3 R
ead the text again and choose the
correct answers.
When you scan a text, you move your eyes over the text
1 W
hat disaster does the article not mention?
quickly without reading every word. We use scanning
A an earthquake
to quickly find specific information such as dates, times,
B floods
numbers and place names.
C a hurricane
D a fire
1 Scan the text and find …
1 a nother name for drones 2 Satellites …
A can easily take photos through clouds.
B are cheaper to operate than drones.
2 a month and year
C have been used in disaster zones for about 20 years.
D send photos back more quickly than drones.
3 four places affected by hurricanes
3 W
hich piece of information is not correct?
A Drones can interfere with helicopter flights.
2 A
re these statements true or false? Quote from the
B People who organise rescue operations want all drone
text to support your answers. operators to help.
1 D rones were used to help in disaster zones before 2017. C Drones can help find people using special technology.
D Drones can determine if the landscape has moved.
4 Find words or phrases in the text that mean …
2 Mobile phone communication was good during 1 significant, important
the hurricanes.
2 when water rises very quickly in an area, usually due to very
heavy rain
3 Drone operators were slow to help the rescue teams. 3 was similar to someone or something, especially in
4 someone that still exists after an event that could have killed
or destroyed them