OS Question Bank 2nd IoT

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Year & Semester: II – I Branch: IoT

Name of the Subject: Operating systems Subject Code: MR23-1CS0512
Name of the Faculty: R.RAJASEKHAR Section: alpha

1. Explain different operating system structures with neat sketch?
2. What are the basic functions/Services of the O S ?
3. What you mean as systems calls in OS? Explain the various types of system calls with
4. Discuss the essential properties of the followingtypes of systems,
i) Time sharing systems ii) Multi-processor systems iii) Distributed systems
5. Discuss about the evolution of virtual machines. Also explain how virtualization could be
implemented in operating systems
6. What id Interprocess communication on OS? How message passing is used in IPC.
7. Explain dining philosopher’s problem.
8. Distinguish among short-term, medium-term and long-term scheduling with suitable example
9. Write about the various CPU scheduling algorithms?
10. Suppose that the following processes arrive for
Execution at the times indicated. Each process will
Run the listed amount of time. In answering the
questions, use non-preemptive scheduling and
base all decisions on the information you have at
the time the decision must be made.

Process Arrival Time Burst Time

P1 0.0 8
P2 0.4 4
P3 1.0 1

a. Find the average turnaround time for these

Processes with the FCFS scheduling algorithm?

b. Find the average turnaround time for these

Processes with the SJF scheduling algorithm?
c. Find the maximum waiting time
1. What you mean as process synchronization? Explain the classical problems of synchronization?
2. What are critical sections? Why mutual exclusion required? Explain any 2 methods of achieving mutual
exclusion in detail.
3. Explain Peterson’s solution for achieving mutual exclusion
4. Define semaphores? Explain in detail about various types of semaphores?
5. What is semaphore? Discuss product-consumer problem with semaphore.
6. What is monitor? Explain solution for producer-consumer problem using monitor. Explain monitors in
7. Explain in detail about BANKERS Algorithm?
8. What you mean as deadlocks in OS? Explain in detail about deadlock prevention and
9. What is Deadlock and what are its four necessary conditions?
10. Explain the following term related to IPC: a) Race condition b) critical region c) Mutual exclusion
11. Write about deadlock prevention and avoidance with its techniques?


1. When page faults will occur? Describe the actions taken by operating system during page fault.
2. Explain about the difference between internal fragmentation andexternal fragmentation.
3. Explain the Following: a) segmentation. B) contiguous memory allocation
4. When does a page fault occur? Explain various page replacement strategies/algorithms.
5. What do you mean as page replacement? Explain various page replacement algorithms in
6. Explain the page following a) Demand paging b)page fault c)segmentation
7. Explain in detail about the virtual memory and its implementation concept in OS?
8. Explain following allocation algorithm.
a. First fit
b. Best fit
c. Worst fit
d. Next fit
9. What is paging? Discuss basic paging technique in details.
10 explain the Linux Architecture with neat diagram?
11 Explain vi editor with its modes and vi editor commands?


1. Give the function of “Shell” in Linux Operating System

2. Explain various types of shells in detail?
3. Explain File and Directory Management of Linux Operating System?
4. Explain the Linux commands:cat,grep,sort,wc ,ls
5. Explain the commands in Linux:Tee,who,man ,rm
6. Give the role of “Kernel” and “Shell” in LINUX.
7. Give the functions of following LINUX commands: cat, cp, pwd
8. Write a shell script to find greater number out of 3 numbers
9. Explain in detail about pipes and filters in LINUX?
10. Explain the following in LINUX: a)concatenating files b)display beginning ,end of files
11. Explain the following in LINUX a) command line editing b) command execution c) command

1. Explain in detail about Linux file management and also explain its commands: create, open,
close, rename, read, write, link and unlink
2. Discuss about directory API in Linux with its commands like: opendir, readdir, closedir,
mkdir, rmdir
3. Write about following commands: stat,fstat,chmod,chown
4. Explain Files and Directory Management in Linux Operating System
5. Discuss about system calls for file management on LINUX?
6. Explain in detail about file locking in Linux?
7. What are the different types of files and file attributes?
8. What are the different file management commands in the command prompt or terminal?
9. What is the difference between a hard link and a symbolic link?
10. Explain the following file operation in LINUX
A) Copy the file
b) Accessing the file content
c) Rename files
d) counting the number of words
e) Deleting the files from directory


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