14 hadith from 14 Masumeen (as)

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 Prophet (pbuh): Have mercy (on people) and forgive them to receive divine Mercy and

Forgiveness (Nahj al-Fasaha, section H)

 Lady Fatima (sa): A pledge was taken from you by Allah in advance, and among you is His
remembrance—the Qurʾān, a book of absolute truth and radiant light, whose clarity is
evident, secrets revealed, and apparent aspects unmistakably clear (the sermon of Fadak)
 Imam Ali (as): Son of Adam, add not the worries of a day that has yet to arrive to the burdens
of the day that is here! If your lifespan extends to tomorrow, God will provide sustenance.
(Nahj al-Balagha, short saying no. 260)
 Imam Hasan (as): I do not know anyone who is not foolish in his relation to His Lord (Tuhuf
al-Uqul, short sayings no. 11)
 Imam Husayn (as): people are the slaves of the world and their religion is superficial, only on
their tongues. They are attentive to it as long as their material benefits are provided, but
when they are tested, the number of true devotees dwindles (Bihar al-Anwar, v. 44, p. 383)
 Imam Sajjad (as): Let me live as long as my life is a free gift in obeying You, but if my life
should become a pasture for Satan, seize me to Yourself before Your hatred overtakes me or
Your wrath against be becomes firm! (Dua Makarim al-Akhlaq, Sahifa Sajjadiya)
 Imam Baqir (as): A person in good health who is thankful for it receives the same amount of
reward as a person who in an ailing health exercises patience. One who gives (charity) and is
thankful (for his ability) receives the same amount of reward as the deprived person who is
content.’ (Al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 269)
 Imam Sadiq (as): Belief has four pillars: trust in Allah, having Allah as the person in charge of
one’s affairs, to agree with the decision of Allah and to submit to the command of Allah, the
Most Majestic, the Most Holy. (Al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 91)
 Imam Kazim (as): Anyone who acknowledges God should not complain when his earnings
 are delayed and should not accuse God of His acts. (Tuhaf al-Uqul, saying no. 1)
 Imam Reza (as): Behave with the friend humbly & with the enemy carefully & the general
people, with smiling & blooming face. (Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78, p. 355)
 Imam Jawad (as): There are three qualities which allow the servant to attain God’s grace: oft-
repentance, humbleness in front of others, and abundant offering of charity. (Bihar al-Anwar,
v. 75, p. 81)
 Imam Hadi (as): This world is like a market in which some profited and others lost. (Tuhuf al-
Uqul, short saying no. 15)
 Imam Askari (as): The heart of the foolish is in his mouth and the mouth of the wise is in
his heart. (Tuhuf al-Uqul, short saying no. 21)
 Imam Mahdi (as): ([O Shiʿas]! We do not neglect your condition nor are we forgetful of your
remembrance. (Al-Ihtijaj, v. 2, p. 598)

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