Sistem Pengapian
Sistem Pengapian
Sistem Pengapian
The most significant difference between TCCS and Conventional EFI ignition systems is the way spark advance angle is managed. The Conventional EFI system uses mechanical advance weights and vacuum diaphragms to accomplish this. Starting with the 5M-GE engine in 1983, the TCCS system controls ignition spark timing electronically and adds an ignition confirmation signal as a fail-safe measure. There are two versions of electronic spark management used on TCCS equipped engines, the Electronic Spark Advance (ESA) and the Variable Advance Spark Timing (VAST) systems.
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When the engine is cranked, an alternating current signal is generated by the pickup coil. This signal is shaped in the igniter and then relayed through a control circuit to the base of the primary circuit power transistor. When the voltage at the base of this transistor goes high, current begins to flow through the coil primary windings. When this signal goes low, coil primary current stops flowing, and a high voltage is induced into the secondary winding. At cranking speed, spark plugs fire at initial timing, a function of distributor position in the engine. When the engine is running, spark timing is determined by the relative positions of the
pickup reluctor (signal rotor) and the pickup coil winding to each other. This relative position is controlled by the centrifugal advance weights and vacuum advance diaphragm positions. As engine speed increases, the reluctor advances in the same direction as distributor shaft rotation. This is a result of the centrifugal advance operation. As manifold vacuum applied to the vacuum controller is increased, the pickup coil winding is moved opposite to distributor shaft rotation. Both of these conditions cause the signal from the pick-up coil to occur sooner, advancing timing.
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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TCCS Ignition Spark Management, Electronic Spark Advance (ESA), and Variable Advance Spark Timing (VAST)
The advent of ECU spark management systems provides more precise control of ignition spark timing. The centrifugal and vacuum advances are eliminated; in their place are the engine sensors which monitor engine load (Vs or PIM) and speed (Ne). Additionally, coolant temperature, detonation, and throttle position are monitored to provide better spark accuracy as these conditions change.
To provide for optimum spark advance under a wide variety of engine operating conditions, a spark advance map is developed and stored in a look up table in the ECU. This map provides for accurate spark timing during any combination of engine speed, load, coolant temperature, and throttle position while using feedback from a knock sensor to adjust for variations in fuel octane. TCCS engines use two versions of ECU controlled spark management, Electronic Spark Advance (ESA) and Variable Spark Timing (VAST).
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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To monitor engine rpm, the TCCS system uses the signal from a magnetic pickup called the Ne pickup. The Ne pickup is very similar to the magnetic pickup coil used with Conventional EFI. It has either four or 24 reluctor teeth, depending on engine application. Engines equipped with the ESA system (and the 4A-GE engine with VAST) use a second pickup in the distributor called the G sensor. The G sensor supplies the ECU with crankshaft position information which is used as a reference for ignition and fuel injector timing. Some engines use two G sensors, identified as G1 and G2.
The microprocessor drives a trigger circuit, referred to as IGt (TR1). The IGt signal is sent to the igniter to switch the primary circuit power transistor on and off. While cranking, IGt fixes spark timing at a predetermined value. When the engine is running, timing is calculated based on signals from engine speed, load, temperature, throttle position, and detonation sensors. The IGt signal is advanced or retarded depending on the final calculated timing. ESA calculated timing is considered the ideal ignition time for a given set of engine conditions. If the ECU fails to see an Ne or G signal while it is cranking, it will not produce an IGt signal, thus preventing igniter operation.
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Igniter Operation
When the IGt signal goes high, the primary circuit power transistor TR2 turns on, allowing cur-rent to flow in the coil primary winding. When the IGt signal goes low, the igniter interrupts primary circuit current flow, causing voltage induction into the coil secondary winding. With the ESA system, the time at which the power transistor in the igniter turns on is further influenced by a dwell control circuit inside the igniter. As engine rpm increases, coil dwell time is increased by turning the transistor on sooner. Therefore, the time at which the transistor is turned on determines dwell while the time the transistor is turned off determines timing. Timing is controlled by the ECU; dwell is controlled by the igniter. Controlling dwell within the igniter allows the same control over coil saturation time as the ballast resistance does with the Conventional EFI ignition system. It allows maximum coil saturation at high engine speeds while limiting coil and igniter current, reducing heat, at lower speeds.
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has reached 10' BTDC of the compression stroke when it receives the first Ne signal following a G1 (or G2). Initial timing adjustment is critical as all ECU timing calculations assume this initial 10' BTDC as a reference point for the entire spark advance curve.
VAST System Because all engines which use this system have a simultaneous injection pattern (except the 4A-GE), a G signal is not necessary. The four-toothed pickup is designed to produce a pulse once every 180' of crankshaft rotation, signal timing determined by the position of the distributor in the engine. Distributor position determines Ne signal timing and, therefore, initial timing reference. The 4A-GE engine with VAST, because it uses grouped injection, utilizes a G sensor signal indicating camshaft position so the ECU can properly time each injector group.
Ignition Timing Strategy The ECU determines ignition timing by comparing engine operating parameters with spark advance values stored in its memory. The general formula for ignition timing follows: Initial timing + Basic advance angle + Corrective advance angle = Total spark advance. Basic advance angle is computed using signals from crankshaft angle (G1), crankshaft speed (Ne), and engine load (Vs or PIM) sensors. Corrective timing factors include adjustments for coolant temperature (THW) and presence of detonation (KNK).
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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The igniter is similar to those used on distributor type ignition systems but incorporates three separate primary circuits. The igniter determines timing of three primary circuits by the combination of IGdA and IGdB input signals from the ECU. The IGt signal is relayed by the igniter to the proper power transistor circuit to trigger the ignition event at the proper coil. The igniter also sends the standard IGf confirmation signal to the ECU for each ignition event which takes place.
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Troubleshooting the Ignition System No Spark Output The following procedures assume that a spark tester reveals no spark at two different cylinders while the engine is cranked. These procedures and specifications are general guidelines. Consult the appropriate repair manual for more specific information about the vehicle you are troubleshooting. Preliminary checks 1) Ensure battery condition prior to ignition system analysis. 2) Check and confirm good connections at distributor, igniter, and coil. 3) Basic secondary leakage checks at coil and coil wire. Primary circuit checks 1) Confirm power supply to igniter and coil positive (+) terminal. Confirm connections at coil positive and negative (-) terminals. 2) Using a test light or logic probe, check for primary switching at the coil (-) terminal while cranking engine. Blinking light confirms primary switching is taking place; check coil wire, coil secondary winding resistance, or secondary leakage in distributor cap. 3) The power transistor(s) in the igniter get their ground through the igniter case to the vehicle chassis; always confirm good ground continuity prior to trouble shooting. 4) Confirm coil primary and secondary windings resistance. Confirm primary windings are not grounded. 5) Confirm signal status from Ne and G pickups to ECU (ESA system) or to igniter (VAST system) using an oscilloscope or logic probe. If a fault is detected, check pickup(s) for proper resistance and shorts to ground. Check electrical connections. If signal amplitude is low, check signal generator gap(s). 6) Confirm signal status from ECU IGt circuit to igniter using an oscilloscope or logic probe. 7) On 7M-GTE, check power transistor in igniter. Bias transistor base using a remote 3 volt battery as power source. Use ohmmeter to check for continuity from primary circuit to ground (see procedure in repair manual for details).
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Reprinted with permission from Toyota Motor Sale, U.S.A., Inc. from #850 EFI Course Book.
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