VAC Sem-3 Aryabhata 2024-25
VAC Sem-3 Aryabhata 2024-25
VAC Sem-3 Aryabhata 2024-25
Summary: Aryabhata was a prominent Indian mathematician and astronomer who is the
Father of Indian Mathematics. He is well known all around the world for his elegant pieces
of work, legacy and inventions in these fields. He was the first mathematician cum
astronomer from the classical period of Indian mathematics and astronomy. His pieces of
work include the Aryabhatiya (c. 499), the main surviving Scripture from Aryabhata's
classical pieces of work which is scripted in 118 verses describing Hindu Mathematics up to
that time, and the now lost Aryasiddhanta. The place Kusumapura is situated near
Patalipurta (Patna), then the capital of the Gupta dynasty, where he wrote at least these
two pieces of treatises. It studies subjects such as plane and spherical trigonometry,
quadratic equations, arithmetic and algebra. Aryabhata is also considered a great pioneer
physicist for his explicitly describing the relativity of motion. Aryabhata's work also includes
his notions of cosine, sine, inverse sine, and versed sine, which forms the foundation of
trigonometry. He was also the first mathematician to obtain the calculation based on sine
and versine tables from 0 to 180 degrees with four decimal places of precision. Patliputra
was the centre of communications for network channel which facilitated learning from
other parts of the world to access it and also facilitated the mathematical, and astronomical
contents by Aryabhata and his school to travel across India and also eventually into the
Islamic world.
“We owe a lot to the ancient Indians teaching us how to count. Without which most
modern scientific discoveries would have been impossible”. Albert Einstein
Aryabhata’s Pioneer Pieces of Work
It is said that Aryabhata studied at Nalanda University. He later on became the Head
of the Department. His research performances at Nalanda include subjects in mathematics,
astronomy, physics, medicine, biology, and other fields of study. He gained his crucial source
of knowledge from Nalanda. His notable pieces of work were based on previous discoveries
by Mesopotamians, Greeks, and Nalanda University itself. Aryabhatiya, a Compendium
Commentary on Mathematics and Astronomy, was served as reference materials in the
Indian mathematical literature that has sustained itself up to modern cadence. The
mathematical section of the Aryabhatiya describes his comprehensive knowledge of plane
trigonometry, arithmetic, algebra, and spherical trigonometry. It also contains continued
fractions, quadratic equations, sums-of-power series, and a table on sines.
The empirical working attributes of Aryabhata are investigated only from the treatise
named Aryabhatiya. His disciple Bhaskara I calls it Ashmakatantra or the treatise from the
Ashmaka. It is also at times referred to as Arya-shatas-aShTa for there are 108 verses in the
text materials. It is noted in the very concise manner typical of Sutra Literature. It is
classified into four Padas or Chapters as follows.
1. Gitikapada with 13 compositions: Its various units of measurement of time: kalpa, Yuga
and manvantra, which describe a cosmology other than what has been described in earlier
texts such as Lagadha's Vedanga Jyotisha (c. first century BCE). There is also a table on sines,
i.e., jya, scripted in single. The duration of the planetary revolutions during a mahayuga is
recognized as 4.32 million years.
2. Ganitapada with 33 compositions: It investigates mensuration, i.e., kṣetra vyavahara,
arithmetic and geometric progressions; gnomon, i.e., shadows (easy), indeterminate
equations, quadratic, and simultaneous equations.
3. Kalakriyapada with 25 compositions: Its various units of measurement of time and a
method for determining the positions of planets are for a given day, calculations relating to
the intercalary month, and a seven-day week naming convention for the days of a week.
4. Golapada with 50 compositions: It investigates features of objects like the ecliptic, the
node, the celestial equator, the geometric and the trigonometric fields of the celestial
sphere, shape and size of the earth, factors for day and night, emergence of zodiacal signs
on horizon, etc. Furthermore, some versions make citation of colophons as addendum
affixed at the end, explaining the qualities of the pieces of work, etc.
He, in his treatise, Aryabhatiya, presented a number of innovations in mathematics
and astronomy in the form of commentary versions, which have been impactful for
centuries for the further development of the subject matter. He is familiar about his
description of relativity of motion.
The “Arya-siddhanta”, the lost pieces of work on astronomical computations, is seen
through making note of Aryabhata's contemporary, Varahamihira, and later mathematician
commentators, including Brahmagupta and Bhaskara I. This classical work appears to be
based on the earlier “Surya Siddhanta” which was a Sanskrit summary on Greek and
Mesopotamian theories in astronomy and mathematics which applies exhibiting the mid-
night day reckoning, as opposed to that of the sunrise in Aryabhatiya.
A third text, which may have sustained itself in the Arabic translation, is Al-nanf or Al
ntf. It is said that it is a translation by Aryabhata, but the Sanskrit name of this work was
unspecified so far by then. Perhaps from the 9th century, it is mentioned by Abu Rayhan al-
Biruni who was the Persian Scholar and Analyst of India.