Dear Sir,
This has reference to your application in Application Form of the Project, Letter dated 13/7/2010
seeking amendment in the prescribed TORs, Letter dated 13/10/2010 and a notarized undertaking stating
that they have removed 25 MW coal based CPP from the proposal, Final EIA Report submitted vide letter
dated 23/2/2011 and Additional details / documents submitted vide letter dated 29/4/2011 submitted to the
SEAC, seeking Environmental Clearance under Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 and
your letter dated 17/5/2011.
The proposal is for Environmental Clearance setting up of the Textile Park (95.84 acre) and a
CETP (10 MLD capacity) located at Block No 692/2, 694, 697 to 706, 709 to 713, 715, 718, Vill.
Mahuvej, Dist. Surat by M/s. M/s. Fairdeal Textile Park Private Limited. The textile Park is set up in an
area of about 57.44 acres (Block No. 692/2, 699, 703, 705, 706, 701,702, 700, 711,712, 713, 715) and
textile park has planned to purchase about 38.40 acres (Block no. 697, 698, 694, 704, 710, 718) of land.
After purchase of additional land, total plot area of the park will be 95.84 acres at Vill. Mahuvej, Dist. Surat.
The textile park will house units of texturizing, weaving, embroidery, technical textiles, yarn preparatory,
sizing etc. It is also proposed to set up a CETP of 10 MLD capacity within the textile park. Initially, CPP
[25 MW coal based] was also proposed to be installed, but later on it was dropped from the proposal. The
textile park will house units of texturizing, weaving, embroidery, technical textiles, yarn preparatory, sizing
etc. The capacities of the units proposed to be set up in the Park as mentioned in the EIA report is shown
below :
Sr. Activity No. of Looms Total Production
No. Capacity / day
1 Texturising -- 272000 Kgs
2 Weaving Approx. 1376 no. 343944 meters
3 Composite Unit - 1
- Texturising -- 20400 Kgs
- Weaving Approx. 56 no. 14050 meters
- Sizing -- 4545 Kgs
4 Composite Unit - 2
- Texturising -- 20400 Kgs
- Weaving Approx. 56 no. 14050 meters
The project activity is covered in 7(c)&7(h) and is of ‘B’ Category. The public Hearing is carried out on
30.12.2010 at 10:00 hrs. at in the premises of “Swami Atmanand Seva Trust”, Kosamba-Sava Road,
Block No.144, Village.Mahuvej, Tal.Mangrol, Dist.Surat.
The SEAC, Gujarat had recommended to the SEIAA, Gujarat, to grant the Environment Clearance
Office : Gujarat Pollution Control Board, “Paryavaran Bhavan” Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 1 of 6
Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.:-(079) 232-22784
E-mail : seiaaguj@yahoo.com, Website:- www.seiaa.gujarat.gov.in
to this project for the above-mentioned limestone mine. The public hearing has been conducted on
30.12.2010 and the proposal was considered by SEIAA, Gujarat in its meeting held on 25.05.2011 at
Gandhinagar. The SEIAA hereby accords Environmental Clearance to above project under the provisions
of EIA Notification dated 14th September, 2006 subject to the compliance of the following Specific and
General conditions.:
1. FTPL shall permit only texturising, weaving, embroidery, technical textiles, yarn preparatory, sizing
units in the Textile Park.
2. No dyeing / printing unit or process house shall be permitted in the Textile Park and to become a
member of the proposed CETP as per the undertaking dated 18/10/2010 submitted to the SEAC.
3. FTPL shall ensure that entire quantity of treated effluent shall be recycled / reused by the member units
and there shall be no industrial effluent discharge from the Textile Park.
4. Initial fresh water requirement for the textile park shall not exceed 10785 KL/day and regular fresh
water requirement shall not exceed 927 KL/day. The fresh water requirement shall be fulfilled by the
canal water supply as far as possible and ground water shall be used in emergency situations only
when canal water is not available.
5. Metering of canal water and ground water consumption shall be done; its records shall be maintained
and furnished to the GPCB every month.
6. The effluent quantity received from the member units for treatment shall not exceed 10 MLD.
7. CETP inlet norms (as stated in the EIA report) for member units shall be as follows:
Sr. Parameter Units Inlet Norms Desired treated
No. effluent quality
1 pH -- 6.5 to 7.5 7 to 8
2 Oil & Grease mg/l 60 <10
3 Suspended Solids mg/l 100 <60
4 TDS mg/l 250 <300
5 COD mg/l 500 <100
6 BOD mg/l 200 <30
For rest of the parameters, appropriate inlet CETP norms shall be fixed in view of the CETP inlet
standards prescribed in the E.P. Rules and in consultation with the GPCB.
8. FTPL shall establish the CETP of 10 MLD capacity having adequate primary, secondary and tertiary
effluent treatment facilities (as mentioned in the REIA Report). The CETP shall be operated regularly
and efficiently to achieve the desired treated effluent quality shown in table in condition no 5
9. Entire quantity of treated industrial effluent shall be recycled / reused by the member units. Hence,
there shall be no effluent discharge from the CETP.
10. Domestic wastewater generation shall be 135 KL/day and it shall be treated in the STP. The STP shall
be operated regularly and efficiently in order to achieve the GPCB norms at the outlet.
11. Out of 135 KL/day treated sewage, @ 85 KL/day shall be reused in toilet flushing & floor washing
whereas balance @ 49 KL/day shall be utilized for plantation / gardening in about 10000 sq.m. area
within the park premises. RO reject water (@ 15 KL/day) shall be reused in toilet flushing & floor
12. Magnetic flow meters shall be provided at the inlet and outlet of the CETP and records of the same
shall be maintained and submitted to the GPCB regularly.
13. Enough care shall be taken to prevent any leakages/accidental spillages during conveyance of the
untreated effluent from the member units to the CETP as well as treated effluent from the CETP to
member units for its recycle/reuse.
14. FTPL shall form a "Monitoring Cell" within Environment Management Cell which shall carry out regular
monitoring of the member units for enforcement of the inlet norms of the CETP, including collection of
the samples at outlet of the member units. Quality of the effluent discharge from member units shall be
analyzed and records of the same shall be maintained and furnished to the GPCB every month.
Office : Gujarat Pollution Control Board, “Paryavaran Bhavan” Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 2 of 6
Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.:-(079) 232-22784
E-mail : seiaaguj@yahoo.com, Website:- www.seiaa.gujarat.gov.in
15. A proper CETP operation logbook containing records of quantity and quality of effluent received from
the member units, quantity and quality of effluent supplied to member units for recycle/reuse, quality of
effluent at each stage of treatment, chemicals used, MLSS / MLVSS & DO concentrations in Aeration
Tanks, quantity of sludge extracted from the treatment process, energy consumption in treatment etc.
shall be maintained and furnished to the GPCB from time to time. Details of the member units failing to
comply with the CETP inlet norms shall be submitted to the GPCB on regular basis.
16. No bypass line or system, or loose or flexible pipe shall be kept in the CETP.
17. All the chemicals and nutrients required to be added / dosed in any CETP unit shall be added by using
"Metering Pumps" only.
18. Guard Pond shall be provided to hold effluent for at least 48 hours in the case of either maintenance of
the CETP or disturbances in CETP operations.
19. In case of power failure, stand-by D.G.Set/s having power generation capacity equivalent to the
requirement of power to run the CETP shall be installed, so that the CETP shall always be operated
round the clock even in case of power failure.
20. The third party inspection of the CETP with respect to the compliance of the norms shall be carried out
through a reputed institute like NEERI, IIT or any academic / research institute once in a year and
mitigation measures as may be suggested by such institute shall be implemented in consultation with
the Gujarat Pollution Control Board.
21. For detection of leakage, monthly visual inspection of the total conveyance pipelines shall be carried
out. Pigging shall be once in year or earlier as per requirement to clean the pipeline.
A.2 AIR:
22. HSD to the tune of 150 lit/hour shall be used as a fuel in the D.G.Set (1000 KVA) proposed at the
CETP. Stack of adequate height as per the prevailing norms shall be provided for the D.G.Set. The flue
gas emission from the D.G.Set shall conform to the standards prescribed by GPCB. At no time, the
emission levels shall go beyond the stipulated standards.
23. FTPL shall install a continuous ambient air quality station within the park, with an arrangement to reflect
monitored data on the CETP’s server, which can be accessed by the GPCB on real time basis. The
location of ambient air quality monitoring station shall be reviewed in consultation with the GPCB.
24. FTPL shall ensure installation of proper air pollution control measures by the member industry for
compliance of the prevailing GPCB norms.
25. As and when supply of natural gas is available at the Textile Park, the FTPL shall encourage members
to switch over from solid fuel to natural gas.
26. All transporting routes within the Textile Park shall have asphalt roads to minimize fugitive emission.
27. FTPL must strictly comply with the rules and regulations with regards to handing and disposal of
Hazardous waste in accordance with the Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and
Transboundary) Rules 2008. Authorization from the GPCB must be obtained for collection / treatment /
storage /disposal of hazardous wastes.
28. The hazardous solid wastes shall be dried, packed and stored in hazardous waste storage area facility
with pucca bottom with adequate leachate collection facility.
29. CETP sludge, spent carbon and used resin shall be sent to the common TSDF for disposal. Proper
logbook shall be maintained for this purpose and shall be furnished to the GPCB from time to time.
30. FTPL shall explore the possibility of cleaner production especially with respect to reduction and reuse
of CETP sludge.
31. The discarded containers shall be either retuned back to supplier or sold only to the authorized
recyclers after proper decontamination.
32. Used oil shall be sold only to the registered recyclers.
33. Adequate hand rails shall be provided to all the CETP units for preventing fall of any person in the
CETP tanks.
34. All necessary precautionary measures shall be taken to avoid any kind of accident during storage and
handling of chemicals. Handling and dosing of the materials shall be done in such a manner that
minimal human exposure occurs.
35. FTPL shall strictly comply with the provisions made in Manufacture Storage and Impact of Hazardous
Office : Gujarat Pollution Control Board, “Paryavaran Bhavan” Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 3 of 6
Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.:-(079) 232-22784
E-mail : seiaaguj@yahoo.com, Website:- www.seiaa.gujarat.gov.in
Chemicals Rules 1989 as amended in 2000 for handling of hazardous chemicals. Necessary approvals
from the Govt Authorities shall be obtained before expansion of the project, if applicable.
36. All Transportation of Hazardous Chemicals shall be as per the Motor Vehicle Act & Rules.
37. Hazardous materials storage shall be at an isolated designated location, bund/dyke walls shall be
provided for storage tanks for Hazardous Chemicals.
38. Personal Protective Equipment shall be provided to workers and its usage shall be ensured and
39. First Aid Box and required Antidotes for the chemicals used in the unit shall be made readily available
in adequate quantity at all the times.
40. Training shall be given to all workers on safety and health aspects of handling chemicals.
41. Occupational health surveillance of the workers shall be carried out on a regular basis and records
shall be maintained as per the Factories Act and Rules. Pre-employment and periodical medical
examination for all workers shall be undertaken as per statutory requirement.
42. The project management shall prepare a detailed Disaster Management Plan (DMP) for the project as
per the guidelines from Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health.
43. The overall noise level in and around the Textile Park shall be kept well within the standards by
providing noise control measures including engineering controls like acoustic insulation hoods,
silencers, enclosures etc. on all sources of noise generation. The ambient noise level shall confirm to
the standards prescribed under The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 & Rules.
44. FTPL shall develop green belt within the premises as per the CPCB guidelines, preferably with local
fast growing species. The unit shall also tie up with local agencies like gram panchayat, schools, social
forest office etc. for plantation and shall submit an action plan of plantation for next five years to the
GPCB. Drip irrigation system shall be used for the green belt for optimum utilization of the water
45. A separate Environment Management Cell equipped with full fledged testing laboratory facilities shall
be set up to carry out the Environment Management and Monitoring functions.
46. Construction of the proposed Textile Park and CETP shall be undertaken meticulously keeping in view
the existing natural drainage pattern of the project site to ensure that the natural drainage is not
affected and also confirming to the existing central / local rules and regulations. All the construction
designs/drawings relating to the proposed construction activities must have approvals of the concerned
State Government Department/Agencies.
47. In the event of the CETP's not functioning as proposed / breakdown of the CETP, the member units
shall be immediately intimated to stop discharging the effluent / to shut down their plants immediately.
The effluent from the member units shall not be received at CETP until the desired efficiency of the
CETP has been achieved.
48. Adequate spares for effluent collection, handling and transfer shall be maintained at all times.
49. If the CETP fails to achieve the GPCB norms at its outlet; the individual member unit shall provide and
operate the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) with adequate primary, secondary and tertiary treatment
facility to achieve the GPCB norms.
50. FTPL shall comply with all the recommendations of CPCB guidelines for CETP as may be applicable
from time to time.
51. FTPL shall maintain accurate records of their member units in respect of quantity of each product
manufactured, quantity of water consumption, quality of trade effluent, quantity of effluent generated,
booked & supplied to the CETP on day to day basis and shall submit the compiled records to the
GPCB on monthly basis.
52. FTPL shall ensure that each & every member unit renews the agreement on/before expiry of said
agreement and shall inform the GPCB about any unit not renewing the agreement within stipulated
period. FTPL shall immediately inform the Gujarat Pollution Control Board about termination /
suspension of the CETP membership of any member unit.
53. FTPL shall instruct and make sure that each member unit provides effluent storage tank having
adequate retention time, from where the effluent shall go to the CETP for further treatment.
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Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.:-(079) 232-22784
E-mail : seiaaguj@yahoo.com, Website:- www.seiaa.gujarat.gov.in
54. FTPL shall ensure that separate network is provided for effluent conveyance and storm water
respectively, which shall be monitored in the monsoon season so that member units do not discharge
storm water along with effluent in the proposed CETP.
55. FTPL shall not allow any new member or enhance effluent quantity of existing members unless & until
they have prior requisite permissions from competent authorities.
56. Pucca flooring / impervious layer shall be provided in the work areas, chemical storage areas and
chemical handling areas to minimize soil contamination.
57. Good house keeping shall be maintained within the CETP premises. All pipes, valves and drains shall
be leak proof. Leakages from the pipes, pumps, shall be minimal and if occurs, shall be arrested
promptly. Floor washing shall be admitted in to the effluent collection system for subsequent treatment
and disposal.
58. During effluent transfer, spillages shall be avoided and garland drain be constructed to avoid mixing of
accidental spillages with storm water.
59. Storm water shall not be mixed with the effluent. The storm water drains shall be kept separate and
shall remain dry throughout the year except monsoon.
60. FTPL shall intimate the GPCB about occurrence of any accident, act or event resulting in discharge of
poisonous, noxious or polluting matter or the likelihood of the same into a stream or land or well.
61. The funds earmarked for environment protection measures should be maintained in a separate account
and there should be no diversion of these funds for any other purpose. A year-wise expenditure on
environmental safeguards should be reported.
62. All the issues raised in the public hearing shall be comprehensively addressed / complied with in a time
bound manner.
63. FTPL shall assign specific budget for socio-economic upliftment of the surrounding villages and shall
undertake eco-developmental measures including community welfare program most useful in the
project area for the overall improvement of the environment in consultation with the District
Development Officer / District Collector.
64. FTPL shall comply with all the recommendations as well as the environmental protection measures and
risk mitigation measures/safeguards proposed in the REIA Report, Risk Assessment Report & Disaster
Management Plan of the project.
65. FTPL shall thrive to obtain the ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 certification.
66. FTPL shall also comply with any additional condition that may be imposed by the SEAC or the SEIAA
or any other competent authority for the purpose of the environmental protection and management.
67. No further expansion or modifications in the plant shall be carried out without prior approval of the
MoEF/ SEIAA, as the case may be. In case of deviations or alterations in the project proposal from
those submitted to MoEF/ SEIAA/ SEAC for clearance, a fresh reference shall be made to the SEIAA/
SEAC to assess the adequacy of conditions imposed and to add additional environmental protection
measures required, if any.
68. The project authorities shall earmark adequate funds to implement the conditions stipulated by SEIAA
as well as GPCB along with the implementation schedule for all the conditions stipulated herein. The
funds so provided shall not be diverted for any other purpose.
69. The applicant shall inform the public that the project has been accorded environmental clearance by
the SEIAA and that the copies of the clearance letter are available with the GPCB and may also be
seen at the Website of SEIAA/ SEAC/ GPCB. This shall be advertised within seven days from the date
of the clearance letter, in at least two local newspapers that are widely circulated in the region, one of
which shall be in the Gujarati language and the other in English. A copy each of the same shall be
forwarded to the concerned Regional Office of the Ministry.
70. It shall be mandatory for the project management to submit half-yearly compliance report in respect of
the stipulated prior environmental clearance terms and conditions in hard and soft copies to the
regulatory authority concerned, on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year.
71. The project authorities shall also adhere to the stipulations made by the Gujarat Pollution Control
72. The project authorities shall inform the GPCB, Regional Office of MoEF and SEIAA about the date of
Office : Gujarat Pollution Control Board, “Paryavaran Bhavan” Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 5 of 6
Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.:-(079) 232-22784
E-mail : seiaaguj@yahoo.com, Website:- www.seiaa.gujarat.gov.in
financial closure and final approval of the project by the concerned authorities and the date of start of
the project.
73. The SEIAA may revoke or suspend the clearance, if implementation of any of the above conditions is
not found satisfactory.
74. The above conditions shall be enforced, inter-alia under the provisions of the Water (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act,1974, Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986, Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement)
Rules, 2008 and the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 along with their amendments and rules.
75. This Environmental Clearance is valid for five years from the date of issue.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
Member Secretary
Issued to:
M/s. Fairdeal Textile Park Private Limited
3rd Floor, Dawar Chambers,
Near Sub Jail, Ring Road,
Surat – 395 002.
Copy to:-
1. The Secretary, Department of Environment and Forests, Govt. of Gujarat, Secretariat, Gandhinagar-
2. The Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board , Parivesh Bhavan, CBD -cum-Office Complex,
East Arjun Nagar, New Delhi-110032
3. The Chief Conservator of Forests (Central), Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Regional Office (WZ), E-5, Arera Colony, Link Road-3, Bhopal-462016, MP
4. Monitoring Cell, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, New
5. The Member Secretary, Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector-10 A,
6. Select File.
Member Secretary
Office : Gujarat Pollution Control Board, “Paryavaran Bhavan” Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 6 of 6
Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.:-(079) 232-22784
E-mail : seiaaguj@yahoo.com, Website:- www.seiaa.gujarat.gov.in