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Abstract Wood fuel is undoubtedly the main source of energy for cooking in sub-Saharan Africa as it
represents more than three quarter of household energy consumption. The exploitation of wood for fuel
purposes contributes to forest degradation. It is becoming urgent to diversify domestic energy sources.
Substituting other forms of energy with traditional ones is extremely difficult due to low income of the
population and culinary habits. In this context, ecological charcoal seems to be an attractive alternative to
wood energy. Agricultural waste was collected, dried to a moisture content of less than 10%. Waste was
pyrolysed and the resulting carbonaceous material mixed with a binder and extruded to form briquettes.
Three binders were tested: starch, clay and arabic gum. The pyrolysis of biomass generated three by-
products: a solid (biochar), liquid and gaseous product. This process took 3 hours 45 minutes to convert
1tonne of waste into 390 kg of biochar and 133 liters of pyrolyser oil. After testing, biochar/binder ratios
of 27/1.1, 27/2.7 and 27/2.1 for starch, gum arabic and clay, respectively, at a compaction pressure of 7.8
bar were validated.
lack of oxygen [8]. Three products are obtained, and economical analysis was carried out based on the
the solid fraction is the one used in this study [9]. results obtained.
Unlike complete combustion, carbonisation requires
lower processing temperatures and induces a lower
level of atmospheric pollutants [10]. It aims to produce 2 Materials and methods
coal, i.e. a carbon-rich product. Generally, the heat for This study was conducted at the Agricultural
the reaction is provided by the carbonised material Engineering Research Unit of the Faculty of
itself. In the field of charcoal production from Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of
household waste, several carbonisation systems are Dschang (West Cameroon). The agricultural waste
used: traditional carbonisation, improved used in this work was collected from farms around the
carbonisation, retort carbonisation and hydrothermal Bamboutos Mountains.
There are a number of carbonisation techniques. The
most important are: partial combustion carbonisation, 2.1 Raw materials
injection of hot gases into the load and closed or retort
carbonisation. The raw materials used in this study were agricultural
In partial combustion furnaces, the energy for waste (grasses and agricultural residues). The latter are
carbonisation is provided by burning part of the charge sorted and dried in the sun. High moisture content
inside the reactor, which reduces charcoal yields. Not makes the carbonisation yield low. Large raw materials
all condensable products and gases are usually have to be shredded into small pieces to facilitate
recovered. The conversion of biomass to charcoal in carbonisation.
this way is poor, as more than 50% of the initial energy
is lost. In addition, the disadvantage of this method is
that it does not allow the carbonisation of straw, reeds,
cotton stalks as well as biomass of small granulometry
such as rice husk, coffee parchment and sawdust
because of the poor heat transfer in the load to be
carbonised and the difficulties in controlling air inlets
which can lead to the total ignition of the load.
In hot gas contact carbonisation, the energy for
Fig. 1: Biomass used.
carbonisation is provided by hot gases from an external
furnace in direct contact with the feedstock. This This waste is then fed into the pyrolyser. Heating is
method has a good production efficiency of around 30- carried out with the help of biomass. A slow pyrolysis
35% but the cost of the installation is still quite high. It in the absence of oxygen is carried out.
should also be noted that the operation of these reactors
is difficult to control without suitable instrumentation.
2.2 Clean coal production
In retort carbonisers, the charge is placed in an
enclosed chamber, and the energy for carbonisation The green coal was produced by carbonisation in a
from an external furnace is transmitted through the batch type carboniser equipped with a gas recirculator.
walls of the chamber. The furnace can be fuelled by It operates in the temperature range of 400°C to 600°C
any fuel. Once the carbonisation process has started, and in an oxygen-free or oxygen-poor environment. In
pyrolysis gases can be injected into the furnace to this study a batch pyrolyser was used. These are simple
sustain the pyrolysis. The advantage of these reactors is furnaces built from 60 litre metal drums. It is placed in
that they can carbonise plant material of small particle a square tank with a double wall in which a continuous
size and have a production efficiency of around 35%. layer of 5 cm of clay is placed. Various adaptations
This project is part of a research programme whose have been made to allow its malleability and
medium-term objective is to make available to efficiency. These include the sealing, which is ensured
agricultural producers a process for the energy by a gasket and a clamp, a hinged lid and chimney,
recovery of agricultural waste. The main objective is to welded handles to make it easier to move the kiln, and
set up a protocol for transforming agricultural residues feet at the base of the kiln to ensure its stability and to
into ecological charcoal that can be used in farm regulate the air flow in the combustion chamber.
heating systems and in cooking. The heat for the pyrolysis was generated by the
First, the agricultural residues with the highest biomass. The pyrolyser was equipped with a gas
potential to be transformed into charcoal were circulator, which led the pyrolysis gases to the
identified. Then, preliminary tests were carried out to combustion chamber, thus maintaining the reaction.
identify the optimal conditions for pyrolysis. This pyrolyser was developed as described in reference
Combustion tests were carried out to evaluate different [11].
mixtures of powdered coal and binder. Finally, techno- The process of producing green charcoal involved 4
main steps: waste collection, pyrolysis, briquetting and
E3S Web of Conferences 354, 03007 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202235403007
2.3 Combustion and controlled cooking tests It has been found that the carbonisation of agricultural
waste generates three types of products. These are
The combustion tests were carried out on all types of powdered charcoal (biochar), a condensable fraction
coal produced, i.e. a total of 12 samples. After these (pyrolysis oil and water) and a non-condensable
tests, the sample with the best combustion was taken fraction (gas). This result corroborates with results
from the coals of the three types of binders and used obtained from previous works ([7], [13], [14]). This
for the controlled cooking tests. study showed that the pyrolysis time influences the
For these tests an improved stove, a single pot, the quantities of pyrolysis products.
same dishes and quantity of food were considered. The
control fuel was charcoal purchased on the local
E3S Web of Conferences 354, 03007 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202235403007
3.2 Combustion test It was found that about 16% more biochar is needed
Combustion tests were carried out with each of the 6 coal than charcoal to cook the same meal. This result
samples, the coal with starch as a binder showed a longer differs from the work of [16] when they showed that
ignition time and more smoke as the percentage of starch about 21% more biochar is needed to cook the same
increased. For the coal with 9% clay as binder, great ignition amount of food. Other authors such as [17] claim that
difficulties were observed, followed by interrupted around 30% more biochar is needed compared to
combustion. Therefore, the clay charcoal dosages of 27/2.1 charcoal.
(a), starch charcoal 27/1.1 (b), and arabic gum charcoal The quality of the binder and the differences in
27/2.7 (c) were selected as they showed the best combustion
composition have an influence. That is, the amount of
(short ignition time, high burn time, less smoke).
fuel is reduced with the type of binder. Of the biochar
tested, the one with starch is the closest to charcoal.
E3S Web of Conferences 354, 03007 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202235403007
on time 0.001 .001 0.0014 0.0008 23% pyrolysis oils can be used as biocides because during
(h) pyrolysis, the molecules and biocidal substances active
Simmer 01:36± 01:41±0 01:49±0 01:52±0 5- in certain biomasses are transferred to the oil during
ing 0.006 .0017 .0038 .0016 17% pyrolysis. The use of the oil is, therefore, promising,
time (h)
especially in organic farming.
Total 02:02 02:13 02:23 02:31 9-
cooking 23%
time (h) 4 Conclusion
The total firing time is longer (9 - 23%). with biochar The experiments carried out on the manufacture of
than with charcoal. The ignition time is longer (15 - charcoal briquettes from agricultural residues aimed to
23%). with biochar than with charcoal. This time is identify the influence of the type of binder and the
higher with charcoal from clay binder. This indicates a quantities of binder required for the production of
particular ignition stress of the briquettes. The improved quality ecological charcoal.
simmering time is also higher than with charcoal. This The experiments show a 20% higher efficiency of
result is corroborated by the work of [16]. Indeed, he charcoal compared to biochar. This difference in
states that one of the difficulties in using this coal is the consumption is partly due to the lower LHV (by 4%) of
difficulty of ignition. He then points out that this can ecochar compared to charcoal. Between the different
be improved. types of formulated biochar, a difference was observed.
The cassava starch-based biochar has the best
combustion and the highest LHV among the
3.3.3 Amount of biochar used to heat the
manufactured biochar, and is, therefore, an excellent
same amount of food
alternative to the use of firewood. The pricing of
The amount of food at the beginning of the experiment briquettes on the market will have to take into account
is the same for all tests. Although the cooking time and these LHV data.
the amount of fuel used differed from test to test, we
made sure that the weight of food at the end of the
cooking process was the same.
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Amount of fuel 0,95 1 1,1 1,1
(kg) 2. Dictionary of the Environment and Sustainable
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at start (kg) 3. Rim Berahab. Renewable Energy in Africa: Issues,
Weight of food 5,22 5,22 5,22 5,22 Challenges and Opportunities. Policy Center for
at the end of the New South, Policy Paper, p 36 (2019)
cooking (kg)
Quantity of 2,98 2,98 2,98 2,98 4. Ecowas Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy
water evaporated Efficiency. ECOWAS Bioenergy Policy and
(kg) Implementation Plan, p 9 (2017)
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combustible qualities of the biochar.
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Calculation of the Lower Heating Value (LHV) of the L'empreinte Écologique Du Chauffage En Serres
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(LHVce ) used shows that LHVcb is 28,200 kJ/kg Agricoles. Quebec, Canada, p 3, (2017)
compared to 27,100 kJ/kg for LHV ce . In other words,
7. Sami Zellagui. Pyrolysis and combustion of
96 % of the PCI of charcoal. The selling price of
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ecochar will, therefore, have to take into account its
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matter generated and modelling. Other. University
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of Haute Alsace - Mulhouse, French, p 215, (2016)
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Particular emphasis could be placed on other pyrolysis biochars. CRMR-2015-SA-3. Centre for Research
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E3S Web of Conferences 354, 03007 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202235403007
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