Road Safety Impact Assessment: RIA: F.C.M. Wegman, R. Roszbach, J.A.G. Mulder, C.C. Schoon & F. Poppe
Road Safety Impact Assessment: RIA: F.C.M. Wegman, R. Roszbach, J.A.G. Mulder, C.C. Schoon & F. Poppe
Road Safety Impact Assessment: RIA: F.C.M. Wegman, R. Roszbach, J.A.G. Mulder, C.C. Schoon & F. Poppe
Road Safety Impact Assessment: RIA
F.C.M. Wegman; R. Roszbach; J.A.G. Mulder; C.C. Schoon & F. Poppe
Leidschendam, 1994
SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, The Netherlands
Road safety is a quality aspect of road traffic and this aspect has to be
balanced with aspects like: level of service, access for destinations, envi-
ronmental impact, costs etc., when it comes to decisions in what infra-
structural projects to invest. In decision making on infrastructural projects
road safety arguments have to be considered as explicit as possible in the
planning phase already. An instrument has been developed in this study
with this aim: Road Safety Impact Assessment RIA. RIAs could be made
on a more strategic level and on an individual project or scheme level. For
both levels different tools are developed.
We recommend to use the results of this study as a first draft for a RIA
and to gain experiences with this tool for EU projects on a voluntary
basis, before making a RIA compulsory. An EU-cooperative effort may be
considered to reach some sort of agreement on the specifications of RIAs
and to create a database with (EU)RIA-methodology and -results. When
these results are satisfying, we recommend to integrate the procedure for a
RIA in existing procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment (ETA),
as indicated in EC Directive 85/337, and not to initiate new procedures for
a RIA. This recommendation is based on the positive experiences with
ETAs. By integration of the ETA and RIA procedures, we expect an im-
proved quality of the decision process, without the drawback of more time
consuming of distinct procedures. Of course, individual Member States
could decide to use more stricter regulations.
1. Introduction
2. General considerations
1. Introduction
The aim of this study is to provide an insight into the possible content and
procedures of a Road Safety Impact Assessment, to be used in planning
of infrastructural projects in a local or regional context (i.e. to compare
different alternative road routes and to compare different design character-
istics) This possibility lies on a strategic level. Secondly, on a detailed
design level of new roads and of improvements of existing roads to make
as explicit as possible the safety consequences of certain choices in the
planning and the design process. The aim is to minimize the risk of cre-
ating safety problems or ending up with sub-optimal solutions with regard
to road safety.
This report starts with some general considerations dealing with infra-
structure design and road safety. Chapters 3 and 4 contain the tools on
both levels, indicated above: scenario methods, specifically developed to
assess the safety consequences of redistributions of traffic over a road
network (Chapter 3) and road safety audits as a means of examining the
local design specifications (Chapter 4). The experiences with Environ-
mental Impact Assessments are described in Chapter 5 to find out whether
these experiences could be used in Road Safety Impact Assessments RIA.
Some ideas why RIAs should be integrated in existing procedures and
how this integration can be done are to be found in Chapter 6. Finally,
Chapter 7 contains a proposal for the content of a Road Safety Impact
2. General considerations
This holds true for e.g. the pedestrian crossing on 50 km/h-roads, cross-
traffic on uncontrolled intersections of rural roads but also the emergency
lane accident on motorways as a result of the presence of stationary
vehicles or pedestrians in combination with unintentional line-crossing by
passing (especially heavy) vehicles.
This can be pictured as follows:
' /
2' I
(attitudes, knowledge,
In this diagram, relation line (1) mainly relates to the combination of high
speeds with the management and control of conflicts at moderate speeds
by means of level crossings, roundabouts, controlled intersections, separ-
ation of slow moving and motorized traffic, etc. Line (2) relates mainly to
public acceptance of designated mobility functions, consequences for the
network structure, the distribution of trips over various road categories,
acceptance of corresponding speed limits and regimes, etc. Line (3) more
specifically relates specific local design and conflict-control to task
demands and necessary skills on the part of the traffic participant.
This again, leads to two levels of implementation:
- defining the network structure and defining the category (and/or sub-
category) specifications;
- defining the local design specifications.
Inversely, these two levels are also the levels on which the safety effects
of decisions on road infrastructure may be evaluated, and around which
reports on Road Safety Impact Assessment can be hierarchically orga-
Generally, the basic strategy should be that for a fairly limited length of
roads - given a flow or distributor function - much more severe con-
straints should be put on the design specifications in order to combine
mobility, speed and safety requirements. At the same time, major parts of
the network should be redesigned or 'downgraded' for the relative safety
of low driving speeds. The combined process of upgrading and down-
grading should thereby, apart from being a design for safety, also uphold
the mobility function of the network as a whole.
3. Tool to optimize network design: risk scenario's
Compute the regional safety indicators and validate these regional indi-
cators with national indicators. If necessary, try to establish 'regional
validated indicators'.
3. For the same region used under 2. make an estimation of the road net-
work and its traffic volumes for the prognosis year. This is the start of the
third step. Make an estimation of the road safety indicators for the same
year. Try to establish the road safety effects of changes of the road net-
work and the traffic volumes.
Summarize all the results in the first phase of a 'Road safety impact
analysis' (as indicated in Chapter 7) and make an interpretation (impact
assessment) of the RIA-results. These results can be used in public dis-
cussions and in the political decision process.
Using these criteria the following eight road types outside urban areas are
- motorways with three lanes or more per carriageway
- motorways with two lanes per carriageway
- motor roads with dual carriageway
- motor roads with one carriageway
- all purpose road with dual carriageway (no slow traffic)
- all purpose road with one carriageway (no slow traffic)
- all purpose road, one carriageway, two lanes
- all purpose road, one carriageway, one lane
Inside urban areas the following categorization of roads has been intro-
- dual carriageway, two directions, two parallel facilities
- dual carriageway, two directions, one parallel facility
- dual carriageway, two directions, no parallel facility
- one carriageway, two directions, two parallel facilities
- one carriageway, two directions, one parallel facility
- one carriageway, two directions, no parallel facility
- one carriageway, one direction, two parallel facilities
- one carriageway, one direction, one parallel facility
- one carriageway, one direction, no parallel facility
Of course, it might be possible that some of these road types do not exist.
STEP 1.3. Relationship between road safety indicators and traffic volumes
the reduction in fatality and injury rates in a country (to be estimated with
so-called macroscopic accident models) is the same for all road types.
Road safety indicators per road type can be estimated in the area under
consideration, using the data collected in STEP 2.2 and 2.3.
One can compare road safety indicators for a certain area based on region-
al data with 'mean' national data, a procedure of validation. Of course, the
results of this comparison will be different. A procedure has to be devel-
oped how to act by then, depending on the size of the differences found.
Generally, it is recommended to use national road safety indicators and
not regional ones. But, when differences occur, one should try to find
explanations that account for the differences found.
STEP 3.1. Road network per road type and estimations of traffic volumes
The third step deals with a year in the future: e.g. 2000, 2010, 2025. For
this year all the relevant changes of the road network have to be added to
the reference-network: road length and road type are of importance. Using
traffic forecasting techniques an estimation has to be developed for traffic
volumes per road type.
Road safety indicators per road type are not remaining constant over the
years, but are expected to improve. Estimations has to be made on the
values of the different indicators for the prognosis year. Estimations of
indicators per road type have to correspond with road accidents develop-
ments on a macroscopic level. Or, the other way around, from macro-
scopic developments road safety indicators per road type could be derived.
STEP 3.3. Estimations of road safety effects
When assuming values of road safety indicators per road type, and using
the outcome of STEP 1.5, including the results of STEP 3.1, it is possible
to estimate the effects on road safety.
4. Tool to optimize road design: safety audit
4.1. Introduction
"The main objective of safety audits is to ensure that all highway schemes
operate as safely as possible: this means safety should be given thorough
consideration throughout the whole preparation of the project". This
quotation is to be found in the 'Guidelines for: The safety audit of high-
ways', issued by the British Institute of Highways and Transportation
(IHT, 1990). A road safety audit could be considered as an important tool
in accident prevention by paying attention to all phases of a road design
Only a small number of countries are active in the field of road safety
audits: the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand
and a number of developing countries. The most extensive and more or
less standardized form of safety audit can be found in the United King-
dom, where it is compulsory for all trunk roads and could also be applied
for all other major and minor road schemes on a voluntary basis.
In the United States, guidelines have been drawn up concerning the design
and operational practices on road safety since the late 1960s. Currently,
the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is recommending 'safety
reviews' for motorways at a local level. Such reviews are far from uni-
form and are widely divergent with respect to the level of detail. The
interest in audits is increasing in the US and it is likely that they may
become compulsory on a State level. They will call these activities 'Road
safety management schemes' instead of road safety audits, although the
aim of these schemes and the content are quite comparable to safety
audits. The so-called tort liability of road authorities for accidents caused
by improper road design and lay out is an important cause to tackle the
same problem with a different tool.
A cooperation agreement has been drawn up with Australia (Jadaan,
Denmark is not included in the above overview. Proctor & Beicher (1993)
indicate that a discussion on the introduction of safety audits is in prog-
ress in Denmark. In the Netherlands a discussion has been started as well,
but little progress can be reported so far.
For reasons of the leading role the United Kingdom plays in the field
of safety audits, an example of an English safety audit will be described
below. In addition, an example of an audit as performed in Northampton-
shire County will be given.
In 1990, several reports concerning safety audits were issued in the United
Kingdom, including backgrounds and guidelines (Department of Trans-
port, 1990a; IHT, 1990). Subsequently, some opinions about the audit
were published (Bulpitt, 1991; Drummond, 1991; Proctor & Belcher,
The safety audit relates to:
- new (trunk) roads
- improvements to existing roads
- important maintenance work
Phases of an audit
1. Planning (route selection, relationship with existing networks, design
requirements, junctions).
2. Concept stage.
3. Assessment of detailed subjects.
4. Check prior to opening the road.
However, the Department of Transport (199Db) in the United Kingdom
dictated that the first point should not form part of an audit for strategic
roads, since the road safety of all schemes should also be considered at
the pre-public consultation stage as part of the strategic or conceptual
evaluation of alternatives. This is not a Road Safety Audit within the
terms of the Standard and Advice Note, at issue, but is an examination
of many factors including road safety.
Performance of an audit
A safety audit is performed by specialized safety experts functioning inde-
pendently from the (technical) design team. In the course of the work, the
expert or the team employs very detailed checklists. These checklists are
in fact used more or less as a guide; it is not the intention that they will
be fully filled out. Upon completion of each phase, the expert or the audit
team must draw up a report offering comments on the safety aspects and
with proposals for improvement. It is formally arranged that if the propo-
sals are not complied with, the reasons should be accounted for in writing.
access control
cross section
Since many of the interim plans were already discussed before the start of
the audit, the audit commenced with the second phase and was completed
according to plan up to and including the fourth phase.
The audit document contains a description and drawings of the road in
question. In addition, phases 2 to 4 were reported by the auditor (only 1
to 2 pages) entitled: 'safety audit certificate'.
At the time the audit was carried out, it was not common practice to make
checklists, but these were nevertheless used by the auditor as a guideline.
It is noted that not one single audit report contains the thought processes
of the auditor in such a way that the report can serve as blueprint for
other audits. The essence of the matter is that the auditor is able to arrive
at a road design which is simple and recognizable for future road users,
thereby minimizing potential for error.
The audit described here was not carried out by teams, but rather accident
investigators. It is stated that the up to date experience of assessing real
world highway use problems and identifying remedial measures can be
applied to schemes on the drawing board.
The report does not indicate the hierarchical organization of the audit. In
sofar this can be determined, the auditor (a highway safety manager for
the Highway Safety Group within the Northamptonshire County Council)
reports to the head of project management, also part of the Northampton-
shire County Council.
With the findings described below, which were drawn up during a phase
of the audit, sketches with indicated improvements were often added, with
the exception of the first phase.
width and marking of an access road to a roundabout. One junction was
not yet completed and would be subjected to a 'stage 4 safety audit' at a
later stage. However, this fact was not mentioned in the report.
The example given above does not relate to an audit performed in accord-
ance with the UK-guidelines: there was no initial phase and the second
and third phase were combined. Apart from this, two worthwhile elements
can be distinguished for the audit performed.
The first is that 'independent' safety experts should assess the plans and
realization of the work on the basis of safety aspects. The second is that
a report must be issued at fixed times upon completion of a project stage,
with an associated certification.
In his assessment of safety audits, Bulpitt (1991) concludes that the audit
expert should not become involved in technical specifications and calcu-
lations. Neither should an audit become a mechanical process of filling
in lists. Common sense should prevail, where the assessment is based on
the perspective of how the future road user will experience the design.
Checklists do serve a purpose in ensuring that no essential material is
forgotten. A supplementary assessment of the design function during
night-time conditions was considered particularly useful by the author.
Proctor & Belcher (1993) note a problem with which safety experts are
confronted. Due to the limited quantity of information, the expert is
unable to assess the effect the completed measure will have. In a general
sense, something may be said about future safety problems, but quantifi-
cation in terms of various accident types and their severity is not feasible.
For the safety audit, he proposes the setting up of a database similar to the
one used by the American Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
These data are public information, because they are periodically published
by the FHWA in the 'Annual Report on Highway Safety Improvement
A safety audit gains in impact if each subsequent phase may only com-
mence when the previous one is formally completed.
5. Experiences with Environmental Impact Assessment:
5.1. Introduction
Over the past decades, both the public and the country's administrations
have come to realize that the increasing affluence of society also has
negative consequences for the world we live in. This realization has led to
regulations in which measures that bring about radical change, have to be
reviewed in advance to determine their consequences for the environment.
The advantages of an ETA become quite evident when one realizes that
a decision about a project (which can have consequences for the environ-
ment) cannot be taken until an ETA procedure has been carried out which
not only describes the project, listing the alternatives and their relative
consequences, but also indicates that all procedural requirements have
been met.
5.3. ETA characteristics
In some cases, the project initiator can be exempted from the obligation to
draft an EIA. This is the case, for example, if the initiator has already had
an ETA drawn up for that project, continues the same project or when it is
evident that a follow-up ETA will not offer any new data. An exemption
can also be granted from the point of view of the public good. The EU
Directive concerning the application of the ETA no longer permits exemp-
tions which until recently were granted in the Netherlands, i.e. if it could
be demonstrated that no major deleterious consequences were anticipated.
in the course of the decision making procedure concerning the project or
the activity. Where it concerns matters in which the competent authorities
do not represent the state government, certain government bodies must in
any event be consulted.
If the national government does in fact represent the competent authority,
the Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and the Environment (VROM)
and Agriculture and Fisheries (L&V) appoint the appropriate officials
to perform this consulting task. The results of the recommendation are
forwarded to the ETA commission. In return, the ETA commission issues
recommendations specific to each ETA to the competent authority. The
working group members are selected from the independent experts from
the ETA conmiission. The commission in its turn consists of a large num-
ber of experts in the field of the environment and in the field of activities
subject to an ETA obligation, who are appointed by the Crown. For each
ETA, the chairman of the Commission for the EIA determines, in consul-
tation with his deputies, the composition of the ETA commission, where
guarantees are incorporated in order to prevent a conflict of interests
occurring through direct or indirect involvement. Finally, the participants
represent those persons or organisations who are not included amongst the
above named parties. They are interested in an ETA for other reasons and
indicate that they wish to be heard in the decision making process.
The final, seventh phase in the procedure concerns the evaluation. The
decision issued by the competent authority should indicate what needs to
be evaluated and by which means, and also within which time period this
should occur. The evaluation study is performed by the competent author-
ity who will receive the cooperation of the initiator.
Based on the results of such a study, the competent authority can take
measures if the consequences of the decision prove to be significantly
more serious than was apparent from the results of the ETA.
From the points described above, it can be seen that the decision making
process concerning major projects or activities can be significantly inten-
sified or delayed by a procedure associated with so many requirements.
Nevertheless, a positive effect seems to have resulted from the regulation.
Not only are decision making procedures streamlined, as it is clear which
decisions are subject to an EIA and as information collection, consultation,
participation and decision making are specified; there is also question of a
preventative effect which is mainly determined by the increased environ-
mental awareness of the initiators and governments involved. Finally, the
need to draw up an ETA seems to contribute to the development of less
detrimental alternatives.
Keeping in mind the experiences with ETA and the usage of the EU Direc-
tive we conclude that a similar procedure could be used for a RIA as
well. Two exeptions have to be made. First of all we recommend to estab-
lish an independent commission (audit team) to prepare a RIA. Further-
more we recommend to start the procedure with an initial note as a start-
ing point of the procedure in order to prevent fundamental discussions in
follow-up phases, where these discussions are not appropriate, anymore.
6. Procedures for integrating RIAs in decision making
Existing procedures are already often felt to be too complicated and time-
consuming, sometimes hampering effective decision making rather than
contributing to it. In fact, in many respects efforts are being made to sim-
plify and shorten procedures. Therefore, in principle, not much support is
to be expected for adding issues to such procedures unless not only the
necessity is absolutely clear, but also content and method can be adequate-
ly specified in order to be able to assess the consequences for the process
of decision making.
One of the basic problems in controlling safety effects is that one is deal-
ing with probabilistic rather than deterministic events. This makes predic-
tion and control harder, and in this respect sets it apart from environ-
mental variables that may be more deterministically assessed. Of course,
in this respect road safety is not different from other safety area's. What
may be different in the case of road safety is that much more responsibil-
ity and control is assumed to lay with the public (the road user) than in
the case of e.g. industrial safety with the workforce. This again, may bear
on the level of control that is assumed from a governmental or institu-
tional point of view. Finally, it may then be harder to reach an agreed
upon strategy to bring about safety effects.
It would seem natural, therefore, to incorporate road safety impact assess-
ment in current procedures, rather than set it apart in it's own decisional
surrounding. Environmental impact assessment would thereby seem to be
the most likely - and universally present - candidate, but there may also
be more specific legislation, varying from country to country, lending
itself for the inclusion of safety assessments.
In the Dutch situation, there are already two provisions within environ-
mental law that would allow for road safety impact assessments to be
incorporated. As a rule, the committee on environmental im-pact assess-
ments brings out an advice on the contents of any specific assessment,
which may then be taken up by the authorities and given the status of
directive. Road safety impact assessment may be part of such a directive,
and sometimes it is. In a more general way, rules on the contents of envi-
ronmental impact assessments are - under the law - laid down by execu-
tive order. It would be relatively easy - in terms of procedure - to specify
in such an executive order that projects relating to road infrastructure
should be subject to a road safety assessment as well.
We recommend to use the results of this study as a first draft for a RIA
and to gain experiences with this tool for EU projects on a voluntary
basis before making a RIA compulsory.
7. Proposal for the content of a RIA
7.1. Introduction
7.2. RIA-proposal
The content is self-explanatory
and the described alternatives ".
This should determine the extent to which the influence of the proposed
activity and its alternatives reaches. The existing situation and the auton-
omous development (the development which occurs if the project is not
realized) are described on the basis of the literature.
The effects are described on the basis of the following guidelines:
- the method of calculation;
- not only negative effects, but also positive effects and beneficial devel-
opment opportunities;
- relationship between, and cumulation of effects;
- description of overall traffic safety;
- indirect effects, such as amended area zoning and changes in the acces-
sibility of areas.
degree each of the alternatives is expected to contribute to the realization
of the objectives.
In this document, which can be read independently, i.e. 'stands alone', the
following must be dealt with:
- rationale of the objective and importance of the proposed activity;
- in which decision making process the RIA plays a role;
- choice and rationale underlying the alternatives considered;
- description of the baseline situation;
- description of the anticipated effects (of the various alternatives).
A RIA contains two phases, as indicated before: in the first phase a scen-
ario-technique could be used to help decision makers to make as explicit
as possible the objectives of an infrastructureplan and to reduce the un-
certainties regarding the road safety impact of alternative solutions. Under
para. 7.2 a proposal has been formulated for this part of a RIA. This
report has to give the general public enough insight and not only the
professionals and decision makers.
e Considers all reasonable alternatives.
• Offers an overview of the uncertainties and gaps in know-how which, if
relevant to the decision making process, should be solved as a matter of
• Leads to an evaluation plan.
IHT (1990). Guidelines for: The safety audit of highways. The Institution
of Highways and Transportation, London.
Janssen, S.T.M.C. (1991). Indicators for traffic safety: A new yardstick for
safety. In: Hakkert, A.S. & Katz, A. (eds.). Proceedings of The Second
International Conference on 'New ways for improved road safety and
quality of life', Tel Aviv, 1991.
Proctor, S. & Belcher, M. (1993). The use of road safety audits in Great
Britain. Traffic Engineering + Control, February 1993.
Ross, A.; Ghee, C.E. & Robson, C.G. (1993). Safety audit: An interna-
tional overview. Conference on Asian Road Safety 1993, Kuala Lumpur.
October 1993.
SWOV (Koornstra, M.J. a.o.) (Ed.) (1992). Naar een duurzaam veilig
wegverkeer; Nationale Verkeersveiligheidsverkenning voor de jaren
1990/2010. SWOV, Leidschendam.
Dutch road network 1986
Road Km of Motor Motor
type road vehicle vehicle
per day kmxlO6
MW>41 242 81252 7177
MW41 1761 31451 20216
MR 2c 197 16957 1220
MR ic 2108 5877 4522
AR2c 252 18314 1683
AR ic 6537 4927 11756
LR 21 11719 1396 5970
LR 11 31702 314 3631
AU 11519 4471 18798
LU 32142 649 7619
WE 1339 318 155
Totaal 99519 2278 82748
E 3
I 2
LA 2
0 20,000 40000 60O0 80,000 100,000 120,000