Checklist Malaria

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Date __________

Supportive Supervision Checklist

This checklist is designed for the planned supportive supervision visits, focusing on critical
malaria prevention, diagnosis, and treatment areas to ensure quality and effective
implementation at all levels.

Part I: General Information

1. Name of Health Facility: _________________________Region: _________________dire


Woreda: ____________________Town/Village: _____________________________

Name of the supervisor ________________________________________________

Part II: Environmental and Community Engagement

i. Community Engagement & House-to-House Visits
2. Has there been a community engagement strategy implemented to support malaria
prevention in your area this year?
Selective vector control; epidemic prevention and control.

Cognizant of the importance of community empowerment and active participation,

The priority interventions that will be targeted in the NSP are summarized as follows:

 Community empowerment and mobilization

 Carry out targeted advocacy, communication and social mobilization activities.
 Empower and mobilize communities in order to own anti-malaria interventions and
 participate in planning and implementation of interventions in their respective areas.
 Build capacity on advocacy, communication and social mobilization.
 Conduct assessment to identify gaps in knowledge, attitude and practices in relation to
antimalaria interventions. This will be incorporated with malaria indicator survey.
 Identify malaria breading site and cleaning by community
 Bishaan cisuu
 Dose maqasa volsnters
 Gabadaa torbanin
 Iddoo Qulqulla'e
 Bollaa kussaa ,tan walinii. Tan oyruu
 Surveillance comitee daily report and metting twice weekly
a) Yes, if yes, what activities have been carried out under this strategy?
b) No, if no, what were the reasons? ___________________________________________
3. Are community leaders and volunteers engaged in malaria awareness?

a) Yes: if yes, can you list some of
b) No: if no, what were the reasons? ___________________________________________
4. Are house-to-house visits being conducted effectively and regularly in high burden areas?

a) Yes if yes frequency and effectiveness of visits: ________________________________
b) No, if no, what were the reasons? ___________________________________________

5. What challenges or barriers have been encountered in conducting house-to-house visits for
malaria prevention? _________________________________________________________

6. What is the coverage rate of house-to-house visits in your area? ______________________

7. Have you observed any changes in community behavior or malaria-related outcomes

because of house-to-house visits or community engagement activities?

8. How well do community leaders or influential figures (e.g., religious leaders) support malaria
prevention efforts? ______________________________________________________

ii. IRS and Bednet Implementation and Status

9. Has IRS been implemented in your area this year?

a) Yes: if yes, estimated percentage of households sprayed

Number of people protected
b) No 3. If "No," please explain why
10. Has Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) coverage been sufficient in addressing all high-burden
districts in your area?
11. What is the coverage rate for bed net distribution in your area in the last three years?

12. What is the utilization rate of bed nets by the community? ___________________________

13. Are there any barriers to the use of bed nets in your area?

a) Yes, if yes what are the barriers _____________________________________________

b) No
14. Have you observed any changes in malaria incidence following the IRS and bed net
campaigns in your area?
15.What improvements or changes would you suggest to enhance the IRS and bed net
implementation in your area? _________________________________________________

iii. Larval Source Management (LSM)

16. Is Larval Source Management (LSM) being implemented in your area as part of the malaria
control strategy this year?

a) Yes, If yes, what is the total area covered?
b) No, if no, What are the key challenges or barriers in implementing LSM effectively in
your area?

17. How are larval breeding sites identified and mapped for LSM interventions?

 Map

18. Are there any additional challenges, opportunities, or insights regarding LSM that you
believe should be addressed by higher authorities or decision-makers?
ii. Surveillance and coordination

19. Is there a functional malaria surveillance system in your area?

 Leenjii VOLANTET
 data fii gabasa
 Waltajii Qsboo yaa'ii
a) Yes
b) No, If "No," please explain why _______________

20. What type of malaria surveillance system is in place?

a) Passive case detection (routine reporting from health facilities)

b) Active case detection (surveys or outreach programs)

c) Other (please specify): ______________________________________________

21. How effective is the response to malaria outbreaks in your area?

 Malaria chartii
a) Effective ________________________________________________________
b) Less effective: What is the challenge
22. What are the major challenges in malaria surveillance and monitoring in your area?
23. Is coordination effective among national, regional, and district levels?
24. Is the incident management system active and effective?
a) Yes
b) No: If no what is the reason __________________________________________
25. Are stakeholders collaborating? (e.g., EPSS, partners, community leaders and others)
26. Are regular malaria response meetings held (e.g., situational updates)?
 Letter to PA ZONII
 TT

a) Yes, If yes how often
b) No, If not, why
27. Suggested improvements: _________________________________________________
iii. Case Management

28. Are there sufficient diagnostic tools (microscopes, RDTs) for malaria diagnosis at your

 Gabaasaa fii itti fayyadamaa qorichaa listii Qopheessuu

a) Yes
b) No, If "No" or "Sometimes," please specify the challenges:

29. What types of diagnostic methods are used to confirm malaria cases at your facility?
(Select all that apply)

1. Microscopy 2. RDT 3. Clinical Diagnosis 4. Other (please specify):


30. How often do you receive stock of malaria diagnostic tools?

1. Weekly 2. Bi-weekly 3. Monthly 4. Other ___________________________

31. Are you facing any shortages of malaria treatment drugs at your facility?

a) Yes
1. frequently 2. Yes, occasionally : If "Yes," please specify the drugs in short
b) No

32. Are there any challenges in ensuring adherence to malaria treatment by patients?

a) Yes, If "Yes," what are the challenges identified?

b) No
28. Does your facility have trained staff for malaria case management?
 Ragaa Qopheezuu
a) Yes, 1. all staff are trained 2. Yes, some staff are trained, If some, how many are
not trained ____________
b) No, none of the staff are trained

29. Is there a standard malaria treatment protocol followed by the health center/health post?



a) Yes

b) No, If "No," what challenges prevent the implementation of a standard protocol?


30.What strategies would you suggest to improve malaria case management at your level?
 Fg
 Cgh

31. What is the total number of malaria cases reported since July 2024? _______________

32. How many antimalarial drugs and Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) have been utilized
during this period, since July 2024?

Part III: Primary Health Care Units in Malaria Response (PHCU)

33. Are PHCU open, functional, and providing malaria diagnosis/treatment?


34. How well are community members utilizing the PHC Unit for malaria services?
35. What barriers are preventing optimal use of the PHC Unit for malaria prevention and
36. Are there any community outreach activities conducted by the PHC Unit to promote
malaria prevention and encourage seeking care for malaria?
37. What improvements or changes would you recommend to strengthen the role of the
PHC Unit in malaria control in your area? ____________________________
38. How would you rate the overall capacity of the PHC Unit to manage malaria cases and
contribute to malaria control efforts?
39. Are there any additional challenges or opportunities you believe should be addressed by
decision-makers to improve the role of PHC Units in malaria control?
40. Overall comment and suggestions:

Sn PA Baayyina

1 Dhujuma

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