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University Identity : Ganesha University of Education

Course : English For Banking
SKS :2
Class / Semester : Ganjil
Topic : Bank Transaction
Time allowance : 2 x 50 minutes

A. Indicators
1. Find out the terms used in the bank transaction activity
2. Complete the blank space by using the correct terms used in the bank
transaction activity.
3. Role play the conversation about bank transaction.

B. Learning Objectives
1. By working individually, the students are able to find out the terms of
bank transaction based on the video given.
2. By working in pair, the students are able to complete the blank space by
using correct terms used in the bank transaction activity.
3. By working in pair, the students are able to role play the bank transaction
based on the text which has been completed.

C. Learning Material
1. Definition of Bank Transaction
Transaction banking is generally a subset of corporate banking. It
comprises service like cash management, telegraphic transfer, treasury,
and other commercial banking products. There is an activity in bank
transaction, namely saving account.
Saving account is a deposit account held at a retail bank that pays
interest but cannot be used directly as money in the narrow sense of a
medium of exchange.
2. There are some vocabularies used in the bank transaction:
- ATM: abbreviation of Automated Teller Machine: a machine,
usually in a wall outside a bank, from which you can take money out
of your bank account using a special card
- bank balance: the amount of money in a bank account. Expression:
I'd like to check my bank balance, please
- Bank charges: sums of money paid by a customer for a bank's
- Bank statement: a printed record of the money put into and
removed from a bank account
- Bounce: when a check cannot be paid or accepted by a bank
because of a lack of money in the account. Expression: I had to
pay a penalty fee when my check bounced.
- Cash (noun): money in the form of notes and coins, rather than
checks or credit cards. Expression: Do you have any cash on you?
- cash a check/cheque (verb): to exchange a check for cash.
Expression: Would you cash a check for me?
- Checkbook (US) / chequebook (UK): a book of checks / cheques
with your name printed on them which is given to you by your
bank to make payments with.
- Check (US) / cheque (UK): a printed form, used instead of money,
to make payments from your bank account. Expression: I wrote
him a check for $100.
- Credit
1. Money in your bank account.
I was relieved to see from my statement that my account was in
2. A method of paying for goods or services at a later time, usually
paying interest as well as the original money.
They decided to buy the car on credit.
- Credit card: a small plastic card which can be used as a method of
payment, the money being taken from you at a later time.
- Checking account (US) / current account (UK): a bank account that
you can take money from at any time and which usually earns little
or no interest.
- Debit: (a record of) money taken out of a bank account.
Expression: The account was in debit at the end of the month (=
more money had been spent than was in the account at that time).
- Debt: money, which is owed to someone else, or the state of owing
He managed to pay off his debts in two years.
The firm ran up huge debts.
- Deposit (US) / pay in (UK): to put money into a bank account.
Expression: If you go to the bank, will you deposit these checks for
- Direct debit: an arrangement for making payments, usually to an
organization, in which your bank moves money from your account
into the organization's account at regular times. Expression: I pay
my electricity bill by direct debit.
- Withdraw: to take money out of a bank account.
- Account number: An account number is the primary identifier for
ownership of an account, whether a vendor account, a checking
or brokerage account, or a loan account.
- Account: A bank account is a financial account maintained by
a bank for a customer.
- Savings account (US) / deposit account (UK): a bank account in
which you usually leave money for a long time and which pays you
- Money order: A money order is a payment order for a pre-specified
amount of money. As it is required that the funds be prepaid for the
amount shown on it, it is a more trusted method of payment than a
- ID: Customer ID
- Checking account: a checking account is a deposit account held at a
financial institution that allows withdrawals and deposits

3. Example of transaction activity:

A= Bank teller B= Customer

A: Howare you doing today?

B: Great. Thank you.

A: What can I do for you?

B: I need to withdraw some money.

A: How much would you like to take out?

B: I need to withdraw $300.

A: Which account would you like to take the money from?

B: I want to take it from my checking account.

A: Here you go.

B: Thank you very much.

A: Can I do anything else for you?

B: No. That'll be all.

D. Learning Method
1. Approach : Scientific approach
2. Method : Cooperative Learning
3. Techniques : Work individually, work in pair.

E. Media and Learning sources

1. Media/tools : Proyektor, power point, laptop, video, whiteboard, board
2. Learning Source:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxRBTlL2A2Q&t=66s
- https://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/vocabulary-lesson-
- https://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_banking_transactions
- https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awrxgqo4JAFdnDgAYQ73RQx.;_ylu
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHuYc49Dtu4&t=83s
F. Learning steps

Learning Time
steps Allowance

Opnening 1. The instructor greets the students 7 minutes

2. The instructor leads the pray before start the lesson
3. The instructor checks on the students’ attendance.
4. The instructor starts the lesson by give apperception,
such as:
- Have you ever gone to a bank?
- What did you do there?
5. After getting the answer from the students, the
instructor describes the learning objectives and
materials that will be discussed in learning process.
Main Observing (8 minutes)
1. The instructor shows a video about bank
2. The students are asked to watch and pay attention to
the video.
3. The students are asked to prepare some critical
questions related to the video.
Questioning (15 minutes)

1. The students are given the chance to ask some

questions regarding to the video
2. The students are asked to take a lottery related to the
video which contains of a statement from the video,
and they asked to choose fact or fake, if they are
wrong, they have to make a question related to the
3. The instructor will explain a little bit about the bank
transaction as well as the terms in it.
Exploring (25 minutes)

1. The instructor asks the students to work individually

2. The instructor plays the previous video
3. The students are asked to answer some questions related
to terms used in the video. The questions are:
- What are they talking about?
- Is the bank teller polite? Why?
- Please, list the terms used in the video as well as
its meaning! Write it by using your words!
4. The instructor and students are doing a discussion about
previous questions.
5. The students are asked to work in pair
6. Every pair is given different text of a conversation about
bank transaction.
7. The students are asked to complete the blank space by
using appropriate terms of bank transaction.
8. The instructor and students are doing a discussion
related to the questions.

Associating (15 minute)

1. The class will be divided into two groups which is

labeled as teller group and customer group.
2. The students are asked to prepare a dialogue based on
their role.

Communicating (25 minutes)

1. One student from teller group with one student from

customer group are asked to come in front of the
classroom to perform their dialogue spontaneously.
2. The teller will be given a sheet to take a note about the
customer’s information.
3. All of the students should come in front of the
classroom with different transaction.
4. The instructor gives some feedback to the students
regarding to their works.
Closing 1. Some students are asked to conclude the lesson. 5 minutes
2. The instructor gives some feedback and conclude the
3. The instructor explains the plan for the next meeting
Appendix I

Task I
1. What are they talking about?
2. Is the bank teller polite? Why?
3. Please, list the terms used in the video as well as its meaning! Write it by
using your words!

Answer Key

1. They are talking about transaction in the bank, which called as withdrawal
in which the man wants to take his money from his checking account in the
bank by using cashier’s check, but he changes his mind and move to the
money order.
2. There is no answer key because it depends on students’ perspective.
3. The terms in bank transaction are:
- Withdrawal: to take money out of a bank account
- ID: Customer ID
- Account: A bank account is a financial account maintained by
a bank for a customer.
- Checking account: a checking account is a deposit account held at a
financial institution that allows withdrawals and deposits
- Saving account: a bank account in which you usually leave money
for a long time and which pays you interest.
- Account number: An account number is the primary identifier for
ownership of an account, whether a vendor account, a checking
or brokerage account, or a loan account.
- Cashier’s check: a printed form, used instead of money, to make
payments from your bank account.
- Money order: A money order is a payment order for a pre-specified
amount of money. As it is required that the funds be prepaid for the
amount shown on it, it is a more trusted method of payment than a

Task II

Task III
Please take a role as customer or teller, then make a dialogue and perform it in
front of the class. There is the teller sheet:
Appendix II
Scoring Rubric

No Criteria Score

1 - Jawaban tepat dan benar - 25

2 - Jawaban tepat dan benar - 25

3 - Jawaban benar dan lengkap - 50

- Jawaban benar namun kurang - 25
- Jawaban salah - 0

Total score: all score earned

Task 2
No Criteria Score

1 - Jawaban benar dan lengkap - 50

- Jawaban benar namun kurang - 25
- Jawaban salah Jawaban tepat dan - 0

2 - Jawaban tepat dan benar - 25

3 - Jawaban tepat dan benar - 25

Final score = all score earned

Task 3
No Category 25 15 10
1. Content The content is quite
The content is The content is not
logical, quite
logical, interesting logical, not interesting
interesting, and quite
and matching with and not matching with
matching with the
the topic. the topic.
2. Organization The content is Sometimes the content The content is not
matching with the is not matching with matching with the
generic structure of the generic structure generic structure of
the text. of the text. the text.
3. Grammar There is no There are some Almost all of the
mistake in the mistakes in the sentence structures are
structure of the structure of some grammatically
sentences. sentences. incorrect and changes
the meaning.
4. Language The text uses the Sometimes the text The text does not use
features language component uses the incomplete the language
of the information language component component of the
report text of the information information report text
completely and report text and also and it is also
appropriate. inappropriate. inappropriate.

Score = Total of the points earned X 4

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