By Yifeng, Wei
The aim for this experiment is to measure the effect of damping resistance on a series
C-L-R circuit by observing and recording changes in amplitude and phase variation in
relation to different levels of damping. Response of an oscillating electrical system is
investigated by altering the frequency of the driving stimulus which is measured as a
function of damping. Experiment apparatus is set up as shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1: C-L-R Circuit Design
Resonance occurs when the driving voltage takes the circuit close enough to its
natural frequency. When resonance occurs, amplitude tends to increase to a
maximum. Hence, one way to determine the resonant frequency is to find the
frequency value at which amplitude peaks. The response of the circuit can be
examined by recording frequency at which amplitude is at a maximum and changing
between high and low resistors. Voltage across any component in the circuit can be
used to describe the response of the circuit, in this case, voltage across capacitor is
considered. Voltage drop across the capacitor is measured using the oscilloscope
shown in Figure 1. Theoretical value of the resonant frequency is given by
2 2 1 R (Equation 1). Natural frequency with zero resistance is given
ω =(2 πf ) = − 2
LC 2 L
by ω 0= (Equation 2).
√ LC
Measuring the phase angle difference between the voltage across capacitor and the
driving voltage is another method to examine the response of the circuit. Phase shift
values can be obtained from the oscilloscope directly. Relation between phase
difference and damping and angular frequency is given by tan ( φ )=
(ωL−1 /ωC)
(Equation 3).
In this experiment, the quality factor, Q-factor, is also investigated. Q-factor describes
the sharpness of the curve of voltage across capacitor against frequency, and it is
given by Q= 1 L (Equation 4). From the equation, we can assume an inversely
proportional relationship between the value of Q and the amount of damping. Hence,
a higher Q value indicates a lower resistance and less energy loss in the circuit.
A detailed figure that demonstrates how to connect the cables between components on
a breadboard and the oscilloscope is shown below is Figure 2:
Graph 1below demonstrates plotted data points of amplitude in volts against angular
frequency ω .
Graph 1: Amplitude of Voltage Across Capacitor Against Frequency
Maximum values for amplitudes for both resistors can be located on the graph as well
as the corresponding frequency value.
Experimental values agree with the predicted values to a great extent with only minor
differences. For the smaller resistance of approximately 503Ω , the peak amplitude
appears at around 16.2 ×104 rad −1, which is about 2 5.8 ±0.0 6 kHz. For the larger
resistance of approximately 1519Ω , the peak value appears at around 15.1 ×104 rad −1,
which is about 2 4.1 ± 0.08 kHz . The theoretical natural frequency calculated using
The experimental value obtained from the graph is very close to the predicted value
calculated using Equation 1. As the results indicate, amplitude of voltage with small
resistance is significantly higher than that of large resistance, which is in accordance
with the theory that amount of damping is proportional to value of resistance.
Graph 2: Phase Angle Against Frequency
Graph 2 illustrates how relative phase angles for both different levels of damping vary
as frequency is being increased.
We can see that the two lines intersect when ω is about 16. 9 ×104 rad −1 and at an
angle of approximately φ=π /2. The data quantitatively agrees with the original
theory, so it can be assumed that experimental error was kept low enough.
The Q-factor in this experiment is also investigated. For small resistance, Q value is
calculated to be Q1=5.3 ± 0.0 3. For large resistance, Q value is calculated to be
this also agrees with the theory that Q should be larger and more accurate for higher
damping. Components in the circuit are built with resistive materials, so there is a
very small amount of resistance that was not taken into account during the
experiment. When damping from the resistor is high enough, the resistance that is not
accounted for becomes a significantly small portion of a relatively large overall
In this experiment, it is evident that the amount of damping in the circuit is directly
dependent on the amount of resistance. As frequency gets close to the natural
frequency of the circuit, resonance occurs and amplitude of voltage across
components in the circuit begins to increase dramatically.
Minor differences between experimental results and theoretical values can be found
due to “hidden resistance” in the circuit. Components in the circuit and even cables
are built with resistive materials, hence these components have inherent resistance
that has not been taken into account in this experiment. I would suggest considering
and determining the true value of the “hidden resistance” if this experiment was to be
repeated or further investigated.
Another possible source of error is human error. When recording relative phase angle
variations from the oscilloscope at different frequencies, the numbers shown on the
screen were fluctuating continuously and rapidly. Degree of fluctuation seemed to be
more prominent when frequency was set below the resonant frequency. The only way
was to capture estimated figures with naked eye. The same general pattern as
predicted by theory still emerged in this experiment, although accuracy of data figures
could be improved by repeating the procedures more times. Uncertainty of data
results can also be reduced using certain python codes to calculate error bar.