Examination Management Syste
Examination Management Syste
Examination Management Syste
The scope of the project is the system on which the software is installed, i.e. the project is
developed as a desktop application, and it will work for a particular institute. But later on the
project can be modified to operate it online.
Examination Management System basically has two main modules for proper functioning
First module is admin which has right for creating new examination cell for new batch
and update student results.
Second module is handled by the user which can be a faulty or an operator. User has a
right to see the results.
The main purpose of the online examination program is that it allows companies/institutions to
perform examinations to any number of applicants at once, in a computerized manner. It
decreases enough time intake and amount of work that exist in the current program of evaluation.
It also allows in saving the record of each evaluation and the results are also saved in the
program. This makes the seeking of the information easier than the current program.
Examination Management System is very useful for Educational Institute to prepare an exam,
safe the time that will take to check the paper and prepare mark sheets. It will help the Institute to
testing of students and develop their skills. But the disadvantages for this system, it takes a lot of
times when you prepare the exam at the first time for usage. And we are needs number of
computers with the same number of students.
The effective use of "Examination Management System", any Educational Institute or training
centers can be use it to develop their strategy for putting the exams, and for getting better results
in less time.
Objectives Of the Project
The primary objective of the program is to effectively assess the applicant thoroughly through a
completely automated system that not only helps you to save a lot of time but also gives quick
outcomes. It is a cost-effective and well-known indicates of mass- assessment program.
Corporate between the data stored in the server of the Institution and our On-line Exam system.
To deal with On-line System in an easy way and an efficient mannered. (connection process)
Create strong and secrete data base that allow for any connection in a secret way, to prevent any
outside or inside attacks.
Specify a privilege for each person to allow each person use this system to create his own exam.
And have a complete control on his exam.
Allow each person to create more than one exam with different way to create variant questions.
Student Registration is the first process . As the part of the registration, the student has to
enter his name, address etc into the registration form. After the registration, make the question
papers and it will give to the prospective student. The question papers contain total mark,
subject, duration, question paper etc.
A group of person does evaluation of answer sheet. After the evaluation of the Answer
sheet , the result is published. And also make the mark list.
Feasibility is a measure of how beneficial the development of the information system will
be to an organization. This is done by investigating the existing system in the area under
investigation or generally ideas about a new system. It is a test of a system proposal according to
its workability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs, and effective use of
Three key considerations are involved in the feasibility analysis: economic, technical, and legal.
Economic feasibility:
Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the
effectiveness of a proposed system. It is more commonly known as cost benefit analysis, the
procedure to determine the benefits and saving that are expected from a candidate system and
compare them with costs. If the benefits outweigh costs then a decision is made to design and
implement the system. Otherwise make alterations in the proposed system.
The innovation of the new system has much influence on the economical side of the
company. Manuel system is highly cost driven due to the high labor costs. So if a company
registers with the Online_Examination site, they can automate their day-to-day activities. Thus
the system is economically feasible.
Technical feasibility:
In examining Technical feasibility of the system, more importance is given to the
hardware interaction part of the system. The assessments of technical feasibility centers on the
existing system and to what extent it can support the proposed addition. This was based on an
outline design of system requirements in turns of inputs, files, programs, procedures, and staff. It
These are the important features of the project Courier Management System:
In computer system the person has to fill the various forms & number of copies of the
forms can be easily generated at a time.
In computer system, it is not necessary to create the Manifest but we can directly print it,
which saves our time.
It contains better storage capacity.
Accuracy in work.
Easy & fast retrieval of information.
Well-designed reports.
Decrease the load of the person involve in existing manual system.
Access of any information individually.
Work becomes very speedy.
Easy to update information.
Feasibility Study:
After doing the system study and analyzing all the existing or required functionalities of the
system, the next task is to do the feasibility study for the project. All projects are feasible - given
unlimited resources and infinite time.
Feasibility study includes consideration of all the possible ways to provide a solution to the given
problem. The proposed solution should satisfy all the user requirements and should be flexible
enough so that future changes can be easily done based on the future upcoming requirements.
A. Economical Feasibility
This is a very important aspect to be considered while developing a project. We decided
the technology based on minimum possible cost factor.
All hardware and software cost has to be borne by the organization.
Overall we have estimated that the benefits the organization is going to receive from the
proposed system will surely overcome the initial costs and the later on running cost for system.
B. Technical Feasibility
This included the study of function, performance and constraints that may affect the
ability to achieve an acceptable system. For this feasibility study, we studied complete
functionality to be provided in the system, as described in the System Requirement Specification
(SRS), and checked if everything was possible using Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Access.
C. Operational Feasibility
No doubt the proposed system is fully GUI based that is very user friendly and all inputs
to be taken all self-explanatory even to a layman. Besides, a proper training has been conducted
to let know the essence of the system to the users so that they feel comfortable with new system.
As far our study is concerned the clients are comfortable and happy as the system has cut down
their loads and doing.
System Requirements:
Software Requirement:
Visual Basic 6.0
MS Access
Windows 2000, XP, 7 etc
Hardware Requirements:
Processor Pentium IV or higher version.
Ram 128 MB or above
Hard Disk 150 MB or above
Project Category:
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) : This is an RDBMS based
project which is currently using MySQL for all the transaction statements. MySQL is
an opensource RDBMS System.
Brief Introduction about RDBSM :
A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a database management
system (DBMS) that is based on the relational model as invented by E. F. Codd, of
IBM's San Jose Research Laboratory. Many popular databases currently in use are
based on the relational database model.
RDBMSs have become a predominant choice for the storage of information in new
databases used for financial records, manufacturing and logistical information,
personnel data, and much more since the 1980s. Relational databases have often
replaced legacy hierarchical databases and network databases because they are
easier to understand and use. However, relational databases have been challenged
by object databases, which were introduced in an attempt to address the object-
relational impedance mismatch in relational database, and XML databases.
RDBMS Architecture Diagram
Tools/Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement specifications:
For setting this ecommerce portal, it requires certain technical requirements to be
met for the store to operate properly. First, a web server must be created to make
the ecommerce store publicly available on the web. Domain names and hosting
services can easily be purchased for an affordable price. When selecting a hosting
service, you should check to see that these server requirements are provided and
installed on their web servers:
The analysis model is a concise, precise abstraction of what
the desired system must do, and not how it will be done after
the study of the existing system is completed. This basically
includes system study and the requirement analysis.
Interacting with the clients regarding their requirements and
expectations from the system does requirement analysis.
The steps, which are essential for system analysis, are:
1) Technical Feasibility:
2) Operational Feasibility:
3) Economic Feasibility:
Select a project
o Testing techniques
o Documentation
Project milestones and deliverables
Budget allocation
Project Estimates
o Cost
o Time
o Size of code
o Duration
Resource Allocation
o Hardware
o Software
o Digital Library
Risk Management
o Risk avoidance
o Risk detection
System Design
Interface Design:
an error.
All the screens have a similar look and feel. They all have the
almost same color combinations in its background. This provides
a better user interface to the users.
The unit testing done included the testing of the following items:
After completing the Unit testing of all the modules, the whole
system is integrated with all its dependencies in that module.
While System Integration, We integrated the modules one by one
and tested the system at each step. This helped in reduction of
errors at the time of the system testing.
vi. Human Factors Testing: It determines how users will use the
system when processing data or preparing reports.
The main point that was considered during the cost estimation of
project was its sizing. In spite of complete software sizing,
function point and approximate lines of code were also used to
"size" each element of the Software and their costing.
The cost estimation done by me for Project also depend upon the
baseline metrics collected from past projects and these were
used in conjunction with estimation variables to develop cost and
effort projections.
Requirement Gathering
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Sys Output
1- level DFD:
Attendan Report
ce entry Generati
Student Questi
entry on on
Data Dictionary of the Project
Examination Management
User Table Fields and Datatype
Field Name Datatype
user_id Autonumber
User_name Text
User_Password Text
User_level Text
User_user_id Integer
Subject_name text
teacher_local_address Text
teacher_permanent_address Text
teacher_phone Text
teacher_email Text
teacher_gender Text
Student_roll Text
Student_course text
student_local_address Text
student_permanent_address Text
student_phone Text
student_email Text
student_gender Text
question_branch_id text
question_subject_id Text
question_title Text
question_ans1 Text
question_ans2 Text
question_ans3 Text
question_ans4 Text
question_correct text
result_user_id text
result_question_id text
result_answer text
result_correct text
result_exam_id text
result_exam_id text
result_student_id text
result_branch_id text
result_subject_id text
result_total_question text
result_incorrect_answer text
result_correct_answer text
Screens of the Project
Examination Management
Coding of the Project
Examination Management
Code of MDI Form:
Private Sub abt_Click()
End Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
rs.Open "select * from branch where branch_id =" & ID & " ", cn, adOpenKeyset,
rs.Open "select * from branch where branch_id =" & branch_id.Text & " ", cn, adOpenKeyset,
rs!branch_id = branch_id.Text rs!
branch_name = branch_name.Text
End Sub
Code of Exam Form
Dim questionID() As Integer
Dim ques_rs As New ADODB.Recordset
If ques_rs.EOF = True
Then Me.Hide
Exit Sub
End If
question.Caption = ques_rs!question_title
Option1.Caption = ques_rs!question_ans1
Option2.Caption = ques_rs!question_ans2
Option3.Caption = ques_rs!question_ans3
Option4.Caption = ques_rs!question_ans4
End Sub
End Sub
End Sub
End Sub
Code of Question Form
MsgBox "successfully Added", vbInformation
Call frmclear
Call List_Fill
End Sub
rs.Open "select * from question where question_id =" & ID & " ", cn, adOpenKeyset,
If rs.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found", vbInformation, "Not Exit"
Exit Sub
question_id.Text = rs!question_id
question_branch_id.Text = rs!question_branch_id
question_subject_id.Text = rs!question_subject_id
question_title.Text = rs!question_title
question_ans1.Text = rs!question_ans1
question_ans2.Text = rs!question_ans2
question_ans3.Text = rs!question_ans3
question_ans4.Text = rs!question_ans4
question_correct.Text = rs!question_correct
End If
End Sub
rs.Open "select * from question where question_id =" & question_id.Text & " ", cn,
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
rs!question_id = question_id.Text rs!
question_branch_id = question_branch_id.Text rs!
question_subject_id = question_subject_id.Text rs!
question_title = question_title.Text rs!question_ans1
= question_ans1.Text rs!question_ans2 =
question_ans2.Text rs!question_ans3 =
question_ans3.Text rs!question_ans4 =
question_ans4.Text rs!question_correct =
End Sub
End Sub
End Sub
rs.Open "select * from student where student_id = " & ID & " ", cn, adOpenKeyset,
If rs.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found", vbInformation, "Not Exit"
Exit Sub
student_id.Text = rs!student_id
student_name.Text = rs!student_name
student_course.Text = rs!student_course
student_roll.Text = rs!student_roll
student_email.Text = rs!student_email
student_mobile.Text = rs!student_mobile
student_address.Text = rs!student_address
If rs!student_gender = 1 Then
student_male.Value = True
student_female.Value = True
End If
End If
End Sub
rs.Open "select * from student where student_id =" & student_id.Text & " ", cn,
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
rs!student_id = student_id.Text rs!
student_name = student_name.Text rs!
student_course = student_course.Text rs!
student_roll = student_roll.Text rs!
student_email = student_email.Text rs!
student_mobile = student_mobile.Text rs!
student_address = student_address.Text
End Sub
End Function
rs.Open "select * from subject where subject_id = " & ID & " ", cn, adOpenKeyset,
End Sub
rs.Open "select * from subject where subject_id =" & subject_id.Text & " ", cn,
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
rs!subject_id = subject_id.Text rs!
subject_name = subject_name.Text
End Sub
MsgBox "successfully Added", vbInformation
Call frmclear
Call List_Fill
End Sub
rs.Open "select * from users where user_id = " & ID & " ", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
End If
End Sub
rs.Open "select * from users where user_id =" & user_id.Text & " ", cn, adOpenKeyset,
rs!user_id = user_id.Text rs!
user_name = user_name.Text
rs!user_password = user_password.Text rs!
user_level = user_level.Text rs!
user_user_id = user_user_id.Text
End Sub
End Sub