Module 6

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A Pushdown Automaton (PDA)

A Pushdown Automaton (PDA) is a type of finite automaton with an additional stack

data structure. PDAs are used in various areas of computer science and theoretical
computer science to model and solve problems.

Here are some common applications of PDAs:

​ Programming Language Parsing: PDAs are frequently used in the design and
implementation of programming languages and compilers. They can be
employed to parse and analyze the syntax of programming code, helping to
ensure that it adheres to the language's grammar rules. This is crucial for syntax
checking and generating Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs).

​ Context-Free Language Recognition: PDAs are used to recognize context-free
languages, which are a class of languages that can be described by context-free
grammars. Context-free grammars are widely used to describe the syntax of
programming languages, markup languages, and more.

​ HTML and XML Parsing: PDAs can be used to parse and validate HTML and XML
documents. This is important in web development, where web browsers and XML
processors use PDAs to ensure that web pages and documents are well-formed
and adhere to the language specifications.

​ Natural Language Processing: PDAs can be applied to various tasks in natural
language processing, such as parsing sentences, extracting grammatical
structures, and recognizing patterns in text. They can be used to implement
context-free grammars for parsing sentences and extracting meaningful

​ Expression Evaluation: PDAs can be used to evaluate arithmetic expressions or
expressions in mathematical notation. The stack in a PDA can be used to handle
the order of operations, ensuring correct evaluation of expressions.
​ Syntax Checking in Compilers: PDAs are used in the syntax analysis phase of
compilers, known as the parsing phase. They help verify that the source code
adheres to the grammar of the programming language, and they can construct
the syntax tree or generate intermediate code for further compilation.
​ HTML and XML Validation: PDAs are used to validate the structure and integrity
of HTML and XML documents. They can check that tags are properly opened and
closed, and that the nesting of tags follows the correct structure.

​ Expression Matching: PDAs can be used for tasks like pattern matching and
regular expression parsing. They can help determine if a given input string
matches a specified pattern or regular expression.

​ Automata Theory and Formal Languages: PDAs are a fundamental concept in
automata theory and the study of formal languages. They are used to
demonstrate the power of different automata classes and their relationships.
​ Parsing in Natural Language Processing: PDAs are used in parsing natural
language sentences to determine the grammatical structure of the sentence,
which is essential for various NLP tasks like information extraction, sentiment
analysis, and machine translation.

Turing Machines (TMs)

Turing Machines (TMs) are abstract mathematical models of computation introduced

by Alan Turing in the 1930s. They have played a crucial role in the development of
theoretical computer science and the understanding of computation. TMs have various
applications, as well as power and limitations. Let's explore these aspects:

Applications of Turing Machines:

​ Theoretical Computer Science: TMs serve as a fundamental model for the study
of computation. They help analyze the capabilities and limitations of computers
and algorithms. They form the basis for understanding computability and
complexity theory.

​ Programming Language Theory: TMs are used to define and analyze
programming languages, compilers, and interpreters. They help in the formal
specification of the behavior of computer programs.

​ Algorithm Design and Analysis: TMs provide a theoretical framework for
designing and analyzing algorithms. They are used to determine the time and
space complexity of algorithms and to prove their correctness.
​ Artificial Intelligence: Although not used directly in AI implementations, the
theoretical concepts of TMs are foundational in the field of AI. Concepts like the
Church-Turing thesis, which suggests that anything computable can be
computed by a TM, underpin the theory of AI.

​ Cryptography: TMs are used in the analysis and development of cryptographic
algorithms. They help assess the security of encryption and decryption

​ Simulation and Modeling: TMs are used in modeling and simulating real-world
systems, such as traffic flow, ecological systems, and social networks. They can
help study and predict the behavior of complex systems.

Power of Turing Machines:

​ Universality: TMs are capable of simulating the behavior of any other

computational device or model, given enough time and memory. This universality
demonstrates their power as a theoretical model of computation.

​ Decidability: TMs can be used to determine the decidability of problems. If a
problem can be solved algorithmically, a TM can be designed to do so.

​ Turing-Complete Programming: TMs can be used to model a wide range of
programming languages and computer systems. Any programming language or
computer that can be considered Turing-complete is theoretically as powerful as
a TM.

Limitations of Turing Machines:

​ Real-World Resource Limitations: TMs do not account for real-world limitations

such as finite memory, time, and physical constraints. In practice, computers are
constrained by finite resources, which TMs do not explicitly model.

​ Non-Computable Problems: There are problems that are not computable by any
TM, as demonstrated by the halting problem and Gödel's incompleteness
theorems. This shows that TMs have limitations in solving certain types of

​ Complexity vs. Practicality: While TMs can solve problems in principle, the time
and space complexity of their solutions can make them practically infeasible for
some real-world problems. For example, exponential time algorithms may not be
efficient for large inputs.

​ Halting Problem Turing machine
The Halting Problem can be stated as follows:

Given a description of an arbitrary computer program (algorithm) and an input for that

program, can we determine whether the program will halt (terminate) on that input or

run forever?

In other words, the problem is to decide, algorithmically, if a program will eventually

finish its execution or enter an infinite loop when provided with a specific input.

The Halting Problem is undecidable, which means that there is no general algorithm that

can correctly answer this question for all possible programs and inputs. This result was

proven by Alan Turing as part of his groundbreaking work on the concept of a universal

Turing machine

The proof of the undecidability of the Halting Problem is based on a clever

self-referential argument. Suppose we had a hypothetical algorithm (let's call it "H") that

could solve the Halting Problem for all programs and inputs. We could then use H to

construct a new program that contradicts its own behavior. Here's how it works:

​ Create a new program, let's call it "P," that takes as input another program "Q" and

an input "I."

​ Inside P, use the hypothetical Halting Problem solver H to check if Q halts when

given I as input.
​ If H determines that Q halts on I, then P enters an infinite loop (i.e., doesn't halt).

​ If H determines that Q does not halt on I, then P halts.

Now, let's consider what happens when we provide P as input to itself, i.e., P(P). There

are two possibilities:

​ If H(P, P) (where P is both the program and the input) determines that P halts on

P, then P enters an infinite loop, which contradicts the output of H(P, P).

​ If H(P, P) determines that P does not halt on P, then P halts, which also

contradicts the output of H(P, P).

This contradiction arises because H(P, P) cannot consistently determine whether P halts

on P, leading to the conclusion that the Halting Problem is undecidable.

Decidability and undecidability

Decidability and undecidability are fundamental concepts in theoretical computer science and

mathematics, particularly in the study of formal languages, automata theory, and the theory of



Decidability refers to the property of a problem or language that can be solved algorithmically by

a Turing machine or any other computational model. In other words, a problem is decidable if

there exists an algorithm or a computational procedure that, given any input, will always

terminate and provide the correct answer. Decidable problems have a well-defined algorithmic

solution, and they are considered computationally solvable.

Examples of decidable problems include:

​ Addition of two integers.

​ Determining whether a given regular language accepts a particular string.
​ Checking if a context-free grammar generates a specific string.
​ Verifying if a given number is prime.
​ Calculating the factorial of a non-negative integer.


Undecidability, on the other hand, refers to the property of a problem or language for which there

is no algorithm that can provide a definitive answer for all possible inputs. In other words, an

undecidable problem is one that lacks a general algorithmic solution. The famous example of

an undecidable problem is the Halting Problem, which asks whether a given program will halt

(terminate) for a specific input. Alan Turing proved that no algorithm can solve the Halting

Problem for all possible inputs, making it undecidable.

Other classic examples of undecidable problems include:

​ The Post Correspondence Problem.

​ The Turing Machine Equivalence Problem (whether two Turing machines accept the
same language).
​ The Entailment Problem in first-order logic.
​ The Generalized Collatz Problem.

Undecidability has profound implications for the limitations of computation. It demonstrates

that there are problems that are inherently unsolvable by any general-purpose computer or

algorithm. Undecidability also highlights the importance of carefully defining the scope of

problems and the boundaries of computational systems.

In summary, decidability and undecidability are fundamental concepts in computer science and

mathematics. Decidable problems have algorithmic solutions, while undecidable problems lack

such solutions and are inherently unsolvable. Undecidability underscores the existence of limits

on what can be computed algorithmically.

Recursive Languages (Decidable Languages):

A language L is said to be recursive (or decidable) if there exists a Turing machine that

can decide (Accept/ Reject) it. In other words, a language is recursive if there is an

algorithm that can determine whether any given string belongs to the language and

always halts in a finite amount of time.

Properties of recursive languages:

● They are closed under union, intersection, and complement.

● They can be recognized by a Turing machine that halts on all inputs.

● They are considered computationally solvable and are a subset of the recursively

enumerable languages.

Example: The language of even integers, which can be decided by a simple Turing

machine that checks if a given integer is divisible by 2.

The closure properties of recursive languages

refer to how certain operations on these languages produce other languages that also

belong to the class of recursive languages (or decidable languages). These closure

properties are important in the theory of formal languages and automata, as they help

establish relationships between different classes of languages. Here are the closure

properties of recursive languages:

​ Union (OR): If two languages L1 and L2 are recursive, then their union L1 ∪ L2 is

also a recursive language. This means that a Turing machine can be designed to

decide whether an input string belongs to the union of L1 and L2.

​ Intersection (AND): If two languages L1 and L2 are recursive, then their

intersection L1 ∩ L2 is also a recursive language. This implies that a Turing

machine can be constructed to decide whether an input string is in both L1 and

L2 simultaneously.

​ Complement (NOT): If a language L is recursive, then its complement (the set of

strings not in L) is also a recursive language. This means that there is an

algorithm or Turing machine that can decide whether an input string is not in L.

​ Concatenation (CONCAT): If two languages L1 and L2 are recursive, then their

concatenation L1 ∘ L2 is also a recursive language. This operation involves

joining strings from L1 and L2 in all possible ways, and a Turing machine can be

designed to decide membership in the resulting language.

​ Kleene Closure (Star): If a language L is recursive, then its Kleene closure L* is

also a recursive language. The Kleene closure of a language consists of all

possible concatenations of strings from L, including the empty string ε. A Turing

machine can be constructed to decide whether an input string is in L*.

​ Concatenation with a Regular Language: If a language L1 is recursive, and

another language L2 is regular, then their concatenation L1 ∘ L2 is a recursive

language. This property is a result of the interaction between recursive languages

and regular languages.

Recursively Enumerable Languages (RE Languages):

A language L is recursively enumerable (RE) if there exists a Turing machine that can
recognize it, meaning the machine will accept strings in the language but may either run
forever or reject strings not in the language. In other words, it's possible to design a
Turing machine that will halt and accept any string in the language but may not halt (run
forever) or reject on strings not in the language.

Properties of recursively enumerable languages:

● They are closed under union and concatenation, but not under intersection or
● They can be recognized by a Turing machine that may not halt on all inputs.
● They are considered computationally semi-decidable, as they can be recognized,
but we can't always determine membership or non-membership.

Example: The language of theorems in a formal axiomatic system. A Turing machine

could recognize theorems by checking if a given proof is valid but might run indefinitely
when presented with non-theorems.

In summary, recursive languages are those for which there exists an algorithm that can
determine membership in a finite amount of time, while recursively enumerable
languages are those for which there exists a recognition algorithm, but it may run
indefinitely on non-members. Recursive languages are a subset of recursively
enumerable languages, and both play important roles in the theory of computation,
particularly in understanding the limits of computation and the differences between
problems that can be solved and problems that can only be recognized but not
necessarily solved.
closure properties of recursively enumerable languages:

​ Union (OR): If two languages L1 and L2 are recursively enumerable, then their union L1
∪ L2 is also recursively enumerable. This means there exists a Turing machine or
algorithm that can recognize strings belonging to the union of L1 and L2. The machine
may not halt on all inputs but will recognize strings from the union.

​ Intersection (AND): If two languages L1 and L2 are recursively enumerable, then their
intersection L1 ∩ L2 is not necessarily recursively enumerable. The intersection may or
may not be recursively enumerable, as there may be no guarantee that a Turing
machine can be designed to recognize both L1 and L2 simultaneously.

​ Concatenation (CONCAT): If two languages L1 and L2 are recursively enumerable,
their concatenation L1 ∘ L2 is not necessarily recursively enumerable. Concatenating
two recursively enumerable languages does not always guarantee that the result is
recursively enumerable.

​ Complement (NOT): The complement of a recursively enumerable language may or
may not be recursively enumerable. In general, the complement of a recursively
enumerable language is not guaranteed to be recursively enumerable, as there may be
no guarantee that a Turing machine can recognize the non-membership of the language.

​ Kleene Closure (Star): If a language L is recursively enumerable, its Kleene closure L*
is also recursively enumerable. This means that there exists a Turing machine that can
recognize strings in L*, including the empty string ε.

​ Homomorphism (Hom): If a language L is recursively enumerable, and there is a
computable homomorphism function applied to L, the resulting language is recursively
enumerable. A homomorphism function replaces each symbol in L with a string, and if
the function is computable, the resulting language remains recursively enumerable.

​ Projection: The projection of a recursively enumerable language L onto one of its
dimensions results in a recursively enumerable language. In other words, if L is
recognizable by a multi-tape Turing machine, projecting L onto one of its tapes (ignoring
the other tapes) yields a recursively enumerable language.

Note:It's important to note that recursively enumerable languages are not closed under as many

operations as recursive languages. Recursive languages are more "complete" in this regard.

While recursively enumerable languages are not closed under intersection, concatenation, or

complement, they remain powerful and are a fundamental class in the Chomsky hierarchy,

representing a set of languages for which there exists a Turing machine that recognizes their

members, though not necessarily with termination guarantees in all cases.

Rice Theorem

Rice's Theorem: For any non-trivial property of the language recognized by a Turing
machine (i.e., a property that holds for some but not all languages), it is undecidable to
determine whether a given Turing machine recognizes a language with that property.

Here are some key points and explanations related to Rice's Theorem:

​ Non-Trivial Property: A property is considered non-trivial if it holds for some, but

not all, languages recognized by Turing machines. In other words, it distinguishes
between different sets of languages. For example, "the language recognized by a
Turing machine contains at least one string" is a trivial property because it holds
for all languages.

​ Undecidability: Rice's Theorem states that there is no algorithm or Turing
machine that can decide whether a given Turing machine recognizes a language
with a specific non-trivial property. In other words, you cannot design a
general-purpose algorithm that, given the description of a Turing machine, can
determine if the language it recognizes has a particular non-trivial property.

​ Implications: The theorem has important implications in the field of
computability. It demonstrates the existence of undecidable problems related to
Turing machines. It also shows that it is impossible to design a general algorithm
to answer questions about the behavior of Turing machines with specific

​ Examples of Non-Trivial Properties: Some examples of non-trivial properties
include "the language recognized by a Turing machine contains an even number
of strings," "the language recognized by a Turing machine is empty," or "the
language recognized by a Turing machine is finite."

​ Limitations: Rice's Theorem focuses on properties of languages recognized by
Turing machines and does not apply to specific problems or functions computed
by Turing machines. In other words, it is about what a machine recognizes, not
what it computes.
Rice's Theorem is a fundamental result that establishes the undecidability of non-trivial
properties of languages recognized by Turing machines. It highlights the inherent
limitations of algorithmic decision-making when it comes to characterizing the behavior
of arbitrary Turing machines. This theorem has significant implications for the study of
computability and the understanding of what can and cannot be computed

Post Correspondence Problem.

The Post Correspondence Problem (PCP) is a classic decision problem in theoretical

computer science and formal language theory. It was introduced by the American
mathematician Emil Post in 1946 and is one of the earliest examples of an undecidable
problem, illustrating the limits of algorithmic computation.

The problem can be defined as follows:

Given a set of dominoes, each with two strings written on it (a top and a bottom string),
can you arrange some of these dominoes in a sequence such that the concatenation of
the top strings matches the concatenation of the bottom strings?

More formally, the PCP is defined as follows:

● You are given a finite set of dominoes, where each domino has two strings
written on it: a top string and a bottom string. These strings can be made up of
characters from a finite alphabet.
● Your task is to select some dominoes (possibly with repetitions) from the given
set and arrange them in a sequence so that, when the top strings are
concatenated together and the bottom strings are concatenated together, the
resulting two strings are identical.
● The question is whether it is possible to find such a sequence of dominoes.

The PCP is a decision problem, and you need to answer either "yes" or "no" to indicate
whether a valid sequence of dominoes exists.

Key Properties of the Post Correspondence Problem:

​ Undecidability: The Post Correspondence Problem is undecidable, which means

that there is no general algorithm that can always determine whether a solution
exists. This undecidability was proven by Emil Post and independently by Alan
Turing, demonstrating the existence of unsolvable problems in computer science.

​ Use as a Reductio ad Absurdum: The PCP is often used as a tool for proving the
undecidability of other problems. It is a common method for reducing another
undecidable problem to the PCP, showing that if one could solve the PCP, one
could also solve the other undecidable problem.

​ Applications: While the PCP itself is not a practical problem to solve, it has
​ significant implications in the theory of computation and is used as a
foundational example in the study of undecidability and the limits of algorithmic

The PCP serves as a classic example of a problem that cannot be algorithmically solved
in a general case, highlighting the concept of undecidability and the existence of
problems for which no algorithmic solution exists.

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