Muhammad Hussaini Proposal_092740
Muhammad Hussaini Proposal_092740
Muhammad Hussaini Proposal_092740
1.0 Introduction
In developing countries, farming is considered as the major source of revenue for many people.
In modern years, the agricultural growth is engaged by several innovations, environments,
techniques and civilizations. In addition, the utilization of information technology may change
the condition of decision making and thus farmers may yield the best way. For decision making
process, data mining techniques related to the agriculture are used. Data mining is a process of
extracting the most significant and useful information from the huge number of datasets.
Nowadays, we used machine learning approach with developed in crop or plant yield prediction
since agriculture has different data like soil data, crop data, and weather data. Plant growth
prediction is proposed for monitoring the plant yield effectively through the machine learning
techniques. It is also applicable for the automated process of farming is the beginning of a new
era in Maiduguri that will be suitable for the farmers who seek experts to take suggestion about
the appropriate crop on specific location of their land and don’t want to forget any step of the
cultivation throughout the process. Although, the opinion from experts is the most convenient
way, this application is designed to give accurate solution in fastest manner possible. This
research’s main objective is to bring farming process a step closer to the digital platform.
Agriculture is an economic activity that has a high dependency on weather conditions. This
means that seasonal agriculture is dependent on natural weather conditions, also known as
rainfed agriculture. Rainfed agriculture constitutes 80% of the cropland worldwide and generates
good yields when crops have favorable weather conditions. In many lands where rainfall is
scarce, rainfed agriculture is supplemented by irrigation practices. The fact still remains that
agricultural production is heavily reliant on rainfall and other weather variables. It is such the
case that at times, farmers do not acquire the expected harvest due to the scarcity or abundance
of rainfall and other weather parameters. Climate change has a great impact on the productivity
of agriculture and may lead to hunger or food insecurity. The latter is a crucial problem in the
regions characterized by droughts or other weather-related disasters. Climate variables that affect
crop production include precipitation, air temperature, humidity, and solar radiation. Different
studies have shown that climate indices at both global and regional levels affect crop yields and
food security. In their study, Damien et al. found that the reduced crop yields could be associated
with either high temperature or abundant precipitation. Extreme temperature has negative effects
on crop production due to various factors such as increased evapotranspiration and respiration of
crops, and higher pest infestation. Increased precipitation intensity leads to increased runoff
patterns that in turn cause floods and the risk of crop failure. Crop productivity can also be
affected by the increased temperature that causes the increase in crop water demand. In all
scenarios, climate change has a potential impact on agriculture in different ways. Although the
climate variables may be the same for a specific area, however, the needs of weather parameters
are different from one crop to another according to their growing stage. This means that each
crop has a different level of resilience to the atmospheric variables. When weather variables
spike at an extreme level, a remarkable influence on crop production will be observed (2003).
The influence of climate change on agriculture can be observed everywhere. For example, from
March to August 2018, a large portion of Europe experienced extreme temperatures, while the
southern region of the continent experienced abundant rainfall (2005). In the context of
Maiduguri, climate change and its impacts on agriculture have been a challenge to the country in
some provinces that have faced long dry season or high rainfall. In 2016, the drought left 44,000
poor households food insecure in the eastern province between 2012 and 2016, landslides,
floods, and erosion harmed agriculture production in areas with steep slopes and heavy rainfall,
resulting in a 1.4% loss of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to the assessment carried
out by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), more than 3000 families
in the Eastern Province (Kayonza, Kirehe, and Nyagatare districts) faced hunger due to the
drought in (2017). The analysis of the variability in rainfall shows that rainy seasons tend to be
shorter with higher intensity and that tendency has an impact on crop yields due to droughts,
landslides, and floods. In its seasonal agriculture survey, the National Institute of Statistics of
Maiduguri (NISM) indicated that insufficient rainfall is the biggest factor that has a high
contribution to the bad harvest in Rwanda. In addition, the annual reports published by this
institution indicate that the seasonal harvest varies from one crop to another in the respective
agriculture seasons depending on the various circumstances including weather conditions. In
order to overcome the problems related to the variation of weather conditions on crops, various
solutions have been proposed in different studies. The investigation conducted by Safieh et al.
indicated that climate change has the impact on the crop water requirements as well as the
predicted crop yields in the future based on weather forecast data (2017). The study conducted
on the impact of extreme weather conditions on the different regions of Europe showed that the
most reliable weather predictors of agricultural production are rainfall and air temperature and
their respective thresholds. Precipitation and air temperature are the most common climatic
parameters used in many studies. However, other parameters such as solar radiation, air
humidity, soil moisture, and wind speed have been used to predict crop yields using different
machine learning models (MLM) such as the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Semi parametric
Neural Network (2013), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) (2014,2015), Lasso, Kernel
Ridge, Enet (2016), Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor (2017), Recurrent Neural Network
(RNN), Long short-term memory (LSTM) (2018), and Random Forest (2017,2019). In
Maiduguri, various studies have been carried out with focus on predicting yields of different
crops. In (2020), Rugimbana applied the Aqua Crop model to predict maize yields under rainfed
agriculture in Eastern province of Rwanda. The author carried out a trend analysis on climatic
parameters such as maximum and minimum temperatures, rainfall, evapotranspiration and maize
yield. Among the findings was that rainfall trend had non-significant impact on yield over the
study area within the considered study period.
Crop yield varies from year to year making crop management difficult and affecting food
security. This research aims to find the factors that affect the production of staple crops in
regions with deserted and semi-arid climate in Maiduguri and predict their yield.
It aims to address food security challenges as well as provide a ground for which farmers and
policy makers could use to make informed decisions related to field operations, crop and
resource management, import and export strategies, and crop prices.
This project when completed have the ability to harness data-driven insight to optimize
agricultural practice, improve decision making, and ultimately enhance food production and
security in the region.
and Pre-
nt, Testing
Report and
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