Feats for Faiths _ GM Binder

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Feats for Faiths Fiery Spirit of Passion

In D&D, the presence of the gods is often a real and tangible Prerequisite: Follower of Sune
thing, their actions and influences felt throughout the world. Your faith blooms, giving you a fierce
The following are a set of feats designed for the dedicated to devotion, beauty and free spirited passion.
take, representations of them drawing on their faith for You gain fiery and irrepressible strength of
tangible benefits. soul and a breath catching grace of form. You gain the
The following are built for a selection of the gods from the following benefits:
standard pantheon of Forgotten Realms, but could be
adapted to any setting with similar gods with some Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
adjustment in the god representing each aspect. You share a deep bond with your companions, driving
While these are intended as feats that a player can take, them forward with your fiery passion and spirit. When you
you can also use them as special godly boons should they and at least one allied creature within 20 feet make a
serve their god in a particular matter deserving of such saving throw against the Frightened condition at the same
reward. time, they can use your saving throw instead of theirs if
yours is higher. A creature can only replace their roll with
Chosen of Magic yours once, and must complete a long rest before they can
Prerequisite: Follower of Mystra do so again.
Your faith grants you great You can draw upon your faith to unleash the magnetic
insight into magic, giving you a special fiery soul within you with the effect of the spell enthrall,
privilege with it as if magic itself favors you. which you can cast once without expending a spell slot.
When you cast it in this way, the spell does not require
When someone attempts to dispel or counterspell your verbal or somatic components. You regain the ability to
magic, if they are required to make a roll for it succeed, cast this spell in this way when you finish a long rest.
the DC is increased by your spell casting modifier. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
When you make a saving throw against a spell or other When you cast enthrall using this feat, in addition to the
magical effect, you can gain advantage on the roll. Once normal effects of enthrall, it additionally gains the effect of
you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a sanctuary and you gain advantage on all Persuasion and
short or long rest. Performance ability checks on creatures that failed their
When you expend a spell slot, roll a d20. On a 20, you saving throw for the duration. All effects end if you break the
regain a spell slot of a level lower than expended spell slot, effects of sanctuary by making an attack or casting a spell.
up to a maximum level equal to your proficiency bonus,
and a minimum level of 1. You can regain a total number Hope of Dawn
of spell slot levels equal to your proficiency bonus this way Prerequisite: Follower of Lathander
until you cannot regain further spell slots until you
complete a long rest. Your faith shines forth like the
inviting warmth of dawn, bringing
Conviction of Justice hope and confidence to all around you.
Prerequisite: Follower of Tyr You gain a pool of d6s equal to your
Your faith is a stalwart bastion of Proficiency bonus that you and allies can draw upon to turn
righteous purpose, few can stand the tide against the darkness.
before you when evil rises your ire. When you or an ally within 30 feet make a saving throw,
You gain the following benefits: you can expend a d6 to add to the save. You can do so after
the role, but before the outcome is determined. If the roll is
Increase your Strength, Constitution, or Charisma by 1, to added to an ally's roll, if you are rolling a save against the
a maximum of 20. same effect, you also add the d6 to your save. The is doubled
You learn the spell divine favor which you can cast once to a d12 when being used to save against the Frightened
without expending a spell slot. When you are under the condition.
effect of divine favor, your movement speed is increased You can additionally use these dice in the following ways:
by 5 feet. You regain the ability to cast this spell in this Expend 1 die to cast light.
way when you finish a long rest. Expend 3 dice to cast daylight.
As an action, you can focus your righteous fervor, infusing
a weapon you are holding with your divine purpose. For 1 You regain all expended dice from this feature when you
minute, when you make a damage roll for that weapon, complete a long rest.
you reroll any 1 on the die (continuing to reroll it until it is
no longer a 1 if necessary). If you have another feature that
allows you to reroll a 1 on the damage die (such as the
Great Weapon Fighting Fighting Style), you can instead
maximize the die. Once you use this action, you cannot
use it again until you complete a long rest.

Kibbles Book of Feats for the Competent Hero on the Go -- https://www.kthomebrew.com/

Relentless Protector Serenity of the Night
Prerequisite: Follower of Helm Prerequisite: Follower of Selune
Your faith guides you to shield others Your faith grants you a deep wisdom
from harm, throwing yourself into harm's and serenity, you feel a special to
way with relentless dedication to keep connection to your faith, particular in
those around you from harm. You gain the moonlight. You gain the following benefits:
the following benefits:
You gain Darkvision of 60 feet. If you already have
Increase your Strength or Constitution by 1, to a Darkvision, Darkness within that range is softly
maximum of 20. illuminated to your gaze as if bathed in moonlight,
You gain the Protection Fighting Style. If you already allowing you to see in dim light as bright light.
know the Protection Fighting Style, you can learn another You learn the spell guidance. You can cast this spell in a
Fighting Style of your choice from the Fighter Fighting special way as a bonus action without verbal or somatic
Styles. components a number of times equal to your Proficiency
You can use the Protection Fighting Style reaction when bonus. You regain all uses of it when you complete a long
not using a shield, however, when you do so, if the higher rest.
of the attackers attack rolls with disadvantage would hit As an action, you can offer a prayer of guidance and
you, you take the damage instead of the creature you are protection, shrouding you a nimbus of moonlight until the
protecting rather than the attacking missing. end of your next turn. For the duration you shed bright
When you use the reaction granted by the Protection light for 10 feet and dim light for another 20 feet. For that
Fighting Style, you can use it while a creature is within 15 duration, creatures within the radius of light cannot gain
feet of you, moving to a spot within 5 feet of them advantage on attacks against you, and you and allied
immediately as part of the reaction. Additionally, if the creatures within the bright light are under the effect of
target is still hit by the attack, you grant them resistance to protection from good and evil. Once you do use this
the damage taken, but take damage equal to the damage action, you cannot do so again until you complete a long
they take (after resistance). The damage you take from this rest.
cannot be reduced in any way.
Selfless Martyr
Art Credits
Prerequisite: Follower Ilmater Holy Symbol of Mystra - Wizards of the Coast
Your faith helps you preserve through Holy Symbol of Tyr - Wizards of the Coast
anything, taking the suffering of others Holy Symbol of Sune - Wizards of the Coast
onto yourself and offering relief to those Holy Symbol of Lathander - Wizards of the Coast
that need it most. You gain the following Holy Symbol of Helm - Wizards of the Coast
benefits: Holy Symbol of Ilmater - Wizards of the Coast
Holy Symbol of Selune - Wizards of the Coast
Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.
As an action, you can touch a creature that is Blinded,
Charmed, Deafened, Frightened , Paralyzed, , Petrified Fan Content Policy
Poisoned, Stunned or suffering from one or more levels of Content is unofficial Fan Content permitted under
Exhaustion, and immediately end that condition on the the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by
target creature, but suffer that condition yourself (as it Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
affected the target creature) yourself. When relieving property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the
Exhaustion this way, you take only 1 level at a time. If that Coast LLC.
condition has a save against its ongoing effect, you can
immediately make a save against the effect to end it as
part of taking the condition onto yourself. You can do this
a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus, and
regain all uses when you complete a long rest.
Additionally, you can use the above feature on a creature
that is unconscious due to having zero hit points, when
you do so, you can expend a hit die taking damage equal
to the roll and granting the target creature hit points equal
to the damage taken.
Each time you take on the suffering of another creature
with this feat, you gain temporary hit points equal to your
Proficiency bonus.

Kibbles Book of Feats for the Competent Hero on the Go -- https://www.kthomebrew.com/

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