Theory of Computation End Term

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End-Term Examination

Course Name:<B.Tech IT/ CSE-Al/ CSE>, Semester.<5>
(November-Decem ber, 2023)

/ Subject Code: BCS 303 • 1 Subject: Theory of Computation \

Time :3 Hours Maximum Marks :GO
! Note:Q. 1 is compul'sory. Attempt one question each from the Units I, II, 111 & IV. , \

Ql (2.5*8=20)
.A~) How many tuples are used to define a Finite Automata, explain with an
L,tb) Design a DFA which accepts all the strings starting with 00 and ending with
--{c) What is Greibach Normal Form, explain with an example?
\ (d) Discuss about different closure properties of Context Free Grammar (CFG)?
Jef What is the difference. between Leftmost Derivation tree and Rightmost
Derivation tree, draw the derivation tree for the string id+id*id using
following productions of the grammar.
(f) What is a Turing Machine Transducer? Design TM for l's complement.
. (g') What is the difference between Context Free Language and Context
Sensitive language, explain with example?
~(n) What is halting problem, discuss about it briefly?

(a) Find out whether the strings 00, 01001, 10010, 000, 0000 are (10)
\ accepted by the following Nondeterministic Finite Automata
' \NFA).
0 1
{qo, q1} q1
*q1 qo {q1, q2}
q2 ¢ q1

(b) Convert the above NFA to DFA, explain in detail.

Explain the steps followed in minimization of Finite Automata and (10)

' Q3
minimize the following finite automata.

a b
q1 qo
q1 qo q2
q2 q3 q1
*q3 q3 qo
q4 q3 qs
qs q6 q4
q6 Qs q6
q7 QG q3

__aa How many tuples are used to define a Pushdown Automata (10)
(PDA) (describe each tuple) and design a PDA for L = {a0 b2n:
n>O l on l: = { a, b} .
Page 1 of 2
QS (a). Find out whether the grammar is ambiguous of not. (10)
(Where Eis epsilon - empty string).

(b). Define Chomsky Normal Form (CNF). Convert the following

Context free grammar to CNF.

~6 By writing the Pumping Lemma for context ·free languages find out (10)
whether the language L = {a"b2"c"/n>l} is context free or not.
Q7 (a). Design a Turing Machine which accepts the language L = (10)
{a"b"/n>l} over I= {a,b}.
(b). Discuss about Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages.
QS (a). Briefly describe about Complexity classes P and NP. (10)
(b). convert the following Moore Machine to Mealy Machine.
Present Next state Output
a=0 a=l
q3 qi 0
Qi Qi q2 1
q2 q2 q3 0
- Q3 Q3 qo 0
Define Mealy Machine with tuples and convert the following Mealy (10)
; tg

-, -
Machine to Moore Machine.
J Pres.ent_ I - -

Input a=O
. Ne~state

·- _.__
'Input a=l
----- - \ - -- -

State output
q3 0 Q2 1
Q2 q1 J 0 q4 0
q3 q2 1 qi 1
q4 q4 1 q3 0

·r D
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