Battle Of South Mountain_0005

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Order of Battle



First Corps

Major General Joseph Hooker

FIRST D1v1s10 '

Brigadier General Rufus King290
Brigadier Genera!John P H atch (w)'
Brigadier General Abner Doubleday

First Brigade Second Brigade

Colonel Walter Phelpsjr. Brigadier General Abner
22"d New York Colonel William Wainwright (w)
24'" ew York Lieutenant Colonel]. William

• (k) = kill ed
(w) = wo unded
(mw) = m ortally wo und ed

30 1h ew Yo rk 71h Indi a na
84'" N ew Yo rk 76th New Yo rk
2'"1 U.S. Sha rpshoo te rs 95t1i New Yo rk
56th Penn sylvani a

Third Brigade Fourth Brigade

Brigadi er G eneral M arsena R. Pa tri ck Brigadier Generaljo hn Gibbon
2 l" N ewYo rk 19th India na
23'"1 New Yo rk 2"c1 \ Vi sco nsin

35 1h New Yo rk 6t 11 vVi sco nsin

80th N ew Yo rk 7t1i vVisco nsin

First Division Artdle1y

C apta in]. Al be rt M o nroe
New H a mpshire Lig ht, I 't Ba ttery, Lieutena nt Frede ri ck Edgell
J't Rhode Isla nd Lig ht, Battery D, Captain]. Albert M o nroe
l 't N ew York Li ght, Ba ttery L, Capta in j o hn A. Reynold s
4th U. S. , Ba ttery B, Capta injoseph Campbell

Brigadier Ge neralja m es Ri cketts

First Brigade Second Bngade

Brigadi er G eneral Abram Du ryee Colo nel Willi a m C hristi a n
9 7th New Yo rk 26t" N ew Yo rk
104' 11 New Yo rk 94t1i N ew Yo rk
105'" N ew York 88'" Pennsylvani a
107t" Pennsylva ni a 90th Pennsylvania

Third Brigade
Brigadier G eneral G eo rge L. H a rtsuff
l 2 1h M assachusetts
13th l\ilassachuse tts
33rci New Yo rk
11 th Pennsylvani a

Second Division Artille1y

I " Penn sylvani a Light, Ba tte ry F, Capta in Ez ra W. M a tth ews
Pennsylvani a Light, Ba ttery C, Capta in J a m es Th ompson


Brigadier General G eo rge G. Meade

First Brigade Second Brigade

Brigadi er General Truman Seymour Colonel Albert M agilton
I" Pennsylvan ia Re erves 3rr1 Pennsylvania Rese rves

211" Penn sylva ni a Reserves 4'" Pennsylvania Reserves

5'" Pennsylvania Rese rves 7'" Penn sylvani a Rese rves
61" Pennsylvani a Re erves 81" Pennsylvania Reserves
13'" Pennsylvania Reserves

Third Bngade
Colonel Thomas Gallagher (w)
Li eutena nt Colonel Robe rt Anderson
9'" Pennsylvani a Rese rves
I0'" Pennsylvani a Reserves
111" Penn sylvan ia Reserves
12'" Pennsylvan ia Rese rves

Third Division Artillery

I '' Pennsylvani a Light, Battery A, Li eute nantJohn G. Simpson
l " Pennsylvania Light, Battery B, Captain J ames H. Cooper
5'" U.S., Battery C , Cap tain Dunbar R. Ra nsom

Sixth Corps

Nlajor General William B. Franklin

Fm.ST D1 v1s10:\'
Major General H enry W. Slocum

First Brigade Second Brigade

Colonel Alfred TA. Torbert ColonelJosephJ. Bartlett
1" Tew J ersey 5'" Maine
211 c1 New J ersey 16'" New York
3rc1 New J ersey 27'" New York
4'" ew J ersey 96'" Pen nsylvania


Third Brigade
Brigadier G eneraljo hn Newton
18'h New York
31 " New York
32'"1 New York
95'h Pennsylvania

First Division Artillery

Captain Emory Upton
Maryland Light, Battery A, Captainjohn Wolcott
Massachusetts Light, Battery A, Captain J osiah Porter
New J ersey Light, Battery A, Captain William H examer
2"'1 U.S., Battery D, Lieutenant Edward Williston

M ajor General William F Smith

First Brigade Second Brigade

Brigadier General Winfi eld S. Hancock Brigadier G eneral W.T.H. Brooks
6'h Maine 211 d Vermont
43'd New York 3"1 Vermont
49'h Pennsylvania 4' 11 Vermont
13 7'h Pennsylvania 5'h Vermont
5'11 Wisconsin 6' 11 Vermont

Third Brigade
Colonel William H . Irwin
7'" Maine
20' 11 New York
33'd New York
49•1i N ew York
77•1i New York

Second Division Artille1y

Captain Romeyn B. Ayres
Maryl and Light, Battery B, Lieutenant Theodore]. Vanneman
New York Light, I " Battery, Captain Andrew Cowan
5"' U.S., Battery F, Lieutenant Leo nard M a rtin


Ninth Corps

Major General J esse Reno (mw)

Brigadier General Jacob Cox

Brigadier General Orlando B. Willcox

First Brigade Second Brigade

Colonel Benjamin Christ Colonel Thomas Welsh
28'" Massachusetts 46'" New York
8 Michigan 29 1
" 45' 11 Penn sylvania
17'" Michigan 100111 Pennsylvania
79'" New York
50111 Pennsylvania

First Division Artillery

Massachusetts Light, Eighth Battery, Captain Asa M. Cook
2"d U.S., Battery E, Lieutenant Samuel Benjamin

SEco o D1v1s101
Brigadier General Samuel D. Sturgis

First Brigade Second Brigade

Coloneljames Nagle Colonel Edward Ferrero
2 d Maryland
21 st Massachusetts
6 h New Hampshire
35•h Massachusetts
9'11 New Hampshire 5 l st New York
48'h Pennsylvania 51 st Pennsylvania

Second Division Artillery

Pennsylvania Light, Battery D, Captain George W. Durell
4'h U.S., Battery E, Captainjoseph Clark


THIRD D1 v 1 10N
Brigadier General Isaac P Rodman

First Brigade Second Brigade

Colonel H arrison Fairchild Colonel Edward H arland
9th New York 3t1i Connecticut
89th New York 11 th Connecticut
103 c1 New York
16th Connecticut
4th Rhode Isla nd

Third Division Artilleiy

5th U.S., Battery A, Lieutenant Charles P Muhlenberg

FO URTH (K ANA\\'H A) Drv 1s 10 r

Brigadier Genera!Jacob Cox

First Brigade Second Brigade

Colonel Eliakim P Scammon Colonel Geo rge Crook
12th Ohio 11 th Ohio
23rd Ohio 28'h Ohio
3Qth Ohio 36u' Ohio

Ohio Light Artillery, First Battery, Schambeck's Company, Chicago, Captain
J ames McMullin D ragoons
Gilmore's Company, West Virginia Cavalry, Kentucky Light Artillery,
Lieutenantjames Abraham
Simmond's Battery, H a rrison's Co mpany, \Vest Virginia Cavalry, Lieutenant
Dennis D elaney

Cava by

Brigadier General Affeed Pleasanton

First Brigade Second Brigade

Major Charles Whitinrr Coloneljohn Farnsworth
5th U.S. Cavalry 8th Illinoi Cavalry
6th U.S. Cavalry 3"1 Indiana Cavalry


1" Massachusetts Cavalry

8'" Pennsylvania Cavalry

Third Brigade fourth Brigade

Colonel Richard H. Rush Colonel Andrew T McReynolds
4'" Pennsylvania Cavalry l " New York Cavalry
6'" Pennsylvania Cavalry l 2'h Pennsylvania Cavalry

Fifth Brigade
Colonel Benj amin F. Davis
8'h New York Cavalry
3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry


2"d U.S., Battery A, Captain j ohn Tidball

2"d U.S., Batteri es B and L, Captainjames M. Robertson
2"d U.S., Battery M , Li eutenant Peter H ains
3rd U.S., Batteries C and G, Captain Horatio G. Gibson


l S'h Pennsylvania Cavalry



D. H. Hill's Division

Major General Daniel Harvey Hill


Brigadier General Roswell Ripley Brigadier General Samuel
Garland (k)


4'h Georgia Colonel Duncan K. McRae

44'h Georgia 5'h North Carolina
l" North Carolina l 2'h orth Carolina
3rd North Carolina l 3'h North Carolina
20'h North Carolina
23rc1 North Carolina


Brigadier General Robert E. Rodes Brigadier General George B.
3rc1 Alabama 2"d North Carolina
5'h Alabama 4'h North Carolina
6'1t Alabama l 4'h North Carolina
l 2'h Alabama 30'h North Carolina
26'h Alabama

Colonel Alfred H. Colquitt
l 3'1i Alabama
6'h Georgia
23rc1 Georgia
27'h Georgia
28'h Georgia

Major Pierson
H ardaway's (Alabama) Battery, Captain R.A. H ardaway
J efferson Davis (Alabama) Artillery, CaptainJ.W. Bond urant
Jones's (Virginia) Battery, Captain William B.Jones
King William (Virginia) Artillery, Captain TH. Carter

D.R. Jones )s Division

Brigadier General David R. Jones


Brigadier General Robert A. Toombs Brigadier General Thomas F


2nc1 Georgia 50' 11 Georgia

15' 11 Georgia 5 1" Georgia
17' 11 Georgia 3rd South Carolina Battalion
20' 11 Georgia 15' 11 South Carolin a
Phillips (G eorgia) Legion


Brigadier G eneral Richa rd B. Garnett Coloneljoseph Walker
8'" Virgini a 1" South Carolin a (Volunteers)
18'11 Virginia 2nd South Carolin a RiOes
19'" V irginia 5 111 South Carolina
28'" Virgini a 6'" South Caroli na
56'" Virgin ia 4'11 South Caroli na Battalion
Palmetto (South Carolina)


Brigadier Generalja mes L. K emper Colonel G eorge T. Anderson
l ' 1 Virginia 1" Georgia (R egulars)
7111 Virginia 7'" Georgia
11 '"Virginia 8111 Georgia
I 7'" Virginia 9 111 Georgia
241" Virginia l l 111 G eo rgia

Hood's Division

Brigadier General John B. Hood


Colonel William T. Wofford Colonel Evander M. Law
181" Georgia 4' 11 Al a bama
H ampton (South Carolin a) Legion 2"c1 Mi ssissippi
l " Texas 11 th Mississippi
4' 11 Texas 61h North Carolin a
5111 Texas


Colonel Peter F. Stevens
17111 South Carolin a

19 J

18'11 South Carolina

22 11 c1 South Carolina
23'c1 South Carolina
H olcombe (South Carolin a) Legio n
Macbeth (South Carolina) Artillery

McLa ws's Division

Major General Lefayette McLaws


Brigadi er General Howell Cobb Brigad ier Ge neral Paul]. Semmes
16'" Georgia 10 1" Georgia
24'" Georgia 53rc1 Georgia
Cobb's (Georgia) Legion 15'11 Virginia
15'" North Carolina 32"'1 Virginia

Troup (Georgia) Artillery, one section, Li eutenant H enry J ennings
l" North Caroli na Artillery, Light Battery A, Captain Basil Manly
Richm ond (Virginia) Fayette Artillery, Li eutenant Wi lli am I. C lopton
Magruder (Virginia) Light Artillery, Captain Thomas]. Page Jr.

R.H. Anderson's Division

Colonel Willi am A. Parham
6'" Virginia
12'" Virginia
l 61h Virgin ia
4 1'' Virginia

Portsmouth Light Artillery, Grim es's Battery, Captain Cary F Grimes



Major General James EB. Stuart


Colonel Thomas T Munford Brigadier General Wade H ampton
2nd Virgi nia Cavalry 1" North Carolina Cavalry
6th Virginia Cavalry 2nd South Carolina Cavalry
7th Virginia Cavalry 1Qth Virginia Cavalry
12th Virgini a Cavalry Cobb's (Georgia) Legion
17th Virginia Cavalry J eff Davis Legio n


Brigadier General Fitzhugh Lee
I" Virginia Cavalry
3rd Virgini a Cavalry
4th Virginia Cavalry
5th Virginia Cavalry
9th Virginia Cavalry

Captainjohn Pelham
Chew's (Virginia) Battery
Hart's (South Carolina) Battery
Pelham's (Virginia) Battery



1. M. Edgar Richards to sister, September 28, 1862, Officer's Letters,

February 2 1, 1854- March 7, 1864, Civil War Miscellaneous Collection ,
United States Army H eritage Education Center, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

2. McPherson, Crossroads ef Freedom, 16- 27.
3. Jones, War Clerk's Diaiy, 142.
4. H enry Keiser, August 3 1, 1862, Sergeant's Diary, September 23, 1861 -
July 20, 1865, H arrisburg Civil War Roundtable Collection, United States
Army H eritage and Education Center, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
5. Freeman, Lee's Lieutenant\ 716- 21.
6. U.S. War Department, War ef the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 5 1, part 2, 590- 91
(hereafter cited as OR; citations are to series I unless otherwise noted).
7. For a detailed breakdown of Lee's army and his numbers at the start of
the Maryland Campaign, see Harsh, Sounding the Shallows, 50- 90, 138- 39;
and H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 33- 39.
8. Von Borcke, Memoirs, 185.
9. Quoted in Sears, Landscape Turned Red, 9 1.

10 . Lee to Davis, September 7, 1862, OR , vol. 51, part 1, 597; Lee to

Davis, September 13, OR, vol. 51, part 1, 606; D.H. Hill, OR , vol. 19,
part I , I 026.
11. Lee to Davis, September 7, 1862, OR, vol. 5 1, part I , 596.
12. Lee to D avis, September 12, 1862, OR, vol. 5 1, part I, 604- 05; H arsh,
Taken at the Flood, 147- 49.
13. Special Orders No. 191, OR, vol. 5 1, part I , 603- 04.
14. H ars h, Taken at the Flood, 147- 52 , 173.
15. Lee to D avis, September 8, 1862, OR, vol. 5 1, part I , 600- 01; H ars h,
Taken at the Flood, 114- 15.
16. Lee to Davis, September 12, 1862, OR, vo l. 5 1, part I , 604- 05 ; Longstreet
quoted in Sears, Landscape Turned Red, 96.
I 7. H ars h, Taken at the Flood, 223- 26; Carman , Maiyland Campaign, 215,
226- 32 .
18. George McClellan to wife, September 2, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War
Papers, 428, 435- 38.
19. Carman , Maryland Campaign, 122- 25 .
20. R afuse, McClellan's War, 273- 75; Hayes, Diaiy and Letters, 340- 4 1.
21. Pope to H alleck, September 2, 1862, OR, vol. 12, part 3, 796- 97; Bartlett
"Crampton's Pass."
22. McClellan, Civil War Papers, 438.
23. Ibid. , 445; R afuse, M cClellan's War, 280- 81.
24. McClellan to Curtin, September 10, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War
Papers, 446.
25. McClellan to wife, September 12, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War Papers,
449; Carm an, Maryland Campaign, 186- 88.
26. McClellan to wife, September 14, 1862, and Lincoln to McClellan,
September 13, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War Papers, 452, 458.
2 7. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 192- 9 7.
28. H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 232- 233 , 242, 257, 275.
29. McClellan quoted in Sears, Landscape Turned Red, 11 5; McClellan to
Lincoln , September 13, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War Papers, 453; Rafuse,
M cClellan's War, 290- 9 1.
30. Rafuse, McClellan's Ttllar, 29 1- 93.
3 1. McClellan's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 45- 46.
32 . H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 235- 36, 246- 52 .


33. Lee's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1 145; Hill, "Battle of South Mou ntain,"
560- 6 1; H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 256- 5 7.
34. Hill , "Battle of South Mountain ," 56 1; H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 257 .
35 . H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 257.
36. Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 562; H artwig, "My God! Be Careful ,"
36- 37; H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 257.
37. Eicher and Eicher, Civil War High Commands, 249; Hill's Report, OR, vol.
19, part 1, 1026 .
38. H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 32- 33; Rafu se, Antietam, 178- 79;
Cuffel, Durell's, 73.
39. H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 37- 39; H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 258 .
40. McR ae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1040.
4 1. H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 260; McClellan to wife, September 14, 1862, in
McClellan , Civil War Papers, 458.
42. Cox, Reminiscences, 277; Cox, "Forcing Fox's," 262 .
43. Cox, Reminiscences, 279; Cox's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 458; H artwig,
"My God! Be Careful," 29.
44. H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 30.
45. Cox, Reminiscences, 280.
46. Ib id .
47. Ibid., 280- 8 1; Pleasonton's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 210; Burnside's
Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 4 17; Cox's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 458;
H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 33.
48. Cox, Reminiscences, 28 1; Rafuse, Antietam, 178- 80.
49. Cox, Reminiscences, 28 1; Scammon's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 46 1;
H ayes, Diary and Letters, 355.
50. Cox, Reminiscences, 282.
5 1. McRae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, l 040- 4 1.
52 . H ayes, Diaiy and Letters, 355; McR ae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1040;
H artwig, "My God! Be Careful ," 40; H agenboom, Rutheiferd B. Hayes, 5 1.
53. H artwig, "My God! Be Careful ," 40; H ayes, Diary and Letter, 356.
54. H artwig, "My God! Be Careful ," 40, 42; McR ae's OR, vo l. 19, part
1, I 041.
55. Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful ," 42; H ayes, Diaiy and Letters, 356; Welsh,
Medical Histories, 123.
56. Hayes, Diai~JI and Letters, 356- 57; Welsh, Medical Histmies, 163; H artwig,
"My God! Be Careful," 4 1.


57. Cox 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 459; Hartwig, "My God! Be
Careful," 34.
58. McRae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 1040; Hartwig, "My God! Be
Careful ," 42.
59. Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 42- 43.
60. Cox's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 459; White's Report, OR, vol. 19, part
1, 464; Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 43.
61. Ewing's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 462; H artwig, "My God! Be
Careful ," 44.
62. Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 563- 64; Hill's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part l , 1020.
63. McRae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 1040- 41 ; Ruffin's Report, OR, vol.
19, part 1, 1045- 46; Ewing's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 469.
64. Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 45- 46; McMullin's Report, OR, vol.
19, part 1, 464.
65. Cox, Reminiscences, 283.
66. McRae's Report, OR, vol. l 9, part 1, l 040- 41; Grimes's Report, OR, vol.
19, part 1, 1049; H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 47 .
67. Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 48; McRae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part
1, 1041.
68. Cox, "Forcing Fox's," 587; McRae's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1042;
Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 48.
69. Horton and Teverbaugh, Eleventh Regi,ment, 72.
70. White's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 464-65; Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful,"
48; Solomon Smith quoted in Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful,'' 49.
71. Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 566; Iverson quoted in Hartwig, "My
God! Be Careful," 49- 50; White's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 464- 65 .
72 . Beyer and Keydel, Deeds of Valor, 72- 73.
73. Ruffin's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 1046; White's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part I , 464-65; Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful," 52.
74. Ruffin's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1046- 48; Hill, "Battle of South
Mountain," 564; Hartwig, "My God! Be Careful ," 52.
75. Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 567; Hill's Report, OR, vol. 19, part
l , 1020.
76. Cox, Reminiscences, 287; H artwig, "My God! Be Careful," 53.
77. Cox, Reminiscences, 287.
78 . Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 564.
79. Ripley's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 103 1.
80. Longstreet, From Manassas, 219- 20.


81. Ibid., 220; H arsh, Taken at the Flood, 255- 56.

82. Harsh, Taken at the Flood, 264.
83. Hill's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1020; H arsh , Taken at the Flood, 264.
84. Eicher and Eicher, Civil War High Commands, 564.
85. Lane, Soldier's Diary, 11.
86. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 334; Willcox 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part
1, 428; Cox, Reminiscences, 288; Chri t's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 437;
Brown quoted in Richards, Company C, 56- 5 7.
87. Cook's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 434; Carman, Maryland Campaign, 334.
88 . Crater, Fiftieth Regiment, 32; Bea uge account in Albert, Forty-fifth
Regiment, 52.
89. Willcox's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 428.
90 . Ibid. ; Todd, The Seventy-ninth Highlanders, 232 .
9 1. Beauge account in Albert, Forty-fifth Regiment, 52.
92 . Cox's Report, OR, vol. 19, p art 1, 460; Graham, "D eath of a Brigade."
93. Graham, "D eath of a Brigade."
94. Welsh's Report, OR, vol. 19, p art 1, 440; Willcox's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 428- 29; Graham, "D eath of a Brigade."
95. Beauge account in Albert, Forty-fifth Regiment, 53- 54.
96. Gabriel Campbell letter to Ezra Carman, August 23 , 1899, Antietam
ation al Battlefi eld Library, 17•h Mich igan Unit File; Carman, Maryland
Campaign, 337 .
97. Campbell Letter, August 23 , 1899; R afu se, Antietam, 182.
98. Lord, Ninth Regiment, 70; Bosbyshell, 48'h in tlze War, 75.
99 . Cuffe], Durell's Batteiy, 73.
100. Grah am , "D eath of a Brigade."
IOI. Hill's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1021 ; Welsh 's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 440; Christ's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 438; Nbert, Forty-fifth
Regiment, 48 .
I 02. Bolton, Civil War Journal, 8 1; Bosbyshell, 48'" in the War, 75.
103. Sturgis's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 443; Lord, Ninth Regiment, 72- 73.
104. Bolton , Civil War Journal, 82; Hitchcock quoted in Grah am , "D eath of
a Brigade."
105. Graham, "D eath of a Brigade."
106. Carman , Maryland Campaign , 340.
107. H ood, Advance and Retreat, 39.
108. Ibid. , 39- 40 .
l 09. Graham, "Death of a Brigade"; Ripley's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, l 032;
Hill's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, l 02 l ; Hill, "Battle of Soutl1 Mountain," 569.


11 0. Car man, Maiy land Campaign, 34 1- 42; Ruffin 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part
I, 1046 .
111. Carman, Ma1yland Campaign, 34 1- 42; Graham, Ninth Regiment, 27 1- 72;
Crater, Fiftieth Regiment, 34.
11 2. Eicher a nd Eicher, Civil War High Commands, 449; Woodbury, Burnside
and the Ninth Corps, 13 1.
11 3. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 342- 43; Bolton, Civil War J ournal, 82;
Campbell Letter, August 23, 1899.
11 4. Campbell Letter, August 23, 1899; Bosbyshell, 48'" in the War, 76; Parker,
5}51 Regiment, 226.
l 15. Bosbyshell, 48'" in the War, 76; Parker, 51'' Regiment, 226; Pleasonton's
Report, OR, vol. 19, pa rt I , 209- l O; Burnside's Report, OR, vol. 19, part
I , 4 18.
11 6. Hill 's Report, OR, vol. 19, p art 1, 102 1- 22; Carm a n, M aryland
Campaign , 343.

117. Woodward, Our Campaigns, 195 .
11 8. Ibid ., 195- 96.
11 9. Warner, Generals in Blue, 233- 34.
120 . H ooker's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 2 14.
12 l. Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 5 74; Carman, Maryland Campaign,
122 . H artwig, "Task to Storm," 39; R afu se, Antietam, 187- 88 .
123 . G ibbs, Bloody Eleventh, 173; Burnside's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 4 17.
124. Burnside's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 4 17.
125. M eade's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 267; Warn er, Generals in Blue, 432;
T homson and R a uch, Bucktails, 204.
126 . Gibbs, Bloody Eleventh, 26, 169; Anderson's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1,
274; H a rtwig, "Task to Storm ,'' 4 1.
127. Woodward, Our Campaigns, 198.
l 28. H a rtwig, "Task to Storm ," 40.
129. Ibid.; Thomso n and R a uch, Bucktails, 204; Meade's Report OR, vol. I,
pa rt 1, 268 .
130. Hill 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 102 1; Hill, "Battle of So uth
Moun tain," 573.
13 l. Wa rner, Generals in Cray, 263 .


132. Rodes's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1033- 34.

133. Ibid ., l 034; Coll ins, Robert E. Rodes, 158- 59.
134. Stevens's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 94 l ; H artwig, "Task to Storm," 43 .
135 . Pa rk quoted in Hill , "Battle of South Mountain," 572.
136 . Seymour's Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 272; Thomson a nd Rauch,
Bucktails, 204; Otis Smith quoted in H a rtwig, "Task to Storm ," 43.
137. Park quoted in Hill, "Battl e of South Mountain ," 572- 73.
138. Rodes's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1034; H artwig, "Task to Storm," 44.
139. M eade's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 267; Thomso n and Rau ch,
Bucktails, 204-05; H artwig, "Task to Storm," 44- 45.
140. JR. Sypher, Pennsylvania Reserve Cmps, 369- 70; Woodward, Our
Campaigns, 199.
141. Rocl e 's Repo rt, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1034.
142.Jackson's Report, OR, vol. 51 , part 1, 153; Hartwig, "Task to Storm," 46.
143. Bolar's Report, OR, vol. 5 1, part l, 154; Rode 's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 1035 .
I 44. Gibbs, Bloody Eleventh, l 75- 7 7.
145 . Battle, Third Alabama, 56; Dick's Report, OR, vol. 5 1, part l, 149;
Anderson's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 275; H artwig, "Task to Storm,"
46- 47.
146. Battle, Third Alabama, 55; Jackson's Report, OR, vo l. 5 1, part 1, 153.
14 7. Rodes's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , l 035- 36; Hill's Report, OR, vol.
19, part 1, 1022.
148. H artwig, "Task to Storm," 47- 48; Hill, Our Boys, 395- 96; Stevens's
Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 941 - 42.
149. H ooker's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 2 15; Meade's Report, OR, vol.
19, part I, 268.
150. Eicher and Eicher, Civil War High Commands, 287.
15 1. H atch's Report, OR, vol. 19, pa rt I, 220; Doubleday's Report, OR, vol.
19, part 1, 222; Priest, Before Antietam, 324- 25. H atch claimed he had 3,500
men after Gibbon was detached, but th is is not th e case. Phelps's brigade
had just 520 men, while Patrick had 850 and Doubleday had roughly
1,000. Gibbon's brigade, the large tin H atch's division , numbered 1,350;
Patrick, Inside Lincoln's Army, 143.
152 . Hill, "Battle of South Mountain," 573- 74; Hill's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part l , 1021.
153. H.T Owen , "South Mountain: A Confederate Record of Incidents of
th e Battle," Philadelphia Mleekry Tlmes, Jul y 3 1, 1880.

20 1

154. Garnett's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 894- 95; Longstreet, From
Manassas, 226.
155. Hill's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, l 021.
156. Longstreet, From Manassas, 227; Dooley, War Journal, 35- 36.
157. Warner, Generals in Gray, 169; Carman, Maryland Campaign, 363.
158. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 361 - 62.
159. Garnett's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 894-95.
160. Mills, Twenty-first Regiment, 280- 81.
161. Patrick, Inside Lincoln's Army, 144; Patrick's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 242.
162. Eicher and Eicher, Civil War High Commands, 428; Clemens, "First
Fight," 59- 72; Thomas Clemens, "Black Hats Off to the Original Iron
Brigade," Columbiad (Spring 1997): 50- 51 .
163. Phelps's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 231; H atch's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 220.
164. Cabell's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 899; Hatch's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part I , 220.
165. Patrick's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 242; Carman, MarylLmd Campaign, 362.
166. Quoted in Rafuse, Antietam, 191; Owens, "South Mountain," Phelps's
Report, OR, vol. 19, part l , 232; Cabell's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 899;
Garnett's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 895.
167. Hun ton's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 898; Owen, "South Mountain,"
Phelps's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 232; Hatch's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 221.
168. Welsh, Medical Histories, 160.
169. Patrick's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 242.
170. Smith, Seventy-sixth Regiment, 151- 53; Noyes quoted in Mills, Twenty-first
Regiment, 282.
171. Noyes quoted in Mills, Twenty-first Regiment, 282; Carman, Maryland
Campaign, 363.
I 72. Owens, "South Mountain,'' Phelps's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1.
l 73. Noyes, quoted in Mills, Twenty-first Regiment, 283; Smith, Seventy-sixth
Regiment, 15 3.
174. Smith, Seventy-sixth Regiment, 154; Noyes quoted in Mills, Twenty-first
Regiment, 283- 84; Doubleday's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 222.
I 75. Warner, Generals in Blue, l 71.
176. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 363- 64; Haskell quoted in Gaff, Bloody
Field, 180; Colquitt's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1053.
l 7 7. Dawes, Sixth Wisconsin, 81; Sullivan, Irishman, 60- 61.


178. Otis, Second Wisconsin, 255; Gaff, Bloody Field, 180-81; Fairchild's Report,
OR, vol. 19, part 1, 253.
l 79. Meredith's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 250.
180. Ibid.
181. Callis's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 256; Carman, Maryland Campaign,
365- 66; Colquitt's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1053.
182. Meredith's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 250.
183. Fairchild's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 252- 53; Meredith's Report, OR,
vol. 19, part 1, 250.
184. Dawes, Sixth Wisconsin, 81 - 83; Bragg's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 254.
185. Bragg's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 254; Callis's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 257.
186. Colquitt's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 1053; Hill, "Battle of South
Mountain," 576- 77.
187 . Dawes, Sixth Wisconsin, 84.
188. McClellan to Halleck, September 14, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War
Papers, 461 .

189. Neese, Corifederate Horse Artillery, 119- 20.
190. Bicknell, Fijih Maine, 133- 34.
191. Snell, "William Buel Franklin ," 772- 73.
192. McClellan's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 45- 46 .
193. Franklin to McClellan, September 13, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War
Papers, 455 .
194. Franklin's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 374- 75 .
195. Boyle, "Ninety-sixth. "
196. Franklin's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 374.
197. Neese, Corifederate Horse Artillery, 120.
198. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 300; Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 46- 48.
199. Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 297.
200. Krick, Lee's Colonels; Allardice, Corifederate Colonels, 298.
20 l. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 30 l ; Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 46- 48;
Semmes's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 872- 73.
202. Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 40; Carman, Maryland Campaign, 300- 0 I.
203. Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 61, 5 7.
204. Cake's Report OR, vol. 19, part 1, 393 .

NOTES TO P AGES 137- 150

205. Boyer, "At Crampton's Pass."

206. Carman, Maiyland Campaign, 296- 97; Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 72 .
207. M cClellan to Franklin , September 14, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War
Papers, 458- 59.
208. Ibid ., 460.
209. Ree e, Sealed with Their Lives, 73, 126; McLaws's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 854- 55; Semm es' Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 873.
2 10. Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 297- 99, 300; Munford 's Report, OR, vol.
19, part 1, 826.
211. Carman, Maiy land Campaign, 299- 301 ; Montague's Report, OR, vol.
l 9, part 1, 882.
2 12. Boyle, "Ninety-sixth."
2 13. Ba rtl ett, "Crampton's Pas "; Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 7 l .
214. McClellan to Franklin, September 14, 1862, in M cClellan, Civil War
Papers, 459- 60.
2 15. Bartlett's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 388; Bartlett, "C rampton 's Pass."
2 16. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 304- 05; Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 69.
217. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 304- 05 ; Bartlett, "Crampton's Pass";
Neese, Corifederate Horse Artillery, 121 .
218. Boyer, ''.At Crampton's Pa s"; Boyle, "Nin ety-sixth. "
219. Fairchild, 2 7'" Regiment, 9 1.
220. J ackson's Report OR, vol. 19, part 1, 390; Boyle, "Ninety-sixth ."
22 1. Bickn ell, Fifth Maine, l 37- 39.
222 . Ba rtlett's Report, OR, vol. 1, part l , 389.
223. Buck's Report, OR, vol. 19, pa rt I , 384- 85; Gottfri ed , Kearney,s Own, 71.
224. Mye rs's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 398.
225. Slocum 's Report, OR, ,·ol. 19, part I , 380; Rigby account in Reese,
Sealed with Their Lives, I 05 06.
226. Smith's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 401.
227. Westbrook, 49'" Pennsylvania, 124.
228. J. Shaw, National Tribune, O ctober I , 1891.
229. Bartlett's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1 389; Ba rtlett, "Crampton's Pass."
230. Franklin to M cClellan, September 14, 1862, in McClella n, Civil War
Papers, 460.
23 1. Beech quoted in Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 130; Torbert's Report,
OR, vo l. 19, part I, 383; Carman , Maiyland Campaign, 305.
232. Toomer quoted in Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 130- 3 l.
233. Bickn ell , Fifth Maine, 140.

NOT ES TO P AGES 150- 163

234. ewton's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 396- 97; Bartlett, "Crampton's Pass."
235. Cake's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 394.
236. Boyle, "Ninety-sixth."
237 . Ibid.
238 . Ibid.; Boyer, "At Crampton's Pass."
239 . Cake's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 394; Boyer, ''.At Crampton's Pass";
Boyle, "Ninety-sixth ."
240. Benedi ct, Vermont in the Civil War, 322; J ohn Conlin e, "Recollections
of the Battle of Antietam and th e Maryland Campaign," MOLLUS 5 1:
11 0- 19.
24 1. M unford 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 82 7; Sears, "Fire on the
Mo untain,'' 52 .
242. H ancock quoted in Bartlett, National Tribune; Boyle, "Ninety-sixth. "
243. Eicher and Ei ch e 1~ Civil War High Commands, 178.
244. Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 14; R afuse, Antietam, 202 .
245 . Boyer, ''.At Crampton' Pass"; J oel Seaver letter in Curtis, From Bull Run,
170- 7 1.
246. Seaver's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 391; Seaver in C urtis, From Bull
Run, 170- 71 ; M ye rs's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 397- 98 .
24 7. Bartlett, "Crampton 's Pass."
248 . Boyle, "Ninety-sixth"; Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 153- 54.
249. Beyer and Keydel, Deeds of Valor, 73- 74.
250. Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 198.
25 1. Gottfried, Kearney's Own, 73; R afu se, Antietam, 203; Reese, "Cobb's
Brigade," I 7- 19.
252. Brown's Report, OR, vo l. 19, p art I, 386- 87 ; quoted in Baquet, First
Brigade, 4 7.
253. Benedict, Vermont in the Civil War, 322; Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 152;
Brooks's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 408.
254. R afu se, Antietam, 204; Reese, "Cobb's Brigade,'' 4 7- 56.
255. R afu se, Antietam, 204; Bartl ett, "Crampton's Pass"; Reese, Sealed with
Their Lives; Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 4 7- 56.
256. Semrn es's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 872; Munforcl's Report, OR, vo l.
19, pa rt 1, 827.
257 . Cobb's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 870- 7 1.
258. Reese, "Cobb's Brigade," 165- 66; Town's Report, OR, vo l. 19, part 1,
400- 01.
259 . Boyle, " Ninety-sixth."
260. Harsh, Taken at the Flood, 282 .

NOTES TO P AGES 163- 179

261. Casualty numbers from Reese, Sealed with Their Lives, 297- 303;
Hatch 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I, 388; Torbert's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part I, 383.
262. Stevens, Sixth Corps, 138; Bicknell, Fifth Maine, 140- 41.
263 Slocum's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 381; Bartlett's Report, OR, vol. 19,
part 1, 389; Bartlett, "Crampton's Pass."
264. Von Borcke, Memoirs, 217- 18.
265. McLaws's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 856.

266. Harsh, Taken at the Flood, 287- 88; Longstreet, From Manassas, 227;
Longstreet's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 839.
267. Stevens's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 942.
268. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 38 1- 82; Lee to McLaws in OR, vol. 51,
part 2, 618- 19.
269. Harsh, Taken at the Flood, 294-95; Carman, Maryland Campaign, 387- 90.
270. McClellan to Halleck, September 14, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War
Papers, 46 1- 62.
271. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 403; McClellan, Civil War Papers, 462.
272. McClellan to wife, in McClellan, Civil War Papers, 462- 63; McClellan's
Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 28.
273. Smith, Seventy-sixth Regiment, 159- 60.
274. Todd, Seventy-ninth Highlanders, 236; Albert, Forty-fifth Regiment, 48;
Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, History, 34.
275. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 399- 401.
276. Ibid.
277. Harsh , Taken at the Flood, 300.
278. McLaws's Report, OR, vol. 19, part I , 854-56.
279. McClellan's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 29, 45- 46.
280. Ibid., 47.
281. Rafuse, Antietam, 205- 06; McClellan's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1,
29, 47.
282. Carman, Maryland Campaign, 434-35.
283. Harsh, Taken at the Flood, 302- 04.
284. Lee 's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 951.
285. Wren, Civil Diary, 87; Albert, 451h Regiment, 54-55; Bosbyshell , 48'" in the
War, 77.

NOTES TO P AGES 179- 187

286 . McClellan's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 27 ; Carman, Maryland Campaign,
406- 08.
287. McClellan's Report, OR, vol. 19, part 1, 53- 54.
288. Ibid. , 29- 30, 54; Carman, Maryland Campaign, 409- 10.
289. Lincoln to McClellan, September 15, 1862, in McClellan, Civil War
Papers, 463.


290. Relieved of command, September 14, 1862.

291 . Transferred to Second Brigade, Colonel Welsh , September 16, 1862.



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(October 2002): 36- 49.
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14, 1862. " Civil War Regiments 5, no. 3 (1997): 27- 58.
H erdegen , Lance ]. The Men Stood Like Iron: How the Iron Brigade U-On Its Name.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, I 997.


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at the Battles ef South Mountain and Antietam. N.p., 2009.
Johnston , Terry A.,Jr. "From Fox's Gap to the Sherrick Farm: The 79'h New
York Highlanders in the Maryland Campaign ." Civil War Regi,ments 6, no.
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Krick, Robert K. Lee's Colonels: A Biographical Register ef the Field Officers ef the
Army ef Northern Virgi,nia. 3rd ed. Dayton, OH: Morningside, 1991 .
M a rvel, William. Burnside. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, I 991 .
- - -. Race ef the Soil: The Ninth New Hampshire Regi,ment in the Civil War.
Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot Publishing Company, 1988.
M cPherson, J ames. Crossroads ef Freedom: Antietam, The Battle that Changed the
Course ef the Civil War. New York: Oxford Un iversity Press, 2002.
Murfin,J ames V The Gleam ef Bayonets: The Battle ef Antietam and the Maryland
Campaign ef 1862. New York: T. Yoseloff, 1965.
Nicholas, Alexander F. Second Brigade ef Pennsylvania Reserves at Antietam.
H arrisburg: Harrisburg Publishing Company, 1908.
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Priest, John M. Before Antietam: The Battle ef South Mountain. Shippensburg, PA:
White Mane Publishing Company, 1992.
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2 16

A 6111 Virgi nia 139, 146, 15 7

8111 Virginia 11 3, 11 7, 119
9'h Virginia Cavalry 172, 173
G eneral Georg·e B. 55 60 6 1 63
' ' ' ' 1O'h Georgia 135, 138, 139, 146,
65 , 70, 78, 80, 8 1) 169
15 1, 152
General G eorge T. 65 , 66, 67, 70,
1211i Alabama 96, 97, 10 1, 102, 106
71) 78, 80, 84, 11 2
I 211i North Carolina 42 48 52
) )
G eneral llichard H . 18, 22 , 135,
12th Virgi nia 3 1, 136, 139 , 144
165, 168, 174, 175 , 176
12th Virginia Cavalry 3 1, 136, 139
An tietam Creek 64, 8 1, 84, 95, 167 ,
13111 No rth Carolin a 48 5 1 52
173, 174, 177, 180, 18 1, 182 ' ' '
55 , 59, 60, 8 1
Army of Northern Virginia
1511i North Carolina 154, 15 7
Cobb's Legi on (G eorgi a) 154, 158
I 511i South Carolin a 70, 7 1, 78
Phillips Legion (Georgia) 71, 72, 77
16'h G eorgi a 154, 156, 15 7, 163
2"c1 Virgi nia Cavalry 136, 139
l 61h Virginia 139, 140, 149, 159
3"1 Alabama 96, 10 I, 102, 103, 105
20111 North Carolina 42 5 1 55
3rd South Carolin a Battalion 70 '
) '
' 57 , 58, 59
71, 72 , 73, 75 , 77
23rd orth Carolina 42 48 5 1
5i1i Alabama 95 , 96, 99, I 00, 1O1 '
) '
53 ,56, 58, 84
5'h North Carolina 4 1 42 47
) ) )

24111 Georgia 154, 157, 159, 160, 16 1

50 , 56
26'h Alabam a 96, IO 1, 102
5i1i Virginia Cavalry 33, 40, 46,
4 1" Virginia 135
48 , 56, 136
50'h Georgia 71, 7 7
6'h Alabama 96, 98, 99, I 00, I 06
5 1" Geon:ria
72 ) 73 ' 77

Army of th e Potom ac 45'h Pennsylvania 69, 70, 71, 72,

2nd Vermont 147, 152, 159, 162 73, 74, 75, 76, 172, 179
2nd Wisconsin 122, 123, 124, 126, 46'11 New York 70
127, 128 48' 11 Pennsylvania 73, 75, 76, 84,
3rd New J ersey 146, 158 178, 179
4'11 New J ersey 158 5 1" Pennsylvania 75, 77, 82, 83, 85
4'h Vermont 147, 152, 158 76' 11 ew York 11 9, 120, 172
5'h M aine 132, 142, 144, 145, 79'h New York I 72
150, 163 96' 11 Penn sylvani a 15, 134, 137,
5'h Pennsylvania Reserves 100 138, 140, 142, 143, 145,
6'1i Wisconsin 123, 124, 125, 127, 146, 150, 152, 153, 155,
128, 130 156, 157, 163
7' Wisco nsin 11 6, 122, 123,
125, 129 B
8'1i Illinois Caval ry 173 Bartlett, ColonelJosephj. 27, 132,
8' 11 Penn sylvania Reserves 92, l 07 134, 138, 140, 14 1, 142, 143,
9'h New H a mpshire 75, 76 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150,
9'h New York 8 1 15 1, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157,
9' 11 Pen nsylvania Rese rves 9 1, 160, 162, 164
102, 103 Bondu rant, Cap tain J ames 37, 40,
lQlh Pennsylvania Reserves 92, 103 42,45,46,49,50,52,53,59,
l l 'h Ohio 54 62,69, 70, 71 , 72, 73, 74
11 'h Pennsylvani a Reserves I 02 Boo nsboro, M aryland 22, 23, 24,
l 2'h Ohio 46, 49, 5 1, 53, 54, 56, 33,35, 36,3 7,39,43,55,62,
58, 59, 60 64, 95, 111 , 133, 138, 167,
l 2'h Pennsylvania Reserves 102 169, 172, 173, 179, 180, 181
I 3'h Penn sylvania Reserves Brook , General William T H . 132,
(Bucktails) 9 1, 94, 97, 98, 138, 147, 152, 153, 158, 164
99, 100 Burkittsville, M aryland 32, 33, 35 ,
I 7'h M ichigan 67, 69, 72, 74, 75, 36, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138,
83, 199 139, 140, 14 1, 142, 147, 152,
19' 11 Indiana 11 6, 123, 126, 128 154, 166
2 1" ew York 11 4, l l 7 Burnside, General Ambrose E. 13,
23'd Ohio 27, 42, 46, 48, 49, 5 1, 15, 27, 28,30,35,42,43,68,
53,54,56,58, 6 1 82, 84, 89, 90, 9 1, 11 0, 122,
27'h New York 142, 143 , 144, 154 133, 138, 166, 170, 178, 18 1
28'1i Ohio 54
30'1i O hio 52, 54, 55, 60 c
35' 11 ·M assach use tts 75, 82, 83,
Catoctin Mountain 16, 20, 23, 3 1,
85 , 172
32, 33,35,4 1,43,44, 73,87,
36'h O hio 45, 54, 56, 58, 59
88, 90, 13 1, 132 , 134, 166

2 18

Christ, Colonel Benjamin 67, 68, 51,52,58,60,61, 70,81,84,

69, 75 85, 87, 95, 134, 169
Christie, Colonel Daniel 42, 48, 51, Garnett, General Richard B. 65,
56,58 111 , 112, 11 3, 114, 116, 117,
Cobb, General Howell 138, 139, 119, 120, 121 , 169
154, 155, 159, 163, 164 Gibbon, Genera!John 34, 91, 110,
Colquitt, General Alfred 33, 35, 116, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125,
37,39,40,43,61,91,93, 126, 127 , 128, 129, 130, 169
110, 122, 124, 125, 128, 129, Gordon, Colone!John B. 96, 99,
168, 169 100, 106
Cox, Genera!Jacob 30, 42, 43, 44,
62,68,69, 70, 71, 75,83,87, Hagan's Gap 31, 32, 34
130, 134, 178, 181 , 197 Hagerstown, Maryland 20, 21, 22,
Crook, Colonel George 44, 45, 54, 24, 30, 35, 43, 64, 79, 111,
61, 188 157 , 177
Halleck, General H enry W. 26, 27,
D 28, 29, 30, 130, 170, 171 , 172
Doubleday, General Abner 110, Hampton, General Wade 18, 30,
118, 119, 121 31, 32, 44, 136
Drayton, General Thomas 64, 65, Harpers Ferry 21, 22, 24, 30, 33,
66,67, 70, 71 , 72, 73, 74, 75, 34, 35,36,37, 39,42,63,64,
77, 78, 79,82,85,94, 112, 169 133, 136, 165, 166, 168, 170,
175, 176, 177 , 178, 181
F Hatch, Generaljohn 89, 91, 92,
Fairchild, Colonel Harrison 33, 81 94, 109, 110, 111 , 114, 115,
Franklin, General William B. 28, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121 , 122,
3 1, 35, 42, 130, 132, 133, 125, 148, 158, 163
134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, Hayes, Lieutenant Colonel Ruther-
141 , 142, 147, 148, 164, 166, ford B. 27, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51
170, 171 , 172, 174, 175, 176, Hill, General Daniel H. 18, 20, 22,
178 31, 33, 35, 36, 37,40,43, 52,
Frederick, Maryland 16, 19, 20, 21, 55,56,58,60,61,63,64,66,
22, 23,25, 28, 29, 30,31, 33, 67,68, 70,80,84,89,94, 97,
34, 35, 36, 42, 44, 45, 87' 118 105, 107 , 11l,122, 129, 133,
136, 167, 169, 174, 177 , 181
G Hood, Generaljohn B. 18, 78, 79,
80, 84, 85, 96, 97, 112, 169
Gallagher, Colonel Thomas 91, 92,
Hooker; Generaljoseph 28, 31, 35, 65,
101 , 102, 103, 104, 106
Garland, General Samuel 35, 37,
95, 97, 109, 110, 122, 130, 158,
39,40,4 1,42,43,47,48,50,
159, 168, 170, 171 , 180, 181


J M cR ae, Colonel Duncan 4 1, 42 ,

J ones, General D avid R . 18, 64, 66, 47,48, 50, 5 1, 52 , 53, 55,56,
79, 111 , 112, 11 4 58, 169
Meade, G eneral G eorge 87 , 89,
K 90, 9 1, 92 , 93 , 94,97 , 98 , 99,
101 , 103, 105, 107, 108, 109,
Kemper, Generaljames 65 , 111 ,
11 0, 12 1, 122 , 125, 169
112, 11 3, 11 4, 11 7, 120, 12 1,
Middl etown, Maryland 22 , 32, 33,
34, 35,42,43,44,49,6 1, 67 ,
L 73 , 87, 88, 90, 93 , 13 1, 166
Miles, Colonel Dixon 2 1, 24, 30,
Lee, Ge neral Robert E. 13, 14, 15, 42, 138, 175, 176
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2 1, 22, 23 , Moor, Colonel Augu tus 30, 44
24, 25, 26, 27 , 28, 29,30, 3 1, Munford , Colonel T homas 3 1, 32,
33, 34, 35,36, 37,40,42, 63, 33, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139,
64, 65 , 79, 82, 97, 11 2, 11 3, 140, 143 , 144, 146, 148, 152,
133 , 136, 166, 167, 168, 169, 153 , 154, 155 , 160, 166
170, 17 1, 172 , 173 , 174, 175 ,
177, 178, 180, 18 1, 182 0
Longstreet, Generaljames 18, 21,
Orr's Gap 39
22 , 24, 35, 36, 43,6 1, 64,65,
79, 111 , 11 2, 11 3, 133, 134, p
166, 167, 168, 174, 176, 177 ,
18 1 Parham , Colonel William A. 135,
137, 139, 143, 144, 146, 148,
M 149, 152, 153 , 154, 155, 158,
160, 175
Magilton, Colonel Albert L. 92,
Patrick, G eneral Marsena 11 0,
101 , 107, 108, 11 3
111 , 11 4, 11 5, 11 6, 11 7, 118,
Martinsburg, (West) Virginia 2 1, 24 11 9, 121
McClellan, General George B. 14,
Pelham , Captainjohn 40, 42, 46,
15, 17, 25, 26, 27 , 28, 29, 30,
48, 56, 62 , I 72
3 1, 33 , 34, 35, 36,42,43,62,
Phelps, Colonel Walter 110, 11 5,
63,64, 75,82,88,89, 90,9 1,
11 6, 117, 11 8, 11 9, 12 1
I 03 , 130, 132, 133, 134, 136,
Pleasanton, General Alfred 28, 30,
138, 14 1, 142, 148 , 166, 167 ,
3 1,34, 43,44,45,68,84,
169, 170, 171 , 172 , 173 , 174,
130, 170, 173 , 180
J 75 , 176, J 77 , 178, 179, 180,
Pope, G eneraljohn 15, 17, 26, 27,
181 , 182
28, 88, 110
M cLaws, G eneral Lafayette 18,
22, 24, 35, 36, 133, 135, 136, Q
138, 139, 154, 164, 165, 166,
Quebec Schoolh ouse 32
168, 170, 174, 175, 176, 181


R Sturgis, General Samuel S. 67, 73,

74, 75 , 77 ,82,83,8 7
Reno, Generaljesse 28, 35, 44, 46,
68, 70, 74, 75,82,83,84,85, T
89, 90, 9 1, 130, 178, 179
Ripley, General Roswell 39, 62, 63, 65, Torbert, Colonel Alfred TA. 132,
66,67, 70, 78, 79,80,95, 169 138, 142, 143, 146, 147 , 148,
Rodes, General Robert 39, 62, 65, 149, 157, 158, 160, 162
94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101 ,
102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 11 0,
ll 3, 12l, l 69 Welsh, Colonel T homas 67, 69, 70,
Ros er, Colonel Thomas 33, 40, 71,72,74,75
42, 46, 48, 53, 56, 136 Willcox, General Orlando B. 67,
Ruffin, Colonel Thomas 51, 52 , 53, 68,69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75,83,
55,59,60,8 1 87,94
\Vise Farm , Fox's Gap 4 1, 42, 50,
s 55,59,60, 71, 72, 73, 75,82,
Scammon, General Eliakim P 43, 44, 83, 85, 179
45,46,49,5 1,53,54,59,6 1
Semmes, General Paul 135, 136,
138, 139, 140, 151 , 153, 154,
160, 165, 175
Seymour, General Truman 87, 91,
92, 98, 99, 100, 10 1, 104,
106, 109
Sharpsburg, Maryland 21, 23, 36,
40,4 1,42,45,5 1,54,55,
59,62,63,64, 65,68, 69, 70,
71 , 72, 73, 74, 75 , 77 , 78, 80,
8 1, 82, 83, 89, 11 2, 11 3, 133,
168, 169, 170, 17 3, 177, 178,
180, 181
Slocum, General Henry W. l 32,
137, 138, 140, 141 , 142, 143,
144, 146, 147, 148, 152, 153,
163, 164
Special Orders No. 191 22, 23, 24,
33, 34, 37,43
Stevens, Colonel Peter 97, l 07, 168
Stuart, General j ames E. B. 18, 22,
23, 25,3 1, 32, 33,35, 37, 38,
40, 43, 63, 136, 139, 164, 165

22 1
About th e Author

ohn David Hoptak was born

J on the 116'" anniversary of

e Battle of South Mountain, on
September 14, 1978, in Schuylkill
County, Pennsylvania. A lifelong
student of the American Civil War,
Hoptak holds a bachelor's degree in
history from Kutztown University
and a master's degree in history
from Lehigh University. Hoptak
se rves as an interpretative park
ranger at the Antietam 1 ational Photograph q;, Mannie Gentile.
Battlefield and teaches courses in
American history, Civil War history
and M exican-American \Var history as an adjunct instructor at American
Military University. H e is the author of several other books, including First
in Defense ef the Union: The Civil War Histo1y ef the First Defenders, Antietam:
September 17, 1862 and Our Boys Did Nobly: Schuyll.-ill Counry, Pennsylvania, Soldiers
at the Battles ef South Mountain and Antietam. Hoptak has also written articles for
America,s Civil War, Civil War Times and Pennsylvania Heritage and maintains a
Civil War-themed blog at and his
wife, Laura, currently reside near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, with their cats.
Visit us at

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