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lgoJlg JAnl I ooLoll oi{oll

Soudi Food & Drug Authority

...p<1'9trig et.o+Jl +9h'i 4;J'in

To verify the recognized Halal certification bodies, Please
follow steps below:
\\ Visit the website: "https://halal.sfda.gov.sa/" it support Arabic and
English language. (Prefer to use "Google Chrome" browser)

\\ Choose "our customers "icon

,lgdlg.lA^ll oolall ,irl^ll

Soudi Food & Drug Aulhority
l\ Choose the list of cooperation bodies

u.dJr, P)lJ!/l uj]- t-tt-s j-rl* !--"1

t\ The list of recognized bodies will be appeared.

"The list is updated regularly"

J.Lr, {irgrdll
llralt (u:;',3, irfru i'rg'"'t1131611
Srudl Helel C.nl.r S.udl X.l.l C.nl.r
l-isl of Rccognizcd Bodies

tf.! frirFl irrt irJADFl

Slrlor Comprlx Nrmr
Sartur Conpuy Nemc

bir- Deporrrmt of lslamic D*elopmt Malaysia (JAKIM)

Deponmt of lrluic Dwelopmt Mrlaysir (JAKIM)
Mmcu lnst.itrn€ of ShDdardizarbn
Momcm lnslitule of Sistdsrdial ioo

Cdi.l ltuhl Auffidodc DE Crtifssao L'DA

Mlslwan L[}

Auarlim H:lal Dsvelopmnt lrd Accrvdirado (AHDAAf Astive

lslamic CeOrin&ting Coumil Of victsir
Active A(tirc
Active Actitc
lnrq Ccnrs Hahl S.L

-'.trli'xl.}t)j')l qrrJ6frr i-i.-! rirj .l+J'tt ,.ljrlrr .rl! i.L't ridtr J)' jll .r:l r+J 'r.trl : -ri eL a)l)'l
Ctnts 9udi Fmd & Dtr Auiho.itv for coomntion Bodies lin. oba* yilit the Hrlel clntfi w.bsite gudi Fmd & Drw Aulltriw
for Cmffilion Bodi€s litt. oha* viaft thc Hahl Website

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