Ernie Hendrawaty
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/ibarj.v4i2.125
Ernie Hendrawaty / International Business and Accounting Research Journal 4 (2) (2020)
Ernie Hendrawaty / International Business and Accounting Research Journal 4 (2) (2020)
problems associated due to excess cash holdings. incentives to supervise management due to the
According to the entrenchment theory, agency expensive rate of the monitoring fee. Also, when
conflict type 2 has a higher chance of occurring the performance of a company increases, the
in companies with a significant number of benefits are reaped by all investors.
influential shareholders. These categories of However, the lack of managerial
people are capable of using their rights to re- supervision by shareholders leads to personal
distribute wealth among themselves. According incentives by using company funds to carry out
to previous research, reduction in company luxurious personal activities. Jensen (1986)
performance tends to occur due to the high stated that managers might accumulate cash
distribution of shares among insiders (Mitton, holdings for their benefits, which tend to reduce
(2002), Lemons & Lins (2003), Suranta & the risk of companies from going extinct.
Midiastuty (2003), and Gunarsih (2003)). Therefore, the following hypothesis is proposed:
Companies in many countries, H3: the negative effects of excess cash holdings
including Indonesia, consist of a concentrated toward the value of the company are strong-
ownership structure with inner shareholders in er when the ownership is widely dispersed.
dominant positions capable of controlling Jensen and Meckling (1976) proposed
managers (La Porta et al., 1999). The an agency conflict between shareholders and
shareholders can expropriate minority debtors. According to their research, some
shareholders and creditors (Shleifer & Vishny shareholders need excess cash holdings to be
(1986), Stulz (1988), and Burkart et al. (1997)). invested in high-return programs, which are
According to Faisal (2013), the concentration risky. However, the shareholders believe that
level of insiders following empirical testing is when a company has serious financial
above 70%. Therefore, the second hypothesis is difficulties, the benefits associated with excess
as follows: cash holding are allocated to the debt holders. A
H2: the negative effects of excess cash holdings company’s value tends to raise with benefit to
on the value of the company are stronger
when the ownership is concentrated. the cash holdings of the shareholders and vice
versa (Pinkowitz and Williamson, 2004). The
Conflicts in agencies tend to arise from proposed hypothesis is as follows:
the separation of ownership and control, which H4: the negative effects of excess cash holdings
occurs in companies with smaller investors toward the value of the company are strong-
(Jensen & Meckling (1976), and Morck et al. er when it faces financial difficulties.
(1988)). According to a research conducted by The following is a framework of conceptual
Jani et al. (2004) using ownership of shares less research:
than 30%, shareholders have low or none
Figure 1. Research Framework: The Negative Effects of Excess Cash Holdings on Value of the Firm
Ernie Hendrawaty / International Business and Accounting Research Journal 4 (2) (2020)
Ernie Hendrawaty / International Business and Accounting Research Journal 4 (2) (2020)
XCASH Excess Cash Holdings is calculated from the residual value with Independent
HOLDINGSi,t a positive sign as Variables
DOWN1 is dummy variable, DOWN1 set one if the most significant Moderating
shareholders have some share 70% <share <100%, and Variables
DOWN1 set zero, otherwise
DOWN2 is dummy variable, DOWN2 set one if the most significant
shareholder has share <25%, and DOWN2 set zero, otherwise.
DISTRESS is the dummy variable, which measured by the TIER ratio.
Formula TIER = . Dummy variable set one if
TIER<0, and zero otherwise
EVA i,t Economic Value Added is a financial performance measure based Controlling
on the shareholder's value creation. Formula: Variables
NOPAT = Net Operating Profit After Tax
CAPITAL = Book Value of Equity
WACC= Weighted Average Cost of Capital, from Database
RISK i,t is the deviation of asset pricing as a proxy of unsystematic risk
normalized by asset total t
SIZEi,t is company size
Ernie Hendrawaty / International Business and Accounting Research Journal 4 (2) (2020)
Table 4. The Role of Concentrated Ownership in Strengthening the Negative Effect of Excess Cash
Holding on Value of the Firm
Dependent Variable: ABNRETURN
1 2
Concentrated Share Ownership
Coef. t-Stat Coef. t-Stat
- 7,23
C -0,473 -3,326 *** 0,442 7 ***
- 1,38
XCASHHOLDING -0,184 -0,680 0,311 1
EVA 1,706 40,285 *** 1,739 02 ***
RISK 1,118 3,785 *** 0,899 6 ***
SIZE 0,011 1,066 0,015 9 **
- 2,14
DOWN1 0,058 1,237 0,103 6 **
- 1,76
XCASHHOLDING*DOWN1 -4,433 -4,012 *** 2,321 9 *
Observation 644 734
Ernie Hendrawaty / International Business and Accounting Research Journal 4 (2) (2020)
Table 5. The Role of Widely Spread Ownership in Strengthening the Negative Effect of Excess Cash
Holding on Value of the firm
Dependent Variable: ABNRETURN
1 2
Widely Spread Share Ownership
Coef. t-Stat Coef. t-Stat
C -0,463 -2,485 ** -0,466 -5,312 ***
XCASHHOLDING -0,507 -3,926 *** -0,050 -0,127
EVA 1,657 32,845 *** 1,641 44,739 ***
RISK 1,059 3,249 *** 0,858 4,528 ***
SIZE 0,012 0,923 0,016 2,196 **
DOWN2 0,032 0,673 -0,007 -0,208
XCASHHOLDING*DOWN2 -2,537 -2,492 ** -2,385 -2,644 ***
Table 6. The Role of Financial Difficulties in Strengthening the Negative Effect of Excess Cash
Holding on Value of the firm
Dependent Variable: ABNRETURN
1 2
Financial Difficulties
Coef. t-Stat Coef. t-Stat
C -0,326 -0,326 * -0,462 -0,462 ***
XCASHHOLDING 0,451 0,451 -0,346 -0,346
EVA 2,050 2,050 *** 1,504 1,504 ***
RISK 1,256 1,256 *** 1,199 1,199 ***
SIZE -0,001 -0,001 0,014 0,014
DISTRESS -0,174 -0,174 ** -0,154 -0,154 ***
XCASHHOLDING*DISTRESS -2,853 -2,853 * -4,794 -4,794 ***
Ernie Hendrawaty / International Business and Accounting Research Journal 4 (2) (2020)
Result of The Effect Of Excess Cash Holdings the free-rider problem. According to Faisal (2013),
Toward The Company Value a company's value decreases when the
Hypothesis 1 estimates that excess cash concentration level of ownership is lower than 30%
holdings negatively affect a company’s coefficient due to the problem associated with the free-rider.
value. Therefore, hypothesis 1, which stated that
excess cash holdings affect a company’s value The Result Of The Effect Of Financial
negatively, is supported. This empirical finding Difficulties In Moderating The Effect Of Excess
showed that excess cash holdings are a significant Cash Holdings Toward The Value Of A Company
pointer to supporting the agency hypothesis. Financial difficulty is a problem caused by
Therefore, this research supports the agency cost of the inability of a company to fulfill its obligation.
free cash flow theories of Pinkowitz & Williamson When a company faces financial difficulties, it
(2004), Faulkender & Wang (2006), Lee & Powell means that the chosen investments are those with
(2011), and Chen et al. (2012). very low risk; therefore, shareholders do not have a
choice in placing it in other projects with higher
The Result Of The Effect Of Concentrated returns, to avoid agency conflict. The result of
Ownership In Moderating The Effect Of Excess estimation and re-estimation shows that the
Cash Holdings Toward The Value Of A Company coefficient interaction consists of negative signs and
Hypothesis 3 estimates the effect of significance. Therefore hypothesis 5 is supported in
concentrated ownership in strengthening the that a company with severe financial difficulties.
negative effects of excess cash holdings toward the This research result is consistent with the findings
value of a company. The result shows that the of Pinkowitz and Williamson (2004), which stated
negative effects of excess cash holdings toward the that cash holdings are valued less when the
value of a company are stronger when the main company has financial difficulties and responded
shareholder is over 70%, as shown on model 2, negatively by outside investors because they prefer
with a similar significant sign of the coefficient. investments with higher returns.
Therefore, the hypothesis is supported. The
highly concentrated ownership affects the negative CONCLUSIONS
effects of excess cash holdings because over 70% of
the proportion, are dominant (Jani et al. (2004), In conclusion, the findings prove that excess
and Faisal (2013)). The expectations in the cash holdings negatively affect the value of a
occurrence of agency problems are reflected in the company, therefore, it is a significant clue in
cutting of company value by outside investors. This supporting the agency hypothesis. The highly
test result supports the findings of Liu (2011) and concentrated ownership structure is supported by
Attig, et al. (2011), Kusnadi (2011). the research data, that strengthens the negative
effects of excess cash holdings toward the
Result From The Effect Of Highly Dispersed company's value. This is consistent with the
Ownership In Moderating The Effect Of Excess expropriation/entrenchment hypothesis, which
Cash Holdings On Firm Value stated that the expropriation act is more dominant
Hypothesis 4 estimates the effect highly when the company ownership is highly
dispersed ownership strengthens the negative effects concentrated. The result is consistent with the
of excess cash holdings toward the value of a managerial entrenchment hypothesis, which stated
company. The testing result shows a negative sign that the act of expropriating excess cash holdings by
on the coefficient of interaction, which is supported management is more dominantly conducted when
by the result of the second model. Therefore the there is a free-rider problem amongst the
problem of agency between shareholders and the shareholders due to dispersed ownership, thereby,
supported manager is in line with the findings of leading to inadequate management supervision.
Kalcheva and Lins (2007), Lee and Lee (2009), and Besides, the agency problem between the insider
Faisal (2013). Highly dispersed ownership allows and the debt holders when the company has severe
the entrenchment of company management due to financial difficulties leads to low-risk investment.
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