Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
• Early in romantic relationships: characterizes early stages of romance when passion is high,
but intimacy and commitment are lower
➢Higher divorce rates in couples who marry based primarily on infatuation
• Assortative mating: selecting one’s partner based on similarity across many dimensions
➢Homogamy: degree to which people are similar; greater when couples meet through
school or a religious setting
Love Through Adulthood: Speed Dating and Online Dating
• Speed dating has become popular: Date selection and date satisfaction are higher when the
date is attractive, outgoing, self-assured, and moderately self-focused
• Online dating is more common in the United States (1 in 5) than other countries (1 in 10–20)
• Physical attractiveness strongly affects partner selection in online and offline contexts
• Emerging hookup culture is increasing
➢Both men and women are interested in having hookup sex
➢Both men and women prefer a more romantic relationship
➢Three-fourths of both men and women eventually expressed some level of regret at having
hookup sex
Love Through Adulthood: What Women Want
• Men and women in various cultures display unique orderings of their preferences. Two main
dimensions emerged:
➢Traditional cultures emphasize chastity and homemaking in women and ambition,
industry, and financial prospects in men
➢Western cultures value these qualities to a much lesser extent
• Nearly all cultures place importance on love and attraction
Developmental Forces and Love Relationships
• The most important factors in creating stable marriages are creating a stable sense of
identity as a foundation for intimacy:
➢Marital success, which is an umbrella term referring to any marital outcome
➢Marital quality, which is a subjective evaluation of the couple’s relationship
➢Marital adjustment, which is the degree to which a husband and wife
➢Marital satisfaction, which is a global assessment of one’s marriage
What is a Successful Marriage, and What Predicts It?
• The nuclear family consists only of parents and children (common in Western
• The extended family consists of parents, children, grandparents, and other
relatives living together (common in many countries): Very strong among Latino
• Familism: the family’s well-being takes precedence over an individual family
member’s concerns (strong in lower SES Latino families)
The Parental Role
• Couples are having fewer children and waiting longer to have them
• Older parents are more at ease, affectionate, sensitive, and supportive
• More than 70% of women with children under 18 are employed outside the home and
still perform most of the child rearing tasks
• Men who become fathers in their 30s spend up to 3 times as much time caring for
their preschool children
Deciding Whether to Have Children
• Single Parents:
➢Single parents are faced with many unique problems, especially if they are women
and divorced
➢The main problem is significantly reduced financial resources
• Single mothers are the hardest hit financially
• Dating is a concern for many divorced single parents
Step-, Foster, Adoptive, and Same-Sex Couple Parenting
• Foster and adoptive parents are concerned about how strongly the child will bond
with them
• Foster parents have the most difficulty developing and maintaining bonds with their
foster children
• Society resists gays or lesbians having children and passes laws against it
• U.S. couples have a 50/50 chance of divorce and a 60% chance if married between
age 20–24
• The U.S. divorce rate is 54.8%
• Asian Americans have the lowest rates of divorce
• African Americans have the highest rates
• Reasons for divorce: Infidelity, incompatibility, drinking/drug use, and growing
apart are the most common reasons
Who Gets Divorced and Why?
• Gottman and Levenson developed two models that predict divorce early and later:
➢Negative emotions displayed during conflict between the couple predict early
divorce, but not later divorce
➢The lack of positive emotions in a discussion of events of the day and during
conflict predicts later divorce, but not early divorce
Who Gets Divorced?
• Parental divorce negatively affects young adults in many ways, including their:
➢Views on intimate and marital relationships
➢Ability to achieve love, sexual intimacy, and commitment to marriage and parenthood
➢Relationships with fathers, while bringing them closer to their mothers
• On average, men and women wait about 3.5 years before remarrying
• European Americans, military veterans, and those with less education remarry more often
• Remarriages have a 25% higher rate of divorce than original marriages: Higher rate for remarriages
involving stepchildren
• Women are more likely to initiate a divorce, but are less likely to remarry (unless poor)