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Reading skills 2


Drones help in disaster zones

For the last few years, drones have been used to help in disasters, including an earthquake in China and floods in the
Philippines. However, it was not until more recently that drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), played a major role in
disaster response. In September 2017 several areas of the planet were hit by the most extreme hurricanes experienced in
recorded history. Four such areas were Texas and Florida in the USA, Mexico and Puerto Rico.
Tragically, entire communities were destroyed, thousands of people lost their homes and in many cases damage was
irreparable. The flash floods, torrential rain and high winds caused roofs to fly off, buildings to fall to the ground and cars to
float down roads that resembled rivers. People were stranded on their rooftops, without water, electricity or any mobile phone
signal. Immediately, hundreds, possibly thousands, of drone operators were ready to help and provide aerial photography to
assist rescue teams. But drones can do more than just take photographs. Using heat-imaging technology, drones can help find
survivors and they can also show changes in landscape – which, in the case of an earthquake, is vital information.
For the last two decades satellites have been used to provide visual information of disaster zones. However, satellites have
limitations. Drones are much cheaper to operate, they can provide better visual images much faster than satellites can and they
are able to take photos below the clouds, whereas satellites cannot.
There are two serious problems that can occur with drone use during a natural disaster. Amateur drone operators may have
good intentions, but their drones can get in the way of helicopters. Also, using drones during high winds means there are more
dangerous objects flying around and this increases the possibility of physical harm to rescue teams on the ground. For this
reason, official rescue authorities are likely to use only trained, licensed drone operators in disaster zones.

3 R
 ead the text again and choose the
correct answers.
When you scan a text, you move your eyes over the text
1 W
 hat disaster does the article not mention?
quickly without reading every word. We use scanning
A an earthquake
to quickly find specific information such as dates, times,
B floods
numbers and place names.
C a hurricane
D a fire
1 Scan the text and find …
1 a nother name for drones 2 Satellites …
A can easily take photos through clouds.

B are cheaper to operate than drones.
2 a month and year
C have been used in disaster zones for about 20 years.

D send photos back more quickly than drones.
3 four places affected by hurricanes
 3 W
 hich piece of information is not correct?
A Drones can interfere with helicopter flights.
2 A
 re these statements true or false? Quote from the
B People who organise rescue operations want all drone
text to support your answers. operators to help.
1 D rones were used to help in disaster zones before 2017. C Drones can help find people using special technology.
 D Drones can determine if the landscape has moved.

 4 Find words or phrases in the text that mean …
2 Mobile phone communication was good during 1 significant, important
the hurricanes. 
 2 when water rises very quickly in an area, usually due to very
 heavy rain
3 Drone operators were slow to help the rescue teams. 3 was similar to someone or something, especially in

4 someone that still exists after an event that could have killed

or destroyed them

Prospects 1 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Springer Nature Limited 2019 Photocopiable

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