OCA Circular No. 201 2022
OCA Circular No. 201 2022
OCA Circular No. 201 2022
~upreme QCourt
®ffice of tbe (!Court ~bminigtrator
The same rule shall apply to PDLs, so long as both circumstances listed in
( a) and (b) above are present, who should be released even if the following
circumstances listed below are present:
1. Those who have not yet paid the fine which forms part of the penalty of
the crime committed and for which the court did not order any subsidiary
imprisonment in case of non-payment thereof;
2. Those who have unresolved applications for probation, or who may have
later moved for the withdrawal thereof; and/or
3. Those who have been charged under Republic Act No. 9165 or the
"Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002," and have not yet
undergone rehabilitation and the drug dependency examination as may be
For the purpose of this Circular, all trial courts shall require the concerned
agencies or local government units having authority over the custody of PDLs who
have pending cases before them to submit regular reports to them at least a week
before the PDLs shall have completed the service of their sentence of
imprisonment. As to the PDLs covered by the circumstance as stated in number 3
of the previous paragraph, the report shall also state the PDL' s inability to undergo
rehabilitation and/or drug dependency examination so that the concerned court
may determine the next course of action to be taken, but which shall in no case
result in an extension of the incarceration of the PDL. Courts have to take note
that the submission, delay or non-submission of the subject report and their action
thereon should in no way hamper the immediate release of the PDL who completed
his/her jail time.
04 August 2022
MMA/~J;f_11 July 2022_OCA Circular on Non-necessity of Release Order 2 jmv 071922 072822