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1. What is real time systems, its characteristics and explain the different type of real time
system with an example

2. Explain the characteristics of Stand-alone system, real time system, real time operating
system and General OS and explain when to choose which one for an application?

3. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of OS based system over non OS based system.
Also mention 2 examples for OS based and Non OS based embedded systems

4. Mention the difference between Monolithic and modular OS with an example to each

5. Explain the different component in hardware mandate for a Stand Alone embedded system
and RTOS based embedded system

6. With a diagram explain different layers of embedded system with components

in each layer and explain the functionalities of each layer

7. Explain the hard, firm and soft real time system with example

8. Difference between general purpose and real time operating system

9. Difference between OS and Non-OS Embedded System

10. Explain the difference between

I. Hard real time system v/s Soft real time system

II. General OS v/s RTOS
III. OS based v/s Stand alone based system
IV. Cooperative v/s Non preemptive Multitasking

11. Mention 4 example for embedded OS (RTOS)

12. Explain the different components of embedded system

13. Mention 4 example for embedded OS (RTOS)

14. What is RTOS, mention its characteristics, Mention 2 RTOS used in automotive industry

15. Explain the following

- System call



- Hardware Abstraction layer

16. Explain the need and implementation of multitasking

17. Name any 4 embedded systems in automotive domain?

18. Give any 4 examples of modules of automobile where RTOS is used


1. Explain briefly about OSEK/VDX standard

2. Provide a brief overview about OSEK/VDX OS

3. Explain briefly about different services offered by OSEK/VDX OS

4. Explain briefly about Task management services offered by OSEK/VDX OS

5. What are Basic Task and Extended Task in OSEK?

6. Explain Basic Task and Extended Task in OSEK.

7. Give OSEK conformance class details

8. Explain different scheduling policies available in OSEK/VDX OS

9. Explain about counters and alarms with respect to OSEK/VDX OS

10. How OSEK is different from normal RTOS

11. Give OSEK components/ block diagram and explain

12. Explain Premptive and Non Premptive scheduling in OSEK

13. Explain the difference between RTOS and OSEK stage diagram

14. Give details of the PCB WRT RTOS

15. MAP ISO layers with OSEK COM Layer

16. Give examples of OSEK in automotive domains

17. Explain Transmission modes with respect to OSEK COM layer

18. Explain Deadline Monitoring with respect to direct transmission Mode

19. Explain Deadline Monitoring with respect to Periodical transmission Mode

20. Explain Deadline Monitoring with respect to Mixed transmission Mode

21. Explain briefly about OSEK/VDX time triggered operating system and OSEK/VDX fault
tolerant communication.

22. Explain layered model of OSEK/VDX with figure

23. Explain the different transmission modes in message transmission of OSEK COM

24. Explain the services and functionality requirements of the message transmission of
Interaction Layer (IL) of OSEK com

25. Explain layered model of OSEK/VDX with OSEKtime OS

26. Relationship between OSEK OS and OSEKtime OS

27. Explain the different attributes of TASK object in OSEK OIL

28. Explain following OIL objects: ALARM, RESOURCE,EVENT


1. What is multitasking and its advantages

2. What is context switching and Explain the role of scheduler, timer and dispatcher in
context switching?

3. Differentiate between a Process and a Program?

4. Explain the process management and mention different states in process management

5. Describe different sub-states of block / wait states and difference between them

6. Explain, threads, process, task and difference between them

7. Explain PCB WRT to RTOS

8. Differentiate between a Process and a Thread.

9. Explain Priority based scheduling with example

10. Explain Shortest Job First scheduling policy with example

11. Explain First come First serve scheduling policy with example

12. Explain Round Robin scheduling policy with example

13. Explain shared memory based IPC with merits and de merits of the same

14. What is the need of Inter process communication in a Multitasking environment? Explain
with an Example?
15. What is IPC? Briefly describe the different IPC mechanisms adopted by various operating
16. Briefly Explain mailbox concept?

17. Differentiate between message passing and shared memory concept?

19.Explain message queue and Pipes for IPC? What are merits and demerits of the same?

15. What is Mutex? Explain how it can be used to implement mutual exclusion

16. Explain the concept of priority inversion by an example and draw the timing diagram of
the example to illustrate

17. Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU burst

given in milliseconds:

Process BurstTime Priority

P1 2 2
P2 1 1
P3 8 4
P4 4 2
P5 5 3

The processes are assumed to have arrived in the order P1, P2, P3, P4, P5,

all at time 0

I. Draw four Gantt charts that illustrate the execution of these

processes using the following scheduling algorithms: FCFS, SJF,
nonpreemptive priority (a larger priority number implies a higher
priority), and RR (quantum = 2)

II. Which of the algorithms results in the minimum average waiting

time (over all processes)?

18. Discuss how the following pairs of scheduling criteria conflict in certain settings

I. CPU utilization and response time

II. Average turnaround time and maximum waiting time
III. I/O device utilization and CPU utilization

19. Mention the difference between sleep and suspend state

20.Explain different scheduling criteria and optimization criteria for scheduler

21. Describe in detail the actions taken by a kernel to context-switch between processes with
an example

22. Explain the relation between different states of process with state diagram

23. Explain the following

I. Dispatcher and its importance

II. Round robin scheduler and its advantages and disadvantages
III. What is Semaphore? Explain different types of semaphore?
IV. What is deadlock? Explain with an example conditions favoring deadlock?
V. What is the difference between Semaphore and Mutex?

24. What is task synchronization? What is the role of task synchronization in IPC?

25. Explain priority inversion and priority inheritance with an example?

26. Explain events and signals

27. Explain Remote procedure calls

28. Explain Sockets

29. Explain the scheduler and basic scheduler criteria

30. Discuss different states of process and relation between them

31. Define CPU utilization, Throughput, Turnaround time, Waiting time and Response time
with respect to RTOS scheduler?

32. How many instructions can a CPU execute at an instance, and where are the instructions
fetched from?

33. Give different sub-states available under the wait state (Process managements) and give 2
line description for these sub-states

UNIT 4-Network Management

1. Explain the scope of OSEK Network Management

2. Explain the following

I. OSEK Direct NM
II. OSEK Indirect NM
3. With diagram explain logical ring Node monitoring concept in Direct NM

4. Explain Node addressing in direct Network management

5. Explain NM infrastructure for data exchange with a neat diagram.

6. Explain the Procedure for bringing up an OSEK/VDX OS based system.

7. Explain briefly about OIL.

8. How to create boot code for a microcontroller?

9. Explain following in indirect NM

 Addressing

 Monitoring mechanism

10. Explain Simplified state transition diagram of the direct NM

11. Explain Simplified state transition diagram of the indirect direct NM


1. Explain briefly with a block diagram, typical cross-platform development methodology

followed in embedded systems development.

2. Explain the Process of image (executable) file Creation for the target system from C
Source files.

3. Explain in detail about object file format.

4. Explain in detail about Linker command file

5. State the different approaches used to transfer the image from the host to the target system?

6. Write a note on

a. Boot loader

b. Embedded monitor

c. Target debug agent.

7. Explain Typical Target system Boot process.

8. Explain Target System Software Initialization Sequence

9. Explain with a diagram, the boot sequence for an image running from ROM.

10. Explain with a diagram, the boot sequence for an image running from RAM after transfer
from the ROM.

11. Explain with a diagram, the boot sequence for an image running from RAM after transfer
from the Host.

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