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Hygiene and Sanitation Condition in The Karangayu Market Regional . JPHTCR. Vol 6. No.

2 (2023)


Journal homepage: http:/ejournal2.undip.ac.id/index.php/jphtr/index
ISSN : 2597-438

Hygiene and Sanitation Condition in the Karangayu Market

Regional Technical Implementation Unit
Pradico Dwi Pamungkas 1, Yuni Wijayanti 2
1,2 Departmentof Public Health Sciences, Semarang State University, Semarang, 50229, Indonesia
*) Correspondent Email: ppradicodwip@gmail.com

Background: Lack of access to sanitation and hygiene in the traditional market can increase
infectious disease transmission. Based on a preliminary study in the Karangayu Market, it was
found that the hygiene and sanitation condition did not meet the requirements of Minister of Health
regulation No. 17 of 2020. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of market
hygiene and sanitation in the working area of Karangayu Market Regional Technical
Implementation Unit, Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia.
Methods: This observational study was conducted in all of the eight markets located in the working
area of Karangayu Market Regional Technical Implementation Unit. A score of ≥ 70% of the total
score of each variable was determined as met the requirement and the score of ≤ 70% was defined
as did not meet the requirements. The determination of the scores was done through the
observation using sanitary assessment, based on the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 17 of 2020.
Results: The condition of market hygiene and sanitation in the working area of Karangayu Market,
Semarang City had not met the requirements. The used indicators were traders/employees,
visitors, market buildings, garbage disposal sites, drainage ditches, toilets, places to sell food and
groceries, control of disease-carrying animals, parking lots. However, the level of density of flies
was still met the requirements.
Conclusion: Poor hygiene and sanitation in the working area of Karangayu Market Regional
Technical Implementation Unit, Semarang City, can increase the risk for disease transmission if it
is not resolved.

Keywords: Traditional market; Fly density; Hygiene; Sanitation; disease transmission

Article History: Received: 22th July 2023, revised: 07th August 2023, accepted: 24th August 2023

Introduction prevention efforts focused on an object or

Lack of access to sanitation facilities is one of human activities (2). Market
closely related to the spread of infectious environment sanitation aims to maintain,
diseases caused by environmental factors. avoid, manage, and control everything in the
Sanitation problems have spread throughout market environment, especially things that
the world. The environment in public places are closely related to disease outbreaks or
is one aspect of sanitation that is very epidemics that can be spread by fly vectors.
influential in improving public health (1). One Java Island had the highest number of
of the efforts to achieve good health is a traditional markets in Indonesia. It has 5,949
good hygiene. Good sanitation is considered traditional markets, according to the 2020
as a form of disease prevention by taking Market Profile Data. The total number of
into account environmental factors around traditional markets at various points
the objects, as opposed to efforts which are throughout Indonesia reached 16,235
© 2023 Pamungkas,Pradico Dwi. et al., JPHTCR, ISSN: 2597-4378. All rights reserved 74
Hygiene and Sanitation Condition in The Karangayu Market Regional . JPHTCR. Vol 6. No.2 (2023)
markets (3). There were 56 traditional Flamboyan and Mawar markets, there was no
markets in Semarang City alone, which was separation between wet and dry waste.
divided into 6 UPTD (Regional Technical Scattered garbage around the sewerage area
Implementation Units). Based on estimates were found. There was no special
of the traditional market number in management for liquid waste before disposal to
Indonesia, more than 50 million people or the city sewers. The bathrooms and toilets
nearly 25% of the Indonesian population were smelly and slippery and had no washing
participated in the traditional markets. A facilities. They were closed to the stallers. This
study on the environmental health condition sanitation situation can directly affect the
of 448 traditional markets spread across 28 hygiene of food and beverages in the market
provinces in Indonesia, showed that only .
10.94% met the requirements, while the The poor sanitation of the market has the
remaining of 89.06% did not meet the potential to food borne and the other infectious
requirements (4). disease transmissions. Diseases which related
Communities are usually preoccupied to the inadequate sanitation are diarrhea,
with their daily activities, in crowded public cholera, ARI (Acute Respiratory Tract
places such as markets. Environmental Infection). Diseases related to animals, such as
media components such as water, soil, air, SARS and avian flu, can also be transmitted
facilities, food, buildings, and vectors can easily in the markets which have poor
spread diseases in the market environment. sanitation or can be called unhealthy markets
The environment has the potential to cause .
health problems if it is not fulfilled the health A study in Liang Modern Traditional market
standards and norms. The improvement of found that the sanitary conditions was poor (8).
environment quality to prevent the spread of A good traditional market sanitation can result
disease should be done to prevent the in the clean merchandise and minimal risk for
negative impact on society at the economic, disease transmission in the market
social and cultural level (4). In the traditional environment . (9)

market, the sellers and buyers are gathers The researchers aimed to describe the
and interacts to each other (5). market hygiene and sanitation conditions in the
The results of the observation during working area of Karangayu Market, Regional
preliminary study showed that the market Technical Implementation Unit, Semarang
building was not maintained, some puddles City. The results of the study can be used to
and scattered garbage were on the alleys recommend the improvement on the condition,
inside the market. Many traders throwed so that the infectious diseases transmission
away the garbage in front of their stalls, the can be prevented and reduced.
trash piled up and scattered around. There
was no separation between inorganic and Methods
organic wastes. This study was conducted quantitatively, in
There were no separate toilets between an observational descriptive method. This
women and men. Hand washing facilities research was done in December 2022, in the
equipped with soap were not available in the working area of Karangayu Market Regional
toilet area. There was no hand washing Technical Implementation Unit, Semarang
facility with running water and soap in the City. This unit covers 8 markets in the West
food stall area. Cutting boards were made Semarang City, including Karangayu,
from wood. Flies and several other vectors Simongan, Jrakah, Mijen, Simongan,
such as rats and cockroaches were found at Gunungpati, Ngaliyan and Purwoyoso
food stall area. markets. All of 8 markets were included in the
In the parking area, there was no study. An observational sheet was used as the
separation for loading/ unloading and visitor instrument in this study. A fly grill was used for
parking lot. In terms of traders’/ workers’ measuring the fly density. The measurements
hygiene, many of the wet food traders who were done at the waste dump disposal closest
did not wear gloves, aprons, and used to the markets. The measurements were
jewelry during serving the customers. Some carried out at 2 markets per day. The number
traders smoked. Many visitors did not of flies perched on fly grill within 30 seconds at
implement healthy and cleanliness behavior. each location were counted at least 10 times.
A study by Febri (2015) at traditional Then the results of 10x30 seconds calculation
markets in Pontianak City showed that at the were categorized by low (0-2), moderate (3-5),
© 2023 Pamungkas,Pradico Dwi. et al., JPHTCR, ISSN: 2597-4378. All rights reserved 75
Hygiene and Sanitation Condition in The Karangayu Market Regional . JPHTCR. Vol 6. No.2 (2023)
high (6-20) and very high (>21). The markets’ meeting the requirements if the score was
sanitation were observed and assessed using ≥70% and as not met the requirements if the
a check list of some indicators for market score was ≤70% of the total score for each
buildings, stall buildings, garbage disposal variable.
sites, drainage waste channels, toilets, clean
water, places for selling food and groceries, Results
control of disease-transmitting animals, Market hygiene conditions in the working
parking lots, levels of fly density and hygiene area of Karangayu Market, Regional
based on Ministry of Health Regulation No. 17 Technical Implementation Unit, Semarang
of 2020, regarding the healthy market. Market City can be seen in Table 1, while market
hygiene and sanitation was determined as sanitation can be seen in Table 2.

Table 1. Market Hygiene Assessment Results

Hygiene Variables (Number of Markets) (%)

Trader/ Employee
Not Qualified 8 100
Qualified 0 0
Not Qualified 8 100
Qualified 0 0

Table 2. Market Sanitation Assessment Results

Market Sanitation Variables (Number of (%)
Market Building
Not Qualified 5 62.5
Qualified 3 37.5
Stall Building
Not Qualified 4 50
Qualified 4 50
Not Qualified 8 100
Qualified 0 0
Not Qualified 5 62.5
Qualified 3 37.5
Not Qualified 6 75
Qualified 2 25
Clean Water
Not Qualified 0 0
Qualified 8 100
Food and grocery stalls
Not Qualified 8 100
Qualified 0 0
Control of Disease Transmitting vectors
Not Qualified 8 100
Qualified 0 0
Parking area
Not Qualified 8 100
Qualified 0 0

© 2023 Pamungkas,Pradico Dwi. et al., JPHTCR, ISSN: 2597-4378. All rights reserved 76
Hygiene and Sanitation Condition in The Karangayu Market Regional . JPHTCR. Vol 6. No.2 (2023)
Table 1 shows that in terms of traders and markets in the working area of Karangayu
visitors, all of the 8 markets (100%), had not Market Regional Technical Implementation
met the healthy requirements. They had not Unit, Semarang City. Most of the markets
implemented personal hygiene behavior yet. (62.5%) had moderate density of flies.
In term of market sanitation, most of the Based on the overall results, the hygiene
markets had not meet the criteria of healthy and sanitation of the markets in the working
market for building condition, landfills, area of Karangayu Market Regional
sewerage, toilets, food and grocery stalls, Technical Implementation Unit, Semarang
control for disease transmitting vectors and City had not met the requirements based on
parking area. However, all of the markets the Minister of Health Regulation No. 17 of
had clean water facilities. 2020 concerning Healthy Markets.
Table 3 shows the level of fly density in 8

Table 3. Fly Density Assessment Results

Fly Density Figures (Number of Markets) (%)

Low 2 25
Moderate 5 62.5
High 1 12.5

Discussion work injuries including being stabbed by

Traders sharp objects and other health problems.
In the trader assessment, all of the Minister of Health Regulation No 17 of
markets did not meet the criteria for healthy 2020 concerning healthy market regulates
market, as they were not equipped with the use of personal protective equipment for
working clothes such as aprons, boots, traders and carcass workers who handle
gloves, headgear/hats, or footwear. It was poultry and cut fish as well as employees.
also noted that the traders were smoking Employees are also expected to keep the
and spitting in the market area, which market environment neat and clean every
resulted in contamination of the day. Fast food traders must be free from
merchandise by the splashing saliva. Other infectious diseases, including diarrhea,
unfavorable activities observed were not hepatitis, tuberculosis, scabies, and
washing their hands with soap and running respiratory tract infection.
water. Traders only used a cloth to clean or
remove dirt without washing their hands Visitors
thoroughly. In addition, traders who had long The visitors did not meet the criteria for a
nails are at a greater risk of harboring healthy market as they were not washing
pathogens of the mesophilic group such as hands before entering and leaving the
bacillus, clostridium, pseudomonas, market or before handling goods such as
micrococcus, and proteus (10). live or dead poultry and did not washing
Due to the lack of compliance in using of hands with soap after handling gaseous fish,
personal protective equipment (PPE) such meat, live poultry, and cooked food.
as apron, boot, glove, headgear/hat, or There were some visitors who littered
footwear, the traders did not meet the around the market. The Decree of the
requirements. This study is in line with Aris' Minister of Health of the Republic of
research, (2020) which explains that the Indonesia Number 17 of 2022 concerning
compliance in using PPE by waste healthy market regulate the community or
transporters in Pelaihari District Area in 2020 market associations to implement a clean
was only 20.9% (11). The use of PPE for lifestyle to reduce the risk of disease
traders/employees should be complied transmission in the market’s area.
during the activities in the market. A study conducted by Amelia, (2021)
Compliance to the use of PPE is an effort to showed that the visitors to the Kemiri Muka
protect the body partly or completely from market had implemented clean behavior
unwanted hazards in the workplace such as through hand washing after choosing the

© 2023 Pamungkas,Pradico Dwi. et al., JPHTCR, ISSN: 2597-4378. All rights reserved 77
Hygiene and Sanitation Condition in The Karangayu Market Regional . JPHTCR. Vol 6. No.2 (2023)
food product to buy (12). Persuasive with Anggraeni's studies (2017) which stated
strategies through messages or verbal that the arrangement of trading spaces in the
images that can evoke deep affection have Blambangan market in the western and
the power to change opinions and beliefs so eastern parts of the market had a special
that human behavior can be persuaded to division between wet, dry, and wet areas (15).
live clean and healthy. (13) This condition occurred as many traders
threw away the garbage at any place. This
Market Building research was in line with Ginting's study
The market building in the working area conducted at the Kabenjahe city market.
of Karangayu Market, Semarang City, was Some traders also throwed away the waste
built and operated with a permit from the into a trash can in front of the booth, which
Semarang City Trade Office. Based on the resulted in the bad smell for the traders and
observations, many market buildings were visitors (16). The absence of clues between
not maintained very well, so some damaged wet, dry and ready-to-eat traders causes
occurred. In terms of construction, the roof confusion among the visitors.
should be strong, impermeable to water and
can’t be a breeding ground for disease- Landfills
spreading vectors. A roof of higher than 10 A trash can is a component that should
meters should have a lightning rod and have be available in every public place. It was
a slope in such a way to prevent from found that trash cans in the markets were
puddles of water. not available at every stall. The trash bins at
Some market structure buildings were in every stall in the market environment were
bad condition. The floors were cracked, made of fruit baskets from traders who were
uneven and slippery, and there were no longer used so they were used as
puddles of water. There were some holes at garbage dumps. Thus, the trash bins were
the roof of the market building, which can be not watertight and closed. Directly or
a breeding ground for disease-carrying indirectly, waste is a source of disease (17).
vectors. The walls and ceiling of some The waste dump in the market was
market building were dirty, damp, and approximately 10 meters from the market
mossy. The aisles in the market often were building. The waste from the stalls
used for selling goods, or some equipment transported to the dump routinely to avoid
were placed there so that it blocked the waste accumulation. The decomposition
visitors who passed through the aisles (1). process of the waste can interfere the
The poor condition of the market building comfort (18). Another study at two Luwuk City
could be caused by the lack of maintenance. terminals shows that the trash bin did not
The building can be collapsed if the meet health requirements due to the
maintenance was neglected. This condition unavailability of separate trash bins for wet
is in line with Johannes' research, (2020) and dry waste, not made from waterproof
which showed that the Winenet market material, and not closed. (19)
building were not met the requirement by
Ministry of Heath regulation No 519 in 2008 Sewage and Drainage
as the market floor was cracked unevenly The markets that did not meet the
and corner of the two walls was not in a requirements for Regulation of the Minister
curved shape(CONUS)(14). of Health Number 17 of 2020 concerning
healthy markets were the markets without
Stall Building cover by metal gratings or cement for their
Some stall buildings were not kept clean, sewerage. Furthermore, there was no waste
or not well maintained, which resulted in water treatment before disposal to the public
some damage. There were some leftover channels. Waste water from the market
merchandises that piled up or scattered in contains pathogenic bacteria and
front of the stall and not thrown into the trash. hazardous compounds, thus waste water
Based on the layout of the building, the treatment plan is needed for a market (20).
market stall did not meet the requirements The market should have sufficient waste
because the stall distribution was not based water treatment plant capacity, and its
on the type of merchandises. There was no quality tested for every six months, which
signs for the visitors regarding the kind of meet the requirements. Waste Water
goods for sales. This result was not in line Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a building used
© 2023 Pamungkas,Pradico Dwi. et al., JPHTCR, ISSN: 2597-4378. All rights reserved 78
Hygiene and Sanitation Condition in The Karangayu Market Regional . JPHTCR. Vol 6. No.2 (2023)
to remove biological and chemical waste microbes such as cholera, typhus, or water
from the water to be used for the other contaminated with pesticides, as well as
activities (8). Without waste water treatment, other poisons that can affect the health of the
water pollution may transmit some diseases human body (25).
such as hepatitis A, typhoid, cholera, In this study, clean water was available in
dysentery, amoebic dysentery, and filariasis all of the markets. The water has met the
. Another study at Liang Modern physical quality. The distance between clean
Traditional Market also showed that this water sources and septic tank were more
market did not have waste water treatment than 10 meters. However, there was no
plant (8). public faucets that can be used by the
traders to wash their hands, their trade tools,
Toilet or foodstuffs. Thus, many traders carried the
This study shows that the toilets in water in the buckets for washing their hands
Karangayu market did not meet the health at their stalls. The study at the Winenet
standards as their slippery floor, difficult to market, showed that the water faucets were
clean and cracked, which resulted in available in the fish stalls, and in the toilets
puddles of water. Poor lighting, inadequate . Another study in Randik market also
air ventilation, and the absence of a showed that the clean water facilities for
separatory sign between men's and traders and visitors were good (26).
women's toilets were the other problems
about the toilets. They did not have any sink Food and grocery food stalls
and soap to wash hands. The traders usually Places for displaying food are not
washed their hands using a dipper to collect grouped based on the type of trade. Places
water taken from water reservoirs. to sell food and necessities were made of
Thohira's study in Yogyakarta also wood. Wooden cutting mats and non
showed that the markets did not have a stainless steel knives can be the source of
separation for men's and women's toilets, contamination for butchers because the
the distance between the toilet and the knives and cutting boards cannot be
trader only about 5 meters, no closed trash cleaned very well, which then may become
cans, and the hand washing facilities with the breeding grounds for bacteria. (27) Based
soap was only available in one market (3). on the results of observations in one of the
Without hand washing facilities and soap in markets in the working area of Karangayu
the bathrooms and toilets, the risk of fecal Market, several traders chose a place to sell
contamination from human hands after that was close to the garbage dump, which
urinating or defecating and various cross- might result in food contamination by the
contamination increased (23). Furthermore, flies. This research is in line with the
bathroom facilities that are closed to food research of Johannes, (2020) which shows
and groceries sellers can also spread the that the selling area of dirty food will be a
virus and bacteria into the food and source of contamination of cross-infection
groceries. contamination from one device to another
To fulfill the requirements, the number of .
available toilets must be sufficient in the
market, easy-flowing water which are free Control of Disease-Transmitting vectors
from mosquito larvae, ample hand washing The regulation states that every booth or
stations with soap and running water. Waste kiosk that sells ready-to-eat food and food
water must be disposed in a septic tank that ingredients must be free from rats,
does not contaminate groundwater. The cockroaches, and flies. The density of rats
floor should be made waterproof, non-slip, must be zero in the market area, while the
with a slope according to applicable maximum density of cockroaches is 2 per
guidelines. net measured by market area and the
maximum fly density in bins and drainage is
Clean water 30 per net. This study found that the
Water can be the medium for various markets, had never been have the regular
diseases if it does not meet health spraying for flies, cockroaches, and rats at
requirements. Clean water should be least for every 2 years. There were still
available in market environments (24). Water many flies in the ready-to-eat food stalls,
is a medium that can carry pathogenic and the surrounding areas.
© 2023 Pamungkas,Pradico Dwi. et al., JPHTCR, ISSN: 2597-4378. All rights reserved 79
Hygiene and Sanitation Condition in The Karangayu Market Regional . JPHTCR. Vol 6. No.2 (2023)
Karangayu Market was caused by the
Without vector control, the markets can garbage scattered around the market. The
become the centers for the spreading of odor attracted flies to perch around the
vector-borne diseases such as typhus and garbage. Most of the stalls did not have trash
dysentery. To control vectors, spraying, bins. Each stall disposes the trash in front or
natural enemies, layered traps, fumigation, or on the side of the trading place and allows the
fogging are required (28). pile up around the stalls.
The aspect that needs to be done to This research is in line with another study
control disease-transmitting vectors in the at Peunayong market in Banda Aceh City
market environment is disinfection, which is which stated that the level of fly density in the
an activity that aims to kill pathogenic fish selling area was in the medium category.
organisms on objects by using materials The traders washed the fish as part of the
mixed with liquid but environmentally friendly efforts to control fly vectors and use fly traps
chemicals. Routine market disinfection is as bait (31). A study in Parepare City found an
carried out once a week on Fridays using association between the availability of trash
environmentally friendly materials. This dump and the fly density at Lakessi Central
research is in line with the study in the Market with a p value of 0.006 (32).
Kusumba public market, which also did not
are not carried out vector control routinely. Conclusions
The presence of disease-transmitting animals The hygiene and sanitation conditions of
such as rats and cockroaches are very risky, the market in the working area of Karangayu
besides being able to transmit diseases, Market Regional Technical Implementation
especially rats, can also damage Unit, Semarang City, did not meet the
merchandise (29). requirements based on the Minister of Health
Regulation Number 17 of 2020 for the
Parking lot indicators of traders/employees, visitors,
According to Minister of Health Regulation market buildings, landfills, sewerage, toilets,
No. 17 of 2020 concerning healthy markets, food and groceries stalls, control of disease-
separate parking areas based on the type of carrying vectors, and parking lots. The
transportation should be available. This study density of flies was classified as moderate.
showed that there was no parking space It is recommended for the market
available for loading and unloading of managers to maintain the market facilities,
merchandise. There was no parking space for provide more market infrastructure such as
live poultry transport vehicles. The parking placing trash bins in each booth, maintain the
space was only one for two-wheeled, three- market environmental hygiene and improve
wheeled, and four-wheeled vehicles. Entry the vector control, supervise and guide the
and exit routes of the market are not market traders to maintain the cleanliness of
separated into one access and exit for traders the market environment.
and visitors. There was one market that did
not have a parking space in the market, so the Ethics approval
visitors parked their vehicles in front of the This study has received ethical approval
stalls. eligibility from the Health Research Ethics
Another study conducted by Seviana, Commission of the Faculty of Sport Science,
(2021), carried out at the Blahbatuh public Semarang State University, with the number
market in Blahbatuh District, Gianyar of 451/KEPK/EC/2022
Regency, showed that the market had
separate parking lots for live poultry transport Acknowledgment
vehicles as well as separate entrances and The authors would like to thank the
exits (1). Semarang City Trade Office for permitting
them to conduct research, and thanks to
Fly Density Level friends in Public Health (Environmental
Flies are one of the disease-carrying Health 2019) who have helped provide
vectors. Flies are belonged to the class of advice to the author.
insects that have two wings. Flies have
stages of development from eggs, larvae
(maggots), and cocoons to adults (30). The
density of flies in the working area of
© 2023 Pamungkas,Pradico Dwi. et al., JPHTCR, ISSN: 2597-4378. All rights reserved 80
Hygiene and Sanitation Condition in The Karangayu Market Regional . JPHTCR. Vol 6. No.2 (2023)
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© 2023 Pamungkas,Pradico Dwi. et al., JPHTCR, ISSN: 2597-4378. All rights reserved 82
Hygiene and Sanitation Condition in The Karangayu Market Regional . JPHTCR. Vol 6. No.2 (2023)

© 2023 Pamungkas,Pradico Dwi. et al., JPHTCR, ISSN: 2597-4378. All rights reserved 82

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