NCA4 Ch06 Forests Full
NCA4 Ch06 Forests Full
NCA4 Ch06 Forests Full
15 354
13 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Grant M. Domke on 29 January 2019.
6 Forests
David L. Peterson
U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
Chapter Leads
James M. Vose
U.S. Forest Service, Southern Research Station
David L. Peterson
U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
Chapter Authors
Grant M. Domke Robert E. Keane
U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research
Christopher J. Fettig
U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Charles H. Luce
Station U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research
Linda A. Joyce
U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Jeffrey P. Prestemon
U.S. Forest Service, Southern Research Station
Review Editor
Gregg Marland
Appalachian State University
6 Forests
Key Message 2
Ecosystem Services
It is very likely that climate change will decrease the ability of many forest ecosystems
to provide important ecosystem services to society. Tree growth and carbon storage
are expected to decrease in most locations as a result of higher temperatures, more
frequent drought, and increased disturbances. The onset and magnitude of climate
change effects on water resources in forest ecosystems will vary but are already
occurring in some regions.
Key Message 3
Forest management activities that increase the resilience of U.S. forests to climate
change are being implemented, with a broad range of adaptation options for different
resources, including applications in planning. The future pace of adaptation will
depend on how effectively social, organizational, and economic conditions support
6 | Forests
Executive Summary
Forests on public and private lands provide conditions. For example, whereas crown fires
benefits to the natural environment, as well as (forest fires that spread from treetop to treetop)
economic benefits and ecosystem services to will cause extensive areas of tree mortality in
people in the United States and globally. The dense, dry forests in the western United States
ability of U.S. forests to continue to provide goods that have not experienced wildfire for several
and services is threatened by climate change decades, increased fire frequency is expected to
and associated increases in extreme events and facilitate the persistence of sprouting hardwood
disturbances.1 For example, severe drought and species such as quaking aspen in western moun-
insect outbreaks have killed hundreds of millions tains and fire tolerant pine and hardwood species
of trees across the United States over the past in the eastern United States (see regional chap-
20 years,2 and wildfires have burned at least 3.7 ters for more detail on variation across the United
million acres annually in all but 3 years from States). Drought, heavy rainfall, altered snowpack,
2000 to 2016. Recent insect-caused mortality and changing forest conditions are increasing
appears to be outside the historical context3,4 and the frequency of low summer streamflow, winter
is likely related to climate change; however, it is and spring flooding, and low water quality in
unclear if the apparent climate-related increase some locations, with potential negative impacts
in fire-caused tree mortality is outside the range on aquatic resources and on water supplies for
of what has been observed over centuries of human communities.12,13
wildfire occurrence.5
From 1990 to 2015, U.S. forests sequestered 742
A warmer climate will decrease tree growth in teragrams (Tg) of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year,
most forests that are water limited (for example, offsetting approximately 11% of the Nation’s
low-elevation ponderosa pine forests) but will CO2 emissions.14 U.S. forests are projected to
likely increase growth in forests that are energy continue to store carbon but at declining rates,
limited (for example, subalpine forests, where as affected by both land use and lower CO2
long-lasting snowpack and cold temperatures uptake as forests get older.15,16,17,18 However, car-
limit the growing season).6 Drought and extreme bon accumulation in surface soils (at depths of
high temperatures can cause heat-related stress 0–4 inches) can mitigate the declining carbon
in vegetation and, in turn, reduce forest produc- sink of U.S. forests if reforestation is routinely
tivity and increase mortality.7,8 The rate of climate implemented at large spatial scales.
warming is likely to influence forest health (that
is, the extent to which ecosystem processes are Implementation of climate-informed resource
functioning within their range of historic varia- planning and management on forestlands has
tion)9 and competition between trees, which will progressed significantly over the past decade.
affect the distributions of some species.10,11 The ability of society and resource management
to continue to adapt to climate change will be
Large-scale disturbances (over thousands to determined primarily by socioeconomic factors
hundreds of thousands of acres) that cause rapid and organizational capacity. A viable forest-based
change (over days to years) and more gradual cli- workforce can facilitate timely actions that mini-
mate change effects (over decades) will alter the mize negative effects of climate change. Ensuring
ability of forests to provide ecosystem services, the continuing health of forest ecosystems and,
although alterations will vary greatly depend- where desired and feasible, keeping forestland in
ing on the tree species and local biophysical forest cover are key challenges for society.
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To increase resilience to future stressors and disturbances, examples of adaptation options (risk management) have been
developed in response to climate change vulnerabilities in forest ecosystems (risk assessment) in the Pacific Northwest.
Vulnerabilities and adaptation options vary among different forest ecosystems. From Figure 6.7 (Sources: U.S. Forest Service
and University of Washington).
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climate and forest disturbances also interact with forest-based workforce in local communities
chronic stressors (such as fungal pathogens and can facilitate timely actions that minimize the
nonnative species) to affect the scale and magni- negative effects of climate change, as long as
tude of forest responses to climate change.25,26 this workforce can support the objectives of
treatments aimed at building forest resilience
The ability of society in general and resource and provide a justification for treatments (for
managers in particular to adapt to climate change example, prescribed fire—the purposeful ignition
will be determined primarily by socioeconomic of low-intensity fires in a controlled setting) that
factors, technological developments, and orga- help minimize potential economic loss. Reduction
nizational capacity (Ch. 28: Adaptation). Although in forestland associated with human land-use
some general principles apply to adaptation decisions, especially conversion of forests to
(defined here as adjustments in natural systems nonforests on private lands, is a significant
in response to actual or expected climatic effects impediment to providing desired ecosystem
that moderate harm or exploit benefits) across all services from forests. Hence, ensuring the con-
forests, it is biophysical variability, socioeconomic tinuing health of forest ecosystems and, where
conditions, and organizational objectives that desired and feasible, keeping forestland in forest
dictate local management approaches. A viable cover are key challenges for society.
Figure 6.1: Many factors in the biophysical environment interact with climate change to influence forest productivity, structure,
and function, ultimately affecting the ecosystem services that forests provide to people in the United States and globally. Source:
U.S. Forest Service.
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Figure 6.4: This figure shows the annual wildfire area burned in the United States (red) and the annual federal wildfire suppression
expenditures (black), scaled to constant 2016 U.S. dollars (Consumer Price Index deflated). Trends for both area burned and
wildfire suppression costs indicate about a fourfold increase over a 30-year period. Source: U.S. Forest Service.
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6 | Forests
The duration of the season during which topography, fuel accumulation (as affected by
wildfires occur has increased throughout the plant growth and frequency of disturbances),
western United States as a result of increased and efforts to suppress and prevent fires.54,55
temperatures44,45 and earlier snowmelt.46,47
Increased vapor pressure deficit (Ch. 21: Mid- Wildfire risk can be reduced in low-elevation,
west, Figure 21.3)48 and reduced summer pre- dry conifer forests in the West and conifer
cipitation49 have deepened summer droughts forests in the South by reducing stand density
in the West and thus increased wildfire risk.50 (thinning), using prescribed burning, and
By the middle of this century, the annual letting some fires burn if they will not affect
area burned in the western United States people. Frequent prescribed burning in
could increase 2–6 times from the present, fire-prone and fire-dependent (forests that
depending on the geographic area, ecosystem, require fire to maintain structure and function)
and local climate.51,52 An increase in the area southern forests has been a socially accepted
burned, however, does not necessarily trans- practice for decades, illustrating how wildfire
late to negative impacts to ecosystems (Figure risk can be reduced. However, health risks
6.5). As the spatial extent of wildfires increases, from smoke produced by prescribed burning
previously burned areas will in some cases are a growing concern in the wildland–urban
provide fuel breaks that influence the pattern, interface (see Ch. 19: Southeast for additional
extent, and severity (the degree to which fire discussion about fire in the southeastern
causes vegetation damage and mortality) of United States and Ch. 13: Air Quality, KM 2 on
future fires.53 Future wildfire regimes will be the effects of wildfires on health).56
determined not only by climate but also by
Figure 6.5: This figure illustrates the area burned by large wildfires (greater than 1,000 acres in the western United States and
greater than 500 acres in the eastern United States) for 1984–2014. Although the area with moderate-to-high burn severity
(amount of fire damage to the forest canopy) has increased in recent decades, it has not changed as a proportion of the total
area burned (severity does vary across regions). Increases in the areas of severely burned forests will have implications for
ecosystem processes, such as tree regeneration57,58,59 and ecosystem services, including timber production, water quality, and
recreation. Source: redrawn from EPA 2016.60
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al. 2012, Jenkins et al. 201478,79,80). Beetles have nitrogen and carbon cycling,85 with feedbacks
minimal effects on fire severity in some loca- that may impact forest productivity.86
tions due to variability in topography, fuels, and
fire weather.81 A recent study in California in The direct effects of climate change on tree
areas heavily affected by drought and western mortality and forest health will likely be
pine beetles (see Case Study “Large-Scale Tree obscured by the slow response times of long-
Mortality”) reported a greater potential for lived tree species.87 In some cases, climate-
large-scale wildfires driven by the amount and related stresses weaken trees, predisposing
continuity of combustible woody material from them to additional stresses.88 Variability in the
dying trees.31 drought response of tree species (for example,
due to differences in hydraulic characteristics)
Long-Term Forest Change is expected to influence how some forests
Forests that frequently run out of water deal with water stress.89 A lagged response and
stored in the soil during the growing season variability among species can make it difficult
are considered water limited, whereas forests to attribute growth reductions to episodic
where the growing season length or produc- drought, and growth reductions can persist
tivity rate is limited by snowpack and cool for years.7,90,91 For species in which seed crops
temperatures are considered energy limited. depend on resources stored over several
A warmer climate will generally decrease tree growing seasons, reproductive responses are
growth in water-limited forests (many semiarid likely to lag behind climatic variation.92
and low-elevation forests in the western Unit-
ed States) but may increase growth in some The rate of climate warming will influence the
energy-limited forests (the majority of forests rate and magnitude of potential changes in
in the eastern United States and coastal Alaska forest health, competition for resources among
and high-mountain forests with short growing tree species, structure, and function, affecting
seasons).6,82 Experimental evidence shows that the growth and distribution of some tree
elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) species.10,11 Negative effects on some species
can increase tree growth (especially where can benefit other species, and reorganization
soil nutrients are adequate), but it is uncertain and changes in the structure of forest com-
whether this increase will occur in mature munities depend on the capacity of locally
forests or will continue as younger forests adapted populations to occupy new areas that
age.83 Positive effects of CO2 on growth will be become suitable as a result of climate change.
negated in some species and locations (such For example, warming in the coastal region
as near urban areas) by air pollutants such as of the southern United States may result in
ground-level ozone (not the protective layer of the replacement of salt grass with mangrove
ozone high in the atmosphere), where concen- forests (see Ch. 19: Southeast for additional
trations of those pollutants are high enough information on mangrove forests).93
to cause toxic effects in plants.84 Drought and
extreme temperatures can cause heat- Canopy phenology (seasonal patterns of
related stress in vegetation, in turn reducing leaf emergence and flowering) responds to
forest productivity and reducing tree vigor.7,8 annual-to-decadal variation in climate,94,95 and
Although the effects are complex and variable evidence exists that changes in canopy phenol-
among forests, warming and elevated CO2 can ogy are contributing to altered species ranges
also impact below-ground processes, such as and potential increases in water and nutrient
limitations.96 Some studies report shifts in
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Figure 6.6: This figure shows the cumulative area of disturbed forestland across the contiguous United States for 1984–2014.
The small boxes illustrate how disturbances differ regionally. Data for Alaska, Hawai‘i and the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands, and
the U.S. Caribbean regions were not shown on the original map from the published source. Source: adapted from Williams et
al. 2016.114
Economic and population growth will affect forest where there was no previous tree cover)
land-use decisions that influence forest-based and reforestation, for a net gain of forest area
carbon storage. Over the last several decades, of 0.09% per year (679,000 acres).14 Gains occur
conversion of forestland to other land uses has mostly through a transition from grasslands
contributed to CO2 emissions,14,116 and this trend and croplands to shrublands, woodlands, and
is likely to continue, although this is among the forests, and losses occur mostly in urban areas
most significant sources of uncertainty in the (see Ch. 5: Land Changes for details on forest
forest carbon sink in the United States.18,117,118 land-use trends).14 While some individual states
The current (2017) U.S. deforestation rate (the have lost forestland, overall, each region of the
conversion from forest to nonforest land use) United States (for example, northern, southern,
of 0.12% per year is more than offset by forest Rocky Mountain, and Pacific coast) has gained
gain from afforestation (the establishment of a forestland area over the past 20 years.14,16
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6 | Forests
Economic and population trends will affect Forest watersheds moderate the effects of
national and global production and consump- extreme climate events such as drought and
tion of wood products, which can temporarily heavy rainfall, thus minimizing downstream
store carbon. The storage of carbon in and impacts on aquatic ecosystems and human com-
emissions from wood products contribute to munities such as flooding, low flows, and reduced
carbon stores and exchanges with the atmo- water quality. Disturbances and periodic droughts
sphere; the carbon stored in wood products affect streamflow and water quality,12,13,124 as do
accumulates as wood is harvested from forests changes in forest structure that are influenced by
at a rate that exceeds carbon releases from climatic variability and change, such as leaf area
the decay and combustion of wood products and species distribution and abundance.33 For
already in use. The harvested wood products example, drought-related bark beetle outbreaks
pool alone is not a direct sink for atmospheric and wildfire kill trees, reducing water uptake and
carbon, but losses from the pool are a direct evapotranspiration and potentially increasing
source of atmospheric carbon. Although the water yield,125 although water yield can decrease
contribution of harvested wood products if regrowing species have higher water-use
is uncertain, the worldwide net surplus of demands than did the insect-
carbon in wood products is estimated to be or fire-killed trees.126
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Wildfires can also increase forest openness components (such as wildfire exposure) and
by killing midstory and overstory trees, which second identifying forest management activi-
promotes earlier snowmelt from increased ties that can be implemented to reduce risk.52
solar radiation. This, in turn, leads to more However, identifying how climate change will
winter runoff and exacerbates dry summer alter biophysical conditions (risk assessment)
conditions, especially in cooler interior moun- and how forest management organizations will
tains.127,128 In warmer forests, typically in wetter respond to future changes (risk management)
climates where wildfire is currently rare, is complex. Describing operational (technical
increased forest openness can in some cases and financial), economic, and political risks is
increase snowpack retention.129 Wildfires can even more difficult. Furthermore, identifying
increase erosion and sediment in western U.S. interactions among all types of risks at regional
rivers,130 as well as reduce tree cover adjacent and local scales will provide land managers
to rivers and streams and thus increase stream with the information needed to manage forests
temperature.131,132 In eastern U.S. forests, the sustainably across large landscapes (Ch. 28:
proportion of tree species with moderate water Adaptation).137 To that end, recent nationwide
demands (mesophytes) is increasing in many projects examining site-specific adaptation
areas as a result of fire exclusion, less logging practices help inform forest management
and other disturbances, and possibly a warmer focused on maintaining long-term productivity
climate.133,134 Mesophytes transpire more water under future climatic conditions.20,138,139
than other species occupying the same area,
thus reducing streamflow.135,136 Assessments of climate change effects and
adaptation actions are being incorporated into
Key Message 3 resource management plans, environmental
assessments, and monitoring programs of
Adaptation public agencies.42,140 Adaptation planning tools
Forest management activities that in- and compendia of adaptation options for forest
resources are now institutionalized in public
crease the resilience of U.S. forests to
land management in much of the United States
climate change are being implemented,
(Ch. 28: Adaptation).19,141 Adaptation actions are
with a broad range of adaptation op-
also being implemented by Native American
tions for different resources, including
tribes and communities, with an emphasis on
applications in planning. The future culturally significant forest resources, such as
pace of adaptation will depend on flora and fauna, which in turn affect sovereign-
how effectively social, organizational, ty and economic sustainability.142 Adaptation
and economic conditions support is especially urgent for Native American
implementation. communities affiliated with reservations where
place-based traditional medicine, ceremonial
Decisions about how to address climate change practices, and methods of gathering and hunt-
in the context of forest management need ing for food contribute to cultural identity (Ch.
to be informed by a better understanding of 15: Tribes).143
the risks of potential climate change effects
on natural resources and the organizations Implementing climate change adaptation
that manage those resources. For example, measures in forest management requires an
risks posed by ecological disturbances can be understanding of the effects of climate change
reduced by first assessing specific disturbance on different types of forests, forest-related
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Figure 6.7: To increase resilience to future stressors and disturbances, examples of adaptation options (risk management) have
been developed in response to climate change vulnerabilities in forest ecosystems (risk assessment) in the Pacific Northwest.
Vulnerabilities and adaptation options vary among different forest ecosystems. Sources: U.S. Forest Service; University of
enterprises, and resource-dependent com- resistance and resilience to fire, insects, and
munities (Figure 6.7). However, even if the drought.148 Implementation of these practices
potential magnitude and consequences of can be costly, often confront legal and adminis-
climate change are well understood and viable trative barriers,149 and must consider economic
management responses exist, adaptation tradeoffs associated with management of other
measures cannot occur unless management natural resources.55
organizations (on public and private lands) have
the capacity (people and financial resources, Applications of these and other practices
enabled by policy) to implement manage- vary as a function of ownership objectives,
ment responses.144 timber and non-timber wood product markets,
policy constraints, and setting (urban, rural, or
Fortunately, many ongoing practices that wildland–urban interface). For example, land
address existing forest management needs— managers in regions where short-rotation,
stand density management, surface fuel reduc- plantation management of forest tree species
tion, control of invasive species, and aquatic is common (for example, private lands in the
habitat restoration—contribute to the goal of southern United States and Pacific Northwest)
increasing resilience to higher temperatures, have the flexibility to periodically shift species
drought, and disturbances.127,144,145,146,147 Fuel and genetic composition of trees to align with
treatments across large landscapes have the future changes in climate and disturbance
additional benefit of creating defensible space regimes.150 A significant amount of adaptation
for fire suppression, especially near the wild- has occurred on public lands, including actions
land–urban interface. Resource managers are that reduce climate-related risks to water
evaluating how these practices can be modified resources such as 1) design of sustainable
and implemented to address future climate forest road systems that take into account
risks.141 For example, forest managers in dry increased flooding hazard, including upsizing
western U.S. forests are considering greater culverts to match projected streamflows; 2)
reductions in stand density to increase forest joint planning and design of fuel treatments
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6 | Forests - Traceable Accounts
Traceable Accounts
Process Description
Lead authors, chapter authors, and technical contributors engaged in multiple technical dis-
cussions via teleconference between September 2016 and March 2018, which included a review
of technical inputs provided by the public and a broad range of published literature as well as
professional judgment. Discussions were followed by expert deliberation on draft Key Messages
by the authors and targeted consultation with additional experts by the authors and technical
contributors. A public engagement webinar on May 11, 2017, solicited additional feedback on the
report outline. Webinar attendees provided comments and suggestions online and through fol-
low-up emails. Strong emphasis was placed on recent findings reported in the scientific literature
and relevance to specific applications in the management of forest resources.
Key Message 1
Ecological Disturbances and Forest Health
It is very likely that more frequent extreme weather events will increase the frequency and
magnitude of severe ecological disturbances, driving rapid (months to years) and often
persistent changes in forest structure and function across large landscapes (high confidence).
It is also likely that other changes, resulting from gradual climate change and less severe
disturbances, will alter forest productivity and health and the distribution and abundance of
species at longer timescales (decades to centuries; medium confidence).
Although the increasing size and costs of fighting wildfires are known with high certainty,158
short- and long-term effects on forests vary according to the ability of tree species to survive or
regenerate after wildfire.159 Future fire regimes and their impacts on U.S. forests will be governed
by climate as well as topography, ecosystem productivity, and vegetation adaptations to fire. For
example, altered distribution and abundance of dominant plant species may affect the frequency
and extent of future wildfires (Ch. 29: Mitigation). The potential of an area to reburn (that is, burn
again after experiencing a previous fire) will depend on how the previous fire was suppressed, the
severity of that fire, how rapidly fuel accumulated after the fire, and postfire management activi-
ties.53 These variables create uncertainty in predicting the spatial distribution, number, and sizes
of wildfires in future decades.
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The published literature contains strong evidence that insects are causing rapid changes in forest
structure and function across large landscapes. Causal factors are primarily elevated tempera-
tures, droughts, and water stress, which exert indirect effects mediated through host tree species
and direct effects on insects. For example, in western North America, several species of bark
beetles have had notable outbreaks over the past 30 years, and some have exceeded the spatial
extent of what has been previously documented, affecting ecosystem services at broad spatial
scales.3 The spatial extent of recent outbreaks of mountain pine beetles represents an area larger
than the 11 smallest U.S. states combined, and insect outbreak models project increased proba-
bilities of mountain pine beetle population success in the future.23 In addition, evidence suggests
that climate change is expanding the range of bark beetles in both the western and eastern United
States,66,70,71 caused by higher minimum temperatures associated with climate change. For example,
whitebark pine is expected to suffer significant mortality in future decades due to the combined
effects of white pine blister rust, mountain pine beetles, and climate change.74
The magnitude and direction of defoliator responses to climate change vary, limiting our ability
to project the effects of climate change69 and preventing generalizations about climate-related
effects on defoliators, despite their importance throughout the United States. Fungal pathogens
that depend on stressed plant hosts for colonization are expected to perform better and have
greater impacts on forests.63,75,76 In contrast, some pathogens directly affected by moisture avail-
ability (for example, needle blights) are expected to have reduced impact.75
Mounting evidence suggests that some bird and insect populations show changes in distribution
that align with temperature increases in recent decades (Ch. 7: Ecosystems).160,161,162,163 These spe-
cies groups are characterized by short generation times, high mobility, or both. Some evidence
suggests that the rate of climate change is outpacing the capacity of trees and forests to adjust,
placing long-lived tree populations at risk. Species distribution models concur that climate change
can affect suitable habitat,11 although it is unclear if these effects are translating into species range
shifts. Some studies report shifts in elevation ranges,97,98 whereas others do not.100,101,103 In summary,
evidence indicates substantial effects of climate change on forest health but varied capacity for
tree species to relocate as conditions change.
Understanding and predicting the effects of climate change on forests are obscured by the slow
response times of long-lived trees.87 Increasing evidence suggests that climate-related stresses
weaken trees, predisposing them to additional stresses that take many years to be observed,88
and that growth reductions following drought can persist for years.7,90,91 For species in which seed
crops depend on resources stored over several growing seasons, it is likely that reproductive
responses will lag behind climate variation.92 Recent studies in the eastern United States suggest
that changes in tree species composition (such as an increased proportion of mesophytes) over
the past few decades in some forests are contributing to lower streamflow136 and increased vul-
nerability of forests to drought.164 Warming temperatures and changing precipitation are altering
leaf phenology (for example, earlier spring leaf-out and later leaf fall) in some areas, which is likely
to affect forest carbon and water cycling.95,165
Major uncertainties
Although wildfire frequency and extent are very likely to increase in a warmer climate, spatial and
temporal patterns of fire are difficult to project, especially at smaller than regional scales. The
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effects of a warmer climate are well known for some insect species (such as bark beetles), but the
effects of long-term thermal changes on most insect species and their community associates are
uncertain. Scientific information on the effects of climate change on fungal pathogens is sparse,
making projections of forest diseases uncertain. It is possible to project that some tree species
will have decreased growth and others increased growth, but the magnitude of growth changes
is uncertain. Finally, species distribution and abundance are likely to change in a warmer climate,
but the magnitude, geographic specificity, and rate of future changes are uncertain.
Key Message 2
Ecosystem Services
It is very likely that climate change will decrease the ability of many forest ecosystems to
provide important ecosystem services to society. Tree growth and carbon storage are expected
to decrease in most locations as a result of higher temperatures, more frequent drought, and
increased disturbances (medium confidence). The onset and magnitude of climate change
effects on water resources in forest ecosystems will vary but are already occurring in some
regions (high confidence).
Most evidence suggests that increased carbon sinks (caused by higher growth rates and more
forest area in some regions) will not be sufficient to offset higher emissions from increased dis-
turbances and enhanced release of carbon from decomposition in the future.114,168,169,170 U.S. forests
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are projected to continue to sequester carbon but at declining rates caused by land-use change
and aging forests.18 In the western United States, the aging of forests, coupled with disturbance
dynamics, is projected to diminish carbon sequestration to negligible levels by around 2050, and
some forests (for example, dry western forests with frequent fire and some eastern hardwood
forests) will likely become a carbon source.18 Younger productive forests in the eastern United
States portend high carbon uptake rates, although harvest-related emissions substantially reduce
the net effect on atmospheric carbon.
Land-use change that increases forest cover (such as cropland converted to forestland) is a major
contributor to reductions in atmospheric CO2,116 but this conversion is expected to slow in the near
future.118 The estimated net carbon flux in the United States associated with forestland conversion
is approximately zero, with gains in forestland constituting +23 teragrams (Tg) of carbon per year
and losses resulting in emissions of −23 Tg carbon per year over the last decade. The estimated
emissions constitute decades, and in some cases centuries, of accumulated carbon within forest
ecosystems, which is abruptly or gradually released to the atmosphere during conversion from
forest to nonforest land. In contrast, gains in forestland represent carbon sequestration only from
new growth of live biomass and the accumulation of newly dead organic matter over the 20 or so
years since the renewal of forest cover.
Economic conditions and population growth will affect national and global production and con-
sumption of wood products, which can temporarily sequester carbon (currently 189 Tg carbon per
year, or 8% of the global forest sink).120 Increases in wood products carbon are contingent on a
sustained or increasing rate of harvest removals of forest carbon or on a shift toward forest prod-
ucts that exist for long periods of time before they are no longer suitable for reuse or recycling. In
the United States, 76% of the annual domestic harvest input to the wood products pool in 2015 (110
Tg carbon) was offset by release processes (84 Tg carbon), yielding a corresponding net increase
in wood products of 26 Tg carbon.14 However, if harvest rates decline (as they did in 2007–2009,
during the last economic recession), net additions to wood products will likely be lower than
emissions from wood harvested in prior years.14 Looking ahead, carbon storage in wood products
is expected to increase by 7–8 Tg carbon per year over the next 25 years.171
Snowfall amount, timing, and melt dynamics are affecting water availability and stream water
quality in the western United States, where less precipitation is falling as snow and more as rain in
winter months, leading to longer and drier summer seasons.121 Furthermore, rapid opening of for-
ests in the western United States by wildfire has caused faster spring snowmelt through increased
solar radiation and decreased reflectivity of radiation from charcoal,128 leading to drier summer
conditions that offset increased water yield following a disturbance.127 The persistence of winter
snowpack in the northeastern United States has declined over the last few decades; mid-winter
thaws have become more common, and snowmelt flushing of mobilized soil nutrients into streams
has become less common, although increased variability in climate–hydrology interactions can
alter flushing.172
Major uncertainties
It is difficult to identify geographically specific changes in forest conditions at fine scales because
of high spatial variability in forest structure and function and variability in projections of climate
change and how it will affect large disturbances (drought, wildfire, insect outbreaks). Uncertainties
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about the rate and magnitude of climate change effects on carbon sequestration are moderately
high, because it is difficult to project future trends in forest cover and socioeconomic influences
on forest management (for example, demand for wood products, bioenergy). Although empirical
evidence for young trees indicates that atmospheric enrichment of CO2 can enhance tree growth,
few long-term data on mature trees are available on which to base inferences about long-term
forest productivity.173 Temporal patterns and magnitude of carbon sequestration, especially after
2050, will be affected by uncertainties related to future land-use conversions (from forests to
other uses and vice versa) and the production of wood products.
Key Message 3
Forest management activities that increase the resilience of U.S. forests to climate change
are being implemented (high confidence), with a broad range of adaptation options for
different resources, including applications in planning (medium confidence). The future pace
of adaptation will depend on how effectively social, organizational, and economic conditions
support implementation (high confidence).
In general, practices that mitigate stressors in forest and aquatic systems increase resistance (the
ability of a system to withstand a perturbation) and resilience (the ability of a system to return to
a previous state after a perturbation) to climate change.127,144 For example, restoring riparian veg-
etation helps to stabilize stream banks and provides shade to streams, thus helping to moderate
stream temperatures.127 Similarly, culvert replacement under forest roads can improve fish passage
and reduce damage from flooding events.127 Tools are now available to help in the prioritization of
aquatic and riparian habitat restoration.150
There is strong evidence that stand density management can increase forest resistance and
resilience to disturbances, including wildfire and bark beetle infestations in dry forest types. A
U.S. Global Change Research Program 254 Fourth National Climate Assessment
6 | Forests - Traceable Accounts
growing body of evidence suggests that reducing stand density in most forest types can increase
forest resilience to drought by increasing soil water availability and decreasing competition.146,148,176
Reductions in stand density, combined with hazardous fuel treatments, can increase resilience
to wildfire by reducing wildfire intensity and crown fires in western dry conifer forests and
southern conifer forests.141,145,174 Evidence also suggests that stand density management can reduce
the incidence of bark beetles and subsequent mortality in some coniferous forests (for example,
lodgepole pine forests).177 All of these practices—in addition to “firewise” practices near buildings
and infrastructure on public and private lands 178 and the use of prescribed fire where possible—
improve the resilience of organizations and communities to increased frequency of wildfire.179
Wildfire has been an important disturbance in aquatic ecosystems for millennia,180 and its frequen-
cy will increase in the future. Management responses to changing climate and fire regimes will
need to be developed in the context of how past land use impaired aquatic function. Coordinating
restoration in adjacent riparian and forest habitats can help ensure that beneficial effects of fire
are retained across the aquatic–terrestrial interface.181
Major uncertainties
Evidence for the long-term effectiveness of climate change adaptation is derived primarily from
our current understanding of how specific actions (for example, forest thinning, restoration
of riparian systems, conservation of biodiversity) sustain the functionality of terrestrial and
aquatic systems.127 Physical and biological conditions of ecosystems are constantly changing, and
interactions among multiple ecosystem stressors could have unforeseen outcomes on ecosystem
composition, structure, and function. Thus, the long-term effectiveness of adaptation actions for
increasing forest resistance and resilience to climate change is uncertain until a sufficient time
series of monitoring data is available, requiring decades of observations.
The future pace of adaptation and barriers to its implementation are also uncertain, and it is
expected that many forest management challenges will persist in the future. However, new
challenges and barriers may emerge,182 and it is difficult to predict how society and organiza-
tions will respond.
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