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Forgotten Realms ✧ Spelljammer

Traveler’s Guide

Preview Edition
Johnny Tek
Realmspace Traveler’s Guide version 1.2
Written by Johnny Tek

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Features To Be Included For The Full Version:

Rules for Spelljamming Travel and Combat

Hazards of Wildspace

Detailed Lore Chapters for each entry described in Chapter 1, Section 2

Player Options (class archetypes, feats, spells)


Spelljammer Ship Designs

The Full Version will be sold on a separate product page on the author’s
channel at http://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?
x=0&y=0&author=Johnny%20Tek - Release Date TBD

Table of Contents
p. 4 Ordell’s Expedition - Preamble

p. 5 Chapter 1: A Primer On Realmspace

p. 6-12 Section 1: Basic Terms and Facts

p. 13-39 Section 2: The Worlds of Realmspace

✦ p. 14-15 The Sun

✦ p. 16-17 Anadia

✦ p. 18-19 Coliar

✦ p. 20-21 Toril

✦ p. 22-23 Karpri

✦ p. 24-25 Chandos

✦ p. 26-27 Arcus Belt

✦ p. 28-29 Glyth

✦ p. 30-31 Yggdrasil

✦ p. 32-33 H’Catha

✦ p. 34-35 Frozen Badlands

✦ p. 36-37 Distant Fringe

✦ p. 38-39 Sphere Wall


To whom it may concern,

My name is Gantys Ordell, writing this letter in the year 1492 by Dalereckoning. I’m an engineering consultant at
Amaunator’s Forge, a spelljamming vessel shipyard orbiting the planet Anadia. As of this writing, I am currently preparing for a
most ambitious voyage of discovery.

In less than a tenday, I’ll be embarking upon an expedition to survey all eight worlds of Realmspace. According to the
historical records, the last such expedition was undertaken in 1365 DR by the merchant captain Slade of Selune, who returned with
vast riches and many tales of wonder. The wealth of information brought back by Slade provided great insight into the workings of
the Celestial Design, though there have been more than a few scholars disputing the captain’s recollections, given his wounds of
the mind from a terrible battle with mind flayers on his return journey.

More than a century has passed, however, and much of the data acquired from Slade’s Expedition would be quite obsolete
by now. A new pioneer is needed to explore the worlds and return with updated findings. Following the return of spelljamming flight
in the wake of Mystra’s revival, no fool in the inner worlds has dared to venture further than the Arcus Belt, until now.

I have volunteered myself for this most dangerous of tasks. To this end, I have spent nearly my entire fortune to personally
finance the building of not one but three new spelljamming vessels (of my own design I might add) and hired reliable companions to
aid me along the way. With a stalwart crew and reliable captains in my employ, as well as the most advanced vessels to ever launch
from Amaunator’s Forge, I will surely overcome any and all obstacles that appear on this mission.

I have given instructions to the crew to preserve and deliver my writings to the university should I somehow fail to survive the
trials ahead.

May the knowledge I compile be of use to you the reader, should you choose to explore the worlds of Realmspace yourself.

Best of luck,

Gantys Ordell

CHAPTER 1: “This is going to take a

A PRIMER ON while.”
– Gantys Ordell

Basic Terms and Facts

I watched the colored trails of distance cross

The heavens as the weaving lights came down.

I wondered when the dream would be a loss

And where the stars and stories went to drown.

The sands of passing fell and leaked away

As tethered feet were weighted down by love.

I wondered too what dreams were made to stay,

The dreams that gazers’ eyes pursue above.

Realmspace Even further beyond lies the Distant Fringe, the
darkest and coldest region of Realmspace, believed to be all
but dead space. There are legends of hidden worlds within
Realmspace is a system of eight planets that revolve
this area that have yet to be discovered, as well as
around the Sun, a massive globe of burning gases at the
speculations of strange creatures that roam the void. This is
center of the system. In addition, a barrier shell of crystalline
the last region of Realmspace before reaching the Sphere
matter completely surrounds and contains the entirety of
Wall of the crystal sphere, which is supposedly impenetrable
Realmspace; the entirety of Realmspace is also referred to as
save for select portals along its surface.
“the crystal sphere” for this reason.

The celestial bodies of Realmspace revolve at

The five planets closest to the Sun are referred to as
relatively the same axis, forming a disk-like orbit. There is a
the Inner Planets, and the three planets furthest from the Sun
large amount of unoccupied wild space above and below
are referred to as the Outer Planets.
the orbit. These two regions are called the Seas of Night
(differentiated by north and south). There is speculation that
The Inner Planets and the Outer Planets are divided besides clouds of dust and gas, there are a number of free-
by a revolving trail of asteroids and clusters of ice known as floating structures within the wild space, such as asteroids or
the Arcus Belt. It has been surmised that many comets and perhaps even entire planets that are somehow free of the
meteors originate from the Arcus Belt. Sun’s pull. It is common to hear tall tales about legendary
treasure hoards hidden in such places.
Beyond the Outer Planets lie the Frigid Badlands, a
trail of asteroids and ice clusters like the Arcus Belt, but All objects in Realmspace are constantly in motion,
much larger and more highly populated with ice clusters. revolving around the Sun by the effect of the Sun’s powerful

gravity. A conservation of angular momentum causes the enter or traverse wildspace. Legend has it that the concept
planets to move more quickly along their orbital paths the of spelljamming vessels originated from the discovery of a
closer they are to the Sun (or more slowly the further they are living creature native to the reaches of wildspace. This
away from the Sun). creature is supposed to have been titanic enough to carry an
entire city on its back.

There is no breathable air in wildspace so

spelljamming vessels are sometimes designed to maintain an
Planets airtight containment around or within their hulls; a helm
usually produces an air pocket as well as a bubble of magical
Planets are gigantic bodies of solid or gaseous force around such a ship as it begins transit into wildspace
materials that produce gravity, and revolve primarily around but it never hurts to be prepared for the malfunction of a
the sun. The planets themselves may be orbited by celestial helm.
bodies large enough to produce gravity, which are called
moons. Part of the challenge of traveling at spelljamming
speeds safely is to calculate the differences between celestial
objects’ travel times correctly as to avoid missing a
checkpoint location or to prevent a potential collision.
Wildspace Typical helms will have sensory functions to facilitate such
calculations. For a helm operator, it’s usually as simple as
The space outside of a planet’s environment is “feeling out” the correct course.
typically referred to as “wildspace”. It is the great frontier
beyond the safety of the breathable skies.

Asteroids are large masses of solid debris that float
Spelljamming and drift in wildspace. They are made of materials such as
rock, metal, crystal, or ice. Some of them are massive
Spelljamming is a method of travel in which a creature enough to generate their own gravitational fields, though
or vessel glides through space in defiance of gravitational the fields are very weak in most cases.
forces, potentially at such speeds as to travel millions of
miles in a single day.

Helms Comets are large, solid clumps of ice and dust that
trail through space at high speeds. It is theorized that all or
In order for a creature or object to engage in most comets originate from the Frigid Badlands region of
spelljamming, it must be equipped with a magic item known Realmspace, where a huge belt of icy clusters orbits around
as a helm, which can be constructed in many different forms, the system.
with crystal orbs being the most commonly seen form of

Spelljamming Vessels Solid clumps of solid debris too small to be
considered asteroids are called meteoroids. These are called
Vessels equipped with spelljamming helms enable meteors when they fall into a planet’s atmosphere for
their sailors to travel between planets, or even between imminent collision; if the meteor survives collision, it is then
crystal spheres; a number of creatures that can naturally called a meteorite. Most deposits of adamantine ore on the
travel at spelljamming speeds may also be encountered and surface of planets are said to originate from crashed
used as vessels. A spelljamming vessel can effectively act as meteorites.
an airship within a planet’s atmosphere when it’s not used to

The Sphere Wall Slade’s Expedition
At the outer border of Realmspace is the Sphere Wall, In the Year of the Sword (1365 DR), a merchant
which encapsulates all of Realmspace in a spherical shell of captain, Slade of Selune, embarked on an expedition to
dense crystal. The Wall separates the system of Realmspace explore the worlds of Realmspace. The captain alone
from everything beyond, and it is hypothesized that almost managed to return alive; he shared his account of the
all of the stars in the sky can be accounted for by sources of voyage to many ecstatic scholars hoping to produce a more
light on the surface of the Wall. complete official record of information on the system of
Realmspace. Slade’s harrowing tales of wildspace inspired
many prospective explorers to challenge the yet unknown
regions, yet few among them survived to share their own
Stars experiences. Academic researchers of Realmspace later
disputed the accuracy of some parts in Captain Slade’s
According to the records of explorers that have made report due to conflicting information offered by other
the journey across the distant fringe and returned, most of travelers; it was also noted that at the time of his return,
the stars in the sky are actually portals to the Plane of Slade was still recovering from a powerful attack on the
Radiance and the Elemental Plane of Fire, located along the mind, suffered when the majority of his crew was slain in
surface of the Sphere Wall. The exceptions include structures battle with an illithid vessel.
built by the gods for reasons unknown to mortals, and
gateways leading out of the crystal sphere. There are some
wild claims that a number of the stars are massive creatures
living on the Sphere Wall, or intruding parts of beings from The Long Silence
the Far Realm, or even living pyres connected to the very life
force of the gods that watch over Realmspace. In the Year of Blue Fire (1385 DR), a terrible event
caused the catastrophic disruption of magic everywhere
throughout Realmspace - the death of Mystra, goddess of
magic, triggered the unraveling of the Weave.
The Weave
When the Weave collapsed, spelljamming ships could
Spread throughout all of Realmspace is an invisible, no longer function properly. This began the Long Silence, a
intangible framework of forces; this framework acts as a period of history during which transportation between
medium for shaping and channeling magical energy. It is worlds in Realmspace became practically impossible and
through the Weave that mages are able to stably produce communication between the worlds was highly difficult
the effects of magic spells, and it is the very same medium except by extraordinary means. Until new information was
that is used to enable spelljamming flight. The Weave exists brought back by Ordell’s Expedition, communication
in the same space and time as all the matter and emptiness between peoples of the Inner Planets and the Outer Planets
in Realmspace, connected to the very fabric of reality so that was cut off altogether.
manipulation of the Weave produces manipulation of reality,
commonly known as magic.

Mystra, goddess of magic, is the caretaker of The Return of Swords

Realmspace’s Weave. Through the Weave, she is able to
regulate the use of magic within Realmspace, setting rules In the Year of The Elven Swords Returned (1465 DR), a
and restrictions for spells cast by mages and magical daring company of sun elves and moon elves led by a star elf
creatures, as well as stabilizing the use of magic so that captain completed a grand quest commissioned in a divine
accidental, destructive mishaps don’t happen on a regular vision sent by the goddess Sehanine Moonbow, who foresaw
basis. a coming conflict in the future that would reach beyond the
stars. The company, known as “Durbaren” (“Swords of
Twilight”), came to the island of Evermeet, bringing with
them the fabled Three Elfblades of Cormanthyr (an ancient
elven nation). These artifacts were magical swords forged
through a lost art of Elven High Magic, and once used to
determine the rightful rulers of Cormanthyr.

A little known secret about the Three Elfblades was the restoration of the Weave progressed in earnest. By the
that they also served as early prototypes for spelljamming end of the next year, the Weave was renewed across all of
helms, created in the time of the goddess Mystryl (the first Realmspace, more stable than ever.
Weave bearer, who died long before the time of the current
third bearer Mystra), when the rules of magic were Priests and mages spread the good news across the
significantly different. worlds. Dreams of space travel that had been burned to
ashes in blue fire rose back to life. Old ships were repaired
Icarus, an admiral of the Elven Imperial Navy (a and refurbished, and new ships were designed and
wildspace-traveling military organization) who was stranded engineered. The age of spelljamming was truly back.
on Toril during the Spellplague, had stayed in Evermeet for
most of the days since his helm was disabled. The admiral The helms that had been produced during the era of
was aware of the swords’ true nature from a historical text the collapsed Weave were now largely obsolete due to their
that he’d studied; when Icarus learned about the swords comparably slow speeds but were still useful for
arriving in Evermeet, he immediately called upon the wizards transportation and cargo transport across short ranges.
under his command to study the Elfblades, with permission
from Evermeet’s Royal Council. The whole of Evermeet’s With the resurgence of faster, more powerful
senior wizards joined in on the task as well, seeing great spelljamming, many more abandoned facilities such as
potential in analyzing the products of High Magic. asteroid mining projects, orbital foundries, observation
stations, and wildspace shipyards were revisited and
The research bore fruit after two years. The Elfblades reclaimed. Some were in working condition and remained as
were unable to function as helms as they once did, but the they were left before the Spellplague. Others had somehow
differences from “modern helms” in their approach to fallen into disarray and experienced unexpected destruction.
spelljamming flight provided the necessary clues to A few had become residences for exotic creatures, much to
producing new helms that could function in the post- the wonder (and perhaps horror) of scouting parties. As of
Spellplague state of Realmspace’s Weave. In the Year of this writing there remains quite a number of abandoned
Three Heroes United (1467 DR), several Elven Imperial Navy structures that have yet to be explored, and adventurers by
ships were taken out of storage on Evermeet, and flew once the hundreds are out braving their dangers.
more into wildspace, to investigate the state of the other
Navy remnants and re-establish the Navy’s presence in
Ordell’s Expedition
Over the next decade, the breakthrough of the
Evermeet wizards found its way into the hands of allies and Just five years into the Great Revival, the magic
enemies alike. Though the new helms were significantly engineer Gantys Ordell organized a new expedition in the
slower than the previous era’s helms, they served well Year of Three Ships Sailing (1492 DR) to update information
enough for a partial reclaiming of wildspace to commence on the worlds of Realmspace beyond the Arcus Belt. Before
among Realmspace’s spacefaring civilizations; the helms Ordell’s Expedition, none who ventured through the Arcus
were not powerful enough to safely explore beyond the Belt since the revival of Mystra had ever returned to tell of
Inner Planets, but travelers could mount expeditions to what they had seen beyond the veil of mystery.
nearby facilities and colonies that had been lost or
Although commercial spelljamming operations within
the borders of the Inner Planets largely resumed with the
return of the Weave, contact with the Outer Planets beyond
the Arcus Belt have not been fully re-established.There have
The Great Revival been a number of concerns regarding potential threats from
the Outer Planets, such as the illithids of Glyth, or the pirates
The goddess of magic was at some point resurrected of Garden, or the beholders of H’Catha. Astronomers,
(priests of the Lady of Mysteries claim that she never truly scouts, and diviners alike have also reported the detection of
died), and returned to full power in the Year of the Rune disturbing emanations and inexplicable anomalies within the
Lords Triumphant (1487 DR), marking the end of the Second shadows of the Arcus Belt.
Sundering; this Sundering was a grand struggle of the gods
that saw many of them brought back to life in contention
over their places in the divine hierarchy. With Mystra’s return

Crystal spheres floating in the

Crystal Spheres between crystal spheres, due to the pressure of the flows.
The gas is not safe for breathing, and will have toxic effects
The crystal sphere of Realmspace is not the only one on most living creatures’ bodies if they attempt to breathe it.
known to exist. There are countless other crystal spheres
outside of Realmspace, and each one has its own pantheon It has been reported that divine connections between
of deities to govern over it; some deities even have deities and their servants will not function properly in the
footholds in multiple crystal spheres. Most other crystal phlogiston due to being outside of the realms influenced by
spheres seem to be similar to Realmspace, each containing a the deities. Divine magic users such as clerics will find that
system of planets that revolve around a Sun. The uncommon they can not receive new divine inspiration from their prayers
exceptions have been known to be hazardous for while outside of crystal spheres.
unprepared travelers.
Arcane magic is greatly affected by the wild energies
of the phlogiston because it exists outside of any sphere’s
Weave, but functions normally within a spelljamming vessel’s
Phlogiston air pocket. It is surmised that the magical field produced by
a spelljamming flight helm acts partially as a Weave, allowing
The regions between crystal spheres are filled with a spells to be cast without trouble while inside the ship’s
mysterious gas called phlogiston. It is a rainbow-colored, atmosphere. Spells cast outside the field of a spelljamming
unstable, fluorescent gas (or gas-like substance) that flows flight helm will have a very high chance of failure.
turbulently between the crystal spheres. The gas will
immediately dissipate when brought into the wildspace of a Psionic magic users seem to have their abilities
crystal sphere, and is highly volatile if allowed within the air augmented within the phlogiston; it has been deduced that
pocket of a vessel traveling through flows. Spelljamming it is because the psionic method of constructing a personal
vessels must ride the currents of phlogiston to travel Weave can draw energy directly from the strange gas.

Planes There are typically many Astral Corridors scattered
throughout the distant fringes of crystal spheres, spread
There are different planes of existence across the between the sphere walls and the planetary systems. This
multiverse. These planes are realms that can not be travelled had led some early pioneers of spelljamming in various
to by simply moving in any particular direction. The barriers cultures to believe that all planetary systems in the Prime
that separate the planes however can be crossed through Material Plane are like the Secondary/Seed Material Planes,
various methods, some posing a greater risk of danger than when in reality reaching the distant fringe of a crystal sphere
others. grants a prospective traveler the option to choose different
types of potential danger for their journey to another
planetary system within the Prime.

Transmit Mist
According to planar scholars, there was a time when The Astral Sea
the current barriers separating the planes of the multiverse
were either much thinner or did not exist at all. A multi- The Astral Plane, commonly referred to as the Astral
colored, mist-like substance flowed throughout the cosmos, Sea by spelljamming crews, is a transitive plane that overlaps
linking distant realms through concept and dreams. with the Material Planes and Outer Planes. The sensation of
Remnants of what was once an infinitely spanning ocean of passing through the Astral Sea is like unto a weightless void,
the mist-like substance still linger, and the substance has with the most distant background appearing as a roiling haze
come to be known as “transit mist” among researchers. of silvers and grays. The majority of the Astral Sea is free of
obstructions, but floating materials (and creatures) do exist
within the plane, including island-sized asteroids and broken
pieces of worlds long forgotten. Portals known as color pools
Mist Corridors lead to other planes, and mist corridors are abundant. The
Astral Sea is popular for routes among spelljamming crews
When one enters a cloud of transit mist, they will for its environmental survivability compared to the
typically emerge from a cloud of transit mist on another phlogiston, but many captains choose to brave the flows
plane. These clouds are known as mist corridors, and between spheres in the Prime Material Plane when they
depending on where one exits upon entering one, may be believe an Astral route may have lurking dangers such as
called by a different name based on the destination plane of astral dreadnoughts or unstable mist corridors.
the corridor. For example, when entering a mist corridor that
exits into the Astral Plane, the corridor is referred to as an
“Astral Corridor”, and when entering a mist corridor that
exits into the Prime Material Plane, the corridor is referred to Traveler Maps
as a “Prime Corridor”.
Astral Map: This type of map depicts routes between mist
corridors, portals, and places of interest in the Astral Sea.

The Material Planes System Map: This type of map depicts routes between
planets and other celestial bodies in a planetary system, as
The Prime Material Plane, where the influences of well as their distances to Suns and outer borders. Maps of
various planes converge upon the living realms of mortals, is crystal sphere systems are also known as Sphere Maps.
vast and consists of the many crystal sphere systems floating Maps of systems in Secondary/Seed Material Planes are also
in the phlogiston, but it is not the only Material Plane. There known as Seed Maps.
are countless Secondary/Seed Material Planes that exist in
the multiverse; each of these planes contain one or more Flow Map: This type of map depicts routes between crystal
planetary systems as one would find in a crystal sphere, but spheres in the Prime Material Plane.
instead of a crystal wall encapsulating the systems, they are
surrounded by clouds of transit mist. Most such systems have
been recorded as having their “cloud shells” exit into the
Astral Plane (also popularly known as the Astral Sea). A mist
corridor that exits into a Secondary/Seed Material Plane is
typically much smaller than the plane’s “cloud shell”.

The Worlds of Realmspace

Look up and see that little twinkling light,

A twinkle, twinkle far away from here.

Below the Moon, a little to the right,

And straight ahead until you see it near.

A single point among so many wrought

From gleaming light to fill the dark expanse.

The lucent mantle of that tiny spot

Bestirs the lookers on to wishing glance.

ASTRONOMICAL TYPE: Yellow Dwarf (Spherical)

DIAMETER*: 800,000 miles

CIRCUMFERENCE*: 2,513,200 miles

*diameter and circumference are rounded to the

nearest 100.


Dawn Seeker Island (asteroid)

Far Side Sanctuary (space station)

Everlight Observatory (space station)

Realmspace Distance From the
The Eyes of Horus-Re (monuments) Checkpoints Sun*
Anadia 50 million miles
The Golden Clocktower (space station)
Coliar 100 million miles
The Searing Clusters (asteroids)
Toril 200 million miles

Karpri 300 million miles

Notable Hazards
Chandos 400 million miles
Destructive Flares Arcus Belt (Inner
650 million miles
Extreme High Temperatures
Arcus Belt (Outer
800 million miles
Fire Storms Edge)
Glyth 1,000 million miles
The Sargasso Belt (special hazard)
Garden 1,200 million miles

H’Catha 1,600 million miles

Frigid Badlands (Inner
1,950 million miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer
2,250 million miles
Sphere Wall 3,200 million miles

*rounded to the nearest million

[NOTE: The above image is filtered through a darkening lens that protects the observer from the overwhelming brightness of the Sun.]

The Sun provides light and warmth to all of the planets of Realmspace. It is the largest, most
massive object in the system. The Sun is more than a million times the size of Toril, and appears to the
casual observer as an enormous ball of brightly burning fire. The Sun is so bright that one can go blind
staring at it for too long (the above image is captured using specialized divination magic that can
dampen the illumination for safe viewing). For most living beings, it is impossible to visually examine the
Sun without specially prepared light filters. There are no areas on the Sun where most spelljamming
vessels can explore without being destroyed by the constant extreme heat (which can reach millions of
degrees in temperature).
Countless portals have been observed all over the surface of the Sun. These portals are
connected to the Elemental Plane of Fire, and vast multitudes of creatures of elemental fire use them to
travel between the planes. There are reported to be many different types of such creatures, including
intelligent beings such as efreeti that roam the surface of the Sun. The creatures living on the Sun are
also fiercely territorial, and many of them patrol its nearby orbit; ships that pass too closely will often be
attacked on sight.


DIAMETER*: 4,400 miles

CIRCUMFERENCE*: 13,800 miles

DAY LENGTH: 12 hours

YEAR LENGTH: 30 days

*diameter and circumference are rounded to the

nearest 100.


Amaunator’s Forge (orbital shipyard) Realmspace Distance From
Checkpoints Anadia*
The Sun 50 million miles
Coliar 50-150 million miles
Notable Hazards
Toril 150-250 million miles
Earthen Eruptions
Karpri 250-350 million miles
Lightning Showers
Chandos 350-450 million miles
Quicksand Arcus Belt (Inner
600-700 million miles
Arcus Belt (Outer
750-850 million miles
Stone Hail Edge)

Tornadoes Glyth 950-1,050 million miles

1,150-1,250 million
Tremors Garden
Volcanic Eruptions 1,550-1,650 million
Frigid Badlands (Inner 1,900-2,000 million
Edge) miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer 2,200-2,300 million
Edge) miles
Sphere Wall 3,150 million miles

*rounded to the nearest million

Anadia is the first planet from the Sun. It is known for having the hottest, driest climates of
all the worlds in Realmspace, as well as some of the fiercest dust storms and earthquakes. Most of the
world is rocky canyons, deep arid valleys, and irregular mountain ranges. The local regions around the
north and south poles have a more temperate climate; they are characterized by rolling hills, plentiful
ponds, and circulating rivers. The north and south poles themselves are capped with mountains and
forests. At its equator, the planet is dotted with a belt of mountainous badlands; the regions in this belt
are known for periodic tremors and shifting geological formations.
The Underdark of Anadia is a huge network of winding tunnels and immense caverns. The
majority of the living creatures on this world live in the cooler depths of the Underdark, where both
water and sources of food are more abundant than on the surface. It is rumored that at the deepest
levels of the Underdark, one will find a great many portals leading to the Elemental Plane of Earth.
Due to the hot, dry climate dominating the surface, most of the rainfall can be found closer
to the poles, where there is enough moisture to support such weather. It is considered suicidal to travel
on foot past the equator from the north to the south (or vice versa), due to the lack of water in the belt
regions. There are however a number of relatively safe routes (with water replenishment points) that
lead through the Underdark from one side of the equator’s mountainous belt to the other.


DIAMETER*: 61,300 miles

CIRCUMFERENCE*: 192,600 miles

DAY LENGTH: 30 hours

YEAR LENGTH: 232 days

*diameter and circumference are rounded to the

nearest 100.


Distance From Coliar*
Akadi’s Eye (space station) Checkpoints

Starwing Island (asteroid) The Sun 100 million miles

The Isles of Endearment (asteroids)

Anadia 50-150 million miles

The Iron Flock (asteroids)

Toril 100-300 million miles

Karpri 200-400 million miles

Chandos 300-500 million miles

Notable Hazards Arcus Belt (Inner
550-750 million miles
Blinding Clouds
Arcus Belt (Outer
700-900 million miles
Floating Debris
Glyth 900-1,100 million miles
1,100-1,300 million
Incendiary Clouds miles

Tornadoes 1,500-1,700 million

Toxic Gas Frigid Badlands (Inner 1,850-2,050 million
Edge) miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer 2,150-2,350 million
Edge) miles
Sphere Wall 3,100 million miles

*rounded to the nearest million

Coliar is the second planet from the Sun. It is a massive gaseous world with a layered
atmosphere and many floating islands orbiting its gravitational center. There are many different sizes
and shapes of islands, and the distance between islands can range from as close as a few feet to as far
as thousands of miles. Some islands are so remote that they might never be discovered by explorers.
The most well known hazard for travelers on Coliar is the danger of falling from the edge of a ship or
island, which could result in either a death by burning from atmospheric friction or a death by impact
with a solid floating object (or passing creature in flight).
A universally known hazard for visitors to Coliar is the atmosphere’s outer surface layer,
which is composed of highly toxic gases. Despite the danger on the surface, the atmosphere is safely
breathable in almost every other region under the surface layer; this “clean air” phenomenon is known
as Akadi’s Blessing.
The climate of Coliar is tropical and temperate in all but the northernmost and southernmost
regions. There are frequent storms during the summer season, with the largest hurricanes spanning
thousands of miles. The weather becomes more turbulent the closer one ventures towards the
gravitational center of Coliar. It is surmised that this weather pattern may be partly due to numerous
portals leading to the Elemental Plane of Air near Coliar’s central core.


DIAMETER*: 8,900 miles

CIRCUMFERENCE*: 27,900 miles

DAY LENGTH: 24 hours

YEAR LENGTH: 365 days

*diameter and circumference are rounded to the

nearest 100.


Distance From Toril*
Selune (moon) Checkpoints

Selune’s Tears (asteroids) The Sun 200 million miles

Anadia 150-250 million miles

Coliar 100-300 million miles

Notable Hazards Karpri 100-500 million miles

Blizzards Chandos 200-600 million miles

Arcus Belt (Inner
Floods 450-850 million miles
Geysers Arcus Belt (Outer
600-1,000 million miles
Glyth 800-1,200 million miles
1,000-1,400 million
Sandstorms miles
1,400-1,800 million
Tornadoes H’Catha
Tremors Frigid Badlands (Inner 1,750-2,150 million
Edge) miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer 2,050-2,450 million
Volcanic Eruptions Edge) miles
Sphere Wall 3,000 million miles

*rounded to the nearest million

Toril is the third planet from the Sun, and is the shining jewel of Realmspace. It features the
most habitable, most populated, most diverse environments of all the planets in the crystal sphere. For
this reason however, Toril is also the most coveted by all the great powers, mortal and divine. Such is
the value of this world that gods and primordials battled for possession of it in an ancient war that
ravaged much of Realmspace. Practically all of the gods and primordials associated with Realmspace
maintain a foothold of influence on Toril, making it the battleground of choice for many divine conflicts.
This world is also known for having the greatest concentrations of magical energy, making it
one of the more popular destinations of the mages and magic-using civilizations in Realmspace. The
spelljamming vessel ports here are tightly regulated due to the politics and warfare of Toril’s most
civilized regions; almost all of the ports are located on Toril’s continents of Faerun and Kara-Tur, with
Kara-Tur hosting the majority by far. Visitors to Toril also commonly make stops at the planet’s sole
moon, Selune, where a thriving nation exists on the side hidden from Toril’s view.
Just as Toril has the most diverse array of environments in Realmspace, so too does this
planet possess the most diverse variety of climates and environmental hazards. Travelers to Toril are
advised to be cautious of the specific hazards and weather patterns of the regions they’ll be passing


DIAMETER*: 11,000 miles

CIRCUMFERENCE*: 34,600 miles

DAY LENGTH: 21 hours

YEAR LENGTH: 650 days

*diameter and circumference are rounded to the

nearest 100.


Satellites Realmspace
Distance From Karpri*
Seven Blades (space station) Checkpoints
The Sun 300 million miles
Anadia 250-350 million miles

Notable Hazards Coliar 200-400 million miles

Toril 100-500 million miles

Explosive Bubbles
Chandos 100-700 million miles
Arcus Belt (Inner
350-950 million miles

Tsunamis Arcus Belt (Outer

500-1,100 million miles
Water Tornadoes
Glyth 700-1,300 million miles
Whirlpools Garden 900-1,500 million miles
1,300-1,900 million
Frigid Badlands (Inner 1,650-2,250 million
Edge) miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer 1,950-2,550 million
Edge) miles
Sphere Wall 2,900 million miles

*rounded to the nearest million

Karpri is the fourth planet from the Sun. Nearly the entire world is composed of a vast,
encapsulating saltwater ocean. The northern and southern polar regions of Karpri are each covered by a
continent of ice up to over six hundred feet thick and over a thousand miles wide. The equatorial region
is sparsely covered by drifting beds of floating seaweed and kelp; these plant congregations are islands
unto themselves, capable of supporting thousands of pounds of weight across areas large enough to
host entire cities. The rest of the planet between the poles and the equator is mainly clear, open water
up to ten miles deep over the ocean’s bottom.
There is an abundance of life on Karpri. Although most of its creatures are aquatic, living
under the surface of the waters, there is also a large variety of surface wildlife that has adapted to the
environments of the polar ice continents and the equatorial plant bed islands.
The climate of Karpri is comfortably and safely temperate for the most part, but its seasonal
storms can be extraordinarily hazardous, especially over the open water regions. The ice continents are
known to occasionally experience tremors caused by the pressures of various oceanic currents. Under
the ocean’s surface, it has been observed that there are some violently hazardous areas with crushingly
powerful currents; rumor has it that a number of these underwater danger zones are stirred up by the
presence of portals connected to the Elemental Plane of Water.


DIAMETER*: 9,600 miles

CIRCUMFERENCE*: 30,100 miles

DAY LENGTH: 48 hours

YEAR LENGTH: 2,010 days

*diameter and circumference are rounded to the

nearest 100.


Satellites Realmspace Distance From

Checkpoints Chandos*
The Sun 400 million miles
Anadia 350-450 million miles

Notable Hazards Coliar 300-500 million miles

Toril 200-600 million miles

Karpri 100-700 million miles
Arcus Belt (Inner
250-1,050 million miles
Ice Blooms Edge)

Arcus Belt (Outer
400-1,200 million miles
Glyth 600-1,400 million miles

Garden 800-1,600 million miles

1,200-2,000 million
Frigid Badlands (Inner 1,550-2,350 million
Edge) miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer 1,850-2,650 million
Edge) miles
Sphere Wall 2,800 million miles

*rounded to the nearest million

Chandos is the fifth planet from the Sun. Once an oceanic world of temperate climate, an
Ice Age has fallen upon Chandos during the past hundred years, transforming it into a frozen wasteland
of seemingly eternal winter. There are many irregular islands of stone that were highly unstable and
constantly shifting during the previous era, but their positions have been set by ice and snow as result
of the oceans freezing over. The frozen layer covering Chandos is as thick as 1,000 feet in some parts
and as thin as 1 foot in others; the oceans underneath the ice run as deep as 6 miles below the surface.
Most of the plant and animal life on the surface could not sufficiently adapt to the
indefinitely extended cold season, resulting in a great loss of life. Creatures living under the waters of
Chandos however largely managed to survive the Ice Age (currently referred to as the Great Change).
Surface creatures that were originally native to the polar regions have continued to thrive in the wintry
conditions; many of them have thus multiplied and spread out over larger territories.
Miraculously, there are a number of self-contained warm regions where non-polar wildlife
survived the coming of the Great Change. According to the native intelligent inhabitants, this was the
doing of some unknown magical power unleashed as the planet was shifting its climate. It has been
theorized that powerful mythals, epically scaled magic fields and wards, are keeping these unusual
regions temperate.


INNER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 4,100 million miles

OUTER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 5,000 million miles

POLAR LENGTH*: 150 million miles

EQUATORIAL LENGTH*: 750 million miles

*Circumferences and Lengths are rounded to the

nearest 100.

*Polar length is left to right on diagram.

Equatorial length is top to bottom on diagram.


Realmspace Distance From Arcus

Checkpoints Belt*

Notable Hazards Sun 650 million miles

Anadia 600 million miles
Floating Debris
Coliar 550 million miles
Streaking Debris
Toril 450 million miles
Volatile Gas Deposits
Karpri 350 million miles

Chandos 250 million miles

Glyth 200 million miles

Garden 400 million miles

H’Catha 800 million miles

Frigid Badlands (Inner
1,150 million miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer
1,450 million miles
2,400 million miles
Sphere Wall
(from center)
*rounded to the nearest million

Separating the Inner Planets and the Outer Planets is the Arcus Belt, a vast field of floating
asteroids that orbits in a ring around the system. There is no atmosphere in this region of Realmspace,
but a number of creatures have made the Arcus Belt their home, including wildspace pirates, conclaves
of mages, and wildlife native to the void of wildspace. The distance between asteroids can be as close
as a few dozen feet or as far as several miles. Collisions between asteroids tend to be rare, usually
occurring when streaking comets or meteoroids slam into them with sufficiently pushing force.
The entrepreneurs of Realmspace have funded and organized mining operations in the
Arcus Belt, eager to obtain the valuable minerals and precious metals that many of the asteroids
contain. Natural gases can also be extracted from some of the asteroids, though such efforts tend to be
hazardous endeavors due to potentially volatile deposits. Maps with recorded safe routes through the
Arcus Belt are extraordinarily valuable to merchants and miners, since they can cut travel time through
the Belt by half or more.
Rumors and legends abound of what one can find in the Arcus Belt, including tales of buried
treasure, of ancient ruins, and of strange monsters that dwarf the largest whales.


DIAMETER*: 9,100 miles

CIRCUMFERENCE*: 28,600 miles

DAY LENGTH: 30 hours

YEAR LENGTH: 10,726 days

*diameter and circumference are rounded to the

nearest 100.


Distance From Glyth*
Haven (moon) Checkpoints

Mingabwe (moon)
The Sun 1,000 million miles
Anadia 950-1,050 million miles
Polluter (moon)
Coliar 900-1,100 million miles
Rings of Glyth
Toril 800-1,200 million miles

Karpri 700-1,300 million miles

Notable Hazards Chandos 600-1,400 million miles

Arcus Belt (Inner
acid rain 350-1,650 million miles
Blizzards Arcus Belt (Outer
200-1,800 million miles
Corrosive Pools
Garden 200-2,200 million miles
Explosive Pools
H’Catha 600-2,600 million miles
Frigid Badlands (Inner
950-2,950 million miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer 1,250-3,250 million
Tornadoes Edge) miles
Tremors Sphere Wall 2,200 million miles

*rounded to the nearest million

Glyth is the sixth planet from the Sun. It is a rocky, mountainous world with land covering
about 80% of the surface, and temperately warm climates. There are numerous seas and lakes
composed of a mysterious, gelatinous substance rather than bodies of water, though a large proportion
of the gelatin’s composition contains water. Most of the natural flora on Glyth’s surface has been
purposely burned away in fires by intelligent design as well as warfare. The polar regions are capped by
frozen tundra and dirty ice.
The gelatinous substance of Glyth’s seas and lakes is safely consumable and possesses
nutrients necessary for sustaining life. As such, a number of the indigenous animals and plants have
adapted to the gelatin as a source of food and water, at least those few still living on the surface. The
planet’s Underdark on the other hand is home to a thriving collection of plants and creatures that have
largely escaped the ruination of the planet’s surface.
Environmental conditions on Glyth are almost comfortably habitable in the current era - a
stark contrast to the time before the Spellplague, when much of the air was polluted by smoke, and
frequent acidic rains forced the inhabitants to seek shelter for survival on a regular basis. Eventually,
over the course of the past century, the planet’s environments stabilized by gradual, natural means,
though there is still the occasional acid rain shower in some regions.


LENGTH*: 5,300 miles

DIAMETER*: 3,600 miles

CIRCUMFERENCE*: 11,300 miles

DAY LENGTH: 128 hours

YEAR LENGTH: 30,663 days

*length, diameter, and circumference are rounded

to the nearest 100.

*maximum dimensions measured as a cylinder but

actual body is irregularly proportioned

ENVIRONMENT CLASS: Temperate Realmspace Distance From

Checkpoints Garden*
The Sun 1,200 million miles
1,150-1,250 million
Dragon Rock (moon)
Farworld (moon) 1,100-1,300 million
Fjord (moon)
1,000-1,400 million
Glorianus (moon) miles

Grandchild (moon) Karpri 900-1,500 million miles

Knurl (moon) Chandos 800-1,600 million miles

Locci (moon) Arcus Belt (Inner

550-1,850 million miles
Peaceon (moon)
Arcus Belt (Outer
400-2,000 million miles
Retinae (moon) Edge)

Sunson (moon) Glyth 200-2,200 million miles

Templar (moon) H’Catha 400-2,800 million miles

Yerthad (moon) Frigid Badlands (Inner

750-3,150 million miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer 1,050-3,450 million
Notable Hazards Edge) miles

Variable Gravity Sphere Wall 2,000 million miles

*rounded to the nearest million

Garden, sometimes referred to as “Yggdrasil” or “Yggdrasil’s Child”, is the seventh planet
from the Sun. This planet is a cluster of asteroids that are anchored together by the roots of a massive
plant. The asteroids attached to Garden are referred to as “Pods”, and they vary wildly in both size and
composition. The plant that holds the cluster together is comprised of a network of “Cores” (spherical
clusters each up to a hundred miles in diameter) interconnected by roots to the asteroids, each other,
and a much larger Core at the center of Garden that is over a thousand miles in diameter. The smaller
Cores are also known as “Buds”, while the central Core is often referred to as “The Seed”.
There are many small plants and animals that live on Garden, adapted to living within the
main plant network, or within the tunnels and caverns of the asteroids. The planet has a number of trade
outposts and towns located either within the asteroids or at the Seed; most of the natives are
descended from space pirates whose crews were stranded during the Spellplague, when spelljamming
flight became impossible.
Visitors to Garden are cautioned about the variable gravity of the planet, which can shift
dramatically depending on where one travels throughout the network of Pods and Cores, turning up to
down and down to sideways with a few steps. The planet maintains a breathable atmosphere and
comfortably warm temperatures throughout its body.


DEPTH*: 300 miles

DIAMETER*: 3,300 miles

CIRCUMFERENCE*: 10,400 miles

DAY LENGTH: 26 hours

YEAR LENGTH: 60,121 days

*length, diameter, and circumference are rounded

to the nearest 100.


Realmspace Distance From

Satellites Checkpoints H’Catha*
The Sun 1,600 million miles
Turnbetl (moon)
1,550-1,650 million
Lumbe (moon) Anadia
1,500-1,700 million

Notable Hazards 1,400-1,800 million

Geysers 1,300-1,900 million
1,200-2,000 million
Tornadoes miles
Arcus Belt (Inner
Whirlpools 950-2,250 million miles
Arcus Belt (Outer
800-2,400 million miles
Glyth 600-2,600 million miles

Garden 400-2,800 million miles

Frigid Badlands (Inner
350-3,550 million miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer
650-3,850 million miles
Sphere Wall 1,400 million miles

*rounded to the nearest million

H’Catha is the eighth planet from the Sun. This planet is shaped in the form of a flat disk,
held together by unknown forces. The geology is that of a saltwater ocean with islands and small
continents, and the ocean up to 20 miles deep. The ocean water tends to spill over the edge, but as it
leaks down the sides of the planet, the water turns into steam; the steam turns into clouds that migrate
over the planet until they eventually return to the ocean as rain. The bottom of the planet is composed
of adamantine ores, making it one of the hardest naturally occurring surfaces in Realmspace.
As it revolves around the Sun, H’Catha wobbles slightly along its axis. This wobbling creates
an alternating cycle of movement in which one edge of the planet is brought closer to the Sun while the
opposite edge moves away from the Sun; the edge brought closer to the Sun is warmer than the edge
moved away, effectively producing seasons for the planet. The ocean of H’Catha tends to be calm
during most months, but it does experience storms during its Summers.
There is a wide variety of wildlife and vegetation on H’Catha, thriving in the stable,
temperate climate of this planet. The central continent of H’Catha, which hosts a huge mountain known
as the Spindle, is home to the largest variety of surface creatures on the planet. The ocean also hosts
many creatures, big and small, ranging from tiny shrimps to the gigantic eyes of the deep. The
Underdark of H’Catha connects all the islands and continents with its network of tunnels.


INNER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 12,200 million miles

OUTER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 15,400 million miles

POLAR LENGTH*: 300 million miles

EQUATORIAL LENGTH*: 750 million miles

*Circumferences and Lengths are rounded to the

nearest 100.

*Polar length is left to right on diagram.

Equatorial length is top to bottom on diagram.
Realmspace Distance From Frigid
ENVIRONMENT CLASS: N/A Checkpoints Badlands*
The Sun 1,950 million miles
Anadia 1,900 million miles
Notable Hazards Coliar 1,850 million miles

Floating Debris Toril 1,750 million miles

Streaking Debris Karpri 1,650 million miles

Volatile Gas Deposits

Chandos 1,550 million miles
Arcus Belt (Inner
1,300 million miles
Arcus Belt (Outer
1,150 million miles
Glyth 950 million miles

Garden 750 million miles

H’Catha 350 million miles

750 million miles
Sphere Wall
(from center)
*rounded to the nearest million

The Frigid Badlands, much like the Arcus Belt, forms an orbiting ring of floating debris
around the system of Realmspace. Unlike the Arcus Belt, the debris in the Frigid Badlands is composed
of frozen water ice clusters. Despite the abundant source of water in this region, there are very few
creatures willing to live here due to the freezing temperatures of wildspace so far away from the Sun.
Also like the Arcus Belt, the distance between asteroids can be as close as a few dozen feet or as far as
a several miles, with collisions between the asteroids being rare.
Due to its inhospitable environment, the Frigid Badlands region is treated only as a
transitional barrier by most spelljamming vessel crews, with occasional stops within it to replenish water
supplies. It is rumored that certain types of valuable crystals can be found in the Badlands; a number of
entrepreneurial survey expeditions have been sent into the area for the purpose of finding crystal
deposits, much to no avail.
The greatest treasures that have actually been discovered in the Frigid Badlands are the
frozen carcasses of ancient creatures; these carcasses are perfectly preserved within the icy
confinements of the asteroids, and are believed to be remnants of the Dawn War, in which gods and
primordials fought for dominion of entire crystal spheres. Casualties of the Dawn War included monsters
of myth and legend, all of whom may possibly be found floating silently in the Badlands.


INNER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 7,700 million miles

OUTER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 10,000 million miles

*Circumferences are rounded to the nearest 100.

Notable Hazards
Displacement Anomalies

Floating Debris

Incendiary Clouds Realmspace Distance From Distant

Checkpoints Fringe*
Planar Vortices
The Sun 2,450 million miles
Streaking Debris Anadia 2,400 million miles
Toxic Clouds Coliar 2,350 million miles

Toril 2,250 million miles

Karpri 2,150 million miles

Chandos 2,050 million miles

Arcus Belt (Inner
1,800 million miles
Arcus Belt (Outer
1,650 million miles
Glyth 1,450 million miles

Garden 1,250 million miles

H’Catha 850 million miles

Frigid Badlands (Inner
500 million miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer

Sphere Wall ---

*rounded to the nearest million

The Distant Fringe is the void between the Sphere Wall and the rest of Realmspace, the last
leg of the journey from any of the planets to the shell that encapsulates the entire system. This region of
wildspace is vast and filled with mysteries. Traveling through the Fringe can be somewhat risky if one
chooses to do so without regard for the potential hazards within it.
For the most part, the Distant Fringe is unoccupied wildspace with almost nothing in it, but
there are parts of the Fringe where one might have greater chances of running into dangerous
creatures, or rogue asteroids, or anomalies of time and space. Most spelljamming travelers will never
have any trouble or surprise while journeying through this region, but there are a number of ships that
have gone missing while attempting unexplored routes.
There are a number of portals in the Distant Fringe that can lead to other locations within
Realmspace, as well as other planes. The locations of these portals (the safe ones that is) can be
extremely valuable for spelljamming vessel crews, especially those of merchants and explorers, for the
time that can be saved in transit towards their destinations. According to some rumors, there are even
portals to other crystal spheres, as well as to planes that are taboo for exploration, such as the Far
Realm. Astral Corridors (see Basic Terms and Facts) are abundant throughout the Distant Fringe, which
makes it an alternate place of exit from Realmspace on journeys to other crystal spheres.


INNER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 10,000 million miles

OUTER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 10,400 million miles

*Circumferences are rounded to the nearest 100.


Notable Hazards
Displacement Portals

Planar Vortices Realmspace Distance From the

Checkpoints Sphere Wall*
Variable Gravity
The Sun 3,200 million miles
Variable Temperatures
Anadia 3,150 million miles
Wild Magic Storms Coliar 3,100 million miles

Toril 3,000 million miles

Karpri 2,900 million miles

Chandos 2,800 million miles

Arcus Belt (Inner
2,550 million miles
Arcus Belt (Outer
2,400 million miles
Glyth 2,200 million miles

Garden 2,000 million miles

H’Catha 1,600 million miles

Frigid Badlands (Inner
1,250 million miles
Frigid Badlands (Outer
750 million miles
*rounded to the nearest million

The Sphere Wall is the final destination of spelljamming vessels before leaving the system of
Realmspace, or the first destination of those entering the system. The Wall is so large it appears to be a
perfectly flat, solid surface rather than a curving structure. The material composing the Sphere Wall is
bumpy and cold, and seemingly indestructible no matter what manner of attack is used against it. Travel
by foot is possible on the Sphere Wall’s surface since it produces a similar level of gravity as the planets
of Realmspace, though this gravity may vary depending on the region of the wall being tread upon.
There are locations dotted along the Sphere Wall where portals leading to the gaseous
atmosphere outside of Realmspace will periodically open and close. Most other portals lead to the
Positive Energy Plane, the Plane of Radiance, or the Elemental Plane of Fire; these portals are visible to
the planets as the stars in the night sky, due to the blindingly bright light emitted by them. The portals
may be as wide as a thousand miles or as thin as only a few yards; most are large enough for the
passage of spelljamming vessels.
Most of the Sphere Wall’s surface is devoid of atmosphere or flora, so it’s impossible for
most creatures native to the planets to live on the Wall, and the temperatures may vary greatly due to
the presence of the portals to the Elemental Plane of Fire. Due to a great deal of magical energy lining
the surface, storms of wild magic may occasionally form over the Wall, lasting up to several tendays.


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