pho mai 3
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pho mai 3
These pages were written with the hope that they might prove useful to
those who know little about lipase, and to those who know nmch. The references
cited m a y not be the first paper on a given topic nor the last. The first publica-
tion may be indecisive, incomplete. The last m a y be less informative than an
earlier publication. Some may feel that too much has been omitted; an equal
number may feel that too much has been included. So be it.
I f these pages help some to understand what is already known; if they point
the way for further research; if they stinmlate some to start new investigations,
then the time spent in writing this has been well spent.
I. T H E R A N C I D I T Y 1 P R O B L E M
At one time, some chemists doubted that normal milk contained lipase. I t
is now accepted that the great m a j o r i t y of cows secrete milk containing" fat-
splitting enzynles but, in most cases, these enzymes are inactive. Under certain
conditions they may become active and cause serious loss. I n view of this fact,
it is more important to know the activity of lipase in raw milk than to know the
q u a n t i t y ; and handlers of milk must p a y particular attention to those factors
which increase or reduce the activity of the enzyme. 2
Several times in the history of the dairy industry, new methods of handling
or processing milk have activated the lipase system and produced rancid flavors.
ttomogenization is the best known example of this. Raw nfilk becomes rancid
so quickly after homogenization that the sale of homogenized milk would be
impossible if lipase could not be inactivated by simple means.
As a second example of changes in practice which led to trouble with lipase,
we may cite the change in temperature of separation which occurred in the mar-
ket cream industry some years ago. At one time, milk was warmed to a fairly
pipe should produce m u c h more activation t h a n agitation for the same time in
a W a r i n g Blendor. T h a t is the case if the W a r i n g Blendor is filled completely
so t h a t no space is left for air.
The effectiveness of agitation is not determined by its violence alone. Other
factors must be considered. The role of t e m p e r a t u r e is important. As fresh
milk cools, it passes t h r o u g h a critical t e m p e r a t u r e zone where it is most suscep-
tible to churning (43). I f pipe lines in barns were heated to p r e v e n t cooling
of the milk, churning in the pipe could be prevented, but this would not reduce
trouble f r o m rancidity. The sensitivity of milk 'to activation b y agitation is
related to the fluidity of the fat, and it increases r a p i d l y as the t e m p e r a t u r e is
increased up to 75 or 85 ° F.
W i t h the introduction of f a r m tanks and t a n k t r u c k transportation, there
is a grow{'ng interest in the possibility of alternate d a y pick-up f r o m the farms.
I f this practice is adopted, an increased effort will be needed to control lipase.
Milk supplies which do not develop organoleptic r a n c i d i t y u n d e r present methods
of handling m a y do so if the milk is held r a w for an additional 24 hours. U n d e r
such conditions, a n y factor which m a y accelerate or delay the appearance of
rancidity must be given careful consideration.
The effect of agitating fresh w a r m milk has been mentioned. F o r t u n a t e l y ,
the agitation of cold milk has much less effect ~pon lipase activity. The most
critical periods are when the w a r m milk is in the pipeline and when w a r m milk
enters an e m p t y t a n k and does not completely cover a propeller-type agitator.
Crowe (12) compared milks cooled in cans with milks cooled in a vat. The vat-
cooled milk contained more water-insoluble acid, and the value increased with
increasing amounts of agitation. The agitation of milk in t a n k trucks d u r i n g
shipment is of lesser consequence because the t e m p e r a t u r e is usually v e r y low
and the subsequent holding.period is relatively short.
The possibility of t e m p e r a t u r e activation when fresh w a r m milk is added
to cold milk in the t a n k should not be overlooked. I n the worst possible case,
all of the second milking would be added at once to the cold milk in the tank.
Under such conditions, the t e m p e r a t u r e might exceed 68 ° F. This is high enough
to produce a definite increase in the rate of lipolysis (51). I n practice, however,
the w a r m milk is added over a period of time while the refrigeration unit is in
continuous operation, and the cold milk is not w a r m e d enough to produce such
a great effect. I n some cases, however, this small effect m i g h t be just enough "~o
c a r r y the milk across the threshold of organoleptic rancidity, especially if alter-
nate d a y pick-up is practiced.
On the positive side, only one means of controlling r a n c i d i t y has been dis-
covered that might be p u t into practice on the d a i r y farm. I t is instantaneous
cooling:. I f the milk is cooled in a few seconds by means of a t u b u l a r or surface
cooler, lipolysis during subsequent storage is reduced greatly (34). F u r t h e r m o r e ,
this avoids all risk of t e m p e r a t u r e activation and reduces activation b y agitation
in the vat. I n s t a n t cooling m a y become an i m p o r t a n t step in a p r o g r a m of
alternate day hauling.
I t should be emphasized that low t e m p e r a t u r e alone does not check lipolysis.
degree values of 4-5 were judged slightly rancid. Those above five were judged
rancid, or worse. They made similar studies of chocolate ice cream. The mean
values for acid degree were higher but the organoleptic threshold was higher also.
Hood (44) has published statistics on the incidence of rancidity in 718,0.96
Canadian Cheddar cheeses, and others (47) have reported on rancidity in the
butter of Quebec.
Christensen et al. (8) found that spray powders made from milks which lind
not been preheated were rancid. They attributed this to the agitation in the
vacuum pan during condensing. The acidity of the fat continued to increase
slowly during storage even though the moisture content was less than 3%. Pre-
heating for 20 minutes at 140 ° F., or higher, was sufficient to prevent rancidity.
Papers dealing with analytical procedures may be divided into two groups:
those measuring changes produced by lipolysis and those attempting to measure
the enzyme itself. Obviously, the two are closely related.
Hillig's (35) method for the determination of water-insoluble acids ( W I A )
in b u t t e r has been adopted by the A.O.A.C. I t enables the analyst to judge the
quality of the original cream, since the W I A are not lost during churning (39).
Most of the butyric acid is lost when butter is made in conventional churns (42),
though one-third may remain in the butter made by the continuous process (40).
This fact has been t u r n e d to advantage in judging whether deterioration in
quality has .occurred before or after churning. Microbial activity in butter
usually results in a sharp increase in the butyric a c i d / W I A ratio (49).
Because of the importance of such measurements, the Hillig test has been the
subject of many papers. Several have presented evidence concerning its relia-
bility (4, 28, 36, 39, 41). It has been found to correlate reasonably well with the
alpha naphtholphthalein (ANP) test when the W1A value did not exceed 400 rag/
100 g. (3, 30). When compared with organoleptie scores, there were m a n y incon-
sistencies (4). This is to be expected since the water-insoluble acids, themselves,
are practically tasteless and odorless. It has been reported (69) that the results
of the Hillig test were sometimes much higher when 2.0 ml. of excess alkali
(beyond that required for neutralization) was used. Hillig (37), however, has
explained this by showing that excess alkali is needed to insure complete extrac-
tion of the free f a t t y acids. The official method recognizes this by prescribing
0.5 ml. of excess alkali.
The original Hillig test is time-consuming. A quicker procedure has been
described (38), which measures the W I A by volumetric titration (instead of
isolation and weighing) and the assumption that the mean equivalent weight
of the acids is 270. B y actual test, the value felt between 260 and 280 in 71 out
of 73 samples. Ramsey and Hess (72) reported good results on a collaborative
study of the butyric acid test, but they used aqueous solutions of short chain
acids, not milk fat. It should be noted that lipolysis in butter and in sour cream
is due chiefly to enzymes of microorganisms, not of the milk (42).
Armstrong and I~arper (3) described an improved form of the A N P test
and adapted it for the examination of cream (30). This test can not measure
small differences in W I A values but they recommend it as a sorting test. Goiffon
(28) described another colorimetrie test based upon the fact that Nile blue, which
ordinarily turns red in the presence of excess sodium carbonate, does not do so
in the presence of free u n s a t u r a t e d f a t t y acid. He describes both colorimetric and
titrimetric procedures based upon ,this fact. Such a test might permit the r a p i d
estimation of oleic acid in the W I A of butter. Tlle value of such information is
not yet known.
Tucker and B i r d (80) substituted methanol for ethanol in p r e p a r i n g their
s t a n d a r d alkali solutions because it was cheaper and easier to obtain. This
produced t u r b i d i t y during the titration, but that trouble was eliminated by
dissolving the fat in a mixture of Skellysolve B and propanol, 4 + 1;
The chemical methods whieh have been used to s t u d y the breakdown of milk
fat are all measures of the acid products of hydrolysis. Desnuelle (14, 15) and
Mattson et al. (57) have nieasured the other products (diglyceride, monoglyeer-
ide, and glycerine) formed d u r i n g the digestion of fats. The first step in the
hydrolysis Seemed niost easy; the last, most difficult. The yield of glycerine was
increased b y the addition of calcium and bile salts (15). P e r h a p s sonic One will
be able to make similar studies on rancid miik. Because of the great surface
activity of the mono- and diglycerides, such information might be useful.
] g S T I M A T I O N OF L I P A S E
A few have a t t e m p t e d to concentrate and p u r i f y lipase. Zechmeister (85)
and Giri (27) have described chronlatographic techniques, and Wallenfels (81)
used electrophoresis in a p a p e r sheet to separate the enzymes of a fungus. He
was able to identify zones of amylase, proteinase, lipase, and phosphatase. How-
ever, lipase was identified b y the hydrolysis of p a r a - n i t r o p h e n y l stearate and,
in view of D i r k s ' results, the identification of lipase is not conclusive.
Morton (59) reported that m a n y enzymes could not be extracted f r o m n a t u r a l
materials because they were bound to solid particles of lipid material. I n some
cases they could be released by extracting the lipids with butanol. This may be
helpful in the study of lipase. [It is of interest to dairymen that he was able
to concentrate milk phosphatase 5,600-fold by this technique (60).] Nasllif and
Nelson (63) were able to precipitate the lipase of Pse~tdomonas fragi from solw
tion with (NH~)~SO~, but the temperature must be kept v e r y low to avoid
inactivation. Shipe (76), also, used ammonium sulfate to precipitate the enzyme
from cultures of Penicilli~m roq~teforti and Aspergillus niger, but the broth was
concentrated first by removing approximately three-fourth,~ of the water as ice.
Relatively little is actually known about the lipases. There is evidence that
some can be split into a thermostable coenzyme and a thermolabile apoenzyme
(,~'~). Perhaps this is true of all lipases. When lipases from different sources are
compared with respect to p H range, temperature of inactivation, activity against
different substrates, and response to different activating or inactivating agents,
it-seems that scarcely any two enzymes are exactly alike. Do we have as many-
(16) DIRKS, B. M., AND BO]'EI~, P. D. Non Enzymatic Cleavage of p-Nitrophenylesters. Cerca~
Chem., 28: 483. 1951.
(17) DUNKLEY, W. L. Hydrolytic Rancidity in Milk. I. Surface Tension and F a t Acidity as
Measures of Rancidity. J. Dairy Sci., 34: 515. 1951.
(18) DUNKLE¥, W. Z., AND SIv[ITH, L. M. Hydrolytic Rancidity in Milk. I I I . Tributyrinase
Determination as a Measure of Lipase. J. Dairy Sci., 34: 935. 1951.
(19) DUNKLEY, W. L., AND SMITH, L. M. Hydrolytic Rancidity in Milk. IV. Relation Be-
tween Tributyrinase and Lipolysis. J. Dairy Sci., 34: 940. 1951.
(20) FIORE, J. V., AND NORD, F. F. Lipase Determination with the Aid of Polyvinyl Alcohol.
Arch. Biocl, en~., 23: 473. 1949.
(21) FODOR, P. J., AND CHARI, A. The Ester I-Iydro]yzing Enzyme Systems of Aspcrgillus
niger and Penicillium roqueforti. Euzymologia, 13: 258. 1949.
(22) FREDEEN, I2[., BOWSTEAD, J. E., DUNKLE¥, W. L., AND S~[ITH, L. M. Hydrolytic Ran-
cidity in Milk. II. Some Management and Environmental Factors Influencing Lipoly-
sis. J. Dairy Sci., 34: 521. 1951.
(23) FRISELL, W. R., AND HELLERMAN, L. Non Oxidative Non Proteolytic Enzymes. Ann.
Bey. Biochem., 20: 23. 1951.
(24) FUJIMURA, R., AND HAMAGUCHI, Y. Biochemistry of L-ascorbic Acid. X X I I . The Ester-
ase Activity of L-ascorbic Acid-Caseinate Complex and Various Kinds of Liver Ester-
ase. Research Inst. Food Sci., Kyoto Univ., Bull. 6: 36. (See Chem. Abstr., 46: 7140.
(25) FUJIMUI~A, R., AND HAMAGUCHI, Y. Biochemistry of L-ascorbic Acid. X X I I I . Reex-
amination of the Relations Between the Amount of L-ascorbic Acid in L-aseorbic Acid-
Caseinate Complex and Its Esterase Activity and on Activation and Inhibition of
Activity of Cow Liver Esterase by L-ascorbic Acid. Research Inst. Food Sci., Kyoto
Univ., Bull. 7: 26. (See Chela. Abstr., 45: 7140. 1952.)
(26) FUJIMURA, R., AND HAMAGUCttI, Y. Biochemistry of L-ascorbic Acid. X X I V . Activation
and Inhibition of L-ascorbic Acid-Caseinate Complex by L-ascorbic Acid. Research
Inst. Food Sci., Kyoto Univ., Memo 2: 24-30. 1952. (See Chem. Abstr., 46: 7140.
(27) GIRb K. V., AND P~ASAD, A. L. N. Detection of Enzymes by the Agar Plate Method and
Its Application to Paper Chromatography. Nature, 157: 859. 1951.
(28) GOIFFON, E. Index colorim6triqne d'acidification des lipides du beurre. Lair, 29: 466.
(29) GREENBANI(, G. R., A:NDHOLM, G. E. Some Factors Concerned in the Auto-Oxidation of
Fats. Ind. Eng. Chem., 16: 598. 1924.
(30) HARPER, W. J., AND ARMSTI~ONG, T. V. The Alpha-Napbtholphthalein ( A N P ) Method
for Measuring F a t Hydrolysis. II. Application to Cream. J. Dairy Sei., 35: 342.
(31) ttERRINGTO~, B. L. Lipase in Dairy Products with Special Reference to Its Effect on
Flavors and Its Control. Milk Industry Foundation Cony. Proc., Lab. Section. Oct.,
(32) HE~RINGTON, B. L., AND K~CKOVSK¥, V. N. Studies of Lipase Action. I. Lipase Action
in Normal Milk. J. Dairy Sci., 22: 127. ]939.
(33) HERRINGTON, B. L., AND KRUKOVSKY, V. N. Studies of Lipase Action. I I I . Lipase
Action in the Milk of Individual Cows. J. Dairy Sci., 22: 149. 1939.
(34) HEICRINGTON, B. L., ANI) KtCUKOVSKY,V. N. Studies of Lipase Action. VII. The Influ-
ence of Rate of Cooling upon the Subsequent Rate of Lipolysis in Milk Stored a t
Low Temperature. J. Dairy Sci., 25: 241. 1942.
(35) HILLIG, F. Determination of Water Insoluble Acids in Cream and Butter. J. Asso~.
O)fic. Agr. Chemists, 30: 575. 1947.
(36) I-IILLIG, F. Report on Decomposition in Dairy Products. J. Assoc. O]~c. Agr. Chendsts.
33: 716. 1950.
(37) HILLIG, F. Effect of Excess Alkali in the Determination of Water Insoluble F a t t y Acids
in Butter. J. assoc. Offic. Agr. Chemists, 34: 782. 1951.
(38) HILLIG, F. Water Insoluble Acids in Butter. " S o r t i n g " Method and Storage Experi-
ment. J. assoc, offic. Agr. Chemists, 35: 748. 1952.
.(39) HILLIG, l~., AND AHLMANN, S. W. Water Insoluble F a t t y Acids in Cream and Butter.
J. assoc. Offic. Agr. Chemists, 31: 739. 1948.
(40) ItlLLm, F., AND ,AtIL~IANb~, S. W. Water Insoluble Acids and Butyric Acid in Butter
Manufactured by the Continuous Process. J. Assoc. O)~c. Agr. Chemists, 34: 777.
(41) HILLIG, F., AHLMAI~*N, S. W., AND JORDAN, R. C. Effect of Neutralization of Cream in
the Manufacture of Butter oil Water Insoluble F a t t y Acids and Butyric Acid. J.
assoc. O~fic. Agr. Chemists, 34: 720. 1951.
'(42) HILLIG, F., AND MONTG0~[ERY, DOROTHY. Volatile Acids in Cream and Butter. J. Assoc.
O~c. Agr. Chemists, 31: 750. 1948.
(43) HOLLAND, R. F., AND HERRINGTON, B. L. The Churning Time of Milk F a t at Different
Temperatures. J. Dairy Sei., 36: 850. 1953.
(44) HOOD, E. G. Etude sur les problemes du froinage cheddar. Quebec Lair, 9: (3) 14. 1950.
(From Dairy Sci. Abstr., 13: 87. 1951.)
(45) HUGGINS, C., AND LAPIDES, J. Chromogenic Substrates. IV. Acylesters of p-Nitrophenol
as Substrates for the Colorimetric Estimation of Esterase. J. Biol. Chem., 170: 467.
(46) JOHNSON, B. C., AND GOULD, I. A. Milk Lipase System. 11. Comparison of Solvent
Extraction and Churning Methods for Obtaining F a t from Milk for Free F a t t y Acid
Determinations. J. Dairy Sci., 32: 435. 1949.
(47) JULIEN, J. P., AND MARTIN, G. Etudes des mauvaises saveurs dans le beurre du Quebec.
II. RanciditY. Ql~dbec Lait, 10: (8) 16. 1951. (From Dairy Sci. Abstr., 13: 529.
(48) KAY, H. D. A Light Sensitive Enzyme in Cow Milk. Nature, 157: 511. 1946.
(49) KESTE]~, L. T., NELSON, F. E., AND PETERS, I. I. Production of Water Insoluble Acids
and Butyric Acid in Butter by Defect Producing Bacteria. J. Dairy Sci., 36: 794.
(50) KRUKOVSKY,V. N. The Effect of Temperature of Separation on the Properties of Cream
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~51) KRVKOVSKY,V. N., AND HElCRINGTON, B. L. Studies of Lipase Action. II. The Activa-
tion of Milk Lipase by Temperature Changes. J. Dairy Sci., 22: 137. 1939.
(52') KRUKOVSKY, V. ~Q'., ANn SHARP, P. F. Effect of Shaking on Lipo!ysis of Cow's Milk.
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('53) KRUKOVSKY, V. N., AND SHARP, P. F. Effect of the Properties of the F a t and of the
F a t Globule Surface on Lipolytic Activity in Milk. J. Dairy Sci., 23: 1109. 1940.
(541 KRI-K0VSKV, V. N., AND SHARP, P. F. Inactivation of Lipase by Dissolved Oxygen.
J. Dairy Sci., 23: 1119. 1940.
(55) LUBEI~T, D. J., SMITH, L. M., AND TIIOR~'TO~, H. R. Estimation of Lipase in Dairy
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Catl. .7. Research, Sect. F, 27: 483. 1949.
(56) MAI~TIN, H. F., AND PEERS, ~. G. Oat Lipase. Biochcm. J., 55: 523. 1953.
(57) MATTSON, F. H., BENEDICT, J. H., ~IARTIN, J. B., AND BECK, L. W. Intermediates
Formed During the Digestion of Triglyecrides. J. N~ltrition, 48: 335. 1952.
(58) MORRIS, H. A., AND JEZESKI, J. J. The Action of Microorganisms on Fat. II. Some
Characteristics of the Lipase System of Penicillium roqueforti. J. Dairy Sci., 36:
1285. 1953.
(59) MORTON, R. K. Separation and Purification of Enzymes Associated with Solid Particles.
Nature, 155: 1092. 1950.
(60) MORTON,R. K. Alkaline Phosphatase of Milk. II. Purification of the Enzyme. Biochem.
J., 55: 795. ]953.