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Date : 23-12-2024 STD 10 Computer Total Mark : 50

* Choose the right answer. [50]

1. A set of precise and clear instructions given to a computer for performing a

predefined task is called_______.
(A) Syntax (B) Data (C) Program (D) Input
2. The program that converts programming language into the machine language is
(A) Compiler (B) Loader (C) Linker (D) All of the given
3. The full form of BCPL is_______.
(A) Basic Combined Programming Language
(B) Basic Computing Programming Language
(C) Best Computer Programming Language
(D) Business Co-ordinated Programming Language
4. C language has been standardized by_______.
(A) ASCII (B) ANSI (C) ANCI (D) All of the given
5. Different______ support ANSI standard.
(A) operating (B) compilers (C) programming (D) both A and B
systems languages

6. By which other name C language is known as?

(A) General Purpose Programming (B) ANSI C
Language (C) Both A and B
7. In C language, comments are enclosed within________.
(A) / and/ (B) < and > (C) /* and */ (D) * and*
8. Which of the following are defined using capital letters?
(A) Variable (B) Constant (C) Symbolic (D) Global variable
9. In C language. symbolic constant is generally written using ______.
(A) include (B) # define (C) main (D) none of the
10. The < stdio.h> file contains information about the________.
(A) user defined functions (B) in-built functions used in the
(C) symbolic constant (D) variable

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11. The extension of header file is________.
(A) A head (B) header (C) h (D) none of the
12. How many types of variables can be used in a C program?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
13. The global variables are defined _________.
(A) within { } (B) before defining (C) after the end of (D) none of the
main () main ( ) given

14. _______ of the following is/are built-in function/s.

(A) printf ( ) (B) scanf (C) sqrt ( ) (D) all of the given

15. At which place, the user defined functions other than the main are written in C
(A) before main ( ) (B) after main ( ) (C) A or B (D) within main ( )

16. The function_________ is used for calculating value of X raised to given power.
(A) pow ( ) (B) expo ( ) (C) sqr ( ) (D) none of the
17. C statements ends with_______ sign.
(A) : (B) : (C) , (D) >
18. _______of the following indicates the end of the main function.
(A) ) (B) ; (C) } (D) >
19. The program written using a text editor is known as _______.
(A) source (B) object code (C) executable code (D) loader code
20. What is the extension of C source code?
(A) src (B) .c (C) exe (D) csre

21. Executable code is loaded on to memory by a program called _______along with

the required data.
(A) linker (B) compiler (C) text editor (D) loader

22. The extension of executable code is_______.

(A) .c (B) exe (C) .obj (D) .o

23. _______is used as a compiler for C program.

(A) gcc (B) cgc (C) ccg (D) BeiTE
24. _______ is used when we don't want a function to return a value.
(A) A noninteger (B) nodata (C) null (D) void

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25. _______data type is used as prefix to function name.
(A) void (B) int (C) Boat (D) char
26. The type of value that can be assigned to an identifier is known as its _______.
(A) constant (B) variable (C) data type (D) array

27. Warning message function should return a value appears when return 0;"
statement is not written in the function. Which of the following should be
written to avoid getting such message?
(A) null main ( ) (B) void main ( ) (C) int main ( ) (D) blank main ( )

28. _______ statement tells the compiler to exit from the function body
(A) } (B) return 0 (C) quit (D) end

29. 1 byte = ______ bits.

(A) 8 (B) 7 (C) 6 (D) S

30. The statement declaring any integer variable or any variable is called a
(A) function (B) data type (C) program (D) declaration

31. _________ value can be stored in a variable declared using int keyword.
(A) A Positive (B) Negative (C) A or B (D) Real

32. Signed int data type has a range of __________.

(A) (-32767 to +32768) (B) (-2147483648 to +2147483647)
(C) (0 to 2147483647) (D) (0 to 4294967295)

33. For signed integers the value of range is calculated as_________.

(A) (-2(n-1) to + 2(n- (B) (-2(n-1) to +2 (n- (C) 0 to 1(n) (D) 0 to 2(n)
1) -1) 2) -1)

34. gcc compiler allocates _________ bytes of memory to the variable declared using
long int.
(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 2

35. Which keyword is used to represent integer data type in C?

(A) int (B) float (C) char (D) decimal

36. Which of the following value cannot be stored in an integer identifier?

(A) A-99 (B) 99 (C) 999 (D) 99.99
37. _______ of the following variable is not assigned the values properly.
(A) roll_no= 50; (B) no 50; (C) signed int a 10; (D) int b:= 20;
38. Which of the following refers to size of memory allocated to float as per gcc
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 6

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39. _______values are precise to 6 and at times 7 decimal digits.
(A) float (B) double (C) long double (D) All of the given

40. Float data types are precise to_______ decimal digits. Le., after the ‘.’.
(A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 7

41. Float data types are precise at times_______ decimal digits. i.e., before the ‘.’.
(A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 7

42. To get higher precision than the float data type_______ data type is used along
with float.
(A) long (B) double (C) Int (D) unsigned int
43. ______data type are precise to 16 decimal digits, i.e., after the decimal points.
(A) float (B) long float (C) double (D) short float
44. double values use_______ bytes memory space.
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 1 (D) 8

45. ________ of the following data types occupies 16 bytes memory space.
(A) Long double (B) Double (C) Float (D) All of the given

46. _______ is a mentissa in 0.9550e2.

(A) 0.955 (B) e (C) 2 (D) 95.5

47. The unsigned char has a range of_______.

(A) -128 to 127 (B) B-32768 to (C) 0 to 256 (D) 0 to 255
48. Each character is associated with an integer value called_______.
49. Which of the following refers to an empty value?
(A) vold (B) Void (C) char (D) float

50. The data having no void value is known as_______.

(A) Null (B) Nill (C) Empty (D) Dull

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