[Pursuant to sub-Section(1) of section 92 of
Annual Return
the Companies Act, 2013 and sub-rule (1) of
(other than OPCs and Small
rule 11of the Companies (Management and Companies)
Administration) Rules, 2014]
(e) Website
(iv) Type of the Company Category of the Company Sub-category of the Company
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(a) Details of stock exchanges where shares are listed
(vii) *Financial year From date 01/04/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY) To date 31/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
S.No Main Description of Main Activity group Business Description of Business Activity % of turnover
Activity Activity of the
group code Code company
C C2
D D1
S.No Name of the company CIN / FCRN Holding/ Subsidiary/Associate/ % of shares held
Joint Venture
Page 2 of 14
Number of classes 1
Number of classes 0
Page 3 of 14
At the beginning of the year
136,302 3,807,834 3944136 39,441,360 39,441,360
i. Pubic Issues
0 0 0 0 0 0
v. ESOPs
0 0 0 0 0 0
ix. GDRs/ADRs
0 0 0 0 0 0
x. Others, specify
0 10,350 10350
Dematerialized during the year
Decrease during the year
10,350 0 10350 0 0 0
i. Buy-back of shares
0 0 0 0 0 0
Preference shares
At the beginning of the year
0 0 0 0 0
i. Issues of shares
0 0 0 0 0 0
Page 4 of 14
i. Redemption of shares
0 0 0 0 0 0
(ii) Details of stock split/consolidation during the year (for each class of shares) 0
Number of shares
Before split /
Consolidation Face value per share
Number of shares
After split /
Consolidation Face value per share
(iii) Details of shares/Debentures Transfers since closure date of last financial year (or in the case
of the first return at any time since the incorporation of the company) *
[Details being provided in a CD/Digital Media] Yes No Not Applicable
Note: In case list of transfer exceeds 10, option for submission as a separate sheet attachment or submission in a CD/Digital
Media may be shown.
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Number of Shares/ Debentures/ Amount per Share/
Units Transferred Debenture/Unit (in Rs.)
Transferor's Name
Transferee's Name
Transferor's Name
Transferee's Name
Page 6 of 14
Particulars Number of units Nominal value per Total value
Partly convertible debentures
Details of debentures
Class of debentures Outstanding as at Increase during the Decrease during the Outstanding as at
the beginning of the year year the end of the year
Non-convertible debentures
V. *Turnover and net worth of the company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013)
(i) Indian 0
(ii) Non-resident Indian (NRI)
0 0
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(ii) State Government
Insurance companies
Financial institutions
Mutual funds
Venture capital
Body corporate
(not mentioned above)
(i) Indian
Insurance companies
Financial institutions
Page 8 of 14
Foreign institutional investors
0 0
Mutual funds
Venture capital
Body corporate
(not mentioned above)
8 8
3,896 4,050
(other than promoters)
Debenture holders
0 0
Category Number of directors at the Number of directors at the end Percentage of shares held by
beginning of the year of the year directors as at the end of year
A. Promoter
2 0 2 0 0.58 0
B. Non-Promoter
0 2 0 2 0 0
(i) Non-Independent
0 0 0 0 0 0
(ii) Independent
0 2 0 2 0 0
C. Nominee Directors
representing 0 0 0 0 0 0
Page 9 of 14
(iii) Government
0 0 0 0 0 0
(v) Others
0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 2 0.58 0
Number of Directors and Key managerial personnel (who is not director) as on the financial year end date 5
(B) (i) *Details of directors and Key managerial personnel as on the closure of financial year
(ii) Particulars of change in director(s) and Key managerial personnel during the year 0
Name DIN/PAN Designation at the Date of appointment/
Nature of change (Appointment/
beginning / during change in designation/
Change in designation/ Cessation)
the financial year cessation
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Total Number of directors Attendance
S. No. Date of meeting associated as on the date
of meeting
Number of directors
attended % of attendance
1 28/05/2022 4 4 100
2 06/08/2022 4 4 100
3 07/11/2022 4 4 100
4 27/01/2023 4 4 100
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Number of Managing Director, Whole-time Directors and/or Manager whose remuneration details to be entered
S. No. Name Designation Gross Salary Commission Stock Option/ Others Total
Sweat equity Amount
Number of CEO, CFO and Company secretary whose remuneration details to be entered 1
S. No. Name Designation Gross Salary Commission Stock Option/ Others Total
Sweat equity Amount
S. No. Name Designation Gross Salary Commission Stock Option/ Others Total
Sweat equity Amount
1 0
* A. Whether the company has made compliances and disclosures in respect of applicable Yes No
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 during the year
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Name of the court/
Name of the concerned Date of Order Name of the Act and
Particulars of Amount of compounding (in
company/ directors/ Authority section under which
offence Rupees)
officers offence committed
XIII. Whether complete list of shareholders, debenture holders has been enclosed as an attachment
Yes No
In case of a listed company or a company having paid up share capital of Ten Crore rupees or more or turnover of Fifty Crore rupees or
more, details of company secretary in whole time practice certifying the annual return in Form MGT-8.
I am Authorised by the Board of Directors of the company vide resolution no. .. 16 dated 26/06/2021
(DD/MM/YYYY) to sign this form and declare that all the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder
in respect of the subject matter of this form and matters incidental thereto have been compiled with. I further declare that:
1. Whatever is stated in this form and in the attachments thereto is true, correct and complete and no information material to
the subject matter of this form has been suppressed or concealed and is as per the original records maintained by the company.
2. All the required attachments have been completely and legibly attached to this form.
Note: Attention is also drawn to the provisions of Section 447, section 448 and 449 of the Companies Act, 2013 which provide for
punishment for fraud, punishment for false statement and punishment for false evidence respectively.
To be digitally signed by
To be digitally signed by
Page 13 of 14
Company Secretary
Remove attachment
This eForm has been taken on file maintained by the Registrar of Companies through electronic mode and on
the basis of statement of correctness given by the company
Page 14 of 14
[Pursuant to section 92(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 11(2) of Companies (Management and
Administration) Rules, 2014]
I have examined the registers, records and books and papers of Zenith Fibres Limited (the Company) as
required to be maintained under the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the rules made thereunder for the
accounting year ended on 31st March, 2023. In my opinion and to the best of my information and
according to the examinations carried out by me and explanations furnished to me by the Company, its
officers and agents, I certify that:
A. the Annual Return states the facts as at the close of the aforesaid financial year correctly and
B. during the aforesaid financial year, the Company has complied with the provisions of the Act & Rules
made there under in respect of:
2. maintenance of registers/records and making entries therein within the time prescribed therefor;
3. filing of forms and returns as stated in the annual return, with the Registrar of Companies, Regional
Director, Central Government, the Tribunal, Court or other authorities within/beyond the prescribed
4. calling/ convening/ holding meetings of the Board of Directors or its committees, if any, and the
meetings of the members of the company on due dates as stated in the annual return in respect of
which meetings, proper notices were given and the proceedings including the circular resolutions and
resolutions passed by postal ballot, if any, have been properly recorded in the Minute Book/registers
maintained for the purpose and the same have been signed;
6. advances/loans to its directors and/or persons or firms or companies referred in section 185 of the
Act; (Not Applicable)
74cda740e4b5b9c76e93ef83, postalCode=400057,
c0fcf185c3c35208134adaccde176, cn=UPENDRA
Date: 2023.11.13 16:41:15 +05'30'
C-90, Snehadhara, Dadabhai Cross Road No.3, Vile Parle West , Mumbai - 400 056. Tel. : 2624 3350
: 2 ;
9. keeping in abeyance the rights to dividend, rights shares and bonus shares pending registration of
transfer of shares in compliance with the provisions of the Act; (As confirmed by the Company
there were no such cases)
10. declaration/ payment of dividend, transfer of unpaid/ unclaimed dividend/other amounts as applicable
to the Investor Education and Protection Fund in accordance with section 125 of the Act;
11. signing of audited financial statement as per the provisions of section 134 of the Act and report of
directors is as per sub - sections (3), (4) and (5) thereof;
12. constitution/ appointment/ re-appointments/ retirement/ filling up casual vacancies/ disclosures of the
Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and the remuneration paid to them;
13. appointment/ reappointment/ filling up casual vacancies of auditors as per the provisions of section
139 of the Act;
14. approvals required to be taken from the Central Government, Tribunal, Regional Director, Registrar,
Court or such other authorities under the various provisions of the Act; (As confirmed by the
Company, the Company was not required to take such approval)
15. acceptance/ renewal/ repayment of deposits; (Not Applicable since the Company has not accepted
any deposit from public)
16. borrowings from its directors, members, public financial institutions, banks and others and creation/
modification/ satisfaction of charges in that respect, wherever applicable;
17. loans and investments or guarantees given or providing of securities to other bodies corporate or
persons falling under the provisions of Section 186 of the Act ;
18. alteration of the provisions of the Memorandum and/ or Articles of Association of the Company; (Not
Applicable since the Company has not altered its Memorandum and Articles of Association)
CHANDRASH pseudonym=cd4ca7a35118435384522d2104
Note: The qualification, reservation or adverse remarks; if any, may be stated at the relevant place(s).