discussed, Usually 60 min. When the trauma is discussed,
longer treatment sessions (90 min) are usually longer treatment sessions (90 min) are usually
necessary. necessary.
Duration of therapy Consider offering 8–12 sessions of tf-CBT (or Consider offering 8–12 sessions of tf-CBT
fewer sessions about 5—if the treatment starts psychological treatment when the PTSD results
in the first month after the event). from a single event.
Consider extending trauma-focused psychological
treatment beyond 12 sessions if there are multiple
traumatic events, traumatic bereavement, chronic
disability results from the trauma, significant
comorbid disorders, or social problems.
Frequency of therapy Regular and continuous (usually at least once a Regular and continuous (usually at least once a
week). week).
Therapist requirements Delivered by the same person. Delivered by the same person.
No improvement after Consider the following drug treatment for sleep Consider an alternative form of trauma-focused
psychotherapy disturbance: psychological treatment or pharmacological
1. Hypnotic medication for short-term use treatment in addition to trauma-focused
2. A suitable antidepressant for longer-term use psychological treatment.
432 Revision Notes in Psychiatry Dissociative Anaesthesia pelvic pain, substance abusers (40%), patients with eating
and Sensory Loss disorders, and those with a history of childhood abuse.
• There are patches of sensory loss that do not IQ is negatively correlated.
correspond to anatomical dermatomes.
• Visual loss is rarely total. 28.14.4 Aetiology of Dissociative Disorder
• General mobility is well preserved.
Sigmund Freud introduced the term conversion to
• Dissociative deafness and anosmia are uncommon.
describe the unconscious rendering of innocuous of Other Dissociative Disorders threatening ideas by conversion into physical symptoms,
which have symbolic significance. This results in the Ganser Syndrome
relief of emotional conflict (primary gain) and the direct
This is a complex disorder described by Ganser, charac- advantages of assuming a sick role (secondary gain).
terized by approximate answers and usually accompanied The spectrum of dissociation (MPD is most extreme)
by several dissociative symptoms, often in circumstances with increasingly complex and symptomatic forms is
that suggest psychogenic aetiology. related to increasingly severe childhood trauma.
The five main features of Ganser syndrome are the Levels of psychological distress are highly correlated
following: with dissociative experiences.
Of 100 substance-dependent subjects, 39 had dissocia-
• Approximate answers (vorbeireden) tive disorder and 43 reported childhood abuse. Patients with
• Clouding of consciousness dissociative disorder may use substances to block out more
• Somatic conversion severe abuse memories and suppress dissociative symptoms.
• Pseudohallucinations (often)
• Subsequent amnesia
28.14.5 Management of Dissociative Disorder Multiple Personality Disorder Do not confront the individual. Complete physical investiga-
Controversy exists about whether multiple personality tions and emphasize that serious illness is excluded. Minimize
disorder (MPD) is iatrogenic or culture specific. There the advantages of a sick role, and praise healthy behaviour.
is an apparent existence of two or more distinct person- Allow the patient to discard symptoms without losing face.
alities within an individual, of which only one is evident The main treatment of MPD is long-term psychoana-
at any time. Each personality is complete, with its own lytic psychotherapy aimed at the unification of divided
memories, behaviour, and preferences. mental processes.
One personality is dominant. It does not have access
to memories of the other and is unaware of the existence 28.14.6 Course
of others. The change from one personality to another is Dissociative states tend to remit after a few weeks or
sudden and associated with stress. months. Chronic states of more than 1 or 2 years are
Psychoanalysis views MPD as a complex, chronic often resistant to therapy. Those with acute, recent onset,
developmental dissociative disorder related to severe, a good premorbid personality, and resolvable conflict
repetitive childhood abuse or trauma, usually beginning have a better prognosis.
before the age of 5 years. Dissociative defences are used In a classic paper, Slater (1965) reported on a 9-year
to handle subsequent traumatic experiences. follow-up of 85 patients who were diagnosed as hyster-
Additionally, mass hysteria presents with abnormal ill- ics by senior psychiatrists and neurologists. He found
ness behaviour transmitted in close communities spread- that 33% developed definite organic illness, 15% had a
ing from individuals of high status down the hierarchy. major mental illness, and 12 patients died, 4 from suicide
Affected individuals are suggestible. Couvade syndrome of whom 2 had demyelinating neurological conditions
presents in males whose partners are pregnant, with symp- and 8 from natural causes that could have accounted for
toms of morning sickness, abdominal pain, and anxiety. their original presentations. Of the original sample of 85,
he was left with 7 young patients who had experienced
acute psychogenic reactions in the form of a conversion
28.14.3 Epidemiology of Dissociative Disorder
syndrome and 14 who were suffering from lasting per-
Relatively high frequencies of dissociative experiences sonality disorders. Slater concluded that the diagnosis of
are reported in patients with PTSD, women with chronic hysteria should not be made.
Neurotic and Stress-Related Disorders 435
28.15 DEPERSONALIZATION– Foley PB. 2009: Encephalitis lethargica and the influenza virus.
II. The influenza pandemic of 1918/19 and encephali-
DEREALIZATION tis lethargica: Epidemiology and symptoms. Journal of
28.15.1 DSM-5 (300.6) (APA 2013) Neural Transmission 116(10):1295–1308.
Freud S. 1953: The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological
The presence of persistent or recurrent depersonalization, Works of Sigmund Freud. London, U.K.: Hogarth.
derealization, or both: Frost RO and Shows DL. 1993: The nature and measurement
Depersonalization: Experiences of unreality, detach- of compulsive indecisiveness. Behaviour Research and
Therapy 31(7):683–692.
ment, or being an outside observer with respect to one’s Gaston RL, Kiran-Imran F, Hassiem F, and Vaughan J. 2009:
thoughts, feelings, sensations, or actions (e.g. unreal self, Hoarding behaviour: Building up the ‘R factor’. Advances
perceptual alterations, emotional and/or physical numb- in Psychiatric Treatment 15:344–353.
ing, distorted sense of time) Gelder M, Mayou R, and Cowen P. 2006: Shorter Oxford
Derealization: Experiences of unreality or detachment Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th edn. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford
with respect to surroundings (e.g. other people or objects University Press.
are experienced as unreal, or lifeless) Hecker E. 1893: Über larvirte und abortive Angstzustände
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29 Personality Disorders
438 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 29.1
Comparison between the ICD-10 and Proposed DSM-5 Criteria
ICD-10 (WHO, 1992) DSM-5 (APA, 2013)
General criteria • Individual’s characteristic and experience and • Impairments in cognition, affectivity, interpersonal
behaviour as a whole deviate markedly from the function and impulse control
culturally expected and accepted range in cognition, • Inflexible and enduring pattern for long duration
affectivity, control over impulses, and manners • The impairments in personality functioning and
of relating to other people. personality trait expression are not better understood
• No emphasis on personality trait as normative for the individual’s developmental stage
or sociocultural environment
Criteria on stability • The behaviour must be inflexible and maladaptive • The impairments in personality functioning
• Dysfunctional across a broad range of personal and the personality trait expression are stable across
and social situations time and consistent across situations
• The deviation is stable and of long duration, having
its onset in late childhood and adolescence
Exclusion criteria • Other adult mental disorders • Direct physiological effects of a substance
• Organic brain disease, injury, and dysfunction (e.g. a drug of abuse, medication)
• General medical condition (e.g. severe head trauma)
Criteria on functioning • Not emphasize on functioning • Significant impairments in self (identity
or self-direction) and interpersonal (empathy
or intimacy) functioning
Personality Disorders 439
TABLE 29.2
Comparison and Contrast between the Types of Personality Disorders Listed
in ICD-10 and DSM-5
ICD-10 (WHO, 1992) DSM-5 (APA, 2013)
F60.0 Paranoid personality disorder Cluster A Personality disorders
F60.1 Schizoid personality disorder 301.0 Paranoid personality disorder
F60.2 Dissocial personality disorder 301.2 Schizoid personality disorder
301.22 Schizotypal personality disorder
F60.3 Emotionally unstable personality disorder (.30 impulsive Cluster B Personality disorders
type; .31 borderline type) 301.7 Antisocial personality disorder
301.83 Borderline personality disorder
301.5 Histrionic personality disorder
301.81 Narcissistic personality disorder
F60.4 Histrionic personality disorder Cluster C Personality disorders
F60.5 Anankastic personality disorder 301.82 Avoidant personality disorder
F60.6 Anxious (avoidant ) personality disorder 301.6 Dependent personality disorder
301.4 Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
F60.7 Dependent personality disorder Other Personality disorders
F60.8 Other specific personality disorders (eccentric, haltlose, 310.1 Personality change due to another medical
immature, narcissistic, passive-aggressive, and psychoneurotic) condition
F60.9 Personality disorder unspecified 301.89 Other personality disorder
The following are the approximate prevalences of per- The American Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA)
sonality disorder: study found, using a diagnostic interview schedule, a prev-
alence of personality disorder in the community of 6%.
• Community 10%
• General practice 20%
• Psychiatric outpatients 30%
• Psychiatric inpatients 40% • Cluster A: paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal
personality disorders—odd or eccentric
TABLE 29.5
ICD-10 Criteria, Proposed DSM-5 Criteria, and Mnemonics for Schizotypal Disorder
ICD-10 Criteria DSM-5 Criteria Mnemonics
ICD-10 considers schizotypal disorder under Psychoticism UFO IDEA
schizophrenia, schizotypal, and delusional disorder a. Eccentricity: odd, unusual, or bizarre Unusual perception
rather than personality disorder. behaviour or appearance Friendless except first-degree family
Duration: 2 years b. Cognitive and perceptual dysregulation Odd beliefs and speech
Appearance Odd or unusual thought processes; Ideas of reference
a. Eccentric appearance odd sensations Doubt about motives of other people
b. Odd behaviour c. Unusual beliefs and experiences: unusual Eccentric appearance and behaviour
experiences of reality Affect: inappropriate or constricted
a. Odd beliefs or magical thinking that Detachment
influences behaviour and inconsistent a. Restricted affectivity: constricted
with subcultural norms emotional experience and indifference
b. Rumination without inner resistance b. Withdrawal: avoidance of social contacts
c. Vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, and activity
or stereotyped thinking Negative affectivity
Affect or emotion a. Suspiciousness: expectations
a. Inappropriate or constricted affect of and heightened sensitivity to signs
of interpersonal ill-intent or harm; doubts
about loyalty and fidelity of others; feelings
a. Unusual perceptions and experiences
of persecution
b. Occasional transient quasipsychotic
episodes with intense illusions, auditory or other
hallucinations, and delusion-like ideas
a. Socially withdrawn
b. Suspicious or paranoid
TABLE 29.6
ICD-10 Criteria and Mnemonics for Paranoid Personality Disorder
ICD-10 Criteria Mnemonics (Robinson, 2001)
At least four of the following GET FACT
Behaviour Grudges are held without justification
1. Tendency to bear grudges (feeling resentful about something) persistently Excessive sensitivity to setbacks
Cognition: Threats and hidden meanings are read into benign remarks
1. Excessive sensitivity to setbacks and rebuffs Fidelity of spouse is unjustifiably doubted
2. Suspiciousness and a pervasive tendency to distort experience by Attacks on character or reputation are perceived
misconstruing the neutral or friendly actions of others as hostile or Confides reluctantly because of fears of betrayal
contemptuous Trustworthiness of others is doubted without due cause
3. Combative and tenacious sense of personal rights out of keeping with the
actual situation
4. Recurrent suspicions, without justification regarding sexual fidelity of
spouse/sexual partner
5. Persistent self-referential attitude, associated particularly with excessive
6. Preoccupation with unsubstantiated ‘conspiratorial’ explanations
of events immediate either to the person or in the world at large
TABLE 29.7
Comparison of the ICD-10 Criteria, the Proposed DSM-5 Criteria, and Mnemonics for Borderline
Personality Disorder
ICD-10 Criteria DSM-5 Criteria Mnemonics (Robinson, 2001)
Borderline type (ICD-10) 1. Negative affectivity I RAISED A PAIN
The borderline type requires the person a. Emotional lability: unstable emotional Identity disturbance
to meet the diagnostic criteria of impulsive experiences and frequent mood changes Relationships: unstable
type and an additional two symptoms b. Anxiousness: intense feelings of nervousness Abandonment: fear of impulsivity
in the following: or panic in reaction to interpersonal stresses Self-harm
and fears of losing control Emptiness
c. Separation insecurity: fears of rejection Dissociative symptoms
1. Chronic feelings of emptiness
by or separation from significant others Affective instability
Behaviour and associated with fears of excessive Paranoid ideation
1. Liability to become involved in intense dependency and complete loss of autonomy Anger
and unstable relationships, often leading d. Depression: frequent feelings of being down, Idealization and devaluation
to emotional crises miserable, or hopelessness Negativistic – undermine the efforts of
2. Excessive efforts to avoid abandonment 2. Disinhibition self and others
3. Recurrent threats or acts of self-harm a. Impulsivity: acting on the spur of the
Cognition moment in response to immediate stimuli;
1. Disturbances in and uncertainty about acting on a momentary basis without a plan
self-image, aims, and internal or consideration of outcomes; difficulty
preferences (including sexual) establishing or following plans; a sense
of urgency and self-harming behaviour
under emotional distress
b. Risk taking: engagement in dangerous, risky,
and potentially self-damaging activities
3. Antagonism
a. Hostility: persistent or frequent angry
feelings; anger or irritability
individual therapy, ward groups, and patient participation personality disorder. Details of DBT and men-
in the maintenance of the community. talization-based treatment are considered in
Indications for admission include (Paris, 2004) Chapter 25.
3. The NICE guidelines recommend that thera-
1. Life-threatening suicide attempt pists should use an explicit and integrated
2. Imminent danger to other people theoretical approach and share this with their
3. Psychosis clients.
4. Severe symptoms interfering with functioning 4. The guidelines also recommend that the thera-
that are unresponsive to outpatient treatment pists should set therapy at twice per week and
should not offer brief psychological interven-
The risks of hospitalization to the patient include tions (less than 3 months duration).
5. Other psychotherapies
• Stigma a. Supportive psychotherapy: diminish sui-
• Disruption of social and occupational roles cidal behaviour and impulsive acts while
• Loss of freedom awaiting a remission since the long-term
• Hospital-induced behavioural regression prognosis of this disorder is good.
b. CBT: Cognitive therapy focuses on mal-
Some consider the drawing up of a contract between the adaptive cognitions about oneself and other
patient and doctor essential to the success of inpatient people. Behaviour therapy improves social
care. Miller (1989) considers a good treatment contract to and emotional functioning.
incorporate the following: c. Schema-focused therapy: aims at modifying
schemas (e.g. fear of abandonment), reduc-
• Mutual agreement by all involved parties. ing self-harm behaviour, and improving
• Specific, focused, achievable goals with strate- interpersonal relationship.
gies to achieve them. d. Transference-focused therapy: aims at cor-
• Specific responsibilities of patient and staff. recting distorted perceptions of significant
• Provision of the minimum degree of structure others and decreasing symptoms and self-
necessary. destructive behaviour.
• Patient foregoing his or her usual means of man- e. Family therapy is frequently offered to bor-
aging intolerable feelings; alternative strategies derline adolescent patients and is regarded
are provided. by many as the treatment of choice for these
• Positive reinforcement of desirable behaviour. patients.
• Not being drawn up when staff have unresolved f. Social skill training.
punitive wishes towards the patient. Pharmacotherapy
• Strictly enforced, but room for negotiated
modification. 1. The psychiatrist can prescribe an SSRI (e.g.
fluoxetine) to treat mood lability, rejection sen-
sitivity, and anger.
The alternative approach of brief admissions at the time
2. If the second SSRI is not effective, the psy-
of crisis is increasingly popular.
chiatrist can consider adding a low-dose anti-
The NICE guidelines recommend the following:
psychotic (e.g. quetiapine) for anger control
or an anxiolytic (e.g. clonazepam) for anxiety Psychotherapy control.
1. Long-term outpatient psychotherapy is rec- 3. Mood stabilizers such as sodium valproate and
ommended because patients can handle chal- carbamazepine can be added if the aforemen-
lenges in daily life with the support from tioned medications are not effective.
psychotherapists. 4. It is recommended not to use psychotropic med-
2. Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and ications that have narrow therapeutic index such
mentalization-based therapy are recom- as lithium or tricyclic antidepressants, which are
mended treatment for people with borderline toxic during overdose.
Personality Disorders 447
These abnormalities are more likely to occur in highly Clinical Features
impulsive and aggressive psychopaths. (See Table 29.9.)
TABLE 29.9
Comparison of the ICD-10 Criteria, the Proposed DSM-5 Criteria, and Mnemonics for Dissocial
Personality Disorder
ICD-10 Criteria DSM-5 Criteria Mnemonics
ICD-10 criteria Antagonism CALL ASPD
Affect a. Manipulativeness: frequent use of Conduct disorder before age 15
1. Very low tolerance to frustration and a low subterfuge to influence or control others Antisocial activities
threshold for discharge of aggression, b. Deceitfulness: dishonesty and fraudulence Lies frequently
including violence or misrepresentation of self Lack of superego
2. I ncapacity to experience guilt or to profit c. Callousness: lack of concern for feelings Aggression
from adverse experience, particularly punishment or problems of others; lack of guilt or remorse Safety of others being ignored
d. Hostility: persistent or frequent angry Planning failure
feelings; anger or irritability in response to minor Denial of obligation
3. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships,
though no difficulty in establishing them
4. Marked proneness to blame the others or to offer Disinhibition
plausible rationalizations for the behaviour that a. Irresponsibility: failure to honour obligations
has brought the individual into conflict or commitments and lack of follow-through on
with society agreements and promises
b. Impulsivity: acting on the spur of the
moment in response to immediate stimuli; acting
5. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others
on a momentary basis without a plan or
Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility
consideration of outcomes; difficulty establishing
and disregard for social norms, rules, and
and following plans
c. R isk taking: engagement in dangerous,
risky, and potentially self-damaging
activities, unnecessarily and without regard
for consequences; boredom proneness and
thoughtless initiation of activities to counter
boredom; lack of concern for one’s
limitations and denial of the reality of
personal danger
Personality Disorders 449
4. Do you tell lies if there is a chance? impact of antisocial behaviour. Behaviour ther-
5. Have you ever been arrested or pulled over by apy targets at reduction of antisocial behaviour.
the police? 3. Pharmacological interventions should not be
routinely used for the treatment of dissocial per- Differential Diagnosis sonality disorder.
1. Temporary antisocial behaviour (e.g. vandalism 4. Pharmacological interventions may be con-
or riot), focal behaviour, not exploitive, and with sidered in the treatment of comorbid disorders
conscience preserved. such as depression and anxiety (e.g. SSRIs)
2. Psychopathy is different from dissocial person- and aggression (e.g. low-dose antipsychotics or
ality disorder in the following: mood stabilizers).
a. People with psychopathy encounter more
difficulty for inhibiting antisocial and vio- Lithium
lent behaviour (e.g. empathy, guilt, and close In male convicts with a pattern of recurring easily trig-
emotional bonds). gered violence, a marked reduction in infractions resulted
b. Psychopathy is associated with higher risk from treatment with lithium. The reduction in aggressive
of recidivism and violence. The presence of episodes requires lithium levels above 0.6 mmol/L. Major
deviant sexual behaviour in psychopaths is infractions such as assault or threatening behaviour are
associated with violent behaviour. responsive to lithium in about 60%; minor infractions are
c. EEG: Psychopaths have lower cortical unresponsive.
arousal, measured by slower cortical evoked Lithium is helpful in a small number of patients with
potentials. Autonomic arousal is also lower, diverse personality disorders. Affective features, a fam-
leading to speculation that sensation-seek- ily history of affective disorder, or alcoholism may help
ing behaviour may be an attempt to increase selected subjects. A 2 month trial of lithium may be nec-
cortical arousal. essary to establish responders.
3. Substance misuse, for example, stimulants, PCP,
and ketamine. Carbamazepine
4. Mania/hypomania—antisocial behaviour (e.g. Impulsive aggression is the most serious symptom of per-
reckless driving or violence) as a result of sonality disorder. In patients with behavioural dyscon-
impaired judgement and irritability. trol, aggressive acts are reduced by about two-thirds, and
the severity of the outburst is improved. It is helpful even Comorbidity in the absence of epileptic, affective, or organic features.
There is a highly significant correlation between antisocial Not all patients with dissocial personality disorder are
personality disorder and drug and alcohol dependence. suitable for psychotherapy. Contraindications to psycho-
A high proportion (90%) have at least one lifetime therapy include
psychiatric diagnosis (e.g. somatization disorder, depres-
sion, and substance misuse). 1. History of violence causing injury
2. Absence of remorse over violent act Management 3. Obvious secondary gain through therapy (e.g.
Recommendations from the NICE guidelines avoidance of responsibility)
4. Superior intelligence with poor insight or very
1. Consider offering cognitive and behavioural low intelligence
interventions in order to address problems such 5. Lack of significant relationship in the past and
as impulsivity, interpersonal difficulties, and historical incapacity to develop attachments
antisocial behaviour. For people with foren- 6. Offering threats to therapist
sic history, the CBT should focus on reducing 7. Intense countertransference experienced by
offending and other antisocial behaviours. multiple therapists
2. When providing CBT to people with dissocial
personality disorder, it is important to assess risk Course and Prognosis
regularly and adjust the duration and intensity of • Early onset of childhood conduct disorder
the programme accordingly. Cognitive therapy (<10 years) is the most predictive of dissocial
targets at cognitive bias such as minimization of personality disorder.
450 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
• In those with antisocial personality disorders, • Kernberg proposed that narcissistic person-
there is a significant association between the ality disorder is part of borderline personal-
ability to form a relationship with the therapist ity disorder; idealization is a defence against
and treatment outcome. In confined settings envy and self is highly pathological.
such as prison or in the military, confrontation • Temperament: high novelty seeking and reward
by peers may bring changes in social behaviour. dependence.
• Prevalence seems to decrease with increasing
age. Spontaneous remission may occur in mid- Clinical Features
dle age. There is a correlation between increas- (See Table 29.10.)
ing age and remission rate.
Types of Narcissist (Gabbard, 2000)
• In general, people with dissocial personality dis-
order have reduction in impulsivity and increase 1. The oblivious narcissist: arrogant, self-absorbed,
in awareness of the consequences of reckless centre of attention, sender in a social network
behaviour over time. They continue to be diffi- (e.g. Facebook), not sensitive to reaction to oth-
cult people, resulting in interpersonal problems. ers, and not affected by criticisms from others
• 5% of people with dissocial personality disorder 2. The hypervigilant narcissist: shy, seeking
commit suicide, and suicide risk is increased by attention from others, avoiding to be centre of
four times compared to the general population. attention, receiver tends to detect criticism in
• There is increase in mortality as a result of acci- messages, sensitive to reaction to others, and
dents, drug overdose, and victims of homicide. easily humiliated by others
3. Mixed oblivious and hypervigilant narcissist
Positive prognostic factors include Elicit Narcissistic Personality
• Show more concerns and guilt of antisocial Disorder in CASC
behaviour 1. How do you see other people? Do you feel that
• Ability to form therapeutic alliance they are not up to your standard? What would
• Positive occupational and relationship record you do to them? Do you feel sorry for them?
2. How do you compare yourself with others? Do
you feel superior? If yes, in which aspect? Do
29.6.4 Narcissistic Personality Disorder
you feel people are jealous of you? Epidemiology 3. Do you have fantasy? If yes, would you mind to
The prevalence is between 0.4% and 0.8%. tell me the content of your fantasy? Do you like
Gender ratio: men = women to dream about success or power?
4. What would happen if other people criticize Aetiology you? Do you see this as a blow to your ego?
Do you feel angry about that? Psychological Causes
• Parenting: parental deprivation, pampering, and
spoiling by parents. TABLE 29.10
• Most theories state that people with narcissis- Comparison of the DSM-5 Criteria and Mnemonics
tic personality disorder develop narcissism in for Narcissistic Personality Disorder
response to their low self-esteem. People with DSM-5 Criteria Mnemonics
narcissistic personality disorder have inflated
self-esteem and seek information that confirms Antagonism, characterized by GAME
a. Grandiosity: Feelings of entitlement, either Grandiose fantasy
their illusory bias.
overt or covert; self-centredness; firmly of self-importance
• Psychodynamic theories
holding to the belief that one is better than Arrogant
• Kohut proposed that narcissistic personality others; condescending towards others Manipulative
disorder is different from borderline per- b. Attention seeking: Excessive attempts to Envious of others
sonality disorder; idealization is a normal attract and be the focus of the attention of
development for missing psychic structure; others; admiration seeking
self is nondefensive and normally arrested.
Personality Disorders 451
2. How do you find your physical appearance? Do Course and Prognosis
you feel that people from the opposite gender 1. In general, people with histrionic personality
often find you attractive? disorder have less functional impairments com-
3. Do you find yourself good in acting or pared to other personality disorders.
pretending? 2. Some people with histrionic personality disor-
4. How do you find your emotion? Does your emo- der improve with age as a result of maturity.
tion fluctuate much? 3. Sensation seeking may lead to substance misuse.
5. Do you tend to seek excitement from time to
• Hypomania/mania: characterized by episodic • Cluster C: avoidant, dependent, and obsessive–
mood disturbances with grandiosity and elated compulsive personality disorders—anxious or
mood, which should not be found in histrionic fearful
personality disorder.
• Somatization/conversion disorder: people with Common defence mechanisms: isolation, passive aggres-
histrionic personality disorder are more dra- sion, hypochondriasis, and undoing
matic and attention seeking.
• Substance misuse.
• Other personality disorders 29.7.1 Anankastic Personality Disorder
• Borderline personality disorder: more Epidemiology
self-harm, chaotic relations, and identity Prevalence
• Dependent personality disorder: more Prevalence in the community: 1.7%–2.2%. Anankastic
impairment in the decision-making process. personality disorder is the most common personality dis-
• Narcissistic personality disorder: people order in the community in the United Kingdom.
with narcissistic personality disorder need More common in eldest children, Caucasians, and
attention for being praised, and they are high socioeconomic status
very sensitive to humiliation. Gender ratio: M > F
TABLE 29.12
Comparison of the ICD-10 Criteria, DSM-5 Criteria, and Mnemonics for Anankastic Personality Disorder
ICD-10 Criteria DSM-5 Criteria Mnemonics (Robinson, 2001)
Affect Compulsivity PERFECTION
1. Feelings of excessive doubt and caution Rigid perfectionism on everything being flawless, Preoccupation with details, rules, and plans
Behaviour perfect, and without errors or faults, including Emotionally constricted
1. Perfectionism that interferes with task one’s own and others’ performance; sacrificing of Reluctant to delegate tasks
completion timeliness to ensure correctness in every detail; Frugal
2. Excessive conscientiousness and believing that there is only one right way to do Excessively devoted to work
scrupulousness (extremely careful) things; difficulty changing ideas; preoccupation Controlling of other people
3. Excessive pedantry (adherence to rules and with details, organization, and order Task completion hampered by perfectionism
forms) and adherence to social conventions Miserly spending style and failure to discard old Inflexible
items Overconscientious in morals, ethics,
Rigidity at tasks long after the behaviour has and values
1. Rigidity and stubbornness
ceased to be functional or effective; Not able to discard old items and
2. Undue preoccupation with productivity to
continuance of the same behaviour despite hoards objects
the exclusion of pleasure and interpersonal
relationships repeated failures
TABLE 29.13
Comparison of the ICD-10 Criteria, DSM-5 Criteria, and Mnemonics for Anxious Personality Disorder
ICD-10 Criteria DSM-5 Mnemonics
Affect Detachment AVOID
1. Persistent, pervasive tension, and apprehension a. Withdrawal: reticence in social situations; Avoid involvement
avoidance of social contacts and activity Very anxious
b. Intimacy avoidance: avoidance of close Overconcern about criticism
2. Unwilling to be involved with people unless
or romantic relationships and interpersonal Inhibited in interpersonal situations
certain of being liked
attachments Disapproval expected at work
3. Restricted lifestyle due to need for physical security
c. Unwilling to get involved unless being liked
4. Avoidance of social or occupational activities
involving significant interpersonal contact because Negative affectivity
of fear of criticism, disapproval, or rejection a. Worry about criticism and view oneself as
socially inept
5. Belief that one is socially inept, personally
unappealing, or inferior to others
6. Excessive preoccupation with being criticized
or rejected in social situations
Personality Disorders 455 Treatment
1. CBT is more useful and effective as compared TABLE 29.14
to brief dynamic psychotherapy to help patients Comparison of the ICD-10 Criteria and Mnemonics
to overcome avoidance. for Dependent Personality Disorder
2. Assertiveness and social skill training is useful ICD-10 Criteria Mnemonics
to help patients to make and refuse request.
Affect FEARS
3. Distress tolerance skill is important to help 1. Uncomfortable or helpless Fear of being left alone
patients to handle anticipatory anxiety in social when alone due to exaggerated Expression of disagreement is
situations. fears of inability to self-care limited
Behaviour Avoid decision-making and Course and Prognosis 2. Encourages or allows others to responsibility
1. People with avoidant personality disorder may make most of one’s Relationship is sought urgently
do well in familiar environment with known important life decisions with other relationship ends
people. 3. Subordination of one’s own Self-confidence is lacking
2. Shyness tends to decrease when the patients get needs to those of others on
older. whom one is dependent, undue
3. People with avoidant personality disorder and compliance with their wishes
4. Unwilling to make even
comorbid depressive disorder may have high
reasonable demands on the
dropout rate in treatment.
people one depends on
5. Preoccupation with fears of
29.7.3 Dependent Personality Disorder
being left to care for oneself Epidemiology 6. Limited capacity to take
everyday decisions without an
The prevalence in the community is between 1% and 1.7%.
excessive amount of advice and
reassurance from others Aetiology Biological Causes
• Twin studies suggest a biological component to 3. In situations when you do not agree with other
submissiveness. people, are you able to express yourself?
• The heritability is 0.57. 4. What would happen if you are left alone? Would
you be fearful? Psychological Causes Differential Diagnosis
• Dependent personality traits are thought to
1. Depressive disorder
result from parental deprivation and indulgent
2. Agoraphobia
parents who prohibit independent activity.
3. Social phobia
• Dependent personality results from fixation at
4. Other personality disorders
the oral stage of psychosexual development.
a. Borderline personality disorder: Both bor-
• Hostile dependency: dependency as a way to
derline personality disorder and dependent
manage anger and aggression.
personality disorder share fear of rejection
• Insecure attachment.
and abandonment. People with borderline
personality disorder show more anger, emp- Clinical Features
tiness, and dramatic responses. People with
(See Table 29.14.) dependent personality disorder are more sub-
missive and clinging. People with dependent Elicit Dependent Personality personality disorder want to be controlled, but
Disorder in CASC people with borderline personality disorder
1. Can you describe your character? Are you a react strongly to the efforts to be controlled.
dependent person? People with borderline personality disorder
2. How do you feel about making a decision? show more rage and chaotic relationship.
456 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
patient requires for admission, consider
American Psychiatric Association. 2013: Desk Reference to
mother–baby unit. In general, the NICE the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5. Washington, DC:
guidelines recommend the exploration of American Psychiatric Association Press.
other options before considering admis- Brennan PA and Mednick SA. 1993: Genetic perspectives on
sion of a person with borderline personal- crime. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 370(Suppl.):
ity disorder. As a result of potential risk 19–26.
to the infant, inpatient treatment may be Campbell RJ. 1996: Psychiatric Dictionary, p. 421. Oxford,
U.K.: Oxford University Press.
more suitable in this case. It is important
Coccaro EF, Bergeman CS, and McClearn GE. 1993: Heritability
to agree on the length and purpose of of irritable impulsiveness: A study of twins reared together
inpatient treatment prior to admission. and apart. Psychiatry Research 48:229–242.
According to the NICE guidelines, the Dasgupta P and Barber J. 2004: Admission patterns of
management of the patient is as follows: patients with personality disorder. Psychiatric Bulletin
6. A crisis plan needs to be developed to iden- 28:321–323.
tify potential triggers that lead to a crisis. DeBattista C and Glick ID. 1995: Pharmacotherapy of the
personality disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry
The plan should specify self-management
strategies that are likely to be effective. The Eysenck HJ and Eysenck SB. 1975: Manual of the Eysenck
patient should be informed about access ser- Personality Questionnaire. London, U.K.: Hodder and
vices (including a list of support numbers for Stoughton.
out-of-hour teams and crisis teams) when Freeman CPL. 1995: Personality disorders. In Kendell RE and
self-management strategy is inadequate. Zealley AK (eds.) Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 5th
7. If the patient is admitted to the ward, the edn. Edinburgh, Scotland: Churchill Livingstone.
psychiatrist needs to address the issues of Gabbard GO. 2000: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, 3rd edn.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
staff countertransference, potential split- Gelder M, Gath D, and Mayou R. 1985: Oxford Textbook of
ting, and regression from time to time. Psychiatry. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
During hospitalization, consideration needs Goyer PF, Andreason PJ, Semple WE et al. 1994: Positron
to be given to teach patient on parenting emission tomography and personality disorders.
skills and explore the psychological mean- Neuropsychopharmacology 10:21–28.
ings of the infant to her. Hare RD and Neumann CS. 2008: Psychopathy as a clini-
8. The short-term goals include helping the cal and empirical construct. Annual Review of Clinical
Psychology 4:217–246.
patient to develop parenting skills to take care
Harris GT and Rice ME. 1997: Risk appraisal and man-
of the infant and reduce recurrent self-harm. agement of violent behavior. Psychiatric Services
9. In this patient, issues of breast-feeding and 48(9):1168–1176.
its potential impact on the infant are impor- Henderson DK. 1939: Psychopathic States. New York: W.W.
tant before considering psychotropic medi- Norton & Company.
cation. Once she has stopped breast-feeding, Higgitt A and Fonagy P. 1992: Psychotherapy in borderline
antipsychotic (as monotherapy) is suitable and narcissistic personality disorder. British Journal of
Psychiatry 161:23–43.
for medium- and long-term management.
Kaplan H. 1952: The schizophrenic reaction with psycho-
Polypharmacy should be avoided. pathic features: clinical characteristics and response
10. If insomnia is a major problem, provide to therapy: A comprehensive study of seven cases.
general advice on sleep hygiene and con- American Medical Association Archives of Neurology
sider sedative antihistamines to avoid and Psychiatry 68(2):258–265.
potential misuse of benzodiazepines. Kernberg OF. 1975: Borderline Conditions and Pathological
11. For psychological treatment, she may need Narcissism. New York: Aronson.
Kety SS, Rosenthal D, Wender PH et al. 1971: Mental illness
twice-weekly psychotherapy sessions and
in the biological and adoptive families of adopted schizo-
require longer term of psychological inter- phrenics. American Journal of Psychiatry 128:302–306.
ventions (duration of > 3 months). Koizumi K, Sukegawa H, and Takakuma E. 1964: Studies on the
12. A formal care programme approach review function of concentration maintenance (TAF): Comparison
should be held regularly. of TAF with IQ and Kraepelin character types. Nihon
Eiseigaku Zasshi 19:8–11.
458 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Lenzenweger MF, Lane MC, Loranger AW, and Kessler RC. Paris J, Brown R, and Nowis D. 1987: Long-term follow-up of
2007: DSM-IV personality disorders in the National borderline patients in a general hospital. Comprehensive
Comorbidity Survey Replication. Biological Psychiatry Psychiatry 28:530–535.
62(6):553–564. Robins LN. 1966: Deviant Children Grown Up. Baltimore, MD:
Linehan MM, Armstrong HE, Svarez A et al. 1991: Cognitive– Williams & Wilkins.
behavioural treatment of chronically parasuicidal Robinson DJ. 2001: Psychiatric Mnemonics & Clinical Guides.
borderline patients. Archives of General Psychiatry Port Huron, MI: Rapid Psychler Press.
48:1060–1064. Sadock BJ and Sadock VA. 2003: Kaplan and Sadock’s
McGuffin P and Thapar A. 1992: The genetics of personality Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 9th edn.
disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry 160:12–23. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Mednick SA, Gabrielli WF, and Hutchings B. 1984: Genetic Schneider K. 1958: Psychopathic Personalities. London, U.K.:
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borderline personality disorder? Journal of Personality International Classification of Diseases. Geneva,
Disorders 18(3):240–247. Switzerland: WHO.
30 Cross-Cultural Psychiatry
460 Revision Notes in Psychiatry International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia To identify the cause of the good prognosis for schizo-
This study (WHO, 1973) was devised to determine whether phrenia in the less-developed world, Leff et al. (1990)
schizophrenia could be recognized as the same condition in determined the levels of expressed emotion (EE) in a sub-
a wide variety of cultural settings. Nine centres (Columbia, sample of the Chandigarh cohort of first-contact schizo-
Czechoslovakia, Denmark, India, Nigeria, Russia, Taiwan, phrenic patients from the WHO determinants of the
the United Kingdom, and the United States) participated. outcome study. At 1-year follow-up, a dramatic reduction
The Present State Examination was translated into seven had occurred in each of the EE components. No rural rel-
languages, and psychiatrists trained in its use interviewed ative was rated as high EE at follow-up. It was concluded
1200 patients. Diagnoses were then generated using the that the better outcome of this cohort of schizophrenic
computer program CATEGO. The main findings were patients is partly attributable to tolerance and acceptance
by family members.
• When narrow criteria of Schneider’s first-rank
symptoms were applied, an incidence of schizo- 30.2.2 Neurosis
phrenia was found, which did not differ significantly
across cultural settings. Therefore, schizophrenia is Using standardized interviewing and case-finding tech-
recognizable as the same condition across a wide niques, the prevalence rates for neurosis in developing
variety of cultures. countries are comparable with or higher than those
• Broadly defined, schizophrenia has an incidence found in the West, contrary to what was previously
that differs significantly from one country to believed.
another. In many Third World countries, hysteria represents a
• The outcome of schizophrenia was found to high proportion of psychiatric practice. In the West, there
vary inversely with the social development of has been a substantial decrease in the numbers of patients
the society. Those from developing countries with hysteria and a compensatory rise in the incidence of
had a better prognosis than those from the devel- anxiety and depression. It is suggested that this can be
oped world. seen as a shift from a somatic to a psychological mode
of communication of emotional distress. The tendency
to express distress in a psychological form is associated Determinants of Outcome Study with higher social class and education. Catatonia could
This study (Sartorius et al., 1986) extended its case- similarly be viewed as a nonverbal manifestation of
finding techniques to include rural primary health-care schizophrenia.
centres, traditional healers, police stations, and prisons as Orley and Wing (1979) investigated the rates of psy-
well as the more conventional psychiatric settings. More chiatric illness in two villages in East and West Africa.
than 1300 cases were interviewed in 12 centres across 10 The rates of depression and anxiety showed large differ-
countries. The main findings were ences (22% and 10%, respectively). Compared to rates
in Western countries (10%–12%), these rates are high.
• The incidence of narrowly defined schizophre- Communities in the developed and undeveloped world
nia was stable across a wide range of cultures, are heterogeneous, a point emphasized by the ‘new cross-
climates, and ethnic groups, confirming findings cultural psychiatry’ (see succeeding text).
of the International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia In comparing the psychopathology of Jewish and
(IPSS). The form of presentation of schizophre- gentile East London depressives, hypochondriasis and
nia varied across cultures. tension are much more common in the Jewish group,
• Catatonic schizophrenia was a common form of whereas guilt is more common in the gentiles. Guilt is
presentation in the underdeveloped world but has culturally determined and more common in Christians.
become much rarer in the West. Catatonia pre- Somatic symptoms of depression appear to be uni-
sented in 10% of cases in developing countries but versal, but the concept of depression of mood is not rec-
in only a handful of those in developed countries. ognized in all cultures; many cultures do not have the
• Hebephrenic schizophrenia was diagnosed in language to express the feeling of depression as described
13% of cases from developed countries but in in the West. Instead, such terms as ‘sinking heart’ or
only 4% of cases from developing countries. ‘soul loss’ are found. In China, 87% of people suffering
• In developing countries, acute schizophrenia was from neurasthenia fulfil the criteria for major depression
diagnosed more often than in developed countries. and respond to treatment with antidepressants.
Cross-Cultural Psychiatry 461
Among Malay cases in mental hospitals, the most passing of semen in urine as a consequence of excessive
common diagnosis is schizophrenia. Depression, acute indulgence in masturbation or intercourse.
brain syndrome, and hysterical dissociation have also Patients are typically from a rural area, from a family
been found in some cases. The majority do not have with conservative attitudes towards sex and of average or low
a mental illness. Attacks are often preceded by inter- socioeconomic status. Literacy and religion are unimportant.
personal discord, insults or personal loss, and social Bhatia and Malik (1991) studied male patients attend-
drinking. ing a sexual problems clinic in New Delhi. They found
that 65% arrived with a primary complaint of dhat syn-
drome. Twenty-three per cent of these also complained of
30.3.2 Latah
impotence or premature ejaculation. The age of presenta-
This usually begins after a sudden frightening experi- tion is early twenties, with about 50% unmarried. Most
ence in Malay women. It is characterized by a response are literate. Although some suffered from depression and
to minimal stimuli with exaggerated startles, coprolalia, anxiety, those with dhat syndrome differed from the oth-
echolalia, echopraxia, and automatic obedience. It has ers only in the relative absence of depression and anxi-
been suggested that this is merely one form of what is ety. Treatment with anxiolytics or antidepressant drugs
known to psychologists as the ‘hyperstartle reaction’ and resulted in significant improvement, however.
is universally found. Dhat syndrome is considered by many to be a true
culture-bound condition. The belief in the precious prop-
erties of semen is ingrained in Indian culture.
30.3.3 Koro
This is common in Southeast Asia and China; it 30.3.5 Frigophobia
may occur in epidemic form. It involves the belief of
genital retraction with disappearance into the abdo- Frigophobia is common in China and Southeast Asia.
men, accompanied by intense anxiety and the fear of Patients believe that excessive cold results in illness and
impending death. they compulsively dress in heavy or excessive clothing.
Cases of a similar condition have been described in
non-Chinese subjects. In these cases, the syndrome is 30.3.6 Taijinkyofusho
often only partial, such as the belief of genital shrinkage,
Taijinkyofusho is common in Japan. The patient fears that
not necessarily with retraction into the abdomen; it usu-
he or she offends the other people or makes them uncom-
ally occurs within the context of another psychiatric dis-
fortable through inappropriate behaviour or self-presenta-
order and resolves once the underlying illness has been
tion (e.g. offensive odour or physical blemish). Differential
diagnosis such as social phobia should be considered.
Debate about the cultural specificity of this disorder
continues. Some argue that the culturally determined
syndrome is clearly different from the symptom of geni- 30.4 CULTURE-BOUND
tal retraction occurring in some non-Chinese psychotic SYNDROMES IN AMERICA
The development of koro has been associated with 30.4.1 Piblokto
psychosexual conflicts, personality factors, and cultural This dissociative state is seen among Eskimo women.
beliefs in the context of psychological stress. The patient tears off her clothing, screams, cries,
and runs about wildly, endangering her life by expo-
30.3.4 Dhat sure to the cold. It may result in suicidal or homicidal
This is commonly recognized in Indian culture and is
also widespread in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and
30.4.2 Susto
Pakistan. Dhat was prevalent in Europe in the nineteenth
century because masturbation was prohibited by religion Susto literally means the loss of soul. This syndrome is
and emission was a sin. It includes vague somatic symp- common in Mexico and Central and South America. The
toms (fatigue, weakness, anxiety, loss of appetite, guilt, aetiology of susto includes organic causes, stress, and
etc.) and sometimes sexual dysfunction (impotence or social inadequacy. Patients usually present with both psy-
premature ejaculation), which the subject attributes to the chiatric and physical symptoms. Psychiatric symptoms
Cross-Cultural Psychiatry 463
include depression, anxiety, and paranoia. Organic symp- Sufferers of brain fag syndrome are resistant to psy-
toms include indigestion and anaemia. chological interpretation of their condition. It is suggested
that brain fag syndrome is a form of depression in which
30.4.3 Windigo depressive features are not articulated in Western psycho-
logical terms.
This is described in North American Indians and ascribed
to depression, schizophrenia, hysteria, or anxiety. It is a dis-
order in which the subject believes he or she has undergone 30.5.3 Ufufuyane
a transformation and become a monster who practises can- Ufufuyane is common in South Africa. Clinical fea-
nibalism. However, it has been suggested that windigo is in tures include anxiety, convulsions, repeated neologisms,
fact a local myth rather than an actual pattern of behaviour. paralysis shouting, sobbing, trance-like stupor, and loss
of consciousness. Patients may complain of nightmares
30.4.4 Uqamairineq with sexual themes and temporary blindness.
Uqamairineq is common in Inuits living within the
Arctic Circle. Prodromal symptoms include transient 30.5.4 Nerfiza
auditory or olfactory hallucinations. Patients with uqa- Nerfiza is common in Egypt, Northern Europe, Greece,
mairineq present with sudden paralysis in semi-sleeping Mexico, and Central and South America. Clinical features
states, anxiety, agitation, and hallucinations. include depression, anxiety, and fearfulness. Patients
present with somatic complaints such as headache and
30.5 CULTURE-BOUND muscle pain, appetite loss, agitation, nausea, giddiness,
SYNDROMES IN AFRICA insomnia, fatigue, and tingling sensation.
30.5.1 Bouffee Delirante
Bouffee delirante is common in West Africa and Haiti. MINORITIES IN BRITAIN
Patient presents with sudden outburst of agitation, aggres-
sion, and auditory and visual hallucinations. Bouffee Britain is a multiracial society. In some large cities, eth-
delirante resembles acute and transient psychosis. nic minorities represent 30% or more of the total popula-
tion. Ethnic minority groups are of two types:
30.5.2 Brain Fag Syndrome • Immigrants
This is a widespread low-grade stress syndrome described • Second- or third-generation residents
in many parts of Africa and also in New Guinea. It is com-
monly encountered among students, probably because of The stresses incurred by these two groups are different.
the high priority accorded to education in African society, Ethnic minority groups are heterogeneous in terms of
and is particularly prevalent at examination times. religion and cultural background.
Five symptom types have been described as compris-
ing brain fag syndrome: 30.6.1 Immigrants
• Head symptoms—aching, burning, crawling People migrate for various reasons, and so adjustment
sensations will depend on many factors including those operating
• Eye symptoms—blurring, watering, aching before migration, the reasons for migration, and factors
• Difficulty in grasping the meaning of spoken or operating in the host society.
written words
• Poor retentivity Types of Migrants
• Sleepiness on studying • Settlers are likely to be prepared for a new way
of life.
Guinness (1992) found the rates to be highest in rural • Exiles have been forced to migrate. This may
areas serving peasant populations (34% of students), com- result in grief reaction for their old way of life.
pared to peri-urban schools (22%) and schools for the pro- They may have suffered torture or other atroci-
fessional élite (6%). ties before migration.
464 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
• Migrant workers are less likely to put down these criticisms. Harvey et al. (1990) studied consecutive
roots in the host country. They may be support- Afro-Caribbean and white British psychotic inpatients
ing their family financially at home. prospectively and found no differences in the course of
• Others: students, business people, etc. illness or the pattern of symptoms. This caused them to
reject the hypothesis that misdiagnosis accounts for the Stresses Involved in Migration higher rates of schizophrenia in this group.
There are various social stresses: Schizophrenia as defined by operational research cri-
teria is more common in people of Afro-Caribbean ori-
• Culture shock and readjustment to the host society gin living in the United Kingdom.
• Downward social mobility, poor housing, unem- Sugarman and Craufurd (1994) found a lifetime
ployment or job dissatisfaction, unfulfilled aspi- morbid risk of schizophrenia in the parents of Afro-
rations, and lack of opportunities Caribbean subjects to be the same as the risks to par-
• Racial prejudice and discrimination in the host ents of British white schizophrenic subjects (8.9% and
society 8.4%, respectively). However, for the siblings of Afro-
• Loss of extended family support Caribbean probands, the risk was 15% compared to
• Intergenerational difficulties as children inte- 1.8% for white siblings. Among the siblings of U.K.-born
grate, bringing cultural conflict into the home Afro-Caribbean probands, the risk was even higher at
27.3%. These observations suggest that schizophrenia in
In a 3-year follow-up study of Vietnamese boat people given Afro-Caribbean patients is no less familial than the rest
asylum in Norway, Hauff and Vaglum (1995) found there of the population (as evidenced by the similar risks to
was no decline in psychological distress over time. One in parents) but that the increased risk is caused by environ-
four suffered psychiatric disorder and the prevalence of mental factors capable of precipitating schizophrenia in
depression at 3 years was 18%. Female gender, extreme trau- those who are genetically predisposed to it.
matic stress in Vietnam, negative life events in Norway, and The environmental factor postulated has not been
chronic family separation were the predictors of psychopa- identified to date. There is no evidence of increased rates
thology. Thus, the effects of war and persecution were long of schizophrenia in the West Indies and therefore no evi-
lasting and compounded by adversity in exile. dence that Afro-Caribbeans carry a greater genetic load-
Some studies have found that the mental health of ref- ing for schizophrenia.
ugees improves over time, and it is possible that adverse Admission rates for Asians are similar to Europeans,
factors in the host environment have significant effects on except for the 16–29-year age group, who tend to have
the readjustment and mental health of refugees. lower psychiatric admission rates than Europeans. This
gives rise to concerns that services are not reaching this
30.6.2 Mental Illness among Ethnic Minorities particular group. Schizophrenia
The higher than expected rates of schizophrenia among Suicide
Afro-Caribbean people born in Britain have been noted The United Kingdom
since the 1960s. Studies of hospital admissions have Raleigh and Balarajan (1992) reported suicide rates
demonstrated high rates of schizophrenia in this group among British ethnic minority groups compared to the
compared to British whites and Asians. indigenous British white population:
The highest rates of schizophrenia in the Afro-
Caribbean group occur in U.K.-born second-generation • Suicide rates were high among young Indian
subjects (up to nine times that among Europeans). women (age-specific standardized mortality
Differences persist even when age and socioeconomic rates (SMRs) of 273 and 160 at ages 15–24 and
status are taken into account. 25–34, respectively) but low among Indian men
These results have caused controversy, with criticisms (SMR 73).
of misdiagnosis due to unfamiliar culturally determined • Suicide rates were low in Caribbeans (SMRs 81
patterns of behaviour, acute psychotic reactions being and 62 in men and women, respectively).
mistaken for schizophrenia, or racism accounting for the • Suicide rates were high in East Africans (SMRs
observed differences. However, well-designed studies 128 and 148 in men and women, respectively) and
dealing with methodological problems fail to substantiate were largely confined to the younger age groups.
Cross-Cultural Psychiatry 465
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Religious leaders and healers can provide important cohort of Vietnamese refugees three years after resettle-
alternative sources of support. Psychotherapy with ment. British Journal of Psychiatry 166:360–367.
ethnic minority groups needs to recognize a different Hotopf M and Mullen R. 1992: Koro and Capgras syndrome in a
non-Chinese subject. British Journal of Psychiatry 161:577.
philosophical framework and personal development.
Kleinman A. 1977: Depression, somatisation and the new ‘cross-
Thus, the Western concern with personal autonomy cultural psychiatry’. Social Science and Medicine 11:3–10.
and independence may not be relevant in those cultures Kleinman A. 1987: Anthropology and psychiatry: The role
that emphasize the interdependence of the family and of culture in cross-cultural research on illness. British
the community. Culturally consonant therapy should Journal of Psychiatry 151:447–454.
be offered. Kon Y. 1994: Amok. British Journal of Psychiatry 165:685–689.
Cross-Cultural Psychiatry 467
Leff J, Wig NN, Bedi H et al. 1990: Relatives’ expressed emo- Shepherd M. 1995: Two faces of Emil Kraepelin. British
tion and the course of schizophrenia in Chandigarh: Journal of Psychiatry 167:174–183.
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Journal of Psychiatry 156:351–356. Journal of Psychiatry 161:121–123.
Littlewood R. 1990: From categories to contexts: A decade of Sugarman PPA and Craufurd D. 1994: Schizophrenia in the
the ‘new cross-cultural psychiatry’. British Journal of Afro-Caribbean community. British Journal of Psychiatry
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Murphy JM. 1994: Anthropology and psychiatric epidemiology. Thomas CS, Stone K, Osborn M et al. 1993: Psychiatric mor-
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ferent cultures. Psychological Medicine 16:909–928. Medical Journal 332:1058–1061.
31 Liaison, Organic, and
470 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 31.1
Compare and Contrast Factitious Disorder, Malingering, and Somatization Disorder
Factitious Disorder Malingering Somatization Disorder
Motivation Assume the sick role External gain (e.g. false claim Internal psychological
from an insurance company, motivation
avoid legal responsibility)
Signs or symptoms Intentional production or Intentionally produced Unintentional and
feigning signs or symptoms involuntary
Attitude towards Provide a vague and Poor cooperation in evaluation Frequent medical
medical professionals confusion history and treatment consultation to seek relief
Patient may go from hospital of symptoms
to hospital seeking
31.3 CARDIOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY The relationship between depression and ischaemic heart
disease (IHD):
The relationship between stress and the cardiovascular
system (Wise and Rundell, 2002): 1. Twenty per cent of patients with IHD have
comorbid depression.
1. Stressful life events lead to appraisal of the current 2. Major depression as an independent risk factor
situation. Primary appraisal assesses the threat- for IHD.
ening nature of a life event. Secondary appraisal 3. After an acute myocardial infarction, major
assesses the adequacy of coping strategies. depression predicts mortality in the first
2. There will be three phases of responses. Phase 6 months. The impact of a depressive episode is
1 is an alarm reaction, phase 2 is the resistance equivalent to the impact of a previous infarct.
stage, and phase 3 is the exhaustion stage.
3. The sympathetic system is activated by stress- The impact of depression on heart diseases:
ful life events. Patient will experience dilation
of pupils, dry mouth, palpitations, and sweating. 1. Poor compliance to cardiac treatment.
4. Chronic mental stress–associated ordinary 2. Autonomic disturbances in depression may lead
life events are the most common precipitant of to heart rate changes and arrhythmias.
myocardial ischaemia in patients with coronary 3. Serotonin dysfunction in depression: platelet
artery disease. Type A behaviour (e.g. aggres- activation and thrombosis.
siveness, impatience, and hostility) is associ-
ated with the incidence of recurrent myocardial
infarction and cardiac death in patients with pre- 31.3.1 Antidepressant Trials in Patients
vious myocardial infarction. Twenty per cent of
Suffering from IHD
people with acute myocardial infarction suffer
from depressive disorder (Friedman et al., 1987). 1. Sertraline Antidepressant Heart Attack
5. Psychosocial stress increases the levels of adrena- Randomized Trial (SADHART)
line and noradrenaline, which causes an increase This study found sertraline to be a safe treat-
in peripheral vascular resistance, resulting in ment for depression after myocardial infarction,
hypertension and hypertrophy of the heart. but there was little difference in depression sta-
6. An acute emotional trigger such as provoking tus between groups receiving sertraline and pla-
anger is the immediate precipitant of arrhyth- cebo after 24 weeks of treatment. However, the
mias in patients who are in a chronic state of effect of sertraline was greater in the patients
helplessness. Helplessness is an underlying with severe and recurrent depression. This study
sense of entrapment without possible escape. was not designed to assess the effects of treat-
Arrhythmias can lead to sudden cardiac death. ment on cardiovascular prognosis, but severe
Liaison, Organic, and Neuropsychiatry 473
TABLE 31.2
Use of Psychotropic Drugs for Patients Suffering from Atrial Fibrillation
Antipsychotics Antidepressants Stabilizers Hypnotics Dementia
Recommended Aripiprazole Mirtazapine (patients Lithium Benzodiazepines Rivastigmine seems
with AF often take Valproate to be the best
NSAIDs and warfarin)
Not recommended Clozapine Olanzapine Tricyclic antidepressants Nil Nil Avoid other
Paliperidone acetylcholinesterase
inhibitors in
paroxysmal AF
Source: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing Guideline, Informa Healthcare, London, U.K., 2009.
cardiovascular events during the 6-month treat- Advanced uraemia causes lethargy, asterixis, myoclo-
ment tended to be less frequent in the sertra- nus, deterioration in total intelligence, and impairment in
line group. The effect of sertraline on chronic working memory.
depression was not evaluated. The differential diagnosis of neuropsychiatric symp-
2. ENhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease toms in CRF patients includes hypercalcaemia, hypo-
(ENRICHD) Study (Berkman et al., 2003) phosphataemia, hypo- or hyperglycaemia, hypo- or
In this trial, the effects of CBT on depression hypernatraemia, drug intoxication, and central nervous
and cardiac outcomes were evaluated. No sig- system (CNS) pathologies such as meningitis, encepha-
nificant difference in the cardiac outcomes was litis, subdural haematoma (SDH), and hypertensive
found between the intervention and the care as encephalopathy.
usual arms. Although substantial improvement Uraemic encephalopathy is associated with nonspe-
in the severity of depression was observed cific EEG changes.
6 months after initiation of CBT, the differ-
ence between both arms diminished over time
and was no longer present after 30 months. 31.4.2 Psychiatric Aspects of Dialysis
3. Myocardial INfarction and Depression—
Intervention Trial (MIND–IT) (Van Melle et al., Psychiatrists are often asked to assess patients with
2007) chronic renal failure refusing dialysis.
Antidepressant treatment did not alter the Assessment should include
course of chronic depression after myocardial
infarction status or improve the cardiac out- 1. Capacity to make decisions: capacity is reduced
comes (Table 31.2). as a result of uraemia; previous views or advanced
directives should be sought and dialysis should
continue to optimize the patient’s condition to
31.4.1 Psychiatric Aspects of 2. Presence of depression, hopelessness, and sui-
cidal plan
Chronic Renal Failure
3. Misconception and misunderstanding of dialysis
Chronic renal failure is a result of irreversible loss of glo-
merular filtration rate (GFR). Progressive loss of GFR Dialysis improves uraemic encephalopathy but sexual
leads to end-stage renal failure. dysfunctions and impaired quality of life continue
The most common causes of CRF in the United throughout the course of dialysis. Dialysis dementia is
Kingdom include autosomal dominant polycystic kidney characterized by progressive encephalopathy, stuttering,
disease, diabetes mellitus (DM), chronic pyelonephritis, dysarthria, dysphasia, impaired memory, depression,
glomerulonephritides (IgA nephropathy), hypertension, paranoia, myoclonic jerk, triphasic EEG abnormality, and
obstructive uropathy, and vascular disease. seizures (Tables 31.3 and 31.4).
474 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 31.3
Use of Psychotropic Drugs for Patients Suffering from Renal Impairment
Types Antipsychotics Antidepressants Stabilizers Hypnotics
Recommended First-generation antipsychotic drug: Citalopram Valproate Lorazepam
haloperidol 2–6 mg/day Sertraline Carbamazepine Zopiclone
Second-generation antipsychotic drug: Lamotrigine
olanzapine 5 mg/day
Not recommended Sulpiride Tricyclic antidepressant Lithium Diazepam
Amisulpride (because of (long
Avoid highly anticholinergic agent. anticholinergics effects) half-life)
Source: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing Guideline, Informa Healthcare, London, U.K., 2009.
TABLE 31.4
Summary of Electrolyte Disturbances and Psychiatric Manifestations
Low Levels High Levels
Sodium Causes: antidepressants, lithium, carbamazepine, diuretics, Causes: dehydration, diarrhoea, CNS lesions, and severe
SIADH, and compulsive water drinking burns
Neuropsychiatric features: anorexia, fatigue, headache Neuropsychiatric features: reduced consciousness (Na > 160),
confusion, and convulsion (if Na < 115) confusion, stupor, and coma if sodium is very high
Potassium Causes: vomiting, nausea (in bulimia nervosa), laxative Causes: excessive consumption of NSAIDS, potassium
addiction, diuretics, hypomagnesaemia, renal tubular acidosis, supplements, acute and chronic renal impairment, tumour
and Cushing’s disease lysis syndrome
Neuropsychiatric features: muscular weakness, lethargy, and Neuropsychiatric features: weakness, sensory perception
drowsiness. deficits, and delirium
Calcium Causes: hypoparathyroidism, phenytoin, secondary Common causes: hyperparathyroidism, malignancy, chronic
hyperparathyroidism renal failure, dehydration
Neuropsychiatric features: weakness, depression, delirium, and Less common causes: milk-alkali syndrome, sarcoidosis,
seizure thiazide diuretics, and vitamin D
Neuropsychiatric features: anorexia, vomiting, nausea; late
stage: drowsiness, depression, delirium, and seizure
Magnesium Causes: starvation, chronic alcoholism, and acute intermittent Causes: renal failure, magnesium-containing oral
porphyria medication
Neuropsychiatric features: weakness, depression, delirium, Neuropsychiatric features: drowsiness, weakness, and coma
seizure, and hallucination
Metabolic acidosis Metabolic alkalosis
Acid–base Causes: starvation, alcohol, diabetic ketoacidosis, renal failure, Causes: vomiting and chloride depletion
balance and severe sepsis Psychiatric features: irritability, hypoventilation, lethargy,
Psychiatric features: fatigue, anorexia, hyperventilation, and confusion when pH > 7.55
laboured breathing (Kussmaul respiration), coma, and
Source: Maxwell, P. H., Medical Masterclass—Nephrology, Blackwell Science, London, U.K., 2001.
Liaison, Organic, and Neuropsychiatry 475
31.5 HEPATOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY early as 3 years of age. Features include hepatic dysfunc-
tion (40%); psychiatric symptoms such as depression,
31.5.1 Hepatic Encephalopathy cognitive impairment, abnormal behaviour, and person-
Hepatic encephalopathy is caused by hyperammonaemia ality change (35%); and renal, haematological, and endo-
and an increase in GABA neurotransmission. crine symptoms. Cirrhosis and fulminant hepatic failure
The stage of hepatic encephalopathy is summarized are well-described complications. Ocular saccades are
as follows: slowed in Wilson’s disease (ocular saccades are also slow
in Huntington’s disease and supranuclear palsy). Other
Stage 0—Subclinical, psychomotor test abnormalities neurological features include dysphagia, drooling, slow-
Stage 1—Lethargy, confusion, excitation, sleep ness, flexed postures, a gaping mouth, dysarthria, coarse
disturbance, and decreased attention tremor, dystonia, rigidity, and chorea. The characteristic
Stage 2—Somnolence, inappropriate behaviour Kayser–Fleischer rings nearly present in all patients with
Stage 3—Stupor but arousable, speech neuropsychiatric symptoms and slit lamp examination
incomprehensible can be performed to verify the diagnosis. Cirrhosis usu-
Stage 4—Coma ally takes two or three decades to develop.
The diagnosis is established by low serum cerulo-
The first step in management of hepatic encephalopathy plasmin, an increased level of copper in the urine (>100
is to identify the underlying cause. Daily dietary protein μg/24 h), and an elevated hepatic copper level (>250 μg of
intake is reduced to 40 g or less, preferably restricted to copper/1 g of liver by dry weight). The CSF urate levels
high biological value protein. Patients will be given laxa- parallel serum levels and these levels are low in Wilson’s
tives, enemas, lactulose, and antibiotics (e.g. neomycin). disease.
Pharmacological treatment includes d-penicillamine
and oral zinc. Liver transplantation is indicated for
31.5.2 Wilson’s Disease (Lishman, 1997) patients with fulminant hepatitis or advanced cirrhosis.
Wilson’s disease is an autosomal recessive disorder
of hepatic copper metabolism. The incidence is 1 in 31.5.3 Use of Psychotropic Drugs for
200,000. The gene responsible for this disorder has been Patients Suffering from Liver Diseases
located on chromosome 13 and encodes a copper-bind-
ing, membrane-spanning protein with ATPase that regu- The general principle includes fewer drugs, lower dose,
lates metal transport proteins. and monitoring of side effects. Avoid drugs that are hepa-
Patients usually present with liver disease during totoxic, sedative, and cause constipation that increases
adolescence; however, clinical onset may be detected as the risk of hepatic encephalopathy (Table 31.5).
TABLE 31.5
Use of Psychotropic Drugs for Patients with Liver Impairment
Types Antipsychotics Antidepressants Mood Stabilizers Hypnotics
Recommended Low dose of haloperidol Paroxetine Lithium Lorazepam
Sulpiride or amisulpride: no Citalopram Oxazepam Temazepam
dosage reduction is required Zopiclone
if renal function is normal
Not recommended Avoid antipsychotic drugs Avoid tricyclic antidepressant Avoid carbamazepine Avoid diazepam that
that have extensive hepatic that is associated with because it induces has long half-life
metabolism such as constipation hepatic metabolism
chlorpromazine that is Avoid fluoxetine because of Avoid valproate because it
associated with long half-life and the risk of is highly protein bound
anticholinergic side effects accumulation of metabolites and metabolized by liver
Source: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing Guideline, Informa Healthcare, London, U.K., 2009.
476 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Cranial diabetes insipidus (DI) is caused by post head lability, inattention, intellectual deterioration, and
injury, cranial surgery, radiotherapy, craniopharyngioma, dementia. Prognosis for dementia is unpredictable. Skull
and CNS infection. x-ray may show symmetrical calcification in the basal
Treatment of cranial DI includes symptomatic relief ganglia.
by the synthetic vasopressin analogue desmopressin. Secondary hypoparathyroidism is more common than
Desmopressin is administered orally or more conve- primary hypoparathyroidism. It is often caused by thy-
niently via a nasal spray. roid surgery and associated with acute delirium. Other
psychiatric features include depression, psychosis, mania,
Nephrogenic DI is caused by renal disorders, hypercal-
anxiety, and irritability. The prognosis for psychiatric
caemia, hypokalaemia, and lithium.
symptoms is favourable.
Treatment of nephrogenic DI: Thiazide diuretic (e.g. hydro- Pseudohypoparathyroidism is caused by end-organ
chlorothiazide) and sodium restriction are often effective. unresponsiveness to circulating parathyroid hormone
as a result of familial calcification of basal ganglia. It is
31.6.9 Hyperparathyroidism associated with learning disability with poor response to
Clinical example: A 57-year-old woman presents with
thirst, polyuria, constipation, anorexia, malaise, and Physical features: Tetany, cramps, cataracts, and general-
depression. She has history of renal calculus. ized seizures. In the aforementioned clinical example, the
latent tetany is known as Trousseau’s sign. The contrac-
Hypercalcaemia is caused by primary hyperparathyroid-
tion of the facial muscles is known as Chvostek’s sign.
ism and contributes to psychiatric morbidity.
Neuropsychiatric symptoms include the following: 31.7 ONCOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY
1. Disturbance of mood and drive is prevalent. Tumours induce release of a number of pro-inflammatory
Depression may progress to psychosis and suicide. markers from macrophages and inflammatory cells such
2. Delirium is caused by high calcium levels or as the TNF-α that causes weight loss, fatigue, and consti-
parathyroid crisis. tutional symptoms.
3. Cognitive impairment: impaired attention, men- Symptoms include
tal slowing, and impaired memory.
4. Psychosis (5%–20%): mainly persecutory delu- 1. Pain
sions and hallucinations. 2. Nausea (25% of patients receiving chemotherapy)
3. Fatigue
Treatment: Correction of serum calcium usually results 4. Cognitive impairment
in reversal of psychiatric symptoms. 5. Depression and anxiety (25% of people with
cancer suffer from depressive disorder)
31.6.10 Hypoparathyroidism
Metastatic brain tumours occur in patients suffering from
Clinical example: A 35-year-old woman is referred to primary renal, pancreatic, gynaecological, prostate, and
the liaison team because of acute confusion. She also bladder cancer. Leptomeningeal disease is caused by
complains of muscle cramps and loss of sensation in her non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and adenocarcinoma of lung.
extremities. Her partner reports that the muscle cramps Effects of direct neurological insults of metastatic brain
are caused by exercise. She had a thyroid surgery 1 month tumours include
ago. On physical examination, a latent tetany is provoked
by inflating a sphygmomanometer cuff to 10–20 mmHg 1. Complex partial seizures
greater than her systolic blood pressure. In addition, tap- 2. Delirium
ping her facial nerve in front of the ear induce a brief 3. Dementia
contraction of her facial muscles. 4. Mania
Epidemiology: More common in women. Common causes of delirium in cancer patients include
Types of hypoparathyroidism. 1. Hypercalcaemia
Primary hypoparathyroidism is rare and associated with 2. Hypomagnesaemia
insidious onset. Psychiatric features include emotional 3. Hyperviscosity syndromes
Liaison, Organic, and Neuropsychiatry 479
(B) Exclude
other Causes (B2) General (B3) Neuromuscular (B4) Psychiatric (B5) Drugs and
of Fatigue (B1) Infections Conditions Disorders Causes Substances
1. Infectious 1. Autoimmune 1. Myositis 1. Depression 1. Alcohol
mononucleosis disease 2. Multiple sclerosis (explore suicidal 2. Solvents
is caused by 2. Endocrine 3. Myasthenia thoughts) 3. Side effects of
Epstein–Barr disorders gravis 2. Adjustment medications
virus (EBV) (Addison’s 4. Fibromyalgia: disorder 4. Exposure to
2. Other viral disease, muscle pain in 3. Anxiety and heavy metals
infections include hypothyroidism) bilateral occiput, hyperventilation (e.g. mercury)
Q fever, 3. Cardiac, lower cervical, 4. Somatoform and
toxoplasmosis, respiratory trapezius, disorders irradiation
and CMV; disease, and renal supraspinatus, 5. Hypochondriasis
influenza and failure second rib, 6. Neurasthenia
enteroviruses; 4. Asthma greater 7. Psychosis
chronic active trochanter, and 8. Eating disorder
hepatitis B and knees 9. Narcolepsy and
C; HIV sleep apnoea
3. Lyme disease
4. Cryptococcal
(C) Background (C2) Personal History (C3) Current Social (C4) Sick Role and (C5) Social
History (C1) Family History and Personality Situation Employment History
‘Do your family Explore childhood Explore current marital ‘Are you on sick Explore:
members or trauma, unhelpful relationship (why the leave at this 1. Social support
relatives have parenting, long marital relationship is moment? If so, 2. Social
strong ideas about absence from school, strained and what granted by which networks
illness and what repeated episodes of kinds of treatment (if doctor?’ 3. Financial
should be done?’ glandular fever. any) have the couple ‘Is your company problems
‘Do they have Explore personality: received?), difficulties keeping your job?’
difficulty expressing ‘How do you in previous ‘Are you keen to
emotions (i.e. describe yourself as relationships, and return to the current
alexithymia)? Do a person?’ social supports company?’
they express their
emotions through
body symptoms?’
31.8 ORGANIC PSYCHIATRY By convention, the following disorders are excluded from
the category of organic mental disorders and considered
In ICD-10, organic mental disorders are grouped on the separately:
basis of a common demonstrable aetiology being present
in the form of cerebral disorder, injury to the brain, or • Psychoactive substance use disorders (including
other insult leading to cerebral dysfunction, which may be brain disorder resulting from alcohol and other
• Primary—disorders, injuries, and insults affect- psychoactive drugs)
ing the brain directly or with predilection, such • The causes of learning disability (mental
as Alzheimer’s disease retardation)
• Secondary—systemic disorders affecting the
31.8.1 Organic Mental Disorders
brain only in so far as it is one of the multiple
organs or body systems involved (e.g. hypothy- The treatment, course, and prognosis for the following dis-
roidism) (Table 31.6) orders are essentially those of the underlying pathology.
482 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 31.6
Summary of the Organic Causes of Dementia
Diseases of the
Central Nervous Intracranial Endocrine Vascular
System Intoxication Causes Disorders Metabolic Disorders Causes
Alzheimer’s Alcohol Space-occupying Addison’s disease Hepatic failure Multi-infarct
disease Heavy metals such lesions such as Cushing’s syndrome Renal failure (vascular)
Pick’s disease as lead, arsenic, tumours, chronic Hyperinsulinism Respiratory failure dementia
Huntington’s thallium, and subdural Hypothyroidism Hypoxia Cerebral artery
disease mercury haematomas, Hypopituitarism Renal dialysis occlusion
Creutzfeldt– Carbon monoxide aneurysms, and Hypoparathyroidism Chronic uraemia Cranial arteritis
Jakob disease Withdrawal from chronic abscesses Hyperparathyroidism Chronic electrolyte imbalance Arteriovenous
Normal-pressure drugs Infections (↑Ca2+, ↓Ca2+, ↓K+, ↑Na+, malformation
hydrocephalus Withdrawal from Head injury ↓Na+) Binswanger’s
Multiple alcohol punch-drunk Porphyria disease
sclerosis syndrome Paget’s disease
Lewy body Remote effects of carcinoma or
disease lymphoma
degeneration (Wilson’s disease)
Vitamin deficiency (thiamine,
nicotinic acid, folate, B12)
Vitamin intoxication (A, D)
TABLE 31.10
Pretest and Posttest Counseling
Pretest Counseling Posttest Counseling
1. Help the person to analyse the reasons for testing and to evaluate 1. Ensure privacy and confidentiality.
the likelihood that he or she is infected. 2. Explore the feelings of the patient while waiting for the test
2. Explain to the person that the test is not expected to provide a result.
diagnosis of AIDS, any information concerning the severity of the 3. Presenting the results in a sensitive but honest manner.
infection, the infectiousness, and prognosis. 4. If a patient is confirmed to be infected with HIV, then inform the
3. Explain to the person that false positive or negative results may person about HIV and AIDS, avoiding any unwarranted estimate
occur. of survival and definite prognosis.
4. Inform the person about the possible consequences of a positive 5. Prompt the person to talk about their concerns and worries.
result, individual psychological reactions, interpersonal problems, 6. Encourage the person to fight against the infection and seek help
possible stigma, and difficulties in purchasing medical insurance. from infectious disease specialist.
5. Provide education about mode of transmission and prevention 7. Inform the person about the resources available in the community.
strategies. 8. Provide education on safe sex techniques.
Liaison, Organic, and Neuropsychiatry 485
TABLE 31.11
Summary of Clinical Progression and CD4 Count
200 Cells/mL < CD4 Count 50 Cells/mL < CD4 Count < 200 CD4 + Counts < 50
< 500 Cells/mL Cells/mL Cells/mL
Patients are at risk for developing AIDS-defining conditions including Patients are at increased
symptomatic but non-AIDS-defining opportunistic infections, neoplasm risk for fatal HIV-related
conditions associated with decreased (primary non-Hodgkin’s illness.
immunological functions. lymphoma), and AIDS-related
HIV infection affects the brain within the first dementia occur.
few months of infection and leads to minor Toxoplasma gondii cause changes
cognitive impairment. Weight loss, fatigue, in cognition and affect.
and thrush (oral candidiasis) may occur in
the early stage of the illness.
The most common opportunistic infections in the 31.9.5 Psychiatric Disorders and HIV Infection
CNS are Cryptococcus neoformans and Toxoplasma
gondii (Table 31.11). Acute Stress Reaction
Acute stress reaction is common immediately after the
diagnosis of HIV infection. The patient may present in a
31.9.4 Antiretroviral Treatment state of shock with depersonalization and derealization.
The highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is Other psychological reactions include anger, withdrawal,
composed of the following: guilt, denial, fear of death, and despair. Counselling with
infectious disease nurse is often useful.
• Nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibi-
tors (NARTIs): zidovudine (AZT), didanosine Adjustment Disorder
(ddI), zalcitabine (ddC), and lamivudine (3TC) Adjustment disorder may present with depression,
• Pharmacodynamics: phosphorylation to tri- anxiety, somatic complaints, obsessions, and compul-
phosphate and incorporated into growing sions. Adjustment disorder is common in patients who
DNA chain and blocks further DNA chain face family estrangement, overconcern of loved ones,
expansion unemployment, and financial difficulties. Supportive
• Nonnucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase psychotherapy by infectious disease nurse or CBT by
inhibitors (NNARTIs): nevirapine and efavirenz psychologist is often useful.
• Protease inhibitors (PIs): indinavir, ritonavir, Depressive Disorder
and saquinavir Epidemiology of Depression
In general, the common neuropsychiatric side effects of in HIV-Infected Patients
antiretroviral drugs include depression, mania, psycho- • The prevalence of depression in people living
sis, vivid dreams, and suicidal ideations. with HIV is around 30%.
Specific neuropsychiatric side effects of each medica- • Depressive disorder is more frequent in the period
tion are listed as follows: following the identification of seropositive; HIV
infection or in the initial stages of HIV dementia.
• Efavirenz: decreased concentration, depression,
nervousness, and nightmares Aetiology
• Interferon: fatigue and depression Biological Causes
• Interleukin-2: depression, disorientation, confu- 1. Association with chemotherapy for malignant
sion, and coma lymphoma
• Steroids: mania or depression 2. Endocrine and metabolic disturbances
• AZT: mania and depression 3. Occurrence of opportunistic infections or
• Vinblastine: depression and cognitive impairment neoplasm
486 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 31.12
Application of Antidepressants in HIV-Infected Patients
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Tricyclic Antidepressants Electroconvulsive Therapy
(SSRIs) Novel Antidepressants (TCAs) (ECT)
SSRIs are suitable for patients infective with Bupropion (75–150 mg bid) TCAs are indicated for the ECT is used successfully in
HIV because SSRIs do not affect the CD4 Avoid in patients with following purposes: HIV-infected patients
count. Most SSRIs are equally effective. advanced HIV, epilepsy, and Anti-diarrhoea ECT is useful for patients who
SSRIs demonstrate 70%–90% response rate AIDS-related dementia Sedation are too ill to tolerate
and placebos only demonstrate 50% Venlafaxine (75–150 mg bid) Anti-nausea antidepressants, severely
response rate Low protein binding, low Anti-anxiety suicidal, psychotic, and
Fluoxetine (10–60 mg/day) affinity for cytochrome Analgesics for neuropathic exhibit treatment resistance
Highly protein bound, long half-life and P450 mixed-function pain ECT is associated with an
inhibition of CYP 2D6 oxidase system increase in risk of confusion
Paroxetine (10–40 mg/day) Mirtazapine (7.5–45 mg/day)
Highly protein bound, anticholinergic side Low affinity for cytochrome
effects and most potent inhibitor of CYP 2D6 P450 mixed-function
Sertraline (25–200 mg/day) oxidase system and
Highly protein bound and shortest half-life associated with sedation
Citalopram (20–40 mg/day) and weight gain
Least protein bound and least interaction of
cytochrome P450 mixed-function oxidase
system, associated with prolonged QTc
Source: American Psychiatric Association (APA), Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association
Press, Washington, DC, 2013. Aetiology Clinical Characteristics If mania presents early in the course of HIV infection, it
1. Biological depressive symptoms (e.g. fatigue, is usually associated with social problems. If mania pres-
anorexia, weight loss, sleep disorders, and loss ents late in the course of HIV infection, it is usually asso-
of libido) are similar to somatic manifestations ciated with HIV dementia. Other causes of mania include
of AIDS.
2. Cognitive depressive symptoms (e.g. memory 1. Side effects of antiretroviral agents such as AZT
disturbance, poor concentration, slowing of and lamivudine
mental processes) are similar to AIDS-related 2. Direct effect of the HIV infection on the CNS
dementia. 3. Metabolic disturbance
3. Psychiatrists should focus on the following 4. CNS opportunistic infection (e.g. toxoplasmosis
symptoms such as low mood, guilt, suicidal ide- cerebritis, cryptococcal meningitis)
ation, hopelessness, and loss of interest when 5. CNS opportunistic tumours from non-Hodgkin’s
assessing severity of depression. lymphoma
Liaison, Organic, and Neuropsychiatry 487 Treatment (See Tables 31.13 and 31.14) • Motor symptoms include loss of balance, poor Prognosis coordination, clumsiness, and leg weakness.
• Later stage: Global deterioration of cognitive
Mania in patients infected with HIV indicates poor prog-
functions is manifested by word finding diffi-
nosis and affects adherence to antiretroviral drugs as a
culties. Patients may exhibit psychomotor retar-
result of unrealistic optimism in the disease condition.
dation and mutism. Speech becomes slow and Cognitive Impairment and Dementia monotonous. Neurological examination may
reveal that the patient has difficulty in walking Epidemiology
as a result of paraparesis. Patients may lie in bed
• Early cognitive impairment occurs in 20% of and appear indifferent to the illness and sur-
patients infected with HIV. It can be classified roundings. Bladder and bowel incontinence are
into cognitive, behavioural, and motor symptoms. common at this stage. Myoclonus and seizures
• Cognitive symptoms include poor memory, may occur.
concentration impairment, and mental slowing. • The prevalence of dementia in patients suffering
The patient may need a written reminder to help from AIDS is around 25%.
them to recall. • The onset of AIDS-associated dementia is
• Behavioural symptoms include apathy, reduced insidious and occurs later in the course of ill-
spontaneity, and social withdrawal. Depression, ness when there is significant immunosuppression
irritability or emotional lability, agitation, and (Table 31.15).
psychotic symptoms may occur.
TABLE 31.13
Application of Mood Stabilizers in HIV-Infected Patients
Lithium Carbonate Sodium Valproate Carbamazepine
1. Poorly tolerated, especially 1. Effective in treating mania in 1. Elevated risk of pancytopenia in
in HIV nephropathy. patients infected with HIV. HIV-infected patients.
2. Monitor closely for 2. Require regular monitoring 2. Monitor FBC on a weekly basis when
neurotoxicity and of liver functions. given concomitantly with zidovudine.
gastrointestinal side effects.
3. Serum levels can easily be 3. Coadministration with 3. Carbamazepine induces its own
altered due to diarrhoea or zidovudine may increase the metabolism and decreases its own levels
poor fluid intake. serum levels of zidovudine. as well as the levels of other drugs.
Source: American Psychiatric Association (APA), Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5, American
Psychiatric Association Press, Washington, DC, 2013.
TABLE 31.14
Summary of Pharmacokinetic Interactions among Antidepressants, Mood Stabilizers,
and Antiretroviral Drugs
CYP 2B6 CYP 2D6 CYP 3A4 Glucuronidation
Psychotropic Bupropion TCA Benzodiazepine Sodium valproate
drugs SSRI Buspirone Lamotrigine
Mirtazapine Mirtazapine Opiate analgesics
Antiretroviral PIs (e.g. ritonavir) PIs (e.g. ritonavir) NNRTIs (e.g. nevirapine) PIs (e.g. nelfinavir)
drugs inhibit CYP 2B6 inhibit CYP 2D6 induce CYP 3A4 induce glucuronidation
TABLE 31.15
Diagnostic Criteria of HIV-Associated Cognitive Impairment and AIDS-Associated
HIV-Associated Cognitive Impairment AIDS-Associated Dementia
Two or more of the following for at least 1 month: Acquired abnormality in at least two of the following cognitive
• Impaired attention or concentration abilities for at least 1 month:
• Mental slowing/cognitive inefficiencies • Attention/concentration
• Impaired memory • Speed of information processing
• Slowed movements • Abstraction/reasoning
• Poor coordination • Visuospatial skill
• Personality change, irritability • Memory/learning
• Must be accompanied by mild functional • Speech/language
impairment (e.g. work or activities of daily At least one of the following:
living). Emotional lability • Presence of neurological sign, e.g. abnormality in motor function
• Decline in motivation or emotional control or change in behaviour
• Moderate to severe functional impairment
Absence of clouding of consciousness or delirium
No evidence of other etiological factor of dementia
Source: American Psychiatric Association (APA), Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5, American
Psychiatric Association Press, Washington, DC, 2013. Treatment
• Exclude other organic causes of psychosis.
• Reduce the dose of dopamine agonists.
• It is not necessary to treat infrequent hallucina-
tions or delusions.
• Low-dose quetiapine is the best tolerated
• If comorbid dementia exists, consider adding an
acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.
• ECT is indicated for psychomotor symptoms.
• For treatment-resistant psychosis, low-dose clo-
zapine (e.g. 25 mg/day) is often effective. Side
effects of clozapine include blood dyscrasia. Sleep Disturbances Epidemiology
• 60%–90% of PKD patients suffer from sleep
disturbances. Clinical Features
• REM behaviour disorder (e.g. periodic limb
movement, restless leg syndrome)
• Nightmares
• Obstructive sleep apnoea Cognitive Impairment and Dementia FIGURE 31.1 Anterior cerebral artery infarction. Epidemiology
• 20%–40% of patients suffering from PKD suf- M—malformations (e.g. arteriovenous malformation)
fer from dementia. A—autoimmune causes (e.g. vasculitis)
• 65% of patients suffering from PKD develop T—toxins (e.g. cocaine, amphetamine)
dementia by age of 85 years. O—occlusions (e.g. cerebral venous thrombosis)
M—metastases (e.g. lung, thyroid, and renal
CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT A—accident (e.g. head injury)
FIGURE 31.3 Posterior cerebral artery occlusion. FIGURE 31.5 Subdural haematoma.
Liaison, Organic, and Neuropsychiatry 493
TABLE 31.16
Type of CVA, Clinical Example, and Neuropsychiatric Sequelae
Type of CVA Clinical Example Neuropsychiatric Sequelae
Anterior cerebral A 66-year-old man with history of type II diabetes mellitus Neuropsychiatric sequelae of anterior
artery infarction. presented with a sudden onset of bilateral lower limb cerebral artery infarction:
(see Figure 31.1) weakness and numbness 3 days ago. Occlusion of the anterior cerebral artery
Physical examination revealed both distal and proximal may result in global dementia and frontal
weakness of both legs with impaired pinprick sensation, lobe personality changes.
which spared the arms and the face. Grasp reflex and
sensory neglect were evident on the left side. The patient
was extremely emotional when being asked for a physical
Middle cerebral A 55-year-old woman with history of hypertension Neuropsychiatric sequelae of middle
artery infarction. presented with an acute onset of left-sided weakness and cerebral artery infarction:
(see Figure 31.2) blurring of vision. Physical examination revealed Nondominant middle cerebral artery
weakness and sensory loss involving the left half of the occlusion may cause confusional states,
face and the left upper and lower limbs. Left homonymous sensory loss, inattention, and
hemianopia and left-sided neglect were also evident. anosognosia.
Posterior cerebral A 58-year-old housewife presented with an acute onset of Neuropsychiatric sequelae of posterior
artery occlusion. dizziness, nausea, and posterior cranium headache 5 days cerebral artery infarction:
(see Figure 31.3) ago. She sought medical attention before she found that Posterior cerebral artery occlusion causes
she could not read half of the page of her story book. cortical blindness and denial of disability
Physical examination revealed homonymous hemianopia, and sometimes alexia without agraphia.
loss of pinprick sensation in her left face and arm, and Occlusion of rostral basilar artery can
severely impaired short-term memory. result in bizarre hallucinations,
disorientation, and somnolence.
TABLE 31.17
Type of Hemorrhage, Clinical Example, and Neuropsychiatric Sequelae
Subarachnoid A 40-year-old right-handed man complained of Neuropsychiatric sequelae of subarachnoid
haemorrhage. insidious onset of dizziness, nausea, and vomiting for haemorrhage:
(see Figure 31.4) 5 days. He also got generalized headache, which was Persistent memory impairment: 40%.
precipitated by lying down. The headache itself was Depression and anxiety: 25%.
neither throbbing in nature nor associated with any Severe personality impairment: 20%.
phobic symptoms, limb weakness, or numbness. Two Dysphasic disability: 10%.
days before admission, he experienced diplopia, Worsening cognitive sequelae after subarachnoid
which was more severe on looking downwards, on haemorrhage is caused by normal-pressure
and off chills, and low-grade fever. hydrocephalus.
The Glasgow coma scale (GCS) was 15/15. Cranial A severe amnesic syndrome resembling Korsakoff’s
nerves were intact including the range of eye gaze. syndrome may emerge in the days or weeks
No focal neurologic sign was elicited. Planter reflex following subarachnoid haemorrhage.
was downgoing on both sides. Fundoscopy did not
reveal any papilledema.
Subdural An 87-year-old woman was found lying on the floor Neuropsychiatric sequelae of subdural haematoma:
haematoma. unconscious, after a fall. Physical examination Cause: Head injury.
(see Figure 31.5) revealed unequal pupils, increased tone on her left Clinical presentation:
side, and upgoing plantar reflex on the left side. 1. Acute presentation with stupor or coma together
with some evidence of localizing signs.
2. Chronic presentation with headache, poor
concentration memory loss, and fluctuating course.
494 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Axis I: ictal phenomenon; Axis II: seizure type; Axis III: type of
epileptic syndrome; Axis IV: aetiology; Axis V: impairments.
1. With motor symptoms Complex partial seizure begins as a simple partial seizure
2. With somatosensory or special sensory and progresses to impairment of consciousness. It
symptoms involves aura and automatism. Duration is from 30 s
3. With autonomic symptoms to 2 min. Causes include mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
4. With psychic symptoms and febrile convulsion in childhood
TABLE 31.18
Characteristics of Epilepsy According to Neuroanatomical Locations
Frontal Lobe Epilepsy Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Nonspecific ‘cephalic’ aura. Predisposing factors: history of birth injury
Motor automatisms—‘fencing’ posture, versive eye and and infantile febrile convulsions.
head movement, speech arrest, and bizarre vocalization Aura: complex and varied. It may present as
(e.g. singing). The duration of automatism usually less lip-smacking, forced thinking, visual
than 5 min. hallucinations, and tinnitus.
Bilaterally coordinated limb movements (e.g. clapping). Behaviour: hyperemotionality and
Contralateral clonic Jacksonian march when supplementary hyposexuality.
motor area is involved.
Brief, frequent, dramatic, nocturnal seizures with
immediate recovery.
Frontal lobe epilepsy is often misdiagnosed as ‘hysterical’.
Prolactin levels remain the same after frontal lobe epilepsy.
Frontal lobe epilepsy is associated with phonation
(i.e. speech during seizure).
496 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Serum prolactin should be taken within 20 min after the Clinical Features of Ictal Violence
seizure. The interpretation of prolactin levels is listed as 1. Lack of motivation
follows: 2. Sudden paroxysmal onset
3. Nonselective victims including close family member
• Generalized seizure: 1000 IU/mL 4. Brief duration
• Partial seizure: 500 IU/mL 5. Impaired consciousness reported by witness
• Pseudo-seizure: 0 IU/mL 6. Little attempt to conceal violent act
7. Amnesia for the event
8. Subsequent genuine remorse
• If patient stays in the ward, regular nursing
Investigation and Treatment of Ictal
monitoring is required. Violence
• Psychotherapeutic exploration (by abreaction: • Consult a neurologist who is experienced in this
a drug-assisted interview using diazepam or field.
sodium amylobarbitone may be helpful). • Look for aggression during epileptic automa-
tism during video–EEG telemetry.
31.13 PSYCHIATRIC ASPECTS OF EPILEPSY • Carbamazepine (400–800 mg/day) is indicated
for episodic dyscontrol and violence.
31.13.1 Epidemiology Personality Change Psychiatric Comorbidity of Epilepsy • In general, patients with epilepsy are more emo-
1. Depression: the prevalence of depression is tional and irritable.
9%–22% and it is 17 times more likely than gen- • Left temporal epilepsy is associated with rumi-
eral population. native tendency.
2. Suicide: the percentage of death by suicide is • Idiopathic generalized epilepsy is not related to
11.5% and the risk of suicide is four to five times any particular personality type.
higher than general population.
3. Psychosis or schizophrenia: patients suffering Cognitive Function
from epilepsy are two to four times more likely • Left temporal epilepsy is associated with verbal
to develop psychosis or schizophrenia. The memory deficits.
prevalence of schizophrenia among temporal • Other causes include drug intoxication, noncon-
lobe epilepsy patients is 3%. vulsive status, and hippocampal spike activity.
4. Pathological aggression: 4%–50% of patients • Postictal amnesia is common but epileptic
suffering from epilepsy exhibit pathological dementia is rare.
5. Criminal offences: patients suffering from epilepsy Ictal and postictal psychiatric phenomenon (Tables 31.19
are three times more likely to commit criminal and 31.20).
offences in comparison to the general population.
31.13.2 Psychotropic Medications and Epilepsy Psychiatric Conditions and Epilepsy (See Table 31.21.) Violence Aetiology of Violence in Epileptic Patients 31.14 NEUROPSYCHIATRIC ASPECTS Biological Factors OF HEAD INJURY
• High serum cortisol following seizure
• Sedation and disinhibition 31.14.1 Epidemiology
• Presence of neurological signs
• Associated with episodic dyscontrol Head Injury
• 10% of all visits to the emergency department. Psychological Factors • Incidence of head injury: 1,500 per 100,000.
• Cognitive deficits in attention, memory, and • 130 per 100,000 suffer from persistent cognitive
motor speed deficits after head injury.
• Childhood history of impulsive behaviour • Males to females = 2:1.
Liaison, Organic, and Neuropsychiatry 497
TABLE 31.19
Summary of Ictal and Postictal Neuropsychiatric Phenomenon
Ictal Postictal Interictal
Confusion or Automatisms are simple, repetitive Postictal phenomenon may occur Occurs in temporal lobe epilepsy
psychosis movements. It may involve immediately upon the occurrence (especially the left temporal lobe).
wandering with confusion and of a fit or within a week. It may Chronic interictal psychosis is more
clouded consciousness. occur in a background of clouded common than postictal psychosis.
Automatisms usually last less than consciousness. Risk factors:
5 min. Two typical postictal phenomenon: • Hamartomas.
Nonconvulsive features: absence 1. Fugues: prolonged episode of • An aura of fear.
status, myoclonic flickering eyelids. wandering, altered behaviour, • Left-handed.
Complex partial features: mental amnesia, and impaired • Mesial temporal focus.
confusion, psychosis, fluctuating consciousness, which may last • Onset of epilepsy in adolescence.
levels of consciousness, complex for hours or days. Classical presentation:
automatisms, episodic 2. Twilight states: abnormal Chronic paranoid hallucinatory psychosis
hallucinations, and marked mood subjective experiences with the presence of the first-rank
changes. (perceptual and affective) and symptoms.
Underlying cause of ictal are also associated with Onset: 10–15 years after the first episode
phenomenon: ongoing paroxysmal cognitive impairment and of epilepsy.
brain discharges. perseveration. Patients may This occurs in 2% of patients with
have paranoid delusions. temporal lobe epilepsy.
EEG: slow-wave changes that may Visual hallucinations or illusions are
last up to a few hours. more common in lesions associated
ECT may lead to dramatic with the right temporal lobe.
improvement. The person is usually in clear
Spontaneous remission is common. consciousness when psychosis occurs.
Differences from schizophrenia:
1. No family history of schizophrenia.
2. Good premorbid personality.
3. Less personality deterioration.
4. Warmer affect.
5. Presence of neurological
abnormality on examination.
Mood or anxiety Fear is the most common anxiety Depression and anxiety are Depression is caused by psychosocial
symptoms symptom. common (15%–45%). factors such as stigma associated with
Sudden severe depression may occur. Reduced monoaminergic activity epilepsy.
Elation or mania is rare. causes depression.
TABLE 31.20
Acute and Long-Term Management of Epileptic Patients
Acute Management Long-Term Psychological Management
1. Terminate seizure by IV 1. Behavioural analysis and
benzodiazepines or rectal diazepam conditioning procedures
2. Remove patients from potential 2. Biofeedback on arousal based on
sources of injury EEG rhythms
3. Check oxygen saturation to rule out 3. Self-control strategies
hypoxia 4. Individual psychotherapy
498 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 31.21
Use of Psychotropic Drugs in Epilepsy
Stabilizers Antipsychotic Drugs
Recommended • SSRIs • Haloperidol
psychotropic drugs • Moclobemide • Trifluoperazine
• ECT is indicated for severe • Sulpiride
depression and ECT has
anticonvulsant effects
Contraindicated • Amitriptyline (epileptogenic) • Chlorpromazine (epileptogenic)
psychotropic drugs • Lithium (epileptogenic when • Depot antipsychotics (complex mechanism)
patient takes an overdose) • Clozapine (very epileptogenic)
• Zotepine (epileptogenic)
Source: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines, Informa Healthcare, London, U.K., 2009.
TABLE 31.22
Classification of Head Injury
Primary Head Injury Secondary Head Injury
Primary head injury is a result of either rotational or horizontal Secondary head injury is caused by
acceleration or deceleration.
Rotational acceleration or deceleration results in diffuse 1. Haemorrhage (subdural, extradural,
shearing of long central fibres and micro-haemorrhages in the and intracerebral).
corpus callosum and rostral brain stem. This will result in 2. Reactive brain swelling.
diffuse axonal injury. 3. Acute fluid collections.
The rotational acceleration or deceleration also causes 4. Raised in intracranial pressure.
centrifugal pressure waves to spread out so that the brain 5. Coning of brainstem.
undergo repeated buffeting against the skull and tentorium
where there are sharp bony edges or corners. The frontal poles,
orbitofrontal regions, temporal poles, and medial temporal
structures are particularly vulnerable.
Liaison, Organic, and Neuropsychiatry 499
Cerebral blood flow (mL/min/100 g)
20 80 100 140 180
Mean arterial pressure (mmHg)
FIGURE 31.7 The relationship between mean arterial blood pressure, cerebral blood flow, and ICP.
500 Revision Notes in Psychiatry Neuropsychiatric Sequelae
of Frontal Lobe Injury Dura
• Frontal polar damage leads to poor judgement
and insight, apathy, and impaired problem solv-
ing. There is often no understanding of the
impact of the disability on the others. Brain
• Orbitofrontal damage is associated with personal-
ity change, impaired social judgement, impulsiv-
ity, hyperactivity, disinhibition, lability of mood,
excitability, and childishness or moria (childlike
• Dorsolateral damage is associated with execu-
tive dysfunction, apathy, psychomotor retarda- FIGURE 31.8 Epidural haematoma.
tion, preservation, poor initiation of tasks, and
memory impairment.
• Dorsolateral damage is associated with akinetic
Dura mater
• Left frontal lesion is associated with impair- Subdural haematoma
ment in verbal recall.
Epidural haematoma occurs in 0.5% of patients after
head injuries. It results from blunt trauma to temporopa-
rietal region with subsequent arterial tears, resulting in
ongoing collection of blood between the dura mater and
the skull (Figure 31.8).
Patients may develop symptoms and signs of increased
ICP, ranging from headache to coma and death. A lucid
interval may be present before the symptoms occur.
Around 15%–20% of patients with epidural haematoma
die of head injury.
SDH is caused by sudden acceleration–deceleration FIGURE 31.9 Subdural haematoma.
injury with tearing of bridging veins. SDH is common
among old people and alcoholics and classified as acute,
subacute, or chronic (Figure 31.9). initial injury, in which 50% patients cannot recall the
Acute SDH carries the worst prognosis and details of head injury.
requires urgent surgical decompression. Chronic Symptoms mainly result from increase in ICP and
SDH develops over days to weeks after relatively depend on the extent and site of bleeding. Other symp-
minor head injury. The bleeding is slow and may not toms include loss of consciousness or fluctuating loss of
be discovered until months or even years after the consciousness, irritability, seizures, and ataxia.
Liaison, Organic, and Neuropsychiatry 501
TABLE 31.23
Summary of Rehabilitation Strategies in a Multidisciplinary Team
Professionals Rehabilitation Techniques
Psychiatrists 1. Avoid psychotropic medication if possible.
2. Carbamazepine or valproate is indicated for epilepsy and
episodic dyscontrol syndrome.
3. Treat depression by SSRI and psychosis by the second-
generation antipsychotics.
4. Methylphenidate may improve attention and concentration.
Neuropsychologist 1. Regular assessment of neuropsychological function.
2. Prepare report for medicolegal purposes.
Nurse or community 1. To build rapport and handle emotional aspects and adjustment
psychiatric nurse to head injury.
2. To assist family members to cope with behavioural problems.
Psychologist 1. Token economy or behavioural therapy to reinforce positive
Occupational therapist 1. ADL assessment and social skill training.
2. Memory aids and strategies.
Physiotherapist 1. To enhance motor function and improve physical disabilities.
plaques of demyelination and degenerative axonal 5. Anxiety: SSRIs such as paroxetine or sertraline;
loss throughout the white matter except the periph- pregabalin (anticonvulsant that may control
eral nerves. MS also involves in focal blood–brain anxiety) and CBT.
barrier disruption. 6. Steroid-induced mania: reduction of steroid
dose and consider second-generation antipsy-
chotics (e.g. olanzapine or quetiapine to avoid Clinical Features EPSE).
Symptoms and signs include hypoesthesia, muscle weak- 7. Pathological laughter or crying: TCAs (e.g.
ness, muscle spasms and difficulties in coordination and amitriptyline) or SSRI (e.g. fluoxetine, citalo-
balance, dysarthria, dysphagia, and visual disturbances. pram, and sertraline).
In advanced cases, patients may present with sphincter 8. Psychosis: second-generation antipsychotics
disturbance. Often, the initial attacks are transient, mild, (e.g. olanzapine, risperidone).
and self-limited. Bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia 9. Cognitive impairment: treat depression and sleep
is the pathognomonic eye sign. problems. Donepezil may be useful to treat mild
to moderate dementia. Modafinil may be useful
to treat cognitive fatigue. Methylphenidate may Psychiatric Manifestations
improve poor attention.
1. Fatigue: 80%
2. Depression: 14%–27%; associated with inter-
feron treatment 31.17 NEUROPSYCHIATRIC ASPECTS
3. Anxiety: 14%–25% OF LYME DISEASE
4. Elation: 10%; associated with high dose of steroid
therapy or plagues in bilateral temporal horns Lyme disease is caused by spirochete Borrelia burgdor-
5. Mania or hypomania: 2% feri that is transmitted by Ixodes ticks. The nymph-stage
6. Pathological laughter and crying: 10% ticks feed on humans and transmit spirochetes.
7. Suicide: 7.5 times higher than general popula-
Lyme disease has three stages:
tion; 15% of mortality is related to suicide
8. Schizophreniform psychosis: 1%; related to tem- Stage 1: rash
poral lobe pathology and high-dose steroid therapy
Stage 2: early neurological signs including lympho-
cytic meningitis, radicular pains, facial palsy, transverse Cognitive Impairments myelitis, and cranial and peripheral neuropathies
1. 30%–50% have cognitive symptoms and more
Stage 3 (occurs 7 years after the initial diagnosis): late
prominent in the later course of the illness.
neurological signs including Bell’s palsy, dementia,
Memory impairment is common and MS also
encephalomyelitis, hemianopsia, hemiplegia, radiculo-
affects problem solving, abstract reasoning,
neuropathy, and seizures
planning, and organizational skills.
2. The prevalence of dementia is 5%. Diagnosis
3. Subcortical pattern.
1. For a positive or equivocal enzyme-linked Management of Neuropsychiatric immunosorbent assay (ELISA) finding, it must
Conditions Associated with be further verified by the Western blot. After
MS (Taylor et al., 2009) treatment, neither IgM nor IgG antibody titers
1. Depression: SSRIs CBT, combination of SSRI are evidence of recent infection, since antibod-
and CBT. Anergia and fatigue may favour more ies may persist after treatment.
stimulating antidepressants such as fluoxetine, 2. CSF examination reveals lymphocytosis, excess
bupropion, or stimulant. protein, IgG, and B. burgdorferi antibodies
2. Depression with pain: SNRIs. (specific Lyme disease antibodies).
3. Severe depression: ECT. 3. Magnetic resonance imaging studies show infarct
4. Fatigue: CBT, amantadine as second-line treatment. patterns, white matter disease, and hydrocephalus.
Liaison, Organic, and Neuropsychiatry 503
TABLE 31.24
Summary of Clinical Features and Development of Syphilis
Time after
Infection 3 Days 2–8 Weeks 1–10 Years 11–20 Years 21–30 Years
Primary syphilis Painless chancre regional
Secondary syphilis Skin: maculopapular
Genitalia: condylomata
lata Mouth: snail-track
ulcers CNS: headache,
Tertiary syphilis Skin: gumma Argyll Robertson
Cardiac: aortitis, pupil
aneurysm Tabes dorsalis
formation Charcot’s joints
Congenital Early signs: rash Anaemia Osteochondritis Late signs: saddle
syphilis Hepatosplenomegaly nose, frontal
Hutchinson’s teeth
31.18.4 Investigations 31.18.5 Treatment
1. Children with an explosive OCD or tic exacer- Antibiotics should only be used to treat streptococcal
bation should have a throat culture. If symptoms infections after a positive throat culture or rapid strep-
are present for more than 1 week, serial anti- tococcus test.
streptococcal titers should be ordered.
Standard psychiatric treatments should be used:
2. Infection is confirmed by a positive throat
culture or elevated antistreptococcal anti-
body titers. In order to meet the diagnosis of 1. SSRIs and CBT for OCD.
PANDAS, the antistreptococcal antibody titers 2. Alpha agonists and antipsychotics for tics.
require at least two peak levels after the initial 3. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and plasma-
infection. Anti-GAS antibody titers decline with pheresis are options for acutely, severely ill chil-
time subsequently. dren who meet the standard PANDAS criteria.
Empathetic statement: I was informed that Mr. A was assaulted 2 years ago and I am very sorry to hear about
this. I understand that this has been a difficult time for you since his injury.
(B) Impairment
of Function
Based on Specific
Neuroanatomical (B1) Frontal Lobe (B2) Parietal (B3) Temporal (B4) Occipital (B5) Postconcussion
Areas Symptoms Lobe Symptoms Lobe Symptoms Lobe Symptoms: Syndrome
‘How is his mood at this Explore features ‘How do you find ‘Does Mr. A have ‘Does he have
moment?’ of Gerstmann’s Mr. A’s any problems headaches?’
‘Can you tell me more syndrome that communication? with his vision?’ ‘Does he feel giddy?’
about his mood?’ (look involves Does he have ‘If so, is his ‘Is he fearful of light?’
for liability) dominant difficulty in visual field ‘How about nausea and
‘How about his temper?’ parietal lobe reading and defect vomiting?’
‘Does he make jokes very (e.g. finger writing?’ associated with ‘How do you find his
often?’ agnosia, ‘Does Mr. A hear headache?’ concentration?’
‘Is he motivated to do acalculia, and voices when no ‘Can he recognize ‘What is his
things?’ dysgraphia). one is around?’ people?’ understanding of the
‘Can he plan? Can he Explore ‘Has Mr. A ever current problem?’
prioritize tasks?’ nondominant mentioned that ‘Has he ever had fits?’
‘How does he interact with parietal lobe someone wanted ‘Do the aforementioned
women? Has he been symptoms: to harm him?’ symptoms improve in
overfamiliar?’ (look for apraxia. Explore other the first 6 months after
disinhibition) features such as the injury?’
‘Can you tell me more trancelike states,
about his judgement?’ hyposexuality,
‘Does he understand the hyperphagia,
impact of his behaviours and temporal
on other people?’ lobe epilepsy.
(C) Risk (C1) Danger to Other (C3) Safety at
Assessment People (C2) Self-Harm Home (C4) Capacity (C5) Driving
‘Has Mr. A been aggressive ‘Has Mr. A tried ‘Has there been ‘Can Mr. A ‘Does Mr. A drive after
to the others?’ to harm any accident at handle his the head injury?’
‘Has he been more violent himself?’ home?’ (such as finance?’
after the head injury?’ ‘Has he ever fire, fall)
‘Is he hyperactive and thought of
cannot sit still?’ ending his life?’
(D) Other
Comorbidity and (D2) Past
Com\pensation Psychiatric (D3) PTSD (D4) Substance
Issues (D1) Compensation Issues History Symptoms Abuse (D5) Closing
‘Did he receive any ‘Did Mr. A consult ‘Is he disturbed by ‘Does Mr. A use Thanks for your
compensation after head a psychiatrist nightmare?’ any recreational information. I am sorry
injury? (e.g. insurance or before or after ‘Does he have drug? If yes, is it to hear the changes in
from third party)’ the head injury? flashback of the before the head Mr. A after his head
‘Is there any unsettled legal If yes, what was assault?’ injury or after the injury and the impact
matter?’ the reason?’ ‘Does he avoid to head injury?’ on the family. I would
go to pub or ‘Does he drink like to meet him and
other places very often prior assess him. Then I can
related to the to the head formulate a plan to
assault?’ injury?’ help Mr. A and his
506 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
508 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
impairment or distress within a 12-month period and • Progressive neglect of other activities with
requires at least two of the following criteria (APA, increasing time spent in acquiring, taking, or
2013): recovering from the effects of the substance
• Persisting with substance use despite evidence
1. The substance is often taken in large amounts of harmful consequences
over a long period of time.
2. There is a persistent failure and unsuccessful The DSM-5 does not propose a dependence syndrome.
effort to cut down the substance use. The dependence syndrome in DSM-IV-TR is replaced by
3. The patient spends a great of time to obtain the use disorder in DSM-5.
4. Recurrent substance use resulting in a failure to fulfil
major role obligations. 32.1.5 Withdrawal State
5. Continued substance use despite having per- ICD-10: Symptoms occur upon withdrawal or reduction
sistent or recurrent social or interpersonal of a substance after repeated, usually high dose, and pro-
problems. longed use. Onset and course are time limited and dose
6. Abandonment of important occupational, social related and differ according to the substance involved.
and recreational activities. Convulsions may complicate withdrawal.
7. Recurrent substance use in dangerous situations DSM-5: DSM-5 is similar to ICD-10 and it empha-
(e.g. driving). sizes on the significant distress or impairment in social,
8. Continued substance use despite harmful physi- occupational, or other important areas of functioning as
cal and psychological effects. a result of substance withdrawal.
9. Tolerance: As a result of diminished effect, there
is a need for increased amounts of substance to
achieve intoxication or desired effect. 32.1.6 Withdrawal State with Delirium
10. Withdrawal: Presence of characteristic with- ICD-10: This is where the withdrawal state is complicated
drawal syndrome and relief of withdrawal by the by delirium. Alcohol-induced delirium tremens is a short-
same substance. lived, sometimes life-threatening, toxic confusional state
11. Craving or strong urge to use the substance. precipitated by relative or absolute alcohol withdrawal in
severely dependent users. Classic symptoms include
The DSM-5 proposes the following specifier: early
remission (3 months < duration of use < 12 months),
• Clouding of consciousness
sustain remission (no substance use > 12 months), or
• Hallucinations and illusions
in a controlled environment where access to substance
• Marked tremor
is limited.
It involves prodromal symptoms of
32.1.4 Dependence Syndrome
This is diagnosed if three or more of the following • Insomnia
have been present together at some time in the previ- • Tremulousness
ous year: • Fearful affect
history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the Confabulation may be present but not invariably so.
aforementioned symptoms developed during or shortly after Korsakov’s psychosis is included here.
a withdrawal syndrome and not accounted by dementia. The DSM-5 proposes a similar condition called sub-
stance-induced neurocognitive disorder. The temporal
course of the neurocognitive deficits is consistent with the
32.1.7 Psychotic Disorder
aetiological relationship, and the cognitive domains involved
ICD-10: Psychotic symptoms occur during or immediately must be consistent with the particular substance misused.
after psychoactive substance use, in relatively clear sensorium
(some clouding of consciousness but not severe confusion). It
32.1.9 Residual and Late-Onset
is not a manifestation of drug withdrawal or a functional psy-
chosis. The characteristics of the psychosis vary according to Psychotic Disorder
the substance used, but the following are common: ICD-10: Alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced
changes of cognition, affect, personality, or behaviour
• Vivid hallucinations in more than one modality persist beyond the period during which the substance
• Delusions might reasonably be assumed to be operating. The onset
• Psychomotor disturbances is directly related to substance use.
• Abnormal affect Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder is further
subdivided by ICD-10 into
Stimulant-induced psychotic disorders are generally
related to prolonged high-dose use. Typically, it resolves at • Flashbacks—episodic psychotic experiences that
least partially within 1 month and fully within 6 months. duplicate previous drug-related experiences and
In ICD-10, further subdivisions may be specified: are usually very short-lived (seconds or minutes)
• Personality or behaviour disorder
• Schizophrenia-like • Organic mood disorder
• Predominantly delusional • Dementia—may be reversible after an extended
• Predominantly hallucinatory (includes alcoholic period of abstinence
hallucinosis) • Other persisting cognitive impairments
• Predominantly polymorphic
• Predominantly depressive symptoms The DSM-5 has one disorder under this category, the hal-
• Predominantly manic symptoms lucinogen persisting perception disorder.
• Mixed
The DSM-5 proposes similar criteria as ICD-10 32.2 ALCOHOL: THE CHEMICAL AND
and specifies the onset that is during intoxication or PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES
32.2.1 Unit of Alcohol
The concentration of alcohol in beverages is stated
32.1.8 Amnesic Syndrome
in terms of ‘proof’ scales. In the United States, one-
ICD-10: This is induced by alcohol or other psychoactive degree proof is equal to a concentration of 0.5% by
substances. Requirements for diagnosis include volume (v/v). In the United Kingdom, one-degree
proof is equal to 0.5715% by volume (v/v).
• Chronic prominent impairment of recent mem- One unit of alcohol in the United Kingdom is approxi-
ory; remote memory may be impaired; dif- mately 8–10 g of ethanol (C2H5OH) and is the amount
ficulty learning new material; disturbance of contained in (Figure 32.1)
time sense.
• Immediate recall preserved; other cognitive • A standard measure of spirits
functions are usually relatively preserved and • A standard glass of sherry or fortified wine
consciousness is clear. • A standard glass of table wine
• A history of chronic and usually high-dose use • One half-pint of beer or lager of standard
of alcohol or drugs. strength (3%–3.5% by volume)
510 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
3 9 2 3
units units units units
1 Single shot
12% Bottle Pint unit 25 mL
5% 5.2%
TABLE 32.1
Summary of Safe, Hazardous, and Harmful Levels of Alcohol Consumption
and Recommendations from the U.K. Government on Sensible Drinking
Hazardous Dependent Sensible Against Heart
Safer Levels Levels Harmful Levels Levels Drinking Disease
Men 21 units per 21–35 units 35–50 units per >50 units per Max 3–4 units 2 units per day for
week per week week week per day men >40 years
Women 14 units per 14–21 units 21–35 units per >35 units per Max 2–3 units 2 units per day after
week per week week week per day menopause
Note: Abstinence or minimal alcohol intake is recommended in pregnancy, because of the risk of the development of
fetal alcohol syndrome.
Addiction and Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders 511
GABAA receptor
binding site Cl– Cl–
Cl– Cl– Cl– Cl
Alcohol GABA
Cl– Cl– Cl– Cl– Cl–
Gamma Alpha
subunit subunit Cl–
1 2 3
FIGURE 32.2 The binding of alcohol to GABAA receptor and influx of chloride ions.
delay in reaction time. It also affects the GABA A trans- found to reduce drinking in early alcoholics and in com-
mission in cerebellum and results in unsteady gait and bination with naltrexone.
difficulty in standing. Alcohol withdrawal is associated Nicotinic receptors: Alcohol enhances the action of nico-
with reduction in GABA function. tinic receptors and increases the excitatory neurotrans-
Serotonin receptors: Alcohol enhances the action of sero- mission, resulting in aggression (Figure 32.4).
tonin at the 5-HT3 receptors (see Figure 32.3). Serotonin Dopamine receptors: Alcohol releases dopamine from
plays a role in control of impulse. The change in level of the ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens, lead-
serotonin will result in lability of mood and aggression. ing to euphoria and impaired attention and judgement.
Alcohol withdrawal is associated with reduction in 5-HT3 Dopamine is involved in reward or novelty seeking,
receptor function. Ondansetron, a 5-HT3 antagonist, was as well as other mesolimbic and cortical projections.
Na+ Na+
Alcohol Acetylcholine
accumbens 5-HT3
FIGURE 32.3 The binding of alcohol to 5-HT3 receptors and FIGURE 32.4 The binding of alcohol to nicotinic acetylcho-
release of serotonin. line receptors and influx of sodium ions.
512 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Withdrawal of
alcohol Glutamate
Ca G Ca
Ca G Glycine
Opioid Opioid
FIGURE 32.6 Alcohol withdrawal and enhancement of glu-
tamate actions at the NMDA receptors.
FIGURE 32.5 The binding of alcohol to µ-opioid receptors
in mice prone to withdrawal convulsions. Chronic etha-
and subsequent release of opioid.
nol administration also causes an upregulation of NMDA
Alcohol withdrawal is associated with reduced dopa- receptors in mouse hippocampus, more evident in mice
minergic function. Prolonged heavy drinking decreases prone to withdrawal convulsions. Both of these receptor
the number of dopamine transporters, and this may changes promote central nervous system (CNS) excitabil-
sensitize people with alcohol dependence to dopamine ity and increase the likelihood of convulsions.
transmission and lead to early relapse after alcohol Although ethanol exposure is the cause of increased
withdrawal. numbers of NMDA receptors, its presence protects
against the neurotoxicity of glutamate overstimulation.
Opioid receptors: Alcohol consumption can stimulate the Ethanol withdrawal increases glutamate in the brain,
release of opioid in the mesolimbic forebrain and results which damages neurons. Repeated withdrawal causes
in euphoria, poor attention, and impaired judgement (see increased neuronal death.
Figure 32.5). On the other hand, the withdrawal of alcohol (see
NMDA receptors: Ethanol at low concentrations Figure 32.6) enhances the actions of glutamate at the
(5–10 mmol/L) inhibits the action of NMDA–glutamate NMDA receptors and the voltage-sensitive Ca2+ chan-
controlled ion channels and potentiates the actions of nels. This will attenuate the action of GABA at inhibitory
GABA type A controlled ion channels. These are the GABAA receptors, resulting in agitation during alcohol
main excitatory and inhibitory systems of the brain; the withdrawal. Intracellular mechanisms (e.g. Ca2+ chan-
overall effect of ethanol is therefore as a central nervous nels) play a role in tension relief reward conditioning with
depressant. At slightly higher ethanol concentrations, the reinstitution of alcohol.
actions of voltage-sensitive calcium channels and chan-
nels controlled by serotonin are affected. 32.2.4 Adverse Effects of Alcohol
Chronic administration of ethanol produces altera-
on Physical Health
tions in the GABA, NMDA, and voltage-sensitive cal-
cium channel systems. The reduction in the production Alcohol accounts for one-fifth to one-third of medical
of subunits of the GABA receptors is seen particularly admissions to hospital.
Addiction and Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders 513
Mammillary body
Neuropathologically, there are scarring and atrophy improve with abstinence. If symptoms persist with absti-
of the mammillary bodies and anterior thalamus, with nence, antidepressants should be considered. The suicide
substantial frontal lobe dysfunction on neuroimaging. rate is at least 50 times greater in alcoholics than in the
Improvement may occur with abstinence and high-dose general population. Between one-quarter and one-third
thiamine and replacement of other B vitamins, which of completed suicides occur in alcoholics, and up to four-
should be continued for 6 months. fifths of those who kill themselves have been drinking. Psychosexual Disorders Major costs to the country associated with the use of
Psychosexual disorders are a common association with alcohol are incurred through
excessive alcohol intake. In men, intoxication leads to
erectile impotence and delayed ejaculation. Chronic • Lost productivity and unemployment
heavy drinking in men can cause • Damage
• Medical costs
• Loss of libido • Legal costs
• Reduction in the size of the testes • Social costs
• Reduction in the size of the penis
• Loss of body hair
• Gynaecomastia
In women, chronic heavy drinking can cause 32.3.1 Epidemiology of Alcohol
Consumption and Misuse
• Menstrual cycle abnormalities
• Loss of breast tissue There is a close association between liver cirrhosis mor-
• Vaginal dryness tality and the national consumption of alcohol. Mortality
figures are a useful index of national alcohol consumption.
Other indices include the number of arrests for drunken-
32.2.6 Adverse Effect of Alcohol ness, drunken driving, cases of assault and battery, and
on Social Functions deaths from alcohol poisoning. Ten per cent of the drink-
ing population drinks half of all the alcohol drunk.
Heavy drinking is often associated with gambling and Price greatly affects levels of drinking. Countries
the use of other psychoactive substances. The social with cheap alcohol consume more than countries with
costs of excessive alcohol consumption are high. They more expensive alcohol. As the prices of alcoholic bev-
include erages rise, the quantity drunk by even chronic depen-
dent drinkers falls, and the amount of alcohol-related
• Family breakdown morbidity falls.
• Crime It is estimated that of the 55 million U.K. popula-
• Road traffic accidents and trauma tion, 36 million are regular drinkers, 2 million are heavy
• Economic harm drinkers (>80 g alcohol daily for men and >40 g for
women), 700,000 are problem drinkers, and 200,000 are
One-third of problem drinkers cite marital discord as dependent drinkers.
one of their problems; one-third of divorce petitions Men outnumber women, but the sex ratio of alcohol-
cite alcohol as a contributory factor; three-quarters related problems is falling. About 15 years ago, alcoholic
of battered wives describe their husbands as fre- cirrhosis was five times as common in men as in women,
quently drunk or subject to heavy drinking. Children but the sex ratio has fallen to about 2:1.
of alcoholics often suffer neglect, poverty, or physical The age of first drinking has fallen to between 12 and
violence. 14 years in both sexes. The highest rates of heavy drink-
Alcohol misuse is strongly associated with crime, par- ing are seen between adolescence and the early twenties.
ticularly against the person and against property. Half
of those committing homicide have been drinking at the
time of the offence, and half of victims are intoxicated. 32.3.2 Aetiology of Alcohol
Half of rapists were drinking at the time of the offence. Consumption and Misuse
One- to two-thirds of burglaries are committed under the
influence of alcohol. Genetic Factors
It is estimated that 1200 deaths each year, representing There is good evidence that heavy drinking runs in fami-
one-fifth of all deaths on the roads, result from drink- lies. The relatives of alcoholics have higher rates of alco-
driving. Alcohol is implicated in one-third of accidents holism than the relatives of controls.
at home and deaths by drowning and 40% of deaths by Twin studies indicate that monozygotic twins have a
fire and falling. higher concordance rate than dizygotic twins. In normal
520 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
and brewers. Those whose jobs take them away from • Have you ever felt you should cut down on your
home, such as fishermen, armed service personnel, and drinking?
executives, and those with professional autonomy, such as • Have people ever annoyed you by criticizing
doctors, are also at higher risk. your drinking?
• Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking?
• Have you ever had a drink first thing in the Cultural Factors
morning to steady your nerves or get over a
There are high rates of alcoholism in countries where hangover? (an eye-opener)
alcohol is drunk routinely with family meals and in
places where it is cheap.
For patients presenting with alcohol withdrawal, con-
sider using an assessment tool such as the Clinical Religion Institute Withdrawal Assessment (CIWA) scale in addi-
There are low rates of alcoholism in certain religions tion to history taking. CIWA scale is a validated 10-item
such as conservative Protestantism, Jewish religion, scale to quantify the severity of the alcohol withdrawal
and Islam. syndrome and to monitor patients throughout detoxifi-
cation (Stuppaeck et al., 1994).
When alcohol dependence is suspected or diagnosed,
it is essential to carry out a full physical examination
32.3.3 Diagnosis of Alcohol Intoxication and
bearing in mind the multiple-organ systems damaged by
Dependence (Tables 32.3 and 32.4) this substance.
32.3.4 Management Clinical Assessment Investigations
For screening purposes, the CAGE questionnaire is • Blood investigations include alcohol levels
widely used. Positive answers to two or more of the four in the intoxicated (breathalyzers can be use-
questions are indicative of problem drinking. The CAGE ful to give an indication of levels of recent
questionnaire is as follows: drinking).
TABLE 32.3
Comparison between the ICD-10 and the DSM-5 Criteria Acute Intoxication of Alcohol
ICD-10 Criteria (WHO, 1992) DSM-5 Criteria (APA, 2013)
Dysfunctional behaviour At least one of the following The following changes developed during or
1. Disinhibition shortly after ingestion:
3. Aggression 1. Inappropriate sexual or aggressive behaviour
4. Lability of mood 2. Mood lability
5. Impaired attention 3. Impaired judgement
6. Impaired judgement 4. Impaired social or occupational functioning
7. Interference with personal functioning
Other signs At least one of the following must be present: One of the following signs after recent ingestion
1. Unsteady gait 1. Slurred speech
2. Difficulty in standing 2. Incoordination
3. Slurred speech 3. Unsteady gait
4. Nystagmus 4. Nystagmus
5. Decreases level of consciousness 5. Impaired in attention and memory
6. Flushed face 6. Stupor or coma
7. Conjunctive injection
Note: The DSM-5 does not propose criteria on alcohol dependence. It is called alcohol use disorder.
522 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 32.4
Comparison between the ICD-10 and DSM-5 Criteria on Alcohol Dependence or Alcohol Use Disorder
Categories ICD-10 Criteria (WHO, 1992) DSM-5 Criteria for Alcohol Use Disorder (APA, 2013)
Number of criteria met Three or more of the following manifestations should At least two manifestations in a 1-year period
and duration have occurred together for at least 1 month. If the
manifestations persist for less than 1 month, they
should have occurred together repeatedly within a
1-year period
Compulsion A strong desire or sense of compulsion to consume A persistent desire to use alcohol
Control Impaired capacity to control drinking in terms of its Unsuccessful effort to control and cut down
onset, termination, or levels of use. Alcohol is being
often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period
than intended. There is persistent desire to or
unsuccessful efforts to reduce or control alcohol use
Withdrawal Physiological withdrawal state: shaky, restless, or Characteristic withdrawal symptoms and the same
excessive perspiration substance is taken to avoid withdrawals
Tolerance There is a need for significantly increased amounts of Two components: need to increase the amount and
alcohol to achieve intoxication or the desired effect or diminished effect with continued use
a markedly diminished effect with continued use of
the same amount of alcohol
Preoccupation Important alternative pleasures or interests being given Important social, occupational, and recreational
up or reduced because of drinking or a great deal of activities are reduced
time being spent in activities necessary to obtain, take,
or recover from the effects of alcohol
Other criteria Persistent alcohol use despite clear evidence of harmful A great deal of time is spent in activities to obtain the
consequences even though the person is actually substance and continued consumption despite
aware of the nature and extent of harm knowledge
Course specifier • Currently abstinent (early, partial, and full • Early remission (3 months < duration of use
remission) <12 months)
• Currently abstinent but in a protected environment • Sustained remission (no substance use >12 months)
• Currently on a supervised maintenance or • Controlled environment where access to substance is
replacement regime limited
• Currently abstinent but receiving treatment with
aversive or blocking drugs
• Currently using the substance with or without
psychotic features
• Continuous use
• Episodic use
Note: The DSM-5 proposes the diagnostic criteria for alcohol withdrawal. The cessation of heavy and prolonged alcohol use leads to at least two
of the following: anxiety, autonomic hyperactivity hand tremor, insomnia, nausea or vomiting, transient hallucinations or illusions, gener-
alized seizure, and psychomotor agitation. Alcohol withdrawal causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational,
or other important areas of functioning. This withdrawal is not resulted from a general medical condition.
• Alcoholism is the most common cause of after continued abstinence. Raised g-gluta-
raised mean corpuscular volume (MCV), myl transferase may occur; this is good for
and it is raised in 60% of alcohol abusers. screening as an indication of recent alcohol
Since the life of a red blood cell is 120 days, use, but it can be raised after only one heavy
the MCV should return to normal 4 months drinking session.
Addiction and Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders 523
Pre-contemplation: The patient does not Motivational interviewing: Help the patient to analyse the
acknowledge or accept the diagnosis of pros and cons of continued drinking.
alcohol misuse and does not see the need
to change.
Contemplation: The patient acknowledges the alcohol misuse
and consider the pros and cons of drinking
Relapse: Restart of addictive pattern of
use after abstinence.
Action: The change has been integrated Action: The patient has made the change to quit
into the patient’s life. alcohol (e.g. join AA, takes acamprosate)
32.4.2 Acamprosate
Acamprosate, in combination with counselling, may
also be helpful in maintaining abstinence. It should be
initiated as soon as possible after the achievement of
abstinence. It should be maintained if a relapse occurs.
The patient is allowed to have only one relapse while
they are taking acamprosate. If there is more than one
relapse, the psychiatrist should advise the patient to FIGURE 32.10 Acamprosate inactivates the NMDA recep-
stop acamprosate. tors and prevents the calcium influx during alcohol withdrawal.
526 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
3. Explore the presence of first-rank symptoms of schizophrenia and its relationship with alcohol misuse
(e.g. self-medication, relief of anxiety or insomnia).
4. Explore the use of other drugs such as amphetamine, cocaine, cannabis, and hallucinogens and com-
mon reasons for misuse (e.g. to relieve dysphoria, depression, and negative symptoms).
5. Explore current living arrangement such as homelessness.
6. Explore the need for detoxification as this is a case of episodic binge drinking.
7. Explore patient’s knowledge on previous liver impairment, which may affect the metabolism of
8. Explore the reasons of his refusal of clozapine (e.g. the inconvenience of weekly full blood counts) and
the effect on his alcohol consumption if he has taken clozapine for a brief period.
Explore complications associated with concomitant usage of intramuscular risperidone depot injection and
drinking (e.g. combination of extrapyramidal side effects and cerebellar signs).
In the second station, his father wants to meet you as he is upset with his son’s illness and the discharge plan.
Address his father’s concerns and explain the management plan. You have the permission from the patient
to speak to his father.
Approach to the second station
1. Address the disappointment from his father and explore the source of his anger (e.g. poor control of
schizophrenia symptoms, worsening alcohol misuse, poor anger control, and he feels that the addiction
service is not doing enough).
2. Explain discharge planning: It will be a planned discharge with the aim to integrate outpatient treat-
ment for both alcohol misuse and schizophrenia. There will be at least one to two contacts per week.
3. Refer the patient to the assertive community treatment (ACT) to increase medication compliance.
4. Refer to social worker for residential accommodation as housing instability is closely related in sub-
stance misuse and mental illnesses.
5. Reexplore the option of clozapine as it can reduce the rates of smoking and drinking.
6. Explain long-term treatment (e.g. social and vocational skills training).
the control of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and its associ- Schedule 4 (Part II) now comprises 54 anabolic sub-
ated subordinate legislation for the first time: stances; examples are nandrolone and testosterone (and the 4
newly added anabolic substances: 4-androstene-3, 17-dione;
Remifentanil 4-Androstene-3, 17-dione 19-nor-4-androstene-3, 17-dione; 5-androstene-3, 17-diol; and
Dihydroetorphine 19-Nor-4-androstene-3, 17-dione 19-nor-5-androstene-3, 17-diol). Persons already authorized
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) 5-Androstene-3, 17-diol by the 2001 Regulations (e.g. doctors and pharmacists) or by
Zolpidem 19-Nor-5-androstene-3, 17-diol a written Home Office authority to produce, supply, or pos-
sess schedule 4 (Part II) drugs are authorized in respect of the
Remifentanil and dihydroetorphine are controlled as class A four newly added drugs; in other cases, an appropriate writ-
drugs. Both are powerful opiates and have similar pharma- ten Home Office authority is required. (Note that possession
cological properties to existing class A drugs. Both are listed licences are not required if the substances are in medicinal
under schedule 2 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001. product form.) The Regulation 15 prescription requirements
4-Hydroxy-n-butyric acid or GHB and zolpidem are (including handwriting) do not apply to schedule 4 (Part II
controlled as class C drugs. Both are listed under schedule drugs). Regulations 22, 23 (keeping and preservation of
4 (Part I) of the 2001 Regulations. GHB has been used as records), 26 (furnishing of information), and 27 (destruc-
an anaesthetic and to treat alcohol and drug dependence tion—holders of written authorities to produce only) also
but has also been misused by clubbers. Zolpidem is a pre- apply to schedule 4 Part II drugs. Schedule 4 Part II drugs are
scription medicine (a nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic with a not subject to the statutory safe custody requirements.
short duration of action) and acts in a similar same way
as some sedatives such as benzodiazepines. 32.6.3 Prescribing Controlled Drugs
The following four anabolic substances are listed in The main regulations relating to prescriptions for con-
schedule 4 (Part II) of the 2001 Regulations: trolled drugs specified in schedules 2 and 3, under the
Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001, are as follows.
4-Androstene-3, 17-dione 5-Androstene-3, 17-diol
Prescriptions ordering controlled drugs subject to pre-
19-Nor-4-androstene-3, 17-dione 19-Nor-5-androstene-3, 17-diol
scription requirements must be signed and dated by the
prescriber and specify the prescriber’s address. The pre-
They are now controlled as class C drugs.
scription must always state in the prescriber’s own hand-
Note that schedule 2 drugs are subject to the addi-
writing in ink or otherwise so as to be indelible:
tional prescription requirements of Regulation 15 (see
the following; among other things, prescriptions must be • The name and address of the patient
handwritten by doctors). Regulations 14 (documentation), • In the case of a preparation, the form and where
16 (supply on prescription), 18 (marking of containers), appropriate the strength of the preparation
19, 20, 21, 23 (keeping and preservation of registers), • The total quantity of the preparation, or the
26 (furnishing of information), and 27 (destruction) also number of dose units, in both words and figures
apply to schedule 2 drugs. Most schedule 2 drugs are also • The dose
subject to the statutory safe custody requirements. • The words ‘for dental treatment only’ if issued
Schedule 4 (Part I) includes benzodiazepines (e.g. diaze- by a dentist
pam, lorazepam, and nitrazepam). GHB and zolpidem have
A prescription may order a controlled drug to be dispensed
been added to the list of drugs in schedule 4 (Part I). Persons
by instalments. If so, the amount of the instalments and the
already authorized by the Regulations (e.g. doctors and
intervals to be observed must be specified. Prescriptions
pharmacists), or by a written Home Office authority to pro-
ordering ‘repeats’ on the same form are not permitted. A pre-
duce, supply, or possess schedule 4 (Part I) drugs, are auto-
scription is valid for 13 weeks from the date stated thereon.
matically so authorized in respect of GHB and zolpidem. In
It is an offence for a prescriber to issue an incomplete
other cases, an appropriate written Home Office authority
prescription, and a pharmacist is not allowed to dispense
is required. The Regulation 15 prescription requirements
a controlled drug unless all the information required by
(including handwriting) do not apply to schedule 4 (Part I)
law is given on the prescription.
drugs. Regulations 22, 23 (keeping and preservation of
records), 26 (furnishing of information), and 27 (destruc-
32.6.4 Opioids
tion—holders of written authorities to produce only) also
apply to schedule 4 (Part I) drugs. Schedule 4 (Part I) drugs Note: Drugs derived from opium poppies are known as opi-
are not subject to the safe custody requirements. ates. Synthetically derived opiates are known as opioids.
Addiction and Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders 531 Heroin (Gear, Smack, Scag) The DSM-5 proposes the following opioid-induced
Heroin (3,6-diacetylmorphine) is produced from mor- disorders: major neurocognitive disorder, amnestic dis-
phine, which is derived from the sap of the opium poppy. order, psychotic disorder, depressive or bipolar disorder,
It may be smoked or chased by heating on tin foil and anxiety disorder, sexual dysfunction, or sleep disorder.
inhaling the sublimate. It is also injected intravenously
and much less commonly subcutaneously (skin-popping). Effects of Opioid Withdrawal
Street heroin is usually 30%–60% pure, and 0.25–0.75 g During opioid withdrawal, there is an excessive release of
is a common daily consumption for addicts. noradrenaline and results in rhinorrhoea or sneezing, lacri-
mation, muscle cramps or aches, abdominal cramps, nau- Epidemiology sea or vomiting, diarrhoea, pupillary dilatation (mydriasis),
The number of addicts notified to the Home Office has piloerection, recurrent chills, tachycardia, hypertension,
increased dramatically over the last 30 years. This is yawning, and restless sleep. The ICD-10 criteria (F11.3
thought to be related to the wider availability of cheap opioid withdrawal state) require the presence of any three
opiates imported from the Middle East. Youth culture has of the aforementioned symptoms. The DSM-5 criteria are
become much more accepting of drug use, and polydrug similar to the ICD-10 criteria. Opioid withdrawal is seldom
use is much more common than it used to be. The approx- associated with withdrawal fits (Figure 32.14).
imate numbers of notifications have been These begin within 4–12 h of last heroin use. Peak
intensity is at about 48 h, and the main symptoms dis-
1960 500 appear within a week of abstinence. Although it is
1980 5,000
unpleasant, opiate withdrawal is not generally dangerous
1990 15,000
(exceptions include pregnancy, when abortion may result
from precipitous withdrawal).
Most heroin users are aged between 20 and 30 years. The
steepest increase has occurred in those aged 16–24 years. Harmful Effects
The male/female ratio is 2:1. Effects of the Drug Itself Drug Action Overdose can be caused by the uncertain concentration of
The stimulation of opiate receptors produces analgesia, street drugs or to reduced tolerance following a period of
euphoria, miosis, hypotension, bradycardia, and respira- abstinence (e.g. upon release from prison). The clinical fea-
tory depression. tures of opiate overdose include stupor or coma, pinpoint
Opioid receptors fall into different types, each of which pupils, pallor, severe respiratory depression, and pulmo-
has subtypes. The main types are μ, κ, and δ receptors. nary oedema. Supportive treatment and administration of
The μ receptor is essential for the development of opioid an opioid antagonist such as naloxone is indicated. The
dependence. The μ receptor is potassium channel linked half-life of opioid antagonists is less than that of most opi-
and inhibits adenylate cyclase. The binding of morphine ate drugs, so the patient must be observed for several hours
to the μ receptors inhibits the release of GABA from the to ensure that the underlying opiate overdose has passed.
nerve terminals, reducing the inhibitory effect of GABA
on the dopaminergic neurons. The increased activation of Intoxication
dopaminergic neurons in the nucleus accumbens and the These include accidents.
ventral tegmental areas that are part of the brain’s ‘reward
pathway’ and the release of dopamine into the synaptic Inhalation
result in sustained activation of the postsynaptic mem- The inhalation of heroin commonly exacerbates or causes
brane. Continued activation of the dopaminergic reward lung conditions such as asthma. There are increased rates of
pathway leads to the feelings of euphoria (Figure 32.12). pneumonia and tuberculosis in those who are HIV positive.
Euphoria is initially intense and is related in part to
the method of administration. Thus, methods delivering Intravenous Use
a large bolus quickly to the CNS are associated with a The hazards of intravenous use are many and include
greater initial rush. Intravenous and inhalational tech- the transmission of infection through the use of shared
niques of heroin fulfil these conditions; oral and subcu- needles. HIV and hepatitis B, C, and D are commonly
taneous methods do not. Dependence may arise within transmitted through this route. Those who are HIV posi-
weeks of regular use (Figure 32.13 and Table 32.6). tive have a poorer outcome if they continue to inject.
532 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Nerve terminal in
nucleus accumbens
Morphine binds
to μ receptor
Dopamine Dopamine
receptor (DOPA)
Postsynaptic membrane
Opioid binding at the μ receptors stimulates release of dopamine into an area called
the nucleus accumbens.
This increased dopamine activity in the nucleus accumbens is associated with euphor
and other pleasurable sensations.
Nerve terminals in
nucleus accumbens
δ or κ
Opiate receptor
Blood brain
Postsynaptic membrane
Heroin Morphine
Nerve terminal in
nucleus accumbens
Lack of morphine NA
Dopamine NA
binding to μ receptor NA
Dopamine NA
receptor NA
Postsynaptic membrane
Repeated use of an opioid causes μ receptors to become tolerant—the first sign of physical
dependence and higher doses of the opioid are needed to produce the intended effect.
FIGURE 32.14 The development of tolerance and withdrawal with chronic opioid misuse.
of drug use, past and current; an account of withdrawal Patients should receive information about harm
symptoms experienced upon cessation of the drug; a minimization, and HIV and hepatitis testing should be
social history including sources of support, accommo- arranged after counselling and with the person’s consent.
dation, and employment; the funding of the drug habit; The ultimate aim of treatment is to achieve opi-
and a medical and psychiatric history are all considered ate abstinence. However, this is unacceptable to some
necessary. patients, in which case the aim is to minimize the harm
Physical examination should seek signs of current associated with opiate abuse (harm minimization).
drug use and of complications related to the route of
administration. It is essential to test urine for a drug Harm Minimization
screen, to establish that on two separate occasions, The aims are to stop or reduce the use of contaminated
the person was taking the drugs claimed. Most drugs injecting equipment, to prevent the sharing of injecting
will show up on urine screens for at least 24 h after equipment, to stop or reduce drug use, to stop or reduce
ingestion. unsafe sexual practices, to encourage health conscious-
Once it is established that the person is opiate depen- ness and a more stable lifestyle, and to establish and
dent, it is necessary to assess his or her motivation for retain contact with the drug services.
treatment and to reach an agreement about the aims of To achieve these aims, education about the poten-
treatment. tial hazards is important. Sterile injecting equipment
The Home Office should be notified. The person and condoms should be provided, nonimmune indi-
should be informed that there is a legal obligation upon viduals should be offered hepatitis B vaccination, and
the doctor to do this but that the information will not be substitute oral opiates such as methadone should be
made available to the police. prescribed.
Addiction and Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders 535
TABLE 32.7
Advantages and Disadvantages of Methadone Maintenance Programme
Advantages Disadvantages
1. The opportunity to escape from the subculture 1. The substitution of one addicting drug for another
2. Relief from the great expenditure of money and time necessary to 2. The need for the most careful structuring or the procedures
obtain illicit supplies at the dispensing centres to prevent diversion
3. The possibility of less criminal behaviour that would reflect both 3. The fact that polydrug use is common and the psychiatrist
upon the addict and the community is dealing with part of the problem
4. The avoidance of physical harm derived either from accidental 4. There are very large political difficulties in setting up such
overdose or infections a programme and having it accepted in the community
5. Methadone has longer half-life as compared with the usual agents of 5. It may cause major schisms in the public health authorities
addiction 6. There are problems about the safety of methadone itself, for
6. The possibility that continuing contact with the methadone example, children have died from taking their parent’s methadone
programme may permit the use of other forms of treatment 7. Methadone dispensing facilities become the centres of a social
network of addicts in which other drugs are traded and the
subculture is preserved or enhanced
8. Methadone can be used merely to tide addicts over the times when
illicit drugs are in short supply and reduce their motivation to quit
9. Addicts on programmes find it difficult to get to the appointed
places at the proper times particularly if they go to work or if they
live in the rural area
10. People who were addicted to nothing at all can get onto a
programme and become addicted to methadone
Addiction and Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders 537
Nerve terminal in
nucleus accumbens
Suboxone binds
to μ receptor
(buprenorphine−naloxone) Dopamine Dopamine
Postsynaptic membrane
Suboxone binds to the μ receptors, reinitiating opioid activity in the brain. As a partial agonist,
buprenorphine produces less euphoria than a full opioid agonist but is sufficient to suppress
withdrawal and cravings.
Buprenorphine’s high affinity for the μ receptor keeps it from being displaced by other opioids.
Once maintenance dosing is established, most μ receptors remain filled and the patient’s
withdrawal and cravings are controlled.
of cannabis
2 Inhibits Na+
channel MAP Cannabinoid
kinase CB1 receptor
Inhibits N and P/Q type
3 voltage dependent γ
Ca2+ channel α
4 Stimulates inwardly
rectifying K+ channel Inhibits A-type
K+ channel
Nerve terminal in
32.6.9 Stimulants nucleus accumbens
Stimulants considered here are cocaine, amphetamines,
and caffeine.
and social functioning. High doses may lead to an acute Cocaine Withdrawal
toxic psychosis with marked agitation, paranoia, and audi- Following the initial rush of well-being and confi-
tory, visual, and tactile hallucinations (cocaine bug). dence, when the effects of the drug wear off, there
Chronic use leads to tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, follows a rebound crash. The ICD-10 criteria include
and a chronically anxious state, possibly caused by dopa- lethargy, fatigue, psychomotor retardation or agita-
mine depletion. tion, craving for cocaine, increased appetite, insom-
nia or hypersomnia, and unpleasant dreams. The crash Routes of Administration phase lasts 9 h to 4 days. The withdrawal phase of 1–10
• Cocaine can be administered by the intranasal weeks is the period of the greatest risk of relapse. The
and intravenous routes. final phase is of unlimited duration, when stimuli can
• Intranasal use results in earlier seeking behav- trigger craving.
iour (after 10–30 min) compared to intravenous
route (50 min). Harmful Effects
• Injection causes a euphoric rush that lasts for
10–15 min. • General effects on the CNS: acute dystonia, tics,
migraine-like headaches. 2/3 acute toxic effects
occur within 1 h of intoxication. Clinical Features
• Stroke: Nonhaemorrhagic cerebral infarction, sub-
Cocaine produces a dose-related increase in arousal, arachnoid, intraparenchymal, and intraventricular
improved performance on tasks of vigilance and alertness, haemorrhages. Transient ischaemic attacks have
and a sense of self-confidence and well-being (Table 32.9). also been associated with cocaine use. The patho-
physiological mechanism is vasoconstriction.
• Seizures occur 3%–8% of cocaine users. At
TABLE 32.9 high doses, convulsions may occur. The risk of
Summary of the ICD-10 Criteria of Acute having cocaine-induced seizures is highest in
patients using crack cocaine.
Intoxication due to Use of Cocaine (F.14)
• Cardiovascular system: Myocardial infarctions,
or Other Stimulants Including Caffeine (F.15)
arrhythmias, and excessive use can also lead to
Dysfunctional Behaviour (At Least Signs (At Least One of the hypertension with cardiac failure.
One of the Following) Following Must Be Present) • Perforation of the nasal septum can follow long-
1. Abusiveness or aggression 1. Cardiac arrhythmias term administration by the nasal route because of
2. Argumentativeness 2. Chest pain the vasoconstriction caused by cocaine. Intravenous
3.Auditory, visual, or tactile illusions 3. Convulsions use carries with it the risks described earlier.
4. Euphoria and sensation of 4. Evidence of weight loss • Other life-threatening conditions: ischaemic colitis,
increased energy 5. Hypertension (sometimes rhabdomyolysis, hyperthermia, coma, and death.
5. Grandiose beliefs or actions hypotension) • Cocaine abusers often take sedatives, includ-
6. Hallucinations, usually with 6. Muscular weakness ing heroin, alcohol, and benzodiazepines. As
intact orientation 7. Nausea or vomiting well as taking the edge off the high produced
7. Hypervigilance 8. Pupillary dilatation by cocaine, some of the metabolites of the
8. Interference with personal 9. Psychomotor agitation cocaine–alcohol interaction have been found to
functioning (sometimes retardation) have a much longer half-life than cocaine alone.
9. Lability of mood 10. Sweating and chills It is possible that this prolongation of the effects
10. Paranoid ideation 11. Tachycardia (sometimes of cocaine contributes to its use with alcohol.
11. Repetitive stereotyped bradycardia) • Long-term stimulant abuse results in a ste-
behaviours reotyped compulsive repetitive pattern of
behaviour and paranoid psychosis resembling
Note: The DSM-5 criteria for stimulant intoxication are very similar to
the ICD-10 criteria. The DSM-5 proposes the following stimu-
lant-induced disorders, which include psychotic disorder, • Pregnant women who misuse cocaine often
depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, sexual have babies (crack babies) with low birth weight,
dysfunction, or sleep disorder. small head circumference, early gestational age,
and growth retardation.
542 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
AMP binds to MAO
prevents degradation
vigorously for a considerable period, in high Dose and Clinical Effects
ambient temperatures, with inadequate fluid • A dose of 80–200 mg produces mood elevation,
replacement. MDMA has a direct effect upon increased alertness and clarity of thought, increased
the thermoregulatory mechanisms that com- gastric secretion, tachycardia, raised blood pres-
pound these conditions. sure, diuresis, and increased productivity.
• Hypertensive crises may occur leading to CVA • In overdose (greater than 250 mg per day) caffein-
in some. ism occurs. This results in anxiety, restlessness, nau-
• Toxic hepatitis has been reported in MDMA sea, muscle twitching, and facial flushing. Patients
users possibly related to impurities in the may demonstrate rambling thought and speech.
preparation. The DSM-5 proposes that the minimum amount for
• Neurotoxicity is an established fact. Serotonergic caffeine intoxication is 250 mg per day or (e.g. more
nerve terminals are damaged by this drug, and than two to three cups of brewed coffee).
although rat studies indicate that this is reversible, • At levels of intake in excess of 600 mg per day,
primate studies indicate the opposite. The long- dysphoria replaces euphoria, anxiety and mood
term consequences of MDMA-induced serotoner- disturbances become prominent, and insomnia,
gic neurotoxicity in humans are not known. muscle-twitching, tachycardia, and sometimes
cardiac arrhythmias occur. Management • The DSM-5 proposes two caffeine-induced dis-
Abrupt discontinuation is recommended, there being no orders (e.g. caffeine-induced anxiety disorder
advantage to gradual withdrawal. Psychiatric disturbance and or caffeine-induced sleep disorder).
should be treated accordingly. Other Systemic Effects of Caffeine
1. CNS: migraine.
32.6.12 Caffeine
2. Gastrointestinal system: Caffeine relaxes the Chemical Properties lower oesophageal sphincter and can predis-
• Caffeine is a methylxanthine (1,3, pose to gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. It
7-trimethylxanthine). also causes hypersecretion of gastric acid and
• Caffeine is widely available in coffee, tea, and increases the risk of gastric ulcer.
chocolate and is added to soft drinks and propri- 3. Renal system: Caffeine causes diuretic effect,
etary cold preparations. and people are advised to abstain from consum-
• Coffee contains about 80–150 mg of caffeine per ing caffeine in situations where dehydration may
cup depending upon the brewing method. Peak be significant.
blood levels occur 15–45 min following oral 4. Pregnancy: low birth weight and miscarriage.
administration; the half-life is 6 h. Metabolism Caffeine enters amniotic fluid and breast milk.
is increased by smoking and reduced by oral It affects infants because of slow metabolism of
contraceptives and pregnancy. Neonates cannot caffeine in fetus.
metabolize caffeine; therefore, there is a very
long half-life. Dependence and Withdrawal
1. 10% of caffeine users experience withdrawal Mechanisms of Actions of Caffeine effects (e.g. more than six cups per day). Withdrawal
starts at 1–2 h post ingestion and becomes worst at
• The main action of caffeine is the competitive
1–2 days and recede with a few days.
antagonism of adenosine A1 and A2 receptors,
2. Common withdrawal effects include headache,
which contribute to the neuropsychiatric effects
irritability, sleeplessness, anxiety, tremor, and
such as psychosis in caffeine intoxication as a
impairment of psychomotor performance.
result of the release of dopamine.
• Higher doses cause inhibition of phosphodi-
32.6.13 Hallucinogens
esterases, blockade of GABAA receptors, and
release of intracellular calcium. It reaches its Hallucinogens are substances that give rise to marked
peak blood levels after 1–2 h and reduces cere- perceptual disturbances when taken in relatively small
bral blood flow although it is a stimulant. quantities.
Addiction and Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders 545
Flashback phenomena (posthallucinogen perception Drug interactions: Chlorpromazine may induce anticho-
disorder) occur, in which aspects of the LSD experience linergic crisis after LSD use.
occur spontaneously some time after LSD use. These are Treatment: The treatment of bad trip involves diaz-
usually fleeting. epam 20 mg. Antipsychotics may worsen the experience.
Widely prescribed, these have widespread physical Note: The DSM-5 has similar criteria for sedative/hypnotic intoxica-
dependence among licit users and are very popular with tion but has less signs and symptoms.
illicit substance abusers.
548 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
the dose used. Onset is usually within 1–14 days after change, persistent intoxication, labile affect, poor concen-
drug reduction/cessation and may last for months. tration, impaired judgement, and incoordination.
Withdrawal symptoms include somatic effects such as
autonomic hyperactivity (tachycardia; sweating; anorexia; Drug Withdrawal
weight loss; pyrexia; tremor of hands, tongue, and eyelids; This causes anxiety, tremor, sweating, insomnia with
GI disturbance; sleep disturbance with vivid dreams due marked REM rebound, irritability, agitation, twitching,
to REM rebound), malaise and weakness, tinnitus, and vomiting, nausea, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension,
grand mal convulsions. delirium, and convulsions.
There are cognitive effects with impaired memory
and concentration. There are also perceptual effects with Harmful Effects
hypersensitivity to sound, light, and touch; depersonal-
Barbiturates are dangerous in overdose. Their therapeutic
ization; and derealization. Delirium may develop within
index is low. Tolerance to psychotropic effects exceeds
a week of cessation, associated with visual, auditory, and
tolerance to respiratory depression.
tactile hallucinations and delusions.
Parenteral administration of oral preparations is
Affective effects such as irritability, anxiety, and pho-
attempted by some addicts, incurring all the risks described.
bic symptoms may also occur.
32.6.21 Barbiturates 32.6.22 Nicotine
Although the prescribing of barbiturates has largely Epidemiology
been superseded by the safer benzodiazepines, they still • In the United Kingdom the prevalence of smok-
appear in the form of phenobarbitone, amylobarbitone, ing has reduced in the past three decades. Around
and quinalbarbitone (Tuinal) and are widely available. 20% of male adults are smokers. The highest
rates of smoking are people between 20- and Drug Action 25-year-olds where 30% of these young adults
Barbiturates potentiate action at the GABAA receptor, thus are smokers.
increasing CNS depression. This is particularly marked in • For people older than 60 years, the prevalence of
the reticular activating system and cerebral cortex. smoking is around 10%.
Clinical effects include impaired concentration, • In the United Kingdom analyses of the interac-
reduced anxiety, and dysphoria. In increasing doses, dys- tions between smoking, drinking, and cannabis
arthria, ataxia, drowsiness, coma, respiratory depression, use indicated that the relationship between sub-
and death occur. stance use and psychiatric morbidity was pri-
Chronic use results in tolerance caused by hepatic marily explained by regular smoking and to a
enzyme induction, cross-tolerance with alcohol, personality lesser extent regular cannabis use.
Addiction and Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders 549
TABLE 32.12
Summary of the ICD-10 Criteria of Acute
Intoxication due to Use of Tobacco (F.17)
Dysfunctional Behaviour (At Signs (At Least One of the
Least One of the Following) Following Must Be Present)
1. Bizarre dreams 1. Cardiac arrhythmias
2. Serialization 2. Nausea or vomiting
3. Insomnia 3. Sweating
4. Interference with personal 4. Tachycardia
5. Lability of mood
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amine). Current Opinion in Psychiatry 6:411–415. Current Psychiatry Reports 12(5):418–425.
Strang J, Sheridan J, Hunt C et al. 2005: The prescribing of Victor M, Adams RD, and Collins GH. 1971: The Wernicke–
methadone and other opioids to addicts: National survey Korsakoff Syndrome. Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell.
of GPs in England and Wales. British Journal of General Winston AP, Hardwick E, and Jaberi N. 2005: Neuropsychiatric
Practitioners 55:444–451. effects of caffeine. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment
Stuppaeck CH, Barnas C, Falk M, Guenther V, Hummer M et al. 11:432–439.
1994: Assessment of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome: World Health Organisation. 1992: ICD-10: The ICD-10
Validity and reliability for the translated and modified Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders:
Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines.
Scale (CIWA-A). Addiction 89(10):1287–1292. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organisation.
Tabakoff B and Hoffman PL. 1993: The neurochemist. Wallace P. 1999: The Psychology of the Internet. Cambridge,
Psychiatry 6:388–394. U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
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Drinking histories over ten years among a group of alco- and treatment. In VandeCreek L and Jackson T (eds.)
holics. British Journal of Addiction 80:45–50. Innovations in Clinical Practice: A Source Book, pp. 1–17.
Taylor D, Paton C, and Kapur S. 2009: The Maudsley Prescribing Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Exchange.
Guideline, 10th edn. London, U.K.: Informa healthcare. Young KS. 2007: Cognitive behaviour therapy with Internet
Training Centre for Alcohol and Drugs. http://www.alco- addicts: Treatment outcomes and implications. Cyberpsychology Behaviour 10(5):671–679.
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of Health. Radiology 79(1):92–95.
33 Disorders Specific to Women
and Perinatal Psychiatry
558 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
• Hysterectomy—no change in cyclical mood fol- Animal evidence shows that stress leads to abortion
lowing hysterectomy. in a number of mammalian species including baboons.
• Vitamin B6—produces a reduction in prolactin O’Hare and Creed (1995) studied the relationship
synthesis; use advocated, but little evidence of between life events and miscarriage in 48 case–control
improvement in PMS symptoms pairs matched for known predictors of miscarriage. They
• Progesterones—use advocated, but little evi- found that the miscarriage group was more likely to have
dence of improvement in PMS symptoms. experienced
• Diuretics—produce some relief in symptoms
of bloatedness but no improvement in psychic • A severe life event in the 3 months preceding
symptoms. miscarriage
• Bromocriptine—effective only in the relief of • A major social difficulty
breast symptoms. • Life events of severe short-term threat in the
fortnight immediately beforehand
33.2 CYCLIC PSYCHOSIS Fifty-four per cent of the miscarriage group had experi-
A few reports of cyclic psychoses related to menstruation enced some psychosocial stress, compared to only 15%
exist in the literature. Psychotic symptoms appear suddenly a of controls.
few days before menstruation, resolve with the onset of men- Other factors significantly associated with miscar-
strual bleeding, and reappear with the next cycle. Between riage include
psychotic episodes, the woman appears largely asymptom-
atic. Most cases do not show familial psychiatric morbidity. • Childhood maternal separation
The first psychotic episode usually occurs at a young age. • Poor relationships with partners
The psychiatric picture is nonspecific and changes • Few social contacts
with every menstruation. Some common features include
psychomotor retardation, anxiety, perplexity, disorienta- Stress-induced abortion may involve increased cat-
tion, and amnestic features. Transitory EEG abnormali- echolamine levels and α-adrenergic stimulation of the
ties may occur, not amounting to epileptic activity. myometrium. Serotonin, implicated in stress responses,
It has been suggested that in some cases menstrual psy- promotes abortion. This may be mediated via reduced
choses should be regarded as a specific variant of PMS. gonadotropin output.
Recommended treatments for menstrual cyclic psy- In the management of recurrent miscarriage, a psy-
chosis include chosocial history should be taken in order to ascertain
any sources of stress amenable to social intervention.
• Bromocriptine that reduces prolactin
• Progesterone that inhibits ovulation Consequences of Miscarriage
• Clomiphene citrate A high percentage of women experience profound loss
• Acetazolamide, a diuretic following miscarriage, reporting symptoms typical of
• Psychotropic medications (results inconclusive) the grief that follows bereavement. Friedman and Gath
(1989) found that at 4 weeks after miscarriage 48% of
The prognosis is good, and spontaneous remission is women were psychiatric cases as measured on the PSE,
usual. all suffering depressive disorders. Many of the women
were already recovering at this time.
Symptoms are increased in women who have experi-
33.3 PREGNANCY enced a previous miscarriage. Many women are fearful
of experiencing loss in a future pregnancy.
33.3.1 Miscarriage
Other factors increasing women’s vulnerability to
Miscarriage occurs in 12%–15% of clinically recognized developing depressive symptoms are lack of a supportive
pregnancies. About one-half are associated with chromo- partner, childlessness, neuroticism, and previous psychi-
somal abnormalities. Other recognized causes include atric consultation.
uterine malformation, cervical incompetence, trauma, Psychiatric morbidity can persist for several months.
infection, endocrine disorder, toxins, irradiation, and The duration of bereavement reaction is appreciably
immune dysfunction. shortened by support and counselling.
560 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 33.2
Drug Choices for Depressive Disorder in Pregnancy
Effect on Fetus TCA SSRI Not Recommended
SSRI causes pulmonary
Amitriptyline and imipramine Fluoxetine has the most data Bupropion Mirtazapine
hypertension (after 20 weeks)
TCAs have been used for many on safety Moclobemide Reboxetine
in the newborn
years without causing Paroxetine is associated with Trazodone
The neonates may experience
teratogenic effects fetal heart defects in the first Venlafaxine (associated with
withdrawal (agitation and
The use of TCAs in the third trimester and is less safe as hypertension in high dose and
irritability) especially with
trimester may lead to withdrawal compared to other SSRIs. toxicity in overdose)
paroxetine and venlafaxine
effects and increase the risk of Sertraline may reduce the These drugs are not recommended
preterm delivery Apgar score because of the lack of safety data
SSRIs are associated with
reduction in the gestational
age, reduction in birth weight,
and spontaneous abortion
Source: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, U.K., 2012.
, recommended; , not recommended.
TABLE 33.3
Drug Choices for Bipolar Disorder in Pregnancy
Effect on Mother and Fetus Mania Bipolar Depression Not Recommended
The risk of relapse is high if
Mood stabilizing CBT for moderate bipolar Valproate is the most
medication is stopped abruptly
antipsychotics depression teratogenic mood stabilizer and
Lithium: Incidence of the Ebstein’s
• Haloperidol Fluoxetine has the most data on should not be combined with
anomaly is between 0.05% and
• Olanzapine (increase risk safety and indicated for severe other mood stabilizers
0.1% after maternal exposure to
of gestational diabetes) bipolar depression, especially Lamotrigine requires
lithium in the first trimester
ECT is indicated if for those patients with very few further evaluation because it is
Valproate: Incidence of fetal birth
antipsychotic fails previous manic episodes not routinely prescribed in
defect (mainly neural tube defect)
is 1 in 100 pregnancy. Lamotrigine
Carbamazepine: Incidence of fetal causes oral cleft (9 in 1000)
birth defect is 3 in 1000 and Stevens–Johnson
syndrome in infants
Source: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, U.K., 2012.
, recommended; , not recommended.
1. Treat with an antipsychotic if patient has an 5. The treatment of bipolar depression follows the
acute mania or if she is stable. recommendation of treatment for depression.
2. Consider ECT or mood stabilizer if the patient Schizophrenia and Pregnancy
does not respond to an antipsychotic.
(Table 33.4)
3. If lithium is used, the woman should undergo level 2
ultrasound of the fetus at 6 and 18 weeks’ gestation. The NICE and Maudsley’s guidelines recommend the
4. If carbamazepine is used, prophylactic vitamin
K should be administered to the mother and 1. Consider switching from an atypical antipsy-
neonate after delivery. chotic to a low-dose typical antipsychotic.
562 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 33.4
Drug Choices for Psychosis or Schizophrenia in Pregnancy
Antipsychotics and Other
Effect on Mother and Fetus/Neonate Treatments Not Recommended
Prior to pregnancy, avoid drugs (e.g. risperidone and
Chlorpromazine Depot antipsychotics
sulpiride) that cause hyperprolactinaemia
Trifluoperazine Anticholinergic drugs
Low risk of relapse if antipsychotic is continued with
Haloperidol Clozapine (causing agranulocytosis in fetus)
good social support
Olanzapine (gestation DM
Antipsychotic discontinuation syndrome occurs in the
and weight gain)
neonate, and mixed breast-/bottle-feeding can minimize
Source: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, U.K., 2012.
, recommended; , not recommended.
1 day after childbirth. The regular blood monitoring is important because it will guide the psychiatrist
to adjust the dose of lithium and keep the serum lithium levels towards the lower end of the therapeutic
range. The candidate should advise the patient to maintain adequate fluid intake.
6. Explore her view on nonpharmacological interventions (e.g. CBT).
7. The candidate needs to find out the current antenatal care and liaise with the obstetrician to ensure
adequate fetal screening. The patient needs to undergo level 2 ultrasound of the fetus at 6 and 18
weeks’ gestation to screen for Ebstein’s anomaly. During delivery, the obstetrician needs to be
aware that fetal goitre may press on the fetal trachea and leads to a potential complication during
delivery. For patients prescribed with valproate or carbamazepine, they should receive prophylactic
folic acid. Prophylactic vitamin K is required to the mother and neonate if carbamazepine is used.
8. If the patient is prescribed with other psychotropic medications, the patient should be given adequate
information on the risks and benefits of the particular medication. The psychiatrist needs to obtain
an informed consent prior to prescription, and the patient must fully understand the options of other
treatments or no treatment. The dose of the medication may need to be increased in the third trimes-
ter. There is an increase in blood volume by 30% towards the end of pregnancy, which will affect the
distribution of medication. The CYP 1A2 and 2D6 activities increase by more than 50%, and this will
affect the metabolism of medication.
9. If lithium is continued or a new medication is started, the psychiatrist needs to monitor adherence
and look for factors that may affect adherence. The nurse educator should provide information on the
effects of medications on pregnancy, and midwife can help the patient to prepare for delivery.
10. If the patient chooses not to take any medication and she has high risk of relapse, inform her that risk
of relapse and potential harm is through poor self-care, poor judgement, and impulsive behaviour.
The relapse of mania may affect her fetus.
11. The candidate should advise the patient to quit smoking and drinking. She can switch to nicotine
replacement therapy.
12. The candidate should seek permission from the patient to get her partner involved and offer more sup-
port to the patient.
13. Reassure the patient that there will be planned intervention to monitor herself and the newborn.
During delivery, fluid balance and the risk of lithium toxicity will be monitored especially in
prolonged labour. The risk of relapse is 1 in 3 in the first 90 days following childbirth. Additional
measures such as augmentation with antipsychotic will be considered to prevent relapse in the post-
partum period. The candidate should explore the expectation of the patient on breast-feeding and
childcare after delivery.
(D) Social
Assessment and (D1) Assess her Current
Address her Support System and her (D2) Financial (D4) Address her
Concerns Views about her Partner Situation (D3) Care of other Children Concern
‘Is your partner looking ‘Do you work at this ‘Do you have other children? ‘Thanks for talking to me.
forward to seeing your moment? How do Who is looking after them? May I know whether you
newborn?’ you get your How is your relationship have other concerns?’
‘Besides your partner, are income? Have you with your children?’ (e.g. concerns about drug
there other people worked as a use, her own health, and
supporting you?’ commercial sex issues related to the
worker in exchange fetus)
for money? If yes,
do you practise safe
sex? Are you
receiving allowance
from social
After you have spoken to the patient, her partner is very keen to meet you because he is very concerned about
her pregnancy.
Task: Explain the management plan to her partner assuming the patient has given you the consent to speak to him.
Approach to this CASC station
First, the candidate needs to seek the partner’s view on the pregnancy and his view on fatherhood.
The basic principle is to consider a substitute (e.g. methadone) to minimize harm and manage the patient in a
holistic care with the involvement of an addiction specialist, a neonatologist, and an obstetrician. This can take place
at any stage of pregnancy and carries a much lower risk than continuing usage of heroin that may lead to withdrawal
or overdose as a result of fluctuating opiate level (Table 33.5).
Reassure the partner that physical examination will be performed to assess her nutrition status and look for
tattoos, needle marks, and signs of anaemia. Investigations such as full blood count (FBC), liver function test
(LFT), renal function test (RFT), and urinary drug screen will be ordered. You will liaise with the obstetrician
to perform an ultrasound scan to ensure fetal viability.
Short-term management includes establishing therapeutic alliance and stabilization of heroin intake by referring
the patient to a methadone treatment programme. When the patient reaches the second trimester, the addiction spe-
cialist will withdraw the methadone over a period of 4 weeks. She will undergo regular monitoring by an obstetrician.
The drug prevention worker or counsellor will work with the patient in relapse prevention by motivational interview-
ing and compliance therapy. Social worker will enhance other supports, and psychologist will offer supportive psy-
chotherapy with focus on pregnancy issues. The psychiatrist will offer treatment for comorbid psychiatric disorders.
Education will be offered to her partner and prepare him for the upcoming fatherhood. Prior to discharge, the social
worker will be involved if the patient has difficulty to look after the newborn and other children. If there is history
of child abuse, it may be necessary to seek a court order to protect the existing children and newborn. The candidate
needs to stress to the partner that all decisions will be made in the best interest of the patient and the newborn.
Medium-term management includes establishing a delivery plan with input from all specialties. The psychia-
trist will educate the patient on neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). Both the patient and the newborn will be
transferred to the mother-and-baby unit after delivery. The psychiatrist will monitor her mood and look for signs
suggesting postnatal depression and puerperal psychosis. Postnatal education involves advice on breast-feeding.
Methadone is compatible with breast-feeding, and the dose should be less than 20 mg/day.
For long-term management, the psychiatrist will assess the patient after delivery and decide whether abso-
lute detoxification or harm minimization technique is appropriate. Her GP will be informed of the outcome of
delivery and ensure the well-being of the patient and her newborn in the community.
566 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 33.5
Summary of the Maudsley’s Guideline Recommendation of Detoxification of Opiate during Antenatal
and Postpartum Period
First Trimester Second Trimester Third Trimester Delivery and Postpartum
Source: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, U.K., 2012.
, recommended; , not recommended.
• High scores on Eysenck Personality Inventory recent stressful life events. Younger age, poor marital rela-
(EPI) neuroticism scale tionships, and absent social supports were also notable.
• Fear of labour Early postpartum blues were associated with postnatal
• Anxious and depressed mood during pregnancy depression in the absence of life events, suggesting a small
subgroup of postnatal depression with a hormonal aetiol-
There is no association between the development of post- ogy. A past psychiatric history was a strong risk factor with
natal blues and life events and demographic and social or without life events.
factors or obstetric factors. Murray et al. (1995) found that postnatal depression,
Postnatal women differ significantly from women but not control depression, was associated with a poor
undergoing elective gynaecological surgery in the fre- relationship with the woman’s own mother.
quencies of different symptoms at different times, sug- Postnatal depression is more contingent upon the
gesting that postnatal mood swings are characteristic of acute biopsychosocial stresses caused by the arrival of a
the puerperium and are not simply nonspecific reactions child, whereas depression not associated with childbirth
to stress. is more closely related to longer-term social adversity and
deprivation. Clinical Features
Postnatal blue is associated with tearfulness, irritability, Hormonal Factors
and anxiety. Despite the modest association between progesterone lev-
els and postpartum blues, no direct association has been Management demonstrated between progesterone levels and postnatal
The woman should receive reassurance. No psychotropic depression.
medication is required and prognosis is good. Oestrogens affect dopaminergic transmission in the
CNS; their precipitate drop after delivery may be respon-
33.4.3 Postnatal Depression sible for psychosis and possibly also depression in predis-
posed women.
Postnatal depression is a depressive illness not qualita- Puerperal women, whether depressed or not, are non-
tively different from nonpsychotic depression in other suppressors in terms of the dexamethasone-suppression
settings. It is characterized by low mood; reduced self- test. However, no associations have been found between
esteem; tearfulness; anxiety, particularly about the baby’s postnatal depression and cortisol.
health; and an inability to cope. Mothers may experience Transient hypothyroidism, sometimes preceded by
reduced affection for their baby and may have difficulty hyperthyroidism, occurs in up to 5% of women in the
with breast-feeding. postpartum year, peaking at 4–5 months. Such postpar-
tum thyroid dysfunction is associated with depression. It Epidemiology
is estimated that 1% of postpartum women in the general
Postnatal depression occurs in 10%–15% of postpartum population will experience a depressive episode associ-
women usually within 3 months of childbirth. Those ated with thyroid dysfunction.
women who are emotionally unstable in the first week
after childbirth are at an increased risk of developing Clinical Features
postnatal depression. Common symptoms seen in the mother
Postnatal depression is not associated with parity.
1. Irritability, tearfulness, poor sleep, and tiredness Aetiology
2. Feeling inadequate as a mother Environmental Factors 3. Loss of confidence in mothering
Of the puerperal psychiatric conditions, postnatal
depression has the least biological cause. Onset after Common symptoms related to the care and safety of the
childbirth is spread over a few months, and studies have baby
repeatedly indicated the importance of social stress in
its causation. 1. Anxieties about the baby’s health.
Paykel et al. (1980) found the strongest associated fac- 2. Expresses concerns that the baby is malformed
tor in mild postpartum depressives was the occurrence of and does not belong to her.
568 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
3. Reluctance to feed or handle the baby. Cooper and Murray (1995) distinguished between
4. Forty per cent of patients have thought of harm- those whose postnatal depression was a recurrence
ing the baby. of previous affective disturbance and those for whom
postnatal depression had arisen de novo. Those who Management were suffering from a recurrence of depression were
The education of health visitors and midwives is nec- at raised risk of further non-postpartum episodes but
essary to identify cases early. The Edinburgh Postnatal not postpartum episodes. Those for whom the depres-
Depression Scale is a 10-item self-report questionnaire, sion had arisen de novo were at raised risk for further
used by health visitors to identify postnatal depression episodes of postnatal depression but not for non-post-
during the course of their normal contacts with new partum episodes.
mothers. The relapse rate for subsequent nonpsychotic depres-
Nondirective counselling by health visitors individu- sion is 1 in 6.
ally or in groups is effective in one-third of cases. Self-
help groups and mother-and-baby groups are useful to
33.4.4 Puerperal Psychosis
combat isolation.
In those with more severe symptomatology, or those The risk of developing a psychotic illness is increased
unresponsive to counselling, antidepressants are required. 20-fold in the first postpartum month. Certain symptoms
If depression is severe, admission, preferably with the that are distinctive are
baby to a mother-and-baby unit, may be required. Suicidal
mothers may have thoughts of taking their babies with • Abrupt onset, within the first 2 weeks after
them, so questions about the safety of the child should childbirth
form part of the normal assessment of mothers of young • Marked perplexity, but no detectable cognitive
children. ECT may be required, particularly if worthless- impairment
ness, hopelessness, and despair are present. • Rapid fluctuations in mental state, sometimes
Breast-feeding should not be routinely suspended. from hour to hour
Tricyclic antidepressants are transmitted in reduced quan- • Marked restlessness, fear, and insomnia
tities in breast milk. They are, however, safe. Lithium is • Delusions, hallucinations, and disturbed behav-
transmitted and should not be given to a breast-feeding iour, which develop rapidly
mother because of the risk of toxicity to the child.
Eighty per cent of puerperal psychoses are affective. as oestrogen occurring at the time of parturition plays
Schizophreniform psychoses often have manic features. an important role.
Those with a previous history of manic–depressive ill- In animals, the administration of oestrogen leads to
ness have a substantially higher risk than those with a increased striatal dopamine binding, and oestrogen with-
history of schizophrenia or depression. drawal leads to dopamine receptor supersensitivity.
The following factors are associated with women Wieck et al. (1991) have reported increased sensitiv-
developing puerperal psychoses: ity of dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus asso-
ciated with the onset of affective psychosis following
• Increased rate of Cesarean section childbirth. It is possible that these changes in sensitivity
• Higher social class are mediated by changes in circulating oestrogen levels.
• Older age at birth of first child Supersensitivity of dopamine receptors is then thought
• Primiparae to precipitate psychosis.
Common symptoms seen in the mother
Psychosis following childbirth is usually of an affective
type with a particularly high proportion of manic epi- 1. Sleep disturbance in early stage.
sodes within the first 2 weeks. 2. Mild confusion, disorientation, and perplexity
Puerperal psychoses follow 20%–30% of births in are common.
those with preexisting bipolar mood disorders. 3. Affective lability often present with marked agi-
tation and mania. Aetiology 4. The clinical features may resemble affective dis- Genetic Factors orders (70%), schizophreniform disorder (15%),
• Family studies of puerperal psychosis point to and organic illness (15%).
a familial aggregation of psychiatric disorder,
particularly affective illness. Common symptoms related to the care and safety of the
• Children of probands who have had puer- baby
peral psychosis have an increased psychiatric
morbidity. 1. Delusion may involve the baby and her family.
• Female relatives of puerperal probands have a 2. Suicidal and infanticidal thoughts may be present.
higher rate of puerperal illness than the general
population, but the majority of illness in the rel- Management
atives of probands is nonpuerperal. The identification of high-risk patients during pregnancy
• The weight of evidence from clinical and fam- is important in the planning of postnatal management.
ily studies suggests that most cases of puerperal Admission to a psychiatric hospital is usually essential,
psychosis of early onset are closely related to and it is usually preferable to admit mothers with their
bipolar disorder. babies.
The following are some advantages of joint Environmental Factors admission:
There is no evidence of any excess of life events in puer-
peral psychotics compared to matched normal puerperal • Most psychotic mothers are capable of looking
controls. The absence of social stress in this group con- after their babies with supervision and support.
trasts with the findings for postpartum depression and • There is evidence suggesting that joint admission
disorders with onset in pregnancy. These findings sug- may reduce the duration of illness and relapse rates.
gest that the aetiology of severe puerperal psychosis is
predominantly biological and interactive with previous The following are some disadvantages of joint
vulnerability. admission:
• Joint admission needs higher staffing levels. In order to avoid breast-feeding during the peak drug
• The long-term effects of admission upon the levels in breast milk, psychotropic drugs should be taken
development of the child are not known. immediately after breast-feeding or before the infant’s
• The woman’s partner needs support and education. longest sleep period (Table 33.7). Treatment
• Phenothiazines and lithium are effective in the TABLE 33.7
treatment of manic episodes. Control of lithium
Summary of the Maudsley’s Guideline
levels in the immediate postpartum period can
be difficult because of fluid and electrolyte Recommendation of Psychotropic
changes. Medications for Breast-Feeding
• ECT is particularly effective in the treatment of
Recommended Psychotropic
puerperal psychoses and accelerates recovery in
Psychotropic Medications That Are
all diagnostic categories. It is used generally if Medications Not Recommended
the drug treatment has failed.
• In breast-feeding mothers, lithium is contraindi- Bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder
cated because it is excreted into breast milk and Valproate can be used, Lithium
is toxic to the baby. but advise mother to (concentration in breast
ensure adequate milk is 50% of serum
• Neuroleptics can be administered to breast-feed-
contraception to prevent concentration). If
ing mothers, but high doses should be avoided,
pregnancy patient is taking lithium
and the baby should be observed for signs of during pregnancy, it
drowsiness, such as a failure to feed adequately. Depressive disorder
will be necessary to
• Neuroleptics should be maintained for at least Paroxetine and augment with an
3 months following recovery. If there are further sertraline antipsychotic during the
manic or depressive episodes, lithium should be TCA: Imipramine, postpartum period
considered. nortriptyline, and sertraline because the risk of
are present in breast milk relapse is high Course at relatively low levels
Depressive disorder
Following discharge from hospital, the mother will Schizophrenia
Citalopram and
require close support and follow-up. An assessment of Sulpiride and fluoxetine are present in
the mother–baby interaction should be made prior to olanzapine breast milk at relatively
discharge. Anxiety and insomnia high levels
The initial prognosis is quite good. Cases often settle Mirtazapine,
Lorazepam for anxiety
within 6 weeks, and most are fully recovered by 6 months. venlafaxine
and zolpidem for
A few, however, have a protracted course. insomnia. Advise mother Schizophrenia
After one episode of puerperal psychosis, the risk of a not to sleep with her
further episode in each subsequent pregnancy is between Clozapine,
baby to avoid suffocation
aripiprazole, quetiapine,
one in three and one in five. For those with a previous psy- accident on the newborn
risperidone, and depot
chiatric history or a family history, the risk is higher; for
Substance abuse antipsychotic (infants
those whose puerperal episode was associated with life may show
events or Cesarean section, the subsequent risk is lower. Methadone is
compatible with extrapyramidal side
breast-feeding, but the effects [EPSE])
dose should be kept as
33.4.5 Breast-Feeding and Bulimia nervosa
Psychotropic Medication No breast-feeding if
patient is on high dose of
Premature infants, infants with renal, hepatic, cardiac, fluoxetine
and neurological impairments, are at a greater risk when
they are exposed to psychotropic drugs. Hence, the Source: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing
Guidelines, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex,
lowest effective dose should be prescribed, and psychia-
U.K., 2012.
trist should avoid polypharmacy.
Disorders Specific to Women and Perinatal Psychiatry 571
‘Did you suffer from ‘How did you feel ‘Did you feel ‘Have you done (Explore current
any complication after delivery?’ irritable? Did you something that may psychotic
such as high blood ‘Are you cry very often? be harmful to your symptoms,
pressure or diabetes breast-feeding How was your baby? If so, what have depressive
during pregnancy? your 11-month-old sleep and you done?’ ‘Have you symptoms, and
If so, were you baby at this appetite? Did you ever thought that you manic symptoms)
admitted to the moment?’ feel tired?’ are superior or special
hospital?’ ‘How do you see when compared to other
‘Did you take yourself as a people? If so, in what
medication during mother? ways?’
your previous Are you confident in Hallucinations
pregnancy?’ yourself? Does ‘Have you heard voices
‘Did you use any anyone offer help after delivery? If so, did
substance to look after your the voices give you any
including baby?’ instruction, such as
recreational drugs, ‘Were you admitted telling you to harm your
alcohol, or to the mother–baby baby?’
cigarettes?’ unit? If so, what ‘Have you suffered
was the reason and from any episode of
for how long? How confusion after
did you feel about delivery? How do you
the service?’ find your
concentration at this
(C) Past
History (C2) Treatment
and Risk (C1) Past of Previous (C5) Risk
Assessment Psychiatric History Episodes (C3) Insight (C4) Parenting Ability Assessment
Explore history of ‘Did the GP ‘What do you think ‘Do you feel confident ‘How is the health
mood disorder prescribe is the cause of the to look after your of your children?
(especially bipolar medication to treat earlier baby (e.g. feeding and Do they have any
disorder and the postnatal experiences? Do bathing the baby)?’ behavioural
use of depression?’ you think you will ‘Was there any episode problems?’
anticonvulsants). ‘Have you been be unwell again? when you left your ‘When you are
‘How do the others continuing those Do you find baby unattended? If stressed, do you hit
describe yourself medications?’ medication or yes, why did you do them? If yes, in
as a person?’ ‘Were you admitted talking therapy so?’ what ways? Were
(Explore to the psychiatric helpful?’ ‘Are you close to your they injured?’
personality.) ward before? If baby? Do you feel ‘Do you have
‘Do you know any so, why? Was the your baby attach to thought of harming
family member admission you?’ yourself at this
suffering from voluntary or moment, how
psychiatric illness. involuntary?’ about your
If so, what kind of children?’
Disorders Specific to Women and Perinatal Psychiatry 573
(D) Past
History and
Ending of (D1) Past Medical (D2) History of (D3) Social (D4) Developmental (D5) Ending of
Interview History Contraception History History Interview
‘Are you seeing ‘Do you or your ‘What is your ‘Can you tell me more ‘I can imagine that it
your GP? How partner use marital status? Can about your childhood may be a difficult
often do you see contraception? If you tell me more experience?’ period for you
your GP?’ (If so, why did it fail about the quality of ‘Can you tell me more because you need to
patient is not this time? Will your relationship about your parents? make a very major
seeing her GP, you use other with your partner?’ How do feel about decision. May I
explore the contraceptive ‘Do you hold a job them? Is such feeling suggest that we
underlying reason.) methods in the at this moment? affecting the way you shall invite your
‘May I have your future?’ Are you on sick treat your children?’ partner in the next
permission to leave?’ session? Would it be
speak to your GP?’ ‘How is your alright with you?’
financial status?’
Cooper PJ and Murray L. 1995: Course and recurrence of postna- Murray D, Cox JL, Chapman G et al. 1995: Childbirth:
tal depression: Evidence for the specificity of the diagnos- Life event or start of a long term difficulty? Further
tic concept. British Journal of Psychiatry 166:191–195. data from the Stoke-on-Trent controlled study of
Craddock N, Brockington I, Mant R et al. 1994: Bipolar affec- postnatal depression. British Journal of Psychiatry
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Two subtypes. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology sexual symptoms associated with the menopause and the
and Biological Psychiatry 18:321–327. effects of hormone replacement therapy. British Journal
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Harris B. 1994: Biological and hormonal aspects of postpartum tion. British Journal of Psychiatry 158:46–52.
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and treatment. British Journal of Psychiatry 164:288–292. associated with the menstrual cycle. British Journal of
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48:388–414. Psychiatry 160:742–749.
34 Eating Disorders and
Metabolic Syndrome
34.1 ANOREXIA NERVOSA Twin studies have shown higher concordance rates
for monozygotic (MZ) than for dizygotic (DZ) twins.
34.1.1 Epidemiology Holland et al. (1988) found an MZ-to-DZ concordance
Incidence and prevalence estimates vary depending on ratio of 56:5. Fairburn and Harrison (2003) reported
the diagnostic criteria used and the population studied. that the concordance rates for MZ twins and DZ twins
However, the following can be stated: were 38%–55% and 0%–11%, respectively. Five per cent
of first-degree relatives are affected. This suggests that
• It is rare (prevalence about 1–2 per 1,000 genetic factors are significant in the aetiology. This study
women). The Epidemiological Catchment Area suggested that the heritability of AN is 80%. Linkage to
(ECA) study found only 11 cases in 20,000 per- genes controlling serotonin function on chromosome 1
sons studied. and AN has been found.
• The peak age of onset is 15–19 years. Data suggest a familial component to AN, but the very
• The incidence is 10 times higher in females low prevalence in the general population has prevented
compared to males. determination of whether this is genetic or environmen-
• There is a higher prevalence in higher socioeco- tal. There is a chance that genetic predisposition interacts
nomic classes and Western Caucasians and a with environmental factors and triggers the onset of AN.
significant association with greater parental educa- Relatives also have higher rates of obsessive–compul-
tion. Rates in private schools are 1%—much higher sive disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder,
than in state schools (0.15%). Rates are much higher and substance misuse. There is an increased risk of mood
again in ballet or modelling schools (7%). disorders among first-degree biological relatives, particu-
• The clinical profile of eating disorders in Hong larly of those with binge-eating/purging type. The morbid
Kong has increasingly conformed to that of risk of affective disorder in families of the eating disor-
Western countries. Lee et al. (2010) studied eat- dered is similar to that of families of bipolar probands and
ing-disordered patients presented to a tertiary psy- is significantly greater than that in families of schizophren-
chiatry clinic between 1987 and 2007 and found ics or those with borderline personality disorder. This sup-
that patients were predominantly single (91.8%), ports growing evidence that AN and bulimia nervosa (BN)
female (99.0%), and in their early 20s. The num- (see following text) are closely related to affective disorder.
ber of patients increased twofold in 20 years.
Anorexia nervosa exhibited increasingly fat-pho- Biological Factors
bic patterns, which resemble Western Caucasians. Neurotransmitters
• The suggestion of increasing prevalence over Brain serotonin systems are implicated in the modulation
time is probably not supported, although greater of appetite, mood, personality variables, and neuroen-
numbers are coming to the attention of services. docrine function. An increase in intrasynaptic serotonin
reduces food consumption; a reduction in serotonin activ-
34.1.2 Aetiology ity increases food consumption and promotes weight gain.
Kaye et al. (1991) found increased cerebrospinal fluid Genetic Factors (CSF) concentrations of major serotonin metabolite
Family studies show an increased incidence of eating dis- 5-HIAA in long-term weight-restored anorectics, which
orders among first- and second-degree relatives of those may indicate an increased serotonin activity contributing
suffering from anorexia nervosa (AN). to pathological feeding behaviour.
576 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
It has been suggested that amenorrhoea is caused by adolescence by repetitive reward-seeking behaviour.
primary hypothalamic dysfunction. This is supported by Gymnasts, wrestlers, and swimmers have higher risk to
the fact that a return to normal menstruation lags behind develop subclinical AN.
the return of body weight, and amenorrhoea sometimes Braun et al. (1994) found that 69% of eating-disordered
precedes weight loss. This, however, is not proven. patients had at least one personality disorder; these were
Amenorrhoea is caused by abnormally low levels of also more likely to have an affective disorder or substance
oestrogen, because of the diminished pituitary secre- dependence than those without personality disorder.
tion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutein- Anorexics are more likely to suffer from anxious–
izing hormone (LH). This is usually a consequence of avoidant personality disorders (cluster C), whereas dra-
weight loss, but, in a minority of individuals, it may actu- matic–erratic personality disorders (cluster B) are more
ally precede it. In prepubertal females, menarche may be common in bulimics.
delayed. Other psychological factors: Pharmacotherapy
1. Medication should not be used as the sole or pri- TABLE 34.1
mary treatment for AN. Summary of Good and Poor Prognostic Factors
2. Be aware of cardiac side effects such as postural of AN
hypotension, prolonged QTc, arrhythmia, and Good Prognostic Factors Poor Prognostic Factors
hypothermia. Regular ECG monitoring should
• Onset <15 years of age • Onset at older age
be undertaken for drugs that can prolong QTc • Higher weight at onset and at • Lower weight at onset and at
(e.g. antipsychotics, tricyclic antidepressants). presentation presentation
3. Olanzapine is the most extensively studied anti- • Receive treatment within 3 • Very frequent vomiting and
psychotic in AN (Boachie et al., 2003; Bissada months after the onset of presence of bulimia
et al., 2008). It is associated with greater weight illness • Very severe weight loss
gain, reduction in obsessive symptoms, reduc- • Recovery within 2 years after • Long duration of AN
tion in anxiety, and increase in compliance. The initiation of treatment • Previous hospitalization
mean dose is around 6.6 mg. • Outpatient treatment • Extreme resistance to
4. Risperidone is associated with weight gain and • Supportive family treatment
• Good motivation to change • Continued family problems
reduction in anxiety when combined with an
• Good childhood social • Neurotic personality
antidepressant based on a case report (Newman-
adjustment • Male gender
Toker, 2000).
5. Quetiapine is associated with significant increase in
BMI and reduction in Eating Disorder Examination patterns of weight gain followed by a relapse. For adoles-
(EDE-12) restraint subscale scores over 8 weeks cents with AN, around 80% recover in 5 years and 20%
based on an open label study (Bosanac et al., 2007). may develop chronic AN. For adults with AN, 50% recover,
6. Fluoxetine failed to demonstrate any benefit 25% have intermediate outcome, and 25% have poor out-
in the treatment of patients with AN following come. 50% of restrictive AN may develop bulimia after 5
weight restoration based on a randomized con- years (Table 34.1).
trolled trail (Walsh et al., 2006). AN is a serious disorder with substantial mortality
7. Oestrogen administration should not be used (5%–20%). Sullivan (1995) found that the aggregate mor-
to treat bone density problems in children and tality rate for AN is 5.6% per decade. This is 12 times
adolescents because this may lead to premature the annual death rate due to all causes for females aged
fusion of the epiphyses. 15–24. The aggregate mortality rate for AN is substan-
tially greater than that reported for psychiatric inpatients
and the general population.
34.1.8 Prognosis
The causes of death were complications of eating dis-
The course and outcome are variable. Some patients order in 54% and suicide in 27%. Suicide rates are 200
recover fully after a single episode. Some exhibit fluctuating times greater than in the general population.
You are the registrar working in an adolescent psychiatric service. You are seeing a 15-year-old secondary
school student with a 2-year history of AN. She is admitted to the hospital following a seizure after prolonged
fasting. On admission, her BMI is 10 and her heart rate is 35 beats/min. She has a younger sister aged 13 who
has developed AN recently. You are approached by her parents who beg you to save the patient, and they are also
very concerned about their younger daughter who is at home at this moment. The patient is not forthcoming, but
she has given the consent for you to speak to her mother.
1. Take a history from her mother to establish the aetiology, diagnosis, and course of AN for the 15-year-
old patient.
2. Assess the impact of AN of the two daughters.
582 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
(A3) Body-image (A4) Psychiatric (A5) Medical
(A) Course (A1) Longitudinal (A2) Methods to Distortion and Complications Complications
of AN Weight History Lose Weight Bingeing of AN of AN
‘I am sorry to hear that ‘What methods does ‘How does your elder ‘How do you find ‘How do you find
you have two your elder daughter daughter feel about your elder your elder
daughters suffering use to lose weight?’ her body? Does she daughter’s mental daughter’s physical
from eating disorders. ‘Does she avoid food? think that she is too health after health after
Can you tell me your If yes, how?’ fat?’ developing eating developing eating
views about their ‘Does she do ‘Have you ever disorder?’ disorder?’
conditions?’ excessive exercise? questioned why she ‘How do you find her ‘How is her menses?
‘Are they sick at this If yes, what kind of feels that she is too concentration?’ Do her menses
moment?’ exercise does she fat?’ ‘Does she follow your come regularly? If
‘Can you tell me more do?’ ‘How about her advice?’ not, how long have
about your elder ‘Does she induce sister? Does she ‘Is she very rigid and the menses been
daughter’s eating vomiting? If yes, share similar stubborn at this absent?’
disorder?’ how does she do it?’ belief?’ moment?’ ‘Has she ever fainted
‘What is her average ‘Does she use ‘Do they compare ‘How is her mood?’ or had a blackout?’
weight?’ laxatives or with each other in ‘Is she nervous?’ ‘Did she have a fit
‘What is her lowest diuretics to lose their body image?’ before?’
weight or highest weight?’ ‘Do they binge? If ‘Does she look pale?’
weight in the past two ‘What method does yes, do they feel ‘Does she feel weak
years?’ your younger guilty? If yes, what most of the time?’
‘How about her daughter use? Do would they do?’
younger sister? What they share the same (Look for self-
is her lowest weight?’ method?’ induced vomiting.)
(B2) Common
(B) Aetiology (B1) Predisposing Factors—Sibling (B3) Maintaining (B5) School and
of AN Factors in Family Rivalry Factors (B4) Development Peers
‘Can you tell me more ‘How is the ‘How do their ‘Can you tell me ‘Do your daughters
about your family?’ relationship illnesses affect the more about them play any sport? How
‘Are the family between the two family?’ when they were about ballet dancing
members close to daughters?’ ‘Do they get more young?’ or modelling?’
each other? Do you ‘How does your attention from you ‘Did they stay with you ‘How are their
think that you have elder child react to and your partner and your partner all academic
been too close to each her sister’s eating when they suffer the time?’ performances? Are
other?’ (Look for disorder?’ from eating ‘Was there any they very serious
enmeshment.) ‘Are they competing disorder?’ unhappy event about their
‘How do you nurture with each other?’ ‘How do you and during their academic
your children? Are ‘Was your elder your partner react childhood? If yes, performances? Do
you strict in daughter being when they develop what kind of event? they often compare
discipline? Could it be neglected when her eating disorder?’ Were they being with each other?’
too strict?’ younger sister ‘What is the family’s abused before?’ ‘Is your elder
‘How is your develops eating view on food and ‘Does your elder daughter in a
relationship with your disorder?’ body image? Are daughter encounter relationship at this
partner? Was there ‘What is your you very conscious any problem as a moment?’
any marital conflict?’ younger daughter’s about weight?’ teenager?’ (e.g. ‘Was she bullied in
‘Did eating disorder reaction towards identity problem) the school? If yes,
run in your family? her elder sister’s why? Was she obese
How about your eating disorder?’ in the past?’
partner’s family?’
Eating Disorders and Metabolic Syndrome 583
(C) Course of
Illness, (C2) Outcomes
Comorbidity, (C1) Previous of Previous (C4) Explore (C5) Risk
and Risk Treatment Treatments (C3) Assess Insight Comorbidity Assessment
‘Did your elder ‘What was the ‘Does your elder ‘Does your elder ‘Has your elder
daughter receive any outcome of the daughter believe that daughter suffer other daughter ever
treatment before? If treatment?’ If it she is ill?’ psychiatric harmed herself? If
yes, what kind of fails, please ‘Does she see her problems? For yes, how did she do
treatment was explore the younger sister example, does she it?’
offered?’ underlying reason. suffering from check things ‘Did she tell you why
‘How about your ‘How does your eating disorder?’ repetitively or is she she wanted to harm
younger daughter? elder daughter feel If patient does not depressed?’ herself?’
What kind of about the treatment believe that she has ‘How do you describe ‘Have she ever
treatment did she for her sister?’ eating disorder, your elder daughter thought of harming
receive?’ explore with the as a person? Is she her younger sister?’
‘How did your elder mother the perfectionistic?’ ‘Did her younger
daughter feel when underlying reason ‘Does she use sister harm herself
your younger and how the elder recreational drugs?’ before?’
daughter received daughter sees ‘Does your younger
treatment?’ herself different daughter suffer
from her younger from other
sister. psychiatric
(D) Explore the
Impact and (D5) Explore Her
Dynamics of Expectation on the
Having Two (D1) Explore Her (D2) Comparison (D4) Explore the Overlap Between
Daughters with Views on the of Her Daughters’ (D3) Assess Family’s Expectation Two Daughters’
AN Current Situation Eating Disorder Coping Strategies on the Management Treatment
‘Thanks for sharing ‘How do you feel ‘How do you and ‘What is your ‘Where does your
with me, and we have about their eating your partner cope expectation on the younger daughter
gone through a lot of disorders? Are they with their eating treatment of your receiving her
details about your similar? If yes, in disorders?’ elder daughter?’ treatment? Is she in
daughters’ eating what ways? ‘Do you get help ‘She has to be the same service?’
disorder. What is your Are they different? from other people?’ admitted to the ‘Do you want a
view on the cause of How are they ‘Do you have hospital. How do family therapist to
eating disorder in different?’ someone to turn to you feel about it?’ help the family to
them?’ when you undergo a ‘The treatment overcome the eating
lot of stress?’ mainly involves disorder?’
treatment aiming at
weight restoration
and family therapy.
How do you feel
about that?’
584 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
weight loss report more binge eating afterward than medications; fasting; or excessive exercise) to
veterans who had not been prisoners. Data are support- prevent weight gain.
ive of an aetiological role for eating restraint in promo- 4. Frequency of binge-eating and compensatory
tion of bingeing. behaviours: at least 1 per week for 3 months.
Many normal-weight bulimics are the eldest or only 5. Repetitive self-evaluation as a result of undue
daughters. Lacey et al. (1991) postulate that at times of influence by distorted body image.
parental marital discord, the mother can use her daughter 6. The disturbance does not occur exclusively dur-
as an easily available therapist, burdening the child at an ing episodes of AN.
age when she cannot deal with the expressed emotions.
Bulimics report more sexual abuse in childhood than DSM-5 (Binge-Eating Disorder)
In this variation, there are recurrent episodes of
binge eating in the absence of the regular use of inap-
34.2.3 Classification propriate compensatory behaviours characteristic of
BN. The other criteria listed in BN apply. Furthermore, ICD-10 (F50.2 Bulimia Nervosa)
the DSM-5 requires three of the following criteria: eat-
BN is characterized by repeated bouts of overeating and ing much more rapidly than normal, eating until feel-
excessive preoccupation with the control of body weight, ing uncomfortably full, eating large amounts of food
leading to extreme measures to mitigate against the fat- when not feeling physically hungry, eating alone to
tening effects of food. It shares the same specific psycho- avoid embarrassment, feeling disgusted with oneself
pathology of fear of fatness as AN. or very guilty after overeating, and marked distress
A diagnosis under ICD-10 requires all of the over binge eating.
• Self-induced vomiting (90%), using fingers and, Common Biochemical Abnormalities
later, reflex vomiting, which results in relief The NICE guidelines recommend that patients with BN who
from physical discomfort and reduction of fear are vomiting frequently or taking large quantities of laxa-
of gaining weight tives should have the following investigations performed:
• Laxative abuse (30%), excessive exercise, and
food restriction • Hypokalaemic alkalosis (caused by repeated
• Depression, irritability, poor concentration, and vomiting).
suicidal ideas • Metabolic acidosis with reduced serum bicar-
• Older than the anorectic, more socially compe- bonate in those abusing laxatives.
tent, and sexually experienced • Raised serum bicarbonate.
• Possibly normal weight or just slightly under- • Hypokalaemia—direct potassium loss from
weight or overweight vomiting and indirect renal loss in response
• Menstrual abnormalities (<50%) to raised aldosterone secondary to volume
• More insight than in AN, often eager for help depletion.
• Depressive symptoms (in the majority), anxi- • Hypochloraemia.
ety, impulsive and compulsive behaviours, and • Hypomagnesaemia.
problems with interpersonal relationships • Raised serum amylase (salivary isoenzyme)—
• Stealing and dependence upon substances monitoring serum amylase can be used to moni-
tor vomiting behaviour.
There is also a high prevalence of depression, self-
mutilation, attempted suicide, substance abuse, and low
34.2.6 Management
Most patients with BN are treated in an outpatient setting.
For patients who are at risk of suicide or several medical Physical Signs and Complications complications, inpatient treatment is recommended.
1. Related to vomiting:
a. Dental erosion and toothache Psychotherapy
b. Parotid gland enlargement Freeman et al. (1988) conducted a controlled trial of
c. Callouses on backs of hands: Russell’s sign psychotherapy. The controls were left significantly
d. Oedema worse than all treatment groups at the end of the trial.
e. Conjunctival haemorrhages caused by Behavioural, cognitive–behavioural, and group therapies
raised intrathoracic pressure were all effective; 77% stopped bingeing. Improvements
f. Oesophageal tears were maintained at 1 year. Behavioural therapy was the
g. Ipecacuanha intoxication causing cardiomy- most effective, with the lowest dropout rate and earlier
opathy and cardiac failure, usually fatal onset of improvement. There seemed to be no advantage
2. Related to purgative abuse: in adding a cognitive element. Psychotherapy produces
a. Rectal prolapse a wider range of changes with more stable maintenance
b. Constipation than does drug therapy.
c. Diarrhoea The NICE guidelines provide detailed recommenda-
d. Cathartic colon, damaged myenteric plexus tions on every aspect of management of BN, and the rec-
3. Related to binges: ommendations are summarized as follows:
a. Acute dilatation of stomach (medical
emergency) Cognitive–Behavioural Therapy for BN
b. Hypercarotenaemia: yellowish skin in palm This includes psychoeducation, self-monitoring, and cog-
and feet (binge on juices) nitive restructuring. Eating regular meals is very impor-
4. Other complications: tant. The course of treatment should be aimed at 16–20
a. Epilepsy sessions over 4–5 months.
b. Arrhythmia (caused by electrolyte disturbances) The aims of behavioural therapy are to stop binge-
c. Tetany ing and purging by restricting exposure cues that trigger
d. Muscle weakness (caused by electrolyte binge/purge behaviour, developing alternative behav-
disturbances) iours, and delaying vomiting.
Eating Disorders and Metabolic Syndrome 587
• Depression Depressive Disorder
• Personality disturbance
• Greater severity of symptoms Kahl et al. (2012) studied 230 patients with major depres-
• Longer duration of symptoms sive disorder in Germany and found that the age-stan-
• Low self-esteem dardized prevalence of MetS was 2.4 times higher than
• Substance abuse controls (41.0% vs. 17.0%).
• Childhood obesity Pyykkönen et al. (2012) reported that depressive
symptoms were related with the MetS and the individual
Bulimics with multi-impulsive personality disorder do components of MetS. Such associations were not driven
less well than those with bulimia alone. by the use of antidepressant medication.
34.3.3 Classification
TABLE 34.2
The U.S. National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Summary of Recommendations from the NICE
Treatment Panel III (ATP-III) (2001) requires at least
Guidelines and Maudsley’s Guidelines (2012) on
three of the following:
the Management of MetS in Schizophrenia
• Dyslipidaemia: triglycerides (TG) ≥150 mg/dL Impaired • Monitoring: oral glucose tolerance test
(1.7 mmol/L) glucose (OGTT) or fasting glucose at baseline,
• BP: ≥130/85 mmHg control 1 month and 6 months for patients taking
• Fasting plasma glucose: ≥110 mg/dL (6.1 mmol/L) clozapine and olanzapine. Urine glucose or
• Central obesity: waist circumference ≥102 cm rapid blood glucose at baseline and annually
(male), ≥88 cm (female) for other antipsychotics
• Dyslipidaemia: high-density lipoprotein choles- • Aripiprazole, amisulpride, asenapine, and
terol (HDL-C) <40 mg/dL (male), <50 mg/dL ziprasidone
• Clozapine and olanzapine
• Prevention: lifestyle interventions aimed at
The World Health Organization criteria (1999) require
changing an individual’s diet (starchy foods
the presence of any two of diabetes mellitus, impaired or fibre-rich foods) and increasing the amount
glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose or insulin of physical activity (at least 30 min of
resistance, and one of the following: physical activities for 5 days per week) may
prevent impaired glucose tolerance to type 2
• BP: ≥140/90 mmHg from developing into diabetes.
• Dyslipidaemia: TG: ≥1.695 mmol/L and HDL-C Dyslipidaemia • Monitoring: fasting lipids at baseline, at
≤0.9 mmol/L (male), ≤1.0 mmol/L (female) 3 months and annually
• Central obesity: waist/hip ratio >0.90 (male),
• Haloperidol and risperidone
>0.85 (female), or BMI >30 kg/m2
• Microalbuminuria: urinary albumin excretion ratio • Clozapine and olanzapine
≥20 μg/min or albumin/creatinine ratio ≥30 mg/g • Prevention: cardioprotective diet (total fat
intake is ≤30% of total energy intake,
The International Diabetes Federation criteria (2006) saturated fats are ≤10% of total energy intake,
require the presence of central obesity (defined as waist or dietary cholesterol is less than 300 mg/day),
regular exercise, weight management,
circumference with ethnicity-specific values) and any
reduction of alcohol consumption, and
two of the following:
smoking cessation
• Offer 40 mg simvastatin for patients who are
• Raised TG: >150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L) or spe-
older than 40 years and have history of CHD,
cific treatment for this lipid abnormality
angina, stroke, peripheral vascular disease,
• Reduced HDL-C: <40 mg/dL (1.03 mmol/L) in diabetes, and dyslipidaemia.
males, <50 mg/dL (1.29 mmol/L) in females, or Weight gain • Measurement of BMI and waist circumference
specific treatment for this lipid abnormality at baseline and each outpatient visit
• Raised BP: systolic BP >130 or diastolic BP >85
• Aripiprazole, amisulpride, asenapine,
mmHg or treatment of previously diagnosed
haloperidol, sulpiride, and ziprasidone
• Raised fasting plasma glucose: >100 mg/dL • Clozapine and olanzapine
(5.6 mmol/L) or previously diagnosed type 2 • Bupropion, metformin, and topiramate may
diabetes reduce body weight.
• If BMI is >30 kg/m2, central obesity can be • Refer patient to the weight management
programme. The patient should aim to lose
assumed and waist circumference does not need
5%–10% of original weight with maximum
to be measured
weekly weight loss of 0.5–1 kg.
34.3.4 Management
recommended; not recommended.
See Table 34.2.
Eating Disorders and Metabolic Syndrome 589
34.4 DSM-5 Fairburn CG. 1993: Eating disorders. In Kendell RE and Zealley
AK (eds.), Companion to Psychiatric Studies. Edinburgh,
Feeding and eating disorders (APA, 2013): Scotland: Churchill Livingstone.
307.53 Rumination disorder: repeated regurgitation of Fairburn CG and Harrison PJ. 2003: Eating disorders. Lancet
food for at least 1 month. 361(9355):407–416.
307.59 Avoidant or Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: Fombonne E. 1995: Anorexia nervosa: No evidence of an
increase. British Journal of Psychiatry 166:462–471.
lack of interest in food and results in significant weight
Freeman CPL, Barry F, Dunkeld-Turnbull J, and Henderson A.
loss and nutritional deficiency. 1988: Controlled trial of psychotherapy for bulimia ner-
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307.59 Bulimia nervosa (of low frequency or limited alence of metabolic syndrome in patients with bipolar dis-
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Journal of Psychiatry 162:765–770. Disorders 43(4):307–314.
590 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
592 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
• There is a strong association in all age groups • Sex is not considered the most important part of a
between length of relationship and frequency of relationship; a monogamous relationship is consid-
sex: a much lower frequency in longer relationships. ered more likely to lead to greater sexual satisfaction.
• Vaginal intercourse predominates. Seventy-five
per cent have experience of nonpenetrative sex
35.1.7 Physical Health
and 70% have some experience of oral sex. Any
experience of anal intercourse is reported by • Multiple sexual partnerships are significantly
14% of men and 13% of women. associated with smoking and increasing levels
• Those not married have a wider repertoire of of alcohol consumption.
sexual practice. Prevalence of oral, anal, and • Attendance at a clinic for sexually transmitted
nonpenetrative sex increases with increasing diseases (STDs) is strongly associated with the
numbers of partners. number of heterosexual partners and a history of
homosexual partnerships.
• The likelihood of termination of pregnancy
35.1.5 Sexual Diversity and
increases markedly with the numbers of hetero-
Homosexual Behaviour sexual partners.
• No sexual attraction or experience of any kind
is reported by 0.4% of men and 0.5% of women. 35.1.8 Perceived Risk
• Some form of homosexual experience is reported
by 6% of men and 3% of women. • The use of oral contraception declines steeply
• Lifetime experience of homosexual orientation with age; condom use is most prevalent in the
is higher in higher social classes. young; sterilization increases with age.
• Recent homosexual experience is strongly asso- • The message to use condoms to prevent the risks
ciated with region. Greater London has more of STD has been more acceptable than the mes-
than twice the proportion of men reporting sage to restrict numbers of partners.
homosexual experience and current practice • The perceived risk of HIV infection is higher
than anywhere else in Britain. among those reporting higher risk behaviours.
• Those who had a boarding-school education are
more likely to report any homosexual contact; 35.2 SEXUAL RESPONSE CYCLE
this has little or no effect on homosexual prac-
tice in later life. The normal sexual response cycle consists of desire;
• Exclusively homosexual behaviour is rare. The arousal, mediated by the parasympathetic nervous sys-
majority of those with homosexual experience tem; plateau; orgasm, mediated by the sympathetic and
have had sex with both men and women. Ninety central nervous system; and resolution (longer in males
per cent of men and 95% of women reporting and increases with age):
same-gender sexual partners in their lifetime
have also had an opposite-gender partner. 1. Sexual desire is determined by cognitive pro-
• Men reporting anal sex do so usually (60%) as cess, mood, neurophysiological mechanisms
both the receptive and insertive partner. (e.g. hormones), personal preferences, and cul-
• Highest levels of homosexual activity are tural practices. There is a spontaneous occur-
reported by 25–34 year olds, nearly a decade rence of sexual thoughts and awareness of an
later than heterosexual partnerships, consistent interest in initiating sexual activity.
with later age at first experience. 2. Sexual excitement is signified by erection in
men and vaginal lubrication in women. Genital
response is caused by vasocongestion in both
35.1.6 Sexual Attitudes
men and women. Peripheral responses include
• Acceptance of premarital sex is now nearly uni- raised blood pressure, altered heart rate, skin
versal, as is its practice. temperature, and skin colour changes.
• Disapproval of infidelity extends to all age 3. Plateau is the maintenance of sexual arousal state.
groups, the young being marginally more toler- 4. Orgasm is the peak of sexual arousal with explosive
ant than older people. discharge of physical, emotional, and psychological
Sexual Disorders 593
No release during
sexual stimulation
Enzyme guanylate
cyclase activated
type 5
Increased blood flow
Maintain erection
1. Sexual stimulus
Cerebral cortex
imagination, visual, olfactory,
neural afferents
Spinal cord
numbers of injections given. Hematomas and bruising are 35.6 LACK OF SEXUAL DRIVE OR
relatively common but of little significance. SEXUAL ENJOYMENT Intraurethral Alprostadil 35.6.1 Aetiology and Risk Factors
Alprostadil (prostaglandin E1) is administered by intra-
• Ageing
cavernosal injection or intraurethral application for the
• Anticonvulsant
management of ED (after exclusion of treatable medical
• Depression
causes); it is also used as a diagnostic test.
• Hyperprolactinaemia Alpha-Adrenergic Blocking Agents • Multiple sclerosis
• Malignancy
Phenoxybenzamine or phentolamine may also be used to
• Relationship problem
give more prolonged erection.
• Restrictive upbringing on the issues of sex Third-Line Treatment Penile Prosthetic Implants 35.6.2 Diagnostic Criteria
Surgically implanted penile prostheses are inserted into
the corpus cavernosa. Three types are available: mal- ICD-10 Criteria (WHO, 1992)
leable, constructed of silastic with a malleable metal core F52.0 Lack or Loss of Sexual Desire
giving permanent rigidity; self-contained inflatable; and 1. Lack or loss of sexual desire as manifested by
multipart inflatable prostheses. diminution of seeking out sexual cues and of
The psychological outcome of penile prosthesis thinking about sex or of sexual fantasies.
implantation appears to be mediated by the nature of the 2. Lack of interest in initiating sexual activity
marital relationship. Follow-up of recipients of penile either with a partner or during masturbation.
implants 2.5 years following surgery found that those Sexual activities become less frequent com-
with organogenic impotence had no adverse sequelae, but pared to the norms or previous level.
some of those with psychogenic impotence had an exac-
erbation of preexisting relationship difficulties. Ideally F52.10/F52.11 Sexual Aversion
couple therapy should be offered as well as mechanical and Lack of Sexual Enjoyment
treatments, especially in those with a psychogenic cause. 1. The sexual interaction with a partner produces
sufficient aversion or anxiety. As a result, sexual Vascular Surgery
activity is avoided. It is also associated with
Correction of venous leak may be successful if a specific strong negative feelings and an inability to expe-
leak is detected. Arterial surgery is less successful. Large rience any pleasure.
vessel reconstruction for proximal arterial obstruction 2. Genital response (e.g. orgasm or ejaculation)
generally gives poor results, as most patients also have may occur but is not accompanied by any plea-
distal arterial disease. surable sensations or feelings of excitement.
the other gender, and functional impairment for at least Course and prognosis: Onset is often during adolescence.
6 months. The DSM-5 further classifies this condition as Most fetishism diminishes after developing a satisfying
with or without a disorder of sex development. heterosexual relationship. The prognosis is worse in sin-
gle man or those with forensic history related to fetishism.
35.10.3 Treatment of Disorders
of Gender Identity ICD-10 F65.1 Fetishistic Transvestism/
DSM-5 302.3 Transvestic Disorder
Sex-reassignment treatment for transsexuals is a pro-
Definition: Fetishistic transvestism is the wearing of
cess of active rehabilitation into the new gender role,
clothes of the opposite sex to obtain sexual excitement.
the provision and monitoring of opposite-sex hormones,
More than a single item is worn, often an entire outfit.
and after a reasonable period of successful cross-gen-
It is clearly associated with sexual arousal; there is no
der living, sex-reassignment surgery is performed. The
wish to continue cross-dressing once orgasm occurs, dis-
majority of transsexuals do experience a successful
tinguishing this from dual-role transvestism.
outcome in terms of subjective well-being and personal
happiness. Epidemiology: Fetishistic transvestism is more common
in men and most patients are heterosexual.
Incestuous families are characterized by alienation, • Transvestites may be charged with behaviour
disorganization, and disintegration. They are rarely likely to cause a breach of the peace if they
reported to the police. cross-dress in public.
Sibling incest is often the result of experimentation. • Frotteurism is the practice of rubbing the penis
It is more likely if there is a lack of parental control. against another person in a clandestine way in
Youngest sisters are the most vulnerable. a public place. It is liable to charges of either
indecent assault or offence against public order. Indecent Exposure
Indecent exposure is an offence under the 1824 Vagrancy 35.13.2 Treatment of Antisocial
Act: ‘openly, lewdly and obscenely exposing his person
Sexual Behaviour
with intent to insult any female’ (British Government,
1824). It is one of the most common sexual offences. In a critical review of the literature, Marshall et al.
Exhibitionism, the exposing of genitals to the opposite (1991) concluded that some treatment programmes have
sex, is categorized into the following two main groups: been effective with paedophiles and exhibitionists but
not with rapists. In examining the value of the various
• Type I—Inhibited young men of relatively nor- treatment approaches, they concluded that comprehen-
mal personality and good character who struggle sive cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) were most
against the impulse but find it irresistible. They likely to be effective with paedophiles and exhibition-
expose with a flaccid penis and do not masturbate. ists. There was also a clear value in the use of antiandro-
They expose to individuals, not seeking a particu- gens in those offenders who engage in excessively high
lar response. The frequency of exposure is often rates of sexual activity.
related to other sexual stresses and anxieties, such
as marital conflict or pregnancy in the spouse.
• Type II—Less inhibited, more sociopathic men. 35.14 SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT
Individuals expose with erect penis in a state PROGRAMME
of excitement and may masturbate. Pleasure is • The Sex Offender Treatment Programme (SOTP)
obtained and little guilt is shown. The person aims at increasing the responsibility and motiva-
is more likely to expose to a group of women tion of the sexual offender to change.
or girls and may return repeatedly to the same • SOTP involves anger management, CBT, rela-
place. The person seeks a response from the tionship skill training, relapse prevention, sex
victim, either shock or disgust. There are fewer education, social skill training, stress manage-
attempts to resist the urge to expose. The behav- ment, and thinking skill programme.
iour is associated with other psychosexual disor- • Sex offenders are encouraged to develop victim
ders and other types of offences. This may lead empathy by understanding the consequences of
on to more serious sexual offences. their actions and minimize denial.
Eighty per cent do not reoffend if they are charged with a • Behaviour treatments include aversion, sensiti-
first offence. The chances of reconviction rise dramatically zation, and biofeedback with penile plethysmog-
with the second offence. There is a small group of recidi- raphy that measures the penile blood flow with
vists who persist, but these tend to reduce in their forties. thoughts of illegal sexual practices.
It is generally a harmless nonviolent offence, except in a
minority who may progress to more violent offences. 35.15 PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT
There is a good prognosis associated with being mar-
ried, good social relationships, and work record. • The aim of the pharmacological treatment is to
reduce sexual drives and prevent future sexual Others offences especially in sex offenders who fail to
response to SOTP.
• Fetishism may come to the attention of the police if
articles used are stolen (e.g. women’s underwear). Baseline investigations:
• Sadomasochism may result in conviction for • Blood investigations: FBC, LFT, RFT, and glucose
assault if extreme injury results, even if both • Hormonal investigations: LH, FSH, and serum
parties consent. testosterone
608 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Seek permission and opening statement: ‘Hello Mr. C, I am Dr. Lucas. I am trying to understand what has hap-
pened to you. I need to ask you some questions. They may involve sensitive issues. Is it alright with you? I was
informed that you have exposed your genitals to ladies recently. Can you tell me more about your behaviour?’
(A) Index Offence: (A1) Onset of the (A3) Details of (A4) Previous (A5) Impact of
Exposure Problem (A2) Precipitants the Exposure Exposure Exposure
‘How old were you ‘What is your view ‘Did you plan ‘How many times ‘How is your mood?’
when it started?’ on the causes of beforehand?’ did you flash your ‘Do you feel
‘Can you tell me your behaviour?’ ‘Where did you penis?’ depressed?’
what happened at (explore attribution do it?’ ‘How did you ‘Do you feel guilty
that time?’ by patient) ‘What kind of manage to escape?’ over your act?’
‘What kind of people ‘What makes you people (gender, ‘Have the police or ‘How do you feel
do you choose to do it?’ age) were you legal system ever about the victims?
expose to? May I ‘Do you have a looking for? Did been involved?’ Do you feel sorry for
know why? Do you strong urge or you know them?’ If yes, were you sent them?’ (explore
feel an emotional mounting tension?’ ‘Did you do it to prison? If so, victim empathy)
attachment to ‘Was it part of your alone?’ (look for how many times?
them?’ fantasy?’ organized crime)
Sexual Disorders 609
(A) Index Offence: (A1) Onset of the (A3) Details of (A4) Previous (A5) Impact of
Exposure Problem (A2) Precipitants the Exposure Exposure Exposure
Explore emotional ‘Do you use ‘Did you carry If patient does not feel
congruence with pornography?’ If any weapon with guilty, then ask him,
victims so, what kind you?’ ‘Do you feel excited
(especially (related to ‘Was your penis by exposing your
children) as paedophilia) and hard or soft genitals? Are you
patient may be what form when you concerned about the
fixated at the (Internet or book) flashed to them?’ fact that more
child’s level of ‘What did you do women will face
emotional next after sexual assault?’
development and flashing your
relate better to the genitalia? Did
young victims. you masturbate?’
‘Can you control
your urge to
‘What is the worst
thing that might
(B4) Acute and
(B1) Other Chronic
(B) Risk Avenues for (B2) Other Sexual (B3) Assessment Dynamic Risk (B5) Self-harm and
Assessment Exhibitionism Offences of Denial Factors Other Harms
‘Are you working ‘Do you make ‘Do you Acute risk factors: ‘Have you ever
at present? What obscene phone acknowledge isolation, thought of harming
do you do for a calls? If so, do you that your unemployment, yourself?’
living?’ (e.g. masturbate at the behaviour, like chaotic life style, ‘How about harming
postman or same time?’ flashing your relapse of the others?’
teacher who may ‘Have you ever genitalia, is an depression, ‘Have you ever been
expose to children touched other offence?’ intoxicated by violent to others?’
in the ladies?’ ‘Do you think the substances ‘Have you ever
neighbourhood or ‘Have you ever tried problem is Chronic risk factors: damaged any
school) to impose sex on serious?’ low self-esteem, property?’
‘Do you have someone?’ ‘Do you feel that poor impulse
contact with ‘Were you ever sent you need control, substance
young children in to prison for other treatment at this abuse
your daily life?’ sexual offences? If moment?’
yes, after you were Assess levels of
released from denial and
prison, did you classify in the
reoffend again?’ following: (1)
absolute denial,
(2) denial of
seriousness, (3)
denial of the
need for
610 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
(C1) Other
(C) Other Psychosexual (C2) Delusions or (C3) Psychotic (C5) Drug and
Comorbidity Disorders? Abnormal Beliefs Experience (C4) Personality Substance Abuse
‘Do you have other ‘How do you ‘Do you hear ‘Can you describe ‘Have you consumed
sexual preferences compare yourself voices talking to your personality?’ any alcohol or drug
(explore with the others?’ you when nobody ‘How do you feel prior to exposing
paraphilia, (explore is around?’ about authoritative yourself?’
voyeurism)?’ grandiosity) ‘If yes, what do figures?’ (look for
‘What is your ‘Have you ever they say?’ (look resentment)
sexual thought that you for command Look for sociopathic
orientation?’ are entitled to hallucinations) trait (impulsiveness,
‘Do you have any expose yourself to Assess threat/ hatred, not caring
sexual problem the ladies? If so, control and safety of others),
such as erectile what is your overcome (TCO) and social
dysfunction?’ rationale?’ ‘Do you feel incompetence.
Threatened by Look for avoidant
the voices?’ personality.
‘Can you exercise
Control over the
‘Are you
Overcome by the
(D) Family,
Personal and (D4) Relationship
Psychosexual (D2) Psychosexual (D3) Learning and Marital (D5) Social
History (D1) Family Development Disability History Adequacy
‘Can you tell me ‘How old were you ‘What is your If the patient is ‘Can you tell me
about your when you first highest level of single, ask, ‘How is about your
family?’ learn about sex?’ education?’ your dating relationship with
‘How do you feel ‘Have you ever ‘Have you experience?’ other people?’
about your encountered encountered If patient is married, ‘Can you comment on
parents? Did you difficulty with learning ask, ‘How’s your your self-esteem?’
separate from intimacy?’ difficulty? Were relationship with
them when you ‘Do you feel that you in a special your spouse or
were young? Do you need to school? Do you partner?’
you feel angry suppress sexual have any ‘Can you tell me
about them?’ feelings?’ difficulty to more about your
‘How did they treat understand the sexual life with
you? Have you other people?’ her?’
ever experienced ‘Does she know about
any abuse?’ your behaviour?’
(sexual, physical,
and emotional)
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36 Sleep Disorders
614 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
4. Treatment should only be changed from one of • No symptoms of narcolepsy and evidence for
these hypnotics to another if side effects occur sleep apnoea.
that are directly related to the medicine. If treat- • No other causative factors.
ment with one of the benzodiazepines or ben-
zodiazepine receptor agonist does not work, the Hypersomnolence Disorder (DSM-5)
doctor should not prescribe one of the others. • Frequency and duration: hypersomnolence
occurs at least three times per week and for at Course and Prognosis least 3 months. The patient has a main sleep
• Insomnia typically occurs in young or middle period lasting at least 7 h per day.
adulthood. Chronic insomnia may last through • Symptoms of excessive sleepiness such as recur-
to old age. rent periods of sleep and naps within the same
• Previous insomnia is the most significant pre- day, a prolonged and nonrestorative main sleep
dictor for future insomnia. episode (>9 h), and sleep inertia with difficulty
• 50%–75% of patients have insomnia that lasts in waking up.
for more than 1 year. • The hypersomnolence causes significant impair-
• Insomnia caused by life event or stressor usually ments in functioning and is not accounted for by
has a limited course to a period of less than 1 year. another sleep disorder.
• Specify if:
36.2.2 Hypersomnia • With mental disorder/medical condition
• Acute/subacute/persistent Epidemiology • Mild/moderate/severe
• Daytime drowsiness occurs in 0.3%–4% of the
population. Differential Diagnosis
• Incidence over 5-year period: 8%. Important differential diagnoses include
• Lifetime prevalence: 15%.
• Narcolepsy Aetiology • Sleep apnoea
The common causes of hypersomnia are • Organic disorders
• Fatigue states
• Family history of hypersomnia and association • Kleine–Levin syndrome (M/F = 3:1, begins in
with autonomic dysfunction adolescence and resolves by middle age, recur-
• As an early symptom of depressive disorder rent sleepiness, indiscriminate hypersexuality,
• Unknown cause: idiopathic compulsive overeating, and weight gain) Clinical Features Assessment and Investigations
• Long duration of major sleep episode (8–12 h) • Epworth Sleepiness Scale: cutoff score for men
with rapid onset of sleep and good sleep >11 and cutoff score for women >9.
efficiency • Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) involves
• Excessive daytime sleepiness and unrefreshing asking the patient to nap for 20 min and then
naps during normal waking hours causing a dis- being awaken. EEG, heart rates, and other
turbance of social or occupational functioning physiological parameters are recorded. The
• Sleep drunkenness with prolonged impairment MSLT measures sleep latency, which is the time
of alertness at sleep–wake transition and results elapsed from the start of the nap to the first signs
in difficulty waking in the morning of sleep (sleep latency = 0–5 min [severe sleepi-
ness], 5–10 min [troublesome sleepiness], Diagnostic Criteria 10–15 min [manageable sleepiness], 15–20 min Nonorganic Hypersomnia (ICD-10) [mild sleepiness]). The naps are repeated for four
• Excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep attacks, and to five times.
sleep drunkenness. • Polysomnography is an overnight procedure
• Frequency and duration: sleep disturbance that records the cardiac rhythm (ECG), brain
occurs nearly every day for at least 1 month. activity (EEG), muscular activity (EMG), eye
616 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
movement (EOG), and oxygen saturation (pulse • Sleep attacks: two to five episodes of sleep
oximetry) during sleep. Polysomnography pro- attacks per day. Sleep attacks are irresistible and
vides information on sleep onset latency, the last for 10–20 min with dreaming. The attacks
proportion of REM and non-REM sleep. Such cause functional impairments.
information allows specialists to establish the • Cataplexy (70%): sudden loss of muscle tone
diagnosis of breathing-related sleep disor- with consciousness lasting for a few seconds
ders, narcolepsy, and periodic limb movement to minutes. The hypotonia causes spontane-
disorder. ous grimaces and jaw opening with tongue
thrusting. Eye and respiratory muscles are Management spared. Cataplexy can be precipitated by
• Treat any identified underlying cause. laughter. Cataplexy increases the risk of fall
• In idiopathic hypersomnia, stimulants are occa- and accident.
sionally used. • Hypnagogic hallucinations (20%–40%): usu-
• Methylphenidate has potential for misuse ally visual hallucinations or dreamlike imagery.
and associated with excessive sweating and Hypnopompic hallucinations are less common
insomnia. than hypnagogic hallucinations.
• Modafinil is a stimulant with less potential for • Sleep paralysis: mainly affecting ability to
misuse and less peripheral sympathomimetic speak and movement of four limbs. Diaphragm
effects. is spared in sleep paralysis.
• Common psychiatric comorbidity: depression, Course and Prognosis anxiety, substance misuse, and parasomnia.
• The onset is usually gradual.
• The course is that of the underlying disorder and DSM-5 Criteria (APA, 2013)
often chronic but stable. • Hypersomnia and recurrent sleep attacks have
• Idiopathic hypersomnia typically begins been occurring at least three times per week
between the age of 15 and 30 years and may over the last 3 months.
improve with age. • Cataplexy occurs at least a few times per month.
• Evidence of hypocretin deficiency, as measured
using cerebrospinal fluid hypocretin-1 immu-
36.2.3 Narcolepsy (Hypocretin Deficiency)
noreactivity measurements (<1/3 of values Epidemiology obtained in healthy subjects tested during the
• Prevalence: 3–6/100,000. same assay, or ≤110 pg/mL). Low cerebrospinal
• Gender ratio: M = F. fluid hypocretin-1 must not be observed in the
context of acute brain injury, inflammation, or Aetiology infection.
• Genetics: The genotype HLA-DQB1*0602 is • Nocturnal sleep polysomnography showing
present in nearly 99% of patients suffering from rapid eye movement (REM) sleep latency less
narcolepsy with cataplexy and 40% of patients than or equal to 15 min.
suffering from narcolepsy without cataplexy. • MSLT showing a mean sleep latency less than
Around 5%–15% of first degree relatives of pro- or equal to 8 min and two or more sleep onset
bands develop narcolepsy. REM periods.
• Loss of hypocretin cells in hypothalamus.
Hypocretin (aka orexin) is a neurotransmitter Investigation: The diagnosis is confirmed with overnight
regulating arousal and wakefulness. polysomnography. Epidemiology
• Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is the most 36.3.2 Central Sleep Apnoea
common breathing-related sleep disorder. Epidemiology
• Prevalence: 1%–10% of adult population.
• Prevalence: 0.1%–1% of adult population
• Higher prevalence of OSA is found in older
people. Risk Factors Risk Factors • Old age
• Cardiac diseases: congestive heart failure
• Obesity
• Neurological diseases: Parkinson’s disease, stroke,
• Increase in neck size (>43 cm in men and >41 cm
brainstem lesion, and encephalitis
in women)
• Skeletal diseases: cervical spine degeneration
• Structural abnormality such as adenotonsillar
enlargement and nasal airway obstruction DSM-5 Criteria (APA, 2013)
The following criteria must be present: DSM-5 Criteria (APA, 2013)
The following criteria must be present: • At least five central apnoeas per hour of sleep
during polysomnography
• Nocturnal breathing disturbances (e.g. snoring, • No other sleep disorders
breathing pauses)
• Daytime sleepiness and fatigue Other Clinical Features
• At least five obstructive apnoeas or hypopnoeas • There is no evidence of airway obstruction
per hour of sleep during polysomnography • Less likely to be overweight
• No other sleep disorders
Investigation: The diagnosis is confirmed with overnight Other Clinical Features polysomnography.
• Daytime naps are unrefreshing.
• Patients may complain of dull headache upon Management
awakening, low mood, poor concentration, and • Treat underlying medical conditions.
memory disturbance. • Psychiatrists or GPs should avoid prescribing
• For children, they usually present with irritabil- benzodiazepines or sedative drugs.
ity, behavioural problems, and chest retractions • Refer to a respiratory specialist for CPAP or
during sleep. The number of apnoeas/hypop- bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP).
noeas supportive is expected to be lower (<5). • Advise patient to avoid alcohol.
618 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
624 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
2. Abnormal reciprocal social interactions include 5. DSM-5 has other specifiers: with intellectual
failure in eye gaze and body language, failure in impairment, known medical or genetic condi-
development of peer relationship, lack of socio- tion, catatonia and associated with another neu-
emotional reciprocity, and lack of spontaneous rodevelopmental disorder.
sharing with other people.
3. Abnormal communication include lack of devel- 37.3.2 NICE Guidelines
opment of spoken language, lack of social imitative
The NICE guidelines summarize the signs and symp-
play, failure to initiate or sustain conversational
toms of possible autism in preschool children, primary
interchange, and stereotyped and repetitive use of
school children, and secondary school adolescents.
language. Their languages are frequently associ-
ated with pronoun reversals. A child with child Consider the possibility of autism
autism may say, ‘You want the pencil’ when he
The NICE guidelines advise psychiatrists to not rule out
means he wants it. Echolalia (repetition of spoken
autism because of
words by others) and palilalia (repetitions of one’s
spoken words) are common. • Good eye contact, smiling, and showing affec-
4. Restricted, stereotyped, and repetitive behav- tion to family members
iour include preoccupation with stereotyped • Reported pretend play or normal language
interest, compulsive adherence to rituals, motor milestones
mannerisms, and preoccupation with part- • Difficulties appearing to resolve after an
objects or nonfunctional elements of play mate- intervention
rials. Some children with autism enjoy vestibular • A previous assessment that concluded that there
stimulations such as spinning and swinging. was no autism especially when new information
5. Other nonspecific problems include phobias, becomes available
sleeping and eating disturbances, temper tan-
trums, self-directed aggression, and self-injury Differential diagnosis
(e.g. wrist biting).
The NICE guidelines recommend that psychiatrists
6. There should be an absence of other causes of per-
should consider the following differential diagnoses.
vasive developmental disorders, socio-emotional
problems, and schizophrenia-like symptoms. Neurodevelopmental Disorders
• Atypical autism (onset after 3 years without Differences between the ICD-
full-blown symptoms)
10 and DSM-5 Criteria
• Asperger’s syndrome (no impairment in verbal
1. The DSM-5 criteria on autism spectrum disorder communication and higher verbal IQ than non-
emphasize two main symptom clusters: verbal IQ)
a. Persistent deficits in social communication, • Rett’s disorder (predominantly in girls, micro-
social interaction across contexts and main- cephaly, loss of previously acquired abilities
tain relationships after 6 months of normal development and ear-
b. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, lier onset of seizure)
interests, or activities • Childhood disintegrative disorder (a developmen-
2. There are no major differences between ICD-10 tal regression that follows at least 2 years of normal
and DSM-IV-TR in diagnostic criteria for development and better language development)
autism. A total of five symptoms are required • Epileptic encephalopathy
(At least three symptoms from the social domain
and the communication domain and one symp- Mental and Behavioural Disorders
tom from the repetitive behaviour domain.). Children with the following disorders show normal com-
3. In ICD-10, atypical autism is a stand-alone dis- munication and social interaction:
order under pervasive developmental disorder.
4. ICD-10 also specifies that atypical autism dif- • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
fers from autism in either the age of onset (after • Mood disorder
3 years) or not meeting all the diagnostic criteria • Anxiety disorder
for autism. • Attachment disorder
626 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
• Risperidone: reduce repetition and aggression • Casein- and gluten-free diet: requires further study
and improve behaviour • Highly unsaturated fatty acid supplements:
• Fluoxetine: reduce the levels of ritualistic behav- some success
iours and improved mood and anxiety • Secretin: no improvement in language
• Anticonvulsants: reduce self-injurious behaviour • Vitamins A and C
628 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
37.4.2 Epidemiology 37.4.6 Treatment
• 3–4 per 1000 children • Psychoeducation should be offered to parents
• Male to female ratio is 9:1 to enhance acceptance and maintain routines at
home and school.
37.4.3 Clinical Features • As the child gets older, he will be helped by ver-
bally mediated treatment, supportive counsel-
• The DSM-5 criteria suggest merging Asperger’s ling, and self-sufficiency training.
syndrome into autistic spectrum disorder. • He will be encouraged to obtain employment
• People with Asperger’s syndrome usually do in jobs with regular routines. Sheltered employ-
not have delay in language development (e.g. ment and sheltered residence are reserved for
be able to speak single words by age of 2 years severe cases.
and communicate by age of 3 years) and cog-
nitive development. Speech is characterized
37.4.7 Prognosis
by poor prosody (stress, rhythm, intonation
of speech), unusual rate, poorly modulated • Good prognostic features include normal intel-
volume, tangentiality, circumstantiality, and ligence and high level of social skills.
verbosity. • There is a strong tendency for the abnormalities
• People usually have intense circumscribed inter- to persist into adolescence and adult life.
ests and this may develop into isolated special • Psychotic episodes occasionally occur in early
skills. Classic interests include scientific fields adult life.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 629
TABLE 37.2
Compare and Contrast Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome
Autism Asperger’s Syndrome
Gender ratio Male to female ratio is 3:1 Male to female ratio is 9:1
Neuropathology Lesions in amygdala, corpus Right hemisphere lesions
callosum, and cerebellum Association with aminoacidurias
Development Abnormal early development Relatively normal early development
Onset is younger than 3 years The child is noted to have lack of warmth and
There is a delay in language interest in social relationships around the
development third year of life
Language development is not delayed and
single word should have developed by age of
2 and communicate phrases by age of 3
Motor milestones are delayed
Salient clinical Restricted, stereotyped, and Preoccupation with restricted, stereotyped,
features repetitive behaviours such as motor and repetitive interests. Extensive
mannerisms are more common than information is often acquired in a mechanical
Asperger’s syndrome fashion
Preoccupation with part-objects or Patients are good with logics, rules, and
nonfunctional elements of play routines. They tend to see the details and
materials is more common than argue over minor details without seeing the
Asperger’s syndrome whole picture
Intelligence Performance IQ is higher than Reasonably preserved IQ
quotient (IQ) verbal IQ Verbal IQ is higher than performance IQ
Speech Severe expressive speech disorder Fluent but monotonous, staccato, and pedantic
37.5 RETT’S SYNDROME (ICD-10 F84.2) 37.5.4 Clinical Features and Course of Illness
37.5.1 Historical Development 1. Age: 0–6 months:
a. Normal prenatal and perinatal development
• Rett’s syndrome was coined by Andreas Rett in b. Normal head circumference at birth
1966. c. Normal psychomotor development in the
first 5 months of life
37.5.2 Epidemiology d. Plateau in social skill development by 6 months
• Prevalence rate is between 1 in 15,000 and 1 in 2. 7–24 months:
22,000 females. a. Deceleration in head growth.
• The incidence of sudden and unexpected death b. Loss of speech.
is around 2%. c. Loss of skills in locomotion.
• It is predominantly a female disorder but men d. Loss of purposive hand movements and
with clinical features similar to Rett’s syndrome replaced by hand-wringing stereotypies.
have been described. e. Hyperventilation.
f. Social and play development are arrested by
24 months.
37.5.3 Inheritance
g. Severe impairment in expressive and recep-
• Mutation in the transcription regulatory gene tive language.
MECP2 at chromosome Xq28 3. 4 years:
• X-linked dominant mutation with lethality in a. Trunk ataxia and apraxia: poorly coordi-
hemizygous males nated trunk movements.
630 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
• Genes related to dopaminergic function are f. Other features: careless mistakes and for-
implicated (e.g. dopamine receptor D4 gene, getfulness in daily activities.
dopamine transporter (DAT1) gene, alpha 2A 4. Symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity
gene, norepinephrine transporter gene, cate- include (Mnemonic: WORST FAIL)
chol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene). a. Waiting for in lines or await turns in game
• First-degree biological relatives of ADHD cause frustration (impulsivity).
children are at high risk to develop ADHD and b. On the move most of the time such as run-
other disorders such as disruptive behaviour ning and climbing (hyperactivity).
disorders, anxiety disorders, and depressive c. Restlessness and jitteriness (hyperactivity).
disorders. d. Squirms on seat (hyperactivity).
e. Talk excessively without appropriate
response to social constraints (impulsivity). Neurodevelopment
f. Fidgets with hands and feet (hyperactivity).
• September is the peak month for births of chil- g. Answers are blurted out before questions
dren with ADHD with and without comorbid (impulsivity).
learning disorders. h. Interruption of other people’s conversations
• Early infection, inflammation, toxins, and trauma (impulsivity).
cause circulatory, metabolic, and physical brain i. Loud noise in playing (hyperactivity).
damage and lead to ADHD in adulthood. 5. The DSM-5 classifies ADHD into three
• Psychosocial adversity (e.g. maternal psycho- subtypes:
pathology, large family size, parental conflict, a. Inattentive type: at least six symptoms of
and emotional deprivation) is associated with inattention but not hyperactivity and impul-
ADHD in childhood. sivity symptoms for 6 months.
b. Hyperactivity type: at least six symptoms of Neurochemistry
hyperactivity and impulsivity but no symp-
• Noradrenaline: A dysfunction in peripheral toms of inattention for 6 months.
noradrenaline leads to negative feedback to the c. Combined type: at least six symptoms from
locus coeruleus and results in reduction of nor- both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsiv-
adrenaline in the central nervous system. ity for 6 months.
• Evidence: Stimulants and tricyclic antidepres- 6. The DSM-5 has raised the upper limit of age of
sants increase catecholamine concentrations onset to 12 year olds (previously 7 year olds).
by promoting their release and blocking their 7. The ICD-10 criteria require at least six symp-
uptake. Clonidine, a noradrenaline agonist, may toms of inattention, three symptoms of hyper-
reduce hyperactivity in ADHD. activity, and one symptom of inattention for
duration of 6 months. ICD-10 criteria do not Clinical Features classify ADHD into three subtypes.
1. Persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, 8. Adult ADHD: the symptoms of ADHD focus
and impulsivity across two different settings more on inattentive symptoms. Symptoms of
and result in significant functional impairments. hyperactivity tend to improve with time. The
The behaviours are maladaptive and inconsis- following are symptoms of adult ADHD:
tent with developmental level. a. Irritability
2. The onset is before the age of 7 years. b. Impatience
3. Symptoms of inattention include (Mnemonic: c. Forgetfulness
SOLID) d. Inattention
a. Starts tasks or activities but not able to fol- e. Impulsivity
low through and finish. f. Disorganization
b. Organization of tasks or activities is impaired. g. Distractibility
c. Loses things necessary for tasks and activi- h. Chronic procrastination with many projects
ties such as school assignments or stationary. underway simultaneously and trouble in
d. Instructions are not followed. completing them
e. Distraction by external stimuli. i. Difficulty in tolerating boredom
632 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
9. Mental state examination may reveal hyperac- disorder. About 75% of children with ADHD show
tivity, anxiety, distractibility, perservation, and behavioural symptoms of aggression)
concrete thinking. • Conduct disorder (30%–50%)
10. Neurological examination may reveal visual, audi- • Anxiety disorders (25%)
tory, motor impairments, and reflex asymmetries. • Tics (11%)
11. Cognitive assessment may reveal difficulty in • Substance abuse (e.g. cannabis, alcohol, nico-
copying age-appropriate figures and perform- tine, and cocaine)
ing rapidly alternative movements and left–right
differentiation. Treatment
Pharmacological treatment Rating Scales and Cognitive Assessment
• Connors’ rating scale: Connors’ rating scale is 1. Prior to initiation of medication, the psychiatrist
a diagnostic scale for ADHD using the DSM-IV is advised to
criteria. This scale includes measures of behaviour a. Look for exercise syncope, undue breath-
described by parents and teachers. The behaviour lessness, and other cardiovascular symp-
scale includes the following: (1) ADHD symptoms, toms in the history
(2) anxiety, (3) cognitive problems, (4) oppositional b. Perform physical examination including
behaviour, (5) perfectionism, and (6) social prob- measurement of heart rate and blood pres-
lems (Gladman and Lancaster, 2003). sure and examination of the cardiovascular
• Child Global Assessment Scale (CGAS): a score system
60/100 is the cutoff that requires treatment. c. Measure baseline height and weight
• Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham (SNAP) d. Order an electrocardiogram (ECG) if his-
Questionnaire: this teacher and parent rating tory of cardiac disease is present
scale is composed of 18 items and determines if
symptoms of ADHD are present. Stimulants
• Arrange direct school observation by a member
of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service • Examples of stimulants include methylpheni-
(CAMHS). date and dexamfetamine.
• Psychometric testing such as IQ assessment • The stimulant inhibits dopamine reuptake and
or academic assessment if there is evidence of causes direct release of dopamine.
learning disability. • Stimulant is indicated for ADHD without comor-
bidity or ADHD with comorbid conduct disorder. Further Investigations • Beneficial effects of methylphenidate: improve
1. EEG: increased beta waves and decreased delta attention span and hyperactivity for a certain
waves are associated with arousal and hyperactivity. number of hours while in the school setting.
2. MRI brain: • Dosing: Regular Ritalin requires 5–10 mg TID.
a. Reduction in size in corpus callosum and Consider modified release preparations (e.g.
cerebellum long acting Ritalin or Concerta XL) that allows
b. Decreased activities in the anterior cingulated single-day dosage and promotes adherence.
gyrus Starting dose is 18 mg OM and slowly titrates
c. Decreased activities in the thalamus, hippo- up to 54 mg/day.
campus, globus pallidus, and caudate • Common side effects include reduction in appe-
tite, gastric discomfort, insomnia, headache, Differential diagnosis elevation of blood pressure, tics, dysphoria, and
• Early-onset bipolar disorder: mania is more irritability.
goal-orientated and episodic. • Serious and rare side effects include liver impair-
ment, leukopenia, and sudden cardiac death. Comorbidity • Continuous monitoring for height and weight
• Speech or language impairment: 50% (every 6 months), cardiovascular status (every 3
• Oppositional defiant disorder (40% of children months), seizure, tics, psychotic symptoms, anx-
meet the diagnostic criteria of oppositional defiant iety symptoms, and drug diversion is required.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 633
TABLE 37.3
Summary of Treatment Recommendations for ADHD from the NICE Guidelines
School-Age Children and School-Age Children and
Young People with Young People with Severe
Interventions Preschool Children Moderate ADHD ADHD Adults with ADHD
Pharmacological Pharmacological Pharmacological treatment is Offer drug treatment as Methylphenidate is
treatment treatment is not not indicated as first-line first-line treatment and part first-line treatment
recommended treatment of comprehensive treatment Dose: 5 mg TID and
Reserve drug treatment to programme increase to a maximum
children If patient and parents do not of 100 mg/day. Target
• With moderate accept pharmacological dosage is usually
impairment treatment, provide 1mg/kg/daily
• Non-pharmacological information about the Consider atomoxetine if
interventions have been benefits and superiority of drug diversion is a
refused pharmacological treatment problem. Maintenance
• Persistence of significant If patient and parents are still dose is 80–100 mg/day
impairment after not keen, offer a group Maximum dose of
psychosocial treatment parent-training or education dexamfetamine is up to
programme 60 mg/day
Parent-training Offer parents or carers Offer parents or carers Offer the parents a group- Not applicable
and education referral to a parent- referral to a parent-training based parent-training or
programme training or education or education programme as education programme with
programme as first-line treatment medication
first-line treatment
Interventions for Before discharge from Offer group CBT or social If psychological intervention Offer a comprehensive
the patient and secondary care, review skill training for the child is ineffective, discuss the treatment programme
family the child with their and young person possibility of (group or individual
parents and siblings Offer individual CBT or pharmacological treatment CBT) addressing
for residual coexisting social skill training for and highlight the benefits and psychological,
conditions older adolescents superiority of behavioural, and
Monitor for recurrence If the child has learning pharmacological treatment in occupational needs
of ADHD symptoms disability, refer to either severe ADHD
and associated individual or group setting
impairment after the based on preference of the
child returns to school child
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 635
end of the first year, the research protocol was 5. 20% of children with ADHD develop antisocial
dropped and allowed for more naturalistic and personality disorder in adulthood. 15% develop
personalized treatment. substance misuse in adulthood.
2. The Multimodal Treatment Study is composed
of four treatment groups:
a. Medication only 37.8 CONDUCT DISORDER (ICD-10
b. Psychoeducation
F91.0-F91.2/DSM-5 312) AND
c. Combined medication and psychosocial
d. Community control group (ICD-10 F91.3/DSM-5 313)
3. The four treatment groups demonstrated
37.8.1 Epidemiology
reduction in ADHD symptoms. The combined
medication and psychosocial treatment group • Conduct disorder was diagnosed in 4% of children
demonstrated significant improvement. At 24 in the Isle of Wight study. The prevalence of oppo-
and 36 months, the magnitude of differences sitional defiant disorder is between 6% and 16%.
among the four groups reduced but the com- • The prevalence is higher in socially deprived
bination group still demonstrated superior inner city areas and large families.
outcomes. • The male to female gender ratio for conduct
4. Good prognostic factors include strong response disorder is 3:1. The male to female gender ratio
to initial treatment, high IQ, and strong social for oppositional defiant disorder is 3:1 before
network. puberty but approaching 1:1 after puberty.
5. This study shows that children with ADHD • The age of onset of conduct disorder begins earlier
continue to show higher than normal rates in boys (10–12 years) as compared to girls (14–16
of delinquency (4 times) and substance use years). The comorbidity of ADHD and aggressive
(2 times). behaviour is associated with early onset of conduct
disorder. The age of onset of oppositional defiant
disorder is before the age of 8 years.
• In the United Kingdom, the peak age of offend- Prognosis
ing is between 14 and 17 years and the age of
1. ADHD symptoms persist at the age of 30 in criminal responsibility is 10 years.
one-quarter of ADHD children. Most patients • 5%–10% of children suffer from problems with
do not require medications when they get older. a mixture of oppositional defiant disorder and
Nevertheless, it is appropriate to continue treat- conduct disorder symptoms.
ment in adults whose ADHD symptoms remain
37.8.2 Aetiology
2. Although symptoms of hyperactivity often
improve as the child grows older, inattention is 1. Genetic factors: conduct disorder is associated
likely to persist. with inheritance of antisocial trait from parents
3. Remission is unlikely before the age of 12 years. who demonstrate criminal behaviours.
When remission does occur, it usually takes 2. Biological factors:
place between the ages from 12 to 20 years. a. Low plasma serotonin level.
Overactivity is usually the first symptom b. Low plasma dopamine level.
to remit. Distractibility is the last symptom to c. Low cholesterol.
remit. d. Low skin tolerance.
4. Predictors for persistence of ADHD symptoms e. Excess testosterone excess.
into adulthood: f. Greater right frontal EEG activity.
a. Family history of ADHD g. Abnormal prefrontal cortex.
b. Psychosocial adversity h. History of head injury.
c. Comorbid conduct disorder i. Neurological impairment.
d. Comorbid depressive disorder j. Maternal alcohol and smoking during
e. Comorbid anxiety disorder pregnancy.
636 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 37.4
Compare and Contrast the Conduct Disorder and Opposition Defiant Disorder
Conduct Disorder Oppositional Defiant Disorder
General criteria According to the ICD-10, there is a repetitive and According to the ICD-10, the general criteria for
persistent pattern of behaviour in which either the basic conduct disorder are met.
rights of the others or major age-appropriate societal
rules are violated. The minimum duration of symptoms
last for at least 6 months.
Individual symptoms The child often displays severe temper tantrums, being At least four symptoms from conduct disorder and
angry and spiteful, often telling lies, and breaking must have been present for 6 months.
promises. Children with oppositional defiant disorder tend to
To adults: frequent argument, refusing adults’ requests have temper tantrums, being angry and spiteful,
or defying rules, and staying out after dark against argument with adults, defying rules, and blaming the
parental prohibition (onset earlier than age 13 years). others.
To other people: annoying other people deliberately, Children with oppositional defiant disorder should not
blaming them for his mistakes, initiating fights with the have more than two symptoms related to physical
others, using weapons to harm the others, exhibiting assault, damage of property, and running away from
physical cruelty (also to animals), confronting victims school and home.
during a crime, forcing another person into sexual
activity, and frequently bullying the others.
To objects or properties: deliberately destroying
properties, setting fire, stealing objects of value within
home or outside, and breaking into someone’s house.
Running away from school (truancy occurs at the age
younger than 13 years) or from parental surrogate
home (at least twice).
Type of conduct disorder The ICD-10 criteria classify conduct disorder into mild, No sub-category.
moderate, and severe. The ICD-10 criteria recommend Although the ICD-10 criteria do not specific the age,
specifying the age of onset as childhood-onset children with oppositional defiant disorder are
(younger than 10 years) and adolescent-onset (older usually younger than 10 years old with onset at age
than 10 years). Substance abuse is not a diagnostic 3–8 years. The minimum duration of oppositional
criterion for conduct disorder. defiant disorder is 6 months. Defiant behaviours
F90.0: Conduct disorder confined to the family context. usually occur at home with familiar people.
F91.1: Unsocialized conduct disorder: poor relationships
with the individual’s peer group, as evidenced by
isolation, rejection, unpopularity, and lack of lasting
reciprocal relationship.
F91.2: Socialized conduct disorder: normal peer relationship
F92.0: Depressive conduct disorder: both criteria of CD
and mood disorders are met.
F92.8: Other mixed disorders of conduct and emotions.
Criteria of conduct disorder and one of the neurotic,
stress-related, somatoform disorders or childhood
emotional disorders are met.
F93: Mixed disorders and emotions, unspecified
5. In the DSM-5, the ICD-10 category ‘mixed dis- (2) Callous–lack of empathy, (3) unconcerned
orders of conduct and emotion’ does not exist about performance, and (4) shallow or deficient
(APA, 2013). affect).
6. The DSM-5 proposed a new specifier, the lim- 7. 90% of patient fulfil the DSM-IV-TR criteria
ited prosocial emotions for conduct disorder that conduct disorder also meet the diagnostic crite-
has four components ((1) lack of remorse/guilt, ria of oppositional defiant disorder.
638 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
37.8.6 Differential Diagnosis
37.8.8 Management of Conduct Disorder
Differential diagnosis for conduct disorder
Pharmacological treatment
• Oppositional defiant disorder
• ADHD (more inattention and hyperactivity) • Aggression and acute behavioural problems:
• Mild mental retardation Antipsychotics such as risperidone, olanzapine,
• Pervasive developmental disorder and haloperidol reduce physical aggression and
• Mental retardation assault. Side effects include sedation and extra-
• Intermittent explosive disorder pyramidal side effects (e.g. acute dystonia or
• Childhood-onset bipolar disorder pseudoparkinsonism).
• Somatization disorder • Depression and impulsivity: SSRIs such as
• Borderline personality trait in adolescence fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, and citalopram
• Substance misuse reduce impulsivity, irritability, and depression.
• Childhood-onset schizophrenia • Conduct disorder and ADHD: Stimulants
• Organic brain disorder reduce behavioural problems associated with
hyperactivity and improve attention.
Differential diagnosis for oppositional defiant disorder
Multimodal treatment
• Transient oppositional behaviours often occur
during the preschool and adolescent years.
1. Multimodal and multidisciplinary treatment.
• Conduct disorder.
2. Parent management training:
• ADHD (more inattention and hyperactivity).
a. The NICE guidelines recommend group-
• Mild mental retardation.
based parent-training and education
• Anxiety disorders (e.g. post-traumatic stress
disorder, separation anxiety, and panic disorder.
b. When there are particular difficulties in engag-
Behavioural problems often limited to situations
ing with the parents or family’s needs are too
in which fear occur).
complex, individual-based parent-training or
• Depressive disorder.
education programmes are recommended.
• Bipolar disorder.
c. Training should be structured and have a
• Dissociative disorder.
curriculum informed by principles of social
learning theory.
37.8.7 Comorbidities
d. Include relationship-enhancing strategies
Comorbidities for conduct disorder and role-playing sessions.
e. Enable parents to identify their own parent-
• ADHD: 50% of children with conduct disorder ing objectives.
• Mood disorders (e.g. depressive/bipolar disor- f. 8–12 sessions to maximize the possible ben-
der): 5%–31% of patients efits for participants.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 639
37.8.10 Prognosis 37.9.3 Diagnosis
Conduct disorder According to ICD-10, elective mutism is character-
ized by a marked, emotionally determined selectivity
• 40% of young people with conduct disorder in speaking, such that the child demonstrates language
develop dissocial personality disorder in adult- competence in some situations but fails to speak in other
hood. Borderline IQ, mental retardation, and (definable) ones. The mutism lasts at least for 4 weeks.
family history of dissocial personality disorder
are predictive factors.
• 35%–75% of patients have comorbid ADHD and 37.9.4 Clinical Features
the presence of ADHD predicts worse outcome In addition to the features given earlier, elective mutism
for boys with conduct disorder. tends to be associated with personality features such as
• Callous unemotional trait predict a more severe
and persistent course of conduct disorder. • Social anxiety
• Adolescent-onset conduct disorder carries a bet- • Withdrawal
ter diagnosis and those with adolescent-onset • Sensitivity
are less likely to show antisocial behaviour and • Resistance
commit a crime.
37.9.5 Management
Oppositional defiant disorder
Management approaches include
• Two-thirds of children with oppositional defiant
disorder no longer meet the diagnostic criteria • Excluding any speech abnormalities
after 3 years. One-third of children will develop • Behavioural approaches
conduct disorder. • Use of tape recordings or the telephone
• Children with early onset, more severe symptoms, • Play therapy
and comorbidity of ADHD are three times more • Art therapy
likely to progress to a diagnosis of conduct disorder. • Family therapy
640 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 37.5
Aetiology of Tics
Family Individual
Family clusters reported, especially Tourette’s No gross neurological abnormalities
Prevalence of multiple tics in 14%–24% of Increased incidence of ‘soft’ neurological signs and
first-degree relatives of patients with Tourette’s ‘nonspecific’ EEG changes
Increased family psychopathology in families of Some verbal–performance discrepancies in functioning
ticqueurs, although may be cause or effect Some neuroleptic medications effective in controlling tics
Monozygotic/dizygotic ratio: 50%:10% Tics exacerbated by dopamine agonists or stimulants
The mode of inheritance varies from autosomal Wide range of psychological mechanisms proposed for
dominance to an intermediate of autosomal tic disorders, from the psychoanalytic to the classically
dominance and autosomal recessive behavioural
Tic movement have been shown to mimic involuntary
startle responses to sudden stimulus
Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Associated with Streptococcal infections (PANDAS)
Source: Reproduced from Puri, B.K. and Treasaden, I.H., Textbook of Psychiatry, 3rd edn., Churchill
Livingstone, Edinburgh, U.K., 2011. With permission.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 641
• A disturbance of rhythm and fluency of speech The DSM-5 criteria are similar to ICD 10 and further
by frequent repetition or prolongation of sounds subdivide enuresis into
or syllables, leading to hesitation.
• The duration of stammering is longer than 3 • Nocturnal only: passage of urine only during
months. nighttime sleep
• Affecting 1% of children at school entry. • Diurnal only: passage of urine during waking
• The peak age of onset is 5 years. hours
• Treatment: speech therapy. • Nocturnal and diurnal: a combination of the two
• Prognosis: 50%–80% of children recover from aforementioned subtypes
37.15.2 Epidemiology
37.13 CLUTTERING (ICD-10 F98.6) 1. Prevalence. The prevalence at different ages has
• A rapid rate of speech with breakdown in fluency been found to be
• No repetitions or hesitations a. 7 years—6.7% in boys and 3.3% in girls
• Reduction in speech intelligibility b. 9–10 years—2.9% in boys and 2.2% in girls
c. 14 years—1.1% in boys and 0.5% in girls
2. Sex ratio:
37.14 COMMUNICATION a. Male to female = 1:1 at the age of 5 years;
DISORDERS (DSM-5) approximately 2:1 in adolescence.
b. Secondary enuresis is more common in boys.
The DSM-5 includes the following seven communication
37.15.3 Clinical Features
• Language impairment Nonorganic enuresis may be associated with emotional
• Late language emergence problems, although it should be noted that the latter may
• Specific language impairment be secondary to the enuresis itself.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 643
TABLE 37.6
Presentation of Faecal Soiling (Encopresis)
Consistency of
Faeces Normal, Loose, or Constipated
Place deposited In pants, hidden, or in ‘significant’ places (e.g. in a particular person’s
Development Never continent (continuous), after period of continence (discontinuous),
or regression (in various contexts—see succeeding text)
Activity Smearing, anal fingering, or masturbation
Context Power battle, upsetting life events (e.g. sexual abuse, divorce), and/or
other psychiatric disorder
Physical With soreness, anal fissures, etc., or with normal anus
Source: Reproduced from Puri, B.K. and Treasaden, I.H., Textbook of Psychiatry, 3rd edn.,
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, U.K., 2011. With permission.
TABLE 37.7
Causes of Encopresis
Constitutional Variability Can Include
Congenital Bowel Control
Individual Developmental delay
Physical trigger—anal fissure—constipation
(low-roughage diet)
Other bowel disorders
Chronic constipation
Hirschsprung’s disease
Anxiety (fear of soiling)
Parent–child Coercive toilet training
Emotional abuse or neglect
‘Battleground’ for relationship problems
Anger (protect against parents)
Wider environment Sexual abuse
Family disharmony
• Investigations: thyroid function test, barium If the aforementioned procedures fail, an intense
enema if suspected obstructive lesions in bowels behavioural programme in hospital may be required
• Education of the carers with respect to the
mechanics of defaecation 37.16.6 Course and Prognosis
• Improving the child’s self-esteem
In general, the prognosis is very good.
• Individual therapy
• Family therapy
• Pharmacotherapy to soften the stools or to pro-
mote gastrointestinal motility School refusal is refusal to attend or stay at school because
• Behaviour therapy, for example, star chart of anxiety and in spite of parental or other pressure.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 645
37.17.1 Epidemiology 37.17.3 Management
Boys and girls are equally represented. There are three The mechanisms underlying the school refusal should
main incidence peak ages: be identified. If the condition is acute, a return to school
should be arranged as soon as possible (the Kennedy
1. Separation anxiety at age of 5 years approach), whereas if the condition is chronic, a graded
2. At age of 11 years, which may be precipitated by return to school should be arranged. Any specific prob-
the change from junior to secondary schooling lems (e.g. social phobia) should be addressed. If the indi-
3. At age of 14–16 years, which may be a symptom vidual does not return to school, then inpatient treatment
of a psychiatric disorder: may be necessary.
a. Depressive disorder
b. A phobia (e.g. social phobia)
The most common presentation is the one at 11 years. 37.17.4 Course and Prognosis
Younger children have a better prognosis. Most children
37.17.2 Differences from Truancy
and adolescents do return to school, but approximately
Truancy is an important differential diagnosis. Truancy one-third of older patients seen in clinics develop neu-
differs from school refusal in the following aspects rotic difficulties or social impairment or social with-
(Table 37.8): drawal in adulthood.
TABLE 37.8
Compare and Contrast School Refusal and Truancy
School Refusal Truancy
Ego Ego-dystonic Ego-syntonic and intended
Family history of Anxiety disorders and failure of parents Antisocial personality disorder
psychiatric disorders to separate from own families of origin or forensic history
Family size Small family and the patient is the Large family size
youngest child
Parenting style Overprotective parenting or unassertive Inconsistent discipline
parents (ineffective father, overanxious
Age of child and Three peaks: More common in adolescents
aetiology Age 5 years: manifestation of separation than younger children
anxiety at school entry
Age 11 years: triggering by transfer to
secondary school or avoidance
Age 14–16 years: manifestation of
depression or phobia such as
agoraphobia or social phobia
Symptoms Overt anxiety at the time of going to Not associated with psychiatric
school with ‘somatic disguise’ such as symptoms but wilful intention
abdominal pain (aka Masquerade to skip classes
Location when absent Usually at home with parental Usually outside home, engage
from school permission. Parents are aware of their in alternative activities
whereabouts without parental permission
and awareness
Academic performance Satisfactory academic performance Poor academic performance
646 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 37.9
Summary of the ICD-10 Classifications
ICD-10 Classification ICD-10 Criteria
Common exclusion criteria include sensory impairment, IQ < 70, and extreme
inadequacies in education.
F80.0 Specific speech articulation Articulation skills are 2 standard deviation (SD) below the lower limit of child’s
disorder age and 1 SD below the nonverbal IQ. Language expression and comprehension
are within expected limit of child’s age.
F80.1 Expressive language disorder Expressive language skills are 2 SD below the lower limit of child’s age and 1 SD
below the nonverbal IQ. Receptive language skills, nonverbal communication,
and imaginative language functions are within expected limit of child’s age.
F80.2 Receptive language disorder Language comprehension are 2 SD below the lower limit of child’s age and
receptive language skills are 1 SD below the nonverbal IQ.
F80.3 Acquired aphasia with epilepsy Severe loss of expressive and receptive language skills occur over a period of time
(Landau–Kleffner Syndrome) not exceeding 6 months. Language development was normal before the loss.
Paroxysmal EEG abnormalities affecting one or both temporal lobes become
apparent within a time span within 2 years after the initial loss of language.
Hearing and nonverbal intelligence are within normal range.
F81.0 Specific reading disorder Prevalence is 4% among 9–10 year olds.
Male to female ratio is 3:1.
A score on reading and/or under comprehension that is 2 SE below the level
expected on the basis of the children’s chronological age and intelligence.
A history of serious reading difficulty at earlier age, spelling test score being at
least 2 SE below expected level, and the reading impairment significantly
interferes with academic achievement or ADL.
F81.1 Specific spelling disorder The score on a standardized test is at least 2 SE below the expected level but
scores on reading accuracy and comprehension are within normal range.
In spelling disorder, arithmetical skill is normal and vice versa.
F81.2 Specific disorder of arithmetical The difficulties have been present from the early stages of learning and lead to
skills significant interferences of academic achievement and activities of daily living
Epidemiological studies show that this disorder is more common in females.
F82 Specific developmental disorder The score on a standardized test of motor function is at least 2 SE below the
of motor function expected level with no diagnosable neurological disorder. Common exclusion
criteria: IQ is less than 70.
Other disorders F81.3 Mixed disorder of scholastic skills (combination of arithmetical, reading,
and spelling disorders).
F81.8 Other developmental disorders of scholastic skills.
F81.9 Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified.
Source: WHO, ICD-10: The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Clinical Descriptions and
Diagnostic Guidelines, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1992.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 647
TABLE 37.10
Compare and Contrast Childhood- and Adolescence-Onset Schizophrenia
Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia Adolescence-Onset Schizophrenia
Epidemiology Epidemiology
Psychosis is extremely rare before 13 years of age. • Prevalence is 2–3/1000.
• The prevalence of very early-onset schizophrenia (age 13 years) is
around 1/100,000.
• The prevalence of early-onset schizophrenia (age 18 years) is 18/100,000.
• Slight excess in boys.
Aetiology Aetiology
Strong family history of schizophrenia. • Genetic predisposition.
• Neurodevelopmental hypothesis with reduction in cortical volumes and
increase in ventricular size.
• Drug-induced psychosis.
• Organic causes (e.g. central nervous system infection).
• Tuberous sclerosis.
• Partial complex seizures.
• Leukodystrophies.
Clinical features Clinical features
• Uneven development with delay in language and social • Deterioration in scholastic ability and self-care may be the first sign.
behaviour. • Visual hallucinations and anxiety symptoms are common.
• Cognitive impairment and behavioural abnormalities in • Mood disturbance.
childhood. • Persecutory ideation.
• Gradual onset. • Abnormal perceptual experience.
• Common features include visual hallucinations ideas of • Cognitive and social impairment.
reference and negative symptoms. • Negative symptoms, passivity, well-formed delusions, thought disorders,
• Paranoid symptoms are less frequent compared to adults. and first rank symptoms are not common.
Differential diagnosis Differential diagnosis
• Disintegrative disorder in childhood. • Conduct disorder
• Obsessive–compulsive disorder. • Severe emotional disorder
• Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Treatment Treatment
• Risperidone is effective. • Similar to the treatment used in childhood schizophrenia.
• Children are more prone to the metabolic side effects • Lorazepam assists stabilization of acutely disturbed patients.
and weight gain associated with olanzapine. • Clozapine can be used in adolescents with treatment resistant schizophrenia.
• Avoid first-generation antipsychotic that associate with • Close liaison with paediatrician is necessary if the psychosis is a result of
high rate of extrapyramidal side effects. organic causes.
Prognosis Prognosis
• Childhood psychosis carries the worst prognosis among • 80% of adolescent diagnosed with schizophrenia still suffer from
all psychiatric disorders in childhood. schizophrenia in early adulthood.
TABLE 37.11
Compare and Contrast Childhood- and Adolescence-Onset Depressive Disorder
Childhood-Onset Depressive Disorder Adolescent-Onset Depressive Disorder
Epidemiology Epidemiology
• Prevalence is 1% (rare). • 6.6% at 15 years and 22.1% at 18 years.
• Boys and girls have equal frequency until the age • Similar to adult depression with female dominance (35% for girls,
of 14 years. 19% for boys).
• Childhood depression is less common than • Mean duration of illness is 7–9 months.
childhood dysthymia.
Aetiology Aetiology
• Genetic causes (50%). • 60–70% of patients are caused by adverse life events.
• Adverse parenting and maltreatment. • Arguments with parents.
• Conduct disorders in childhood carry an increased • Multiple family disadvantages.
risk for depressive symptoms in early adult life. • Positive family history of depression is common.
• Impair neurogenesis in hippocampus. Clinical features
Clinical features • Symptoms similar to adult with a minimum of 2 week period if
• Boredom. sadness, irritability, loss of interest, and loss of pleasure.
• Growth impairment. • Impairment in social and role functions.
• Low motivation to play. • Promiscuity may be the presenting feature.
• Poor academic performance. • Anxiety symptoms and conduct disorders are most commonly
• Poor feeding. associated disorders.
• Somatic complaints. • Less likely to have psychomotor retardation in comparison to
• Mood symptoms are similar to adults and severe adults.
cases may present with mood congruent psychotic
• More anxiety and anger but fewer vegetative
symptoms when compared with adults.
Diagnostic instrument Diagnostic interview K-SADS-PL
• Children Depression Inventory (CDI). • Kiddie-Sads-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL).
Treatment Treatment (NICE guidelines)
• Psychotherapy (e.g. CBT, family therapies) is the • Mild depression.
first-line treatment. • Watchful waiting for 2 weeks.
• For children at age 5–11 years, cautiously consider • Offer supportive psychotherapy, group-based CBT or guided
the addition of fluoxetine if psychotherapy fails self-help for 2–3 months.
after 3 months. There is no doubt that • No antidepressant is required.
antidepressants increase the risk of suicidal Moderate to severe depression (including psychotic depression)
behaviours in children. • Individual CBT, IPT, and short-term family therapy may be helpful.
• TCA is not effective in prepubertal children. • If the adolescent does not respond, consider alternative
• ECT is not recommended in children at age psychotherapy or augment with fluoxetine after multidisciplinary
between 5 and 11 years. review.
• If patient is unresponsive after combination treatment, arrange
another multidisciplinary review and consider either systemic
family therapy (at least 15 fortnightly sessions) or individual child
psychotherapy (30 weekly sessions).
Use of antidepressants
• Fluoxetine 10 mg/day is the first-line treatment for those who need
• Citalopram and sertraline can be used if there is clear evidence after
a trial of fluoxetine and psychotherapy.
• Antidepressants should be discontinued slowly over 6–12 weeks to
reduce discontinuation symptoms.
• Avoid TCA, paroxetine, venlafaxine, and St John’s wort.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 649
Prognosis Prognosis
• Most children have good prognosis. • High remission rate: 90% by 2 years.
• Very early-onset depression is associated with • High recurrence rate: 40% by 2 years.
poor prognosis. • High rate of conversion to bipolar disorder: 40% by 2 years.
• Depression and conduct disorder is associated with an increased
risk of suicide, alcoholism, substance misuse, and antisocial
personality disorder.
TABLE 37.12
Compare and Contrast Childhood- and Adolescence-Onset Suicide and Self-Harm
Childhood-Onset Suicide and Self-Harm Adolescent-Onset Suicide and Self-Harm
Epidemiology Epidemiology
• Suicide is very rare in prepubertal • 20,000 young people in England and Wales are referred to hospital for
children. assessment of self-harm each year.
• Rate of attempted suicide: 8%–9% in western countries.
• Rate of suicidal ideation: 15%–20%.
• Suicide is common among young people at age between 14 and 16
• Male to female ratio for self-harm is 1:6.
• Male to female ratio for suicide = 4:1.
• Suicide is the third commonest cause of death for young people after
accident and homicide.
• Self-harm is the most common cause of admission to a general
Aetiology Aetiology
• It may be caused by accident Psychiatric disorders (e.g. depression, psychosis, substance abuse, conduct
(e.g. accidental hanging by playing with disorder, isolation, low self-esteem, and physical illness). For girls,
curtain string). self-harm is strongly predicted by depressive disorder. For boys, self-harm
• The child may exhibit stereotyped is strongly predicted by previous suicide attempt.
movements to an extent that either causes Family issues like loss of parent in childhood, family dysfunction, abuse,
physical injury or marked interference and neglect.
with normal activities for at least 1 month. Increase in adolescence suicide is a result of
1. Factors influencing reporting (‘copycat’ suicides resulting from media
coverage; the fostering of illusions and ideals through internet suicide
groups and pop culture).
2. Factors influencing the incidence of psychiatric problems
(e.g. problems with identify formation, depression, substance abuse,
and teenage pregnancy).
3. Social factors (e.g. bullying, the impact of unemployment for older
adolescents, poverty, loosening of family structures, living away from
home, migration, parental separation, and divorce).
Common Self-harm and suicide methods
Self-harm: Cutting and scratching are common impulsive gestures. Cutting
often has a dysphoric-reducing effect.
Suicide: Self-poisoning is a common method used by British adolescents.
The use of firearms is more common in the United States.
Management of Self-harm and suicide (NICE guidelines)
Management of Self-laceration
• Offer physical treatment with adequate anaesthesia.
• Do not delay psychosocial assessment.
• Explain the care process.
• For those who repeatedly self-poison, do not offer minimization advice
on self-poisoning because there is no safe limit.
• For those who self-injure repeatedly, teach self-management strategies
on superficial injuries, harm minimization techniques, and alternative
coping strategies.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 651
TABLE 37.13
Compare and Contrast Childhood- and Adolescence-Onset Bipolar Disorder
Childhood-Onset Bipolar
Disorder Adolescent-Onset Bipolar Disorder
Epidemiology Epidemiology
• Rare. • 20% of adult bipolar patients experience their first episode of
• Associated with ADHD. mania before the age of 20.
Clinical Features • The prevalence of bipolar disorder in adolescences is
• Reduction of sleep is often 0.5–1.0%.
the first indicator for Aetiology
childhood bipolar disorder. • Genetic predisposition.
Treatment • Drug induced (e.g. illicit [amphetamine] and therapeutic
• First line of treatment is [e.g. steroid] drugs).
olanzapine. Clinical Features
Prognosis • Similar to adults.
• Childhood bipolar disorder • First rank symptoms present in 20% cases.
is ranked as having the Diagnostic Interview: K-SADS-PL
second worst prognosis Treatment
among all psychiatric • First line of treatment is olanzapine although valproate and
disorders in childhood. lithium are effective.
• For ADHD children with manic symptoms, stimulants can be
• Adjunctive family therapy is useful in stabilizing
652 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 37.14
Compare and Contrast Childhood- and Adolescence-Onset Anxiety Disorders
Childhood-Onset Anxiety Disorders Adolescent-Onset Anxiety Disorders
Epidemiology Epidemiology
• Prevalence for separation anxiety disorder is 3.6%. • Prevalence rate for generalized anxiety disorder
• At least 50% of adult cases of anxiety symptoms had their onset in childhood. in adolescents is 3.7%.
• 2% of children have phobia.
Aetiology Aetiology
• In infancy, fear and anxiety are provoked by sensory stimuli. • In adolescence, anxiety is caused by
• In early childhood, fear is evoked by stranger and separation anxiety. performance anxiety and fear of social
• In late childhood, it is caused by fear of dark, animals (more common in girls), and situations.
imaginary creatures. • 30% of patients have family history of phobia
Comparison with older patients and anxiety disorder.
• Sleeping difficulties and somatic complaints such as headache are common. Clinical features
• Panic attacks are less common. • Clinical features are similar to adult.
Separation anxiety disorders of childhood (ICD-10 F93.0) • Somatic complaints are common.
• Onset is before 6 years. Social phobia
• Unrealistic persistent worry: possible harm befalling major attachment figures or • Common in adolescents.
about loss of such figures. The child will have anticipatory anxiety of separation • This is a fear centred on scrutiny by other
(e.g. tantrums, persistent reluctance to leave home, excessive need to talk with people when in small social groups, e.g. when
parents, and desire to return home when going out). the patient is in a restaurant.
• Symptoms in the day: persistent reluctance or refusal to go to school because of • It is often associated with low self-esteem.
the fear over separation from a major attachment figure in order to stay at home. Panic disorder
Repeated occurrence of physical symptoms (e.g. nausea, stomachache, headache, • Panic attacks are associated with agoraphobia.
and vomiting). Separation anxiety
• Symptoms at night: difficulty in separating at night as manifested by persistent • Patients may present as a case of school refusal.
reluctance or refusal to go to sleep without being near to the attachment figure. PTSD
The child also has repeated nightmares on the theme of separation. • Occur in young people exposing to a traumatic
• Minimum duration is 4 weeks. event, e.g. physical or sexual abuse and fatal
Phobic anxiety disorder of childhood (ICD-10 F93.1) accident happens to friends or relatives.
• The individual manifests a persistent or recurrent fear that is developmentally • Depression is common among older children
phase—appropriate but is abnormal in degree. and adolescents.
• It is associated with significant social impairment. • New aggression may emerge.
• Minimum duration of symptoms is 4 weeks. • Other symptoms such as nightmares, social
Social anxiety disorder of childhood (ICD-10 F93.2) withdrawal, and numbing are common.
• Persistent anxiety in social situations where the child is exposed to unfamiliar Differential diagnosis
people including peers. • Hyperthyroidism.
• The child exhibits self-consciousness, embarrassment, and over-concern about the Treatment
appropriateness of his or her behaviour. • CBT should be the first-line treatment.
• The child has satisfying social relationship with familiar people but there is • If CBT fails, the child and adolescent
significant interference with peer relationships. psychiatrist can consider prescribing fluoxetine
• Onset of the disorder coincides with the developmental phase. or fluvoxamine.
• Minimum duration of symptoms is 4 weeks. • Psychoeducation.
Childhood emotional disorder • Benzodiazepine and buspirone should be
• Prevalence is 2.5%. avoided in adolescents because this will cause
• More common in girls. disinhibition syndrome.
• It presents as anxiety and somatic complaints with good prognosis.
Post-traumatic stress disorder
• Compulsive repetitive play representing part of the trauma, failing to relieve
anxiety, and loss of acquired developmental skills in language and toilet training.
• Emergence of new separation anxiety.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 653
• In the United Kingdom, the Mental Capacity b. Assess the impact of abuse on the physical
Act (2005) is only applicable to people above and emotional conditions.
the age of 16 and over. c. Look for further evidence to support the
• The Mental Health Act can be applied to provide claim of abuse and consistency in the child’s
involuntary psychiatric treatment for patients accounts.
(regardless of age) who are at high psychiatric d. Explore other types of abuse and family
risk and refusing treatment. members being involved.
e. Assess cognitive and language competence
of the child.
37.20 PHYSICAL AND SEXUAL ABUSE IN f. Identify emotional and behavioural distur-
CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS bance in the child (e.g. conduct disorder and
37.20.1 Epidemiology g. Recognize the emotional, physical, and
therapeutic needs of the child.
• In the United Kingdom, 7% of children were
h. Seek the child’s view on staying in a safe
rated as experiencing serious physical abuse and
and protective environment (e.g. staying in a
6% had serious emotional maltreatment.
shelter administered by the social agency).
• 3/1000 children are on the official Child
i. Assess family dynamics, family members
Protection Register for the ages between 0 and
involved, and parental psychopathology.
18 years.
3. For young children, special techniques of
• 10% of children have been victims of sexual
interviewing such as drawing and using ana-
abuse if a loose definition of sexual abuse
tomically correct dolls may facilitate disclo-
including exhibitionism, lascivious talk,
sure of sensitive information from the child’s
and being sexually active at the age of 15 is
4. It is important of not asking leading questions
• The male to female ratio is 1: 2.5.
that may suggest certain answers.
• Each year, 3% of children up to the age of 13
5. Psychiatrist should use age-appropriate lan-
years are brought to the attention of professional
guage and ask one question at a time.
agencies because of suspected abuse.
6. After the initial assessment, further interview
may be videotaped with the parental consent
37.20.2 Assessment and permission from the child. This will avoid
the child to mention the traumatic experience
1. There are four types of abuse: physical abuse, repeatedly to different professionals.
sexual abuse, emotion abuse, and neglect. 7. Address the dilemma whether other family
2. The assessment should include the following: members shall be involved in the assessment of
a. Evaluate and validate the claim of abuse child. Psychiatrist should always seek the child’s
from the child’s perspectives. view on this issue.
654 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 37.15
Compare and Contrast Childhood- and Adolescence-Onset Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder
Childhood-Onset Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Adolescent-Onset OCD
Epidemiology Epidemiology
• One-third of OCD patients have their onset in childhood. • Two-thirds of OCD patients have their onset in adolescence.
• Prevalence is 0.25%. • Prevalence is 0.6%.
• Boys have earlier onset than girls. • No predomination by male adolescents.
• Boys predominate childhood OCD.
Aetiology Aetiology
• 5% of parents have OCD. • Similar aetiology as childhood OCD.
• Four times increase in risk of OCD among relatives.
• PANDAS is caused by haemolytic streptococcal infection
and associated with OCD.
• The association between OCD and tics suggests the role of
basal ganglia lesions.
Clinical features Clinical features
• Insidious onset. • Similar to adult-onset OCD.
• Symptoms include contamination, checking rituals, and • Adolescents usually demonstrate internal resistance to
worry about harm to self. obsessions.
• Mild obsessions and rituals (e.g. magical number of
repetition to get good exam result) is part of the normal
Comorbidity Comorbidity
• Tourette’s syndrome. • Tourette’s syndrome.
• ADHD. • Conduct disorder.
• Anxiety. • Trichotillomania.
• Depression. • Nail biting.
• Bedwetting. • Body dysmorphic disorder.
• Sleep disturbance. • Depression.
• Psychomotor changes. • Anxiety.
• Joint pain. • Eating disorders.
Management Management
Investigations for PANDAS • Treatment is similar to treatment in childhood OCD.
• Measure streptococcus titer. • Treatment-resistant OCD requires further assessment at
• The antistreptolysin O (ASO) titer rises 3–6 weeks after a specialist centre.
streptococcus infection. • Consider clomipramine and low-dose risperidone.
• The antistreptococcal DNAse B (anti-DNAse B) titer rises
6–8 weeks after a streptococcus infection.
• CBT and exposure response prevention (ERP) is the
first-line treatment.
• Train parents to supervise ERP.
• Sertraline has the licence to treat OCD from the age of 6
years onwards.
• Fluvoxamine has the licence to treat OCD.
• From the age of 8 years onwards.
• Fluoxetine is indicated for OCD with significant comorbid
• Avoid TCA (except clomipramine), SNRIs, and MAOIs.
• If antipsychotic drug is required, do not prescribe
antidepressant concurrently.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 655
TABLE 37.16
Compare and Contrast Childhood- and Adolescence-Onset Somatization Disorders
Childhood-Onset Somatization Disorders Adolescent-Onset Somatization Disorders
Epidemiology Epidemiology
• Recurrent abdominal pain occurs in 10%–25% of children • About 10% of adolescents report multiple physical symptoms.
between the ages of 3–9 years. • Prevalence of somatization disorder is less than 0.1%.
• Hysteria in childhood is rare with equal gender ratio.
Aetiology Aetiology
• Stress (e.g. bullying) and anxiety can initiate and amplify • Recent-onset somatization disorder is associated with anxiety,
somatic symptoms. depression, learning difficulty, and obsessional personality trait.
• Somatic symptoms are commonly associated with school refusal. • Chronic somatization disorder is associated with early adverse
• Factors in the child include obsessional, sensitive, insecure, experience, seeking attention from parents, and failure to recognize
or anxious personality. the connection between somatic complaints and emotion.
• Factors in the family include over-involved parent, parental • Family factors include difficulty to express emotion and abnormal
disharmony and overprotection, rigid rules, and parental beliefs on somatic complaints.
communication problems.
Clinical features Clinical features
• Recurrent localized abdominal pain lasting for few hours is • Headache.
commonly associated with emotional disorder. • Low energy.
• For hysteria, the child may present with disorders of gait or • Stomach pain.
loss of limb function. • Joint pain.
• Secondary gain is often implicated. • Some adolescents meet the ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for
somatization disorder.
Treatment Treatment
• Medical reassurance. • Work with family to facilitate expression of emotion and change
• Psychoeducation. maintaining factors.
• Behaviour therapy. • Medical reassurance.
• CBT.
• Most adolescents with somatization disorder have good prognosis.
• Poor prognostic factors include chronic disorders, multiple
physical complaints, neurasthenic presentations, and onset in late
656 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 37.17
Compare and Contrast Childhood- and Adolescence-Onset Eating Disorders
Childhood-Onset Eating Disorders (Fox and Carol, 2001) Adolescent-Onset Eating Disorders
Epidemiology Epidemiology
• One-third of British children have mild to moderate eating • Anorexia nervosa
difficulties at age 5 years • Prevalence is 0.5%
• Male adolescents account for 5% of anorexia
• Bulimia nervosa
• Prevalence: 1%
• Peak age is around 17 years
Aetiology Aetiology
• Male gender • Heritability is high in anorexia nervosa but not in
• Low birth weight bulimia nervosa
• Developmental delay • Neurotic personality
• Early onset of the feeding problem • Family adopts critical attitude
• History of vomiting for long duration • Cultural pressure to pursue thinness
• High social class • Perfectionism
Type of childhood-onset eating disorders: Clinical features
• Childhood-onset anorexia nervosa: weight loss and The clinical features for adolescent anorexia nervosa
abnormal cognitions on weight and shape and bulimia nervosa are similar to the criteria used
• Childhood-onset bulimia nervosa: recurrent binges, lack of in adult patients
control, and abnormal cognition Anorexia nervosa:
• Food avoidance emotional disorder: weight loss, mood • Self-induced weight loss leading to low weight
disturbance, and no features of anorexia nervosa (typically below 85% expected weight)
• Selective eating: narrow range of food and unwilling to try • Body mass index (BMI) of less than 17.5
new food • Fear of fatness or weight gain
• Restrictive eating: smaller amount than expected and • Disturbed body image
normal diet in terms of nutritional content • Amenorrhoea
• Food refusal: episodic, intermittent, or situational food Bulimia nervosa:
refusal • Recurrent episodes of binge eating
• Functional dysphagia: fear of swallowing, choking, and • A preoccupation with eating including
vomiting compulsions to eat
• Pervasive refusal syndrome: refusal to eat, drink, walk, • Compensatory behaviours to reduce weight (e.g.
talk, or self-care dietary restriction between binges and
self-induced vomiting)
• Excessive exercise
• Laxative abuse
Treatment Treatment
• Behaviour therapy can enhance the child’s motivation to Anorexia nervosa:
eat and reduce maladaptive behaviour such as expelling • CBT
food • Referral to a dietician
• Social skill training • Aim at gaining 0.5–1 kg/week
• Family therapy • Some patients require hospitalization if they
have medical risk (e.g. bradycardia)
• Mortality: 2.16%
Bulimia nervosa:
• Fluoxetine will reduce the impulse to binge
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 657
Prognosis Prognosis
For childhood-onset anorexia nervosa, two-thirds of patients Anorexia nervosa
make good recovery • Good outcome in 50% of patients
• Intermediate outcome in 30% of patients
• Poor outcome in 20% of patients
• Younger onset is associated with better outcomes
• Poor prognostic factors include achievement of
body weight < 65% of expected weight and
admission to the hospital
• Long-term suicidal rate in adolescent anorexia
nervosa is 5%
Bulimia nervosa
• Better outcome than anorexia nervosa
• Complete remission is more likely than anorexia
• Poor prognostic signs include borderline
personality disorder and impulsivity
8. Physical examination must be carried out by • Recognize the physical and emotional conse-
an appropriately experienced paediatrician or quences of abuse (e.g. anxiety, guilt, psychiatric
gynaecologist. morbidity secondary to sexual abuse and fears
9. If abuse is confirmed, the psychiatrist needs about the consequences of disclosure, regres-
to assess the child to determine the effects of sion to an earlier developmental stage) and make
abuse, safety issues, and recommend further appropriate referrals.
treatment. • Evaluate the continuing risk to the child and
• Evaluate the therapeutic needs of child and parents.
37.20.3 Management
• Individual psychotherapy may help the child to
• The safety of the child is the most important and overcome symptoms of post-traumatic stress
the psychiatrist needs to discuss with the paedi- disorder and poor self-esteem.
atrician and social worker to notify the authority • Family therapy may be useful to restore the
and remove the child from danger. roles and boundaries in family.
NICE. NICE Guidelines for Self Harm. http://guidance.nice. Sweda SC, Rapoport JL, Leonard HI, and Lenane M. 1989: (accessed on 19 March 2012). Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adoles-
Offord DR, Boyle ME, and Racine YA. 1991: The epidemiol- cents: Clinical phenomenology of 70 consecutive cases.
ogy of antisocial behaviour in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry 46:335–341.
In Pepler DJ and Rubin KH (eds.) The Development and Taylor D, Paton C, and Kapur S. 2009: The Maudsley
Treatment of Childhood Aggression, pp. 31–52. Hillsdale, Prescribing Guidelines, 10th edn. London, U.K.:
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Informa Healthcare.
Puri BK and Treasaden IH. 2011: Textbook of Psychiatry, 3rd Timmi S and Dwivedi K. 2010: Child and adolescent psychia-
edn. Edinburgh, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone. try. In Puri BK and Treasaden IH (eds.) Psychiatry: An
Richman N, Stevenson J and Graham P. 1982: Preschool to School: Evidence-Based Text, pp. 1047–1078. London, U.K.:
A Behavioural Study. London, U.K.: Academic Press. Hodder Arnold.
Sadock BJ and Sadock VA. 2007: Kaplan & Sadock’s Synopsis of Weinberg WA, Harper CR, and Brumback RA. 2002:
Psychiatry. Behavioral Sciences/Clinical psychiatry, 10th Substance use and abuse: Epidemiology, pharmaco-
edn. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. logical considerations, identification and suggestions
Schopler E, Reichler RJ, DeVellis RF, and Daly K. 1980: Toward towards management. In Rutter M and Taylor E (eds.)
objective classification of childhood autism: Childhood Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 4th edn, pp. 455–462.
Autism Rating Scale (CARS). Journal of Autism and Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell.
Developmental Disorders 10(1): 91–103. World Health Organization. 1992: ICD-10: The ICD-10
Shaffer D and Gutstein J. 2002: Suicide and attempted suicide. Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders:
In Rutter M and Taylor E (eds.) Child and Adolescent Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines.
Psychiatry, 4th edn, pp. 529–554. Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.
38 Learning Disability
664 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Conductive >
Small round head
TABLE 38.1 sensorineural
Back of skull flat
Levels of Coexistence of Different Impairments
Almond-shaped eyes
Severe Mental Mild Mental – Nuchal swelling slanting laterally upwards
Retardation Retardation due to excess Brushfield spots on iris
skin in the neck
Cerebral palsy Approx. 20% Approx. 8% – Altanto-axial Prominent epicanthic
Epilepsy 30%–37% 12%–18% instability folds
Hydrocephalus 5%–6% 2% Low-set simple
Severe visual impairment 6%–10% 1%–9% Oesophageal and external ears
duodenal atresia Hearing impairment
Severe hearing impairment 3%–15% 2%–7%
One or more major impairments 40%–52% 24%–30%
Reproduced from Puri, B.K. and Treasaden, I.H., Textbook of heart disease,
Psychiatry, 3rd edn., Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, U.K., 2011. especially defects
Short of endocardial
With permission.
fingers cushion
little Reduced muscle
fingers and tone in infancy
TABLE 38.2
Aetiology of Learning Disability palmar
creases Hyperextensible
Prenatal Perinatal Postnatal joints
Inborn errors Asphyxia/hypoxia Meningitis/
of metabolism at birth encephalitis
Chromosomal Mechanical birth Head injury Wide sandal gap between
abnormalities: Numerical trauma (e.g. accidental first and second toes
abnormalities (e.g. or inflicted)
Turner’s syndrome), FIGURE 38.1 Clinical features of Down syndrome.
partial chromosomal
duplications or deletions
(e.g. cri du chat high arched palate. His palpebral fissure is oblique and
syndrome), translocation he has epicanthic folds. He has short broad hands and
(e.g. Down syndrome), hyperextensible joints (Figure 38.1).
mosaicism (e.g. Down
syndrome), and
microdeletion (e.g. 38.4.2 Epidemiology
Prader–Willi syndrome)
• Down syndrome is the most common cytogenic
Congenital infections Small babies (20% Lead poisoning
cause of learning disability.
(rubella, measles, of low birth (and other
influenza [type B], weight babies heavy metals)
• It accounts for 30% of all children with mental
Japanese encephalitis, develop learning retardation.
cytomegalovirus, syphilis, disabilities) • The prevalence is 1 in 800 live births (1 in 2500
HIV, toxoplasmosis) if the mother is younger than 30 years and
Irradiation Hyperbilirubinaemia Environmental 1 in 80 if the mother is older than 40 years).
(kernicterus) chemicals Paternal age is not an important factor.
Drugs (e.g. thalidomide, Hyperoxia Malnutrition
valproate, and lithium) (iatrogenic)
Maternal alcohol, opioid Hypoglycaemia Other infections 38.4.3 Genetic Mechanism
intake, and smoking (e.g. whooping
cough) • 94% of cases are caused by meiotic nondisjunc-
Malnutrition (including Prematurity (e.g. tion or trisomy 21 (47 chromosomes).
vitamin and iodine intraventricular • 5% of cases are caused by translocation that
deficiencies) haemorrhage) refers to a fusion between chromosome 21 and 14
(46 chromosomes).
Learning Disability 665
• The IQ of people with Down syndrome is A 4-year-old child is referred to you for delayed speech
between 40 and 45. IQ < 50 is found in approxi- and language. He was initially suspected to suffer from
mately 85% of cases. autism. He has gaze aversion and social avoidance. His
• Verbal processing is better than auditory processing. IQ is 60. He also has attention deficit. Physical examina-
• Their social skills are more advanced than intel- tion shows enlarged testes, large ears, long face, and flat
lectual skills. feet. Mental state examination reveals limited eye con-
• Defects in the scanning environment tend to tact, preservation of words, echolalia, and stereotypical
focus on a single stimulus. behaviour such as hand flapping.
38.4.5 Growth 38.6.2 Epidemiology
• People with Down syndrome have stunted • Fragile X syndrome is the most common inher-
growth with an average adult height of 141 cm ited cause of learning disability. It accounts for
in women and 151 cm in men. 10%–12% of mental retardation in men.
• Fragile X syndrome affects 1 in 4000 men and
1 in 8000 women. 1 in 700 women is a carrier
38.4.6 Behavioural Features for fragile X syndrome.
• Passive and affable • The prevalence is less common in women because
• Obsessional and stubborn only 1 in 5 women affected by mutation at fragile
• 25% have attention deficit and hyperactivity site is phenotypically and intellectually unaffected.
repeats is 30, and the repeats for carriers range • Soft velvety skin.
from 55 to 200. Full mutation with more than • Boys with fragile X syndrome are often tall in
200 repeats leads to hypermethylation at frag- childhood, but their heights become average in
ile X mental retardation (FMR)—one gene and adulthood.
underexpression of FMR protein. • Macroorchidism (70% after puberty).
• Increased incidence of connective tissue disorders.
• Hyperextensible joints.
38.6.4 Intelligence
• Flat feet.
• Women with fragile X syndrome suffer from
mild learning disability, and men with fragile X 38.6.7 Psychiatric Features
syndrome suffer from moderate to severe learn-
• Autism-like behaviour
ing disability (in 80% of male patients, IQ is less
• Speech and language delays
than 70).
• Idiosyncratic linguistic and interpersonal styles
• Verbal IQ > performance IQ.
• Attention deficit and hyperactivity
• The length of trinucleotide repeats is inversely
• Delay in language acquisition with cluttering speech
related to IQ because shorter length (<200 trip-
• Hypersensitivity to social and sensory stimuli
lets) may not cause methylation, and hence, it
• Self-injury
results in higher IQ scores.
• Social anxiety and gaze aversion
• Idiosyncratic linguistic and interpersonal styles
38.6.5 Clinical Features
38.6.8 Management
In general, men with fragile X syndrome are more likely
than women (only 50%) to exhibit the typical physical • Anticonvulsant for treating seizures.
features (Figure 38.2). • Educational package designed to meet the needs
of individual, family support, and social care.
• Genetic counselling should be offered to parents
38.6.6 Other Clinical Features and other family members at risk of producing a
• Short stature. child with fragile X syndrome.
• Seizure: 20% of patients. • Self-help group (e.g. Fragile X Society).
• Strabismus.
• Mitral valve prolapse in 80% of cases. 38.7 TURNER’S (XO) SYNDROME
• Single transverse palmar crease.
38.7.1 Epidemiology
• Prevalence: 1 in 3300 live births
38.7.6 Treatment
Short stature Characteristic facial
• Oestrogen replacement therapy should be intro-
Fold of skin duced from the age of 12 years onwards to
Low hairline
Coarctation of aorta promote pubertal development and prevent the
Shield-shaped onset of osteoporosis.
thorax Poor breast
Widely-spaced development
38.8.1 Case Example
metacarpal IV A 25-year-old married man with history of mild learning
disability is referred to you. His history suggests possible
fertility problems. Physical examination shows gynae-
Abnormality of the Rudimentary comastia and small testes. There is no family history of
wrist, known as madelung ovaries and similar problems.
deformity, caused gonadal streak
by partial (underdeveloped
subluxation of the gonadal 38.8.2 Epidemiology
distal ends of the structures)
radius and ulna. • The incidence is between 1 in 500 and 1 in 1000
Small fingernails Amenorrhoea live male births.
38.10.2 Mode of Inheritance
• Primary nondisjunction of the Y chromosome.
• About 10% have mosaic, that is, 46, XY and 47,
XYY chromosome complement.
38.10.3 Clinical Features
FIGURE 38.4 Clinical features of Klinefelter’s syndrome.
• Mild physical abnormalities
• Proportionate tall stature
• 48XXXY and 49XXXXY are associated • Enlarged teeth
with severe learning disability and marked • Increased susceptibility to develop acne
hypogonadism. • Muscle weakness and poor coordination
• Normal sexual development and fertility
38.8.6 Treatment
38.10.4 Intelligence
• Fertility can be achieved using haploid sper-
matocytes obtained by testicular biopsy. • Mild learning disability.
• Verbal skills are delayed.
• Hunter syndrome is an X-linked recessive 38.11 LEARNING DISABILITY AND
mucopolysaccharide disorder. There are two INBORN ERROR OF METABOLISM
forms. Type A presents with progressive learn-
ing disability leading to death between 10 and 38.12 LESCH–NYHAN SYNDROME
20 years, and type B affected individuals usually
38.12.1 Clinical History
present with normal intelligence and survival.
• Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked A 16-year-old boy is referred to you because of severe
recessive disorder. Abnormalities at Xp21 lead self-mutilation including biting of lips, inside of mouth,
to failure to produce dystrophin, resulting in a and fingers. There is a failure of secondary sexual
Learning Disability 669
38.13.7 Intelligence
38.12.6 Behavioural Features
Moderate to severe learning disability
• Generalized aggression with tantrums directed
against objects and people
38.13.8 Causes of Death
38.13.9 Treatment 38.14.8 Treatment
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation • The neonates are required to take a low-
phenylalanine diet before 6 months of age.
• Initiation of low-phenylalanine diet before 3
38.14 PHENYLKETONURIA months of age may preserve normal intelligence.
38.14.1 Epidemiology Other benefits include reduction of irritability
and abnormal EEG and enhanced social
• Incidence: 1 in 4,500–15,000 responsiveness and attention span.
• Frequency among institutionalized retarded • Side effects of low-phenylalanine diet include
patients: 1% anaemia, hypoglycaemia, and oedema.
• Predominantly in people of North European origin
38.16.3 Clinical Features
38.19.4 Clinical Features (Figure 38.6)
• Infantile form: before the age of 3 and pro-
• Most common feature is skin depigmentation
gresses to severe motor retardation and learning
that is especially noted under ultraviolet light.
• Hypomelanotic macules.
• Juvenile form: motor retardation and learning
• Intractable epilepsy.
• Classical diagnostic triad of epilepsy, learn-
• Adult form: presents with dementia or psychosis
ing disability, and characteristic facial skin
lesions seen in 30% of people with tuberous
38.17 TAY–SACHS DISEASE sclerosis.
38.17.1 Mode of Inheritance
38.19.5 Psychiatric Features
Autosomal recessive and mainly occur in people with
Jewish origin • Autism (75%)
• Hyperactivity
• Impulsivity
38.17.2 Error of Metabolism
• Aggression
Increase in lipid storage (accumulation of gangliosides in • Self-injurious behaviours
neurons). • Sleep disturbance
672 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
38.20.5 Psychiatric Features
• Depression
FIGURE 38.6 Clinical features of tuberosus sclerosis.
• Anxiety
• Speech and language difficulties (50%)
38.19.6 Intelligence • Distractibility
• 30% of people with tuberous sclerosis have nor- • Impulsiveness
mal IQ. • Hyperactivity
• If learning disability is present, it is usually
TABLE 38.3
Other Microdeletion Syndromes
Syndromes Epidemiology Chromosome Abnormalities Clinical Features
Wolf–Hirschhorn Incidence: 1 in 90,000 Short arm of chromosome 4 • Severe mental retardation
syndrome 80% arise as de novo deletions. • Microcephaly
20% is a result of parentally • High incidence of congenital heart defects
transmitted unbalanced • Severe psychomotor and growth retardation
translocations. • 70% survive beyond early childhood.
Cri du chat syndrome Incidence: 1 in 50,000 Short arm of chromosome 5 • A round face with microcephaly
A de novo deletion is present in 85% • Slanting palpebral fissures
of cases. • Broad flat nose
10%–15% of cases are familial. • Low set ears
More than 90% is a result of parental • Cardiac abnormality (50%)
translocation. • Gastrointestinal abnormalities
5% is resulted from an inversion of • Severe mental retardation
chromosome 5. • Infantile cat cry
• Severe psychomotor retardation
• Hyperactivity
• Stereotypies
• Rate of survival is low
TABLE 38.4
Summary of Clinical and Psychiatric Features and Related Syndromes
Clinical and Psychiatric
Features Syndromes
Hyperactivity and aggression (1) Hurler syndrome, (2) Soto syndrome, (3) fragile X syndrome, (4) phenylketonuria (PKU), and (5) tuberous sclerosis
Autism (1) Fragile X syndrome, (2) rubella, (3) tuberous sclerosis, (4) PKU, and (5) Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Short stature (1) Prader–Willi syndrome, (2) Williams syndrome, (3) fetal alcohol syndrome, (4) Cornelia de Lange
syndrome, (5) Rubinstein syndrome, and (6) Sanfillipo syndrome
Tall stature (1) XYY syndrome, (2) Klinefelter’s syndrome, and (3) homocystinuria (mild learning disability, ectopia lentis,
fine and fair hair, and history of thromboembolic episodes)
Microcephaly (1) Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome, (2) cri du chat syndrome, (3) DiGeorge syndrome, (4) Rubinstein syndrome,
(5) Cornelia de Lange syndrome, and (6) Angelman syndrome
Macrocephaly NF
Obesity (1) Prader–Willi syndrome and (2) Laurence–Moon–Biedl syndrome (mild–moderate LD, short stature,
polydactyly, spastic paraparesis, hypogenitalism, night blindness, diabetes, and renal failure)
In general, 30% of people with learning disability are overweight and 25% are obese
38.22.3 Mode of Inheritance
38.22.4 Clinical Features
• Autosomal dominant transmission.
• Deletion of chromosome 15q11–13 of paternal origin. • Infancy: Hypotonia leads to feeding difficul-
• Uniparental disomy (sporadic with no risk or ties and failure to thrive. Triangular mouth
recurrence): 25%. also causes feeding and swallowing problems.
674 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 38.5
Psychiatric Comorbidity Associated with Learning Disability and the Use of Psychopharmacological Agents
Psychiatric Comorbidity Recommended Psychopharmacological Agents
Schizophrenia Antipsychotics are useful for
1. People with learning disability have higher prevalence of 1. Comorbid psychiatric disorders (e.g. schizophrenia and related psychosis).
schizophrenia (3%). 2. Behavioural disturbances.
2. The prevalence of schizophrenia is inversely related to IQ. 3. Stereotypies that may benefit from low-dose antipsychotics.
3. S chizophrenia cannot be diagnosed reliably if IQ is less than 45.
Depressive disorder Antidepressants are useful for
1. Can be easily missed. 1. Depression or anxiety disorder.
2. B iological symptoms (e.g. anhedonia, changes in activity level, 2. Self-injurious behaviour.
changes in appetite) are more useful for diagnosis. 3. Obsessions and compulsions.
3. Negative cognition and suicidal ideation are rare. SSRIs
Fluoxetine, paroxetine, and sertraline are used.
Bipolar disorder Lithium and other mood stabilizers
1. Mania should be differentiated from other causes of 1. Control of aggression or intentional self-harm.
overactivity. 2. Mania.
2. For cyclical disorders, individualized recording schedules 3. Augmentation therapy for depression.
may be useful. 4. Valproate is used for rapid cycling bipolar disorder.
Anxiety disorders SSRIs
1. The patient may present repeated somatic complaints. Facial Fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and sertraline can reduce
expression and physiological signs such as tachycardia are obsessive–compulsive symptoms.
more reliable in diagnosis. Benzodiazepines
2. Phobia may manifest as avoidance of feared situation. 1. For short-term use.
3. PTSD: sudden and unexplainable changes in arousal, 2. Avoid long-term usage of benzodiazepine.
avoidance of certain activities, fear, and evidence of trauma. Psychological treatment
1. Acknowledge the patient’s fear of the trauma.
2. Drawings may facilitate expression in people with learning disability.
3. Relaxation techniques may be helpful.
Attention deficit and hyperactivity Antipsychotic
1. Risperidone can reduce attention deficit and hyperactivity.
1. Methylphenidate improves attention and focus on tasks.
Severely challenging behaviour Anticonvulsants/mood stabilizer
1. The intensity and frequency of certain behaviour put the 1. Carbamazepine is useful in the treatment of episodic dyscontrol.
safety of the patient or others in serious jeopardy. 2. Valproate can reduce aggression.
2. This behaviour limits or denies access to the use of ordinary 3. Lithium can reduce aggression and self-injurious behaviour.
community facilities. β-adrenergic receptor antagonists
Propranolol can reduce explosive rages.
Behaviour therapy
Shaping social behaviours and minimizing destructive behaviours.
Opiate antagonist
Naltrexone is used in the treatment of repetitive self-injury.
Antilibidinal medication
Cyproterone acetate and medroxyprogesterone reduce testosterone levels and
can be used in the treatment of sexual offending. Side effects include liver
toxicity and hyperglycaemia.
Stereotypical motor movements SSRIs
Repetitive ritualized behaviour is common among people with SSRIs such as fluoxetine or fluvoxamine can reduce repetitive behaviours.
learning disability.
Learning Disability 675
TABLE 38.6
Prevention of Learning Disability
Primary prevention 1. Population screening, carrier detection, and prenatal diagnosis have been improved by the advances in molecular
genetics and used to prevent diseases like fragile X syndrome.
2. Prevention of Down syndrome by genetic counselling is limited to potential cases with translocation abnormality
inherited from the parent.
3. Prevention of exposure to ionizing radiation and teratogenic drugs.
4. Reduction of birth trauma by positive family planning, better obstetric care, hospital deliveries, and regular
maternal and fetal monitoring.
5. Vaccination to reduce infection such as measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).
6. Prevention of neural tube defect by taking folate during pregnancy.
7. Smoking cessation and avoiding alcohol and opioid misuse during pregnancy.
8. Prevention of head injury by wearing bicycle hamlet and enforcing the use of safety car seat for children.
Secondary prevention 1. Advances in molecular genetics, amniocentesis, ultrasonic imaging, and chorionic villous sampling allow prenatal
diagnosis of fetuses affected by genetic diseases in the first trimester.
2. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein level is a reliable indicator of neural tube defect.
3. Triple tests: HCG, estriol, and alpha-fetoprotein as well as the nuchal translucency scan allow detection of Down
syndrome in the first trimester.
4. Metabolic diseases like PKU, galactosaemia, Lesch–Nyhan syndrome, maple syrup urine disease, Hunter’s
syndrome, Hurler’s syndrome, and Tay–Sachs disease are identified prenatally.
5. Neonatal screening may detect endocrine diseases like congenital hypothyroidism and metabolic diseases like
PKU and maple syrup urine disease in newborns.
Tertiary prevention 1. At the community level, active resettlement programmes with expansion of support networks, special educational
services, training placements, and day and residential services can prevent long-term hospital care.
2. At the individual level, the use of computer and electronic aids can promote independence and provide opportunity
for alternative methods of communication may improve the quality of life of people with learning disability.
3. Education for the child that addresses adaptive skills, social skills, and communication skills.
4. Family interventions such as family education about the condition and family therapy to enhance self-esteem and
allow expression of feelings (e.g. guilt).
Source: Day, K., Mental handicap, in Paykel, E.S. and Jenkins, R. (eds.) Prevention in Psychiatry, London, U.K., Gaskell, 1994, pp. 130–147.
38.23.2 Epidemiology
38.22.5 Intelligence
• Prevalence is 1/20,000–1/30,000.
• Mild to moderate learning disability
• Speech abnormalities
38.23.3 Mode of Inheritance
• Autosomal dominant transmission
38.22.6 Comorbidity
• Deletion on chromosome 15q11–13 of the mater-
• Obsessive–compulsive disorder nal origin
• Frequent deletion of GABA B-3 receptor subunit
• Mutations in ubiquitin–protein ligase E3A
38.22.7 Treatment
(UBE 3A) and associated with severe psychomo-
• Dietary restriction to reduce obesity tor retardation
676 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Stellate pattern
in the iris,
tortuosity and
Depressed nasal vision
bridge Full prominent
Prominent lips
Wide mouth Short turned-up nose
Widely-spaced Long philtrum
Prominent nose,
38.27.2 Epidemiology
broad nasal bridge,
38.27.3 Genetic Defect
Complete or partial deletion of chromosome 17p11.2
FIGURE 38.12 Facial features of Smith–Magenis syndrome. FIGURE 38.13 Facial features of Cornelia de Lange
38.27.5 Psychiatric Features
• Schizophrenia like psychosis
• Inappropriate affect 38.28.5 Intelligence
• Aggression Severe to profound learning disability
• Seep disturbance (decreased REM sleep)
• Self-harm (pulling out finger and toenails)
38.28.6 Comorbidity
38.27.6 Intelligence Obsessive–compulsive disorder, gastrointestinal
Moderate to severe learning disability problems, congenital heart defects, visual and hear-
ing problems, skin problems, epilepsy, and death in
38.27.7 Treatment infancy
682 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
For health reasons, large proportions of the very old • ↑ Proportion of body mass that is composed of
live in institutional care or with relatives or friends. Old adipose tissue
people living alone make more use of statutory services • ↑ First-pass availability
than those living with others. • ↑ Gastric pH
Disengagement theories hold that older people gradu- • ↓ Gastric acid secretion and intrinsic factor
ally withdraw from society in preparation for death have (associated with increased risk of vitamin B12
now lost favour. Instead, activity theories encourage the deficiency)
maintenance of social interaction and role. Elderly people • ↓ Rate of gastric emptying
do maintain a high level of social contact with others. • ↓ Blood flow in splanchnic circulation
Unhappiness is associated with a lack of friends in a • ↓ Gastrointestinal absorptive surface
social network. • Changes in plasma-protein concentration: this
may be the result of illness
• ↓ Metabolically active tissue
39.4.5 Sociocultural Differences
• ↓ Hepatic mass and blood flow Social Class • ↓ Demethylation
Almost half of pensioners from social classes I and II • ↓ Hydroxylation
have money in addition to the state pension, from private • ↓ Renal blood flow
pension schemes and savings, compared to only 5% of • ↓ Glomerular filtration rate and rate of
those in social classes IV and V. elimination
• ↓ Tubular secretion Ethnicity
There are competing theories about the effect of ethnicity Absorption
and ageing: There is no evidence that the rate or extent of absorp-
tion of orally administered psychotropic medications is
• The age as leveller hypothesis argues that, changed in the elderly.
because all old people are socially disadvan-
taged, the relative disadvantage experienced by Clearance
ethnic minorities reduces in old age. Reduction in clearance may increase the steady-state
• The double jeopardy hypothesis argues that dis- plasma drug concentration in old people. Because of low-
advantages are exacerbated with age. ered renal clearance, lithium doses in the elderly should
be approximately 50% lower than in the young. Diuretics
Language difficulties are common in ethnic minority may reduce renal clearance even further, increasing the
groups, and lack of income is most common in Asian risk of lithium toxicity.
people who have travelled from abroad to join their fami-
lies and lack pension entitlement. Metabolism
All other psychotropic drugs are cleared by hepatic bio-
transformation, which is variably reduced with age. As
a result, the half-life of psychotropic medications (e.g.
OF OLD AGE clonazepam) can be markedly prolonged, having residual
39.5.1 Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics effects for weeks after discontinuation.
TABLE 39.8
Compare and Contrast MMSE, ACE-R, MoCA, and Clinical Dementia Rating Scale
Clinical Dementia
MMSE (Folstein et al., ACE-R (Mioshi et al., MoCA (Nasreddine Rating Scale (CDRS)
1975) 2006) et al., 2005) (Morris, 1993)
Person(s) assessed Patient only Patient only Patient only Patient and carer
Components and domains 1. Orientation 1. Orientation 1. Orientation 1. Memory
2. Registration and recall 2. Registration 2. Attention 2. Orientation
3. Attention and calculation 3. Attention 3. Memory 3. Judgement
4. Language 4. Recall 4. Executive function 4. Community affairs
5. Visuospatial ability 5. Anterograde and (verbal fluency, 5. Home and hobbies
6. Praxis retrograde memory abstract thinking) 6. Personal care
MMSE is lack of frontal 6. Verbal fluency 5. Visuospatial abilities
lobe assessment 7. Language (writing, 6. Attention and
comprehension, calculation
reading, naming) 7. Language
8. Visuospatial ability
9. Perceptual abilities
10. Recognition
Time required 10–15 min 10–15 min 10–15 min 30 min
Scoring Normal score >24 Two cutoffs were Normal score >26 The score is calculated
(sensitivity = 0.44–1; defined: (sensitivity = 1, based on an algorithm.
specificity = 0.46–1) 88: sensitivity = 0.94, specificity = 0.87) Normal: 0
Score is determined by specificity = 0.89 and AD: 11–21 Possible dementia: 0.5
education. For patients with 82: sensitivity = 0.84, Mild dementia: 1
only primary school specificity = 1.0 Moderate dementia: 2
education, the following Severe dementia: 3
cutoffs are used:
Ages 18–69: median MMSE
score 22–25; ages 70–79:
median MMSE score
21–22; age over 79: median
MMSE score 19–20
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) Normal score >24 MCI patients to be Score between 21 and 26 Not applicable
impaired in areas (e.g.
verbal fluency, and
language) other than
cell count (WCC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), A CXR is required in all sick elderly people, even if
urea and electrolytes (U&E), creatinine, liver function the chest is apparently clear on physical examination.
tests (LFTs) with calcium and proteins, glucose, TSH, Pneumonia, tuberculosis, and carcinoma can all present
electrocardiogram (ECG), chest x-ray (CXR), and a mid- with acute confusional states or depression. An ECG is
stream urine examination. also required because some psychotropic medications
The prevalence of thyroid disease increases in old age. may prolong the corrected QT (QTc) interval.
Physical signs are often unreliable in the elderly, so TSH
screening should be performed in all. Hyperthyroidism
39.7.3 Structural Imageing
can be mistaken for anxiety states, hypomania, or delir-
ium. Hypothyroidism can present as depression with psy- In normal ageing, there is progressive cortical atrophy
chomotor retardation, dementia, or delirium. and increasing ventricular size. Imaging can identify
690 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Of those with delirium, 90% of patients have abnor- Repeating tests over time can give an estimate of deteriora-
mal traces. Delta activity, asymmetry in δ waves, and tion, but this can be unreliable since even the elderly with
localized spike and sharp wave complexes occur more dementia can show practise effects with repeated testing.
frequently in those with intracranial pathology. Alpha
activity correlates with cognitive functioning, and δ Experiential Assessment and Analysis
activity correlates with the length of illness. of Function
Experimental assessment tries to clarify the nature of
impairment. By understanding the nature of the impair-
39.7.5 Psychological Assessment ment, it is possible to develop interventions that amelio-
rate the impairment. Psychometric Testing and Measures Experiential analysis of function is used to explain
of Function dysfunction and to develop strategies for intervention.
Psychometric testing quantifies the level and range of abil-
ity. Serial measures can be used to monitor the effect of • Explaining dysfunction. A finding in a psycho-
interventions or to measure progress of the patient’s con- metric test may conclude that a patient is unable to
dition over time. It is essential, when any particular test is carry out a task but does not try to establish why.
used in the elderly, that both the test itself and its predic- The decomposition of impaired performance
tions have been validated in the local elderly population. is used to establish which ability is impaired.
Psychometric measures of function are used to clarify A hypothesis of what the disability comprises is
the diagnosis, to predict outcome, to predict need, and to tested before a conclusion is reached.
monitor change: • Developing strategies for interventions. A behav-
ioural approach may be used with an ABC (ante-
• Clarifying the diagnosis: Batteries of tests have cedents, behaviour, and consequences) analysis
been devised to distinguish between different before attempting an intervention.
diagnostic groups: the Kendrick Battery was
developed to distinguish normal, functionally Social Assessment
impaired, and demented elderly groups. The Assessment is usually conducted by a social worker. This
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is a 30-item involves a detailed assessment of living conditions, per-
self-administered rating scale, with cut-off sonal care, dynamics of family/carer, support network,
score determining whether depressed (exten- financial situation, family structure, level of independence,
sively validated and highly discriminant). and physical functioning in the person’s environment.
692 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 39.13
Summary of Clinical Features of AD in Different Stage of the Illness
Early Stage—Until About
2 Years Intermediate Stage Late Stage Final Stage
• Impaired concentration • Further deterioration in the • All intellectual functions • No personality
• Memory impairment aforementioned grossly impaired • No communication
• Fatigue and anxiety • Neurological abnormalities start • Considerable neurological • Emaciated
• Fleeting depression of mood to appear disability • Incontinent
• Exaggeration of preexisting • 5%–10% develop epilepsy • Increased muscle tone • Limb contractures
personality traits • Apraxias and agnosias develop • Wide-based unsteady gait • Death often from pneumonia
• Unusual incidents cause • Disorientation in time and space • Personality changes, often and inanition
increasing concern • Get lost in familiar surroundings with fatuous gross euphoria
• Occasional difficulty with word • Speech problems with nominal • No communication
finding dysphasia, receptive dysphasia, • Failure to recognize self or
• Altered handwriting expressive dysphasia, dysarthria, family
• Perseveration of words and and reduced vocabulary • Speech replaced by jargon
phrases • Groping for words, dysphasia
mispronunciation, reiteration of
parts of words (logoclonia), and
• Reduced ability to read and write
• Concurrent progressive memory
loss involving recent and past
• Misidentification (e.g. mirror sign)
• Emotional lability
• Catastrophic reaction (extreme
anxiety and tearfulness when
unable to complete a task)
• Motor restlessness or inertia
696 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Society can provide carers with valuable information similar in efficacy, and they are chosen based on their
about local facilities and often run local counselling and costs, side effect profiles, and patients’ preferences.
sitting services. Driving should cease as soon as there is The specialist should consider an alternative AChEI if
any evidence that it may be unsafe. The patient should adverse events or drug interaction occurs. MMSE and
be asked to inform the Driver and Vehicle Licensing global, functional, and behavioural assessment should be
Authority (DVLA), but if they fail to do so, the doctor performed every 6 months. Treatment will be continued
has a duty to inform them. if either the MMSE score remains at or above 10 points
For patients suffering from mild to moderate AD or global, functional, and behavioural conditions indicate
(MMSE > 20), the NICE guidelines recommend to offer worthwhile effects (Table 39.15).
them the chance to participate in a structured group cog- Common side effects of AChEIs include excessive cho-
nitive stimulation programme irrespective of the pre- linergic effects such as nausea, diarrhoea, dizziness, uri-
scription of drug treatment for cognitive symptoms. nary incontinence, and insomnia. Other side effects include
For patients suffering from moderate AD (MMSE headache, parasympathetic stimulation, and bradycardia.
score of 10–20 points or score >20 with significant Pretreatment ECG is required. Donepezil is contraindi-
impairment in functions or learning disability), the NICE cated in people suffering from asthma, but rivastigmine is
guidelines recommend the specialist to prescribe the ace- safe in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
tylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) including donepezil, For patients suffering from severe AD (MMSE
galantamine, and rivastigmine. The three major benefits score <10 points), memantine is indicated in a well-
of AChEIs include stabilization of cognitive decline, established clinical setting based on recommendations
improvement of the ADL, and reduction of behavioural from the NICE guidelines. Memantine is a NMDA
problems. Treatment should be started in the specialist receptor antagonist, and it has neuroprotective proper-
dementia clinic. The NICE guidelines recommend patient- ties (Figure 39.1). Memantine may be useful in patients
centred care, and the specialist has to consider issues relat- suffering from VaD. The usual treatment dose of
ing to informed consent to pharmacological treatment. memantine is 10 mg B.D., and its half-life is 60–100
The specialist should also seek carer’s view on the h. Memantine is available in oral tablets and droplets. It
patient’s functions at baseline. AChEIs are broadly metabolism is nonhepatic.
TABLE 39.15
Comparison of the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of AChEIs
Donepezil Rivastigmine Galantamine
Indications AD, VaD AD, DLB (improve hallucinations AD
and delusions), and dementia
related to Parkinson’s disease
Preparation Oral tablets Oral capsules, solution, and patches Oral tablets and
Plasma half-life 70 h 10 h 6h
Frequency of administration Once per day Twice per day Twice per day
Daily dose 5–10 mg/day 3–6 mg/day 8–12 mg/day
Metabolism P450CYP 2D6 Not by P450 system P450CYP 2D6
P450CYP 3A4 P450CYP 3A4
Organ of elimination Liver Kidney Both liver and kidney
Specific for CNS Selective Selective Selective
Reversibility Reversible Pseudoirreversible Reversible
Enzymes inhibited AChE AChE and BChE AChE
Nicotine receptor modulation No No Yes
Source: Taylor, D. et al., The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines, 10th edn., Informa Healthcare, London, U.K., 2009.
698 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
GG Ca Ca Ca G G Ca
Ca Ca Ca receptor Ca Ca G
G Ca G Ca Ca G
Ca Ca G Glycine Ca G Glycine Ca Glycine
Ca Mg2+ Ca G Mg2+ Ca G Mg2+
Ca2+ Ca2+
Neuronal excitotoxicity: The release of Memantine (M) is a low-affinity voltage- Its low affinity to the NMDA receptors with
glutamate (G) from presynaptic neuron dependent uncompetitive antagonist at the rapid off-rate kinetics allows NMDA
stimulates N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid(NMDA) NMDA receptors. It may be neuroprotective receptors to be activated by the relatively
receptors which have high affinity for Mg 2+ and disease modifying. high concentrations of glutamate released
ions and leads to prolonged influx of Ca2+ ions. following depolarization of the presynatic
about 7 years, whereas in those aged between 55 and 74, lack of hypertension or neurological signs is more sug-
the mean survival is increased to about 9 years. gestive of AD. VaD is more likely than AD to produce
Poor prognostic factors include coexistent depression, persecutory delusions, anxiety,
and emotional disturbance.
• Significant language impairment Based on clinical presentation, history and CT
• Poor cognitive functioning scan findings of VaDs have been subdivided into
• Clinical evidence of parietal lobe involvement Binswanger’s disease, leukoaraiosis, and multiple lacu-
• CT scan showing reduced density of left parietal nar states.
region Binswanger’s Disease
39.10.3 Vascular Dementia This is a progressive subcortical vascular encephalopa-
thy with CT scan revealing markedly enlarged ventricles Aetiology secondary to infarction in hemispheric white matter.
There is an excess of VaD in males, which is probably Infarcts are observed to affect periventricular and central
caused by an increased prevalence of cardiovascular dis- white matter. The age of onset is 50–65, with a gradual
ease in men. Hypertension is the most frequent risk fac- accumulation of neurological signs, dementia, and distur-
tor among those with VaD (contributing to 50% of VaD). bances in motor function including pseudobulbar palsy.
Risk factors known to increase the risk of stroke also There is often a history of severe hypertension, systemic
increase the risk of VaD, for example, cigarette smok- vascular disease, and stroke.
ing, heart disease, homocystinuria, hyperlipidaemia,
metabolic syndrome, low levels of high-density lipopro- Leukoaraiosis
tein, moderate alcohol consumption, polycythaemia, and This was used by Hachinski to describe CT scan appear-
sickle cell anaemia. ances of reduced density of white matter. It differs from
Cerebral autosomal-dominant arteriopathy with sub- infarcts in that it affects only white matter, is patchy
cortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is a and diffuse, and does not result in the enlargement of
genetic disease with Notch 3 mutations in chromosome 19 cerebral sulci or ventricles. It is found in nondemented
and results in recurrent subcortical CVAs (80%), cognitive subjects as well as those with degenerative and vascular
deterioration (50%), mood changes (30%), epilepsy (10%), dementia.
and gait abnormalities. Multiple Lacunar States Clinical Features These are CT scan appearances of small well-localized
VaD is characterized by a stepwise deteriorating course subcortical infarcts. It is associated with dementia char-
with a patchy distribution of neurological and neuropsy- acterized by dysarthria, incontinence, and explosive
chological deficits. There is evidence of vascular diseases laughing, secondary to frontal lobe disturbance.
on physical examination (hypertension, hypertensive
changes on fundoscopy, carotid bruits, enlarged heart, Diagnostic Criteria
focal neurological signs suggestive of CVA). National Institute of Neurological and Communicative
Three presentations occur: Disorders and Stroke and the Alzheimer’s Disease and
Related Disorders Association (NINCDS–ADRDA)
• Dementia follows a stroke. (Table 39.16).
• Dementia gradually develops following multiple The ICD-10 criteria (WHO, 1992) emphasize on
asymptomatic cerebral infarcts. unevenly distributed cognitive impairment and signs of
• Neuropsychiatric symptoms gradually become focal brain damage (unilateral spastic weakness, uni-
evident. laterally increased tendon reflexes, an extended plan-
tar response, and pseudobulbar palsy). In multi-infarct
Distinguishing between VaD and AD can be difficult; dementia, the onset is gradual with minor ischaemic epi-
indeed, in a certain proportion of cases, both coexist. A sodes. In acute onset VaD, the onset of dementia is within
more insidious onset with a continuous rather than step- 1 month of CVA. In subcortical VaD, there is evidence of
wise course, less insight, fewer affective symptoms, and deep white matter lesions.
700 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
Semantic dementia involved Patients suffering from progressive 1. Pathology: neuronal loss and reactive
impairment in understanding nonfluent aphasia have difficulty astrocytosis.
of word meaning or object with initiation but not
2. Characterized primarily by personality
identity with lesions in the comprehension of speech due to the
change and disordered social conduct.
temporal lobe. Other clinical lesions in dorsolateral pre-frontal
features include: cortex. Other clinical features
Pick’s disease
1. Age of onset: 45–65 years; F:M = 2:1
1. Anomia: loss ability to
recognize or understand 1. Hesitant, effortful speech. 2. 50% of patients are caused by autosomal-
words. dominant inheritance of tau gene on
2. Speech apraxia. chromosome 17. This results in abnormal
2. Dominant temporal lobe insoluble tau isoforms which accumulate in
lesion: fluent aphasia or 3. Stutter (including return of a
childhood stutter). neurons and glia.
semantic paraphasia. For
example, a patient names 4. Anomia. 3. Pathology: atrophy of frontotemporal lobe,
‘elephant’ as ‘cat’. swollen achromatic neurons (balloon cells),
5. Phonemic paraphasia (sound pick bodies with tau and ubiquitin positive
3. Nondominant temporal errors in speech, e.g. ‘gat’ for ‘cat’). neurons.
lobe dementia: associative
6. Agrammatism (using the wrong
agnosia and prosopagnosia. 4. ICD-10 criteria: slow onset, steady
tense or word order).
deterioration, frontal lobe symptoms
4. Memory is better for recent
7. As the disease develops, speech (emotional blunting, coarsening of social
events than remote events.
quantity decreases and many behaviour, disinhibition, apathy, aphasia),
Episodic memory is not
patients will become mute. sparing of memory and parietal lobe in the
beginning stage.
5. Onset age is 50–65 years.
5. Seizure and apraxia are uncommon.
6. Orientation is normal.
6. CT brain shows knife-blade atrophy
in frontotemporal lobe.
7. SSRIs or trazodone are beneficial for
behavioural symptoms.
CJD Prognosis
39.12.1 Aetiology
The duration to death is 12–16 years.
Although delirium presents with global disturbance of
cognitive function, certain neurological pathways seem
39.11.7 General Paralysis of the Insane
to be specifically involved. Autonomic disturbance impli-
This is a rare condition and can be missed. cates the brain stem. Cholinergic and adrenergic path-
ways are also thought to mediate delirium. Aetiology Any physical insult can result in delirium particularly
The disease is a terminal consequence of syphilis. There in a predisposed individual. In the elderly, the following
is marked cerebral atrophy with meningeal thickening, causes are the most common:
resulting from neuronal loss and astrocyte proliferation.
The presence of iron pigment in microglia and perivas- • Hypoxia
cular spaces is specific for the disease. Spirochetes are • Infection
found in the cortex in 50% of cases. • Metabolic disturbance
• Iatrogenic Clinical Features • CNS disease
The condition develops 5–25 years after primary infection • Epilepsy
with Treponema pallidum. The onset is usually gradual
with depression as a dominant symptom. There is then
39.12.2 Clinical Features
slowly progressive memory and intellectual impairment.
Frontal lobes are particularly involved, resulting in charac- • There is rapid onset with a fluctuating course.
teristic personality change with disinhibition, uncontrolled Lucid intervals occur.
excitement, and overactivity, which may be mistaken for • The delirium tends to be more marked at night
hypomania. Grandiose delusions are present in only 10%. particularly in conditions of poor illumination.
Physically there is slurred speech, a tremor of lips and • Awareness is always impaired. Alertness tends
tongue, and Argyll Robertson pupil in 50%. As the condi- to fluctuate and can be both increased and
tion progresses, there is increasing leg weakness leading decreased.
to spastic paralysis. • Orientation is always impaired, particularly
The Wassermann reaction on CSF examination is for time.
always positive, with lymphocytosis, raised protein, and • Recent and immediate memory is impaired with
raised globulin. poor new learning and lack of recall for events
occurring during the delirious period. However, Management and Prognosis the knowledge base remains intact.
Treatment is with high-dose penicillin under steroid • Thinking may be slowed or accelerated.
cover to prevent Herxheimer reaction. Following treat- • Misperceptions, particularly visual, are common.
ment, mental symptoms may diminish. • Hallucinations and delusions may occur.
• Heightened anxiety and fear are often prominent.
• The sleep–wake cycle is always disturbed,
with daytime drowsiness and nocturnal
This is a state of fluctuating global disturbance of the cere- insomnia.
bral function, abrupt in onset and of short duration, arising • Physical illness or drug intoxication is usually
as a consequence of physical illness or toxic effects. present (Table 39.19).
708 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
39.12.5 Management
TABLE 39.19
Comparison between Dementia and Delirium The treatment of delirium is the treatment of the underly-
ing condition.
Clinical Features Dementia Delirium
Presence of acute Usually absent Usually present (e.g.
physical illness infection, electrolyte Nonpharmacological Treatment
disturbance) • Avoid physical restraints.
Onset Insidious Acute • Avoid sensory deprivation and overload.
Attention Normal attention Poor attention and • Adequate oxygenation.
distractible • Correct sensory deficits.
Memory Impairment in Impairment in recent and • Encourage normal sleep pattern.
immediate recall remote memory • Environmental cues such as signposting.
and recent memory • Family involvement.
Perceptual Usually no Visual hallucinations are
• Maintain hydration and electrolyte balance.
disturbances hallucination common.
• Mobilization of the patient.
Duration Long, months to Short, hours to weeks
• Pain management.
Course of illness Stable Fluctuation
• Presence of familiar objects.
• Psychoeducation on delirium.
• Reorientation strategies (clock, access to window).
39.12.3 Classification • Repetition of information in a slow and regular
There are three types of delirium: • Staff consistency.
• Well-illuminated environment.
• Hyperactive delirium (30%), which is character-
ized by agitation, aggression, autonomic arousal,
hyperactivity, and restlessness. Pharmacological Treatment
• Hypoactive delirium (40%), which is character- • Vitamin supplements, particularly thia-
ized by apathy, drowsiness, confusion, and leth- mine, should be administered if there is
argy. Hypoactive delirium is often mistaken for any possibility of previous alcohol abuse or
depression. malnutrition.
• Mixed hyperactive and hypoactive delirium (30%). • Drugs known to exacerbate delirium should be
avoided if possible. Benzodiazepine should be
avoided because it can exacerbate delirium. The
39.12.4 Investigation
use of benzodiazepine is only indicated in delir-
Delirious patients should be fully investigated physically: ium tremens.
• Behaviour not amenable to other interventions,
• Laboratory investigations include FBC (raised such as gentle reassurance, may respond to
white blood cells may indicate infection), electro- treatment with an antipsychotic.
lytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, • Haloperidol is the most frequently used in this
phosphate), RFTs, LFTs, TFTs, and arterial situation because it is generally effective and
blood gases. safe. A baseline ECG is required to check QTc
• Infection screen includes syphilis, blood cul- interval. Side effects include QTc prolongation,
ture, and urinalysis. extrapyramidal side effects, orthostatic hypo-
• ECG. tension, and sedation.
• Imaging include CXR, CT (space occupying • Second-generation antipsychotics such as
lesions, cerebral haemorrhage), or MRI scan risperidone, olanzapine, and quetiapine are
(white matter lesions). indicated for patients who are prone to extrapy-
• Electroencephalogram: diffuse slowing of brain ramidal side effects (e.g. DLB, Parkinson’s dis-
activity. ease). Side effects include sedation, orthostatic
• Lumbar puncture and CSF analysis (if signs of hypotension, and metabolic syndrome if used
meningitis or encephalitis). for a long duration.
Old-Age Psychiatry 709
• General principles of prescription in delirium symptoms, and a higher death rate at 2 years than elderly
include monotherapy, prescription with the low- depressives without ventricular enlargement. CT scan
est dose, and tapering off the medication when appearances in late-onset depressives are more comparable
delirium resolves. to those with AD than to those with early-onset depression
• Treatment of hypoactive delirium with psycho- or normal controls. Thus, early- and late-onset depression
tropic medications is not recommended. may be different disorders, and the late-onset type may have
a stronger association with neurological dementing disor-
ders than the early-onset type.
39.12.6 Prognosis
Depressed patients with ischaemic brain lesions have
• Delirium is associated with an increase in mor- more vascular risk factors and less family history of
tality. 1 month after delirium, the mortality rate mood disorders than those without.
is 16%. 6 months after delirium, the mortality In a proportion of elderly depressives, subtle brain dis-
rate is 26%. ease is a risk factor.
• Between 30% and 50% of delirious patients on
medical wards die of the underlying condition Physical Illness
in 6 months. Depression can present secondary to a variety of physical
• Those who recover have a good prognosis, and conditions and may sometimes be the first indication of
only 5% go on to develop dementia. ill-health. The following are the main causes of second-
ary depression, which is more common in the elderly:
39.13 DEPRESSION IN OLD AGE • Occult carcinoma, particularly of lung and
39.13.1 Epidemiology
• Chronic obstructive airway disease (COAD)
Depressive symptoms affect 11%–16% of the over-65s. • CVA
About 3% suffer major depression. • Myocardial infarction (MI)
Female first admissions for affective illness peak at age • Hypercalcaemia
80, then fall off. Male first admissions continue to climb • Cushing’s disease
until the end of life, overtaking women at the age of 85. • Hypo- and hyperthyroidism
The prevalence of depression declines with advancing • Alcoholism
age despite the earlier findings. This may be because of • Pernicious anaemia
a survivor effect with fewer young depressed surviving • Iatrogenic—steroids, β-blockers, methyl-dopa,
to old age, or it may imply that depression in older age is reserpine, clonidine, nifedipine, digitalis, l-dopa,
more likely to require inpatient admission. and tetrabenazine
• Infections—brucellosis, neurosyphilis, and
39.13.2 Aetiology Genetic Factors Personality
The genetic contribution to depressive illness reduces It is suggested that personality dysfunction is associated
with age. The risk of depression in first-degree relatives with some late-life depression.
is lowered with the increasing age of onset of depression Environmental Factors
in the proband. The risks to relatives are also lower if
there has been only a single episode, whereas they are Murphy (1982) found an association between the onset of
increased with recurrent depression in the proband. depression and severe life events occurring significantly
more commonly in the previous year compared to healthy Neurobiological Factors controls. These included physical illness, separation, bereave-
ment, financial loss, and enforced change of residence.
Felix Post (1968) suggested that subtle cerebral changes
may make ageing persons increasingly liable to affective
39.13.3 Clinical Features
A subgroup of elderly depressives has ventricular enlarge- Elderly depressives present with much the same features
ment on a CT scan of the brain. They are characterized as of depression as younger people, but some features may
being older, with a later age of onset, more neurovegetative be more common in the elderly (Tables 39.20 and 39.21).
710 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
physical morbidity, and the dose is generally lower, par- relapse. Only 10%–15% are considered to suffer from
ticularly when commencing a new drug. treatment-resistant depression. The death rate is higher
Newer antidepressants such as SSRIs and SNRIs are for late-life depressives than for nondepressed patients.
better tolerated than TCAs because SSRIs have low anti- Chronicity in late-life depression is more common in
cholinergic activity. Examples of antidepressants and those with
daily starting dose for old people are listed as follows:
escitalopram (5 mg), mirtazapine (7.5–15 mg), sertraline • Male sex
(25 mg), and venlafaxine (37.5 mg). Old people are prone • Active medical illness or poor physical health
to hyponatraemia. Baseline and regular blood pressure • High severity and frequent episodes of depression
measurement, ECG, and sodium level are required for old • Atypical features of depression
people. If a TCA is required, lofepramine is the treatment • History of dysthymia
of choice. • Delusions
Deluded depressed patients require the addition of an • Cognitive impairment
antipsychotic. • Morphologic brain abnormalities
ECT remains the most effective treatment for depres-
sion and is the treatment of choice in those with life- The development of a transient dementia syndrome dur-
threatening depression. It is generally well tolerated, ing a depressive episode, the onset of the first depressive
although memory problems may follow, so unilateral episode in very old age, and abnormalities in brain mor-
electrode placement is sometimes considered preferable. phology may be predictors of dementia in an elderly per-
The seizure threshold increases with age, and older peo- son with major depression.
ple have shorter seizure duration. It is contraindicated in
those with raised intracranial pressure and is inadvisable
within 3–6 months of a CVA, pulmonary embolus, or MI. 39.14 MANIA IN OLD AGE
However, the anaesthetist’s views should be sought in any In most elderly people suffering from mania, the age
patient over whom there is particular concern. The liable of onset was usually in their young adult life. However,
consequences of inadequately treated or resistant depres- in the elderly population, the onset of the first manic
sion should be weighed against the potential adverse episode is bimodally distributed with peaks at ages 37
effects of a general anaesthetic and ECT. Monoamine and 73. Mania in the elderly is relatively uncommon,
oxidase inhibitors should be discontinued at least 10 days comprising about 5% of elderly psychiatric admissions.
prior to giving ECT.
About two-thirds of cases resistant to first-line ther-
apy show an improvement with lithium augmentation. 39.14.1 Aetiology
Generally, this is well tolerated, although the levels need
careful monitoring in those with impaired renal function Genetic Factors
or those on diuretics. Late-onset cases appear to have less genetic loading than
Psychotherapy can be considered, although this younger-onset cases, with fewer of the former giving a
should usually be in addition to drug therapy. The focus family history of affective disorder.
of psychotherapy should support self-esteem, instil hope,
and encourage adequate nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Organic Factors
Problem-solving may be useful and advise the elderly Secondary mania is that arising in a patient with no pre-
depressed patient to postpone major life decisions. vious history of affective disorder, soon after a physical
Socially isolated elderly depressed patients are at a illness such as cerebral tumour or infection. However,
high risk of committing suicide, so it is important that evidence suggests that this is more likely to arise in those
they be treated energetically. genetically predisposed to a bipolar affective disorder by
virtue of a family history of such.
People with late-onset mania have a greater num-
39.13.6 Prognosis ber of large subcortical hyperintensities on brain MRI
Depression in old age is a heterogeneous condition and compared to controls. It is thought that some cases of
therefore has a heterogeneous outcome. Seventy per cent late-onset mania are a subtype of secondary mania attrib-
of elderly depressives recover within a year, but 20% utable to changes in the brain’s deep white matter.
712 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
possessions, reviewing will, and taking risk. The times of worth attempting to wean even elderly persons from their
highest risk include drug of addiction, since abstinence can greatly improve
the quality of life. However, there is a group, particularly
• Bereavement and their anniversaries the very elderly, who are better left on the drug if they
• The first few weeks after antidepressant treat- strongly object to withdrawal.
ment when the person develops the ability to
enact his or her thoughts prior to full recovery 39.17.3 Somatization and Somatoform Disorders
• In the first few weeks after discharge from hospital
Five per cent of old people suffer from somatoform dis-
Eighty per cent of those completing suicide had seen their orders. The most common somatic complaints in elderly
GP before their death. include pain, constipation, fatigue, headache, impaired bal-
The incidence of physical illnesses in completed ance, dry mouth, nausea, change in appetite, and difficulty
elderly suicides is higher than expected. Chronic pain is in urinating. Somatic complaints may be a presentation of
often a contributory factor, particularly postherpetic neu- underlying depressive (masked depression) and anxiety dis-
ralgia. Living alone, a widowed or separated status, and orders. Three-quarters of old people suffering from psychi-
alcohol abuse are also risk factors. atric disorders also present with somatic complaints. The
Cultural factors probably play a role since suicide presentation of somatoform disorders (e.g. somatization dis-
rates among some elderly populations, such as elderly order, pain disorder, conversion disorder, and hypochondri-
Indian people, are extremely low. asis) in old people is similar to young adults. Management
Thus, suicidal elderly patients should always be taken includes reducing unnecessary visits and assigning the care
seriously. Depression should be adequately treated, isola- to one GP. Medical reassurance is important and avoids
tion should be ameliorated if possible, and pain should be unnecessary investigations. Modified cognitive behavioural
properly managed. therapy with shorter session may be useful for old people.
39.17.4 Sexual Activity
39.17.2 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Normal Sexual Behaviour in Old Age Alcohol
Sixty per cent of married couples aged 60–75 and 25% of
Alcohol abuse reduces with ageing, especially in men.
those over 75 are sexually active. One-fifth of men aged
However, about 3% of the over-75s in a general practise
over 80 have sexual intercourse at least once a month. Thus,
survey drank above the safe limits.
sexual activity and sexual interest continue into old age.
The reasons for this apparent decline in alcohol abuse
The determinants of sexual activity in old age include
with age include the selective death of early-onset alcohol-
ics, reduced tolerance to the effects of alcohol secondary • Age
to reduced liver enzymes, increased sensitivity of the age- • Sex—men are more sexually active than age-
ing brain to sedatives, increased poverty in old age, and matched women
reduced opportunities to drink in elderly social circles. • Married status
New cases of alcoholism in old age tend to be more • Own physical health
neurotic with less evidence of personality disorder than in • Physical health of partner
younger-onset cases. Physical ill-health and psychiatric ill- • Enjoyment of sex
ness may be a trigger to excessive alcohol use in old age.
Loss of, or illness in, a partner is a common reason for the Drugs cessation of sexual activity in the elderly.
Illicit drug abuse is not a great problem in the elderly,
but addiction to prescribed benzodiazepines, opiates and Physiological Changes with Ageing
other analgesics, barbiturates, cough syrups, and laxa- The female genitalia atrophy with age particularly after
tives is problematic. In the United States where the very the menopause. Blood flow is also reduced during arousal,
elderly comprise 12% of the population, they are respon- resulting in reduced vaginal lubrication. However, regu-
sible for the consumption of 50% of prescribed hypnotics. lar sexual intercourse or masturbation protects the female
Doctors need to take care in their prescribing, to pre- genitalia from these changes. Clitoral sensitivity and
vent the initiation of prescribed drug addiction. It is often orgasm do not change with ageing.
716 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
In the male, erections are slower to develop and Sleep apnoea is associated with increased morbid-
require more tactile stimulation than in youth. The erec- ity and mortality. It is associated with daytime fatigue,
tion is less firm and persistent than in youth. The plateau memory problems, hypertension, and cardiac arrhyth-
phase can be prolonged longer, and, although ejaculation mias. It is further associated with the increased risk of a
is less forceful, orgasm remains unaltered. The refractory stroke, even after controlling for other risk factors such
period is much longer than in youth. as hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, and obesity.
abuse—which can range from irritability and verbal 39.19.2 Management of Financial Affairs
abuse to sexual and physical abuse.
Among patients referred for respite care to geriatric Mental disorder from whatever cause can restrict a
wards in London, there was a high morbidity for demen- person’s ability to handle financial affairs and is more
tia. Almost half of the carers admitted to some form common in the elderly, particularly among those suffer-
of abuse, verbal more commonly than physical. Verbal ing from dementing conditions. Various options exist to
abuse was associated with poor premorbid relations help deal with the financial affairs of people unable to do
between patient and carer and depression and anxiety in so themselves because of mental disorder. See Chapter
the carer. Physical abuse was associated with poor com- 11 in which mental capacity, the powers of attorney, the
munication by the patient and high alcohol consump- Court of Protection, and testamentary capacity are con-
tion in the carer. Few patients admitted to any abuse by sidered. The effect of psychiatric disorders on driving
their carers. capability is also considered in that chapter.
(C4) Assess
(C2) Progressive Dorsolateral (C5) Temporal Lobe
(C1) Personality Nonfluent (C3) Orbitofrontal Prefrontal Symptoms/
(C) FTD Change Aphasia Syndrome Syndrome Semantic Dementia
‘Do you find that ‘How do you find ‘Do you find that ‘How do you find ‘Can he name objects
there is a change the way he he is overfamiliar his planning correctly?’
in his personality speaks?’ with other people nowadays?’ ‘Does he have
or character?’ ‘Is his speech (e.g. women)? ‘How do you find difficulty to recognize
‘Can you tell me becoming more Does he display his flexibility?’ items, for example,
which component effortful and any inappropriate ‘Does he have tools or common
changes first, his halting?’ sexual difficulty in household items?’
memory or his behaviour?’ changing topics in ‘Does he have
personality?’ ‘Is he becoming his conversation?’ difficulty to recognize
more irritable?’ ‘How do you find a person (e.g. a
‘How do you find his attention and friend, a relative, or a
his judgement?’ concentration?’ family member)?’
‘Is he easily
(D1) Extrapyramidal
Symptoms and (D2) Diagnosis of (D5) Sensitivity to
Cognitive Parkinson’s (D3) Visual Antipsychotic
(D) DLB Impairment Disease Hallucination (D4) Delusion Medications
‘Is he slow in his ‘Was he given a ‘Does he see ‘Has he become ‘Has he ever taken any
movement?’ diagnosis? If so, things that others more suspicious?’ medication that
‘Do you find his did the doctor say cannot see?’ ‘Does he say worsens his
hands become he suffers from a Explore the someone wanted to movements? If yes,
shaky?’ condition called nature, content, harm him?’ do you know the
‘Does he fall Parkinson’s source, timing, ‘How certain is he in nature of the
easily?’ disease?’ and his sense of his belief?’ medication? What is
‘If he has movement ‘If yes, was he reality. the name of the
problems, does his given any drug? Was it called
memory problem medication to haloperidol?’
start at the same treat his motor
time or one year problems (e.g.
after the movement carbidopa or
problem?’ levodopa)?’
(E3) Poor Task
(E1) Onset and Performance
Family History (E2) Memory and Island of (E5) Treatment of
(E) Pseudodementia of Depression Problems Normality (E4) Insight Depression
‘Did he suffer ‘Did he notice that ‘Does he have the ‘Is he aware about ‘Was he treated by
from depression he has memory tendency to give his memory his GP for
before?’ problems?’ ‘don’t know’ problems?’ depression?’
‘Does he have any ‘If he suffers from answers to ‘If yes, what kind of
‘Does he seek help
family members depression, did questions?’ treatment was
on his own?’
who suffer from the memory ‘Is there a time offered?’
‘Is he very worried
depression?’ problem start when his memory ‘Did his memory
that his memory is
before or after is perfectly improve with
not well?’
depression?’ normal?’ antidepressant
720 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
(F3) Risk of
(F1) Risk of Self-Harm, (F5) Risk of
(F) Risk Wandering and (F2) Safety at Suicide, and Exploitation and
Assessment Self-Neglect Home and Fall Machinery (F4) Risk to Others Abuse
‘Does he lose his ‘Has he ever left ‘Has he ever ‘Has he been ‘Has he ever been
way home? Was the cooker or fire attempted suicide aggressive to other being taken
he ever found on?’ before?’ people?’ advantages in sexual,
wandering by the ‘Has he been a ‘Does he drive? ‘How do the other financial, or
police?’ victim of Has he ever been family members emotional ways?’
‘Was he searching burglary?’ involved in road react to his ‘Was he ill-treated in
for someone, for ‘What kind of traffic accident?’ aggressive the family?’
example, his medication does behaviour?’
spouse or a he take at home
friend?’ (e.g. water
tablets or
sleeping pills, or
heart medication
such as digoxin
and warfarin)?’
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40 Forensic Psychiatry
724 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
TABLE 40.1
The Relationship between Psychiatric Disorders and Criminal Behaviour
Disorders Criminal Behaviour
Affective disorder • Shoplifting in middle-aged offenders may be associated with depression.
• Violent offending during mild or moderate depressive episode is rare. If a candidate encounters a case of severe
depression in the CASC exam, inquiry should be made about homicidal ideation. Family members are the usual
victims of altruistic homicides.
• Offending is more common in mania and hypomania than in depression.
Schizophrenia • Schizophrenic patients have similar rate of offending as compared to the general population.
• Schizophrenia is mostly associated with minor offending secondary to deterioration in personality and social
• Schizophrenic patients are more likely to commit violent offences as compared to the general population, but most
of the violent offences are not committed by schizophrenic patients.
• Violence is a common precipitant prior to the first admission to a psychiatric ward.
Personality disorder • The term psychopathic disorder should only be used as a legal category.
• Personality disorders in forensic psychiatry are usually mixed in types.
• A wide range of personality traits such as immaturity, inadequacy, hostility, and aggression contribute to offending
LD • Offending is more common in people with mild to moderate LD.
• Property offences are committed with a lack of forethought.
• Offences committed by people with LD are generally similar to offenders without LD although there have been
reports for increase in rates for sex offending and fire setting in patients with LD.
Organic state • Personality change is an early feature of frontal lobe dementia and associated with impulsivity.
• In general, offending by patients with dementia is uncommon. The most common offence is theft.
• In patients with Huntington’s disease, antisocial behaviour may appear before any sign of neurological or psychiatric
• For patients with epilepsy, the rate and type of offending is similar to those of offenders in general. There is no excess
of violent crimes in epileptic prisoners. Offending in epileptics is rarely ictal. The increase of prevalence of epilepsy in
prisoners (about two times of the general population) is a result of common social and biological adversity leading to
both epilepsy and crime (Whitman et al., 1984).
Substance abuse • Alcohol misuse is commonly seen in the more than 50% of perpetrators and victims of violence and rape (Coid, 1986).
• Substance misuse is common in offenders with antisocial personality disorder.
• Alcohol and drugs that have been taken voluntarily do not, in general, lessen the individual’s full legal responsibility.
While amnesia is not a legal offence, its underlying cause may well be.
Morbid delusional • This is associated with repetitive and serious injury to the spouse/partner (refer to CASC grid for further details).
jealousy (Othello
Source: Chiswick, D. and Cope, R., Seminars in Forensic Psychiatry, Gaskell, London, U.K., 1995.
40.4.2 Kleptomania after the act. At the same time, the urge is recognized
as senseless and wrong and the act is followed by guilt.
Kleptomania (ICD-10 F63.2) is an impulse control disor- The stealing is not an expression of anger or a part of
der characterized by repeated failure to resist the impulse dissocial personality trait.
to steal in which tension is relieved by stealing (Cooper, Pure kleptomania is extremely rare (Sims, 2002).
2001). The sex ratio of F/M is 4:1. Such compulsions are associated with depression, anxi-
Classically, the compulsion is characterized by a ety, bulimia nervosa, sexual dysfunction, and fetishistic
feeling of tension associated with an urge to steal. The stealing of women’s underwear (Cooper, 2001).
person feels excited during the theft and feels relieved
Forensic Psychiatry 725
Stolen items are usually not acquired for personal use better than longer-term prediction. Dangerousness is
(e.g. same set of T-shirts) or monetary gain. The person associated with the availability of weapons, morbid jeal-
may discard the objects, give them away, or hoard the items. ousy, and the sadistic murder syndrome.
Schizophrenic patients usually assault a known per-
son, but if they assaulted a stranger, the arresting police
40.4.3 Fire Setting
officer is the most common target. The delusional ideas
There are about 30,000 episodes in England and Wales often motivate the violent behaviours and the patients
per year. The most common motives are revenge and usually admit experiencing command hallucinations
fraud insurance claims (Johnstone et al., 2004). The other after the violent offences. Schizophrenic patients with
causes include anger and the need to relieve tension by negative symptoms commit violent offences inadver-
fire setting (Chiswick and Cope, 1995). tently and neglectfully. In clinical practice, psychia-
There is a higher representation of men with LD trists should be aware that schizophrenic patients may
(IQ 70–79) because they display passive aggression and a display persistence of their normal selves especially in
sense of power or excitement during arson. Twenty to thirty patients without past history of violence (Chiswick and
per cent of arsonists have psychiatric disorders (e.g. alcohol Cope, 1995).
misuse, schizophrenia) (Gelder et al., 2001). Pyromania is a
rare condition when the arsonist derives sexual satisfaction
through fire setting. 40.5.1 Multiagency Public Protection
Most cases of arson (80%) do not lead to criminal Arrangements
conviction and only a tiny proportion lead to psychiatric
1. Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
disposal (more common in women) (Chiswick and Cope,
(MAPPA) is a collaboration of different
1995). The recidivism rate for arson is 10%. If it is a gang
responsible authorities in the United Kingdom
crime, the recidivism rate is low for the gang members but
aiming at public protection, and its main focus
high for the gang leader.
is on sex offenders or violent offenders and
offenders who pose a serious risk of harm to
40.5 DANGEROUSNESS the public.
2. The role of MAPPA involves sharing informa-
Dangerous individuals are people who have caused or who tion on offenders being referred, deciding on the
might cause serious harm to others. Its features include level of risk, setting up an action plan, monitoring
of the action plan, reviewing current risk level,
• Repetition
and considering the need of disclosure to relevant
• Incorrigibility
• Unpredictability
3. MAPPA has major differences from mental health
• Untreatability
services because it deals with its targets as offend-
• Infectiousness
ers rather than patients.
The best predictor of future dangerous behaviour is the 4. Offenders are not informed about the discussion
individual’s past behaviour. Shorter-term prediction is by MAPPA and they have no right to appeal.
(A) Assess Morbid
Jealousy (A3) Evidence to (A4) Degree of (A5)
Symptoms (A1) Onset (A2) Precipitants Support his Beliefs Conviction Consequences
‘Hello, I am ‘Can you describe ‘How did you arrive at ‘Could there be ‘I can imagine
Dr. Wilson. I can your recent the conclusion that your other possible that you have
imagine that you relationship with wife is unfaithful? Can explanations for her gone through a
have gone through a your wife?’ you share with me your infidelity?’ tough time. What
difficult period. Can ‘Is there any event evidence?’ ‘If I give you a scale is your plan on
you share with me which triggers off ‘Do you know the identity from 1–10, 1 means your marriage?
when you started to your suspicion?’ of the third party?’ that you do not Are you going to
suspect your wife is ‘Do you follow your wife? believe and 10 divorce your
having an affair?’ If yes, how often?’ means that you wife?’
Explore the temporal ‘How often do you call firmly believe that ‘Are you going to
relationship between your wife?’ your wife is confront her?’
the morbid jealousy, ‘Do you search her unfaithful, how do ‘How do you cope
alcohol misuse, and belongings? (e.g. hand you rate your with the current
diabetes. phone, text messages, belief?’ situation?’
underwear, handbag,
credit card bill)?’
(B) Risk (B2) Partner or (B5) Access to
Assessment (B1) Self Spouse (B3) The Third Party (B4) Children Weapons
‘Have you thought of ‘What would you do ‘Are you going to take ‘Do you have any ‘Do you have
harming yourself? If to your wife if she any action against the children? How old access to weapons?
yes, how would you still denies of the third party? If yes, how are they? What is If yes, what kind of
do it?’ affair? Will you be would you do it?’ their views on the weapons do you
more aggressive?’ current situation?’ have?’
‘Have you ever ‘Do you carry the
thought of harming weapon with you?’
them?’ ‘When will you
use it?’
(C) Psychiatry (C1) Alcohol and (C2) Psychosexual Psychotic
Comorbidity Drug History History (C3) Assess Mood Experience (C5) Personality
‘Can you take me ‘Do you encounter any ‘How is your mood at ‘Do you have ‘How do other
through how much sexual problem? this moment? Do you unusual experience people describe
you drink in a day?’ (e.g. cannot maintain feel sad? Can you tell such as hearing you as a person?
‘Has there been an erection during sex?) me more about your voices when no Do they say that
increase in alcohol If yes, how long did sleep, appetite and one is around? Do you are more
intake recently?’ you have this energy?’ the voices give you suspicious? Do
‘Have you developed problem? Was it ‘How do you see your instructions?’ you have problems
further problems as a related to diabetes?’ future? Do you feel ‘Do you feel that with your friends
result of drinking? ‘Can you tell me guilty? How is your someone wants to or neighbours? Do
(e.g. liver problems, more about your confidence level?’ harm you at this you trust them?’
fits, or head injury)’ past relationship? ‘Do you experience moment? Do you
‘When people are Did you suspect anxiety? Can you tell think there is plot
stressed, they turn your partners or girl me more about your behind your wife’s
into recreational friends in the past?’ fear?’ (e.g. losing his infidelity?’
drugs, have you ‘Have you been wife)
tried those drugs?’ unfaithful to your
partners in the past?’
Forensic Psychiatry 727
Source: Puri, B.K. and Treasaden, I.H., Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based Text, Hodder Arnold, London, U.K., 2011.
40.6 RISK ASSESSMENT static factors such as prior convictions, age at the time of the
offence and childhood factors, as well as dynamic factors
40.6.1 Actuarial and Clinical Risk Assessment such as substance abuse, access to weapons, and insight.
In general, actuarial risk assessment requires the collec- Clinical risk assessment is based on the professional
tion of a large amount of historical data that can indicate opinions of the clinician, who take a more holistic
whether the offender is likely to reoffend. approach to predicting whether an offender will reoffend.
Risk factors measured by actuarial tools can be static Clinicians may consider personality traits, presence of
(unchangeable) or dynamic (changeable). For example, an psychiatric illness, as well as biological, social, and psy-
actuarial risk prediction tool may measure a number of chological factors that are related to offending.
Forensic Psychiatry 729
(B) Risk
Assessment and (B2)Past History of (B3) Access to
Historical Factors (B1) Assess Aggression Violence Weapons (B4) Forensic History (B5) Suicide
‘Did you feel aroused ‘Can you tell me under ‘If yes, where are (Look for vandalism, (Look for
after assaulting the what circumstances you those weapons at sexual offences, and dangerous
victim?’ would attack the others?’ this moment?’ drug trafficking methods such as
‘Did you plan for the ‘Were you under ‘Do other patients offences.) hanging.)
assault beforehand?’ supervision in the know about it?’ ‘What happened after ‘Did you attempt
‘Is there any goal you community by the public ‘Do you own those the court hearing? suicide in the
can achieve by being protection panel?’ weapons? Do you Were you sentenced past? If yes, how
violent?’ share weapons with to the correctional many times?’
‘Are you hostile to the other patients?’ services? If yes, for ‘What made you to
victim?’ how long?’ attempt suicide in
the past? Did you
attempt suicide in
the prison?’
(C3) Motor Agitation
(C) Clinical (C2)Paranoid Accompanied
Factors Leading to (C1) Auditory Misinterpretation by Poor (C4) Depression or (C5) Substance
the Violence Hallucinations of Staff Concentration Mania Abuse
‘Do you have any ‘Do you feel that the ‘Have you been ‘How do you feel ‘Have you ever used
unusual experience staff are doing feeling restless about yourself at any drug or
such as hearing voices something behind you? lately?’ present?’ alcohol prior to
when no one is Do you feel that they ‘What has caused ‘How’s your sleep admission to the
around? If yes, what want to harm you? If that? Could it be and appetite?’ ward?
do the voices say?’ yes, what is their related to ‘Do you feel low in ‘How do you feel if
‘Do the voices give motive?’ psychiatric your mood?’ you do not have
you any instruction? ‘Do you feel that the staff medications?’ ‘How about feeling those drugs? Do
Do they ask you to or other patients are ‘How do you find high? Have you you feel shaky?’
attack the nurse?’ talking behind you?’ your attention or ever felt as if you ‘Do you want to go
‘How certain you are concentration?’ are on top of the out of the ward to
about your suspicion? world or as if you get those drugs?’
Could it be a have special
misunderstanding?’ powers?’
(D) Background (D1) Childhood (D2) Socioeconomic (D4) Past Medical
History and Family Status (D3) Personality History (D5) Insight
‘Were you bought up in ‘Can you tell me your ‘Can you tell me ‘Did you suffer from ‘In general, do
a violent employment status prior more about your any head injury?’ you feel that you
environment?’ to admission?’ (Look for character?’ ‘Did you have fit are aggressive?’
‘How do you feel about occupations that have ‘Are you concerned before?’ ‘Do you think
your parents? Is your access to firearms.) about the safety of your violent or
father an alcoholic? ‘Do you have difficulty to other people?’ aggressive
Does he have trouble stay in one job?’ ‘Are you an honest behaviour is
with the law?’ person? Do you acceptable?’
‘Were you cruel to tend to tell lies?’ ‘Could it be related
animals?’ ‘How often do you to an underlying
‘Did you set fire in the feel frustrated? psychiatric
past?’ What would you do condition? If yes,
‘Did you have difficulty if you are do you want
to follow school rules?’ frustrated?’ treatment?’
Forensic Psychiatry 731
Legal systems
in the
United Kingdom
Prosecution Defence
All criminal and (evidence is (evidence is
civil courts in heard first) heard second) Death Mental health
England follow
inquiry review
adversarial system
To protect
public from
serious harm
medical report to the court. The psychiatrist needs to d. Ability to challenge the juror: ‘Do you know
state that the assessment is similar to other clinical what it means if they say you can object to
interviews except that he or she has to share the infor- some of the members of the jury in your
mation with the court. case?’
These should include the following: e. Ability to challenge a witness: ‘If you dis-
agree with what a witness is saying in court,
1. A full history and mental state examination what could you do about it?’
2. Obtaining an account of the offence from the f. Ability to follow the course of the trial and
offender understand the evidence: ‘Will you be able
a. Assess mental state during the offence and to follow the procedures in the court?’
explore the possible influences of substances There are instruments to assess fitness to stand trial:
on mood and perception.
b. Explore details of the offence such as degree 1. Fitness Interview Test—Revised (FIT-R): a reli-
and quality of violence, use of weapons, pre- able and sensitive semistructured instrument
meditation, and planning. to screen for fitness to stand trial (McDonald
c. Aftermath of the offence: Did the offender et al., 1991).
offer any help to the victim? Explore guilt 2. The Nussbaum Fitness Questionnaire (NFQ):
and victim’s empathy. Assess defence mech- a 19-item self-report measure focusing on legal
anisms and insight. issues typically addressed during fitness inter-
d. Relationship with the victim: Was the vic- views (Nussbaum et al., 2008).
tim provocative? (e.g. the victim was drunk Mental state at the time of the offence is irrelevant to
and violent). Was the victim the intended the fitness to plead. Although the prevalence of men-
target? tal illness is high among the defendants, the number of
3. Obtaining an objective account of the offence cases found unfit to plead and given a restriction order
from police statements is less than 50 per year in the United Kingdom. Rates of
4. Obtaining an objective account of previous mental illness are higher in remanded prisoners com-
offences pared to sentenced prisoners as ill offenders are often
5. Additional information from relatives, friends, diverted. Among those on remand, female prisoners
social workers, probation officers, etc. show more behavioural disorder than male prisoners.
6. Assessing the current circumstances In criminal cases, medical report (Table 40.2)
a. Assess current impulse control. requested by the court or the Crown Prosecution
b. Assess his or her relationship with other Service will be disclosed in the court to the defendants
offenders in the custody. and prosecutors. On the other hand, the medical report
c. Assess his or her views towards custody offi- requested by the defence solicitor may be retained by
cers and other mental health professionals. the solicitor if the report does not help his or her client.
d. Explore current stressors. In civil cases, the medical report is always the property
e. Assess risk to self and others. of the person who requests it.
7. A review of previous psychiatric and other relevant
records 40.8.3 Classification of Homicide
8. Assessing fitness to plead
(Stone et al., 2000)
a. Understanding of the charge and its implica-
tion: ‘Do you understand what the police say In the United Kingdom, there are 600–700 homicides
you have done wrong?’ per year. There are around 220 manslaughter verdicts per
b. Understanding and appreciating the impor- year with a wide discretion in sentencing. Homicides are
tance of entering a plea: ‘Do you know the divided into normal and abnormal homicides based on
difference between saying guilty and not the legal outcome. Normal homicides include a convic-
guilty?’ tion for murder or manslaughter. Abnormal homicides
c. Ability to instruct counsel: ‘Can you tell include a conviction of diminished responsibility or
your solicitor your side of story?’ infanticide (Figure 40.2).
Forensic Psychiatry 733
TABLE 40.2
Psychiatric Court Report Model
Para 1 Introduction: Inform the court of when and where the patient was seen; at whose request; what information was available,
e.g. statements related to the case; who were the informants; and sometimes what information was not available. State the
current offence(s) with date for which it is charged.
Para 2 Inform the court of his or her past medical history and of the result of medical examination, e.g. ‘Physical examination
revealed no abnormality’.
Para 3 Report the important, relevant points of the family history, including family psychiatric disorder and criminality.
Para 4 Personal history: Report the important points of his or her personal history, i.e. physical development, e.g. birth, milestones,
bedwetting (enuresis), schooling (e.g. bully/bullied, truancy), and occupational history (which will include difficulties
sustaining employment or with colleagues at work).
Para 5 Report his or her sexual and marital history: Be reasonably discreet as the report may be read in open court.
Para 6 Report details of his or her personality in terms of social interaction, emotions, and habits, e.g. drinking, gambling, and
Para 7 Report past forensic history, e.g. past convictions. This is, however, inadmissible.
Para 8 Report past psychiatric history (dates, diagnoses, relevant details, and relationship of mental disorder and treatment to
Para 9 Report circumstances leading to current offence(s) and the defendant’s state of mind at the time of the offence. Restrict
discussion to the phenomena observed, e.g. ‘For the time of the offence he gives a history of tearfulness, loss of hope, poor
sleeping’ and ‘These are symptoms of the mental illness of depressive disorder’.
Para 10 Report the result of the interview: ‘He showed/did not show evidence of mental illness or mental impairment.’ Then give a brief
outline of the evidence, e.g. ‘He muttered to himself, looked around the room as though hallucinating’, or list symptoms detected
and say ‘These are symptoms of the severe mental illness of schizophrenia’.
Information in paragraphs 1–10 should be factual, verifiable, and ideally agreed by all, even if others’ opinions of these facts differ from your
Para 11 The final paragraph should express your opinion. The court will be interested particularly in your opinion regarding the
(a) Is the defendant fit to plead and stand his or her trial?
(b) Is he or she suffering from a mental disorder, i.e. mental illness, a form of mental impairment, or psychopathic disorder?
(c) Where appropriate, comment on issues of responsibility, e.g. not guilty by reason of insanity; diminished responsibility in
cases of homicide.
(d) If suffering from mental disorder, can arrangements be made for his or her treatment in the National Health Service?
(Arrange this if you think they can.)
Make suggestions to the court about which Mental Health Act order would be appropriate, e.g. Sections 37/41 in England and Wales, or suggest
treatment as a condition of a Probation Order, e.g. ‘In my opinion this man suffers from the severe mental illness schizophrenia, characterized by
delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations (voices, or visions). I consider he would benefit from treatment in a psychiatric hospital. I have made
arrangements for a bed to be reserved for him at X hospital under Section 37 of the Mental Health Act 1983 if the court considers that this would be
appropriate. I additionally recommend, if the court so agrees, that he be made subject to restrictions under Section 41 of the Mental Health Act 1983
to protect the public from serious harm and to facilitate his long-term psychiatric management, including specifying the conditions of his discharge
from hospital, e.g. of residence and compliance with out-patient psychiatric treatment’. As an alternative: ‘In my opinion this man does not suffer from
mental illness, mental impairment nor psychopathic disorder and is not detainable in hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983. He has an anxious
and dependent personality disorder, requires considerable support and would benefit from group psychotherapy as an out-patient. The court may
consider that it would be an appropriate disposal to help this man if he were to attend an out-patient group under my direction at X Health Centre as a
condition of probation’.
Comment should be made on any mitigating circumstances, e.g. marital/work stress, and on the prognosis. Express any doubts you may have
as to the likelihood of benefit from treatment.
If you have no psychiatric recommendation, say so, e.g. ‘I have no psychiatric recommendation to make in this case’.
Finally, if essential information is lacking or if time is not sufficient to make the necessary arrangements for a hospital bed, then do not hesitate
to state your findings up to date, state what you would like to do, and ask for a further period of remand.
Source: Reproduced from Puri, B.K. and Treasaden, I.H., Textbook of Psychiatry, 3rd edn., Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, U.K., 2011. With
734 Revision Notes in Psychiatry
e.g. on behalf of Murder is an Murder is reduced An unlawful and The actus reus When a
the state, e.g. offence under the to manslaughter by dangerous act; the consists of a woman by
taken by people common law. It is diminished actus reus breach of a duty any wilful act
in the army or the defined as an responsibility as a (committing an act of care that the causes the
police; excusable, unlawful killing result of abnormality of which is known to accused owes to death of her
e.g. a pure accident with malice mind, provocation, be against the law) the victim, with child under
or an honest or aforethought (an killing in pursuance consists of an the result that this the age of 12
reasonable intention to inflict of a suicide pact. unlawful act that is breach leads to months. She
mistake. grievous bodily Diminished dangerous and the victim's death. has not fully
harm or to kill). responsibility can causes death. recovered
only be used in a from the
charge of murder. effect of
Offender has the
giving birth
intention to kill,
to the child
without prior
or the effect
provoc ation and
of lactation.
psychiatric illness.
–Life imprisonment
–Lesser prison
Life sentence or
imprisonment –Probation or
–Hospital order
under MHA or
–Restriction order.
40.8.4 McNaughton Rules (Puri et al., 2012) reason, memory and understanding’ and disease refers
to ‘organic/functional, permanent/temporary, treat-
In this defence, the offender is arguing that he or she is able/not treatable’, and is ‘internal’. Criticisms of the
not guilty by reason of his or her insanity. The offender McNaughton Rules include a small number of offend-
meets the McNaughton Rules if he or she fulfils the fol- ers meeting the rigid criteria and ignoring the linkage
lowing criteria: with other higher mental functions (e.g. emotion and
1. That by reason of such defect from disease of cognition).
the mind, the person did not know the nature or
quality of his or her act. Diminished Responsibility
2. The person did not know that what he or she was (Puri et al., 2012)
doing was wrong (forbidden by law). In the case of a charge of murder, a defence of dimin-
3. If the person was suffering from a delusion, ished responsibility (Homicide Act 1957) may be brought
then his or her actions would be judged by the in, whereupon it has to be shown that, at the time of the
relationship to the delusion, that is, if he or she offence, the offender suffered from:
believed his or her life to be immediately threat-
ened, then he or she would be justified in strik- such abnormality of mind, whether caused from a con-
ing out, but not otherwise. dition of arrested or retarded development of mind or
any inherent causes or induced by disease or injury, as
In the legal concepts, the term ‘disease of mind’ substantially impai red [the individual’s] mental respon-
is divided into two parts. Mind refers to ‘mind for sibility for [his or her] act.
Forensic Psychiatry 735
TABLE 40.4
Forensic Treatment Orders for Mentally Abnormal Offenders
Eligibility for Appeal
Medical Maximum to Mental Health
Grounds Made by Recommendation Duration Review Tribunal
Section 35—Remand Mental disorder Magistrate’s or Any doctor 28 days; renewable
to hospital for report Crown Court at 28 day intervals;
maximum 12 weeks
Section 36—Remand Mental disorder (not Crown Court Two doctors: one 28 days; renewable
to hospital for if charged with approved under at 28 day intervals;
treatment murder) Section 12 maximum 12 weeks
Section 37—Hospital Mental disorder— Magistrate’s or Two doctors: one 6 months; During second
and guardianship accused or convicted Crown Court approved under renewable for 6 months; then every
orders (Section 37(3) of an imprisonable Section 12 further 6 months year; mandatory
without conviction) offence and then annually every 3 years
Section 41— Added to Section 37 Crown Court Oral evidence from Usually without limit As Section 37
Restriction order to protect public one doctor of time; effect—
from serious harm leave, transfer, or
discharge only with
consent from the
Justice Secretary
Section 38—Interim Mental disorder— Magistrate’s or Two doctors: one 12 weeks; renewable None
hospital order for trial of Crown Court approved under at 28 day intervals;
treatment Section 12 maximum 12
Section 47—Transfer Mental disorder Justice Secretary Two doctors: one Until earliest date of Once in the first
of sentenced approved under release (EDR) 6 months; then once
prisoner to hospital Section 12 from sentence in the next 6 months;
thereafter, once a year
Section 48—Urgent Mental disorder Justice Secretary Two doctors: one Until date of trial or Once in the first
transfer to hospital approved under sentence 6 months; then once
of remand prisoner Section 12 in the next 6 months;
thereafter, once a year
Section 49— Added to Section 47 Justice Secretary Until end of Section As for Sections 47
Restriction direction or Section 48 47 or 48; and 48 to which it is
effect—leave, applied
transfer, or
discharge only
with consent of
Justice Secretary
Source: Puri, B.K. and Treasaden, I.H., Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based Text, Hodder Arnold, London, U.K., 2011.
Forensic Psychiatry 737
‘Thanks for sharing ‘I can refer you to ‘I will also refer you ‘Do you have a ‘Will you look for
with me. I see a psychologist to see a social lawyer her again if you
understand that you for psychotherapy. worker who will representing you are released from
have gone through I would recommend address your social at this moment? here? She is also
a lot of stress. I cognitive and occupational The court will under tremendous
would like to share behavioural therapy needs in long run’. decide whether the stress. Would you
with you some of (CBT). It will help treatment will take mind to cancel
the treatment you to change your place in a hospital your plan to visit
which I can offer to behaviour and you or in the her? Do you have
you. Are you will be more community’. other concerns?’
interested to hear sympathetic to the
about it? There are nurse’.
medications like
mood stabilizers or
which could help
Preparation for the various parts of the MRCPsych • Try to keep up with a good selection of journals.
examination or similar psychiatric examinations should Try to make a habit of at least skimming the
ideally begin early during one’s psychiatric higher titles and abstracts of relevant papers published
training. This brief chapter mentions some important in journals such as
key points that should enable a candidate to perform well • American Journal of Psychiatry
in these examinations: • JAMA Psychiatry
• British Journal of Psychiatry
• Familiarize yourself with the format of the • Lancet
examinations. Always check the latest version • New England Journal of Medicine
of the examination regulations.
• Particularly early on during your training, it is If you are interested in biological psychiatry, then
invaluable to clerk as many patients as you can, Nature Neuroscience Reviews is an excellent source of
including in the psychiatric subspecialties. Try to high-quality up-to-date erudite review papers.
find suitable opportunities to present such cases, for
example, in ward rounds and at case conferences. • Make it a regular habit to attend (and present at)
• Being on call in a busy psychiatric rotation can journal clubs and relevant research meetings.
offer an excellent opportunity to see a wide vari- • There are many books and online sources of
ety of different patients and to make numerous multiple-choice questions, extended matched
clinical decisions that cause you to learn about items, etc. Obtain those of a high quality,
or revise your knowledge of different conditions preferably sources that give explanations to
and different treatments. Rather than avoiding the answers, and try to work through these
the busiest jobs on the rotation, you might wish diligently. Whenever you make a mistake, go
to consider volunteering for those placements, back and reread the corresponding textbook
seeing them as valuable learning opportunities. material until you understand the relevant
• Try to begin your study of suitable textbooks as subject matter.
early as possible during your training. • In the 6 months leading up to a clinical exam-
• There may be good courses available locally. ination, try to find the opportunity to see and
You should supplement the course material with present cases under examination conditions to
detailed textbook learning. senior colleagues.
notes in
Third EdiTion
Revision Notes in Psychiatry, Third Edition continues to provide a clear and contemporary summary of
clinical psychiatry and the scientific fundamentals of the discipline. It is an essential study aid for all those
preparing for postgraduate examinations in psychiatry and a superb reference for practising psychiatrists.
Structured to follow the entire MRCPsych exam syllabus, the book covers the key areas in Papers 1, 2,
and 3, along with the CACS examination. Fully updated with recent references and many additional
figures, this third edition features a wealth of new material (including NICE guidelines) and updates the
DSM-IV-TR criteria to the new DSM-5.
Designed to meet the needs of today’s candidates, Revision Notes in Psychiatry, Third Edition continues
to provide a source of trusted expert information to ensure examination success for all those taking higher
examinations in psychiatry.
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