ashyaseptiara@gmail.com1, intan.hamzah@teknokrat.ac.id2
Mastering vocabulary is crucial in learning English as it affects communication skills. Many students
find it difficult to express their ideas in English, and learning difficulties stem from internal and external
factors. Technological advancements, particularly in e-learning, have a positive impact on the learning
process. Songs in English have been proven to be an effective way to learn and improve vocabulary as
they help students understand and memorize new words. Using music player applications like Spotify
as an innovative learning medium can improve vocabulary mastery. The study aims to explore students'
perspectives on their vocabulary mastery using English songs with the Spotify application and employ
descriptive qualitative research to determine students' perceptions of Spotify as a learning medium for
increasing vocabulary mastery. The subjects of this research were eleventh-grade students of SMAN 1
Terbanggi Besar, totaling 30 students. From the result of the questionnaire, the majority of students
find Spotify to be a useful and effective tool for learning English. It is perceived as a good medium for
social interaction, improving vocabulary mastery, and receiving useful feedback from teachers.
Mastering vocabulary is one of the most important parts of learning English. Nurgiyantoro (2014) explained
that vocabulary mastery is the vocabulary or word wealth that is mastered by someone. According to Ramdhan
(2017), vocabulary is important to learn to facilitate language skills, without mastering a lot of vocabulary,
language learning will not be achieved, with a large vocabulary students can easily master language skills.
Adequate vocabulary mastery is necessary to carry out communication activities in language. Many researchers
point out that real communication is the result of learning appropriate and adequate vocabulary as opposed to
learning grammar rules alone (Cook, 2013). According to August, Carlo, Dressler, and Snow (2005) revealed that
foreign language learners with a limited vocabulary need more time to learn new vocabulary items, are less
involved in understanding texts, and are less engaged in verbal communication with their peers. The more
vocabulary a person has, the higher his language skills.
According to Iskandarwassid & Sunendar (2015), there are still many students who find it difficult to
express their ideas using English. The notion that learning English is difficult is an obstacle for some students to
feel reluctant to improve their English skills. According to Irham and Wiyani (2013) said that several factors cause
students to experience learning difficulties caused by two factors, namely internal and external factors. Internal
factors include; student attitudes toward learning, student motivation, student learning concentration, and the way
students process teaching materials. While external factors that influence students' difficulties in learning include:
teachers as student coaches, learning facilities and infrastructure, and the social environment of students at school.
Therefore, teachers are required to understand the factors that influence the process and learning outcomes of
students because learning difficulties stem from these factors.
Technological progress in this era is something that we cannot avoid in life because technological advances
go hand in hand with advances in science. In education, the Internet is used as a support in learning media (Fadilah,
Setyosari, & Susilaningsih, 2021). The creation of technology is currently increasing, and all parties in the world
of education must be able to balance and keep abreast of existing technological advances. Technology in the world
of education is commonly known as e-learning. The benefit of using e-learning facilities is to facilitate the learning
Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning (JELTL), Vol: 4, No: 1, 14-18
and learning process. The use of e-learning in learning according to recent research has a positive impact on
learning processes and outcomes. By reviewing the literature, it was found that e-learning has a significant impact
on learning and should be considered (Somayeh, et al., 2016). The use of media in the teaching and learning
process of English will attract students' interest in learning the language. Therefore, teachers must be more
innovative in the learning process, so that the learning process becomes more effective, efficient, and able to attract
students' interest.
According to (Sari & Lestari, 2019), one medium that is quite effective in quickly mastering English is
getting used to and liking English songs. Nurkhaeni (2010), states that by using English songs in teaching
vocabulary, students can easily understand and memorize new vocabulary. In addition, Burhayani (2013), also
argues that effectiveness can be achieved because songs help students enjoy the learning process and make students
easily remember new words. Music also affects the emotional intelligence of adolescents (Georgieva, 2017).
Listening to songs and singing songs will unknowingly enrich students' vocabulary. Since songs are primarily
written for local speakers, they often include current language, idioms, and expressions (Susanti et al., 2019). As
a result, music can be one of the media used by students to learn English vocabulary. Singing songs and doing
activities within songs let students know what new lyrics or words mean without asking others or looking them up
in a dictionary.
Several studies related to the use of songs in improving students' English skills have been carried out. The
first research by Isnaini & Aminatun (2021), stated in his research that English songs help students learn and
improve students vocabulary and their English skills. Furthermore, Afriyuninda & Oktaviani (2021), found that
English songs can help improve their listening skills, not only that they can also practice proper and correct
pronunciation, and can learn new vocabulary by practicing listening to English songs to improve their skills. Third
Gushendra (2017), had conducted the study's findings indicating that using English songs can improve students'
vocabulary mastery.
So music player applications such as Spotify can be used as innovations in learning, apart from being used
as an entertainment medium, the Spotify application can also be used as an innovative learning medium for
learning English vocabulary. Because the Spotify application provides various kinds of songs in English that can
be accessed anywhere and anytime. This is also supported by the results of previous research by Putri (2022),
stating that the Spotify application is more effective and innovative than the traditional method.
From the explanation above, the researcher is interested in exploring students' vocabulary mastery using
English songs. This study focuses on students' perspectives on their vocabulary mastery using English songs using
the Spotify application. In addition, this study will also employ descriptive qualitative research. Therefore the
authors are interested in researching by trying to use song player media, namely Spotify in improving the
vocabulary mastery of students of SMAN 1 Terbanggi Besar. The purpose of this study was to determine students'
perceptions of the Spotify application as a learning medium for improving students' vocabulary mastery.
This research is qualitative research using descriptive research methodology. According to Sugiyono
(2016), the qualitative research method is a research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to
research natural object conditions, (as opposed to experiments) where the researcher is the key instrument,
sampling data sources are done purposively and snowball, the collection technique is triangulation (combined),
data analysis is inductive/qualitative in nature and the results of qualitative research emphasize meaning rather
than generalization. Descriptive in this study is used to develop theories that are built from data obtained in the
field. Thus, researchers will use this kind of method because researchers focus on analyzing student perceptions
so that the data that researchers use will be presented descriptively.
The participants in this study were eleventh-grade students at SMAN 1 Terbanggi Besar. After that, the
researcher chose 30 students as the representatives of eleventh-grade students. This is because they are from the
experimental class that uses the Spotify application as a medium to improve students` vocabulary mastery.
Therefore, to collect data, researchers used a questionnaire as a data collection method. The questionnaire consists
of 15 statements distributed via Google Forms. The researcher uses a Likert Scale starting from Strongly Agree,
Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. researchers used data tabulation. Data tabulation is the process
of entering data into tables according to the analysis.
the Spotify application in online learning, and the last aspect has five questions that mention students' obstacles in
learning English through the Spotify application.
In the first aspect of the questionnaire, five questions reflect the perceived usefulness of using the Spotify
application. The results can be seen as follows:
3. I think Spotify's features are easy to use in learning 20% 73,3% 6,7% 0% 100%
and discussion.
4. Spotify helps me to improve my vocabulary 26,7% 63,3% 10% 0% 100%
5. I think using Spotify is an effective way to improve 26,7% 63,3% 10% 0% 100%
In the first statement, 76.7% of students agreed and 23.3% strongly agreed that the Spotify application was
easy to use as a learning medium. In the second statement, 60% of students agree and 36.7% of students strongly
agree that they feel comfortable learning English through the Spotify application because they can access it
anytime and anywhere. And the rest, 3.3% disagree.
In the third statement, 73.3% of students agreed and 20% strongly agreed on the statement that the features
of the Spotify application are easy to use in learning and discussion. Meanwhile, 6.7% of students disagreed.
Furthermore, in the fourth and fifth statements, 63.3% of students agreed and 26.7% of students strongly agreed
Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning (JELTL), Vol: 4, No: 1, 14-18
that the Spotify application can increase student vocabulary and that using the Spotify application is an effective
way to increase vocabulary.
In the last aspect of the questionnaire, five questions reflect learning difficulties when using the Spotify
application. The results can be seen as follows:
2. I find using Spotify a bit difficult to ask the teacher 6,7% 36,7% 56,7% 0% 100%
about a topic I don't understand
3. I find Spotify very difficult to learn vocabulary. 0% 30% 60% 10% 100%
4. I have trouble using Spotify when it comes to group 0% 26,7% 70% 3,3% 100%
5. English subject is difficult to be implemented in 3,3% 30% 66,7% 0% 100%
In the first statement, as many as 53.3% of students disagreed and 6.7% of students strongly disagreed that
finding difficulties with the Spotify system was quite difficult to use. And as many as 30% of students agree and
10% of students strongly agree that finding difficulties with the Spotify system is quite difficult to use.
In the second statement, as many as 56.7% of students disagree with using Spotify. It's a bit difficult to ask
the teacher about topics that I don't understand. And 36.7% of students agree and 6.7% of students strongly agree
with statement number two.
In the third statement, 70% of students disagree and 3.3% strongly disagree that Spotify is very difficult for
learning vocabulary. And 26.7% agree that Spotify is very difficult to learn vocabulary.
In the fourth statement, as many as 70% of students disagree and 3.3% of students strongly disagree that
they have difficulty using the Spotify application in terms of group work. And the remaining 26.7% agreed that
they had difficulty using the Spotify application in terms of group work.
In the last statement, 66.7% of students disagreed with the statement that the subject of difficult English
was implemented on Spotify. And 30% of students agree and 3.3% of students very strongly agree with this
Based on the results of the questionnaire, the majority of students find Spotify to be a useful and effective
tool for learning English. It is perceived as a good medium for social interaction, improving vocabulary mastery,
and receiving useful feedback from teachers. Students find Spotify easy to use and accessible anywhere. Some
students find it challenging to navigate the system and ask teachers for help, but overall, the use of Spotify for
English language learning is well-perceived by students.
The majority of students agreed that using the Spotify application is useful and effective in learning English.
They perceive the quality of learning activities to be very good, and Spotify is seen as a very good medium for
social interaction among teachers and students, as well as among students themselves. Additionally, they believe
that Spotify helps to improve vocabulary mastery and that the feedback given by teachers through the application
is useful.
Moreover, the students find Spotify to be an easy-to-use learning medium that they can access anytime and
anywhere, and they feel comfortable learning English through the application. They also agree that the features of
Spotify are easy to use in learning and discussion and that it is an effective way to increase vocabulary.
In terms of difficulties, some students find it challenging to navigate the Spotify system and ask the teacher
about topics they don't understand. However, the majority of students disagreed that Spotify is very difficult for
learning vocabulary or group work, and they do not find the subject of difficult English to be poorly implemented
on the application.
In conclusion, the results suggest that the use of Spotify as a learning tool for English language learning is
generally well-perceived by students, who find it to be a useful and effective tool for improving their language
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