Nep Saarthi

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Dated: 11.09.2024

Applications are invited from 3'd and 5th Semester students for selection as "NEP Student Ambassaor
for Academic Reforms in Transforming Higher Education in India" (SAARTHI) in pursuance of
guidelines notified by UGC. received from Dean Academics, University of Delhi vide email dated

The applicants need to submit a detailed resume mentioning:-

l. Name, Programme enrolled, Semester, Examination Roll Number. Institutional Email lD and
Mobile Number
2. Academic Results
3. Communications Skills
4. Organization Capabilities
5. Responsible Positions held and
6. Team Leadership Position.
7. Any other information/ achievements the applicants wish to mention.

8. Copy of Marksheet of last exam held

'fhe same is required to be submitted in the Administration Section with Mr. Kamal Culati by Friday

l3'l' September,2024 (3:00 p.m.). The Selection would be based on a written test tbllowed by

interview related to NEP 2020. The written test and the interview is scheduled for Wednesday l8th
September, 2024 at 03:00 p.m. The venue of the test would be notified later.

The NEP SAARTHI guidelines are enclosed for reference.

Applicants are advised to see college website for latest updates regarding above

C.C to:

Student Notice Board

Student Ambassador for Academic Reforms in Transforming Higher
Education in India

1. Introduction:
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 aims to transform the education
system in India by focusing on quality, equity and access. The implementation
of the NEP 2020 is led by the cohesiveness and synergy across various
Regulatory authorities/ councils, Union and State Governments, and Higher
Educational Institutions (HEIs). University Grants Commission (UGC), to
implement NEP 2020, calls for collective contribution and commitment from
all key stakeholders, such as Vice Chancellors/ Directors/ Principals of
Universities/ Institutions and Colleges and, most importantly, students.
Students are the centre of these transformative reforms, so it is equally crucial
that they are involved in implementing NEP 2020.

To enhance students’ participation and make them aware of the various

reforms of the higher education system, UGC notified the SAARTHI Guidelines
in May 2023. Thereafter, the names of SAARTHIs and HEIs have been notified
so that they can carry out activities as mentioned in the guidelines. Based on
the experience gained, in supersession of earlier guidelines, these guidelines
are being revised and notified to make the SAARTHI initiative more productive
and impactful.

2. Objectives:
i. To create awareness and promote the initiatives of NEP 2020 among students
on campus.

ii. To encourage and motivate students to actively participate in implementing

the NEP 2020 initiatives.

iii. To establish a feedback mechanism for the UGC to understand the impact of
NEP 2020 initiatives on students and address their concerns, if any.
3. SAARTHI Nomination Process:
i. UGC will seek nominations from the Head of the Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs).

ii. The HEIs will nominate the NEP SAARTHIs as per the procedure laid down
in these guidelines.

iii. HEIs may conduct written tests followed by interviews related to NEP to
standardise and make the nomination process transparent.

iv. The nominated students are expected to have an outstanding personality,

good communication skills, organisational capabilities for conducting
programmes, creativity, a sense of responsibility, and team leadership skills.

v. The nominations based on the merits shall be accepted by UGC only based
on the process defined in iii & iv and compliance with the guidelines.

vi. UGC will notify the list of such NEP SAARTHIs on its website, which will also
be communicated to the SAARTHIs and the concerned HEIs.

vii. The nominations submission window will remain open throughout the year.
UGC will announce the list of new SAARTHIs Half yearly; January-June;

4. SAARTHI Nomination Criteria

i. Based on the total no. of enrolled students
Sr. No. No. of Students in the HEIs Permissible

1 ≤2500 3

2 >2500 and ≤5000 6

3 >5000 and ≤10,000 9

4 >10,000 12

ii. HEIs may nominate the SAARTHIs from different levels of programmes in
any combination given below:
Sr. No. Programme Nominations from

1 3 – Year UG Programme 3rd, 4th, 5th Semester of Study

2 4 – Year UG Programme 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Semester of


3 Post-Graduation 1st,2nd,3rd Semester of Study

4 Ph.D. 1st Year from the date of


5. Responsibilities of HEIs
i. Nominate SAARTHIs as per the criteria and process mentioned in these

ii. Notify a single point of contact (faculty in charge/any other senior

officer) for the SAARTHIs in the HEIs for the smooth conduct of their

iii. Provide complete support to NEP SAARTHIs to discharge their


iv. NEP SAARTHIs may be involved in various HEI activities that are
relevant and appropriate.

v. Provide financial assistance to the SAARTHIs for conducting the

activities on NEP 2020.
vi. Provide financial assistance to the SAARTHIs for participating in UGC-
organized events.

6. Roles and Responsibilities of NEP SAARTHI:

i. Work as an ambassador to promote NEP 2020.

ii. Conduct awareness drives about the various initiatives of NEP 2020 every
semester in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

iii. To organise the activities (debates, discussions, competitions, quizzes,

and Nukkad natakas) as per the UGC NEP SAARTHIs activity Calendar
and other activities as asked by the UGC from time to time.
iv. Disseminate information regarding NEP 2020 through Posters, Social
Media campaigns, other media, and NEP helpdesk in the HEI events.

v. Establish meaningful dialogue among students, faculty members, and

administrators of the HEIs.

vi. Prepare brief notes on each NEP initiative for display on campus and
submit them online to the UGC.

vii. Attend relevant online programmes organized by the UGC.

viii. Collect feedback from students to improve the implementation of NEP

2020 in the prescribed format.

7. Monitoring of the SAARTHI activities

Activities undertaken by the SAARTHIs will be monitored regularly by the in-

charge from the HEI and UGC. If a SAARTHI does not carry out the assigned
activities, his/her nomination may be revoked by the UGC in consultation with the
HEIs concerned.

8. Recognition of SAARTHI

At the end of 1 year, a certificate of participation as SAARTHI will be awarded by

the HEI, subject to satisfactory performance.


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