Part A
1. State any two physical significance of wave function.
1. The probability of finding a particle in space, at any given instant of time is characterized by a
function (x, y, z) called wave function.
2. It relates the particle and the wave statistically.
3. It gives the information about the particle behavior.
4. It is a complex quantity.
5. Represents the probability density of the particle, which is real and positive.
2. Define Normalization of wave function.
The process by which the probability (p) of finding a particle (electron) inside the box.
3. Why does an electron microscope create images with high resolution?
Electron microscopes have higher resolving power compared to optical microscopes
because they use a beam of electrons instead of light to image the specimen. Electrons have a
much shorter wavelength than visible light, allowing for higher resolution.
Part B
1. Deduce an expression for energy of the free particle enclosed in a one dimensional potential
well of length ‘a’ with infinite potential barriers using Schrodinger time independent wave
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the solution of second order differential equation is,
where A and B arbitrary constants, the values can be found by applying boundary conditions
From the values obtained it is clear that the energy levels are discrete in nature