Reading is a vital talent to cultivate since it is required for a person to operate in society.
In today’s culture, people like taking obligations and responsibilities in their daily lives. Reading
also promotes development, critical thinking helps students to envision, deduce, anticipate,
conclude and make decisions and additional skills. Furthermore, it enables the learner to explore
new things. Reading books and magazines with articles from the internet, students will become
According to the researcher's observations, the Filipino students' weak reading abilities
were a result of the following factors and circumstances: familial backgrounds and lifestyles. The
family members of some students, notably their parents, are not proficient readers. This implies
that they are unable to help their children learn to read at home since they are illiterate
Additionally, due of their busy schedules, parents are unable to monitor their kids' progress at
home or at school. It is thought that students from large households are more likely to struggle
with reading. Due to factors including helping their parents make ends meet, caring for their
younger siblings, having to work additional hours, and other factors, students from lower
socioeconomic backgrounds are unable to attend school consistently. As a result, they frequently
miss class, which has a negative impact on their education aspect that can have an impact on
Due to the problem of reading, educators let the students take remedial classes to make up
for the previous discussion and activity. Remedial teaching is the use of activities, approaches,
and practices to address weaknesses or shortcomings that the slow learner is recognized to have.
It is an alternative method for the usual classroom instructor to train the slow learner. For
instance, by re-teaching the material that was not previously taught, weaknesses in basic math
abilities are decreased or removed. Remedial education's fundamental tenet is to assist kids in
'catch-up' with their colleagues in order to avoid recurring academic problems. A gulf forms
between a student's talents and those of their peers when they lag behind. This gap continues to
grow over time and becomes so large that it interferes with other subjects' learning. Core skill
gaps have an impact on a student's education in general as well as their motivation, curiosity, and
self-confidence. The goal of remedial teaching is to stop this cycle through specialized teachers'
student attending daily sessions with the specialist teacher for 30 to 40 minutes. Since these
Remedial instruction is available to students who have momentarily fallen behind in their
studies or who otherwise require short-term learning help. When learning or attendance issues
are discovered, remedial instruction should be initiated right once to prevent pupils from falling
chronically behind in their academics. Prior challenges can be overcome with remedial
required. Taking the initiative to provide remedial instruction is largely the teacher's
responsibility. Additionally, the student or parent may carry it out. Each teacher's responsibility
is to keep an eye on their students' learning and development as well as any potential assistance
student's guardian and in mutual understanding, remedial instruction is planned. They will get
information on the many types of remedial help and how crucial it is to learning and attendance
at school. The remedial instruction that has been planned for the students must be attended by
Each student differs from the others in terms of learning styles, academic expectations,
in-class learning, and academic success. The purpose of IRTP is to offer learning help to students
who do significantly worse in school than their peers. Teachers can give learning activities and
practical experiences to pupils in accordance with their skills and requirements by modifying
school curriculum and teaching methodologies. Additionally, they may create personalized
educational plans with strong remedial assistance to aid students in consolidating their
foundational knowledge in a variety of areas, mastering the teaching techniques, boosting their
thinking, creativity, and the use of technology, should take place throughout the educational
process. Such instruction may create the groundwork for students' lifelong learning, aid in the
development of healthy attitudes and values, and get them ready for next coursework and
readers in the Basic Education Department at St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon.
1. What are the different factors that teachers use in putting a non-reader student in
2. What are the difficulties encountered by the teachers in terms of the following:
a. Reading Materials
b. Motivation of Students
3. What are the solutions offered to improve the remediation process of the students?
This study is noteworthy because it may serve as a foundation for remediation of non-
Teachers: The result will help to know the factors encountered and strategies to use when
Student: The finding will help students who undergo remediation to do their best and be
motivated to learn.
Parents: The result will give information to the parents of the students on how they could assist
Future Researchers: The result of this study will serve as reference and guide for future
The general intent of this study is to know the effectiveness of remedial classes to non-
The study is delimited only to the teachers of St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon.
The main purpose of our study is to identify the efficacy of remedial classes to students who are
non-readers and assess different factors that the teachers encountered during these remedial
Definition of Terms
The following concepts are conceptually, theoretically, and operationally defined for
Remedial – provide or intended for elementary school students who have not achieved the level
Non-Reader – one who does not or cannot read. A child who is slow in learning to read.
Instructional Materials – instructional materials are the tools used in educational lessons, which
Foreign Literature
English has been one language subject which all students are required to take in the
elementary education curriculum After implementing English teaching in elementary school, the
overall results of several studies of English learning outcomes have been reported to show a bi-
modal distribution. Therefore, it has been noticed that not every young English learner is able to
study or learn English well as had been expected. Remedial English teaching has also been
offered in many elementary schools. However, how can remedial instruction work better for
those young learners who have fallen behind? The purpose of the present study is to develop
remedial instruction with an aim to integrate English teaching with the arts for young English
learners, and, thus, to explore the impact and value of such integrated remedial instruction
Remedial reading teachers are forerunners in elevating the reading achievement of
students in schools. In the Philippines, there has been a continual enrichment of the reading skills
of struggling readers through the initiatives of remedial reading teachers. However, the country
does not have clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such teachers. This
paper presents a review of the literature on remedial reading teachers. The results revealed that
remedial reading teachers performed various roles in schools and that the cultivation of the roles
and duties of remedial reading teachers rely so much on different factors, some of which are
knowledge and
the skills that they have, philosophical views in education and the whole school community, the
rapport that remedial reading teachers have with their colleagues, the support of the
administrators to their personal and career developments, and provisions of the local
government. It was also evident in the review that there is a scarcity of literature and studies
regarding remedial reading teachers in the Philippines, thus, suggesting to explore on the what’s
and the how’s of remedial reading teachers in a hope of creating clear policies that will
The goal of remedial reading is to dramatically reduce the number of students who have
extreme difficulty learning to read and write. Remedial reading is a highly effective short-term
intervention of tutoring struggling readers in both an individualized and small group setting.
Remedial reading teachers are highly trained professionals who work closely with students and
design prescriptive and strategic instruction to address individual student needs. Once students
can meet grade-level expectations and demonstrate that they can continue to work independently
in the classroom, they are released from remedial reading but are still monitored closely to
Local Literature
schools. Through the activities of remedial reading teachers, there has been a continuous
improvement of the reading skills of struggling readers in the Philippines. However, the country
lacks clear rules regarding such instructors' identities, duties, problems, and requirements. This
report provides a literature analysis on remedial reading teachers. The findings revealed that
remedial reading teachers performed various roles in schools and that the cultivation of remedial
reading teachers' roles and duties is heavily reliant on various factors, including knowledge and
skills, philosophical views in education and the entire school community, the rapport that
remedial reading teachers have with their colleagues, administrative support for their personal
The review also revealed a scarcity of literature and studies on remedial reading teachers
in the Philippines, implying the need to investigate the what’s and how’s of remedial reading
teachers in the hope of developing clear policies that will strengthen their identities and support
following factors: the English competence of educators, not just language instructors, but also
other teachers who handle diverse disciplines. There are cases where, due to a shortage of
teachers in some schools, those teaching the subject are not English majors or lack the necessary
training to develop the aforementioned competency; and the exacerbated situation regarding the
Foreign Studies
Reading is the fundamental subject in elementary school. The ability to read not only
distinguishes the literate from the ignorant; it is also an absolutely required foundation for all
other topics in the curriculum. To be true, in the early grades, a child's weakness in reading may
compensated for by precise listening and a solid verbal recall, but there comes a moment when
development in all academic disciplines almost stops unless he can read. It is consequently
that instructors grasp the nature of the reading process in order to provide the best possible
assistance to students in their reading mastery of the most basic educational tool--the capacity to
achievement in core areas, but they have frequently blamed primary instructors for inadequately
preparing the kids sufficiently for the reading activities necessary at the secondary level.
According to Harris, students require supervision in learning how to adapt their general reading
abilities to the unique needs of these special need’s forms of reading stuff.
Remedial education, according to Turkey, is a collection of courses organized for schools
historic, commercial, and economic metropolitan municipality. Nearly all of them have remedial
programs for pupils who are falling behind in the typical flow of their schools' coursework. The
knowledge, compensating for what they lack, or better preparing them for the following
academic year. The program also attempts to avoid failures and dropouts as an alternative to
individual coaching.
According to India's 2011 Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), primary school
enrolment is roughly 93%, including both girls and boys in rural regions. Since 2008, the Center
for Social Security Action & Research (CSSAR) has provided remedial programs at municipal
schools in Delhi's low-income neighborhoods. Regular school subjects are taught in those
courses by instructors. The goal is to close gaps and pique the interest of children and their
parents in school. Children gain confidence as they attend those sessions, which minimizes
school dropouts.
Local Studies
Evidence from research shows that reading programs designed in impoverished nations
are beneficial. Most programs, like those in industrialized nations, focus on either increasing
reading frequency, improving reading teaching, or both. For example, Friedlander and
Goldenberg discovered that reading programs that provided both books and good reading
teaching had a favorable influence on Rwandan students' reading proficiency. When Filipino
pupils were provided suitable reading resources together with teaching from well-trained
These findings are critical for developing nations since data shows that underprivileged
children are more likely to experience developmental delays as a result of reading difficulties. If
programs could break the vicious cycle created by early reading issues, they may provide a
mechanism for governments to assist future educational development. Poverty, technology, and a
lack of desire and inspiration all impede education in the Philippines, particularly reading
education. Many Filipinos, regardless of socioeconomic class, are unable to study. Some families
cannot afford to take their children to school, and as a result, children grow up unable to read or
write. Some families are lucky enough to be able to send their children to a public school; yet,
their children are learning fundamental reading at a snail's pace due to a lack of teachers and up-
A majority of remedial reading classes have been discussed thus the approval of the
school system as well as the support of the parents of those who are taking the remedial classes
and the students who have actively participated in the classes. This aims to further develop the
learning ability of the students so they can catch up as well as function properly without any
difficulties regarding reading. Though the idea of conducting remedial classes claims to have
factors contributing to reading failure, it can lead to impoverished exposure to language and
early activities, lack of adequate instruction and/or more biologically basked risk factors.
All forgoing studies in this research talk about one thing and it is remedial classes for
non-readers, the factors and the difficulties encountered by the teachers in terms of instructional
materials, motivation of the students in partaking in the remedial classes, and the teaching and