Writ Jurisdiction of Supreme Court and High Court
Writ Jurisdiction of Supreme Court and High Court
Writ Jurisdiction of Supreme Court and High Court
A writ is a directive issued by the Supreme Court and High Courts in India to carry out their directives
for the enforcement of the fundamental right and/or legal right of the affected person. The Supreme
Court can issue writs under Article 32 of the Constitution while the High Courts can issue writs under
Article 226 of the Constitution. The different types of writs and their scope are explained below.
How is the Writ Jurisdiction of High Courts Wider than the Supreme Court?
The Supreme Court can issue writs only for the enforcement of fundamental rights under Article 32,
whereas, the High Courts can issue writs for the enforcement of fundamental rights as well as for
any other purpose i.e. enforcement of ordinary legal rights as well. This makes their writs jurisdiction
wider. However, the territorial jurisdiction of the writs issued by the Supreme Court is applicable
throughout the country while the writs issued by the High Court have validity only in the territory
under the authority of the High Court or where the cause of action has arisen.
Types of Writs
Habeas Corpus
A writ of Habeas Corpus is used by the courts to find out if a person has been illegally detained. If the
answer is yes, the court can order for his release. If a person has been illegally detained, he himself,
a friend or even a relative can file a writ of Habeas Corpus. Habeas Corpus is Latin for ‘Let us have
the body’ (or, let us see the person who has been illegally detained). Through Habeas Corpus, the
court can thus also summon the person detained or imprisoned to the court.
A writ of Mandamus is issued by a higher court to a lower court, tribunal or a public authority to
perform an act which such a lower court is bound to perform. If a public official is not performing his
duty, the court can order it or him/her to do that. Mandamus means we command.
Mandamus or the ‘we command’ writ can be issued against anyone, including the president or
governor of the state, a private person or chief justice. Any individual or a private body can file a writ
petition of mandamus, subject to the person/persons having legal rights to do so, in the matter
A writ of prohibition, also known as a ‘stay order’, is issued to a lower court or a body to stop acting
beyond its powers.
While a writ of mandamus is issued for any activity that is not legal, the writ of petition is issued
against the lower courts, such as magistrates and commissions, for inactivity in the matter of
concern. The High Court and Supreme Court can issue the Writ of Prohibition.
Writ of Certiorari:
The writ of Certiorari is issued by the Supreme Court to a Lower Court or any other body to transfer
a particular matter to the higher courts than itself. The Writ of Certiorari is issued by the high court
to the lower courts or tribunal, when an error of jurisdiction or law is believed to be committed.
Writ of Certiorari is a curative writ.
Quo Warranto
The writ of Quo Warranto (by what warrant) is issued to inquire about the legality of a claim by a
person or authority to act in a public office, which he or she is not entitled to. The writ is only for the
public offices and does not include private institutions/offices.
A writ can be filed only if your fundamental rights are being violated. Generally, you can file a writ
petition against state and government agencies. However, a writ Petition can also be issued against
private authorities when they are discharging public functions.