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Academic year: 2024-2025

Menoufia University
Semester: First semester
Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department Course title: Hydraulics

Coursework: Momentum in open-channel flow

Answer all the following questions

a- Discuss the friction loss from a momentum and energy point of view.
b- Explain the application of the momentum equation in studying the hydraulic jump

Q2: A 8-m wide rectangular channel is carrying a flow of 54 m3/s at a flow depth of 0.6
m. A sluice gate located at the downstream end of the channel controls the flow depth y2.
Determine y2 so that a hydraulic jump is formed upstream of the gate.

Q3: Determine the required depth in the river downstream of a 120-m wide spillway to
form a hydraulic jump at its toe for the following data. The upstream reservoir level is at
El. 160 m, the spillway discharge is 1200 m3/s and the river bottom level is at El. 120.
Assume the losses on the spillway face are negligible and the stilling basin walls are
vertical. Compute the energy losses in the jump.

Q4: A 6-m wide rectangular channel is carrying a flow of 18 m3/s. Plot a diagram between
the flow depth and the specific energy for these conditions. What are the alternate and
sequent depths corresponding to y = 0.3 m? Determine the head losses in the jump.

Q5: A hydraulic jump is formed just downstream of a sluice gate located at the entrance
of a channel. There is a constant-level lake upstream of the sluice gate. The flow depth
and velocity in the channel downstream of the jump are 5.2 ft and 4.3 ft/sec, respectively.
Determine the water level in the lake. Assume the losses for flow through the gate are

Q6: The reservoir level upstream of an overflow spillway is at El 400 ft. The downstream
water level for the design flow of 80,000 ft3/sec is at El 220 ft. If the spillway width at the
entrance to the stilling basin is 200 ft, determine the invert level of the basin so that a
hydraulic jump is formed in the basin at design flow. No baffle piers, chute blocks, or end
sill are to be provided.

Best wishes
Dr Hamdy Elsayed

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