Semiconductor PYQ-5

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A piece of copper and other of germanium are (a) The potential of the ‫ ݌‬and ݊-sides becomes (c) (d) (d) forward bias only
cooled from the room temperature to ͺͲ , then higher alternately [NEET-2020: Phase 1]
(a) resistance of each will increase (b) The ‫݌‬-side is at higher electrical potential than
(b) resistance of copper will decrease the ݊ side 33. Which one of the following represents forward
(c) resistance of copper will increase while that of (c) The ݊-side is at higher electrical potential than bias diode ?
germanium will decrease the ‫݌‬-side
(d) resistance of copper will decrease while that of (d) Both the ‫ ݌‬and ݊-sides are at the same potential
germanium will increase [AIPMT-2002] (a)
25. A depletion layer consists of 30. In the given circuits (a), (b) and (c), the
20. When ݊-type semiconductor is heated (a) electrons (b) protons potential drop across the two ‫ ݌‬െ ݊ junctions are
(a) number of electrons increases while that of (c) mobile ions (d) immobile ions (b)
equal in :
holes decreases [AIPMT-1999]
(b) number of holes increases while that of
electrons decreases 26. In a junction diode, the holes are due to (c)
(c) number of electrons and holes remain same (a) protons (b) extra electrons
(d) number of electrons and holes increases (c) neutrons (d) missing electrons
equally. [AIPMT-1999]
27. The cause of the potential barrier in a ‫ ݌‬െ ݊ [NEET-2017, AIPMT-2006, 2000]
21. At absolute zero, Si acts as diode is
(a) non-metal (b) metal (a) depletion of positive charges near the junction 34. In a p-n junction diode, change in temperature
(c) insulator (d) none of these (b) concentration of positive charges near the due to heating
[AIPMT-1988] junction
(a) Both circuits (a) and (c) (a) Affects only reverse resistance
(c) depletion of negative charges near the junction (b) Affects only forward resistance
Topic 4: P-N Junction (d) concentration of positive and negative charges (b) Circuit (a) only
(c) Circuit (b) only (c) Affects the overall V-I characteristics of p-n
near the junction junction
Topic 4.1: Potential barrier in ࢖ െ ࢔ junction [AIPMT-1998] (d) Circuit (c) only
[NEET-2022] (d) Does not affect resistance of ’ െ  junction
22. The barrier potential of a p-n junction depends 28. The depletion layer in the ‫ ݌‬െ ݊ junction region
on: is caused by 31. Out of the following which one is a forward-
biased diode? 35. Consider the junction diode as ideal. The value
(1) type of semi conductor material (a) drift of holes
(a) of current flowing through  is :
(2) amount of doping (b) diffusion of charge carriers
(3) temperature (c) migration of impurity ions
Which one of the following is correct ? (d) drift of electrons
(a) (1) and (2) only [AIPMT-1991]
(b) (2) only (b)
(c) (2) and (3) only Topic 4.2: Biasing of p-n junction and its (a) Ͳ  (b) ͳͲିଶ  (c) ͳͲିଵ  (d) ͳͲିଷ 
(d) (1), (2) and (3) characteristics [NEET-2016: Phase 1]
29. Choose the correct circuit which can achieve (c) 36. In the given figure, a diode  is connected to an
23. In an unbiased ‫݌‬-n junction, holes diffuse from the bridge balance. external resistance  ൌ ͳͲͲȳ and an e.m.f. of 3.5
the ’-region to ݊-region because of (a) (b) . If the barrier potential developed across the
(a) the potential difference across the ‫ ݌‬െ ݊ diode is ͲǤͷ , the current in the circuit will be:
junction (d)
(b) the attraction of free electrons of n-region
(c) the higher hole concentration in p-region than
that in n-region
[NEET-2020: Phase 2]
(d) the higher concentration of electrons in the n-
region than that in the p-region
32. The increase in the width of the depletion
[AIPMT-2013: Re-Exam]
region in a ‫ ݌‬െ ݊ junction diode is due to :
(a) reverse bias only
24. In a ‫ ݌‬െ ݊ junction (a) 40 mA (b) 20 mA (c) 35 mA (d) 30 mA
(b) both forward bias and reverse bias
(c) increase in forward current [AIPMT-2015: Re-Exam]
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