Ratio Analysis
Ratio Analysis
Ratio Analysis
Ratio Analysis
An analysis is maid using the current year data numbers to estimate the future . it is a fundamental
analysis made to know the financial figures.
Liquidity ratio's
Current Ratio
It is used to calculate to know weather current current assets are enough to pay the current debts .
The ideal ratio is 1:1 . it can be calculated as follows:
Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities
The company current ratio is too low, the following actions can be taken
Paying some of the debts
Rising some funds or loans which is less than a year
Rising new requites to increase your current assets
Maintain some reserve from profits to meet the current transactions
Acid Test Ratio:
The ratio explains about the shot terms liquidity. the higher quick ratio indicates that the company in
the stable position. we can obtain the quick assets =current assets -stock. it can be explained as
Quick assets/ Current Liabilities
Turnover Ratio's:
Receivables Turnover ratio explains about how the Receivables are collected on an average days .It
can be calculated as follows:
Net Credit Sales / Debtors Or Avg Accounts Receivables.
Leverage Ratio's:
It measures the risk of company.generally if the company have more debt then the risk is higher
because all the assets are to be distributed in case of company becomes bankrupt . The Ratio
analysis is to calculate every aspect of the company
Profitability Ratios
Explains the profit margin,return on equity , return on assets, return on capital employed, return on
share holders equity, Earning per share that all are the income generating by the company :
Gross profit ratio= gross profit / Net sales * 100
Net profit ratio= Net profit / Net sales * 100
Return on total assets= profit before int & tax / Fixed assets + current assets
Return on capital employed = Net profit after tax / Total Capital Employed
Return on share holders equity= Net profit after tax / avg total share holder equity or
Net worth
Earning per share= Net profit available to share holders / No.Of shares outstanding
PE ratio = Market price per share / EPS ( earnings per share).