S1 FKIP 21801073169 Fara Mufrida
S1 FKIP 21801073169 Fara Mufrida
S1 FKIP 21801073169 Fara Mufrida
JULY, 2022
Presented to
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University of Islam Malang
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Sarjana in English Language Education
NPM 21801073169
chapter introduces the background of the study, the research problem, the objective of
the study, the significance of the study, the scope and limitation of the study, the
(Durmus, 2015). Listening is the ability to identify and understand what others say.
important because it is a process through which students get input and without its
listening comprehension, the teacher is necessary to select the right media and
materials for the students to use in listening comprehension process. The media and
materials should be interesting to catch the students’ attention and possess the
Moreover, Lynch (2008) mentions that there are three factors that contributed to
the listening comprehension of the song. First, the use of new vocabulary, idioms,
and expressions which needs to address the new material offered in each song.
Second, pronunciation and accent of the singer, In this case, the students may be
exposed to an accent which is outside the realm of what they might normally hear in
context. Third, the use of new grammar and structure song, In short, by listening the
song students will get new vocabulary, idioms, and expressions, learn how to
pronounce the words, and learn new grammar and structure so that they build up their
Furthermore, Song is one of the interesting media for teaching listening to Junior
High School students. Songs are useful for listening comprehension, students can
memorize the words because it is familiar and easy to listen and repeat for them.
Besides, students also feel happy and enthusiastic about learning English. It also
provides an enjoyable situation for students. According to Sari (2022), songs can
create a positive atmosphere in the classroom and thereby reduce effective filters.
Using song is actually very fun because of the suggestions of music and songs can
bring the students unto the rest, relax and free from under pressure environments
Same research about songs for listening comprehension was done by several
Listening Skill”. The purpose of this study was to take a look at how the use of
English song affects students who have an Auditory learning style and their
perception on the effects. The result of this research showed that music has an
of English song in auditory learning is proven, there are still some students who feel
like this learning method is not for them because students feel that they have different
Perception on the Use of Songs in the English Learning Process”. The purpose of
this study was to explore of English students’ perception on the use of English song
in the learning process”. The result of the research showed that the use of English
songs could give many good effects that can be very useful for the students.
Therefore, it gives benefits to students’ speaking and listening skill, also give a
support to increase students’ writing skill and give positivity to their English
From the several previous studies above, the researcher found that there are some
results that are obtained related using song. It is concluded that the students’ use of
songs for listening activities was effective and give enormous impact for students.
different level of subject between the recent and the previous studies.
research. The researcher believes that many perceptions would emerge, such as the
pro and contra of changing the listening learning system. The research was conducted
in eight grade of SMPN 01 Dau Malang in the academic year of 2022/2023. The
researches choose SMPN 01 Dau Malang as object research, because there were no
previous researchers who used this school as the research area, especially about the
English subject. There is also no previous research that had been conducted in this
So, this study aims to determine the students' perceptions of using English songs for
listening comprehension.
Based on the background of the study stated above, the research problem in
this study is “How are the students’ perceptions of songs at the sosial media in
According to the problem of the study above, the research aims to investigate
and describe the students’ perceptions of using English songs for Listening
This study is expected to give significant information and suggestion for three
aspects, English teacher, English students at Junior high school, and researchers.
1) For Teachers
It is expected that this study can give valuable information for the teachers
teacher of SMPN 01 Dau Malang. The finding of this research hopefully can
Afterward from the perceptions of the students, the teachers can observe the level
English songs. Moreover, this study can be guided for the teachers to enrich their
2) For Students
It is also expected that this study can give valuable information for the
3) For Researchers
This research is expected to be able to inspect this topic deeper and can
In this study, the subject is the Eight Grade students of SMPN 01 Dau
Malang. Furthermore, the researcher limited the problem mainly to explore the
perception of the students in using English songs for listening comprehension. So, the
for collecting the data which are adapted from previous study.
a. Student’ Perception
interpret an occurrence that has been or has occurred. In this study, students’
b. English Songs
song is a good tool to help the process of learning English (Nurhayati, 2009).
In this research, songs are the media used by teacher for teaching listening
c. Listening comprehension
This chapter presents the conclusions and suggestions of the research. The
came up with some ideas which were addressed to English teachers, students, and
future researchers who take interest in the field of student perceptions of using
1.1 Conclusion
Based on the finding in the previous chapter, the researcher concludes that the
use of English songs for listening comprehension at eight grade in SMPN 01 Dau
Malang can be got positive perceptions or agree of using English song for listening
comprehension. The students also agree that songs were good and appropriate to be
applied in listening class, which made the students enthusiastic in learning English.
Another advantage from learning through songs was that the students did not feel
bored or sleepy in the class because the lesson became enjoyable and the class’
atmosphere became fun. It can be seen from the significantly percentage from the
Most students stated that learning listening using English songs could improve
grammar and listening, because it is easy to learn. Moreover, more than half students
agreed that pronunciation, vocabulary and listening could improve more when the
comprehension, some students stated that using English songs for listening
comprehension also has negative perceptions. The first was a few students felt
concentration was distracted because some students were too noisy. The second was
came from the weakness caused by the song, some words found in the song were
unfamiliar, so the students felt difficult to understand the meaning in the song.
1.2 Suggestions
will be three suggestions to be presented. The first suggestion is for the English
teachers. The second suggestion is for the students and the third suggestion is for the
future researchers.
be used in class. The researcher found that some students get difficulty to understand
the words because the pronunciation in the songs was unclear and sometimes the
songs were too fast, so they could not hear the words. In order to overcome this
problem, teacher also should be able to select songs that are not too slow or too fast.
Besides, the teacher also should be able to select song lyrics that are easy for students
to understand.
various media in learning, especially using English songs. English songs can make
students fun, enjoy and very interesting in learning listening. In addition, English
songs are one of the media that suitable for students to be used in any situation.
This research is expected to be useful for other researchers and also can be a
reference or inspiration for future researchers who are interested in the field of
students’ perceptions of using English songs for listening comprehension. In the next
research, to verify the result clearer and more detailed, future researchers can use
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