[RU1L1] Lesson Summary - Life in a Day

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IELTS Fighter– Chiến binh IELTS


Unit overview
The theme of this unit is daily life and how it differs across countries and cultures. From the
lives of regular people and National Geographic Explorers, students learn and discuss what
goes on in the world every day.
Reading 1 “A Day on Planet Earth”: A film documents the lives of people from
all around the world on a single day in 2010.
Reading 2 “A Day in a Life”: In an interview, three National Geographic Explorers discuss
their everyday lives and the highs and lows of their jobs.

Vocabulary box

Reading 1

English CEFR Level Phonetics Vietnamese

Communicate (v) A2 /kəmˈjunəˌkeɪt/ Giao tiếp

Connect (v) A2 /kəˈnɛkt/ Kết nối

Upload (v) A2 /ʌpˈloʊd/ Tải lên, đăng tải

Project (n) A1 /ˈprɑʤɛkt/ Dự định

Take care of (v) N/A /teɪk kɛr ʌv/ Chăm lo, chăm sóc cho ai

Produce (v) A2 /prəˈdus/ Sản xuất

Team (n) A1 /tiːm/ Đội, nhóm

Normal (adj) A2 /ˈnɔrməl/ Thông thường, bình thường

Arrive (v) A1 /əˈraɪv/ Đến

Extraordinary (adj) B2 /ɪkˈstrɔːrdəneri/ Đặc biệt

Pregnant (adj) B2 /ˈprɛgnənt/ Có thai

Monster (n) B2 /ˈmɑnstər/ Quái vật

RU1L1. Life in a Day | 1

IELTS Fighter– Chiến binh IELTS

N/A /ˈkʌlʧərəl
Cultural difference (n) Sự khác biệt trong văn hoá

Contribute (v) B2 /kənˈtrɪbjut/ Góp phần, đóng góp

A2 /dɪˈrɛktər/ -
Director (n) Đạo diễn

Find out (v) N/A /faɪnd aʊt/ Tìm ra, phát hiện ra

Reading 2
English CEFR Level Phonetics Vietnamese

During (prep) A1 /ˈdʊrɪŋ/ Trong suốt thời gian

Balance (v) B1 /ˈbæləns/ Cân bằng

Depend on (v) A2 /dɪˈpɛnd ɑːn/ Phụ thuộc vào

Realize (v) A2 /ˈriəˌlaɪz/ Nhận ra

Spend time (v) N/A /spɛnd taɪm/ Dành thời gian

Schedule (n) A2 /ˈskedʒuːl/ Lịch trình

Surprise (n) A2 /sərˈpraɪz/ Sự bất ngờ

Measure (v) B1 /ˈmɛʒər/ Đo lường

Quit (v) B1 /kwɪt/ Từ bỏ

Paperwork (n) B2 /ˈpeɪpərˌwɜrk/ Công việc giấy tờ

Laboratory (n) B1 /ˈlæbrəˌtɔri/ Phòng thí nghiệm

Nine-to-five (n) N/A /naɪn-tu-faɪv/ Giờ hành chính

Ancient (adj) A2 /ˈeɪnʧənt/ Cổ đại

Archaeological (adj) B2 /ˌɑrkiəˈlɑʤɪkəl/ Thuộc về khảo cổ học

Excavation (n) N/A /ˌɛkskəˈveɪʃən/ Sự khai quật

Tough (adj) B2 /tʌf/ Khó khăn

Strange (adj) A2 /streɪnʤ/ Lạ lùng

Professor (n) A2 /prəˈfɛsər/ Giáo sư

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IELTS Fighter– Chiến binh IELTS

Vocabulary extension

Verbs and Nouns

Some verbs ending in -t and -s can be made VERB NOUN

into nouns by adding -ion to the end of the communicate communication
word. For verbs ending in -e, spell the noun connect connection
without the -e. discuss discussion

Reading Skill

Skimming for Gist

When you skim for gist, you look at a passage quickly to find out what it basically means.
You don’t need to read every word. As you skim, pay attention to key phrases and words
such as repeated nouns. You should also look for clues found in titles, photos and subtitles
to help you understand the overall topic. Knowing the gist of a passage can help you predict
the kind of information you will learn from it.

Skimming for gist là một phương pháp tương đối hữu hiệu trong bài thi này bởi nó giúp
thí sinh có thể nắm được nội dung chính cũng như quan điểm mà tác giả muốn nếu lên
trong từng đoạn, xem tác giả đang phản đối, đồng tình hay trung lập. Hơn nữa, việc nắm
bắt được những thông tin quan trọng đó cũng quyết định xem thí sinh có nên đi sâu vào
đọc hiểu đoạn đó hay không.

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IELTS Fighter– Chiến binh IELTS

Ví dụ minh họa:

Read the article and choose the correct answer.

A special meal
Milpa Alta is a region to the south of Mexico City. It has a famous volcano – Teuhtli – and
twelve villages and towns. Milpa Alta is also famous for a traditional meal every Christmas,
called La Rejunta. The meal is part of the Christmas celebrations and it feeds huge numbers
of people. The cooks make about sixty thousand tamales. Tamales are made from corn and
have different fillings. They also make about fifteen thousand litres of hot chocolate. They
make all of this food and drink in less than one week. The meal is one of the activities for
people who go on a walk to the cave of El Señor de Chalma. It’s an important place for
people from the region at Christmas. The cave is about eighty kilometres away and the walk
begins on the 3rd of January. About 20,000 people go on the walk each year. That's 20,000
hungry people!
Every year, the organizers of the meal change. This year, Virginia Meza Torres and her
husband Fermín Lara Jiménez are the organizers, or majordomos. They waited for 14 years
to do this. Lots of people want to organize the meal because it’s a very important tradition.
They put their names on a list. At the moment, the list has names for every year until 2046.
The preparation for the meal takes a whole year. At the start of the year, men collect wood
from the forest. They store it near the home of the majordomos so that it will be dry and
ready to use. The wood burns in the fires that they use to cook the food. The farmers in the
area grow the ingredients for the meal, such as corn, meat and vegetables. Everything is
natural; there’s no ready-made food. Lots of volunteers help to cook and serve the meal.
Tradition is very important to the people of Milpa Alta, and one of the most important
activities is eating together. One woman, Josefina García Jiménez, says that sitting together
at the table shows love to your family. Everybody stays at the table after the meal finishes
and they talk, tell stories and laugh together. At Christmas, La Rejunta is like a huge family

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IELTS Fighter– Chiến binh IELTS

1. The article is about:

a. A special tradition
b. A town in Mexico
c. Farmers in Milpa Alta

Phân tích:
Tiêu đề của bài đọc là “A special meal”, như vậy, chúng ta dự đoán cả bài đọc sẽ tập trung
mô tả về một món ăn. Xuyên suốt các đoạn, tác giả tập trung làm nổi bật các đặc điểm của
“special meal”, bao gồm nơi làm món ăn đó, nguyên liệu, cách thức chế biến và tại sao món
ăn này lại đặc biệt, nhấn mạnh vào tính chất truyền thống của nó, cụ thể “a traditional meal”,
“Lots of people want to organize the meal because it’s a very important tradition”, “Tradition is
very important to the people of Milpa Alta, and one of the most important activities is eating
Như vậy, chọn đáp án a. A special tradition là phù hợp nhất để thể hiện nội dung cả bài.

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