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CIL Executives Promotion Policy

10.1 Title and commencement 283

10.2 Scope and applicability 283

10.3 Promotion philosophy 283

10.4 Key objective of promotion policy 283

10.5 Promotion framework 283

10.6 Career management 284

10.7 Repeal 308

10.8 Interpretation 308

10.9 Savings 308

10.10 Annexure(s) 309

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10.1 Title and commencement
This policy will be called the „CIL Executives Promotion Policy‟. It will come into
force w.e.f ______________.

10.2 Scope and applicability

This policy will apply to all below board level executives of Coal India Limited and its
subsidiaries. The provisions of this policy, as specifically provided, will also apply to
Management Trainees (MTs).

10.3 Promotion philosophy

CIL continuously strives to promote meritocracy and fair play in the organization. The
organization provides all individuals the opportunity for best career path in line with the
individual‟s growth aspirations within the organization. The promotion system identifies
and rewards individuals who have demonstrated superior performance in their existing
roles and who have the leadership potential (defined in terms of technical and behavioral
competencies) to deliver superior performance in their next role. In the process, this
policy also ensures availability of right talent at every level.

10.4 Key objective of promotion policy

The key objective of the policy is to drive a holistic promotion system within the
organization by achieving strong alignment of individual performance with
organizational growth expectations from the individual through a higher degree of
transparency, uniformity and process efficiency.

10.5 Promotion framework

Promotion policy framework helps us understand key elements and
value chain of its activities. The same is illustrated in the adjoining
figure. The framework consists of following 3 key elements.

10.5.1 Career progression management

This involves setting up the right administrative and

organizational structure to manage the promotion of
executives so that it is done in a fair and objective manner.

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10.5.2 Career pathing

It refers to defining clear career levels and criteria of the aspects to be evaluated at each
level while promoting an executive. These aspects also indicate the overall progress and
development of executives which hones well for the organization.

10.5.3 Residency period

Residency period is deciding an adequate time between each promotion level which
would benefit the executive of extracting maximum value from experiences and learning
and also the organization to plan his ascendency to handle more responsibilities in an
effective and impactful manner.

10.6 Career management

The career progression of executives is managed centrally at CIL HQ through

Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs) and based on defined norms.

10.6.1 Composition of the DPC

There will be four DPCs for considering the promotions from one grade to another, as
given below:

a) Board No. I for considering promotion from E8 to E9 grade

b) Board No. II for considering promotion from E7 to E8 grade.

c) Board No. III for considering promotions from E6 to E7 grade

d) Board No. IV for considering promotions upto E6 grade

The composition of the 4 DPCs will be as given in the table I given below:

Table I: Table showing composition of DPCs

S. Promotio No. of Chairman

DPC Members
No n Level members of DPC

(a) Director (P&IR), CIL

Chairman, (b) Concerned Functional Director,
1 E8 to E9 Board I 4 CIL CIL
(c) One CMD of the subsidiary

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(a) One CMD
(b) Director (P&IR), CIL
(c) Concerned Functional Director
Board CIL or his
2 E7 to E8 (d) if the nominee of the Chairman
II 4 nominee
happens to be the Dir (P&IR)/
Concerned Functional Director,
then one CMD as member

One CMD (a) Director (P&IR), CIL (if not

of a nominated as the Chairman)
subsidiary (b) Two Functional Directors from
3 E6 to E7 4 or a subsidiaries
Director of (if Director (P&IR), CIL is nominated
CIL. as Chairman then a Functional
Director of CIL will be a member)

(a) one Director (P) of the subsidiary

Director (b) One Technical Director from
Board subsidiary companies
4 E1 to E6 5 (P&IR),
IV (c) One Director (Finance) from
subsidiary companies
(d) One officer belonging to SC/ ST
community in the rank of E8 or


a) Nominations of all committee members will be approved by the Chairman, CIL.

Alternative members may also be declared so that a member in a board can be replaced in
the event of his inability to participate in the proceedings.

b) Reservations of candidates belonging to the SC/ ST community will be regulated as per

the provisions of the Presidential Directives on SC/ ST reservations.

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10.6.2 Functions of DPC

(i) DPC will consider all eligible executives as per promotion norms.

(ii) The DPC will strictly follow the prescribed standards for promotion.

(iii) The DPC should ensure that suitability of the candidates for promotion is considered in
an objective and impartial manner.

(iv) All promotions from one executive grade to another will be on the basis of
recommendations of the DPC.

(v) No officer on deputation from other organization/ foreign service may be considered for
promotion unless he is absorbed in the company based on the rules of the company.

(vi) The DPCs will draw the panel of the candidates found suitable for the promotion in
accordance with the prescribed norms.

10.6.3 Cut-off date for deciding eligibility

The cut-off date for deciding eligibility would be 1st September of every year.

10.6.4 Cut-off date for vacancy assessment

The vacancy for each grade will be assessed as on 1st April of every year. The vacancy so
assessed would be displayed in the CIL website. The subsequent changes, if any, would
be updated time to time.

10.6.5 Pre-DPC process

The corporate Executive Establishment (EE) department shall complete the following
pre-DPC processes to enable timely completion of the DPC proceedings as per schedule:

(i) Vacancy assessment: Determine the actual number of regular vacancies as on the
cut-off date for vacancy assessment. For this purpose, the vacancies to be taken into
account should be the clear vacancies arising in a post/ grade due to death,
retirement, resignations and vacancies arising from creation of additional post on a
long term basis and those arising out of deputation. As regards vacancies arising out
of deputation, the vacancies for deputation period more than 1 year should be taken
into account with due note. However, the number of deputationist likely to return to
the cadre should be kept in view. Purely short term vacancies arising as a result of
executives proceeding on leave, on deputation for a shorter period, training etc.
should not be taken into account for determining the vacancy.

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Chain Vacancies (Resultant vacancies) on account of retirement in all the higher
grades in a vacancy year shall be considered.
The chain vacancies which can be clearly anticipated as likely to become available
in the concerned grade by promotion of officers to all the higher grades during the
vacancy year shall also be considered.

Illustration I:

Vacancy calculation for promotion from E4 to E5 Grade for the vacancy year 2015-

a. Vacancy as on 01.04.2015 in E5 Grade = 5

b. Total no. of Retirements in E5, E6, E7, E8 & E9 Grades during 2015-16 = 10
c. Total No. of Vacancies in E6, E7, E8 & E9 Grade during the year = 8
d. Total Vacancy to be operated for promotion from E4-E5 Grade = 5+10+8==>23

(ii) List of candidates: Prepare a list of candidates who would be within the eligible
criteria as per the cadre scheme. If there are names of executives, in the list of
eligible candidates, against whom any of the conditions as given in clause 10.6.18
and 10.6.20 (a) prevails, this fact should be specifically recorded against their
respective names in the list.

(iii) Personal data: Collate personal data including additional qualifications/

certifications of candidates in order to enable proper evaluation by the DPCs and
determine number of eligible candidates to be considered on the basis of the zone of

(iv) PMS rating: Compile EER/ PRIDE/ PAR details of the eligible candidates for the
preceding three/ four years (ultimate year + penultimate year + year preceding
penultimate year + fourth year).

Illustration II:

If 1st September, 2016 is the cut off for determining eligibility, then 2015-16 would
be the ultimate year, 2014-15 penultimate year, 2013-14 would be the year
preceding penultimate year and 2012-13 the fourth year .

(v) VC/ DC/ SC: Compile Vigilance Clearance (VC), Departmental Clearance (DC)
and Safety Clearance (SC) of eligible candidates, where ever applicable.

(vi) DPC constitution: Constitute DPCs with the approval of the Chairman, CIL for the
grades where clear vacancies as mentioned above exist.

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(vii) Zone of consideration: The DPC should determine the number of eligible
candidates to be considered at each time, on the basis of the number of vacancies
available in the higher grade as per the following ratio which would be the zone of
consideration for promotion.

Table II: Table showing zone of consideration

No. of Vacancies No. of executives to be considered

1 5

2 8

3 -10 Twice the number of vacancies + 4

Beyond 10 One and a half times the number of vacancies rounded off
to next higher integer + 3 but shall not be less than the size
of zone of consideration for 10 vacancies.

For SC/ ST Category 5 times the total number of vacancies

A sample chart of the Zone of consideration is annexed as Appendix - I

10.6.6 DPC process and norms

The DPCs would hold their proceedings during the months as provided in the DPC
calendar every year subject to availability of vacancies. They will consider all eligible
executives on the rolls including executives on deputation/ study leave/ lien/ long leave
falling within the zone of consideration. The norms to be followed by DPCs are as below:

(a) Eligibility norms for promotion

(i) The promotions of executives will be a step-by-step process according to the

channel of promotion indicated in the cadre scheme placed in Appendix CS1

(ii) The eligibility of executives for consideration for promotion will be

determined on the basis of minimum qualification, minimum period of service
(residency period) and other conditions in a particular grade as provided in the
respective cadre schemes placed in Appendix CS1 to CSXXII.

(iii) An executive should satisfy all conditions as per the cadre scheme and other
provisions in the policy on the cut-off date for being considered by the DPC.

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(b) Criterion for promotions

The criteria for promotion in various grades are as given below:

(i) Promotion from non-executive to executive

1) Unless mentioned otherwise, all promotions from non-executives grade to the

executive grade to fill in the departmental quota will be on the basis of
selection test/ interview/ assessment through DPC on the basis of merit. The
syllabi and methodology for conducting the test are as laid down in the CIL
Recruitment Policy.

2) Promotion of non-executives to the executive entry grade in the discipline

where there is no established channel of promotion will be only on the basis of
the recommendation of the selection committee against advertisement/
notification of vacancies by CIL.

(ii) Placement of Management Trainees from E2 to E3

Subject to other conditions and manner specified in this policy and the cadre
scheme, placement of Management trainees in E3 from E2 grade will be
considered, based on the norms stipulated in the Learning and Development
Policy, on successful completion of one year training period, irrespective of

(iii) Placement of departmental candidates from E2 to E3

Subject to other conditions and manner specified in this policy and the cadre
scheme, placement of departmental candidates from E2 to E3 would be as
provided in the cadre scheme irrespective of vacancies. They will also
undergo the on-boarding training followed by on-the-job training and
subsequent examinations at par with the Management Trainees for qualifying
for placement in E3.

(iv) Promotion to other grades

Promotions of executives from E3 onwards would be subject to vacancies,

provisions of cadre scheme and would be guided by the following criteria:

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Table III: Table showing criteria of promotions

Weightage (%)
Elements of
criteria for
promotion E3 to E6 to E7 to E8 to
E4 to E5 E5 to E6
E4 E7 E8 E9

PMS Rating 60 55 50 45 40 30

Seniority 30 24 21 18 14 10

5 4 2 2 NA NA

5 4 2 2 NA NA

1st Internal
Technical NA 3 2 2 NA NA

2nd Internal
Technical NA NA 3 2 NA NA

3rd Internal
Technical NA NA NA 2 2 NA

NA 10 10 15 15 20

Interview NA NA NA NA 15 24

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Field experience/
Corporate NA NA 10 12 14 10 + 6

Total Score 100 100 100 100 100 100

Residency period As per the Cadre scheme

(c) Computation of criteria elements for promotion

1. Additional Qualifications: 'Additional qualification' for the purpose would mean a

post graduate degree or diploma of minimum 1 year duration recognized by UGC/
AICTE/ Ministry of HRD. PhD or Fellowship would also be considered as
additional qualification for the purpose. The additional qualification should have
been acquired while in the service of the company. A minimum 50% aggregate
mark or equivalent grade (except in case of PhD/ Fellowship) is essential for
consideration for giving weightage under the norms. Additional qualification need
not be from one's own functional domain, it can be cross functional as well.

2. Potential Assessment: The modalities for potential assessment are provided in the
Appendix II.

3. Internal Technical Certifications

All executives should be encouraged to get certified on areas of their functions &
organizational capability areas and this would be considered during promotions as per the
weightage given in the table III for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Certifications. These certification
programs would be hosted by IICM. The certification programs, conducted by MDIs, duly
approved by IICM would also be considered for weightage. An indicative list of the areas
of certifications is given at Appendix III. A certification programme is a minimum 5 days
training programme followed by an assignment on any of the functional area or
organizational capability area as provided in the Appendix III.

(i) The score on certification will not be considered as a criteria for the DPCs
conducted in the first year of implementation of the policy. i.e. if an executive
is due for promotion in the implementing year, score on certification will not
be a criteria for him.

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(ii) For the 2nd year of the implementation, full marks earmarked for certification
will be given as under:

1 certification for E4 to E5 promotion will get 3 marks, E5 to E6 will get 5

marks, E6 to E7 will get 6 marks and E7 to E8 will get 2 marks.
Such executives who get promotion from E5 to E6 with 5 marks for one
certification will acquire the 2nd certification during their residency period in
E6 and will get 6 marks for both the certifications for their promotion from E6
to E7. They will acquire the 3rd certification during their residency period in
E7. If they fail to acquire the 2nd certification, weightage of the 1st
certification only be considered in the subsequent DPCs.

(iii) Only one certification is required to be acquired during the total period in a
grade. If more than one certifications are acquired while in a grade, weightage
will be given only for one certification for promotion to the next grade.

4. Field Experience/ Corporate Office experience

a) For promotions to E6 grade, the field experience will carry a maximum of 10 marks
(2 marks for every completed years of service in the field) in the DPC.

b) For promotions to E7 grade total weightage for field experience will be 12 marks
(2 marks for every completed years of service in the field limited to a maximum of
12 marks) in the DPC.

c) For promotions to E8 grade total weightage for field experience will be 14 marks
(2 marks for every completed years of service in the field limited to a maximum of
14 marks) in the DPC.

d) Similarly, for promotion to E9 grade executives are required to have both field
experience and corporate experience. The field experience will carry a weightage of
10 marks (2 marks per completed year limited to 10 marks) and corporate office
experience will carry a weightage of 6 marks (2 marks per completed year limited
to 6 marks) in DPC.

e) ‘Field experience’ for the above purpose would mean working experience in units
other than HQs of CIL and its subsidiaries, IICMs, RSOs, New Delhi office, Desk
offices or any other establishment outside the administrative control of CIL.
However, executives in the S&M discipline posted in RSOs will be considered as
having field experience for the period.

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Further, the executives of Mining, Civil and E&M discipline posted in CMPDIL
hqrs. or RIs should have atleast 3 years of experience in coalfields of any
production subsidiaries as a part of their field experience.

'Corporate office experience' for the above purpose would mean working
experience in CIL or Subsidiary HQs, IICMs, RSOs (for disciplines other than
S&M), and New Delhi Office. For the purpose of corporate office experience as
defined above, the experience in the corporate office in E6 grade and above only
will be considered.

f) The executives in the following cadres/ categories are exempted from the „Field
experience‟ clause:

(i) Secretarial
(ii) Company Secretaries
(iii) Rajbhasha
(iv) PR
(v) New business like Joint Ventures, SPVs etc.


The existing executives are entitled for exemption from the „Field experience/
Corporate office experience‟ clause for promotion to E6, E7, E8 and E9 grade, as the
case may be, for the DPC to be conducted in the year of implementation.

In the subsequent years, such exemption will be reduced by one year.

Illustration III:

Executives in E5, E6, E7 and E8 who are due for promotion to the next grade will
get full marks for Field/ Corporate office experience if considered in DPC in the
year of implementation, for example: in 2016-17. The following table IV illustrates
the relaxation in field experience in the case of promotion from E5 to E6 from the
year 2016-17 onwards.

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Table IV: Table showing exemption of years of field experience

Year of DPC Max. no of exempted years of Marks for field

field experience for promotion experience against
to E6 grade exempted years

2016-17 5 10

2017-18 4 8

2018-19 3 6

2019-20 2 4

2020-21 1 2

2021-22 0 0

Similar modality to be followed in case of field experience and corporate experience

where ever applicable under the norms for promotion.

In the case of lateral entry upto E7 grade, if the period spent in the grade of entry is
less than the field experience required for getting maximum marks then full marks
will be given for the period spent in the grade in the DPC. However, in case of
lateral entry in E8 grade, the field experience/ corporate experience is exempted.

5. Computation of PMS rating

(i) While computing the PMS rating, an aggregate of PRIDE/ EER/ PAR rating for the
minimum residency period as per the norms for the grade to be considered.
Weightage of the PRIDE/ EER/ PAR for each year of the residency period will be
as below:

a. Where the residency period for promotion to a grade is 3 years, the weightage for
the ultimate yr., penultimate yr. and year preceding penultimate yr. would be
34%, 33% & 33% respectively.

Illustration IV:

e.g. Calculation of EER/ PRIDE/ PAR rating for last 3 years (ultimate yr.+
penultimate yr. + year preceding penultimate yr.) = (34% + 33% + 33%) of the
PMS weightage for E4 to E5 promotions if the candidate has achieved 90%,

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86% & 84% in the last 3 years with 90% being the ultimate year would be as

Computation of ultimate year’s rating = 34% of 55 = 18.7. Score = 90% of 18.7

= 16.83
Computation of penultimate years rating = 33% of 55 = 18.15. Score 86% of
18.15 = 15.61
Computation of year before penultimate year’s rating = 33% of 55 = 18.15.
Score 84% of 18.15 = 15.25.
So, total score out of 55 = 16.83 + 15.61 + 15.25 = 47.69
b. Where the residency period for promotion to a grade is 4 years, the weightage for
the ultimate yr., penultimate yr., year preceding penultimate yr. and the fourth yr.
would be 30%, 26%, 24% and 20% respectively.

c. For promotion to E9 grade where the residency period for promotion is 2 years,
PRIDE /PAR rating for 4 years with weightage as provided at (b) above will be

(ii) If, in the EER system of performance appraisal, an executive has been rated
Excellent or Outstanding/ Commendable or Very Good/ Adequate or Good/ Fair/
Inadequate or Poor by his Reporting Officer and final authority changes the rating
without mentioning the marks, then the final EER marks will be determined as
a) If the final rating is below the Reporting Officer‟s rating, then the final
EER marks of the candidate for that year will be the highest marks of the
range of the final rating.

b) If the final rating is above the Reporting Officer‟s rating, then the final
EER marks of the candidate for that year will be the lowest marks of the
range of the final rating.

(iii) In any year under consideration, if the executive has been rated “Inadequate
[EER]/Poor [PRIDE]”, the marks for the said year will be ZERO. But
candidates rated “Inadequate [EER]/Poor [PRIDE]” for two years or more in
the years under consideration, his candidature will not be considered for

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6. Score for Seniority
Marks for seniority will be computed as provided in the table V below:

Table VA: Table showing computation of seniority for all cadres except
Mining 2nd Class cadre.

Promotion grade Marks per completed year Maximum limit

E3 to E4 5 30
E4 to E5 4 24
E5 to E6 3 21
E6 to E7 3 18
E7 to E8 2 14
E8 to E9 2 10

Table VB: Table showing computation of seniority for Mining 2nd Class cadre.

Promotion Marks per Marks per completed year Maximum

grade completed year after passing 1st Class limit
in the grade MMCC
E3 to E4 2 3 30
E4 to E5 2 2 24
E5 to E6 2 1 21
E6 to E7 3 NIL 18
E7 to E8 2 NIL 14
E8 to E9 2 NIL 10

a) In any case, the marks awarded on this ground will not exceed maximum mark as
per the table V.

b) Period in excess of 6 months to be taken as one year for allocation of marks for
seniority. No marks for period less than 6 months.

c) The completed year after passing First Class MMCC will be reckoned from the
issue date of the certificate if the certificate is submitted within one month of the

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issue date, else the period for the weightage will be reckoned from the date of
submission of the certificate.

7. Score for professional and additional qualifications

Table VI: Table showing professional qualifications and marks

Sr. No. Qualification (professional/ additional) Marks

For Non- Mining

Marks for Professional Qualifications

Full marks as
LLB or PG degree/ Diploma as per cadre scheme of
in the table
(i) various disciplines in the executive cadre will be
III in 10.6.6
considered as Professional qualifications. These
(b) (iv)
qualifications are acquired for entry into executive
Marks for Additional Qualifications
These are professional qualifications, beyond the As per table
(ii) minimum qualification required for entry into the III in 10.6.6
executive cadre as per cadre scheme, acquired after (b) (iv)
entry into the executive cadre.
Full marks per
certification as
(iii) Marks for Certification programs in the table
III in 10.6.6
(b) (iv)

For mining discipline the marks for professional

Sr. No. Marks
qualification are as follows:
For Mining cadre
Marks for Professional qualifications Full marks as
B.E/ B. Tech in mining or equivalent in Mining per table III
Engineering and 2nd Class Mining Certification of
in 10.6.6
competency (b)(iv)
60 % of the
Matriculation/ Higher Secondary with 2nd Class
ii. marks at (i)
Mining Certificate of Competency
Marks for Additional Qualification Full marks as
First Class Mining Certificate of competency per table III

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acquired while in mining second class cadre will be in 10.6.6 (b)
treated as additional qualification with corresponding (iv)
weightage as provided for additional qualifications in
the Table III. Other additional qualifications acquired
while in second class cadre will not be considered for
any weightage for promotion in the second class
cadre upto E6. However, such qualifications will be
given corresponding weightage for promotion in the
first class cadre.
Other additional qualifications acquired while in first
class cadre will be given weightage as provided in the
Marks for Certifications
1st Class Mining Certificate of Competency for
executives in mining second class cadre will be
treated as 1st Certification and the corresponding mark
will be given.
Full marks as
Executives in the 1st class cadre will acquire the 2nd
per table III
iv. and 3rd certifications as per norms.
in 10.6.6 (b)
Other certifications acquired while in second class
cadre will not be considered for any weightage for
promotion in the second class cadre upto E6.
However, such certifications will be given
corresponding weightage for promotion in the first
class cadre.

(d) Merit Panel

On the basis of total marks computed by addition of marks obtained in the criterion
mentioned in clause 10.6.6, the final merit panel shall be drawn up in descending
order and promotions will be made from this panel in the order of merit, subject to
vigilance/ safety/ departmental clearance and vacancy.

After deriving the merit, if there is a tie, then the executive who is senior in the
seniority list in the existing grade will be placed higher and the junior will follow.

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(e) DPC calendar for holding of DPCs is summarized below:

Table VII: Table showing DPC calendar

Sr. No Activities Schedule

(A) Pre DPC

as on 1st April every

1 Vacancy assessment

Preparation of list of eligible candidates, collation of

2 personal data and determination of number of by May every year
eligible candidates as per zone of consideration.

3 Compilation of 1st VC, DC and SC by June every year

Compilation of EER/ PRIDE/ PAR details of the

4 by August every year
eligible candidates

5 Constitution of DPC board by August every year

between Oct - Nov

every year

(C) Post DPC

by December every
1 Compilation of 2nd VC, DC and SC
by December every
2 Issuance of orders

(f) Promotion/ placement of 1st Class and 2nd class MMC certificate holders

(i) All Sr. Officers/ UM in E2 grade (2nd Class Mining Certificate of Competency
holders) will be promoted to E3 grade, in the second class channel, under the time
bound promotion as provided in clause 10.6.6 (b)(iii).

(ii) Those Sr. Officers/ UM in E2 grade who have acquired First Class Mining
Certificate of Competency, while working in the grade, will be placed in E3 grade

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in the first class channel from the issue date of the Certificate or on completion of
one year in E2, whichever is later.

(iii) Management Trainees who are in possession of or have acquired 2nd Class Mines
Manager‟s Certificate of Competency during the trainee period will be placed in E3
grade in the 2nd class channel (cadre) on successful completion of the 1 year training
period as MTs.

(iv) Management Trainees who are already in possession of or have acquired 1st Class
Mines Manager‟s Certificate of Competency during the trainee period will be
placed in E3 grade in the 1st class channel (cadre) on successful completion of the 1
year training period as MT.

(v) Departmental candidates who are already in possession of 1st Class Mines
Manager‟s Certificate of Competency will be promoted in E2 grade as Under
Manager for 1 year and on successful completion of 1 year training period, they will
be placed in E3 grade in the 1st class channel (cadre).

(vi) MTs not acquiring Manager‟s 1st or 2nd class certificate of competency during
training period will be placed in E3 grade on completion of 1 year training in no-
certificate holder category. There promotion in E4 will be considered in the 2nd
Class Channel only on acquiring 2nd Class Mine Managers Certificate of
Competency. While promoting in E4 grade, the Inter se Seniority will be decided
based on the issue date of the 2nd Class Mine Managers Certificate of Competency
if the certificate is submitted within one month of the issue date, else from the date
of submission, as per prescribed procedure.

(vii) The executives who, while working in E3, E4, E5, E6 or E7 grade in second class
channel, pass 1st Class Mines Manager‟s Certificate of Competency (MMCC) will
be placed in the 1st class channel from the deemed date of their promotion in the
next higher grade in the 2nd class channel.

(viii) Since promotion from E3 to E4 and above grades are vacancy based, distribution of
vacancies for first class and second class channel in different grades shall be in the
following ratio:

E4- 50:50
E5- 60:40
E6- 70:30
E7- 80:20
E8- 90:10

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The vacancy arising out of the horizontal shifting of first class holders from second
class cadre to first class cadre, as described in point (vii) above, will not be treated
as resultant vacancy in the second class cadre.

(ix) Submission of information regarding passing of 1st class certificate is mandatory for
an executive. It shall be the responsibility of the officers declared passed 1st class
examination to obtain the certificate from the DGMS and submit to CIL through the
respective companies. In case it is revealed that any officer suppressed his 1st class
certificate to avoid statutory responsibilities, it would be construed as a misconduct
under CIL CDA rules and his promotion/ placement should be held up for 3 years.

(x) The inter-se seniority, on placement in first class channel, will be determined as
a. Date of entry in the first class channel

b. In case of tie in the date of entry in the first class channel, issue date of
the First class certificate will be considered for determining the
seniority, if submitted within one month, else the date of submission.

c. In case the tie is not resolved as per „b‟, the grade seniority in the
second class cadre will be considered, wherever applicable.

d. Thereafter, the date of entry in the executive cadre, date of initial

appointment and date of birth will be taken into consideration, in the
order, to resolve the tie.

(xi) Other conditions of promotions of executives in mining cadre would be as

stipulated in the respective cadre scheme and norms as provided under this policy.

(g) Norms of preparing merit panel for promotion of non-executive to executive in

mining discipline

(i) Issue date of 2nd Class Manager Certificate of Competency issued by DGMS should
be the determining date for fixation of seniority.

(ii) If issue date of 2nd class manager certificate of competency is same, then one who is
in senior grade i.e. T&S grade A1, T&S grade A/ T&S grade B and so on.

(iii) If the grade is same, then the date of entry in the present grade will be taken for
determining the seniority.

P a g e | 301
(iv) If still there is tie between the persons, the date of appointment and thereafter the
one who is senior in age (date of birth) will be taken for determining the seniority.

10.6.7 Post-DPC process

(a) Approval of recommendation: The recommendations of DPC are advisory in nature and
should be duly approved by the Chairman, CIL, who is the Competent Authority under
this policy, before being implemented.

(b) Second VC/ DC/ SC: A 2nd vigilance/ departmental/ safety clearance for the period from
the 1st clearance to the date of DPC should be obtained before making actual promotion
of the executive approved by the Competent Authority. If an executive is found to have
been put under any circumstances mentioned in clause 10.6.20 (a) during the period, the
recommendation of the DPC should be kept in sealed cover and the sealed cover
procedure will follow thereafter.

(c) Promotion orders: Promotions should, as far as possible, be made in the order in which
the name of the executives appear in the panel.

The DPC will draw an extended panel, beyond the number of vacancies, of appropriate
size to take care of the filling up of promoted posts falling vacant owing to resignation/
foregoing promotion/ death/ not joining in the promoted post within 3 months of issuance
of promotion order and posts fall vacant due to closure of disciplinary proceeding
resulting in minor or major penalty during the validity of the panel.

The vacancies against retirements during the vacancy year shall be deemed as exist on the
day of retirement and therefore, the promotions from the approved panel against the
vacancy arising out of retirement shall be issued after the date of retirement during the
vacancy year.

Similarly, Promotion orders against resultant vacancy shall be issued after the posts fall
vacant due to promotion in the higher grade.

10.6.8 Period of validity of panel

The panel drawn up by the DPC would normally be valid for 1 year from the date of
approval of the Competent Authority, unless extended by him for reasons to be recorded.

10.6.9 Cross functional deployment

15% vacancies in E8 grade of all discipline will be filled with competent executives in E8
grade from cross functional discipline. Selection of executives from cross functional
discipline will be done by Board No. II by applying the following selection norms:

P a g e | 302
Table VIII: Table showing criteria of cross functional deployment

Elements of criteria for selection for cross functional


PMS Ratings for 4 years 30

Professional qualification in own functional Area 5

Additional qualification in the relevant cross functional

area or relevant to the position

Potential Assessment 20

Interview 35

Total Score 100

Residency period in E8 2 years

Minimum cut off mark 80

10.6.10 Date from which promotion to be treated as effective

The deemed date of promotion will be governed as per the provisions of CIL Rules for
Determination of Inter se Seniority. However, the date of effect of promotion for the
purpose of drawing emoluments in the higher grades will be from the date of assumption
of charge.

10.6.11 Refusal of promotion

When an executive does not want to accept the promotion which is offered to him, he
may make a written request that he may not be promoted and the request may be
considered by the competent authority taking relevant aspects into consideration.

P a g e | 303
Executives who are allowed to forgo their promotion to a post will not be considered in
one subsequent DPC for promotion to the post.

10.6.12 Procedure to be followed when competent authority does not agree with
recommendation of DPC

Recommendations of DPC are not mandatory. The DPC is a recommendatory body and
the recommendations by it are subject to approval by the competent authority. Where the
competent authority does not agree with the recommendations of the DPC, he should
record the reasons for disagreeing and refer the entire matter to the DPC for
reconsideration of its earlier recommendation. In case the DPC reiterates its earlier
recommendations, giving also reasons in support thereof, it is open to the competent
authority either to accept the recommendations of the DPC, if the reasons adduced by the
DPC are convincing or submit to the CIL Board with his own recommendations and the
decision of the Board will be final on the matter.

10.6.13 Validity of proceedings of DPC when one member is absent

The proceedings of the DPC shall be valid and can be operated upon notwithstanding the
absence of any of its members other than the Chairman, provided that the member was
duly invited but he remained absent for one reason or the other and there was no
deliberate attempt to exclude him from the deliberation of the DPC and provided further
that the majority of the members constituting the DPC are present in the meeting.

10.6.14 Effect of penalties on promotion

Before making the overall grading, the DPC should take into account whether the
executive has been awarded any major or minor penalty. The penalties will have the
following effect on the promotion of the executive:

(a) If a „Censure‟ has been imposed on an executive before 6 months from the date of
DPC meeting, there will not be any effect of the „Censure‟ and the executive
concerned, if recommended by the DPC, will be promoted. However, if the
"censure" has been imposed during the 6 months preceding the date of DPC
meeting, the executive will not be considered for promotion.

(b) An executive on whom a minor penalty has been imposed should be considered for
promotion by the DPC which meets after imposition of the said penalty. After due
consideration of full facts leading to imposition of the penalty, if he is still
considered fit for promotion, the promotion may be given effect after the expiry of
the currency of the penalty.

P a g e | 304
(c) An executive on whom a major penalty has been imposed during the residency
period under consideration should not be considered for promotion by the DPC
which meets after imposition of the said penalty.

10.6.15 Filling of chain vacancies

In the event of post falling vacant due to reasons like resignation/ foregoing promotion/
death/ not joining in the promoted post within 3 months of issuance of promotion order/
closure of disciplinary proceeding resulting in minor or major penalty during the validity
of the panel etc., the process for issuance of promotion for the next executive in the panel
will be undertaken.

10.6.16 Joining on promotion in the same subsidiary

On promotion, the executive has to join the post at the respective company mentioned
against his name within 30 days from the issue of the order, if he is on duty. In case the
executive is on leave or on outstation duty, he should join the promoted post within 30
days of joining back from leave or otherwise. Further assignment of the promoted
executive will be decided by the CMD of the respective companies. Non-joining on the
promoted post within the stipulated time period would lead to cancellation of the
promotion orders and debarring the executive for one subsequent DPC for promotion to
the post.

10.6.17 Joining on promotion with transfer

In case of promotion with transfer, the executive will have to join the new place of
posting within 3 months of the transfer order. He shall automatically stand released from
the previous company/ project/ position on the expiry of these 3 months. Non-joining on
the promoted post within the stipulated time period will lead to cancellation of the
promotion orders and debarring the executive for one subsequent DPC for promotion to
the post.

10.6.18 Promotion of executives on study leave/ deputation/ lien

Executives while undergoing deputation, on study leave, under lien and on long leave for
more than one year can be considered for promotion during the period of deputation/
study leave/ lien/ long leave. While considering the same, the prescribed procedure will
be observed which will include the process of interview/ tests where applicable as per
cadre scheme. They will be given pro forma promotion. The promotion will be effective
only after they have joined duty on the expiry of such period and will be given notional
seniority in the promoted grade.

P a g e | 305
10.6.19 Probation

Executives promoted from one grade to the other will be on probation for a period of one
year which may be extended at the discretion of the management as per the provisions
under the CIL (General Terms and Conditions of service) of executives Rules.

10.6.20 Sealed cover procedure

(a) At the time of considering the cases of executives for promotion, details of executives in
the consideration zone for promotion falling under the following categories should be
specifically brought to the notice of the DPC:

(i) Executives under suspension.

(ii) Executives in respect of whom a charge sheet has been issued and the proceedings
are not concluded.

(iii) Executives who have been prosecuted for a criminal charge and the case is pending.

(iv) Executives who have been awarded any punishment during the residency period.

(b) The DPC will assess the suitability of the executives coming within the purview of the
circumstances mentioned in clause10.6.20 (a) along with other eligible candidates
without taking into consideration the disciplinary case/ criminal prosecution pending. The
assessment of the DPC, including “Unfit for Promotion”, and the grading awarded by it
will be kept in a sealed cover.

The cover will be superscribed “Findings regarding suitability for promotion to the grade/
post of ________ in respect of Shri _____ (name of the executive). Not to be opened till
the termination of the disciplinary case/ criminal prosecution against Shri ______.” The
proceedings of the DPC need only contain the note. “The findings are contained in the
attached sealed cover”.

(c) The same procedure outlined in clause 10.6.20 (a & b) will be followed by the
subsequent DPCs convened till the disciplinary case/ criminal prosecution against the
executive concerned is concluded.

(d) Action after completion of disciplinary cases/ criminal prosecution:

(i) On the conclusion of the disciplinary case/ criminal prosecution which results in
dropping of charges against the executive, the sealed cover or covers will be
opened. In case the executive is completely exonerated, the due date of his
promotion will be determined with reference to the position assigned to him in the

P a g e | 306
findings kept in the sealed cover/ covers and with reference to the date of promotion
of his next junior on the basis of such position. He would be promoted notionally
with reference to the date of promotion of his junior. However, the executive
concerned will not be entitled to any arrears of pay for the period of notional
promotion preceding the date of actual promotion. When recommended in sealed
cover, the number of posts equivalent to the number of candidates in sealed cover
should be kept vacant till final disposal of the case by the competent authority.

(ii) If any penalty is imposed on the executive as a result of the disciplinary

proceedings or if he is found guilty in the criminal prosecution against him, the
findings of the sealed cover/covers shall not be acted upon. His case for promotion
may be considered by the next DPC in the normal course and having regard to the
penalty imposed on him.

(iii) In the appeal, if an executive is exonerated by the appellate authority, it will entitle
him for promotion as provided in (i) above.

(e) Six-monthly review of „sealed cover‟ cases:

It is necessary to ensure that the disciplinary case/criminal prosecution instituted against

any executives is not unduly prolonged and all efforts to finalize expeditiously the
proceedings should be taken so that the need for keeping the case of an executive in a
sealed cover is limited to the barest minimum. The appointing authorities concerned,
therefore, should review comprehensively the cases of executive, whose suitability for
promotion to a higher grade has been kept in a sealed cover on the expiry of six months
from the date of convening the first DPC, which had adjudged his suitability and kept its
findings in the sealed cover. Such a review should be done subsequently also every six
months. The review should, inter alia, cover the progress made in the disciplinary
proceedings/criminal prosecution and further measures to be taken to expedite their

(f) Promotion in case of issue of charge sheet after the date of DPC

Executive, who is recommended for promotion by the DPC but in whose case any of the
circumstances mentioned in clause 10.6.20 (a) arise after the recommendations of the
DPC but before he is actually promoted, will be promoted as recommended by the
committee. Charge sheet issued after DPC date will not affect the promotion.

(g) Effect of second or subsequent proceedings

If second or subsequent departmental proceedings were instituted after promotion of the

junior to the executive concerned on the basis of the recommendation made by the DPC

P a g e | 307
which kept the recommendation in respect of the executive in sealed cover, the benefit of
the assessment by the first DPC will be admissible to the executive on exoneration in the
first inquiry, with effect from the date his immediate junior was promoted.

In case, the subsequent proceedings (commenced after the promotion of the junior)
results in the imposition of any penalty before the exoneration in the first proceedings
based on which the recommendations of the DPC were kept in sealed cover and the
executive concerned is promoted retrospectively on the basis of exoneration in the first
proceedings, the penalty imposed may be modified and effected with reference to the
promoted post. An indication to that effect may be made in the promotion order itself so
that there is no ambiguity in the matter.

10.7 Repeal
Unless specified otherwise, all existing provisions of the CIL Executives Promotion
Policy and subsequent amendments and circulars will stand superseded by this policy
from the date of its commencement.

10.8 Interpretation

Interpretation of the provisions of these rules will be reserved exclusively with the
Director (P&IR), CIL and his interpretation will be final.

10.9 Savings

CIL reserves the right to relax, alter, amend or withdraw partly or fully any of the
provisions of these rules at its discretion without assigning any reasons thereof.

P a g e | 308
Appendix I
(Clause 10.6.2 (vii))

No. of Vacancies Normal size of zone of Extended zone of

consideration consideration for SC/ST
1 5 5
2 8 10
3 10 15
4 12 20
5 14 25
6 16 30
7 18 35
8 20 40
9 22 45
10 24 50
11 24 55
12 24 60
13 24 65
14 24 70
15 26 75
16 27 80
17 29 85
18 30 90
19 32 95
20 33 100
30 48 150
40 63 200
50 78 250
60 93 300
70 108 350
80 123 400
90 138 450
100 153 500

P a g e | 309
Appendix II
(Clause 10.6.6 (c) (2.))

Modalities for Potential Assessment

Potential would mean ability of an executive to excel in higher positions defined in terms
of managerial and behavioral competencies under the competency framework of CIL as
provided in the CIL Learning & Development Policy.

The Potential assessment will be done once in 4 years through internal assessment as well
as external assessment of the managerial and behavioral competencies of executives.
a) Internal Assessment of potential

Internal assessment of potentials of an executives will be done through the 360 0

tool. In the 3600 approach, the assessment of potential of an executive will be
done by 8 other executives relevant and related to the functions of the executives
as follows:

(i) The Accepting Authority under PMS

(ii) The Reporting Authority under PMS

(iii) 2 colleagues (a 'Colleague' would mean an executive of same grade from a

discipline other than that of the executive with whom the executive is
required to be related for effective discharge of his duties &

(iv) 2 Peers (a 'Peer' would mean an executive of same grade from the same
discipline of the executive with whom the executive is required to be
related for effective discharge of his duties & responsibilities)

(v) 2 Sub-ordinates

Out of the above 1 colleague, 1 peer and 1 sub-ordinate would be proposed by the
executive concerned and other colleague, peer and sub-ordinate would be assigned
by the Reporting/ Accepting Authority.

P a g e | 310
The colleague and peer should preferably be selected from the same unit. If not
available in the same unit, they can be selected within the Area and thereafter
within the subsidiary.

b) External Assessment of potential

External assessment of potential would be done by engaging an expert external

agency capable of potential assessment through Assessment/ Development center.

c) Score of Potential Assessment

The score of assessment for the purpose of DPC would be taken by averaging the
score of internal and external assessment which will remain valid for period of 4
years. Till such time the external assessment is completed, the score of internal
assessment will be taken as final score for DPC purpose.

P a g e | 311
Appendix III
(Clause 10.6.6 (c) (3))
Indicative list of certification areas

S. No. Department Certification areas

 Project management
 Contract management
 Risk management
 Trainer certification
 Mentor certification
 Quality certification
 ERP certification
 General management
 Safety management
Organizational capability areas
 Land & Revenue/ R&R
1 (Common certification area for all
 Environment management
 Sustainability
 IT programs on operation research
 Soft skills
 Corporate communication and Image
 Boundary management
 Continuous improvement
 ISO certification
 Taxation law
 Law of contract
 Labour law
 Environment law
 Corporate law
2 Legal
 Cyber law
 Competition law
 International affairs
 Patent law
 Any other certification in the field
 Land acquisition
3 Survey  Auto CAD
 Any other certification in the field
 Corporate advertising
4 PR  Corporate communications
 Event management

P a g e | 312
 Any other certification in the field
 Land acquisition
 R&R projects
5 Community development  Baseline survey
 Social research software
 Social research Methodology
 Any other certification in the field
 Event Management
6 Sports  Coach certification
 Any other certification in the field
 Clean coal technology
 Assessment of carbon footprint
 Assessment of water foot print
7 Environment
 Sustainability reporting (GRI guideline
 Renewable energy
 Any other certification in the field
 Safety audit
 Risk assessment& risk management
 Quality Circle
8 Excavation
 5 S, Kaizen
 Six Sigma
 Any other certification in the field
 Quality control
 Logistics Management
9 S&M
 Quality Circle
 Six Sigma
 Any other certification in the field
 Contract management
 Supply chain management
 Logistics and supply chain information
10 MM systems
 Warehousing
 Six Sigma
 Any other certification in the field
 Auto CAD
Civil/ architect
11  STAAD (structural analysis and design)

P a g e | 313
 SA8000
 Contract management
 Any other certification in the field
 Hospital administration
 SA8000 standards
12 Medical  ISO 9001/2008
 Occupational disease
 Any other certification in the field
 Contract management
 ISO 9000 standards
 Vigilance
13 E&M
 Six Sigma
 5 S, Kaizen
 Any other certification in the field
 Cost & budgeting
 Taxation
Finance  Corporate accounting
 Project appraisal
 Company secretary
 Any other certification in the field
 Cable networking
 Wireless communication
 Voice connectivity
15 E&T  RFID
 CCTV surveillance
 Web portal maintenance
 Mail messaging system
 Any other certification in the field
 High wall mining
 Long wall
 Short wall
 Project planning & management
 Contract management
 Environment management
16 Mining  Land acquisition
 Risk assessment & risk management
 Autocad/ Minex
 Mine planning software
 5 S, Kaizen
 Any other certification in the field

P a g e | 314
 IE studies
 Manpower planning
17 IED  Benchmarking
 Project management
 Any other certification in the field
 Security systems
 Disaster management
18 Security
 Risk management
 Any other certification in the field
 Geophysical studies.
 Hydrogeological studies
19 Geoscience
 Autocad/ Minex
 Any other certification in the field
 Secretary
 Corporate communication
20 Secretarial  Public relations
 MS project
 Any other certification in the field
 Publication
 Translation
 MS Indic language tool (Hindi)
21 Secretarial OL/ Hindi  Corporate communication
 Public relations
 MS project
 Any other certification in the field
 Project management
 Six Sigma
22 CP
 Quality control & management
 Any other certification in the field

P a g e | 315
 Web based application development in
Java, JSP etc.
 Network administration
 Database administration
 Development of application
 Infrastructure management
23 System
 Fire protection system
 Access control
 Mine planning software
 ERP solution
 Any other certification in the field
 Competency mapping
 Assessment/ development centre
 Training & development
 Organization Development (OD)
 HR audit
 BEI [Behavioural Event Interview]
 SA 8000 standards
 ISO 9000 standards
24 Personnel/ HR
 Compensation & benefit
 5 S, Kaizen
 Organizational behaviour
 ERP – HR
 Research methodology
 Six Sigma
 International HRM
 Psychometric
 Any other certification in the field

P a g e | 316
Appendix CSI
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Cadre Scheme for executives of Mining discipline (1st Class)

Outside Recruitment Promotion Remarks

Designation Grade Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
qualification experience qualification experience
BE/ B.Tech/
BSc Engg./
1 MT E2 AMIE in
mining branch/
1st Class Mine
2 Sr. Officer E2
certificate of
BE/ B.Tech/
BSc Engg./
completion of
1st Class Mine 1 yr. training
mining branch/ 5yrs. post
Asst. Manager‟s with 1st Class
3 E3 discipline with qualification
Manager certificate of Mine
1st Class Mine experience
competency Manager‟s
certificate of
certificate of
3 years‟
9yrs. post
Deputy experience in
4 E4 -Do- qualification -Do-
Manager next below
13 yrs. post
5 Manager E5 -Do- qualification -Do- -Do-
4 years‟
17 yrs. post
experience in
6 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- qualification -Do-
next below
21 yrs. post
7 E7 -Do- qualification -Do- -Do-
3 years‟
25 yrs. post
General experience in
8 E8 -Do- qualification -Do-
Manager the next
below grade

P a g e | 317
Appendix CSII
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Cadre Scheme for promotion of executives holding Manager’s 2nd Class Certificate of Competency
(who could not obtain Manager’s 1st Class certificate of Competency)

Sr. No. Designation Grade Qualification Experience Remarks

BE/ B.Tech/ BSc Engg./
AMIE in mining branch/
discipline with Manager‟s 2nd
class certificate of competency
OR Diploma in Mining (3 yrs.
1 Sr. Officer E2 course) with Manager‟s 2nd -
class certificate of competency
OR non-diploma holders/ non-
degree holders with 2nd class
Mine Manager‟s certificate of
Successful completion of 1 yr.
training with 2nd class Mine
2 Asst. Manager E3 -Do-
Manager‟s certificate of
Deputy 3 yrs. experience in the next
3 E4 -Do-
Manager below grade
4 Manager E5 -Do- -Do-

4 yrs. experience in the next

5 Sr. Manager E6 -Do-
below grade

BE/ B.Tech/ BSc Engg./

AMIE in mining branch/
4 yrs. Experience in the next
discipline with 2nd class Mine
below grade
Manager‟s certificate of
6 Chief Manager E7 competency
Diploma in mining (3 yrs. 6 yrs. experience in the next
course) with 2nd class Mine below grade out of which 3 years
Manager‟s certificate of performance rating should be at
competency least „Very Good‟
BE/ B.Tech/ BSc Engg./
AMIE in mining branch/
General 3 yrs. Experience in the next
7 E8 discipline with 2nd class Mine
Manager below grade
Manager‟s certificate of

The above categories of executives will not be eligible to hold statutory positions requiring
possession of Manager‟s 1st class certificate of competency.

P a g e | 318
Appendix CSIII
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))
Survey discipline
Designation Grade Remarks
No. Qualification Experience

Degree in mining +
1 Sr. Officer E2 Matriculation + SCC
OR Diploma in 5 years‟ experience
mining/mine in T&S grade „A‟
surveying + SCC
Degree in mining +
SCC Subject to successful
completion of 6 weeks
Matriculation + SCC 1 year experience in
2 Asst. Manager E3 Advance Training Course of
OR Diploma in E2
Mine surveying
surveying + SCC
3 yrs. experience in
3 Asst. Manager E4 -Do-

4 E5 -Do- -Do-
Degree in mining +
4 yrs. experience in
SCC OR Diploma in
5 Sr. Manager E6
surveying + SCC
6 yrs. experience in
Matriculation + SCC
Degree in mining+
4 yrs. experience in
Chief SCC OR Diploma in
6 E7 E6
Manager mining/ mine
surveying + SCC

Degree in Mining +
General 3 yrs. experience in
7 E-8 SCC
Manager E-7

 SCC - Surveyors certificate of competency granted under CMR, 1957
 Existing candidates with qualification of Matriculation + SCC + successful completion of company's
training program in survey of not less than 2 years will be treated for promotion upto E6 grade at par
with the candidates having qualification of Diploma in Mining/ Mine surveying + SCC.

P a g e | 319
Appendix CSIV
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Civil/ E&M/ Excv./ Industrial Engg. discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Sl. No. Grade Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
n Remarks
qualification experience qualification experience
BE/ B.Tech/ BSc.
Managemen Engg./ AMIE in
1 E2
t Trainee relevant branch of
7 yrs. post
Recognized qualification
diploma of 3 experience out of
yrs. duration in which minimum 3
the relevant yrs. must be in
branch of Engg. T&S grade A in the
2 Sr. Officer E2 relevant branch
BE/ B.Tech/ 3 yrs. experience in
BSc. Engg./
T&S grade „A‟ in
relevant branch the relevant branch
of Engg.
BE/ B.Tech/
BSc. Engg./
5 yrs. post Successful
Asst. diploma of 3
3 E3 -Do- qualification completion of 1 yr.
Manager yrs. duration in
experience training
the relevant
branch of
9 yrs. post
Deputy 3 yrs. experience in
4 E4 -Do- qualification -Do-
Manager next below grade
13 yrs. post
5 Manager E5 -Do- qualification -Do- -Do-
17 yrs. post
4 yrs. experience in
6 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- qualification -Do-
next below grade
BE/ B.Tech/
21 yrs. post BSc. Engg./
7 E7 -Do- qualification AMIE in -Do-
experience relevant branch
of Engg.
25 yrs. post
General 3 yrs. experience in
8 E8 -Do- qualification -Do-
Manager next below grade

P a g e | 320
Appendix CSV
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Geoscience discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Designation Grade Remarks
No. Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
qualification experience qualification experience
M.Tech/ M. Sc in
Management geophysics/
1 E2
Trainee applied geology/
M.Tech/ M.
Sc. in
geology/ Successful
5 yrs. post
geophysics/ completion of
2 Asst. Manager E3 -Do- qualification
applied 1 yr. training
geology/ as MT
3 yrs.
9yrs. post
experience in
3 Asst. Manager E4 -Do- qualification -Do-
the next
below grade
13 yrs. post
4 E5 -Do- qualification -Do- -Do-
4 yrs.
17yrs post
experience in
5 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- qualification -Do-
the next
below grade
21 yrs. post
6 Chief Manager E7 -Do- qualification -Do- -Do-
25 yrs. post 3 yrs.
General qualification experience in
7 E8 -Do- -Do-
Manager experience next below

P a g e | 321
Appendix CSVI
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Drilling discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Designation Grade Remarks
No. Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
qualification experience qualification experience

BE/ B.Tech/
1 E2 AMIE in NIL
Mech Engg.

5 yrs. in T&S
diploma (3
grade „A‟ as Asst.
yrs.) in Mech/
2 Sr. Officer E2 Drilling Engg.

BE/ B.Tech/
1 yr. experience in
AMIE in Mech
drilling dept.

BE/ B.Tech/
AMIE in Mech
5 yrs.
3 Asst. Manager E3 -Do- relevant
completion of 1
Recognized yr. training
diploma (3
yrs.) in Mech/
Drilling Engg.

diploma (3
9 yrs. yrs.) in Mech/
Deputy 3 yrs. in next
4 E4 -Do- relevant Drilling Engg.
Manager below grade
experience OR BE/
B.Tech/ AMIE
in Mech Engg.

13 yrs.
5 Manager E5 -Do- relevant -Do- -Do-
6 yrs. in next
17 yrs. below grade
diploma (3 yr.)
6 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- relevant
in Mech/
Drilling Engg.

P a g e | 322
BE/ B.Tech/ 4 yrs. in next
AMIE in Mech below grade
BE/ B.Tech/ 4 yrs. in next
AMIE in Mech below grade
21 yrs.
7 Chief Manager E7 -Do- relevant Recognized
experience diploma (3 yr.) 6 yrs. in next
in below grade
25 yrs. BE/ B.Tech/
General 3 years in the next
8 E8 -Do- relevant AMIE in Mech
Manager below grade
experience Engg

P a g e | 323
Appendix CSVII
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Security discipline

Recruitment Promotion
Designation Grade Remarks
No Minimum Minimum experience Minimum Minimum
qualification and rank qualification experience

Captain, Dy. SP Asst.

Comdt. equivalent or 3 yrs. in T&S
1 Sr. Officer E2 Graduate Graduate
fresh candidate with grade „A‟

Dy. Comdt., Addl. SP

Captain with 5 yrs.
experience in
industrial security or Successful
2 Asst. Manager E3 -Do- officers from Pvt./ -Do- completion of
undertaking with 7 1 yr. training
yrs. experience
employing not less
than 500 employees

Major or equivalent of
Deputy 3 yrs. in next
3 E4 -Do- defense services S.P. -Do-
Manager below grade

Lt. Col or equivalent

in defense service, Sr.
4 Manager E5 -Do- -Do- -Do-
S.P (Sr. scale of IPS
OR Comdt. (Sr. scale)

Colonel or equivalent
officer in defense
service with 12 yrs. 4 yrs. in next
5 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- -Do-
experience in below grade
public/pvt. sector in
no.1 no.2 position
3 years of service as
Brigadier or equivalent
Chief in defense service, 23
6 E7 -Do- -Do- -Do-
Manager yrs. experience in para
military forces in the
rank if Addl.IG.
IG Police/ Major
General General or equivalent 3 yrs. in next
7 E8 -Do- -Do-
Manager of para military below grade.

P a g e | 324

1. Physical standard for direct recruitment and departmental candidates

Height -5‟-5” (General candidate)

5‟-3” (SC, ST candidate)
Chest - 32”- 34” (General candidate)
30”- 32” (SC/ST)
2. Departmental candidate at entry level will have to go six months training in security institute
and three months on job.

P a g e | 325
Appendix CSVIII
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Secretarial discipline

Recruitment Promotion
Designation Grade Minimum Minimum Minimum
No Minimum qualification
qualification experience experience

Post Graduate 3 yrs. experience

1 Sr. Officer E2 with computer NIL as Sr.PA/ Sr. PA
proficiency (OL) in T&S
grade „A‟

Asst. -Do- 5 yrs. relevant -Do-
2 E3 completion of 1
Manager experience
yr. training

Deputy -Do- 9 yrs. relevant 3 yrs. in next

3 E4 -Do-
Manager experience below grade

-Do- 13 yrs. relevant -Do-

4 Manager E5 -Do-

-Do- 17 yrs. relevant 4 yrs. in next

5 Sr. Manager E6 -Do-
experience below grade

21 yrs. relevant
Chief -Do- experience
6 E7 Post Graduate -Do-


Existing candidates with only Matriculation/ Intermediate or equivalent qualification in E2 grade will be
considered for promotion in E3 grade, as cluster promotion, considering 5 years experience as residency
period, subject to other conditions of the policy.

P a g e | 326
Appendix CSIX
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Legal discipline

Recruitment Promotion
Designation Grade Minimum Remarks
No Minimum Minimum Minimum
experience and
qualification qualification experience
5 years integrated
degree in law/
1 MT E2 Graduate with 3
yrs. law degree
3 yrs.
5 years
experience in
T&S grade „A‟
degree in law/
2 Sr. Officer E2 as legal
Graduate with 3
years law
degree (LLB)
5 yrs. experience
as a legal
Asst. practitioner in
3 E3 -Do- -Do- completion of 1
Manager civil/ criminal
yr. training
and taxation
9 yrs. experience
as a legal 3 yrs. in
Deputy practitioner in experience in
4 E4 Do -Do-
Manager civil/ criminal next below
and taxation grade
13 yrs. post
experience as a
legal practitioner
in civil/ criminal
and taxation
cases OR 13
years post
5 Manager E5 -Do- -Do- -Do-
experience as an
executive in
large reputed
organization in
sector with
handling of legal

P a g e | 327
4 yrs. in
17 yrs.
Sr. experience in
6 E6 -Do- experience as -Do-
Manager next below
21 yrs.
Chief -Do-
7 E7 experience as -Do- -Do-
3 yrs.
25 yrs.
General experience in
8 E8 -Do- experience as -Do-
Manager next below

P a g e | 328
Appendix CSX
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

P&IR discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Sl. Minimum
Designation Grade Minimum Minimum Minimum Remarks
No experience and
qualification qualification experience
Post Graduate
Degree or PG
Diploma (2
years) in
Management or
MSW with
in HR/
1 E2 Management
recognized by
Labor Ministry,
GoI, for the
post of Welfare
Officer in
Post Graduate
Degree or PG
Diploma (2
years) in
or MSW with
in HR/
Industrial 3 yrs. service
2 Sr. Officer E2 Relations/ in the
Personnel company
welfare/ Social
Science from

P a g e | 329
recognized by
Ministry, GoI,
for the post of
Officer in
6 yrs. exp. as
Personnel Officer
in large
preferably public Successful
3 Asst. Manager E3 -Do- -Do-
sector undertaking completion of
handling matters 1 yr. training
connected with
HR, Industrial
Welfare etc.
3 yrs.
9yrs. experience experience in
4 Dy. Manager E4 -Do- -Do-
as above the next below
14 yrs. experience
5 Manager E5 -Do- -Do-
as above -Do-
4 yrs.
19 yrs. experience experience in
6 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- -Do-
as above the next below
Chief 23 yrs. experience
7 E7 -Do- -Do- -Do-
Manager as above
3 yrs.
General 25yrs. experience experience in
8 E8 -Do- -Do-
Manager as above next below


For the existing candidates as on the date of implementation of this policy, the minimum qualification
will not be a bar for subsequent promotions in the cadre.

P a g e | 330
Appendix CSXI
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))
Sales& Marketing discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Sl. Remark
Designation Grade Minimum
No Minimum Minimum Minimum s
experience and
qualification qualification experience
Post Graduate
Degree/ PG Diploma
in Management with
1 E2 specialization in
sales/ marketing from
recognized Institute/
Post Graduate
Degree/ PG
Diploma in 3 yrs.
Management with experience in
2 Sr. Officer E2 specialization in T&S grade
sales/ marketing „A‟
from recognized
5 yrs. relevant post Successful
3 E3 -Do- qualification -Do- completion of
experience 1 yr. training
9 yrs. relevant post experience in
4 Dy. Manager E4 -Do- qualification -Do- the next below
experience grade

13 yrs. relevant
5 Manager E5 -Do- post qualification -Do- -Do-
17 yrs. relevant 4yrs. experience
6 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- post qualification -Do- in the next below
experience grade
21 yrs. relevant
7 E7 -DO- post qualification -Do- -Do-
25 yrs. relevant experience in
8 E8 Do post qualification -DO-
Manager the next below
For the existing candidates as on the date of implementation of this policy, the minimum qualification will not be a
bar for subsequent promotions in the cadre.

P a g e | 331
Appendix CSXII
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

System discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion Remarks

Sl. Minimum
Designation Grade Minimum Minimum Minimum
No experience
qualification qualification experience
and rank
BE/ B.Tech/ BSC
Engg/ AMIE in
computer science/
Management computer
1 E2
Trainee engineering/
Technology branch/
discipline or MCA
Aptitude Test
of national
level or PG
Master in
Application 3 yrs.
OR BE/ experience
2 Sr. Officer E2
B.Tech/ BSC in T&S
Engg./ AMIE grade „A‟
in computer
discipline or
5 yrs. post
Asst. completion
3 E3 -DO- qualification -Do-
Manager of 1 yr.
9 yrs. post 3 yrs. in
4 Dy. Manager E4 -DO- qualification -Do- next below
experience grade
13 yrs. post
5 Manager E5 -DO- qualification -Do- -Do-
experience in

P a g e | 332
total and
minimum 7
experience in
17 yrs. post
experience in
total and 4 yrs. in
6 Sr. Manager E6 -DO- minimum 8 -Do- next below
yrs. grade
experience in
BE/ B.Tech/
BSC Engg/
21 yrs. post
experience in
total and
Chief Computer
7 E7 -Do- minimum 9 -Do-
Manager engineering/
experience in
discipline or
25 yrs. post
experience in
total and 3 yrs. in
8 E-8 -Do- minimum 9 -Do- next below
yrs. grade
experience in


1. Existing candidates having qualification of Graduate with Programming Aptitude Test of national level or
PG Diploma, as on the date of implementation of this policy, will grow upto E6 grade.

2. For existing candidates having qualification of PG Degree in Mathematics/ Electronics/ Science/

Management or ICWA/ CA as on the date of implementation of this policy, the minimum
qualification will not be a bar for subsequent promotions in the cadre.

P a g e | 333
Appendix CSXIII
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Rajbhasha (Hindi)

Outside recruitment Promotion

Designation Grade Minimum Remarks
No Minimum Minimum Minimum
experience and
qualification qualification experience
MA in Hindi and
Graduation with
1 MT E2
Hindi and English as
main subjects
10 yrs. post
MA in Hindi
out of which
second class
3 years
or 55%
marks) and
2 Sr. Officer E2 experience as
with Hindi
and English
Sr. Translator
as main
(OL)/ Sr. PA
(OL) in T&S
grade „A‟
5 yrs. post
experience in
respect of
of OL Act and
Rules, Successful
3 Asst. Manager E3 -Do- translation from -Do- completion of
Hindi to English 1 yr. training
and English to
Hindi in any
Central/ State
Govt./ PSU/
9 yrs. post
3 yrs.
Dy. Manager qualification
4 E4 -Do- -Do- experience in
experience as
E3 grade
13 yrs. post
5 Manager E5 -Do- -Do- -Do-
experience as
17 yrs. post 4 yrs.
6 Sr. Manager E-6 -Do- qualification -Do- experience in
experience as E3 grade

P a g e | 334
21 yrs. post
7 Chief Manager E-7 -Do- -Do- -Do-
experience as
25 yrs. post 3 yrs.
General qualification experience in
8 E-8 -Do- -Do-
Manager experience as next below
above grade


For the existing candidates as on the date of implementation of this policy, the minimum qualification
will not be a bar for subsequent promotions in the cadre.

P a g e | 335
Appendix CSXIV
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Environment discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Designation Grade Remarks
Minimum Minimum experience Minimum Minimum
qualification and rank qualification experience
BE/ B.Tech/ BSc
Engg. /AMIE in
Engg. branch/
discipline or any
Managemen Engg Degree with
1 E2
t Trainee Post Graduate
Degree/ Post
Diploma in
BE/ B.Tech/
BSc Engg
/AMIE in
Engg. branch/
Discipline or
any Engg. 3 years in
Degree with T&S grade
Post Graduate „A‟
Degree/ Post
Sr. Officer E2 Diploma in

PG in Geology
with 8 weeks
training at ISM 5 years in
Dhanbad or T&S grade
IICM, Ranchi „A‟
or PG degree/
diploma in

P a g e | 336
of Env.
awarded by the
approved by

BE/ B.Tech/ BSc

Engg /AMIE in
Engg branch/
discipline OR
any Engg. Degree 5 years post
Asst. completion
2 E3 with Post qualification -DO- of 1 yr.
Graduate experience training
Diploma in
9 years post 3 yrs. in the
4 E4 -Do- qualification -DO- next below
experience grade.
13 years post
5 Manager E5 -Do- qualification -DO- -Do-
17 years post 4 yrs. in the
6 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- qualification -Do- next below
experience grade.
21 years post
7 E7 -Do- qualification -Do- -Do-
3 years in
25 years post
General the next
8 E8 -DO- qualification -DO-
Manager below


For the existing candidates as on the date of implementation of this policy, the minimum qualification
will not be a bar for subsequent promotions in the cadre.

P a g e | 337
Appendix CSXV
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Cadre scheme for Electronics & Telecommunication (E&T) discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Designation Grade Minimum Remarks
No Minimum Minimum Minimum
qualification qualification experience
and rank
BE/ B.Tech/ BSc
Eng./ AMIE in
electronics &
1. E2 communication /
electronica &
branch/ discipline
Diploma in
7 yrs. post
electronics of at
least one year
out of which
duration for
minimum 3
those having 3
years must be
yrs. Diploma in
in T&S grade
7 yrs. post
3 years diploma qualification
in electronics/ experience
telecommunicati out of which
on/ minimum 5
2 Sr. Officer E2 instrumentation years in T&
S grade „A‟
7 yrs. post
3 years Diploma
in electrical
out of which
with one year
minimum 3
diploma in
experience in
T&S grade
BE/ B.Tech/
BSc Engg/
AMIE in 3 yrs. post
electronics & qualification
communication experience

P a g e | 338
5 yrs. post
Asst. completion
3. E3 -DO- qualification -DO-
Manager of 1 yr.
diploma in
Electronics of at
least one year
duration for
those having 3
yrs. Diploma in
must obtain
9 yrs. post
AMIE (Elec. 3 yrs. in next
4. Dy. Manager E4 Do qualification
&Mec.)/ IETE below grade
or other
membership OR
BE/ B.Tech/
BSC Engg./
electronics &
/ electronics &
on branch/
13 yrs. post
5. Manager E5 -DO- qualification -Do- -DO-
17 yrs. post
4 yrs. in next
6. Sr. Manager E6 -DO- qualification -DO-
below grade
21 yrs. post
7. E7 -DO- qualification -DO- -DO-
3 yrs.
25 yrs. post
General experience in
8. E8 -DO- qualification -DO-
Manager next below

P a g e | 339
Appendix CSXVI
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Finance discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Designation Grade Minimum Remarks
No Minimum Minimum Minimum
qualification qualification experience
and rank
Management Qualified CA/
Trainee ICWA

Qualified CA/
Sr. Officer E2 NIL

5 yrs. post Successful

3 E3 -DO- qualification -Do- completion of 1
experience yr. training
9yrs. post
3 yrs. in the next
4. Dy. Manager E4 -Do- qualification -Do-
below grade
13yrs. post
5. Manager E5 -Do- qualification -Do- -Do-
17yrs. post
4 yrs. in the next
6. Sr. Manager E-6 -Do- qualification -Do-
below grade
21 yrs. post
7. E-7 -Do- qualification -Do- -Do-
25 yrs. post
General 3 yrs. in the next
8. E-8 -Do- qualification -Do-
Manager below grade
1. Existing candidates with qualification of Graduation as on the date of implementation of this policy,
will grow upto E3 grade. The residency period for promotion from E1 to E2 and E2 to E3 will be 6
years each.
2. Existing candidates with qualification of Inter CA/ICWA as on the date of implementation of this
policy, will grow upto E5 grade. The residency period for promotion from E1 to E2 will be 3 years
and for E2 to E3, E3 to E4 will be 5 years each and E4 to E5 will be 6 years.
3. Existing candidates with MBA (Finance) as on the date of implementation of this policy will be
treated for promotion at par with the candidates having qualification of Qualified CA/ ICWA.

P a g e | 340
Appendix CSXVII
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Materials management discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Sl. Minimum
Designation Grade Minimum Minimum Minimum Remarks
No experience and
qualification qualification experience
Degree in electrical
or mechanical
engg. branch/
discipline with
Diploma in
1 MT E2
management with
specialization in
Supply Chain
(SCM)/ operation
Graduate or
Diploma in 3 yrs.
Engg. (3 yrs. experience as
duration) or inspector of
MBA with store/
2 Sr. Officer E2 specialization purchase or
in material chief store
management/ keeper in T&S
Supply Chain grade „A‟
Graduate or
Dip in Engg.
(3 yrs.
duration) or
MBA with
Minimum 5yrs. Successful
in material
3 Asst. Manager E3 -Do- relevant completion of
experience 1 yr. training
Supply Chain
electrical or

P a g e | 341
Engg. branch/
with MBA or
PG Diploma
in material
3 yrs.
Minimum 9 years
experience in
4 Dy. Manager E4 -Do- post qualification -Do-
next below
Minimum 13years
5 Manager E5 -Do- post qualification -Do- -Do-
4 yrs.
Minimum 17years
experience in
6 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- post qualification -Do-
next below
Graduate with
diploma or
MBA in
Dip in Engg.
(3 yrs.
duration) with
diploma or
21 years post MBA in
qualification material -Do-
7 Chief Manager E7 -Do-
experience management/
electrical or
Engg branch/
discipline with
Diploma in
in material

P a g e | 342
25 years post 3 yrs.
General qualification experience in
8 E8 -Do- -Do-
Manager experience the next below

P a g e | 343
Appendix CSXVIII
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Coal preparation discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Sl. Minimum
Designation Grade Minimum Minimum Minimum Remarks
No experience
qualification qualification experience
and rank
BE/ B. Tech/ BSc.
Management Engg./ AMIE in
(Trainee) chemical branch/
BE/ B. Tech/
BSc. Engg./
AMIE or Post
Degree/ Diploma
1 E2
in chemical 3 yrs. experience
engineering/ in the company
Sr. Officer
mineral dressing/ in the relevant
coal preparation/ branch
electrical or
5 yrs. post Successful
2 Asst. Manager E3 -Do- qualification -Do- completion of 1
experience yr. training
9 yrs. post 3 yrs. experience
3 Dy. Manager E4 -Do- qualification -Do- in the next below
experience grade
13 yrs. post
4 Manager E5 -Do- qualification -Do- -Do-
17 yrs. post 4 yrs. experience
5 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- qualification -Do- in the next below
experience grade
21 yrs. post
6 Chief Manager E7 -Do- qualification -Do- -Do-
25 yrs. post 3 yrs. experience
7 E8 -Do- qualification -Do- in next below
experience grade

P a g e | 344
Appendix CSXIX
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Medical discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Sl. Minimum Remark
Designation Grade Minimum Minimum Minimum
No experience and s
qualification qualification experience
Sr. Medical Recognized
1 (a) E3
Officer medical degree
Recognized post
1 (b) Specialist E3 qualification
mentioned in
Annexure – 1
Recognized post
6 yrs. post Possession of a
qualification minimum
qualification 3 yrs. experience
2 (a) Sr. Specialist E4 experience qualification as
mentioned in in lower grade
connected with specified during
Annexure – 1
the specialty recruitment
10 yrs. post Possession of a
qualification minimum
Dy. Medical 3 yrs. experience
2(b) E4 -Do- experience qualification as
Superintendent in lower grade
connected with specified during
the specialty recruitment.
Medical 14 yrs. post
Superintendent qualification
3 / Medical E5 -Do- experience -Do - -Do-
Superintendent connected with
(Specialist) the specialty
18 yrs. post
Dy. Chief qualification
4 yrs. experience
4 Medical E6 -Do- experience -Do-
in lower grade
Officer connected with
the specialty
specialization as
21 yrs. post
mentioned in
Chief Medical annexure 1 or
5 E7 -Do- experience -Do-
Officer medical degree
connected with
with training in
the specialty
25 yrs. post
Chief of qualification
3 yrs. experience
6 Medical E8 -Do- experience -Do-
in lower grade
Services connected with
the specialty


P a g e | 345
1. Existing medical executives not possessing any post graduate qualification will be
eligible for promotion beyond E6 grade provided they have undergone training in
Hospital Admn. or similar other training.

2. Promotion from E4 to E5 and above grades will be regulated in the ratio of 2:1:1 i.e. 2 for
specialist cadre, 1 for GDMO who has acquired specialist PG qualification subsequently
and 1 for GDMO.

P a g e | 346
Annexure 1
(Appendix CSXIX)

Medical specification of qualification under part A&B

Part –A Part – B

MD MRCP PhD(medical) PhD(Physiology)

PhD(Biochemistry) PhD(pharmacology), M.Sc.
1 Medicine General (medical with Anatomy(Physiology)), M.Sc.
(Medical Anatomy) DSc (Physiology) including
Biochemistry, D Sc. (pharmacology)

2 Surgery General MS. FRCS. FACS

3 Anesthesiology FFARCS MD/MS with anesthesiology as special DA(BCP &S) Eng. DA

DRMS(1 yr. course)

MD(radiology) or MRCP with Radiology as
4 Radiology special subject DMRT(2 yrs. course) DMRE (2 DMR&T (1 year course)
yrs. course)
DMRD (1 yr.)

5 Obstetrics Gynecology MD, MO, MR. COG, FRCS, or MS(gynecology) DGO

6 Pediatrics MD or MRCP, FRCP (Canada) Dip/Ped. DCH

7 Orthopedics MS,MCH(Orthopedics, Liverpool)FRCS D orthopedic, D Orth. S

8 Ophthalmology MS, FRCS (with ophthalmology) DO, DCMSD

9 Ophthalmology ENT MS, FRCS (with otolaryngology) DLO, DORI

10 Psychiatrist MD with psychiatry MRCP with psychiatry DPM

11 Dermatology & VD MD/MRCP with dermatology as special subject DVD & DDV

12 DCP, PBD (Bact)

Pathology & MD (Pathology), MD(Path & Bact), M Sc. (Path

P a g e | 347
Bacteriology & Bact) PD(Path & Bact) D Sc. (Public Health)

13 Public Health MD with Public Health, D Sc. (Public Health) Mph, DPH, DTM & HLPH, DIR

Maternity & Child

14 MD (Midwifery & Gynecology) MRCP DM & CW

15 Tuberculosis MD, MRCP, FRCS, MS TBD, DTD

16 Radiation Medicine DRM

This list is not exhaustive. The competent authority will have the power to assign other qualification to part A or Part B.

P a g e | 348
Appendix CSXX
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Community development

Outside recruitment Promotion Remarks

Designation Grade
No Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
qualification experience qualification experience

Post Graduate
Degree or Post
Graduate Diploma
(from a recognized
in Community
Organization &
Practice/ Urban &
Rural Community
development/ Rural
& Tribal
Management/ Rural
Management OR
Management Post Graduate
1 E2
(Trainee) Degree(from a
Institute) in Social
work with
specializations -
Organization &
Practice/ Urban &
Rural Community
development/ Rural
& Tribal

P a g e | 349
Post Graduate
Degree or Post
Graduate Diploma
(from a recognized
in Community
Development/ Rural
Organization &
Practice/ Urban &
Rural Community
Development/ Rural
& Tribal
Management/ Rural Successful
3 years post
Asst. Management completion
2 E3 -DO- qualification
Manager ORPost Graduate of 1 yr.
Degree(from a training
university/ Institute)
in Social work with
specializations -
Development/ Rural
Organization &
Practice/ Urban &
Rural Community
development/ Rural
& Tribal
7 years post 3 yrs.
Dy. qualification experience
3 E4 -Do-
Manager relevant -Do- in lower
experience grade
11 years
4 Manager E5 -D0- qualification
-Do- -Do-
16 years
post 4 yrs.
5 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- qualification experience
relevant in lower
experience grade
Chief 21 years
6 E7 -Do-
Manager post -Do- -Do-

P a g e | 350
25 years
General 3 yrs.
7 E8 -Do- qualification
Manager experience
relevant -Do-
in lower

P a g e | 351
Appendix CSXXI
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))


Outside recruitment Promotion

Sr. No Designation Grade

Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
qualification experience qualification experience

6 years 6 years
M.Sc. Nursing
1 teaching M.Sc. Nursing teaching
Sr. Officer experience experience
(Nursing) B.Sc. Nursing 8 years B.Sc. Nursing 8 years
2 (Basic/Post teaching (Basic/Post teaching
Basic) experience Basic) experience
6 years in next
below grade
3 Manager E3 -do-
- - (Through
Dy. Manager 6 years in next
4 E4 -do-
(Nursing) - - below grade
Manager 6 years in next
5 E5 -do-
(Nursing) - - below grade

P a g e | 352
Appendix CSXXII
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Public Relations discipline

Outside recruitment Promotion

Designation Grade Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
qualification experience qualification experience
Post Graduate Degree
or PG Diploma in
Public Relation/ Mass
1 E2 Communication/
Journalism from
University/ Institute.
Post Graduate
Degree or PG
Diploma in
Public Relation/
Mass 3 yrs. in T&S
2 Sr. Officer E2 Communication grade „A‟
/ Journalism
5 yrs. relevant Successful
3 E3 -Do- post qualification -Do- completion of 1
experience yr. training
9 yrs. relevant experience in
4 Dy. Manager E4 -Do- post qualification -Do-
the next below
13 yrs. relevant
5 Manager E5 -Do- post qualification -Do-
17 yrs. relevant 4yrs. experience
6 Sr. Manager E6 -Do- post qualification -Do- in the next
experience below grade
21 yrs. relevant
Chief -Do-
7 E7 -Do- post qualification -Do-
3yrs. experience
25 yrs. relevant
General in the next
8 E8 -Do- post qualification -Do-
Manager below grade

P a g e | 353
Appendix CSXXIII
(Clause 10.6.6 (a))

Executive Director (E9)

Posts Minimum qualification Minimum experience
Executive Director (Corporate Professional degree in any
1. 2 years in E8 grade
Affairs) Discipline
A recognized Medical degree
Executive Director (Medical with PG Degree/Diploma in
2. 2 years as CMS in E8 grade
Services) Medical Specialty and should be
from the specialist cadre.
Executive Director Professional degree in any
3. 2 years in E8 grade
(Co-ordination) Discipline
Executive of Geology discipline
Executive Director 2 years in E8 grade in Geology
4. possessing M. Tech in Geology,
(Exploration) discipline
M.Sc. in Geology
Professional degree in any
Executive Director Discipline with PG 2 years in E8 grade in MM
(Materials & Contracts) Diploma/Degree in Materials discipline
Executive Director
Degree in Electrical or Mechanical 2 years in E8 grade in Excavation
6. (Engineering &
Engg. or its equivalent or E&M discipline
Graduate with Post Graduate
Degree/ Diploma in Personnel
Executive Director Management / Social Science/ 2 years in E8 grade in Personnel
(Personnel) Social work or MBA with discipline
specialization in Personnel
Management/ Industrial Relations
Professional degree in any
Executive Director (Logistics Discipline with PG Degree/ 2 years in E8 grade in Sales &
& Sales) Diploma in Marketing Marketing discipline

Qualified Chartered Accountant/

Cost Accountant/ full time study 2 years in E8 grade in Finance
9. Executive Director (Finance)
in PGDM/ MBA with discipline
specialization in Finance

P a g e | 354
Minimum 2 years full time Post
Graduate Degree or Post
Graduate Diploma (from a
recognized University/Institute)
in Community Development/
Rural Development/ Community
Organization & Development
Practice/ Urban & Rural
Community development/ Rural
& Tribal Development/
Development Management/
Rural Management OR
10. Executive Director(CSR) 2 years in E8 grade
Minimum 2 years full time Post
Graduate Degree(from a
recognized university/ Institute)
in Social work with
specializations - Community
Development/ Rural
Development/ Community
Organization & Development
Practice/ Urban & Rural
Community development/ Rural
& Tribal Development/
Development Management

Professional degree in any

Executive Director
11. Discipline along with MBA/ 2 years in E8 grade
(Internal Audit)
PGDM (2 years)

B.E., or B. Tech in Mining with 2 years in E8 grade in mining

12. Executive Director (S & R)
1st class MMCC discipline with 1st class MMCC

A graduate with experience in

Executive Director Armed forces and should have 2 years in E8 grade in Security
(Security) served in the rank of Major or discipline
above in defense services.

Professional degree in any

Executive Director Discipline with Post Graduate 2 years in E8 grade in
(Environment) Degree/ Post Graduate Diploma Environment discipline
in Environment Engineering

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BE/ B. Tech/ BSc. Engg./ AMIE 2 years in E8 grade in
15. Executive Director (CP)
in chemical branch/ discipline Environment discipline

Post qualification experience of 21

Post Graduate Degree/ Diploma years out of which half of the
(2 Years) in Management/ HR/ overall experience should be in
Behavioral Science/ Personnel academic area of a premier
management/ HRD management institute or Corporate
HRD centers. Minimum 2 years as
(PHD in Management/ HR/ head/ Director of premier institute
16. Executive Director (IICM) Behavioral Science/ Personnel or corporate HRD center is
management/ HRD or equivalent preferred OR 2 years experience
is preferable) in E8 grade in P&A discipline OR
2 years experience in E8 grade in
any other discipline with
minimum 10 years experience in
HRD function in CIL/Subsidiaries/

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