Pair Production and Triplet Production
Pair Production and Triplet Production
Pair Production and Triplet Production
VOL. 114, No. 3
I.- HE purpose of this paper is to elucidate
in a simple manner the processes of
pair and triplet production for the curious
radiologist, using concepts known to the
theoretical physicist.
Electromagnetic radiation interacts with
matter by 6 distinct mechanisms. The
contribution to photon interaction of each
mechanism is dependent on photon energy.
These mechanisms in order of increasing
photon energy are: (I) coherent scattering;
(2) photoelectric effect; ( ) Compton
scattering; (4) pair production; ( ) triplet
production ; and (6) photodisintegration.
The first and last mechanisms are of little
or no importance in medical radiology. In
the photoelectric effect, a low energy
photon (10-90 key.) is absorbed by an
atomic planetary electron that is then
ejected from the atom. The third process,
Compton scattering, operates over a wide
range of photon energies (25 key. to 35
mev.), but is most important with ioo
key. to 2 mev. photons. In Compton
scattering, the incident photon imparts
some ofits energy to a free or weakly bound
electron with the emergence of a scattered
lower energy photon. Pair production is
the materialization into an electron_posi-
tron pair of a photon with energy greater
than 1.02 mev. located near an atomic
nucleus. Triplet production, similarly, is
the materialization into an electron-posi-
tron pair of a photon with energy of at
least 2.04 mev. located near a free or
weakly bound electron. Because of their
central importance in medical radiology,
both photoelectric effect and Compton
scattering are well explained in the stan-
dard texts of radiologicphysics. Pair and
triplet production, on the other hand, are
simply given the black box treatment. A
photon of energy above a certain threshold
is considered as entering the black box
with the exit of an electron_positron pair.
One is told, but not shown, that to con-
serve momentum, pair and triplet produc-
tion have to take place near another mass,
an atomic nucleus or an electron, respec-
tively (Fig. I, a and b). A model of what
occurs inside the black box is presented.
Also shown is why and how momentum is
conserved by the atomic nucleus in pair
production and by the electron in triplet
r coii (sizobie momentum and
infinitesimal energy)
recoil (considerable momenlum
a n d energy)
(b )
Fio. z. The black box approach to: (a) pair pro-
duction, and (1) triplet production.
S From the Departm ent of Radiology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltim ore, M aryland.
o rd in a ry
h.II M0C2
h. )al.O2
. A- 0
. E8
-0- ,, ,,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hole or
. p o sitro n
2 photons.
- _____
. q u a n tu m
. #{149}___ mechanical
Ralph D. Reymond MARCH, 1972
(a) (b) (c) (d)
110. 2. Energy level diagram of the free electron according to the Dirac theory. (a) Diracs electron-vacuum
in which all the negative energy states are filled with quantum mechanical electrons. (6) Ordinary
electrons arenot allowed to transit to oblivion. All the negative energy states are filled and each state can
only accommodate a single electron. (c) Photon annihilation and creation of an electron-positron pair.
Incident photon energy,
hi = 1.02 m ev. + E . + + Ep,
where E _, E =kinetic energy of the electron and positron respectively and Ep=energy transferred
with the excess momentum to the nucleus or electron. (d) Positron-electron annihilation with creation of
Pair and triplet production are experi-
mentally observed phenomena having no
analogy in classical physics. They can be
described, however, with quantum mechan-
ics using the Dirac2 relativistic wave
equation for an electron interacting with an
electromagnetic field. Solution of the Dirac
equation shows that free electrons can exist
in 2 sets of quantum energy states. One set
of quantum states has positive energy
from +m0c2 to + and the other set of
quantum states has negative energy from
- m0c2 to - , where m0 = an electron rest
mass, c = velocity of light, and m0c2 = an
electron rest energy. The energy band from
-m0c2 to +m0c2 has no permissible quan-
turn states and is a forbidden zone to free
electrons (Fig. 2a). The electrons in the
quantum states of positive energy are
interpreted as the ordinary electrons,
while electrons in the quantum states of
negative energy are quantum mechanical
entities with properties having no classical
analogy. The present Dirac theory is faced
with an impending catastrophe! W hat if an
electron transits from the positive to the
negative energy bands of quantum states?
This means that an ordinary electron
would become a quantum mechanical
entity and spontaneously drop out of
sight ! Spontaneous electron self-annihila-
tion with release of a photon(s), however,
has never been experimentally observed
(Fig. 2b). To avoid this serious difficulty, 2
fundamental assumptions have to be
made;23 (i) all negative energy quantum
states ( - m0c2 to - ) for free electrons are
filled, with a maximum of i electron per
quantum state, in accordance with the
Pauli exclusion principle. Since only i
electron can occupy a given quantum state,
no electron can transit from the positive
energy band to the filled negative energy
states; (2) the quantum mechanical
electrons filling up the negative energy
states do not produce external (coulomb)
fields, and do not contribute to the total
charge, momentum or energy of a system.
It is assumed, however, that an external
electromagnetic field can act on these
quantum mechanical entities. A
vacuum can be considered as that elec-
tron distribution where all negative energy
quantum states are filled and none of the
positive energy states are occupied (Fig.
Consider pair and triplet production in
terms of the above model. The absorption
of an incident photon (an external electro-
niagnetic field) with an energy greater than
2m0c2= 1.02 mev. by an electron in a nega-
tive energy quantum state, raises that
electron to a quantum state in the positive
energy band. This transition is interpreted
physically as the disappearance of the
photon and the appearance of an or-
dinary electron with a negative charge,
and a given momentum and positive kinetic
energy, E (Fig. 2c). The vacated and
empty quantum state in the negative
energy band is like a hole in a sea of
electrons and is interpreted as the appear-
ance of a positive electron, with a positive
kinetic energy, since it represents the
absence of a negative electron with a nega-
tive energy (Fig. 2c). This new particle, the
positron, was predicted and described
theoretically approximately 3 years prior
to its experimental discovery in cosmic
rays. This model describes the disappear-
ance of a photon andithe simultaneous ap-
pearance of both an electron and positron,
the substance of both pair and triplet pro-
The reverse transition, with an ordinary
electron falling into a hole in the nega-
tive energy band is interpreted as the elec-
tron-positron pair annihilation. The transi-
tion probability is highest for an electron in
its lowest positi% e energy state (i.e., near
+ moc2) or with near zero kinetic energy to
fall into a hole of energy near -m0c2,
i.e., a positron of approximately zero
kinetic energy. The rest energy and what-
ever small kinetic energy the electron and
positron have are released as 2 photons,
each with an energy of approximately
m0c2 (Fig. 2a). The 2 photons move in
opposite directions as required to conserve
momentum, since annihilation usually takes
place away from a third mass such as a
nucleus. This quantum mechanical model
describes the occurrences inside the black
box in pair and triplet production and in
electron-positron annihilation. Although
charge was shown to be conserved, energy
and momentum were not.
Conservation of momentum in any pro-.
cess where there is materialization of
electromagnetic waves or photons, as in
pair and triplet production, is difficult. This
difficulty stems from the fact that photons
of all the particles of the same total
energy (rest and kinetic) have the greatest
momentum. This is best demonstrated as
The momentum of a material particle of
rest mass m0 is.
where c is the speed of light and v is the
velocity of the material particle.
The energy of the material particle is:
Em me2 = C2. (2)
I 2\tI2
55 C2)
The ratio gives the momentum per unit
energy for the material particle:
VoL. 114, No. 3 Pair and Triplet Production 64!
P ,=rnv=
( v2\h12
(P\ v
k E )m C2
642 Ralph D. Reymond MARCH, 1972
where 3= V/C.
The momentum of a photon or elec-
tromagnetic particle is:
and its energy is:
P#{231} = -
The ratio gives the photon momentum
per unit energy:
fP\ I
Since c > v always, then
/P\ IP
(-I >1-
\E/ \E
I f energy is conserved E = Em, then the
momenta are P >Pm and they cannot be
conserved. M omentum, however, must be
conserved and therefore a photon out in
space cannot undergo pair or triplet pro-
duction. An additional mass such as an
atomic nucleus or electron is needed to
absorb the excess photon m om entum in
pair and triplet production, respectively.
The black box inside which photon
m ateri alization occurs is mechanically
coupled via the strong coulomb field ad-
jacent to the atomic nucleus or electron. It
is via this strong mechanical coupling
that momentum is transferred to the nuc-
leus or electron. It is important to note
that it is not physically possible to transfer
momentum without any kinetic energy,
however small that energy may be. This
fact brings up the notion of threshold
energy for the incident photon in pair and
triplet production. The conservation of
energy equation is:
E = m +c2 + m _c2 + E ,
where E =energy of incident photon,
m +c2 and m ..c2 are the total (rest and
kinetic) energies of the positron and elec-
tron, respectively, and E is the kinetic
energy transferred with the excess photon
momentum to the atomic nucleus or elec-
Consider the photon energy threshold
(3) for pair production. It is assumed that the
positron and electron kinetic energy are
zero, i.e., v =v =o in Equation 2. This,
(4) in reality, would result in a very short
lifetime of the pair, for in such circum-
stances the probability for annihilation is
maximal. The excess photon momentum
which is transferred to the atomic nucleus
may be sizable but the kinetic energy, E ,
transferred to the nucleus is infinitesimally
small due to the very large nuclear mass
with respect to the electron mass. Hence
the threshold for pair production is in-
finitesimallv greater than 2m 0c2 but not
equal to 2m0c2. This difference is very
im portant conceptually, i f not practically,
in pair production. This is more apparent
when one considers triplet production.
The conservation of energy for triplet
production is:
ifle_C2 + E0 = ifl f+C2 + m c2 + E1, (5)
where m c2 is the total (rest and kinetic)
energy of the electron prior to triplet pro-
duction. No generalit\ is lost if it is as-
sumed that the electron is stationary and
the first term on the left of Equation 5 be-
comes m0c2. The kinetic energy transferred
to the stationary electron along with the
excess photon momentum in triplet pro-
duction is finite and not negligible, E
= mec2. Intuitively, it can be assumed
that at threshold energy, the stationary
electron and the positron-electron pair are
all ejected in the forward direction (i.e.,
direction of incident photon) and that the 3
particles with equal masses share the energy
( and momentum) equally.5 The conserva-
tion ofenergy in Equation 5 becomes:
m c2 + E = 3mc2. (6)
Conservation of momentum for triplet
production using Equations i and 3 iS:
- = 3mv = 3mf3c,
VOL. 114, No. 3 Pair and Triplet Production 643
Eliminating E,, from Equations 6 and 7,
m, c2 + 3mI3C2 = 3mc2
m0 m0
( I - /32)5/2 (I - p2)1/2
(I - 52)1/2 + 313 = 3.
Squaring both sides : 3 =
m0 5
rn= =-m0.
(I - l/2
Substituting in Equation 7
/5 \4.
E, = 31,- m0j- C- = 4m0C-.
\3 /5
Thus the incident photon energy threshold
for triplet production is 4m0c2.
Pair and triplet production are multibody
systems involving the interaction of an
incident photon, an electron-positron pair
and an atomic nucleus or electron. M athe-
matically, only 2 body systems can be
solved in closed form, where all variables
are assigned exact values. For example, the
Compton scattering is a 2 body system,
where all energies, momenta and scattering
angles, can be assigned exact values de-
termined by using conservation laws of
energy and momentum. There is, therefore,
an inherent indetermination in pair and
triplet production and the energies, mo-
menta and scattering angles cannot be
assigned exact values. For this reason,
intuitive assumptions had to be made
about the momenta, energies and scattering
angles of the ejected particles, to calculate
the threshold energy for triplet production.
This indetermination in pair and triplet
production is not because momentum is
not conserved as some have suggested.4
W hen the atomic nucleus or stationary
electron is included in the system, momen-
turn is conserved but the indetermination
It should be noted that from a theoretical
standpoint, electron-positron pairs could
result from the collision ofparticles (nuclei,
protons or electrons) with sufficient energy.
Even photon-photon collision could result
in an electron_positron pair.
The dependence of pair and triplet pro-
duction on incident photon energy, atomic
number of the absorber, etc., are well sum-
marized in the radiologic physics literature
and will not be discussed here.
Pair and triplet production have elec-
tron-positron pair formation in common.
Electron-positron pair formation can be
considered, in a model presented, as the
transition of a special electron from a
negative energy quantum state to that of
positive energy becoming an ordinary
electron. The transition is across a for-
bidden energy zone 2m 0c2 wide (rest mass
of the electron-positron pair). The vacated
negative energy quantum state is the posi-
tron, since it represents the absence of a
negative electron.
The photon of all particles has the
highest momentum per unit energy such
that when a photon materializes, as in
electron-posi tron pai r form ation , another
mass has to be present in the system to
conserve momentum. The mass may be an
atomic nucleus as in pair production or an
electron as in triplet production. The excess
photon momentum is transferred to the
nucleus or electron via their respective
coulomb fields as mechanical coupling. In
pair production, even though the momen-
tum transferred may be sizable, the asso-
ciated kinetic energy is infinitesimally
small due to the very large nuclear mass.
Hence the incident photon energy thresh-
old for pair production in infinitesimally
greater than 2m02. W ith triplet production
the excess photon momentum is transferred
to an electron, and the associated kinetic
energy transferred is considerable. The
calculated incident photon energy thresh-
old is m0c2 after making a few intuitive
assumptions on the system. These assump-
644 Ralph D. Reymond M ARCH, 1972
tions are necessary since both pair and REFERENCES
triplet production are multibody systems ANDERSON, C. D. Phys. Rev., 1933, 43, 491-498.
which cannot be solved so that all variables 2. DIRAC, P. A. M . The Principles of Quantum
are assigned exact values. M echanics. Fourth edition. Chapter XI.
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1958.
Department of Radiology HEITLER, W . The Quantum Theory of Radiation.
The Johns Hopkins Hospital Third edition. Chapter III, and V. University
Baltimore, M aryland 21205 Press, Oxford, 1954.
4. JOHNS, H. E. The Physics of Radiology. Third
The author wishes to express his ap- edition. Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Spring-
preciation to Drs. Russell H. M organ and field, Ill., 1964, pp. 160.
J ohn P. Dorst for their editorial help. . JOHNs, H. E. Private communication.