The Potential of Efficient Improved Mud-Brick Cook

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The Potential of Efficient Improved Mud-Brick Cookstove in Cameroon: An

Exploratory Study

Article  in  Environmental Management and Sustainable Development · December 2015

DOI: 10.5296/emsd.v4i1.6715


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4 authors, including:

Marcelline Blanche Manjia Blaise Mempouo

National Advanced School of Engineering of Yaoundé-University of Yaounde I University of Nottingham


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Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

The Potential of Efficient Improved Mud-Brick

Cookstove in Cameroon: An Exploratory Study

F. H. Abanda (Corresponding author)

Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development, Department of Real Estate and Construction
Oxford Brookes University, Oxford OX3 0BP, UK

M.B. Manjia
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique
L’Université de Yaoundé I, B.P. 8390, Cameroon

E. Cole
Better World Cameroon

B. Mempouo
Association pour la Recherche et la Promotion de l’Energie Durable en Afrique Centrale
(ARPEDAC), Avenue John Ngu Foncha, Nkomkana 2, YaoundéII, BP 5834 Yaoundé

Received: December 4, 2014 Accepted: December 20, 2014

doi:10.5296/emsd.v4i1.6715 URL:

In most Africa countries, cooking is a dirty and time-consuming job that involves feeding some
pieces of fuel such as wood, charcoal, or coal for a fire. Globally, some 500 million households
with more than 70% in Africa depend on burning solid fuel to meet their cooking, heating,
lighting, and other household energy needs. The wanton exploitation of wood fuel is having so
many negative impacts on many households in Cameroon. Some of the impacts include: the

Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

depletion of the forest leading to environmental degradation, health impacts, etc. In the Central
Africa region including Cameroon about 80-90% of the population has limited access to
modern forms of energy such as electricity, and relies on traditional biomass (e.g. wood and
agricultural residues) for cooking and heating. There is an urgent need to investigate more
efficient cook stove technologies that have very minimal or no impact on the environment and
households. In this study, an improved mud-brick cook stove was designed and tested in a
typical family house in Cameroon. To ensure the acceptability and sustainability of the
technology, the rural dwellers were involved in the design and implementation. The
performance of the stove was compared with that of traditional 3-stone fireside common in
most rural households in Cameroon. The mud-brick cook stoves are large and permanently
built into a kitchen and easy to use. The mud-brick cook stove construction materials are
available in communities that have clay soil and can be made using limited tools.
Keywords: Cameroon, Cook stove, Efficiency, Improved stove, Solid fuel
1. Background
Global increase in population has also led to an increase in the demand for basic services such
as water, energy, houses and infrastructure. Amongst these, energy is one of the most pressing
needs in developing countries. In most African countries, cooking is a dirty and
time-consuming job that involves feeding some fuel types such as like wood, charcoal, or coal
to produce fire. About some 500 million households in the world, with more than 70% in
Africa depend on burning solid fuel to meet their cooking, heating, lighting, and other
household energy needs (ARPEDAC, 2014). Compared to other regions of the continent,
Central Africa region has limited basic infrastructure. Access to electricity remains precarious
and falls far short of Africa’s average. The energy consumption is 12.5 kWh per inhabitant in
the Central African region against 17.3kWh for the continent (ECCAS 2025 Vision, 2014).
Also, electricity provided by the main electricity supplier has been noted for regular and
constant power cuts. This is further exacerbated by high electricity cost that is often not
affordable. In some regions, there is total lack of gridlines to supply electricity and the cost to
pay for it is usually exorbitant and cannot easily be borne by an individual. Perhaps partly
because of these challenges, Cameroon is one the countries with a high dependence on solid
fuels. Some examples of solid fuels include wood, charcoal, peat, coal, hexamine fuel tablets,
and pellets made from wood. It has been reported in GAFCC (2013) that 83% of the
Cameroonian population use solid fuels for cooking meals daily. The use of solid fuel has so
many health related impacts. Furthermore, wood-the most commonly used solid fuel is not
sustainably harvested and there are reports of scarcity and women now have to travel very long
distances to fetch for wood. About 2.7 million families, who depend on this quickly depleting
resource, often walk an average of 3 hours a day to collect wood or spend up to 1/3 of their
annual income to cook for their family (EFC, 2012). Cooking over a 3-stone fire (see Figure 1:
a) in a home is the equivalent of burning 400 cigarettes an hour that releases toxic smoke and
emissions which mostly effect women and children (EFC, 2012). A recent study by Global
Health revealed, inefficient cook stoves to be the largest environmental threat (GEC, 2012).

Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

It has become imperative to investigate alternative ways of providing energy that is

environmentally-friendly, affordable and socio-culturally accepted. Clean cook stove
technologies have emerged and are gradually being supplied in Cameroon. However, some of
these technologies have not been documented in academic literature. As such many aspects or
factors (e.g. efficiency) which are important in regards to making decisions about their uses are
scarce. The aim of this study is to report on a recently design mud-brick cookstove for use in
Bafut, a village located a few miles from Bamenda, the North-West regional capital of
Cameroon. To achieve this aim, the following objectives have been set:
 Investigate the design of a mud-brick cookstove;
 Investigate the performance of sustainability factors;
 Compare the performance of the mud brick cookstove to traditional 3- stones fireside;
 Propose recommendations for future study.
2. An Overview of Solid Fuel Consumption Studies and Projects
Studies about solid fuel consumption in Cameroon are scarce. Njiti and Nkemcha (2003)
conducted a survey about fuel wood and service wood production and consumption in Garoua
and its rural environs. Feka et al. (2009) used fuel wood consumption rate and duration to
smoke fish in the Douala-Edea Wildlife Reserve as criteria to determine the efficiency of two
fish-smoking systems (i.e. traditional smoke system and improved smoke system). Feka and
Manzano (2008) investigated how the use of mangrove wood for fish smoking by local people
in some localities of the South West region of Cameroon may be in conflict with the
conservation and sustainability of mangrove ecosystems. Nfotabong-Atheull et al. (2011)
assessed forest products usage and local residents' perception of environmental changes in
peri-urban and rural mangroves of Cameroon. Neba (2010) investigated the challenges of
wood fuel yield, availability and harvest in the Tubah mountain forest, Cameroon. Vitali et al.
(2013) investigated the efficiency of rice husk stove in rural Logone Valley (Chad/Cameroon).
Vaccari et al. (2012) conducted a comparative study to determine the fuel and cost savings of
two Centrafricain wooden stove models, traditional 3-stone fire and a gas stove. Vitali and
Vaccari (2014) examined the various dissemination models of improved stove in the Logone
Valley (Chad, Cameroon).
Based on the literature there are many different types of solid fuel technologies in use in
Cameroon. The traditional 3-stone fireside is quite common in Cameroon. Clay firesides are
also common in the North-West region of Cameroon (UNAFAS, 2007). Rice-husk stove are
also common in the Logone Valley. While the 3-stone fireside is the defacto solid fuel and easy
to use, local dwellers have been trained to use more improved cookstoves. In Mbouda,
Dschang and Yaoundécities in Cameroon, around 90% of people use wood for cooking on
traditional 3 stone fires that are both highly inefficient and a cause of indoor air pollution. Most
people in these cities purchase their wood for cooking, which means that very little of
household budget is left over to invest in a cleaner, more efficient cook stove. ACREST and
ARPEDAC have made efforts to address this issue by developing a locally made improved
stove (Figure 1: f and g), based on simple, effective cleaner technology made of ceramic
insulation and metal frame. ACREST and ARPEDAC stoves were compared with the

Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

traditional 3-stone fireside cook-stove and the results revealed that these stoves are energy
efficient and can save up to about 60% of firewood and could last more than 5 years with little
maintenance (ACREST, 2014). The University of Yaoundé1 in Collaboration with ARPEDAC
has carried further scientific investigations on ARPEDAC’s improved stove using the modified
version of the well-known Water Boiling Test (WBT) in ARPEDAC’s laboratory (Figure 1: g),
the kitchen indoor air quality (IAQ) checks and the flue gas analyser measures and logs
ambient carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels were also investigated and
compared with the conventional 3- stone fireside cook-stove (Mbieji, 2013). Also, there are
other improved stoves being imported into Cameroon. However, there is no local scientific
data to support their advantages over traditional 3-stones stove.nInformation about the amount
of local energy saving and environmental benefits of improved cookstoves are scarce. Also,
Envirofit is one of the major suppliers of clean stoves (e.g. Figure 1: d and e) in Cameroon
(Calvert Foundation, 2013). It is estimated that 50 000 Envirofit stoves can prevent 570 000
tons of CO2 from being emitted, save 700 000 of trees from being cut 5.5 million hours of
women’s time spent in collected wood, $14 million reduced fuel consummation and 270 000
livelihoods improved (EFC, 2012). Other improved cookstoves available in Cameroon are
depicted in Figure 1: b and c.

(a) 3-side firestone Source: Vitali (2011) (b) Centrafricain improved stove
Source: Vitali (2011)

(c) Improved charcoal burners (d) M-5000 Wood (e) CH-2200 Charcoal
with ceramic linings Source (Envirofit, 2014) Source (Envirofit, 2014)
Source (Nienhuys, 2010)

Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

(f) ACREST’s improved stove under testing condition, source: (ACREST, 2014)

(g) ARPEDAC’s improved stove under testing condition, source: (ARPEDAC, 2014)
Figure 1. Some selected sample solid fuel cook stoves in Cameroon
What emerges from the preceding paragraphs is that, there is a lack of systematic and coherent
studies about the different solid fuel cook stoves in Cameroon. Also, there are a variety of
improved wood cookstoves amongst others. However, there is paucity of data and information
about solid fuel consumption technologies that can be used to make informed decisions about
their uses. While a few studies have conducted comparative studies about different improved
cookstove technologies, such studies are often technical with focus on efficiencies or technical
performance. Although, this is already great, there is however a greater need to consider other
local constraints especially if the needs of the local dwellers have to be met. Vitali and Vaccari
(2014) concluded that the dissemination of stove models should consider local constraints.
Other softer factors than technical efficiency should be considered. For example, are the
wooden cookstove acceptable and affordable?

Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

In addition to the findings from the literature review as discussed in the preceding section,
observational studies were conducted in some households in Bamenda, the capital of the
North-West region of Cameroon. It emerged that, women use large, heavy cast pots daily to
prepare large quantities of food for their families. In their kitchens, the walls are blackened and
dark during cooking. Even modern homes have an outside open-fire kitchen, in addition to a
gas burner. There is a huge amount of energy loss as a result of cooking in the open. Also small
energy efficient stoves are inadequate for the big pots used by households in Cameroon. Our
proposed mud-brick stove takes into account all these challenges.
3. The proposed Ndanifor Permaculture Eco-village Project
Better World Cameroon1 is working with Bafut Council in supporting the development of a
plan for sustainable growth and development of the region. The organisation’s aim is to strike a
balance relationship between farmland, housing, and commercial areas. Ndanifor Permaculture
Eco village (NPE) is a Permaculture Demonstration Site and Center for environmental
education and sustainable food production. NPE is a demonstration site and constitutes part of
the Eco-Village Vision for 2020 of Bafut. The improved cookstove project is one of the
projects on NPE. One of the cookstove is the innovative mud-brick cookstove (Figure 2)
recently built in some homes in Bafut.
4. Apparatus and Procedure
4.1 Description of the Mud-brick-cook-stove
The concept of the mud-brick cookstove is enshrined in the permaculture principles (Holmgren,
2011). The materials used for building the stove are mud-bricks, clay soil, saw dust and sand.
Other than sand, brought from a different location, all the other materials are sourced from the
NPE yard. Water is used for mixing mortar for binding the bricks. The mud-brick cookstove
construction materials are available in any community that has clay soil and can be made using
limited tools, only requiring a knife, a metal pot and a small hole.
4.2 Description of the Design Process
The main tools used for the construction of the stove are: a tropical hoe to dig and mix clay, a
cutlass (machete), buckets and measuring tape. If a measuring tape is not available, body
measurements techniques (e.g. width of hands) are used. The key design steps are:
 The volume of the largest pot that will be used on the stove is determined;
 The volume relates to the size of combustion chamber and heat path through the
stove. This can be looked up from a simple chart by Kabuleta (2004);
 The width of the stove is determined from the diameter of the pot plus insulation
plus bricks;
 The length of the stove is the sum of the first pot plus a second, smaller pot, plus
chimney plus edges and channels;
 Finally the height of the stove as illustrated in Figure 2.


Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

Figure 2. Cross-section of mud-brick cookstove

The steps in the building of the stove are as follows:
 Prepare a 1:1 (by volume) mix of clay and fine sawdust (estimated 4 wheelbarrows
of clay) and a clay mortar mix;
 Layout on the ground: position pots;
 Set edges with bricks and configure firewood feed and combustion chamber
(considering 5cm insulation);
 Build up edges and combustion chamber.

Figure 3. Initial stages-Building edges and combustion chambers

Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

 Insulate combustion chamber. Banana stems as guides were used, but was later on
removed rather than to leave them to get rotten in-situ;
 Fill voids with compacted earth or bricks;
 At appropriate height set the first (larger) pot in place and fill around it with
insulation mix.

Figure 4. Placing pot to shape the size of the opening

 At the same height the channel to pot 2 will be built with insulation mix, followed by
pot 2 set into place;
 Continue building up around the pots to desired height;
 Make a channel to the chimney and set up a form to build the pipe (banana stem
works here too);

Figure 5. Complete stove depicting the chimney

Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

 Remove the pots and smooth all edges and surfaces inside, scraping down the
surface around the pots to create hot air circulation. Place three clay supports to
lift the pot- allowing heat to move under and around the pot.

Figure 6. Smoothened stove

Figure 7. Complete stove ready for use

5. Comparison of the Proposed Mud-brick cook-stove and Traditional
There is a general lack of consensus about performance metrics of cookstoves. Based on most
literature, the units of certain output metrics are often unclear. For example, while grams of

Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

pollutant emitted per kilogram of wood combusted (g/kg) is a common and widely applicable
emissions output metric, the data sources do not always specify whether the emission factor is
gram per kg wet wood, dry wood, or dry wood equivalent, resulting in a significant lack of
clarity and comparability (Berkeley Air Monitoring Group, 2012). In addition to the above
challenges related to paucity of data, it is important to note that any comparative study should
consider the type of pot used for cooking, characteristics and dimensions, type of food cooked,
type of wood used, type of water and/or ingredient used in cooking. These are extremely
challenging given the lack of standardisation of sources of these materials in Cameroon.
However, given the exploratory nature of this study, we will report brief comparisons (see
Tables 1) between mud-brick and 3-stone fireside stove. The three criteria considered are
technical, environmental and economic.
Table 1. Comparison of mud-brick and 3-stone fireside cook stoves
Mud-brick 3-stone Comments
cook-stove fireside
Easy to find material to construct yes yes
Ease to construct with short yes
Skills requirement easy none
Ignition method match match
Time to boil water
Time to cook standard Bafut women report no data Further experiments with other foods
meal 1.5 hour for available will be conducted.
Amount of wood used to cook a 3 pieces 6 pieces Anecdotal
meal per household (it is (Further experiments will be conducted.
important to state average family The relationship between the number of
size) wood and family sizes will be
Amount of kerosene used none except a none except a
lighting little for little for
ignition ignition
Capital cost labour none

As earlier discussed, this study is still in its preliminary stages. In the future more parameters
especially with regards to environmental (e.g. amount of wood used per day per household (it is
important to state average family size, emissions (CO2) generated), economic (e.g. average life
span, cost payback time) will be investigated. The Better World Cameroon in Collaboration
with ARPEDAC will conduct further investigations on the innovative mud-brick cookstove
recently built in some homes in Bafut using the modified version of the well-known Water

Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

Boiling Test (WBT) in ARPEDAC’s laboratory in Yaoundé, Cameroon. The experimental rig
is summarised in the Figure 8 and the following keys parameters for performance evaluations
will explored: the kitchen indoor air quality (IAQ) checks, the flue gas analyser, logs ambient
carbon monoxide (CO) and CO2 levels. The results will then be compared with the
conventional 3-stones stove and others existing stove in Bafut council.



Figure 8. Testing Rig of the proposed mud-brick cook-stove

6. Conclusions and Future Studies
The aim of this study is to report on a recently mud-brick cookstove designed for use in Bafut,
a village located a few miles from Bamenda, the North-West regional capital of Cameroon. To
achieve this aim, we investigated and discussed the design of a mud-brick cookstove.
Furthermore, the initial performance of the mud-brick stove vis-à-vis some selected
sustainability criteria and a comparison with traditional 3-stone fireside was examined.
Although there was no significant difference between both (as indicated in Table 1), there are
two major advantages of the mud-brick cookstove over 3-stone fireside. Firstly, the former
offers great stability during cooking, as most households tend to use big pots as shown in
Figure 7. Secondly, smoke in the mud-brick cookstove is contained and controlled in such a
way that it does not spread in the kitchen which can hinder visibility and blacken the walls.
Thirdly, there is a potential of energy being conserved in the mud-brick cookstove than in the
3-stone fire side. As part of future studies, further experiments will need to be conducted to
determine the performance of the proposed mud-brick cookstove. For example, the amount of
heat conserved, the amount of CO2 generated or conserved and the level of health impacts

Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2164-7682
2015, Vol. 4, No. 1

compared to other common stoves used in Cameroon.

We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Miss Mbieji and Mr Ngansop Magloire
based in Cameroon working for ARPEDAC who committed great efforts in identifying some
useful literature for this study and the proposed testing rig. The main goal of ARPEDAC is to
advance sustainable energy technologies practice and development in the Central African
sub-region, to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life by building capacity and raising
awareness on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and services. Also,
ARPEDAC supports the use of efficient, sustainable, secure and affordable energy
technologies and services which are appropriate to meet the needs of communities and
environment of today and the future.
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