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title:Web Based Ethiopian Health centers location
and Health Information provider

Ethiopian ministry of health gives information to the public via
sustaining and this is
sometimes it costly and time taking even information was late.
Depending on the current
Problems a new system developed that is time effective, fast in
performance and
Economically efficient. The system contains specialized
functions. The main functions
handled by this system View Information, Add Information
about disease, Add
Information about Health Centers, Update Disease and health
centers, Manage user
accounts, Include question answering, Online user registration,
Providing location
services of health centers with distance that which are far from
the current location
where the user is located and providing routing services.
We used Object Oriented System Analysis (OOSA) approach to
develop the analysis
stage of the project. In designing the proposed system, we have
used Object Oriented
System Design (OOSD). To develop the proposed system, the
project team used different
systems, development tools. WAMP used to develop the web
application. The generation
of client side web service developed with HTML, PHP and CSS.
The proposed system uses
MySQL database management system to store and retrieve
1. Statement of Problem
There are problems in the MOH that need solutions. Some of
those problems are: -
 Lack of information about Health center: - The current
systems has an
impedance of creating a cognizance of information about
hospitals, but our
system will hold information about the hospitals in Ethiopia like
their location,
telephone, some description about the hospital current status,
email and so on.
Therefore, since Ethiopian peoples are in the habit of using the
internet and there
is easy access to it too, with our system people of Ethiopia will
have the best and
reliable information.
 Difficulties in finding a suitable health center and their
location: - Some
health centers are known by their specialization in a certain
area, but there is no
mechanism that peoples know the exact location of a certain
health center and
their specialized area, but our system will try to represent those
health centers

with their performance that they are known with and their
exact locations by
using a map.
 Lack of emergency contact of hospitals: -There is always
the possibility of
person forgetting place of the emergency contacts of the health
centers. Trying to
find the emergency contact takes time and this will be
sometimes the reason for
putting people’s life in danger. But, in our system we will
include all emergency
contacts of all the possible emergency contacts of the health
 Lack of knowledge about first aid: - In a day to day activity
of peoples there
may be an accident that happens. So, knowing how to handle
those incidents is
the most important thing because lack of first aid may lead to
more complicated
problems and even it may lead to death. Therefore, our system
provide first aid
information in a more organized form.

1.2 Objective of the Project

1.3.1 General Objective
The general objective of this project is to design and develop
Web-based Ethiopian health
center location and health information provider system.
1.2.1 Specific objective
The specific objectives of this project are to:
 To collect data.
 To analysis the collected data.
 To identify the problems of existing systems.
 To model and develop new system.
 To design a system that solves existing problems.
 To design a user friendly interface.
 To implement and test the system.
1.3 Methodology for the project
1.3.1 Fact finding techniques
We gather the information’s using the following techniques:-
 Interview: - We have interviewed professionals on the
subject and the
commsunity that uses the system for more reliable and
relevant development of the
We interview some health professionals in Aksum University as
well as we use
telephone interviewing techniques like how to give first aid
pregnancy tips,
healthy foods.
 Observation: -Other than interview we have used the
observation technique.
 Document analysis: To get information about the
background of the system
project team review necessary documents, annual reports,
books that support this
project and internet for explanation about some word
definitions and for searching
1.3.2 System Analysis and Design Methodology
project in the future (Hawryszkiewycz, 1994) Among the
different methodologies available, we use object oriented
methodologies for the analysis and design of the system. Object
oriented methodology enables us to represent complex
relations among different objects and represent data and
process with
consistent notation throughout the system. An important
feature such as inheritance, Polymorphism, data hiding and
encapsulation suits are going to be used in our design Very
well. This improves the communication among customers,
analyzers, designers and Programmers. It also increases
consistency among analyzer, designer, implementation
And testing. Moreover, it allows the reusability of the code
which will help to enhance the Iterative model development
methodology Will be used to develop the system.
In the Iterative model, iterative process starts with a simple
implementation of a small seen the Iterative model, iterative
process starts with a simple implementation of a small set
of the software requirements and iteratively enhances the
evolving versions until the
complete system is implemented and ready to be deployed.
An iterative life cycle model does not attempt to start with a
full specification of requirements. Instead, development begins
by specifying and implementing just part of
the software, which is then reviewed to identify further
requirements. This process is then repeated, producing a new
version of the software at the end of each iteration of the
We select an iterative approach because it has the following
 Parallel development can be planned.
 Less costly to change the scope/requirements.
 Testing and debugging during smaller iteration is easy.
 Risks are identified and resolved during iteration; and
each iteration is an
easily managed milestone.
 It supports changing requirements.
 During the life cycle, software is produced early which
customer evaluation and feedback.
Requirement analysi
1.3.3 Implementation Methodology
Hardware tools
 Personal computer(PC)
Hard Disk 500GB
CPU 3.5 GHz
 Flash 8 GB
Software Tools
 Web browser: Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, opera and
other web browsers.
 Operating system : Any windows platforms.
 Adobe Photoshop: for editing images and icons for the
interface of the system.
 WAMP Server.
 Notepad++ editor
 Microsoft office.
 Visio 2013 and Edraw max 7.9.
1.3.4 Testing methodology
Our project will be tested using the following system testing
 Unit testing: - Each module will be test separately and
often performed by the
coder himself simultaneously along with the coding of the
module. The purpose is to test all independent paths were
exercised to ensure that all statements in the module have
been executed correctly and all error-handling paths were
tested. For instance, we will test the sign up module
independently and manage accountsmodule independently. At
the end of this testing phase each module code will be tested.
 Integration Testing: - Integration testing is a systematic
technique for the program structure while at the same
time concluding tests to uncover errors
associated with interface. All modules are combined in this
testing step. Then the
entire program is tested as a whole. Each of the module is
integrated and tested separately and later all modules are
tested together for some time to ensure the
system as a whole works well without any errors. For instance,
we will testweather sign up module was matched with manage
account module or not.
 System Testing: - The system will be tested against the
system requirement to see whether the entire
requirements meet and whether the system performs as
specified by the requirement.
 Functional testing: is software testing process used within
software development In which software is tested to
ensure that it conforms to all requirements.
Functional testing is a way of checking software to ensure that
is has all the required functionality that’s specified within its
functional requirements (Mathur,
2007). All functionality of the proposed system will be tested by
providing appropriate input, verifying the output and
comparing the actual results with the expected result. This
testing involves checking of user interface, Database, security,
client/server application and functionality of the application
under test
1.4 Significance of the Project
The Web-based application which we intend to develop creates
awareness to its users by providing different kinds of tips about
health problems. This web based health information provider
and location service application allows anyone to get health
related tips within a few seconds. This indeed has the power to
improve people’s awareness inthe area. The application
installed on the appropriate device, can get all the information
they need regarding their desired health related issues using a
computer. Our project will Help for ministry of health to
minimize time and cost for employers, who works in rural
area to create awareness for the people. The project also is
helpful to our group members, as experience in developing
other web-based application and we get awareness from the

1.5 Scope of the Project

The scope of this project is to develop Web-based Ethiopian
health center locator and health information provider. The
following points are scopes of our project:
 Adding and updating disease information, health casters
information and first aid information.
 Giving important health related information.
 The system supports both Amharic and English languages.
 Providing pregnancy t ips.
 Online users and health expert registration to access the
 providing locations of health centers and clinics with their
distance from initial point and routing service to the
 Providing some disease information.
 Providing first aid information with procedure.
 Providing information about health centers in Ethiopia.
 Question and answer about health….
 Writing and viewing comments.
1.7 Conclusion
This project which has two phases; the first phase concerned
with the analysis phase of the life cycle, the design phase and
the next phase is about implementation. As the end of the first
phase, we need to review that we have covered in accordance
with what we have planned at the beginning.

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