WSB004 CW1
WSB004 CW1
WSB004 CW1
DC Motor Laboratory 1
“Speed control of a DC motor”
ID Number(s):
To complete this lab: fill in the blank sections of this report. The graphs in section B will require
printing out then scanning back in before submission. Ensure work is clear and scanned to a good
standard before submitting.
Exercise A: Page 1 of 12
DC Motor Laboratory 1
It has been shown in lectures how a DC motor's velocity can be approximated as a first order system
by neglecting the contributions of friction and inductance in deriving the dynamic equations. It can
be stated that the motor speed (θ̇ ) as a response to an armature voltage (V A ) is given by the
following transfer function:
θ̇ (s) K
V A (s) τs+1
In order to complete this model, all that is required is a numerical value for the gain of the system ‘K’
and one for the time constant ‘τ ’. Typically, this has been found through first principles analysis of
the system physics, but in this case these numbers will be obtained through experimental results on
the DC motor rig.
In this experiment we will measure the step response of the motor and calculate the time constant
and the gain K for the model. We will then run a comparison with the motor and compare the
response of the first order model and the motor data, in both the time and frequency domain.
Exercise A: Page 2 of 12
DC Motor Laboratory 1
A1. Obtain Open-Loop Step Response
This graph was obtained from open-loop experiment using the DC Motor. The input is a step of -5 to
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Exercise A: Page 3 of 12
DC Motor Laboratory 1
τ is the time taken for the system output to reach 63% of its final steady state value in
response to a step input.
K is the change in steady state output divided by the change in the input.
Exercise A: Page 4 of 12
DC Motor Laboratory 1
A3. Verification
The data used to create Figure 1 is provided in a ‘.mat’ data file. Using Matlab, create a simulation
that compares your first order model to this data. Create a single graph with 2 plots on that show
the time response of the DC motor and your first order model.
A4. Reflection
How well did the first order model would match the motor output? Can you suggest reasons for any
Exercise A: Page 5 of 12
DC Motor Laboratory 1
In this experiment we will sketch a straight line approximation of the first order motor model
obtained from Exercise A. This will be compared to experimental results that measure the open-
loop frequency response of the motor. The assumption is taken that the motor is a first order
system, described by the following transfer function:
Using the values for ‘K’ and ‘tau’ obtained, draw a straight line approximation for the frequency
response of the first order system identified in Part A on the axis below.
Gaind (dB)
10-1 100 101 102 103
Phase (degrees)
Exercise A: Page 6 of 12
DC Motor Laboratory 1
Exercise A: Page 7 of 12
DC Motor Laboratory 1
The aim of this section is to compare the first order model obtained to experimental data, but this
time in the frequency domain.
Using the experimental results in the following graphs, measure the phase and gain response at each
test condition (changing input frequency). The graphs have been obtained by measuring the output
speed of the motor to a sinusoidal voltage input of varying frequency but of a fixed amplitude of
5 V pk .
There is a document included in the pack showing you how to easily measure the attributes
Task 1: Measure values and capture the results in the table below.
NOTE: For ease of observation, the Voltage Readings are a different scale to the velocity readings!
The numerical values of voltage ONLY have been multiplied by 10 before plotting – otherwise the
sinewave input would look like a flat line and not be measurable.
Task 2: Plot the experimental points on Figure 2 in order to compare them to the straight line
Exercise A: Page 8 of 12
DC Motor Laboratory 1
Captured Data:
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4
Exercise A: Page 9 of 12
DC Motor Laboratory 1
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Exercise A: Page 10 of 12
DC Motor Laboratory 1
0.1 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.2
Exercise A: Page 11 of 12
DC Motor Laboratory 1
B3 Observations
Comment on your results. Does your experimentally obtained results match the straight line
approximation? What differences do you notice and why might these occur?
B4 Summary
Is the first order model appropriate for use in designing control systems. Discuss briefly here.
Exercise A: Page 12 of 12