10+ exp
1. In a PROC we have 5 steps; we need to run only 2nd step how do we do in JCL?
2. In PROC there are is a SORT step. SORTIN DD has 5 input file, if I have to
change the 3rd file, how can I do it from JCL.
3. Let me give the Scenario You get SOC7 error. You know the variable which is
causing the SOC7 error and also
you know in which part of move statement. You need to process millions of
records how to narrow down which specific record is causing the SOC7 problem.
4. If you have multiple input files for a single DDNAME.. and for an occassion if
you want only first input file and not the rest.. what you will do?
5. What is Uncatalogging dataset? How do we access them again?
5. Can we write PROC inside a PROC in JCL?
6. How can we check the syntax of JCL?
7. In Cobol prog the output file has LRECL as 3000 .what will be LRECL in JCL if
the record format is FB/VB?
8. For concatenation of PDS or PS file, which utility should we use?
9. What's the syntax to retrieve 60th generation GDG if there are 100 generations?
10. How to copy only last 100 records from file?
11. How to restart a job from abended step, if the step has COND code checking
previous step?
VSAM Questions:
1. What is CI and CA?
2. How to define KSDS?
3. Complete Program structure to delete a duplicate record based on columns 11-20
in KSDS file.
4. What is the need for alternate index. Steps involved in creating alternate
5. Explain the need of PATH.
6. How to rename a set of VSAM files in one shot?
7. How do you choose control interval and control area size for your application?
8. FSPC and its importance. FSPC(0 0), FSPC(100 100) meaning.
9. After the VSAM is created, first operation we should do is, initializing it with
dummy record.
True/ False. If I am not initializing, what operation would give me problem?
10. Is VSAM better or DB2 better?
11. VSAM to DB2 conversion strategy
12. If VSAM file is corrupt, how do we recover it?
13. I have a KSDS employee file with 8 bytes key. 1st 4 bytes are Dept number and
next 4 bytes are employee number.
I want to read and update a location field of all the employees in dept 1000.
Please explain the structure of pgm for this.
Cobol Questions:
1. COBOL program to identify day of the date? -
2. Difference b/w Comp and Comp3, why do we use Comp3? -
3. Difference b/w subscript and index? -
7. How to find a string in array? -
4. Can you explain about dynamic arrays? -
5. Can you explain about Replace in Cobol? -
6. Finding length of variable in Cobol. -
8. When do we get S0C4 and S0C7? how do we resolve S0C7 -
9. How to check whether input file is empty in cobol program? What happens to
10. How to pass data or variable b/w two programs?
11. Difference b/w Static and Dynamic call in COBOL?
12. There's a field of length 9(5) having 11111 in it and if it is moved into field
length 9(3) it will become 111. How to make it abend when this happen.
13. To update a file in COBOL, what mode will be used to open?
14. Why do we use inline Perform
15. Swap values in 2 variables without using 3rd variable:
A=10 and B=06
16. What is Level 77?
17. What is the difference b/w S9(11)V99 and S9(11).99
18. The association between a file-name and physical device on which the file
reside is established by the select statement which should appear in
4-7 exp
1. What is STRING and UNSTRING? Can we use it for 9(Numeric) variables?
2. Diff b/w Index and Subscript?
3. Diff b/w Internal & External Sort?
4. What is Static & Dynamic Call?
5. How to rewrite records in a file?
6. What are high values and low values?
7. Explain logic to read 1 input file and write it out to 5 output files.
10+ exp
13. What's the difference b/w Go To and Perform?
14. What are the differences between GOBACK, STOPRUN and EXIT PROGRAM in COBOL?
15. How to distinguish whether a CALL proclamation is a STATIC or DYNAMIC call?
What you will prefer in what occasion?
16. How TEST BEFORE/AFTER works with PERFORM UNTIL explanation in COBOL?
17. What is the contrast between Delimited by Space and Delimited by Size?
18. Can we utilize Min or Max along with the alphanumeric information?
19. How many values can be acceptable in one ACCEPT in COBOL..
20. Can we pass any information from COBOL to JCL?
23. Compare two file keys, EQ, GT, LT?
24. COBOL program to identify day of the date?
25. How you can delete a record from a PS file in COBOL?
26. How you write logic in COBOL to check if a value of one string is the mirror
image of the value of a second string? Both strings with PIC X(100).
27. In a COBOL DB2 program, only COBOL statements are changed do we need bind the
28. By looking into COBOL code upto procedure division, how will we know whether
file used in the program is PS or VSAM file?
29. I have one output report file. First 3 lines are headings. 4th line is as ?
Status: ------------------? (Possible values are ?Success, Failure and Success with
From 5th line onwards populated with data. The 4th line status value will be
populated once all the data starting from the 5th line will be processed.
If all are processed successfully, the status is ?success?, if its failed then
value is ?failure? and if some warning, then the status value is ?success with
Since we write each record sequentially, the 4th record populates first then
other data records,
but the value of the 4th record depends upon all of the subsequent records.
The file should not open twice in the Cobol program.
30. What is the maximum limit for length for a COBOL copybook?
31. Difference b/w call by reference and call by content?
32. I've two cobol programs A and B. One program is calling other. How can you find
which program is calling other.
Source code of A & B programs are given, but only from ID divsion upto
Procedure division.
33. I've working storage variable of data type PIC X(2000). How can I intialize
this varibale with '*' in working storage section itself?
34. How can we see COMP-3 values, bcz that would be stored in PACKED DECIMAL
35. How to generate a Random number in COBOL.
36. What is 88 level used for? Can we COMP-3 at this level?
37. If a file has 1000 records, we must update only 1st 500 records. What approach
can we take?
38. Let's say we have to calcaluate bank statement of a customer and we know
Credits in comp-3 fields will be stored negative and Debits as positive?
DB2 Questions:
0. Difference b/w copy and include? - no
1. Can we load and unload a DB2 table, what utility will be used?
2. When do we use Left Outer Join Query?
3. What is null indicator and what are the values we use?
4. SQL query for selecting unique rows?
5. Why do we use Cursor in DB2 program?
6. Life Cycle of Cursor
7. In cursor operation what time does SQL query will be executed to get the data?
8. What is WITH HOLD in cursor and why do we use?
9. What is utility we use in an updatable cursor if we want to update a row before
to next row?
10. In a DB2+COBOL program assume we have a table called EMP table, here for EMP NO
EMP Salary are defined with COMP and COMP-3 which one is preferred and why?
11. How to display only date if we receive complete timestamp from DB2 table?
12. What is SQLCA?
13. SQL Code 100, 911, 180, 805v818 and 803?
14. What is inner Join? How can we join EMP and DEPT table?
15. Diff b/w UNION and UNION ALL?
4-7 exp
1. What is ORDER BY? What is default order? When it happens while executing SQL?
2. What is diff b/w 99.99 and 99V99 while defining WS section variable?
3. What is Bind Plan and Bind Package
12. A new column is added to DB2 table which is having data. COBOL program is
reading the DB2 table and writing output to a file.
What are the changes that we need to do on DB2 part and COBOL part and in JCL…?
13. Assume Table A, Table B, Table C are there. Table A and B have one common
Table B and C have one common column, How can we fetch data from Table C by
using Table A column data?
14. What is use of Explain parameter in BIND CARD?
15. OPEN cursor - What it will do other than locating the record?
16. Which one is efficient Package/Plan? Is Package mandatory?
17. Let's say we have 1M records fetched from DB2 cursor and you start updating a
field of each record. It abends in 10 records less to 1M. How do you restart it?
18. What is index in DB2, how does it work internally?
19. What are Stored Procedures? Why do we use it? Is there any benefit of using
20. Query to find 2nd Max salaried person in a company?
21. Query to fetch max salary from the table of 1000 rows. But I need it from first
100 rows only. How do we do it?
22. What is self join? Scenario where it can be used?
23. You are facing resource unavailable issue(-904). But the object is in RW
status. What you will do?
24. Without using unload utility, how do you unload data from the table?
25. If the DB2 Subsystem is Down due to maintance work and we are trying to excute
the DB2 program what type of error you are expecting.
26. What is isolation level? Explain CS RR UR.
27. What is correlated sub-query? How it differs from non-correlated sub-query?
28. Have you worked on performance improvement of SQL queries? If yes, how do you
analyze the performance of the query?
29. What is NULL indicator? What does –1, -2 ,0 values mean?
30. Delete rules of referential integrity.
31. Difference between Triggers and stored procedures?
32. What is correlated sub-query? How it differs from non-correlated sub-query?
33. What happens when using Group By Sal and some rows has NULL as Sal?
34. What are all Locking mechanism available? LOCKMODE - IS, IX, SIX, S, X, U
35. If there is a variable with length of 260 in COBOL, how the field would be
defined in DB2 table?
36. Client has provided data to update in DB2 Table i.e Amount field host variable
in table is COMP-3 type. How will you update amount in table?
Employee ID Allowance
1 900.63
2 2000.00
35001 1298.65
10 723132194.12
111 3248.12
2 1000.00
6327 737.89
8 1.00
102 450.00
1 99.37