Time Management Guide @The_studycoach
Time Management Guide @The_studycoach
Time Management Guide @The_studycoach
1. Procrastination
2. Eisenhower Matrix
3. Time blocking
Reading time: 5 minutes 4. How your phone destroys you
Time saved in future: infinite 5. Work efficient effective
Why we delay and how to overcome it
Instant gratification
Our brains are attracted to things that feel good in the short
term, like checking social media, rather than things that have
long-term benefits, like studying.
How to handle procrastination
The Eisenhower Matrix
Prioritizing what matters
Urgent Not urgent
The Eisenhower Matrix is a powerful tool
for deciding what needs your attention. It
separates your tasks into four categories Do first Schedule it
based on urgency and importance. These are tasks that will help you in
These are tasks that require
the long run, like studying or
immediate attention, like a fast-
This system helps you avoid spending time preparing for an exam weeks away.
approaching deadline. You
on things that feel urgent but aren't truly These tasks often get delayed but
should focus on these tasks first.
important. should be prioritized.
How to use it
Time Blocking
Structuring your day
How it works
Time blocking is a method where you assign specific tasks to
blocks of time throughout your day. This strategy helps ensure
1. Choose your tasks
you’re dedicating enough time to the things that matter while
Start by listing the tasks you need to accomplish. Include
keeping distractions at bay.
everything from studying and assignments to personal time and
4. Include breaks
This method helps you create a daily structure, reduces the Don’t forget to block time for breaks. A 5-10 minute break every
chance of distractions, and gives you a sense of control over hour can help you recharge and stay productive.
your time.
Phones and procrastination
How your phone is wasting your time
Our phones are productivity killers. Notifications, messages, and How to take back control
endless scrolling eat away at valuable time, even though we only
mean to take “quick” breaks. 1. Turn off notifications
Limit the apps that can send you notifications, especially during
Why phones distract us study time.
Time management techniques
Working more efficiently and effectively
One method to work more efficiently is the Pomodoro Technique. Instead of cramming all your studying into one session, spread it
This involves working in focused bursts, usually 25 minutes, out over time. Review material at increasing intervals to improve
followed by a 5-minute break. After four Pomodoros, take a long-term retention.
longer break (15-30 minutes). This keeps you focused while also
giving your brain time to rest. Batching tasks
Active recall Batching involves grouping similar tasks together. For example, if
you need to reply to emails, set aside a specific time to reply to
Rather than passively rereading notes, test yourself on the all of them at once instead of checking throughout the day.
material. This engages your brain more deeply and helps you
remember information better.
Focus on one thing at a time
Mastering time management is a skill that requires
practice. By understanding procrastination, using
the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize, structuring
Putting it all together your day with time blocking, reducing phone
distractions, and adopting efficient work methods,
you’ll be well on your way to making the most of
your time as a student.
Urgent Not urgent
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Not important
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Time Task