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EST. 2009

Spark Clothing Ltd. (scl)

The Sprit of Stylofy

SPARK CLOTHING LTD is a well-established reputed Garments buying house in Dhaka, Bangla-
desh. We have an experienced and hardworking sales, merchandising, Technical & quality con-
trol team, which can provide you with a complete service supplying quality garments at com-
pe��ve prices. SPARK CLOTHING LTD. – Management have strong integrity and accountability
with professional well experienced in this trade locally and globally with good reputa�on.
Management always having close monitoring system to track out all the buyer queries and
special focus to new accounts �ll team is building up the proper rapport.

You are warmly invited to visit our office in Bangladesh or please proceed the schedule
a �me for SPARK CLOTHING LTD management team to communicate with you.
Message from the Management
“SPARK” is a Garment buying house in Bangladesh strictly adhering to interna�onal stan-
dard of quality garments since 2009. It has been rendering widespread buying, sourcing,
producing & product development service for all apparel buyers since its incep�ons. It is
a one stop buying management house ensuring world class quality products as well as
arranging product of garments of all kind & ranges with quick turn around“SPARK” is run-
ning with well qualified , well experienced and results oriented individuals in the global
market. We ensure you to create high quality garments which can compete global market
to make sure con�nue fascina�ng journey within the new revolu�on.

We welcome you to visit our Corporate office at U�ara, Dhaka Bangladesh and as well as
associate factories with the assurance that you will certainly be sa�sfied with our perfor-
mance and working environments.

We look forward to the coming days with determina�on to remain faithful to our custom-
ers/clients. May Allah guide us and help us in every step of our profession.

- Spark Clothing Ltd

Our Locations

Spark Readymade Garments Trading

New industrial Area
Our Sourcing Locations P.O Box Bo - 9124
Ajman, UAE.
+971 6 743 4408, +97150 630 4078

Spark Clothing Ltd Spark Clothing Ltd Spark Clothing Ltd

4, Lancaster House, 43 Purvis Ave, 18 Pleasant Valley Place,
Marlborough Drive, Bushey, Po�s Hill, NSW 2143, Brampton Ontario L6S5S2,
Herts WD23 2GU, Australia Canada
United Kingdom +61 422 224 271 +1 (647) 969-9150
+07711 663433
Our Services
Supplier Iden�fica�on: Our dedicated research team con�nu-
ously iden�fies new suppliers based on their product range,
financial status, infrastructure, man power and efficiency of
management. Also, our dedicated team con�nuously updates
relevant informa�on on new manufacturers and new products
so you can get the best supplier data for your needs. Even
advanced informa�on pertaining to new varie�es of value addi-
�ons, fabric, accessories, new technology area and quota avail-
ability is also updated. You can rest assured; SPARK CLOTHING
LTD is your fresh, relevant and most advanced supplier data

SPARK CLOTHING LTD is having samples sec�on and we can
develop 25-50 pcs sample per day. We also gives you compe�-
�ve edge over other importers by providing samples. We
assure samples are developed to suit the season’s colors, fabric
and style based of our buyer’s requirements. Just tell us your
requirements and we’ll courier samples to you directly. By
offering this crucial service, we assist your marke�ng efforts in
your own country and giving you the needed edge for more
Our Services
Quality Management
SPARK CLOTHING LTD closely monitors your orders from sam-
pling to shipment. Status on sampling, produc�on and ship-
ment are send to buyers regularly. We maintain a pro-ac�ve
approach towards iden�fica�on of problem areas and correc-
�ve measures are taken immediately to ensure �mely deliver-
ies. We are dedicated to a complete customer sa�sfac�on,
and frequent repor�ng and highly responsive customer sup-
port are just our tools to your utmost sa�sfac�on!

Status Reporting
For a transparent process, status reports based on the
mul�-state inspec�ons are transmi�ed to you by fax or email.
Also, the produc�on progress is analyzed in rela�on to the
delivery terms and suitable course of ac�ons taken to ensure
goods are delivered in �me. The consignment is allowed for
shipment if only it is up to the buyers required standard. It is
easy to see that all these sourcing and management services
will not only save you �me, frustra�on and fear of the un-
known,but it will save you money!
Our Services
Quality Control / Assurance
Our Quality heads are visi�ng the factory regularly to make sure we
meet our Buyer’s requirements. Our quality control personnel are
sta�oned at all manufacturing sites to ensure that all produc�on will
meet according to buyer’s requirement. We always want to deliver
sa�sfac�on to our customers; We monitor the order from sourcing of
raw materials and accessories to produc�on and up to the final ship-
ment goods. We also monitor and report the status of the order to
the buyer with systema�c follow up on each and every stage.

Only approved goods are packed and buyer is assured of ge�ng qual-
ity merchandise. Care is also taken to see whether all packing instruc-
�on of the buyer are respected.

Shipment / Cargo Handling

All shipping documents reviewed and verified as per buyer instruc-
�on. All cargo is handled by reputable forwarder to obtain correct
Informa�on regarding ETD and ETA of vessels because �me is as
important for us as it is to the buyer.
Our Clients

We SPARK CLOTHING LTD maintains high standards of integrity, quality and techniques to creat our best to the
world class brands. We commi� to achieve our best for customers with our long Track exper�se records.
Our Products
Woven Garments
Shirts, Denim Long Pants, Twill Long Pants, Long Cargo pants, Short Cargo Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Bo�oms, Tops &
Jacket etc.

Knit Garments
T-Shirts, Polo- shirts, Legging, Jogger & Sweaters etc.

SPARK CLOTHING LTD create all kind of garment/apparel and follow buyer’s requirement.
woven category
Shirt Pant Trouser Tops

*We do all kinds of knit / woven fabrics sourced from local and foreign importers
KNIT category (circular)
T-Shirt Polo Shirt Jogger Hoodie Sweat Shirt Sports wear Active wear

*We do all kinds of knit / woven fabrics sourced from local and foreign importers
KNIT category (flat)
Pullover Cardigan Scarf poncho Hat

*We do all kinds of knit / woven fabrics sourced from local and foreign importers
Full Zip Half Zip Kangaroo pocket Padding Jacket Denim Jacket

*We do all kinds of knit / woven fabrics sourced from local and foreign importers
Corporate Hospital Hotel School & College Security

*We do all kinds of knit / woven fabrics sourced from local and foreign importers
Workwear Active wear Sport wear Cap Tie

*We do all kinds of knit / woven fabrics sourced from local and foreign importers
other category
Lingerie & Underwear Head Band Bag

*We do all kinds of knit / woven fabrics sourced from local and foreign importers
Home textile
Bath Towel/Pool Towel/Kitchen Towel/Face Towel/Hand Towel/Spa Towel/Sports Towel

Bed Sheet



*We do all kinds of knit / woven fabrics sourced from local and foreign importers
Factory Affiliation Certificates

SPARK CLOTHING LTD. is dealing with compliant factories such as with all applicable
social, ethical, environment and quality systems.

Maintaining sustainable health and safety environment in factories. It is our core and
most important task. To achieve this goal we regularly train our manpower with regards
to safety standard issues and ini�a�ng steps to increase our capacity. Our management
team is working proac�vely to improve the standards where ever it is possible.

Mission Vision Values

To grow seamlessly of fast paced To be the most chosen garment
fashion industry by ; Foster innova�on
supplier with the philosophy of
Ensuring in �me delivery with right “VALUE FOR QUALITY”.
quality garment to global market Customer sa�sfac�on
Being innova�ve, cost effec�ve and Mee�ng Deadline
globally compe��ve Commi�ng ethical business
Providing opportuni�es of growth
for all employees and improve peo-
Social Responsibility
Our Strengths


TEES & POLOS 500,000
SHIRTS 300,000
SWEATERS 300,000
WORKWEAR 100,000

We are proud to have Bangladesh top category factories with all required cer�fica�ons. Therefore we are more
strong to execu�ng orders in �me & with high Standards of produc�on, sewing kni�ng & Dying etc. We have
strong commitment to quality and our major target is to sa�sfy our clients with quality and on �me delivery.
EST. 2009

spark clothing ltd.

Contact Mahamudal Hassan – Managing Director Contact Nayani Meegoda - Business Head
+880 1712 151 180 +880 1714 999823
Email Email

Corporate Office Adddress

Address S, House- 32/C, Flat-10/C, Road-02,, info@sparktex�
Website h�ps://

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