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Sona College of Technology, Salem

Engineering Physics /Physics for Information Science/I Semester

Unit – 2 Quatum Physics CIE 2 QB

Part A
1. State any two physical significance of wave function.
1. The probability of finding a particle in space, at any given instant of time is characterized by a
function (x, y, z) called wave function.
2. It relates the particle and the wave statistically.
3. It gives the information about the particle behavior.
4. It is a complex quantity.
5. Represents the probability density of the particle, which is real and positive.
2. Define Normalization of wave function.
The process by which the probability (p) of finding a particle (electron) inside the box.
3. Why does an electron microscope create images with high resolution?
Electron microscopes have higher resolving power compared to optical microscopes
because they use a beam of electrons instead of light to image the specimen. Electrons have a
much shorter wavelength than visible light, allowing for higher resolution.
Part B
1. Deduce an expression for energy of the free particle enclosed in a one dimensional potential
well of length ‘a’ with infinite potential barriers using Schrodinger time independent wave

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the solution of second order differential equation is,

where A and B arbitrary constants, the values can be found by applying boundary conditions
From the values obtained it is clear that the energy levels are discrete in nature

Normalization of wave function

Process by which the probability (p) of finding a particle (electron) inside the box
2. Explain the construction and working of scanning electron microscope.
 Electrun gun - A heated tungsten /lanthanum hexaborate filament produces a beam of
monochromatic electrons.
 The beam is attracted towards the anode.
 It is condensed by magnetic lens and focused as very fine point on the sample by the
objective lens.
 A scanning coil - energized by varying the voltage produced by the scan
generator and create a magnetic field which deflects the electron beam - sample is
canned point by point.
 When the electron beam hits the surface of the sample, the back scattered
electrons or the secondary electrons are ejected from it.
 These electrons are collected by an electron detector, and the signal is further
 The amplified voltage is applied to the grid of the cathode ray tube (CRT) and causes the
intensity of the spot of light to change.
 Final image is obtained on a CRT that corresponds to the topography of the sample.
 In SEM, column and the sample must always be at vacuum.
Back Scattered Electrons
 negatively charged electron will be attracted by the positive nucleus and it circulates the
nucleus and comes back out of the sample without slowing down(energy below 50 eV)
Secondary Electrons
 Formed by multiple inelastic scattering process. produced in great number from sample
surface when compared to other electrons
Auger Electrons
 The incident primary electrons cause ionization of atoms. Relaxation of the ionized
atoms leads to the emission of auger electrons

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