Battle Of South Mountain_0005
Battle Of South Mountain_0005
Battle Of South Mountain_0005
First Corps
• (k) = kill ed
(w) = wo unded
(mw) = m ortally wo und ed
30 1h ew Yo rk 71h Indi a na
84'" N ew Yo rk 76th New Yo rk
2'"1 U.S. Sha rpshoo te rs 95t1i New Yo rk
56th Penn sylvani a
Brigadier Ge neralja m es Ri cketts
Third Brigade
Brigadier G eneral G eo rge L. H a rtsuff
l 2 1h M assachusetts
13th l\ilassachuse tts
33rci New Yo rk
11 th Pennsylvani a
Brigadier General G eo rge G. Meade
Third Bngade
Colonel Thomas Gallagher (w)
Li eutena nt Colonel Robe rt Anderson
9'" Pennsylvani a Rese rves
I0'" Pennsylvani a Reserves
111" Penn sylvan ia Reserves
12'" Pennsylvan ia Rese rves
Sixth Corps
Fm.ST D1 v1s10:\'
Major General H enry W. Slocum
Third Brigade
Brigadier G eneraljo hn Newton
18'h New York
31 " New York
32'"1 New York
95'h Pennsylvania
M ajor General William F Smith
Third Brigade
Colonel William H . Irwin
7'" Maine
20' 11 New York
33'd New York
49•1i N ew York
77•1i New York
Ninth Corps
Brigadier General Orlando B. Willcox
SEco o D1v1s101
Brigadier General Samuel D. Sturgis
THIRD D1 v 1 10N
Brigadier General Isaac P Rodman
Ohio Light Artillery, First Battery, Schambeck's Company, Chicago, Captain
J ames McMullin D ragoons
Gilmore's Company, West Virginia Cavalry, Kentucky Light Artillery,
Lieutenantjames Abraham
Simmond's Battery, H a rrison's Co mpany, \Vest Virginia Cavalry, Lieutenant
Dennis D elaney
Cava by
Fifth Brigade
Colonel Benj amin F. Davis
8'h New York Cavalry
3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry
D. H. Hill's Division
Colonel Alfred H. Colquitt
l 3'1i Alabama
6'h Georgia
23rc1 Georgia
27'h Georgia
28'h Georgia
Major Pierson
H ardaway's (Alabama) Battery, Captain R.A. H ardaway
J efferson Davis (Alabama) Artillery, CaptainJ.W. Bond urant
Jones's (Virginia) Battery, Captain William B.Jones
King William (Virginia) Artillery, Captain TH. Carter
Hood's Division
19 J
Troup (Georgia) Artillery, one section, Li eutenant H enry J ennings
l" North Caroli na Artillery, Light Battery A, Captain Basil Manly
Richm ond (Virginia) Fayette Artillery, Li eutenant Wi lli am I. C lopton
Magruder (Virginia) Light Artillery, Captain Thomas]. Page Jr.
Colonel Willi am A. Parham
6'" Virginia
12'" Virginia
l 61h Virgin ia
4 1'' Virginia
Portsmouth Light Artillery, Grim es's Battery, Captain Cary F Grimes
Captainjohn Pelham
Chew's (Virginia) Battery
Hart's (South Carolina) Battery
Pelham's (Virginia) Battery
2. McPherson, Crossroads ef Freedom, 16- 27.
3. Jones, War Clerk's Diaiy, 142.
4. H enry Keiser, August 3 1, 1862, Sergeant's Diary, September 23, 1861 -
July 20, 1865, H arrisburg Civil War Roundtable Collection, United States
Army H eritage and Education Center, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
5. Freeman, Lee's Lieutenant\ 716- 21.
6. U.S. War Department, War ef the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 5 1, part 2, 590- 91
(hereafter cited as OR; citations are to series I unless otherwise noted).
7. For a detailed breakdown of Lee's army and his numbers at the start of
the Maryland Campaign, see Harsh, Sounding the Shallows, 50- 90, 138- 39;
and H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 33- 39.
8. Von Borcke, Memoirs, 185.
9. Quoted in Sears, Landscape Turned Red, 9 1.
33. Lee's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1 145; Hill, "Battle of South Mou ntain,"
560- 6 1; H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 256- 5 7.
34. Hill , "Battle of South Mountain ," 56 1; H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 257 .
35 . H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 257.
36. Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 562; H artwig, "My God! Be Careful ,"
36- 37; H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 257.
37. Eicher and Eicher, Civil War High Commands, 249; Hill's Report, OR, vol.
19, part 1, 1026 .
38. H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 32- 33; Rafu se, Antietam, 178- 79;
Cuffel, Durell's, 73.
39. H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 37- 39; H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 258 .
40. McR ae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1040.
4 1. H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 260; McClellan to wife, September 14, 1862, in
McClellan , Civil War Papers, 458.
42. Cox, Reminiscences, 277; Cox, "Forcing Fox's," 262 .
43. Cox, Reminiscences, 279; Cox's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 458; H artwig,
"My God! Be Careful," 29.
44. H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 30.
45. Cox, Reminiscences, 280.
46. Ib id .
47. Ibid., 280- 8 1; Pleasonton's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 210; Burnside's
Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 4 17; Cox's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 458;
H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 33.
48. Cox, Reminiscences, 28 1; Rafuse, Antietam, 178- 80.
49. Cox, Reminiscences, 28 1; Scammon's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 46 1;
H ayes, Diary and Letters, 355.
50. Cox, Reminiscences, 282.
5 1. McRae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, l 040- 4 1.
52 . H ayes, Diaiy and Letters, 355; McR ae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1040;
H artwig, "My God! Be Careful ," 40; H agenboom, Rutheiferd B. Hayes, 5 1.
53. H artwig, "My God! Be Careful ," 40; H ayes, Diary and Letter, 356.
54. H artwig, "My God! Be Careful ," 40, 42; McR ae's OR, vo l. 19, part
1, I 041.
55. Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful ," 42; H ayes, Diaiy and Letters, 356; Welsh,
Medical Histories, 123.
56. Hayes, Diai~JI and Letters, 356- 57; Welsh, Medical Histmies, 163; H artwig,
"My God! Be Careful," 4 1.
57. Cox 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 459; Hartwig, "My God! Be
Careful," 34.
58. McRae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 1040; Hartwig, "My God! Be
Careful ," 42.
59. Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 42- 43.
60. Cox's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 459; White's Report, OR, vol. 19, part
1, 464; Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 43.
61. Ewing's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 462; H artwig, "My God! Be
Careful ," 44.
62. Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 563- 64; Hill's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part l , 1020.
63. McRae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 1040- 41 ; Ruffin's Report, OR, vol.
19, part 1, 1045- 46; Ewing's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 469.
64. Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 45- 46; McMullin's Report, OR, vol.
19, part 1, 464.
65. Cox, Reminiscences, 283.
66. McRae's Report, OR, vol. l 9, part 1, l 040- 41; Grimes's Report, OR, vol.
19, part 1, 1049; H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 47 .
67. Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 48; McRae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part
1, 1041.
68. Cox, "Forcing Fox's," 587; McRae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1042;
Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 48.
69. Horton and Teverbaugh, Eleventh Regi,ment, 72.
70. White's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 464-65; Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful,"
48; Solomon Smith quoted in Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful,'' 49.
71. Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 566; Iverson quoted in Hartwig, "My
God! Be Careful," 49- 50; White's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 464- 65 .
72 . Beyer and Keydel, Deeds of Valor, 72- 73.
73. Ruffin's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 1046; White's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part I , 464-65; Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 52.
74. Ruffin's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1046- 48; Hill, "Battle of South
Mountain," 564; Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful ," 52.
75. Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 567; Hill's Report, OR, vol. 19, part
l , 1020.
76. Cox, Reminiscences, 287; H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 53.
77. Cox, Reminiscences, 287.
78 . Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 564.
79. Ripley's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 103 1.
80. Longstreet, From Manassas, 219- 20.
11 0. Car man, Maiy land Campaign, 34 1- 42; Ruffin 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part
I, 1046 .
111. Carman, Ma1yland Campaign, 34 1- 42; Graham, Ninth Regiment, 27 1- 72;
Crater, Fiftieth Regiment, 34.
11 2. Eicher a nd Eicher, Civil War High Commands, 449; Woodbury, Burnside
and the Ninth Corps, 13 1.
11 3. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 342- 43; Bolton, Civil War J ournal, 82;
Campbell Letter, August 23, 1899.
11 4. Campbell Letter, August 23, 1899; Bosbyshell, 48'" in the War, 76; Parker,
5}51 Regiment, 226.
l 15. Bosbyshell, 48'" in the War, 76; Parker, 51'' Regiment, 226; Pleasonton's
Report, OR, vol. 19, pa rt I , 209- l O; Burnside's Report, OR, vol. 19, part
I , 4 18.
11 6. Hill 's Report, OR, vol. 19, p art 1, 102 1- 22; Carm a n, M aryland
Campaign , 343.
117. Woodward, Our Campaigns, 195 .
11 8. Ibid ., 195- 96.
11 9. Warner, Generals in Blue, 233- 34.
120 . H ooker's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 2 14.
12 l. Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 5 74; Carman, Maryland Campaign,
122 . H artwig, "Task to Storm," 39; R afu se, Antietam, 187- 88 .
123 . G ibbs, Bloody Eleventh, 173; Burnside's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 4 17.
124. Burnside's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 4 17.
125. M eade's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 267; Warn er, Generals in Blue, 432;
T homson and R a uch, Bucktails, 204.
126 . Gibbs, Bloody Eleventh, 26, 169; Anderson's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1,
274; H a rtwig, "Task to Storm ,'' 4 1.
127. Woodward, Our Campaigns, 198.
l 28. H a rtwig, "Task to Storm ," 40.
129. Ibid.; Thomso n and R a uch, Bucktails, 204; Meade's Report OR, vol. I,
pa rt 1, 268 .
130. Hill 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 102 1; Hill, "Battle of So uth
Moun tain," 573.
13 l. Wa rner, Generals in Cray, 263 .
20 1
154. Garnett's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 894- 95; Longstreet, From
Manassas, 226.
155. Hill's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, l 021.
156. Longstreet, From Manassas, 227; Dooley, War Journal, 35- 36.
157. Warner, Generals in Gray, 169; Carman, Maryland Campaign, 363.
158. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 361 - 62.
159. Garnett's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 894-95.
160. Mills, Twenty-first Regiment, 280- 81.
161. Patrick, Inside Lincoln's Army, 144; Patrick's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 242.
162. Eicher and Eicher, Civil War High Commands, 428; Clemens, "First
Fight," 59- 72; Thomas Clemens, "Black Hats Off to the Original Iron
Brigade," Columbiad (Spring 1997): 50- 51 .
163. Phelps's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 231; H atch's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 220.
164. Cabell's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 899; Hatch's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part I , 220.
165. Patrick's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 242; Carman, MarylLmd Campaign, 362.
166. Quoted in Rafuse, Antietam, 191; Owens, "South Mountain," Phelps's
Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 232; Cabell's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 899;
Garnett's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 895.
167. Hun ton's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 898; Owen, "South Mountain,"
Phelps's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 232; Hatch's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 221.
168. Welsh, Medical Histories, 160.
169. Patrick's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 242.
170. Smith, Seventy-sixth Regiment, 151- 53; Noyes quoted in Mills, Twenty-first
Regiment, 282.
171. Noyes quoted in Mills, Twenty-first Regiment, 282; Carman, Maryland
Campaign, 363.
I 72. Owens, "South Mountain,'' Phelps's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1.
l 73. Noyes, quoted in Mills, Twenty-first Regiment, 283; Smith, Seventy-sixth
Regiment, 15 3.
174. Smith, Seventy-sixth Regiment, 154; Noyes quoted in Mills, Twenty-first
Regiment, 283- 84; Doubleday's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 222.
I 75. Warner, Generals in Blue, l 71.
176. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 363- 64; Haskell quoted in Gaff, Bloody
Field, 180; Colquitt's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1053.
l 7 7. Dawes, Sixth Wisconsin, 81; Sullivan, Irishman, 60- 61.
178. Otis, Second Wisconsin, 255; Gaff, Bloody Field, 180-81; Fairchild's Report,
OR, vol. 19, part 1, 253.
l 79. Meredith's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 250.
180. Ibid.
181. Callis's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 256; Carman, Maryland Campaign,
365- 66; Colquitt's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1053.
182. Meredith's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 250.
183. Fairchild's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 252- 53; Meredith's Report, OR,
vol. 19, part 1, 250.
184. Dawes, Sixth Wisconsin, 81 - 83; Bragg's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 254.
185. Bragg's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 254; Callis's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 257.
186. Colquitt's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1053; Hill, "Battle of South
Mountain," 576- 77.
187 . Dawes, Sixth Wisconsin, 84.
188. McClellan to Halleck, September 14, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War
Papers, 461 .
189. Neese, Corifederate Horse Artillery, 119- 20.
190. Bicknell, Fijih Maine, 133- 34.
191. Snell, "William Buel Franklin ," 772- 73.
192. McClellan's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 45- 46 .
193. Franklin to McClellan, September 13, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War
Papers, 455 .
194. Franklin's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 374- 75 .
195. Boyle, "Ninety-sixth. "
196. Franklin's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 374.
197. Neese, Corifederate Horse Artillery, 120.
198. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 300; Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 46- 48.
199. Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 297.
200. Krick, Lee's Colonels; Allardice, Corifederate Colonels, 298.
20 l. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 30 l ; Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 46- 48;
Semmes's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 872- 73.
202. Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 40; Carman, Maryland Campaign, 300- 0 I.
203. Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 61, 5 7.
204. Cake's Report OR, vol. 19, part 1, 393 .
NOTES TO P AGES 137- 150
NOT ES TO P AGES 150- 163
234. ewton's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 396- 97; Bartlett, "Crampton's Pass."
235. Cake's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 394.
236. Boyle, "Ninety-sixth."
237 . Ibid.
238 . Ibid.; Boyer, "At Crampton's Pass."
239 . Cake's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 394; Boyer, ''.At Crampton's Pass";
Boyle, "Ninety-sixth ."
240. Benedi ct, Vermont in the Civil War, 322; J ohn Conlin e, "Recollections
of the Battle of Antietam and th e Maryland Campaign," MOLLUS 5 1:
11 0- 19.
24 1. M unford 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 82 7; Sears, "Fire on the
Mo untain,'' 52 .
242. H ancock quoted in Bartlett, National Tribune; Boyle, "Ninety-sixth. "
243. Eicher and Ei ch e 1~ Civil War High Commands, 178.
244. Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 14; R afuse, Antietam, 202 .
245 . Boyer, ''.At Crampton' Pass"; J oel Seaver letter in Curtis, From Bull Run,
170- 7 1.
246. Seaver's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 391; Seaver in C urtis, From Bull
Run, 170- 71 ; M ye rs's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 397- 98 .
24 7. Bartlett, "Crampton 's Pass."
248 . Boyle, "Ninety-sixth"; Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 153- 54.
249. Beyer and Keydel, Deeds of Valor, 73- 74.
250. Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 198.
25 1. Gottfried, Kearney's Own, 73; R afu se, Antietam, 203; Reese, "Cobb's
Brigade," I 7- 19.
252. Brown's Report, OR, vo l. 19, p art I, 386- 87 ; quoted in Baquet, First
Brigade, 4 7.
253. Benedict, Vermont in the Civil War, 322; Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 152;
Brooks's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 408.
254. R afu se, Antietam, 204; Reese, "Cobb's Brigade,'' 4 7- 56.
255. R afu se, Antietam, 204; Bartl ett, "Crampton's Pass"; Reese, Sealed with
Their Lives; Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 4 7- 56.
256. Semrn es's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 872; Munforcl's Report, OR, vo l.
19, pa rt 1, 827.
257 . Cobb's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 870- 7 1.
258. Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 165- 66; Town's Report, OR, vo l. 19, part 1,
400- 01.
259 . Boyle, " Ninety-sixth."
260. Harsh, Taken at the Flood, 282 .
NOTES TO P AGES 163- 179
261. Casualty numbers from Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 297- 303;
Hatch 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 388; Torbert's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part I, 383.
262. Stevens, Sixth Corps, 138; Bicknell, Fifth Maine, 140- 41.
263 Slocum's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 381; Bartlett's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 389; Bartlett, "Crampton's Pass."
264. Von Borcke, Memoirs, 217- 18.
265. McLaws's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 856.
266. Harsh, Taken at the Flood, 287- 88; Longstreet, From Manassas, 227;
Longstreet's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 839.
267. Stevens's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 942.
268. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 38 1- 82; Lee to McLaws in OR, vol. 51,
part 2, 618- 19.
269. Harsh, Taken at the Flood, 294-95; Carman, Maryland Campaign, 387- 90.
270. McClellan to Halleck, September 14, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War
Papers, 46 1- 62.
271. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 403; McClellan, Civil War Papers, 462.
272. McClellan to wife, in McClellan, Civil War Papers, 462- 63; McClellan's
Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 28.
273. Smith, Seventy-sixth Regiment, 159- 60.
274. Todd, Seventy-ninth Highlanders, 236; Albert, Forty-fifth Regiment, 48;
Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, History, 34.
275. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 399- 401.
276. Ibid.
277. Harsh , Taken at the Flood, 300.
278. McLaws's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 854-56.
279. McClellan's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 29, 45- 46.
280. Ibid., 47.
281. Rafuse, Antietam, 205- 06; McClellan's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1,
29, 47.
282. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 434-35.
283. Harsh, Taken at the Flood, 302- 04.
284. Lee 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 951.
285. Wren, Civil Diary, 87; Albert, 451h Regiment, 54-55; Bosbyshell , 48'" in the
War, 77.
NOTES TO P AGES 179- 187
286 . McClellan's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 27 ; Carman, Maryland Campaign,
406- 08.
287. McClellan's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 53- 54.
288. Ibid. , 29- 30, 54; Carman, Maryland Campaign, 409- 10.
289. Lincoln to McClellan, September 15, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War
Papers, 463.
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About th e Author