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(Scientific Society, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India)
HQrs: Sy.No. 34/2B. Panchwati, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, NCL (P.O.), Pune - 411008

Advertisement No 001/2024
C-MET invites offline applications from Indian nationals possessing excellent
academic record and relevant work experience for the Registrar post at C-MET
HQs on Direct Recruitment /Absorption/Deputation (including short terms
contract) basis: -

S. Name of the No Reservation Mode of Upper Age

No Post& Pay Matrix of Recruitment Limit
Level post

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

01. Registrar 01 1-UR Direct 50 Years
PML-13 Recruitment/
Rs. 123100- Absorption/
215900 Deputation*
short term
Relaxation as per Govt. norms

The last date for receipt of applications will be 30 days from the date of
appearance of the advertisement in the Employment of News.

Government strives to have workforce which reflects gender balance and

women candidates are encouraged to apply.

Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification of candidature.

Registrar (A)

Essential :

a) (i) MBA (HR/Personnel)/ Post Graduate Diploma in Management from

recognized university / institution or equivalent with minimum of 12 years of
years of relevant work Experience

(ii) Post Graduate in any discipline from recognized university /

institution or equivalent with minimum of 15 years of relevant work

(iii) Graduate in any discipline from recognized university/

Institution or equivalent with minimum of 18 years experience

b) Should have experience in Supervisory capacity in the field of Personnel

Management, Financial Management, Labour Laws, Establishment/
Vigilance & Disciplinary matters in a Government Office/ Statutory
Bodies/PSU/ Autonomous Bodies.


(i) Graduate Degree in Law or equivalent

(ii) Having exposure to IPR, Technology Transfer, Patents
(iii) HR training

Officers of Central/State Govt/ABs/PSUs (applying for deputation* / absorption)

a) i) Holding analogous post on regular basis OR

ii) With at least 5 years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto
on a regular basis in posts in Pay scale of Rs. 78800-209200/- (PML-12)
b) Possessing the qualifications and experience prescribed for Direct Recruits
mentioned above.

Note 1 : The maximum age limit for appointment by Deputation (including short
term contract) is 56 years as on the closing date for receipt of applications.

Note 2 : The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another

ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or
some other organization/ department of the Central government shall ordinarily
not exceed 5 years.

* Exemption from rule of Immediate Absorption is not required for

appointment on deputation as per DP&PW OM dated 12.10.2015

1. The applicant must be a Citizen of India.

2. The above post is as per the central government pay scales as

extended to C-MET and carry allowances like house rent allowance, transport
allowance and children’s educational allowance. These posts are governed
by National Pension Scheme (NPS) of Govt. of India and will be eligible for
other benefits like medical, LTC etc., as per the organization norms
and various government orders issued by GoI from time to time

3. The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum and the mere possession
of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. If the
number of applications received in response to Advertisement is large, the
Department may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview
to a reasonable limit through a shortlisting process based on some well-
defined criteria which may include possessing of desirable qualifications and /
or experience prescribed in the advertisement and/ or qualifications/
experience in a particular field as per the specific requirement of Department.
No correspondence shall be entertained from candidates who are not called for
interview/ selected for appointment.

4. All applicants must fulfill the minimum educational qualifications essentially

required for the position and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement.
They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying for the post. No
enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.

5. Upper age limit is relaxable for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs)
and other categories as per orders of Govt. of India issued from time to time.

6. Upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years for candidates serving in Government
Organisations/ serving employee of Autonomous Societies under MeitY and
having at least three years regular service on a permanent post and working
in post which are in the same line or allied cadres and where a relationship
could be established that the service already rendered in a particular post will
be useful for the efficient discharge of duties of the advertised post.

7. The maximum age limit for appointment by Deputation (including short term
contract) is 56 years as on the closing date for receipt of applications. The
period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre
post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other
organisation/ department of the Central government shall ordinarily not
exceed 5 years. The terms & conditions of appointment shall be in accordance
with the DoPT OM dated 17.6.2010 as amended from time to time. The
candidates who apply for the post on deputation basis shall not be allowed to
withdraw their candidature subsequently. Persons applying under deputation
will also be required to submit the APAR dossier for the last 5 years.

8. The crucial date for determining the age limit, qualification and
experience shall be last date of application which will remain
unchanged even in case of extension of the closing date for
submission of applications.

9. The said post is identified suitable for Locomotor Disability (One Arm, One
Leg, Both Leg and Hearing Impaired (HH category).

10.Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD (minimum 40% disability) candidates

shall be as per the Govt. guidelines. A candidate who claims to belong to any
reserved category has to enclose a copy of the Caste/Category certificate in
the formats prescribed by Government of India The certificate for PwBD must
be issued by a Medical Board duly constituted by the Central or State
government and indicate the percentage of disability while the Certificate for
OBC must clearly indicate that the candidate does not belong to the
persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column3 of Schedule to the
Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No.
36012/22/93-Estt(SCT) dated 8/9/93 as amended from time to time.
OBC(NC) certificate issued should be within one year of the closing date of

11.Persons suffering from not less than 40% of relevant disability shall alone be
eligible for the benefit of reservation and other relaxation as permissible under
rules, subject to the condition that they are found eligible (fulfil the
qualification and experience). The candidates appointed under PwBD quota
will be adjusted against the vacancy of respective categories of
SC/ST/OBC/Un-reserved. If candidates of PwBD category are not available,
candidates other than PwBD will be considered and the reservation will be
carried forward to the next recruitment year. If a person with disability is
entitled to age concession by virtue of being an employee of government
Organization/Autonomous Society, concession to him/her will be admissible
either as a `PwBD’ or as an employee of Government
Organization/Autonomous Society, whichever may be more beneficial to

12. Those employed in Govt. departments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies should

submit their applications through proper channel or NOC along with the
application before last date, otherwise the application will be summarily

13. In case the applicant is presently working in State Govt./PSU/Autonomous

organization/ Universities etc. where the pay scales are not identical to the
pay scales of Central Government, the candidate will have to submit Gazette
notification/government order(s) wherein such pay scales of State
Govt./PSU/Autonomous organization/ Universities etc have been equated to
corresponding pay scale/level as per 7th Central Pay Commission in Central
Government. In this connection the onus of providing such equivalence shall
be on the applicant and in such cases, the decision of such cases, the decision
of C-MET shall be final & binding.

14.Self-attested copies of relevant certificates/testimonials should be enclosed

along with the application. Diploma/degree shall be from recognized
institution/university. Certificate(s) issued by foreign University (s)
Institution(s) must be certified by Association of Indian Universities (AIU),
New Delhi by way of equivalence certificate(s). In case where AIU does not
entertain applications for equivalence of such professional degrees awarded by
foreign universities in disciplines which are presently outside the purview of
the AIU and where such cases are handed by the respective professional
councils/bodies (recognized by Government of India), the applicant needs to
furnish equivalence certificate(s) issued by such professional council/body.
Candidates will have to produce all the original certificates thereof as and
when required.

15.Candidates must ensure before applying that they are eligible according to the
criteria stipulated in the advertisement. If the candidate is found ineligible at
any stage of recruitment process, he/she will be disqualified and his/her
candidature will stand cancelled. Hiding of information or submitting false
information will lead to cancellation of candidature at any stage of recruitment
besides other action as deemed fit.

16.The offer of appointment will be subject to verification of original

certificates/testimonials and other pre-appointment formalities. If found
otherwise, the candidature shall be rejected. NO REPRESENTATIONS WILL BE

17.Corrigendum/Amendments/changes, if any, in the advertisement shall be

published only on C-MET website. Any inconsistency in the information
advertised in the Newspaper and the Website, the information hosted in the
Website will be treated as final.

18. The decision of the Director General, C-MET in all matters relating to
eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection and
conduct of interview will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry
or correspondence or representation will be entertained from any individual.

19.C-MET reserves the right to revise / reschedule / cancel / suspend /

postpone / withdraw the recruitment process without assigning any reason
thereof. The decision of C-MET shall be final and no appeal shall lie against
such decision.

20.In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be
detected at any stage, even after issuing an appointment letter, C-MET
reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the

21.Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out
of this advertisement and / or an application in response thereto can be
instituted only in Pune and courts/tribunals/forums at Pune only shall have
sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any such cause/dispute.

22.Canvassing in any form and or / bringing in any influence, political or

otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post.

23.The application must be submitted along with a Demand draft of Rs.800/-

which shall be drawn in favour of “C-MET” payable at Pune. The application
fee is non-refundable under any circumstance. Candidates belonging to the
SC/ST/PwBD/ Women and other notified categories by Govt. of India, should
be Rs. 400/-.Payment through net banking could also be done (The receipt
has to be enclosed along with the application). The details are given


PINCODE 411021.
ACCOUNT NO. 0495000100063589
MICR CODE 411024008

25. Before submitting application form, the candidates should carefully

ensure his/her eligibility for the post applied for. No relevant column of
the application form should be left blank; otherwise, application form is
liable to be rejected. Please use a separate sheet wherever required

26. Applicants which are not in conformity with the requirement indicated
in the advertisement are liable to be rejected.
27. Only short-listed candidates will be called for an interview. Mere
fulfilling of requirements as laid down in the advertisement does not
qualify a candidate to be called interview. No correspondence in this
regard shall be entertained.

28. The number of years of experience indicated for the post is after
obtaining the specified qualification for the post.

29. TA is payable only to those eligible under Govt. of India guidelines

(shortest route- sleeper class ticket by train will be reimbursed on
production of the copy of tickets).

30. At present the place of posting is as indicated in the advertisement.

However, the person selected can be transferred to anywhere in India.

31. The offer of appointment will be subjected to verification of original

certificates/testimonials at the time of the interview and completion of
other pre-appointment formalities otherwise the candidature shall be

32. The so appointed officers should undergo at least two weeks of

induction training and complete successful probation clearance.

Interested candidates may download the application form from our

website and send duly filled application in the
prescribed format, superscribing the name of the post applied for, along
with a non-refundable application fee (Pl. see Sl. No. 23). The complete
application form in all respects along with passport size photograph, self-
attested copies of certificates in support of age, qualification, caste &
experience should be sent in a sealed envelope superscribing
“Application for the post of Registrar”

The Registrar (Acting)

Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET),
34/2B, Panchwati,
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road
NCL (P.O.)
Pune – 411 008 (Maharashtra)

Affix Latest
Centre For Materials For Electronics
Passport Size
Technology (C-MET)
Duly Signed



Mode of Application Direct Recruitment Absorption

Pl. 

1. Name in full (in BLOCK letters) :

2. Father’s/Husband’s Name :

3. Date of Birth (Proof to be enclosed):

4. Nationality :

5. Religion :

6. Correspondence Address :

E-mail :

Telephone/Fax No. :

Mobile No. :

7. Permanent Address :

8. Are you employed in any Govt./Semi-

Govt./PSU/Autonomous Bodies? :

9. Category [GEN/SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PWD :

10. Whether documentary proof from

appropriate authority in support of
your claim being SC/ST/OBC(Non-creamy
layer)/PWD is enclosed :
:: 2 ::

11. Are you related to any of the employees of C-MET:

If so, provide Name and details of the Employee, Lab where he/she is working
& nature of relationship:

12. Essential Qualification :

Exam Passed Year of University / Subject Marks Percentage

Passing Board of Marks

13. Other Qualifications :

(in chronological order starting with 12th onwards)

Exam Passed Year of University / Subject/ Marks Percentage

Passing Board Specialization of Marks

14. Details of Experience; if any (particulars of all previous and present

employment) (starting with the most recent)

Name of the Post Held Duration Basic pay in Detailed

Organization From To the Scale of nature of
/ Institute Pay/Pay duties
band with performed
Grade Pay/
:: 3 ::

15. Total Experience:

16. Total Qualifying experience :

17. Whether qualifications/experience prescribed for the post applied for are
satisfied (if any of the qualification secured by you is considered equivalent to
the prescribed qualification, indicate authority thereon) :

18. Whether you are fulfilling the conditions for : YES/NO

Transfer on absorption basis or not :

19. Please state clearly with reference to information furnished above, whether
you meet the requirement of the post :

20. Details about present Employment with nature:

(a) Name of the post held :

(b) Regular/Contract/Deputation :

(c) Pay Band & Basic pay / Grade Pay/ :


21. References
(These referees should be residents in India and holders of responsible
positions. They should be intimately acquainted with the applicant’s character
and work but must not be relations. When the candidate has been in
employment, he/she should either give his/her present or most recent
employer or immediate superior as a referee or produce a testimonial from him
in regard to the candidates fitness for the post for which he/she is an applicant)

1. Name ________________________________

Occupation or position ________________________________

Address including email & Mob.No. ________________________________



2. Name ________________________________

Occupation or position ________________________________

Address including email & Mob.No. ________________________________

:: 4 ::

Copies of testimonials from :



(Attested Copies of not more than two testimonials should be submitted.

Original testimonials should not be submitted unless asked for)

22. Any other information you may like to indicate:

23. List of Enclosures


I hereby declare that I have carefully read and fully understood all the instructions
and details pertaining to the post being applied by me and all statements made and
information furnished in this application are true and complete to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

I also declare that I have not concealed any material information which may debar
my candidature for the post applied for. In the event of suppression or distortion of
any fact including category, age or educational qualification, experience etc. made in
my application form, I understand that I will be denied any employment in the
organization and if already employed on any of the posts in the Institute, my
services will be terminated forthwith without notice.

Place :
Date : Signature of the candidate
::5 ::



Certified that the particulars furnished by _____________________ are

correct and he/she possesses educational qualification and experience mentioned in
the advertisement.

Further certified that:

(i) There is no vigilance case pending/contemplated against him.

(ii) His/her integrity is beyond doubt.
(iii) No major/minor penalties have been imposed on him/her during last 10

Signature: _________________
Name and Department office seal

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