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Issued May 2019


Who is it for?
UL Brand Test Tool is the most complete test tool for
Acquirers, Processors, Terminal Vendors and
Merchants that want to validate their payment devices
before connecting to the major payment networks.

Why do you need it?

All payment schemes mandate proper testing before
allowing payment devices to be connected to their
network infrastructure. The ultimate goal of these tests
is to ensure interoperability and to have an EMV-
compliant, payment association-certified terminal that
can perform trouble-free transactions within your
payment infrastructure.

UL Brand Test Tool assists you in easily and

Key benefits
successfully performing the brand testing processes
required. • One brand certification tool for all major payment
What is inside? • Always up-to-date with the latest specification
UL Brand Test Tool has all mandatory tests • On-screen user guidance when performing tests
implemented for Point of Sale (POS) terminals, Mobile • Supports all card simulations for EMV-in-transit
POS (MPOS) devices, Automated Teller Machines • Integrated with M-TIP and ADVT test processes
(ATM), Vending machines and other payment devices. • Includes UL Card Simulator and UL Card Spy
• Optional Host Simulator Module that allows you to set
It has been qualified and/or confirmed by Visa, the host configuration parameters at your discretion
Mastercard, American Express, Discover / Diners Club, • Optional Test Automation Module that allows to create
UnionPay (international and domestic) and JCB, and a fully automated terminal test environment in
by the debit networks Interac, DNA and Pulse. combination with your proprietary test environment
Test automation for payment brands Special features
Includes test cases for: - Clear user guidance support during all steps in the
- Mastercard M-TIP, contactless PayPass M-TIP test process.
and Mastercard M/Chip Fast - Card simulation without physical cards for contact,
- Visa ADVT, ADVT-qVSDC, CDET and Visa Quick contactless, and magstripe.
Chip - Allows transaction performance testing.
- American Express ICC Payment specification - Allows automatically populating the Mastercard M-TIP
(AEIPS) for contact, Expresspay for contactless Test Report and Visa CCRT XML report file.
and American Express Quick Chip - Supports all card simulation needed for testing EMV-
- UnionPay IC Card Test Guide for Acquirers in-transit, as defined by the payment brands.
- JCB Terminal Check for Implementation (TCI)
- Diners Club International Acquirer E2E
- Discover Network Acquirer E2E and Discover
Quick Chip
- Interac Terminal FTT
- DNA Terminal Certification POS Pin Debit E2E
- PULSE POS Pin Debit End-to-End and PULSE
ATM End-to-End
The latest specification versions are always supported.

Simulated cards Hardware

Simulation of cards includes: Included:
- Mastercard Card Images for contact and - UL SmartLink Box (Contact)
contactless M-TIP (Subset 1, Field Interoperability - UL SmartWave Box (Contactless)
Subset, Subset Maestro UK, Subset 6 Mastercard, or
Subset 8 PayPass and Subset M-TIP)
- UL SmartConnect (Contact and Contactless)
- Mastercard Card Images for Mastercard
Interoperability subset (confidence) cards Optional:
- Mastercard Card Images for contact and - UL SmartStripe (MagStripe)
contactless NIV (Subset 3, Subset 5 PIN
Management, Subset 6 PayPass and Subset 7
- Visa contact ADVT Card Images and contactless
CDET and ADVT-qVSDC Card Images
- American Express contact AEIPS and contactless
Expresspay Card Images
- UnionPay Card Images
- JCB (TCI) Card Images
- Diners Club Card Images
- Discover Card Images
- Interac, DNA, and Pulse Card Images
- Magnetic Stripe images for brand testing
Optional Modules
UL Host Simulator Module UL Mobile Payments Module
UL Brand Test Tool’s Host Simulator Module allows The UL Mobile Payments Module allows you to test
you to perform terminal tests using your own test whether your payment infrastructure is ready to accept
scenarios and set the host configuration parameters at mobile payments.
your discretion. The UL BTT is set up by simulating the
Card at one end and the Authorization Host at the This module simulates the behavior of mobile payment
other. The module supports protocols such as VisaNet, wallets. One of its main features is the possibility to test
Mastercard BankNet, APACS 70, ISO 8583, and how your terminal behaves when Mobile CVM is required.
AS2805. It also allows you to test whether your terminal correctly
processes mobile transactions by payment applications of
The host simulation for Visa and Discover has been major brands, such as American Express, Discover,
qualified and test results can be used as part of the Mastercard, UnionPay and VISA.
certification. For Mastercard and AmEx, the UL BTT
Host Simulator can be used for pre-certification.

UL ATM Certification Module UL Integrated Test Automation Module

The ATM Certification Module for UL Brand Test tool The UL Integrated Test Automation Module allows to
offers the best approach for Acquirers, Processors, create a fully automated terminal test environment for
and ATM Vendors for testing and certification of ATMs. terminal testing combining the power of the Brand Test
Tool with your proprietary test automation environment.
This module comes with physical cards ensuring that
the security shutter of the motorized reader does not The module is linked to your test automation environment
prevent from successful testing of a production ATM using a TCP/IP connection. The test cases implemented
using UL BTT. These cards work in conjunction with a in UL Brand Test Tool are run by triggering card
PC/SC contactless card reader. simulation using the UL SmartLink Box, UL SmartWave
Box, and/or UL SmartStripe. Your test environment is
The ATM Certification Module is qualified by instructed on which test procedure to trigger, on which
Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Diners type of magstripe card to simulate (if applicable for the
Club, UnionPay and JCB). test case), and on any POS user interface checks that
must be done. The tool evaluates test case results and
reports these results back to your Test Automation
Environment. In this way, you completely automate your
test execution.

UL Brand Test Tool for UnionPay

UL also offers a Brand Test Tool dedicated for UnionPay terminal certification. UL Brand Test Tool for UnionPay is
the most complete test tool for Acquirers, Acquirer Processors, Merchants and Terminal Vendors that want to
validate payment devices before connecting to the UnionPay payment network in China. It has all mandatory test
cases for UnionPay implemented for POS terminals for contact, POS terminals for contactless, ATM for contact and
ATM for contactless.

For your sales enquiries, please contact us at imsecurity@ul.com, visit ims.ul.com, or contact one of our resellers.
All rights reserved. It is not allowed to multiply, electronically save or publish (parts of) this document,
in any form or manner (electronically, mechanically, photocopy etc.) without written approval in advance
from UL. UL, the UL logo and the UL certification mark are trademarks of UL LLC © 2019

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