1_1_Lecture 1 IT222(1)
1_1_Lecture 1 IT222(1)
1_1_Lecture 1 IT222(1)
and Information
Information Technology
Communications and Networks
IT 222T
For example, a modem accepts a signal coming from a transmission line and
convert it into a digital bit stream.
5. Destination: Takes the incoming data from the receiver.
Example: telephones and personal computers or servers.
The figure below shows an example of a real communications system.
1.2 Data
• Data: Data refers to information that conveys some meaning.
• It comes in a variety of forms such as text, graphics, audio,
video and animation
• Data can be of two types; analog and digital.
• Analog data take on continuous values on some interval.
Typical examples of analog data are voice and video.
• Example: when someone speaks an analog wave is created in
the air. This can be captured by microphone and converted to
• Digital data take on discrete values.
• Example: data are stored in computer memory in the form of
0s and 1s . They can be converted to a signal for transmission
across medium
1.3 Signal
• Signals are the electric or electromagnetic encoding of data which can be sent over a
communication medium
• Computer networks and data/voice communication systems transmit signals
• The simplest way to show signals is by plotting them of perpendicular axes.
1. Independent variable at the horizontal axis (x- axis)
2. Dependent variable at the vertical Axis (y- axis)
Dependent Variable
Independent Variable
The relationship between data and signal
1.4 Classification of Signals
Signals can be classified to :
1. Continuous- time signals / Discrete time signals
2. Analogue signals/ Digital signals
3. Even signals/ Odd Signals
4. Periodic signals / Non-periodic signals
1.4 Classification of Signals (Cont.)
Analogue signal Digital signal
Definition is a continuous-time signal 𝑥(𝑡) that is a discrete 𝑥 𝑛 signal that could take only
can take on any value from - to a finite number of values.
1.4 Classification of Signals (Cont.)
Even Signal Odd signal
Definition is a signal (x) for which: is a signal (x) for which:
Symmetry Symmetric about the vertical axis. Symmetric about the origin.
Class Work!
For the shown signal, sketch the :
A) Even parts
B) Odd parts of the signal.
C) Label your sketches carefully.
Class Work!
For the shown signal, sketch the :
A) Even parts
B) Odd parts of the signal.
C) Label your sketches carefully.
1.3 Classifications of Signals (Cont.)
Periodic Signal Aperiodic signal
Definition Signal repeats itself after a certain Signal does not repeat itself after
amount of time (T or N). a certain amount of time.
for DT signals: 𝒙 𝒏 + 𝑵 =𝒙 𝒏
for all n
1.3 Classifications of Signals (Cont.)
More periodic signals: